Documents for obtaining a dairy kitchen. What do they give out in the dairy kitchen, and who is entitled to these products?

During pregnancy and after childbirth, doctors talk in detail about the rules of feeding and caring for the baby, but they rarely mention the opportunity to receive food for the baby for free. Therefore, for most of us, such a concept is unknown or has remained in the forgotten past. Baby food distribution points still operate today, but not everyone is entitled to it. To complete it, parents should collect a number of documents confirming the need for this social measure. help. In 2016, this option is also available, and the issuance rate directly depends on the category of the recipient.

Who should

Since dairy kitchens today are not a ubiquitous phenomenon, but a social measure. support, it is logical to assume that only those who really need it can receive free products. The basis for registration of this measure is the conclusion of the doctor who is seeing your baby.

Referrals can be received by:

  • infants under one year of age;
  • children from 1 to 3 years old;
  • a child from a large family until he reaches the age of seven;
  • until adulthood.

Attention! Pregnant women, as well as breastfeeding women until their newborn reaches six months of age, can also receive a referral for food in a dairy kitchen.

Issue norms

Standards for the distribution of products in dairy kitchens are established by local governments for each age category. The range of products for expectant mothers and women whose children are breastfed is also different.

The standard set of free products includes various liquid and dry formulas, dairy products, juices, baby purees and cereals. Based on the group the recipients of assistance belong to, they are given:

  • mixtures - for newborns up to one year;
  • dairy products and baby purees - for children from 1 year to 3 years;
  • milk – for a child from seven to 15 years old;
  • milk and fortified juices - for expectant mothers and breastfeeding women.

Registration of free meals

The procedure for processing papers directly depends on the category to which the recipient belongs. However, what they have in common is the presence of medical indications and a corresponding certificate from a doctor. Often, referrals to the dairy kitchen are given to children from large families. At the same time, they must provide a certificate of family composition or income.

Attention! If the basis for receiving products is a serious chronic illness of a child, confirmation should be obtained in the form of an extract from the medical history.

An application for free food must be addressed to the head physician of that medical facility. institution where the recipient of this social measure is observed. help. In this case, a prescription for products is issued for a period of:

  • 1 month – for newborns up to one year and nursing mothers;
  • 3 months – if the child’s age is from one to three years;
  • 6 months – for other groups.

After the referral expires, it must be renewed. To do this, you will need to re-fill the application and provide documents.

The food distribution schedule in dairy kitchens is established by local governments. In a number of regions, some groups of recipients have the opportunity to write an application and receive an annual amount of non-perishable food products.

Despite the fact that not everyone is given a referral to a dairy kitchen, it is worth asking your doctor about the possibility of obtaining one. Even if you don't need it now, it may come in handy in the future.

Free baby food: video

The best nutrition for infants has always been breast milk, but for many reasons not all mothers have the opportunity to breastfeed. A substitute can be infant formula, which can be prepared at home. This benefit is also issued by a distribution point. The children's dairy kitchen is a social program that includes the organization of free meals for children under two years of age.

A dairy kitchen is a government agency that provides milk to infants.

In 2018, as before, the decision to issue benefits in the form of dairy products at milk distribution points is made by local governments; for this reason, they are not represented in every region and are structured differently. But there are still provisions that are common to most cities.

At what age will a baby be able to receive food:

  • If the baby is bottle-fed (infant formula), nutrition is given from the day he is born.
  • When breastfeeding, the child receives the right to food from the moment when complementary foods are introduced to him (from about 6 months).
  • You can receive products from the dairy kitchen until the child is two years old.
  • Children from large families are given food from the children's kitchen until the age of 3.


Before you come to the distribution point in Khimki or Mytishchi, you need documents for benefits. To apply for the right to food from a dairy kitchen, you need to register by submitting an application to your pediatrician, a sample of which can be taken at the local department of the children's clinic. Taking into account the child’s age and weight, as well as information about his health and nutritional status, the doctor prepares a prescription for the dispensing point for the volume of dairy products that the baby needs for full development.

In 2018, prescriptions for baby food benefits will be issued at the distribution point every month until the 25th.

Documents must be submitted to the distribution point. In exchange for a prescription for benefits, they give a personal number, which must be remembered and recorded in the child’s medical record in order to be called when food is issued.

At some distribution points, only parents are given food; for other relatives, an application and a power of attorney are required. You need to find out in advance about the operating procedure, schedule and hours for issuing dairy products in a specific kitchen. Kefir, cottage cheese, dry and fermented milk mixtures are usually given in the morning, before 10 o’clock. If a child willingly eats cottage cheese, but is allergic to whole milk or formula, try to negotiate with the doctor about replacing certain products in the recipe, in particular, milk with an additional portion of cottage cheese.

Sometimes mothers are offered formula and other food by a distribution point at their place of registration, even if the family lives in a completely different place. The addresses of the dairy kitchen must correspond to the area in which the clinic is located (Khimki, Lobnya, Mytishchi), but the details must be clarified with the pediatrician who is seeing the child. What are the conditions for young mothers in 2018 in cities where there are no dairy kitchens?

If there is no distribution point in a city or town, the mother has the right to monetary compensation to purchase baby food. This issue is the responsibility of the district social welfare department.

Who is eligible for the dairy kitchen?

To order food at distribution points for free, you must first find out whether this service is provided in a specific region (Mytishchi, Khimki), and what registration procedure must be completed. This information can be obtained from the health departments where the distribution point is located. Are dairy products suitable for pregnant mothers? From what age and until how many years can children receive it?

Until the baby is four months old, benefits are provided in the event that the mother does not have enough milk for breastfeeding, formula is used, or for other reasons she is unable to breastfeed the baby. Each region sets its own rules of operation, but, in general, in order to receive food at a dairy station, permanent registration of a child under two years of age in a specific locality is required.

Can children under 3 years old receive products?

Until what age do children receive nutrition from dairy kitchens? After one year, free baby food is usually given to single mothers and low-income families.

Documents to register the rights to baby food for a child 2-3 years old for free:

  • Certificates of parents' income for 3 months;
  • Certificate of registration from the passport office (for children and adults);
  • Birth certificates;
  • Photocopies of parents' passports.

It is necessary to clarify the list with local authorities, since other documents may be required at the place of work.

What do they give in the dairy kitchen?

Dairy kitchens provide children under two years of age with the highest quality dairy products that meet all sanitary standards. The finished formula and other dairy products can be stored for no more than a day, so it can even be used in feeding infants from the moment of birth. The short shelf life confirms the absence of preservatives that promote long-term storage.

The products offered at the baby food distribution point differ from those on supermarket shelves in that they are prepared on the basis of natural (and not powdered) milk, as in factories. Ready-made food and formula from the dairy kitchen are not subject to special processing to increase the shelf life. In different regions, working conditions and the range of products may differ, for example, in Moscow, many points (Khimki, Mytishchi, Lobnya) switched to issuing factory-made food, mainly from the Agusha company. The main disadvantage of such products is heat treatment, which is used in the factory to increase the sales period. What are the conditions for issuing food and work hours?

The distribution point distributes food in the morning, every other day. If the recipe specifies only milk or formula, you can come for it once every 5 days. Opening hours (hours of delivery): 6.30 – 10.00. This regime is due to the fact that many parents prefer to come for meals before work, in the morning.

Sometimes a pediatrician refuses to issue documents for a dairy kitchen on the grounds that the baby is breastfed. This is a violation of the rules - all children, without exception, have the right to food from the dairy kitchen for free. Also, the doctor does not have the right to refuse to issue a prescription for dairy products and formula if the child does not have vaccinations or any tests. Such misunderstandings must be resolved with the head physician of the clinic.

Will the dairy kitchen be canceled in 2018?

According to various Internet news resources, deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation want to abolish food stations (free of charge) throughout the country from January 1, 2018. What are the arguments in favor of innovation? This is due to the fact that there is no money in the treasury, so they decided to save on children. The problem for dairy kitchens is that many of their dairy certificates expire next year.

To obtain a new permit, the following documents are required:

  • Compliance with the requirements of the Customs Union (new equipment, recent renovation of premises);
  • Registration of state registration.

Benefit or products: which is more profitable?

According to the law, children from 1-3 years old have the right to receive a standard set of dairy products in different cases. But since many families do not use these benefits, the state budget incurs unjustified expenses. The main reason for refusing to visit a children's kitchen is their working conditions: for many mothers, round-trip travel to the distribution point (Khimki, Mytishchi, Lobnya) costs more than the products they provide. Some people simply do not have the opportunity to leave their infant to go get the food they are entitled to. Therefore, the Russian government proposes to carry out “monetization” of all mothers with small children, as well as pregnant women, from January 1, 2018.

Many regions have already switched to monetary compensation for milk nutrition for children under two years of age and pregnant mothers. But, unfortunately, these amounts are significantly lower than the price of a set of mandatory products from the dairy kitchen. For example, in the Yaroslavl region they give compensation in the amount of 200 rubles, while in the Leningrad region - 700 rubles. And in Chuvashia such payments amount to only 100 rubles. Most parents are against such changes, since this money cannot buy the products that are provided in children's kitchens. There is still no formula for calculating the monetary equivalent. The cost of a basket of baby food is 50 rubles. It is impossible to buy a similar set of products in stores with this money.

According to some experts, changing the form of benefits for pregnant women and young mothers from January 1, 2018 is economically beneficial for the authorities.

The material benefit is:

  • In savings on the maintenance of baby food distribution points since the beginning of 2018;
  • The need to control their work in compliance with all sanitary hygiene standards;
  • In paying salaries to staff.

Not all young mothers use the services of a dairy kitchen. Some for personal reasons, while others simply do not have the opportunity. However, if there is a point for dispensing children's products in the area, you should not refuse the opportunity citing any reasons, because a healthy child is a joy for his parents.

For the first time, the law on the provision of free milk to nursing women was signed by the pre-revolutionary authorities in St. Petersburg. The initiator was the Russian Society for the Protection of Public Health in order to reduce the highest mortality rates of newborn babies (almost 40% of children died in infancy).

In the post-revolutionary period, the dairy children's kitchen did not disappear, that is, the Ministry of Health of Soviet Russia did not cancel this necessary service. Dairy feeding stations operated at children's clinics and hospitals with varying degrees of success and efficiency.

It is difficult to overestimate the role of free baby food during the Great Patriotic War. It is safe to say that milk distribution has saved more than one child’s life.

In the 60s, the Ministry of Health clearly regulated the organization, operation and list of products through legislative acts. Dairy kitchens began to appear in all regions and republics of the Soviet Union.

Dairy cuisine is also deservedly popular in 2018. New parents can receive help in such institutions by submitting all the necessary documents and receiving a referral from a pediatrician.

However, some provisions in the organization of children's kitchens change from year to year in accordance with the peculiarities of the economic situation in the country. It is necessary to understand who is entitled to free baby food and how exactly mothers can apply for this service.

So, a dairy kitchen is understood as an organization that produces, ensures proper preservation and distribution of specialized food products in compliance with sanitary and epidemiological standards.

Such a measure of socio-economic support is regulated by regional law. Local authorities also determine the required list of beneficiaries and select organizations that will provide free milk nutrition to those in need.

Thus, in different regions of the Russian Federation the list of persons who, in accordance with the law, can receive milk, dairy products and formula free of charge, may differ.

But there are still main categories of citizens who can fully use the services of a dairy kitchen in accordance with the law. These include:

  1. Pregnant women.
  2. Nursing mothers until the baby reaches six months of age.
  3. Children:
  • up to 12 months of age who are on artificial or combined feeding;
  • from 12 months to three years of age;
  • under seven years of age if they are raised in large families;
  • with disabilities and chronic illnesses under 15 years of age.

If a child is left without the care of his mother and father, the paperwork for receiving free dairy products falls on the shoulders of guardians and other legal representatives.

To understand which categories of persons are entitled to a dairy kitchen for young children at the present time, it is necessary to study regional regulatory documents. Another option is to consult a pediatrician (if the products are for newborns) or a gynecologist (if the food is for pregnant women).

Documents for a dairy kitchen must be completed at the medical institution to which the recipient of this benefit is attached. Pregnant women must send an application to the antenatal clinic where they are registered.

Breastfeeding women must complete documentation to receive free baby food from a pediatrician monitoring the development of a newborn baby or older child.

If special nutrition is required for a child with special needs and requirements, then parents must draw up documents for a children's dairy kitchen from a specialist in the institution where the baby is registered.

What documents are needed to receive nutrition, as noted above, parents will learn from local regulations or from a child or pregnancy specialist observing them.

In general, the list of documents required for registration of a dairy kitchen looks like in the following way:

  • application addressed to the director of the medical institution;
  • birth certificate of the baby (to obtain a birth certificate for a child, you must submit a certificate issued at the maternity hospital);
  • medical policy (to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn, you can contact the insurance company that issued the parental policy);
  • a certificate of registration of the child at the place of residence (to register a newborn, you must first obtain the child’s birth certificate);
  • ID card of the mother or any other trusted person;
  • other documentation confirming receipt of benefits (certificate of a large family, adoption of a child, confirmation of childhood disability, the presence of certain diseases, etc.).

Documents for receiving benefits in certain regions can be submitted not only to the chief physician of the relevant medical institution, but also to the local Social Security Administration, as well as to the MFC (multifunctional center).

It is worth understanding that dairy products are issued according to medical prescriptions, which require constant renewal. That is, you need to regularly consult a doctor; he will prescribe a new prescription as soon as the previous one is expired.

How often will I need to get a prescription?

We have more or less figured out the question of what documents need to be completed to receive free dairy products. Now you need to understand how often you will have to visit the doctor to get a prescription.

Everything, of course, will depend on the specific orders of local authorities. As a standard, the conclusion for free feeding will be issued for one month.

Also, the doctor can give recipes for dairy cuisine. issue for the following period:

  • up to three months– for this period, free food will be provided for small children under 3 years of age, as well as for lactating and pregnant women;
  • up to 6 months– children from large families, children with disabilities and chronic diseases under 15 years of age.

The indicated periods should not include the month of birth of the newborn child, if during this period the parents filled out a separate prescription.

The decision on the duration of the period for which the prescribed prescription will be valid is made by a specialist after a medical examination and observation of the child. The doctor has the right to independently reduce or increase the validity period of the conclusion.

The calendar period for which the prescription will be issued begins, depending on the child’s presentation for a medical examination:

  • baby just born? The specialist writes a prescription for a newborn for a given calendar month, and the volume of dairy products will be calculated taking into account the days remaining until the end of the month;
  • if the procedure takes place before the 15th calendar day, then the prescription is issued for the period that starts from this calendar month. In addition, the volume of products issued will be calculated for the whole month;
  • if you had to see a doctor after the 15th day, then a doctor’s prescription is issued for a period that starts from the next month. The volume of products issued will also be calculated for the whole month.

Thus, you can make a request to receive free milk meals on any day. The duration of the conclusion will be determined by the doctor, based on the results of the examination and observation.

As already mentioned, the free distribution of dairy and other products is regulated by local legislation. Regional authorities can determine both the categories of persons who are entitled to this benefit and the norms for the supply of products.

Today, the volume and variety of products depends on the age of the child. That is, the free diet of a baby up to one year old will be slightly different from the menu of a 7 or 15 year old patient. If we talk about women, then everything depends on whether she is pregnant or has already given birth.

Approximate standards for dairy products (per month)

Client category Products
Women in position

  • milk – 9000 grams;

  • fortified juice – 3960 grams.
Nursing mothers

  • milk – 12000 grams;

  • fortified juice – 4290 grams.
Child from 0 to 3 months

  • dry adapted milk formula – 700 grams;

  • liquid adapted milk formula – 4800 grams.
Child of the fourth month of life

  • the same set;

  • fruit juice – 1200 grams;

Child of the fifth month of life

  • the same set of milk formulas;

  • fruit juice – 1000 grams;

  • dry porridge – 400 grams;

  • vegetable puree – 1920 grams.
Child of the sixth month of life

  • dry adapted milk formula – 350 grams;

  • liquid adapted milk formula – 2400 grams;

  • fruit juice – 1200 grams;

  • fruit puree – 1000 grams;

  • dry porridge – 400 grams;

  • vegetable puree – 1920 grams.
Baby 7-8 months old

  • the same volume of dry and liquid milk formula;

  • fruit juice – 1400 grams;

  • fruit puree – 1000 grams;

  • vegetable puree – 1920 grams;

  • meat puree – 560 grams;

  • vegetable and meat puree – 1300 grams;

  • dry porridge – 400 grams;

  • cottage cheese – 600 grams.
Child 9-12 months old

  • the same range and volume of products;

  • kefir – 2400 grams.
Child from 12 months to 2 years

  • milk – 2400 grams;

  • kefir – 2000 grams;

  • cottage cheese – 600 grams;

  • fruit puree – 2200 grams;

  • fruit juice – 2600 grams.
Child from 2 to 3 years old

  • milk – 2000 grams;

  • kefir – 2000 grams;

  • cottage cheese – 600 grams;

  • fruit juice – 2600 grams;

  • fruit puree – 1200 grams.
A child from a large family, a disabled child, a child with chronic illnesses

  • milk – 18000 grams.

As a conclusion

The question of how to get dairy food for children for free worries many parents. Let us briefly summarize all of the above and highlight main and most important points:

  • free milk nutrition is a measure that allows you to support both the woman and the child;
  • the specifics of providing preferential conditions are regulated by regional authorities. Thus, in St. Petersburg, children’s cards are issued after the birth of a child to purchase food for him;
  • local authorities also determine a list of products for all categories of beneficiaries (the list of these categories is specified by local law), which will be provided by dairy kitchen employees;
  • the question of how to apply for this benefit is decided at the local level. You will definitely need the newborn's documents, the parent's passport, and an application (the form is directly issued by the doctor).

So, today dairy kitchens are functioning and delighting many domestic parents with their work. Of course, rumors regularly appear that this year these organizations will “die for a long time,” but, fortunately, such information continues to remain only rumors.

Government policies designed to increase the birth rate and increase the attractiveness of the family institution allow us to hope that the operation of dairy kitchens will continue in the future, despite statements by municipalities about the ineffectiveness of such institutions.

As a conclusion, we can advise all mothers who are entitled to receive this benefit to be sure to seek advice from a doctor or social security specialist in order to use the services of a dairy kitchen. This will allow you to significantly save on food.

State support measures for families with newborns and preschoolers today take various forms.

For some, cash payments are provided, for others - special cards to which payments are received.

One of the forms that is popular and has been in effect for decades is.

Products suitable for age are issued at specialized points. Their quantity and content in the set are specified in special lists compiled by specialists, including pediatricians. The lists are approved by local authorities, and directions (prescriptions) are written out by local children's doctors during the appointment.

Dairy kitchens in Moscow and the Moscow region: features and differences

There are dairy kitchens in different cities, since this support measure is popular and in demand among the population. It is known that in modern economic realities, not everyone who wants to raise children can use the services of this organization. This is due, first of all, to the legislation in force in the country, as well as to those local decrees that are developed in each locality.

A little less than 2 years ago there were some changes in the functioning system of milk distribution points (kitchens). They affected not only Moscow and Moscow Region, but all organizations in general. The main changes affected the standards for the issuance of products, as well as the composition. The faces that remain the same. It is known that in the country as a whole, the amount allocated by the state for this segment of assistance to families with children has decreased slightly. As for the list of products, the changes that have occurred in it are positive - in addition to dairy products, you can now get juices and various purees.

Previously, such kits were issued only in Moscow. However, dairy products, which are the main product for many, are given out a little less, and you have to buy more on your own.

In terms of the range of products, the differences between Moscow and regional points are now minimal.

As for opening hours, as before, most of the dairy kitchens prefer to serve food in the morning:

  • From 6.30 to 10.00;
  • From 6.30 -7.00 to 12.00.

There are also kitchens that operate from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. or from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Please check with your local grocery store for exact times. Dairy kitchens, which are open directly at children's clinics, are open from 6.30 until the time set by the institution, which should be clarified on site.

List and description of products offered in the set

The list of products offered for purchase is impressive and varied. It includes the nutrition recommended by specialists, including pediatricians, according to the child’s age or developmental characteristics. The specified amount guarantees that the baby will develop fully and harmoniously.

This year, the kits received from dairy kitchens include: included(depending on the age of the child):

Children's products must be issued in accordance with approved standards, categories and recommendations; parents or legal representatives of the child can obtain a prescription.

Issue norms

Standards for the distribution of food at dairy kitchens are developed by local authorities.

In order to find out whether the family is included in the circle of people who are entitled to such assistance, you should visit the MFC at the place of residence or registration.

It is important to remember that the lists of persons differ in each region, but The following categories remain unchanged:

  • Children under one year of age (infants);
  • Babies from 12 to 36 months (all without exception);
  • Children (each of the children) from (support is provided until the age of 7 or until enrollment in school);
  • Children with disabilities (up to 15 years old, a special commission’s opinion is required).

In addition, pregnant women who are assigned to antenatal clinics can receive food at dairy kitchens in Moscow and the region. After the birth of a child, they are also given a set of products until the baby reaches six months of age. The basis for issuance is the conclusion issued by the doctor.

The kits that can be received vary and depend on the age of the child. The following norms and sets are in force in Moscow:

Child's ageProductNorm for 30 daysQuantity in one packageFor how long is it issued?
Newborn (up to 2 months)Infant formula (liquid)4800 200 1 Week
Dry formula for feeding700 500 30 days
3-4 monthsSame set +
Fruit juice1 l200 1 month (30 days)
Fruit puree1000g200 1 month
5 monthsPrevious set +
Dry porridge400g400g30 days
Vegetable puree (various flavors)1920200g1 month
Six monthsPowdered milk mixture350g350g1 month
Milk formula (liquid form) + dry porridge2400
1 Week
Fruit puree1 kg200 30 days
Fruit juice (clarified and with pulp)1.2 l200 1 month

After six months relies:

  • 7-8 months - the same set as in six months, cottage cheese (600g), meat and vegetable puree (300g), meat puree (560g) - all products except dairy can be obtained immediately for 30 days;
  • 9-15 months – kefir is added to the previous set (2 liters in 200 ml packs);
  • from 12 to 24 months - kefir (2 liters), cow's milk 3.2% (2.4 l, issued for 30 days), cottage cheese (total amount 600g, issued in packs of 50 g once a week), fruit juice (2 l ), fruit puree (800g) – for 30 days;
  • 2-3 years - a similar set, but the milk becomes 400 ml less, the juice increases to 2.4 liters;
  • up to 7 years old, as well as disabled people, only milk is given. Total quantity 1.8 liters for 30 days;
  • Pregnant women receive social assistance measures as support - milk (6 l), fruit juice (2.64 l) for 30 days;
  • Nursing mothers receive milk (8 liters) and fruit juice (3.3 liters) for 30 days at the dairy kitchen.

Submission rules

Dairy products and baby food in packages according to age or pregnancy can be purchased at a dairy kitchen in Moscow and the region. receive only by registration. You won't have to pay extra for them.

To receive a set of products, you will need to provide a passport and write an application to the appropriate social protection department operating in the district or city (for the Moscow Region), for example, to a children's clinic or MFC.

Also may be required:

  1. Certificate (original or notarized copy) of the birth of the baby;
  2. Polis med. insurance (compulsory medical insurance);
  3. Certificate of registration (registration) of the child at the address of residence in Moscow or the Region;
  4. Confirmation of low-income status (certificate from place of employment);
  5. Certificate confirming the large number of children in the family;
  6. Certificate of health of the baby (if special nutrition is required);
  7. The commission's conclusion on .

Mothers who feed their babies naturally (breastfeeding) can write a statement to the head of the children's clinic to which the child is assigned. Pregnant women are entitled to help from the dairy kitchen. In order to receive it, you will also need to write an application, but this must be done in the antenatal clinic where the woman is being observed.

If the family does not have a residence permit in Moscow or the Region, then in order to receive the food assistance required by law, it is necessary to do temporary registration at the place of residence and apply with this document to the points for issuing meal kits.

Thus, the way of social support for babies and families awaiting their arrival works. Today in Moscow and the region there are points for the distribution of dairy products and baby food contained in the recommended lists. The standards are strictly calculated, so every baby will be provided with the necessary set of products. The state guarantees that every child aged 0 to 3 years will be assigned to a dairy kitchen; after this age, restrictions come into force, but those who are especially in dire need of support will continue to receive food in the established quantity. The quality and safety of products is controlled by special services, so there is no doubt that all sales deadlines meet established standards.

The compositions of dairy kitchen kits in Moscow are discussed in the following video:

In the city of Moscow, free distribution of products included in the dairy kitchen range is based on:

  1. All newborns are up to 12 months old, if they are bottle-fed due to the mother’s lack of breast milk (also in cases of combined feeding).
  2. All babies are between 12 and 36 months old, whether they are breastfed or not.
  3. All children under 7 years old if they are born or adopted in a large family.
  4. Children with confirmed disabilities of any group.
  5. Children with confirmed diagnoses of chronic diseases (before reaching the age of 15).
  6. Pregnant women at all stages.
  7. Breastfeeding women until the child is six months old (applies only to those cases when the child eats only breast milk, without artificial additives).

Important! All specified persons must have Moscow registration.

Standards for issuing and list of dairy products in Moscow

Dispensing rates directly depend on the age of the baby, as well as on the position of the mother (pregnant or nursing). The main supplier is the Agusha company. The general list of products is as follows:

  1. Milk and fermented milk mixtures, specially processed for baby food (“Agusha”).
  2. Juices "Agusha" for children of all ages, with and without pulp: apple, pear, peach and mixes.
  3. Fruit puree“Agusha”: berry (blueberry, currant) or fruit (apple, apricot), as well as berry-fruit mixes.
  4. Vegetable puree“Bebivita” (from carrots, pumpkin, zucchini, broccoli and cauliflower).
  5. Poultry puree, beef, turkey and veal, developed specifically for children of all ages with and without the addition of vegetable puree (Agusha and Bebivita brands).
  6. Juices with vitamins, minerals, developed specifically for pregnant and lactating women at all stages (“Agusha”).
  7. Specially processed milk, ultra-pasteurized with a fat content of 2.5% (“Agusha”).

What they serve at the dairy kitchen in Moscow (video)

Nursing mothers and pregnant women

Nursing mothers and those preparing to become them are offered 2 types of dairy products:

  1. Milk.
  2. The juice is fortified.

The issuance rates are presented in the tables.

For pregnant women:

For nursing mothers:

A set of dairy products in Moscow for children under 6 months

Newborn babies are entitled to formula milk, fruit puree and juices (some are given from 4 or 5 months), as well as dry porridge. The standards are indicated in the table.

Dairy kitchen for children aged 6 months to 3 years

Norms for children 7-8 months:

volume per month in grams

package weight in grams

number of packages per month

children's cottage cheese

fruit juice

instant dry porridge

vegetable puree

fruit puree

meat puree (from 8 months)

Norms for children 9-12 months:

volume per month in grams

package weight in grams

number of packages per month

dry adapted milk formula

liquid adapted milk formula

kefir for children

children's cottage cheese

fruit juice

instant dry porridge

vegetable puree

fruit puree

meat and vegetable puree (from 8 months)

meat puree (from 8 months)

Standards for children from 1 year to 2 years:

Standards for children from 2 to 3 years old:

Free dairy products for children from 7 to 15 years old and disabled children

Dairy cuisine or homemade cottage cheese (video)

List of documents required to obtain

The list of all documents that must be provided in original form is as follows:

  1. Birth certificate.
  2. Mom's passport (indicating the corresponding registration).
  3. Certificate of registration at a Moscow address, which is issued in the name of the child.
  4. Medical policy in the name of the child.
  5. A prescription from a doctor with a complete list of prescribed products for the mother and/or child.
  6. Other documents that give the right to preferential treatment - a certificate for a large family, medical certificates confirming the fact of a child’s chronic illness or disability group.

Procedure for issuing free meals at the dairy kitchen in 2018

To register the possibility of receiving products from a dairy kitchen, you should collect a complete list of documents, taking into account your specific situation (you may additionally need a certificate from a large family or medical certificates).

Who to contact for a recipe for dairy cuisine in Moscow and the Moscow region

To receive products, you need to write an application and receive a prescription, which is issued by your local pediatrician. He enters into the document a complete list of products that should be given to the mother and/or her child.

Products are usually issued within 10 working days from the day the full list of documents and application was submitted. Often in clinics the prescription itself for the next month can be written out before the 25th of the current month (if it falls on a weekend, even earlier).

How often should a prescription be filled?

The frequency of prescription depends on the age of the child and the position of the mother:

  • for pregnant women at all stages - for a calendar month;
  • nursing mothers and children aged 12 to 36 months – for 3 months;
  • for everyone else – for six months.

Recently, it has become possible to receive food for a month at once. This does not apply to perishable products (kefir, cottage cheese, etc.). A special application is provided, the form of which can be obtained directly at the point of issue.

Important! If the prescription is written out for a child, the mother must be present at the doctor’s appointment with him. Otherwise, the doctor will not be able to do this by law.

On the possibility of receiving products from a dairy kitchen without registration

There are opportunities to obtain dairy products if the location of the clinic and the registered address do not match. Here are some options:

  1. If a citizen is registered in one district of Moscow, but lives in another, then it is enough, along with the standard set of documents, to attach a statement that at the place of registration he does not receive any products from the dairy kitchen.
  2. If a citizen is from out of town, but has issued temporary registration in Moscow, he has the same right to receive products as Muscovites with permanent registration.

All other cases – i.e. when visitors do not have temporary or permanent Moscow registration, they exclude the possibility of receiving food.

Addresses and opening hours of the dairy kitchen in Moscow and the Moscow region

Over the past year, the operating hours of dairy kitchens have been transformed based on the interests of mothers and babies, who find it more convenient to receive food early in the morning. Therefore, all kitchens start working from 06-30. As for the end of the shift, this usually happens before lunch (10-00, 11-00, 12-30).

The specific schedule can be clarified in several ways:

  1. Find it online by typing in a search engine: “Moscow clinic No.__ dairy kitchen.”
  2. By calling the clinic (each pick-up point is assigned to a specific hospital).

In total, there are more than 190 distribution points in Moscow. On the Internet you can see the location and operating mode of each of them.

Grocery kit in the dairy kitchen at 9 months (video)

Before receiving food, it is important to carefully consult with your pediatrician to include other foods in your baby's diet that will allow him to grow faster and feel good.