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2017 will endow Pisces with activity and determination, which will sharply distinguish them from their passive environment. Throughout the year, Pisces will demonstrate confidence, communication skills, energy, and organizational skills. These qualities will have an impact on all areas of activity of this zodiac sign and will help to achieve support and achieve their plans.

The only thing that can prevent Pisces from achieving their goals in the first half of the year stems from the huge variety of their hobbies.

Activity and curiosity will boil continuously, pushing them to the very epicenter of current events in order to learn something new. Thanks to this, in 2017 Pisces will make many profitable acquaintances, however, their attention to important matters may be diverted.

The second half of the year for this zodiac sign foreshadows the possibility of the other extreme - Pisces can get bogged down in everyday and economic issues during this period, devoting all their attention to solving everyday matters.

In 2017, Pisces will have many great opportunities to use their powerful potential. The stars recommend that Pisces show at least a little perseverance and determination to implement their plans, concentrating on important issues, and not wasting their energy on trifles.

Love horoscope for 2017 Pisces

the site predicts unconditional success for Pisces in 2017 with the opposite sex due to their absolute confidence that they are simply irresistible. And such confidence, combined with sociability and self-esteem, will be able to reliably defeat anyone on the spot.

It goes without saying that in this situation, in the first half of the year, Pisces will not suffer from a lack of fans. In addition, the active lifestyle that representatives of this zodiac sign will lead at this time - various travels, public events, communication with people - will provide Pisces who have not yet met their soul mate with many chances for promising acquaintances. Well, those Pisces who have already found a life partner will be able to demonstrate it to everyone around them.

At the beginning of the Year of the Rooster, there is a high probability that lonely Pisces will go through possible options, taking other people’s feelings lightly, and their personal relationships will be very frivolous.

However, the second half of 2017 will be marked by Pisces’ serious attitude towards organizing their personal life. This time will be distinguished by the opportunity to start a long-term, perhaps lifelong, relationship.

Career 2017 Pisces

2017 will be most favorable for Pisces in matters of career advancement and improving their financial situation. Only one point should be taken into account: in the first and second half of the year you will have to act in completely different ways to achieve success.

In the first half of the year, the main weapons of this zodiac sign will be communication skills, organizational abilities and confidence in their actions. These qualities will help Pisces attract the attention of important people, make the necessary contacts and improve their position in their career.

The second half of 2017 in the career horoscope is characterized by concentration, which will make it much easier to solve problems that require attentiveness and scrupulousness. Calculations, systematization, and training will be easy and simple for Pisces.

Actually, throughout 2017, this zodiac sign will have many opportunities to move forward and get ahead of rivals. If Pisces does not waste their enormous potential on trifles, they will achieve a lot.

Finances in the year of the Rooster Pisces

The financial sector of Pisces will be under the influence of Mars, which means that things will not be very favorable with money. There is a possibility of a banal loss of a large sum of money, or Pisces may run into a scammer who will fraudulently take over part of their funds.

Personalities of this zodiac sign need to carefully read the terms of the contract being concluded and do not skimp on a lawyer who will help conclude a serious financial deal without the risk of losing funds. It is best to postpone the main expenses in 2017 to the end of the year.

Health in the year of the Rooster Pisces

People born under the sign of Pisces in 2017 will be more cheerful and energetic than ever, and all because of their high potential and strengthened immunity, which allows them to rarely think about illnesses. Meanwhile, these individuals may unexpectedly develop diseases of the genitourinary system associated with a sexually transmitted disease. These people need to be more selective with their sexual partners. In addition, this year Pisces should think about losing weight, for which it is important not only to choose the right diet, but also to start exercising.

Horoscope 2017 Pisces man

From the beginning of the year, many difficulties will stand in the way of men of the sign of Pisces. These individuals will have to resolve issues in court, deal with senior management and survive scandals and quarrels in their own family. This is why you should stick to your true friends, who will help and support Pisces in any situation. At the end of the year, the authority in the family of these men will significantly strengthen and these Pisces will become the sovereign heads of their families. By the way, 2017 will be a very wasteful year in terms of finances, and therefore you should not waste money in vain.

Horoscope 2017 Pisces woman

From the beginning of the year, women born under the sign of Pisces will have many fans, both singles and those with families. These girls and women will be tempted by courtship and gifts, but it is worth remaining faithful if Pisces has a beloved man. The year 2017 is very good for strengthening family relationships and conceiving a child, but it is unlikely to bring satisfaction to such women in their careers, since no special prospects for development are expected.

Horoscope for 2017 for zodiac-eastern signs:


Lonely individuals of the Pisces sign will often be depressed and depressed this year, since they will not have a strong shoulder nearby. Perhaps it makes sense to loosen up and stop feeling sorry for yourself, then people will be drawn to these individuals.

Pisces Ox

2017 will be a rich year for adventures for Pisces born in the year of the Ox. They will often be unfaithful to their partners and will spend a lot of time traveling without experiencing an iota of discomfort. Perhaps these people will really like this life.


The Year of the Rooster is very good for unleashing your creative potential. Perhaps Pisces will be able to declare themselves as a promising aspiring screenwriter, musician or director. The main thing is not to sit idly by, but to promote your talent.


Pisces, who were born in the year of the Rabbit, also have enormous development potential. The person with whom fate will bring these people together in the spring of 2017 will help unlock such potential. It is important not to miss this chance and make significant progress in development.


In order to live in peace and harmony, Pisces need to let go of grievances against loved ones, forgive them everything and start living in the future, not the past. If Pisces continues to be offended, they risk being left alone without their loved ones.


Personalities of the Pisces sign this year should not make decisions without advice from experienced and knowledgeable people, since self-esteem can play a cruel joke with such people. This will especially apply to cash and the handling of securities.


In order to dispel boredom in a relationship with a loved one, Pisces needs to become more active and bring variety to the sphere of relationships. It is quite possible that the couple will benefit from a holiday together at the seaside or a common activity, for example, renovating an apartment.


If these individuals dream of making significant progress in their careers and taking the place of a company manager, Pisces will have to sacrifice their own relationships with a loved one, and even their own health, since nervous tension will go through the roof and this person will often end up in the hospital.


Representatives of this zodiac sign will enjoy solitude and complete freedom this year. They will even change a job that becomes burdensome for Pisces to another one that involves frequent changes of scenery and travel.


The year is ideal for those Pisces who dream of overcoming their bad habits, losing weight, quitting smoking or drinking alcohol. But if you don’t take care of your health, Pisces will face serious problems with the body.


In 2017, these Pisces will experience incredible development in their professional activities. Moreover, if these people want to become the best in their profession, they should not waste time and money on their development and advanced training.


Only optimism and self-confidence will save Pisces born in the year of the Pig this year. The fact is that a huge responsibility will fall on them, and besides, life will often confront these people with the choice of work or family. It is important to make choices with your heart so as not to blame yourself in the future.

Date of birth: from 19.02 to 20.03

Horoscope 2017 Pisces woman
Women's zodiac horoscope for Pisces for 2017

Horoscope 2017 Pisces woman

Horoscope 2017 Pisces woman

The aquatic inhabitants of the zodiac in 2017 will radiate a sea of ​​positivity. The owner of the year, the Rooster, will endow them with irrepressible energy, which Pisces will have to share with others. But the most pleasant thing is that fate has prepared many gifts for the ladies of this sign.


A surprise awaits Pisces at work - a patron will appear who will help improve their career in every possible way. And most importantly, the help will be absolutely selfless. The stars do not advise refusing such help. But you yourself should not rely only on patronage. You should not stop developing creatively, acquiring new knowledge and mastering relevant skills.



Last year for many Pisces became a time of breaking up with their partner. Therefore, single ladies can expect a new acquaintance, which will turn out to be successful. A meeting with your future spouse is most likely at the end of March or at the beginning of April. Those who are expecting a proposal from their lover will have to experience a joyful event - marriage. The stars recommend formalizing the relationship in June or September. And those who meet an interesting man in October can expect a long and strong friendship with him, and then a wedding. But the wedding will take place no earlier than mid-2018.


In the year of the Rooster, Pisces will not have any problems with finances. And those who are inclined to hoarding and saving will be able to afford to purchase an apartment, car or country house at the end of the year. New connections acquired this year will prove profitable and bring new sources of income. There is no need to be afraid of deception on the part of your business partners; you will only meet decent people on your way.


Health will not let you down in 2017 either. You will be cheerful and full of energy. The only thing that the heavenly bodies do not recommend is carrying weights. Excessive load on the skeleton can lead to dysfunction of the skeletal system.

Zodiac horoscope for women for 2017

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From the very beginning of 2017, Pisces will feel how dynamic the new season will be for them. A quick change of events and a lot of new information awaits you. Of course, maintaining such a pace will not be easy for a sign prone to melancholic contemplation. However, in 2017 you will easily cope with this task! Moreover, you will enjoy the feeling of an active, eventful life.

Famous Pisces

  • Rihanna
  • George Washington
  • Oleg Yankovsky
  • Steve Jobs
  • Victor Hugo
  • Tatiana Dogileva
  • Elizabeth Taylor
  • Borislav Brondukov
  • Antonio Vivaldi
  • Michelangelo Buonarroti

Forecast for the zodiac sign Pisces for 2017

In spring, forget about your tendency towards loneliness and a reclusive lifestyle. Chat with friends, visit exhibitions, theaters and parties. You will discover your ability to easily make new acquaintances, and old friends will be amazed at your sociability. Try to find time for your family, otherwise you will be accused of being callous and inattentive.

In the summer, you will feel the urge to change your appearance. Do not deny yourself the pleasure of changing your hairstyle, make an appointment with a cosmetologist and update your wardrobe - the result will be stunning! Also, 2017 is a good year for those who decided to get a second education. You will once again learn new knowledge with interest and immerse yourself in dynamic student life. Remember the importance of spiritual development - this way you will amaze your surroundings not only with a stylish appearance, but also with deep knowledge on any issue.

2017 will seem unexpectedly stormy for the balanced Pisces!

The stars recommend maintaining mental tone through reading. In the fall, the Rooster will evoke in you the need for continuous self-improvement - do not resist this, as any undertaking will be successful and effective. Over the past time, Pisces has accumulated such an amount of energy that it would be a sin not to use it for personal interests. At the end of the year, try to put your backlog in order and fulfill your promises. Under no circumstances take unresolved problems with you into the New Year!

It is best to plan a vacation in winter. The stars promise you a productive trip filled with pleasant events. Pisces will be able not only to have a great rest and gain strength, but also to meet useful people. If you have a desire to go to exotic countries, be careful with the local cuisine. The biggest danger of 2017 for Pisces is the possibility of serious food poisoning.

Try to achieve reconciliation with old rivals, approach the conflict diplomatically - and it will be resolved without consequences. Excessive emotions pose a potential danger for Pisces - the straightforward and hot-tempered Rooster will push you to resolve disputes by shouting. Do not fall for this provocation, so as not to quarrel with people dear to you. The more calm and balanced your behavior is, the more successful the year will be. Remember the main annual motto: “Composure is the path to success!”

  • Forecast for men. The year promises Pisces many changes that will only benefit them. Try to withstand the tests that fate prepares with honor, and you will be favored by fortune at the end of 2017. At this time, you will become more confident in yourself, which will attract increased attention from the opposite sex. The year promises to be very rich in exciting acquaintances and exciting dates. You can use this chance to choose a life partner.
  • Forecast for women. Pisces women must definitely pay attention to their appearance. It's time to change your usual look, adding some zest and even some spice to it. Such changes are especially recommended for lonely Pisces - this will avoid the manifestations of spring depression and attract new fans into your life. The chances of meeting your other half are especially high in the summer. Well, family Pisces must maintain home comfort throughout the year and pay attention to their spouse. Your efforts will not be in vain - peace and mutual understanding will reign in the family.

Love horoscope for 2017

The sphere of personal relationships in 2017 will be characterized by a nervous environment. Pisces must make every effort to survive the turbulent winter of 2017. It’s as if your partner is deliberately starting to provoke you into scandals. The stars recommend that Pisces muster their will and not respond to provocations. You need to stock up on prudence and calmness - and then you will be able to survive troubled times without breaking off relations. Remember that constructive dialogue is a guarantee of peace and harmony in a couple.

Quarrels and displeasure await you on the love front.

The stars promise Pisces men success in matters of love. Autumn will be especially bright and eventful - single men will finally get a couple, and family Pisces will be able to take their relationship with their partner to a new level. The stars advise Pisces to show more initiative: invite your beloved on dates, give compliments, pamper her with surprises and gifts. Your attitude will be received with due gratitude, and reciprocal attention to your person will not be long in coming.

Pisces women can expect protection from the Rooster in the area of ​​personal relationships. This incorrigible romantic is already preparing an interesting meeting for you, which may turn out to be fateful. The main thing is not to push the development of relationships, let them improve gradually.

Family Pisces will feel a creative impulse at the beginning of summer - they will want to change the situation. Do not pacify this desire - your household will be happy to help bring your plans to life. Don't forget the importance of family vacations. On warm days, go on picnics more often, have family dinners, and visit your parents. Children will require virtually no attention to their studies and will delight you with their achievements in sports.

Health horoscope for 2017

Astrologers recommend that Pisces spare no effort and money in order to properly strengthen the immune system. Your chronic diseases can cause a lot of unpleasant moments in the autumn-winter period if you do not pay due attention to their prevention in the summer. Plan your vacation wisely and spend at least a week in a sanatorium or health resort.

During vacation, Pisces should not only rest, but also heal

The Fire Rooster recommends that Pisces men do not shy away from sports - the result will be noticeable not only on your physical fitness, but will also improve your overall health. If you have long wanted to buy a bicycle, then find the money for this purchase. Moderate exercise in the form of cycling will benefit you.

Pisces women should closely monitor the genitourinary system - any alarm bell should be accompanied by an immediate visit to the doctor. Even if you are confident in the healing power of alternative medicine, do not get carried away with home recipes - it is better to consult a qualified specialist. Heavenly bodies advise spending as much time in the fresh air and doing aerobic exercise as possible.

Money horoscope for 2017

The beginning of the new year will please representatives of the Pisces sign with the stability of the financial sector. You should not expect particularly large profits, but you are not destined for serious financial expenses either. In the summer, try to avoid financial adventures, and then in the autumn months you can seriously strengthen your financial position.

In 2017, you need to diligently save money for the future

Astrologers advise Pisces men to spend money carefully in the winter. Learn to save - then by autumn you will be able to fulfill your cherished dream. Well, at the end of the year you can count on a salary increase or good bonuses.

The Fire Rooster recommends that Pisces women be careful in financial matters. Don't waste money on unnecessary little things! But investments in household appliances promise to be successful. Feel free to go to the store - such a purchase will be useful and will last for many years. You can expect your significant other to finance your needs - your man will be happy to pamper you with expensive gifts in the second half of the year.

Career horoscope for 2017

The sphere of career interests does not promise any surprises. The Rooster loves workaholics, so moving up the career ladder will depend on your efforts. Work with full dedication and expect a positive assessment of your work by the beginning of winter. In the spring, a large number of small and urgent matters are expected to arise. Solving them will not require too much effort, but they can bring some nervousness into your life.

Pisces will be faced with many small tasks that take up precious time.

Pay careful attention to the distribution of work responsibilities. 2017 is not the time for false modesty. Always state how much of the project you have completed, and don't be shy about highlighting personal accomplishments. Colleagues may try to shift some of their work onto you, so feel free to remind them that they receive the same reward for their work as you.

The stars recommend that Pisces men rank matters depending on their importance. Take care of global tasks - and small matters will be solved by themselves in the process of moving towards the fundamental goal. You will understand how much easier it will be for you to work by evenly distributing your efforts. Don’t panic if in the spring you feel like things are overwhelming you like an avalanche. Put aside unnecessary emotions and show professionalism - then your superiors will appreciate your ability to cope with the workload.

Pisces women must be prepared for the fact that their career will require emphases. To achieve maximum effect, you will have to sacrifice some free time. It will be especially difficult for Pisces in the spring. Don't be dramatic - this work blockage will not last forever. In the summer, you can rest on your laurels, looking around at the mountain of work done. In the fall, practically no effort will be required from you - the laid foundation will ensure a calm end to the Year of the Fire Rooster.

The year is very good for new meetings. In addition to new acquaintances, it doesn’t hurt to remember old friendships - it will be pleasant and beneficial. But what you can’t do is portray a reclusive hermit - loneliness can lead to depression.

The period is conducive to acquiring new knowledge in any field. It wouldn't hurt for Pisces to go to school, enroll in courses, or at least devote more time to reading. This use of time will bring both material and moral benefits. The New Year suggests that Pisces will constantly improve their skills and acquire new ones.

There are a lot of things to do and troubles, but you will have enough strength to complete them. The fast pace of life can even become a habit, so that in the future it will be difficult to live without it.

But this will require a competent alternation of work and rest. If you arrange a real vacation for yourself (the best time is winter, paradoxically), then your health will be excellent and your potential will be enough for a whole lot of achievements.

Pisces Man: Horoscope for 2017

A significant part of the year will bring troubles and problems at work. The activities of the Pisces man will become a subject of keen interest and discussion among superiors and colleagues. This will be all the more expensive since the man himself during this period will be interested not in his career, but in his personal life.

With the beginning of autumn, things can settle on their own. In principle, the whole year can be successful if Pisces men have enough endurance and calm. You can't be nervous - it won't help. It is better to be moderately daring and decisive. A state of inner harmony and calm will help change all circumstances in your favor.

Pisces Woman: Horoscope for 2017

At the beginning of the year, it is advisable to devote more time to your family. Elderly relatives will need attention, and children risk falling into bad company; care must be taken to ensure that this does not happen.

From the middle of the year the situation will return to normal and life will return to a calm rut. Good news for single Pisces - during this period they can count on a declaration of love.

At work, you can expect an offer to take a leadership position. It may be a little scary, but you should accept the offer - the work will be up to you and will bring you a good income.

In terms of money, it is better to pay off accumulated debts at the beginning of the year. Dragging them into the New Year is a bad omen.

Born in the year of the Rat (1960, 1972, 1984, 1996)

You can expect a variety of surprises. Pisces can count on success in any area - be it in their career or in love affairs. But it is very important to decide where exactly the efforts will be made and where exactly a noticeable result is desired. Then that is where it will be received. You can just sit quietly. Problems will not arise, although achievements will not appear out of nowhere either.

Born in the year of the Ox (1961, 1973, 1985, 1997)

Advantageous offers from influential friends will provide an opportunity to advance in your career and improve your financial situation - this chance should not be neglected.

The most important thing will be the ability to build relationships with people. There is no need for conflicts and quarrels - all problems can be resolved peacefully, and the year is conducive to such behavior.

Born in the Year of the Tiger (1962, 1974, 1986, 1998)

Attractive leadership positions with good opportunities await Pisces-Tigers. At the same time, you will have the opportunity to choose; you will be able to advance in your existing service or change your profession.

But we must remember that success will require the skills of a diplomat. It will be useful to hide the claws and briefly repaint the tiger skin in one tone - sometimes a little secrecy can only be beneficial.

Born in the Year of the Rabbit (1963, 1975, 1987, 1999)

Success is guaranteed both in work and in love. But you will have to fight for it - competitors are not asleep, and sometimes it won’t hurt for them to try the tenacious claws.

Business ventures promise quick and good profits, so financial problems will be a thing of the past. The most favorable occupation for Pisces-Cats will be their own business, so those who do not yet have one should start obtaining permits.

Born in the Year of the Dragon (1964, 1976, 1988, 2000)

There is no favorable area of ​​activity for these Pisces - everyone is like that in the new year. As a result, finances will not be left behind - an increase is expected in your wallet.

Some people are lucky - and their personal life prepares pleasant surprises. The New Year has prepared for Pisces-Dragons a meeting with their true love for life.

Born in the year of the Snake (1965, 1977, 1989, 2001)

The best risk is a well-calculated risk. This is exactly what is shown in the new year for Pisces-Snake. Moderate adventurism against the backdrop of sober calculation will give brilliant results in all areas.

Those who were worried about money can stop doing so - constant income is guaranteed, and it will be quite significant. Business partners will line up to sign a contract with such a promising person.

Born in the year of the Horse (1966, 1978, 1990, 2002)

To achieve success, you will need personal charm, which Pisces-Horses are not deprived of. This quality will help you achieve success, as they say, “in love and war.”

But what you shouldn’t do is really think too much about yourself. You can portray something similar, but true self-esteem must correspond to reality - the New Year does not forgive arrogance.

Born in the Year of the Goat (1967, 1979, 1991, 2003)

There will be a lot of fans - we’ll have time to fend them off. Unfortunately, many will be attracted solely by financial success, which will be truly deafening.

There will be many offers to conclude a deal or provide work; all that remains is to carefully look for the most profitable one.

Born in the Year of the Monkey (1968, 1980, 1992, 2004)

The most favorable field of activity is politics. But there is no need to chase Zhirinovsky’s laurels - Pisces-Monkeys are more suited to a serious image, without a hint of ambiguous humor and shockingness. It’s better to get a solid suit and speak very competently.

But in your personal life you can afford literally anything - there is enough charm to seduce a prince or princess.

Born in the year of the Rooster (1969, 1981, 1993, 2005)

Enormous popularity is both an achievement and a problem. There will be enough business offers, lucrative deals, business and romantic acquaintances. There will be so much of all this that it won’t take long for you to become overtired.

So it will be useful to monitor your health and be sure to provide yourself with a full vacation somewhere in a quiet place, away from the hustle and bustle. Sometimes you need to forget about how much everyone needs you.

Born in the Year of the Dog (1970, 1982, 1994, 2006)

In the new year, Pisces-Dogs will succeed in any business, and any business will generate income. The house will be cozy and full of different things - there will be enough money for everything.

Born in the year of the Pig (1971, 1983, 1995, 2007)

A good mood is guaranteed, and any business will be a success. It doesn’t matter what field Pisces-Pigs are in - good luck comes to them. All colleagues recognize their high authority, so there is no need to be afraid of intrigues. The only thing the boss may be a little worried about is whether the fish are going to take his chair. But this may also lead him to the idea of ​​giving them something else, no worse.

Opening your own business can provide an excellent prospect. It may happen that a former boss will become an excellent companion.

The next year will be 2017, which according to the eastern calendar will be marked as the year of the restless and independent Fire Rooster. Due to the confrontation between the internal strength of this bird and the “game” of the planets, a struggle between the forces of good and evil is possible.

General predictions for 2017

The atmosphere and energy of the new year will in no way suit Pisces, who are inclined towards loneliness and solitude. This is a time of noisy companies, friends and relatives; it is necessary to surround yourself with familiar, pleasant and necessary people as often as possible. And, by the way, friends and relatives of Pisces this year will be more active and sociable than ever, so you just shouldn’t resist new opportunities to unite and communicate.

However, you should be extremely careful, since the whirlpool of interesting and exciting events can increase the risk of abandoning and forgetting your older contacts, so you need to plan your schedule in such a way as to manage everything you need.

In 2017, it is important for Pisces to pay attention to their appearance, so visits to beauty salons and home cosmetic procedures should be a separate item in the schedule. But there is no limit to improvement, and in the future all efforts will certainly be appreciated by others.

Work and career growth

Professionally, the new year will not bring anything good or bad to Pisces; in general, it will be a period of calm and peace. Although, each representative of this sign can turn the wheel of Fortune for the better, and what exactly the work and career will bring will depend on each individual person.

The beginning of the year will bring Pisces a lot of small troubles, but in very large quantities; to solve them you will need to get together and not be distracted by trifles.

In order to “seize your luck,” you will need to properly plan your time and distribute all the work - in this case, you will be quite capable of coping with your worries.

Pisces are advised to prioritize all their worries and work issues, and start by tackling the most important thing first, the things that cannot be delayed. Even if you don’t have time for the little things, that’s okay. In 2017, Pisces are advised to slightly adjust their personal plans for the sake of work, and to advance their personal interests.

This will allow you to achieve maximum efficiency and career growth in business in the future. You may need to sacrifice a few days off or a whole weekend to solve fundamental problems, but you shouldn’t take this tragically; after that, a significant improvement in your career status will help you perk up.

The second half of 2017 for people born under the sign of Pisces will be characterized by significantly high emotional distress, this will be due to constant stress at work, overwork and accumulated fatigue. Then the moment will come when Pisces definitely need to relax, go on vacation, spend the weekend with family or friends.

Money and finance

Stability is the motto of 2017 for those born under the sign of Pisces, since in the first half of the year there is an opportunity to completely eliminate thoughtless waste and unplanned expenses.
To do this, you will need to be especially careful in financial matters; it is recommended to look especially closely at various kinds of adventures and temptations.

The second half of the year will give Pisces a stable financial platform, if, of course, you adhere to all the recommendations at the beginning. If you manage to save on unnecessary expenses and accumulate an impressive amount of money by the end of the year, you can spend it on making your long-time dream come true and treat yourself to a trip, cruise or vacation. Thus, the end of the year will be quite pleasant and profitable for Pisces.

Love and relationships

In the area of ​​personal relationships, Pisces will experience some instability and minor difficulties. In particular, Pisces will have to face an unstable situation in the first half of the year. This period will be potentially dangerous for those who are already in a relationship or marriage.

Perhaps in order to get through this time without loss, you will need to listen to your partner and try to make every effort to find a common language.

In the year of the Rooster, it is necessary to try to stabilize your emotional and mental state. This will allow you to improve your relationship with your loved one. Increasing the level of the emotional state of Pisces will lead to increased energy, which must be directed to resolving various squabbles and quarrels. Of course, this will be quite difficult, but if you still achieve a positive result, eventually there will be peace and harmony in the family and relationships. And just for this it’s worth getting together, concentrating and trying to direct your energy towards peace and tranquility in the family.

The second half of 2017 will be more productive in intimate terms, especially for those who are just looking for their soulmate. So, on the love front, an interesting passion will finally loom, or the relationship with a loved one will reach a new level. It is recommended to start the second half of the year with romantic dates, nice gifts for your loved one or various pleasant surprises.

For Pisces, the time comes when the initiative will completely belong to them, the main thing is not to miss their chance.

At the end of the year, Pisces will have pleasant, interesting meetings and acquaintances with a stormy long-term continuation, but in order for them to develop in the future, it is necessary to approach the feeling that arose during this period very reverently and carefully.


In 2017, Pisces will not be bothered by chronic diseases and various types of health difficulties if prevention is carried out in a timely and systematic manner. Particular attention should be paid to the genitourinary system. It is recommended to direct all efforts and capabilities to strengthen the immune system. However, women should refrain from cosmetic procedures in 2017, but doing fitness and light sports is not forbidden.

The next video shows the horoscope for Pisces for 2017.