Children's calendar April 6 7 years. Material on the topic: Experience with the “Children's Calendar” manual. "Card index of games for the home"

In December 2015, we were offered a “Children's Calendar”, which provided rich additional material, the main authors and creators of which are T. N. Doronova and S. G. Doronov. In order to involve parents in this work, acting. The head of our preschool educational institution organized a presentation of the calendar, where they told us what developmental effect the activity would have for the child.

The calendar is richly illustrated. The illustrations include works of book graphics and folk arts and crafts, photographs of vegetables, fruits, berries, animals, which contributes to the cognitive and aesthetic development of children.

Parents do not need to worry about the form of presenting the material to their children. All messages to children are thought out in advance by scientists and presented in the text of the calendar. Adults only read the text addressed to the child and act in accordance with the recommendations given for adults.

This is how our collaboration with parents on the “Children’s Calendar” began.

We demonstrated to parents every day that teachers are very interested in their activities with their child at home based on the “Children’s Calendar”, because these tasks allow them to improve the quality of solving educational problems in kindergarten, which has a positive effect on the development of their child.

The main goal of this work is to create a sociocultural space in which parents and educators, interacting with each other, carry out the development of the child, taking into account the specific forms of each of these educational institutions. We explained to parents that without their participation, it would be difficult for educators to ensure a high level of quality in preschool education and preparing children for school.

I would like to note that the communication of parents with their children has changed - most parents began to give the child more opportunities to show independence and initiative. There are fewer whims and quarrels in the presence of parents. At the beginning of our collaboration, many parents had questions: what needs to be done to make the child want to work out, how to attract him? Teachers came to the aid of parents and said: “Tomorrow we will find ourselves in a forest where different animals live. We will resettle them in houses. You and your mother cut out and bring those animals that you would like to settle in our forest.” Effective methods of involving children in joint activities at the initial stage can be considered a request or instruction from the teacher addressed to the child, and the interested and active participation of the parents themselves.

I would like to talk about communication between peers. We noted that many children experience serious difficulties in communicating with others, especially with peers. Such children do not know how to turn to another person on their own initiative, and sometimes they are even embarrassed to respond appropriately if someone turns to them. They cannot maintain and develop established contact; do not know how to coordinate their actions with communication partners or adequately express their sympathy and empathy to them.

Special classes for speech development undoubtedly provide a sustainable developmental effect. However, as O.S. Ushakova notes, they consolidate the dominance of lexical and grammatical norms of the “adult language,” which leads to the inhibition of children’s word creation and the child’s personal qualities. N.I. Gutkina points out that classes in which the child is given the task of learning to identify certain structural parts of speech are inappropriate and ineffective. The author substantiates this by the fact that in preschool age speech, as well as other mental functions, is characterized by involuntariness and unconsciousness.

And the children's calendar helps in the best way to develop the child’s speech mainly in the process:

live communication with adults and other children.Stories about work done at home. “Tell me, what did you do, what did you draw?”, “Who helped you?”, “What seemed the most difficult, the simplest?”

- games .. The children's calendar widely uses didactic games with linguistic content that develop dialogical communication, as well as role-playing and verbal games, in which children's communicative initiative and free creativity are manifested. The organization of a developmental subject-game environment helps to enhance the developmental effect of games, as well as the establishment of a close relationship between didactic and amateur games: the knowledge acquired in linguistic games is used in amateur games, and didactic games encourage children to enrich game plots and role-playing dialogues, to introduce new characters;

reading fiction.

– writing ( writing fairy tales, composing stories from pictures).

theatrical activities.

Primary attention is paid to dialogical speech, verbal description of various plot episodes, and word creation. Similar activities must be carried out in the family, since only the consistency and coordination of the actions of adults will ensure the proper educational effect.

In conclusion, I would like to say about the changes that have occurred in our group:

Communication between teachers and parents has changed - cooperation has become more productive, parents have become more interested in the educational process of their child

The communication between parents and their children has changed - most parents began to give their children more opportunities to show independence and initiative

Communication between peers became relaxed, more active, children began to evaluate their actions and give verbal assessments of their actions

All children's communication skills increased.

Local acts
  • Agreement dated June 17, 2015 on the creation of an experimental site for the federal state autonomous institution "Federal Institute for Educational Development". File.
  • Certificate No. 514.71 dated June 17, 2015 on assigning the status of an experimental site to the federal state autonomous institution "Federal Institute for Educational Development". File.
  • Order No. 100 of June 17, 2015 on assigning the status of an experimental site to the federal state autonomous institution "Federal Institute for Educational Development". File.
  • Order No. 01-07/225 dated December 5, 2014 on organizing the work of a pilot site on the basis of the Children's Educational Institution "Wonderland" kindergarten. File.
  • Letter from FIRO to the Head of NGOs about pilot sites in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. File.

In accordance with the order of the Federal State Autonomous Institution "FIRO" No. 100 dated June 17, 2015, the Children's Preschool Educational Institution "Wonderland" was given the status of an experimental site of the federal autonomous state institution "Federal Institute for Educational Development" and the topic was approved: "Designing the social situation of the development of children 3-7 years old in the Approximate basic educational program "Worlds of Childhood: Designing Opportunities" (scientific supervisors: Natalya Vladimirovna Tarasova, head of the Center for Preschool, General, Additional and Correctional Education of the Federal State Institution "FIRO", Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Tatyana Nikolaevna Doronova, Head of the Center's Preschool Education Department preschool, general, additional and correctional education, candidate of pedagogical sciences).

An important element of this work is the testing and use of the didactic material "Children's Calendar", which was developed by scientists in order to help parents in resolving issues related to the development of children.

“Children's Calendar” is a 30-page full-color brochure, each page is perforated, which means the child can easily tear off the page. On each page of the calendar, parents are given recommendations on how to complete the task with their child. There is no need to look for related materials - they are on this page.

The calendar is richly illustrated. The illustrations include photographs of vegetables, fruits, berries, animals and original works of folk arts and crafts, which contributes to the cognitive and aesthetic development of children.

Parents do not need to worry about the form of presenting the material to their children. All messages to children are thought out in advance by scientists and presented in the text of the calendar. Adults only read the text addressed to the child and act in accordance with the recommendation.

The materials that the child receives on the calendar sheets are the property of the child, and he has the right to handle them at his own discretion. Parents should not constantly encourage their child to treat them with care and thereby deprive him of a rare opportunity - to manage his own property.

At the same time, the content of many calendar pages is multifunctional and suitable for reusable use. Therefore, it is advisable to save small books, pictures depicting vegetables, fruits, berries, etc. In addition, this will help begin work on developing in the child neatness and respect for the materials he has, and increase the efficiency of working with the calendar.

For a child, actions with a calendar are also quite attractive.

Firstly, he gets the opportunity to show his own initiative: he takes off a page and participates in some new and interesting activity.

Secondly, upon completion of the task, the child receives something tangible. There are a lot of leaves on the calendar! This means that the baby has hope for repeated daily meaningful communication with family and friends and receiving, albeit very modest, but attractive and interesting things for him.

To fully work on the "Children's Calendar" you need a set of 28 books from the publishing house "Detizdat".

You can get acquainted with the "Children's Calendar" on the website in more detail.

November 28 in the kindergarten, as part of the network interaction between MBDOU No. 15 and MADOU No. 13, a general parent meeting of groups No. 2 and No. 3 was held with the participation of colleagues from kindergarten No. 13 “Rodnichok”. MADOU "Combined Kindergarten No. 13" is an experimental site of the federal state autonomous institution "Federal Institute for Educational Development". The theme of the meeting is “Organization of educational activities in the family.”

"Children's calendar"

In order to balance the degree of adult participation in the upbringing and education of the child, parents and teachers need to join forces and develop common approaches to the issues of his upbringing and education. And for this we need material for collaboration.

For this purpose, scientists from the Federal Institute for Educational Development have developed an original manual called “Children’s Calendar”. The idea and its creation belong to scientists who devoted their lives to creating materials for public institutes of preschool education. One of the authors who took the initiative to create this material, intended not for kindergarten, but specifically for families, is Doronova Tatyana Nikolaevna, head of the teams of authors who created the preschool education programs “Rainbow” and “From Childhood to Adolescence”, which received very wide spread.

A children's calendar is a didactic material for classes between an adult and a child in a family setting. There is only one thing left from the “real” tear-off calendar - the obligatory cyclical daily action, which consists of tearing off a piece of paper in order not to miss daily developmental activities with the child.
So, what is a “Children’s Calendar”. It is a 30-page full-color brochure the size of a landscape sheet and looks like this:

Printed on thick paper;
each page is perforated, which makes it possible for a child to easily tear off the page;
The text and images in the calendar are printed on both sides. On one side there is printed text for parents, on the other side there is the actual task for the child;

The “Children's Calendar” has as many pages as there are days in the month, and by tearing off one sheet every day, you have the opportunity to invite your child to complete various useful and exciting tasks together.

The calendar genre for the developmental manual was not chosen by chance:

1. First of all, this is due to the fact that the principle of operation of the calendar is most suitable for a small child who will willingly perform the simplest action associated with tearing off a page.
2. The content proposed in the calendar for its development has a scientific basis and has significant developmental potential.
3. On each page, parents are given recommendations on how to complete the task with their child. At the same time, for this you do not need to look for related materials - they are on this page. You don't have to worry about the form of presenting the material to children. All messages to children are thought out in advance by scientists and presented in the text of the calendar. You just read the text addressed to the child and act in accordance with the recommendation.
4. There is no need to prepare for joint activities with your baby. All he needs, besides the calendar, is two scissors (one for a child and one for an adult), glue, and a stapler for large staples. We do not mention materials such as paints (watercolors and gouache), pencils, crayons, etc. In our opinion, any family with a child should have them.
5. The calendar is richly illustrated. The illustrations include photographs of vegetables, fruits, berries, animals and original works of folk arts and crafts, which contributes to the cognitive and aesthetic development of children.
6. At the same time, the content of many calendar pages is multifunctional and suitable for reusable use. Therefore, it is advisable to save small books, pictures depicting vegetables, fruits, berries, etc.
7. The materials that the child receives on the calendar sheets are his property and he has the right to handle them at his own discretion. You should not constantly encourage your child to handle them carefully and thereby deprive the child of a rare opportunity - to manage his own property.

For a child, actions with a calendar are also quite attractive.

Firstly, he gets the opportunity to show his own initiative: he takes off a page and participates in some new and interesting activity.

Secondly, upon completion of the task, the child receives something tangible. There are a lot of leaves on the calendar! This means that the baby has hope for repeated daily meaningful communication with family and friends and receiving, albeit very modest, but attractive and interesting things for him.

Thirdly, a child, having his own product (a completed task at home), can bring it to kindergarten and use it in any activity: both in specially organized by the teacher (exhibitions, competitions, conversations, participation in theatrical performances, etc.), and in independent (various types of games), even as a “friend” for the whole day.

"Children's Calendar" is being developed for children from 3 to 7 years old. For each age, content is provided that promotes the development of the child, based on the types of his activities: play, productive and cognitive - speech and reading fiction.

Story play is a child’s activity that involves acting out a fictitious situation. The story game in the children's calendar is presented in the form of recommendations for adults and paper toys that the child makes with the help of an adult.

A game with rules is a joint activity consisting of a game subject to rules common to all participants, the result of which is winning. Taking into account the specifics of the material, the game with rules is presented only in the form of games of chance (lotto, dominoes, etc.).

Productive activities (drawing, modeling, appliqué) are presented in the publication in the form of making crafts that are interesting for the child. Perhaps they will seem too simple for an adult, but a three-year-old child cannot cope with them without the help of his parents.

The cognitive and research activity of the child is presented in the form of pictures that are presented to the child in a certain system. For example, how a child gets acquainted with the changes in living nature at different times of the year.

Fiction in the publication is presented in the form of miniature books, which are also made independently by parents together with their child. They are easy to make. Special attention is paid to reading fiction in the children's calendar. This is due to the fact that it is the most important means of child development, as it expands his ideas about the surrounding reality, forms a holistic picture of the world, and develops the baby’s speech. There are no miracles on the path to getting used to reading books; systematic work in this direction is required.

The significance of the “Children’s Calendar” in the development of a child is undeniable. Its influence on the child will be effective only with the interaction of all participants in the educational process - teachers, parents and children. It is important to understand that the main purpose of using the “Children's Calendar” is not to try to give the child any superficial knowledge, and not to shift part of the educational burden onto parents. The main goal of this work is to create unified approaches to the upbringing and education of children, to create a unified socio-cultural educational space in which parents and educators, interacting with each other, carry out the development of the child, taking into account the capabilities of the family and kindergarten. In general terms, this can be represented as follows. For example, a paper craft proposed in the “Children's Calendar” gets a “second life” in kindergarten, characters from fairy tales read in the family “unexpectedly” appear in the joint activities of the teacher with the children, etc. Thus, you and I, dear parents, will create the conditions under which everything that will be done with the child in the “Children’s Calendar” at home will find further continuation and development in the educational work of the kindergarten. This is the difference between the “Children’s Calendar” technology and the traditional “Exhibitions of works of children and parents.”

Another distinctive feature of the “Children's Calendar” is that the proposed tasks, the purpose of which is the development of the child, are in no way analogous to school homework and do not allow any coercion in relation to the child. Developmental tasks are offered to him as a voluntary task, which he himself wants to complete.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the developmental effect of using the calendar will be significantly enhanced if the “calendar tasks” that the child completes become content that will be discussed and evaluated by family members. So, for example, when a father comes home from work, one of his questions to the child may be what interesting thing did the child manage to do today? At the same time, it is very important to “go into detail”, delve into individual details, asking about how the child made this craft, what he played with it, what he did himself, and what his mother helped with, and so on, it is also necessary to carefully consider the results of the activity baby. With this you can make an invaluable contribution to the development of your child!

We hope that the use of the new technology “Children’s Calendar” by the parents of our pupils, with the help of the teaching staff of the kindergarten, will allow:

effectively use the game they love so much for the development of their baby;

systematically provide the child with the information necessary for the child’s mind;
Regularly read fiction to children:
in drawing and appliqué work to develop the child’s practical skills and abilities aimed at developing his creative abilities.

This means taking an active part in the upbringing and education of your child, who will have the opportunity for timely and full development through the efforts of the family and kindergarten.

The authors of this unique didactic material created a website,, to establish feedback, in order to improve the quality of the material. Its structure allows you to comment on each page and express your opinion and wishes. All the best to you, dear parents, creative success in raising your kids.

Administration of MBDOU No. 15

Introducing children to the calendar for observing natural phenomena and other features of the world around them becomes a fun game. All you have to do is teach your child to choose the right cards. Game rules in file.

A children's calendar is a didactic material for classes between an adult and a child in a family setting. It has as many pages as there are days in a month, and an adult interested in the development of his child has the opportunity to tear off one sheet of paper every day and do various useful things with it.
The range of useful things for a child offered by the calendar is quite large, despite the natural limitations of the material. These are traditional cultural practices for a preschool child - story-based play, play with rules, productive and cognitive-research activities, and, of course, fiction.

A children's calendar is a didactic material for classes between an adult and a child in a family setting. It has as many pages as there are days in a month, and an adult interested in the development of his child has the opportunity to tear off one sheet of paper every day and do various useful things with it.
The range of useful things for a child offered by the calendar is quite large, despite the natural limitations of the material. These are traditional cultural practices for a preschool child - story-based play, play with rules, productive and cognitive-research activities, and, of course, fiction.
Designed for three ages - 3-4 years, 4-5 years, 5-6 years.

Children's nature calendar: assemble a year from four parts of the seasons. Each part of the clock is one of the four seasons. If you put them together and glue them together, it will be all year round. Then you can make a hole in the middle and make an arrow from a strip of paper that will point to the month that is currently running according to the natural calendar.

A children's calendar is a didactic material for classes between an adult and a child in a family setting. It has as many pages as there are days in a month, and an adult interested in the development of his child has the opportunity to tear off one sheet of paper every day and do various useful things with it.
The range of useful things for a child offered by the calendar is quite large, despite the natural limitations of the material. These are traditional cultural practices for a preschool child - story-based play, play with rules, productive and cognitive-research activities, and, of course, fiction.

A children's calendar is a didactic material for classes between an adult and a child in a family setting. It has as many pages as there are days in a month, and an adult interested in the development of his child has the opportunity to tear off one sheet of paper every day and do various useful things with it.
The range of useful things for a child offered by the calendar is quite large, despite the natural limitations of the material. These are traditional cultural practices for a preschool child - story-based play, play with rules, productive and cognitive-research activities, and, of course, fiction.
Designed for three ages - 4-5 years, 5-6 years, 6-7 years.

Kalinchenko Olga Vladimirovna,

MBDOU teacher

"Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 7"

Kalachinsk, Omsk region

"Children's calendar" as a means of effective interaction between preschool educational institutions and families"

Family is truly a high creation.

She is a reliable barrier and a pier.

She gives calling and birth.

She is the foundation of everything for us.

E.A. Mukhacheva

Today, the priority in education is the interests and needs of each child. Family and preschool are the two most important institutions for the socialization of preschool children. Despite the various educational functions, development requires interaction between the family and the preschool educational institution. In a preschool educational institution, a child receives a comprehensive education, acquires the ability to interact with other children and adults, and demonstrate his own activity.

The main feature of family education is the emotional microclimate of the family, thanks to which the child develops an attitude towards himself, a sense of self-worth is determined, and value orientations and worldviews appear. Parents are responsible for raising a child, and preschool education is only intended to help, support, guide and complement the educational activities of parents.

Interaction with the family is an important task of the educational system. It is the family and family relationships that are the system-forming core of every educational program. Therefore, interaction and continuity between the preschool educational institution and the family are necessary.

Kindergarten is a world of joy for children. And teachers in this world give the joy of communication to children, become their friends and partners in any business, and help everyone develop their potential.

Modern conditions of activity of a preschool educational organization place interaction with the family in one of the leading places. Communication between teachers and parents should be based on the principles of openness, mutual understanding and trust. The family is the main customer of the preschool educational institution, so interaction is impossible without taking into account their interests and requests.

In preschool age, the influence of parents on a child has such power that it can work wonders! In our rapidly changing times, it is sometimes difficult for adults to keep up with new techniques, and the younger generation is very mobile and intellectual. And sometimes it is difficult for parents at home to select developmental content and determine what and how to do with the child so that he receives timely development. Unfortunately, school teaching methods are not suitable for young children, and in order to help parents resolve issues related to the development of children from 3 to 7 years old, S.G. Doronov developed an original didactic manual "Children's calendar".

This is a full color 30 page brochure. On each page of the calendar, parents are given recommendations on how to complete the task and related materials with their child.

Structure of the “Children's calendar” set:

  • Cognitive and research activities– presented using pictures and illustrations. Pictures are offered to the child in a specific system.
  • Story game– presented in the form of paper toys that a child makes with the help of an adult.
  • Productive activity– presented in the form of making handicrafts interesting for the baby.
  • Fiction- in the form of books - homemade products.

It is very important for all participants in the educational process - teachers and parents - to understand that the main purpose of using the "Children's Calendar" is not to try to give the child any extracurricular knowledge, and not to shift part of the educational burden onto parents. The main goal of this work is to create a unified sociocultural educational space in which parents and educators, interacting with each other, carry out the development of the child, taking into account the specific forms of each of these most important educational institutions.

The paper craft proposed in the “Children's Calendar” gets a “second life” in kindergarten, the heroes of fairy tales read in the family “unexpectedly” appear in the joint activities of the teacher with the children, and the like. Thus, conditions are created in which the child’s parents are interested in making this craft and reading the book. This is the difference between the “Children’s Calendar” technology and the traditional “Exhibitions of works of children and parents.”

Everything that parents have done with their child in the “Children’s Calendar” finds further continuation and development in the educational work of the kindergarten.

In order for cooperation with parents in the proposed system to be more conscious and constant, and, therefore, effective, the teacher sets and solves a number of tasks, which are as follows:

– establishing trusting relationships with parents and explaining the significance of their interaction on the development of the child;

– convincing parents of the need for systematic interaction with the child, despite the difficulties encountered;

– development of a system of public and individual assessment and encouragement of joint activities between parents and children with demonstration of children’s achievements.

The interaction of parents and teachers using the “Children’s Calendar” is not just another event, but a long-term project, the positive result of which will be assessed by how successful the child will be during the transition from the preschool education system to school.

At the next parent meeting, the teacher introduces parents to the content of the “Children’s Calendar,” which is based on the joint activities of an adult and a child in the family, and conducts a master class on working with the calendar at home. Few parents are ready to study at home with their child. Some people don't have enough time, others are constantly at work. Children develop a communication deficit and lack the attention of their parents. Why is communication necessary? The main thing in communication is sincere interest in the other person, goodwill and attention. In this case, interest and attention to the child. “There is no greater joy in life than the joy of human communication,” asserted Antoine de Saint-Exupery. It’s always a pleasure to communicate, and doubly so with children. Communication with children brings so much joy. We are filled with childish carelessness and naivety, and our mood and well-being improve.

Communication is an invaluable thing that parents can bestow on their child throughout his life. There is no need to deprive him of such luxury in early childhood, and he will return it as an adult. You need very little for this - just desire. And believe me, the pleasure that parents get from communicating with their baby is worth a lot. After all, a fairy tale told at the right time, a book read, or a story invented together will help you become closer and learn to understand each other better. And this internal connection will not be interrupted.

One of the options for close and joyful communication can be the use of the “Children's Calendar”. By completing tasks with their child from the “Children's Calendar”, parents develop his potential abilities, and simply give each other the joy of communication while playing with him.

Working with the “Children’s Calendar” for the second year, the results of this work were:

for parents:

– effective use of didactic games for the development of children;

– systematically providing the child with the necessary information;

– regular reading of fiction to children;

– development of interest in productive activities, which helps in the development of his creative abilities.

for children:

– obtaining opportunities for timely and full development through the joint efforts of educators and parents.

And the teacher improves professional competence on issues of social partnership with parents.

In conclusion, I would like to repeat the lines of A. Lopatina:

Don't waste time with your children

See the adults in them.

Stop quarreling and getting angry,

Try to make friends with them.

Try not to blame them

Learn to listen and understand.

Warm them with your warmth.

Let the house become a fortress for them.

Try with them, search,

Talk about everything in the world

Always guide them invisibly,

And help them in all matters.

Learn to trust children -

Every step doesn't need to be checked

Respect their opinion and advice,

Children are wise men, don't forget.