If a husband yells at his wife. What to do when your husband screams

Nowadays, people get married voluntarily and having at least sympathy for each other, if not love. But it also happens that relationships do not stand the test of time and deteriorate almost in the very first years of life together. A conflict is brewing, quarrels are becoming more frequent, and the woman asks herself the question: why does my husband constantly yell at me, humiliate and insult me, and even in front of the child? Unfortunately, many women have encountered this phenomenon.

Why is this happening?

Psychology has several reasons for such a change in a man.

  • Perhaps the partners’ feelings were shallow, and the husband was the first to cool down; the household routine was added to this, and now he no longer wants to return home, where everything habitually irritates him. And the most dissatisfaction is caused by the wife whose appearance has changed after childbirth or for other reasons.
  • Perhaps the husband was deprived of his wife’s attention, and this is how his resentment is expressed. He understands that he is behaving unworthily, but cannot restrain himself.
  • Perhaps this is how a relationship crisis manifests itself, one of those that all couples go through. It can happen in the third, and in the seventh, and in the tenth, and even in the first: the situation is painful, but can be solved with the help of a psychologist.
  • Perhaps the husband has a mistress, and by starting domestic scandals for no reason, he provokes his wife to initiate the divorce, thereby freeing his hands for a new relationship. He does not intend to take responsibility for the breakup of the relationship.
  • Perhaps he has problems at work, and he takes out his complexes on the person closest to him. If a wife constantly hears from her husband that she is a bad housewife, a worthless lover, a boring person and a terrible mother, he is unlikely to be driven by the desire to make her better.
  • Perhaps he has long wanted to end the relationship, but openly expresses his hostility only when he is under the influence. You should not attribute rudeness to the influence of alcohol; alcohol only helps to make the secret become apparent. Sooner or later he will start to break down and sober.
  • Perhaps a woman depends on her husband financially or housing, she does not have the opportunity to provide for herself, much less raise children alone, and she is forced to endure insults and even beatings from an unruly lout for years. In this case, the woman is especially recommended to consult a psychologist who will help her restore self-esteem and outline ways out of the vicious circle.
  • Perhaps the woman controls her husband too clearly, checks his phone, is jealous without reason, forbids him to see friends, and this can cause him to burst into indignation. The same thing can happen in response to a bad joke from a spouse on a slippery topic.
  • Perhaps the marriage took place at a very early age, and when the charm of falling in love began to fade, the young spouse realized that he had not yet enjoyed freedom and that it was too early for him to bear responsibility for creating family relationships. Feeling tied down, he begins to take out his aggression on the woman he recently seemed to love.
  • Perhaps in the family where this male individual grew up, it was customary to insult and humiliate his wife, mother, sisters and other relatives, and now he automatically copies the behavior of men of his kind.

Psychology knows a great many reasons why a husband yells at his wife, insults her, humiliates her, and even more so raises his hand against her.

The question is - what to do in this case?

To begin with, the wife should try to get her ill-mannered life partner to have a serious conversation about what happened, why he raises his voice at you and insults you in the presence of his own child. The sooner you understand what happened, the sooner the brewing conflict will be resolved. It is possible that he will give a reason that is not worth a damn - for example, jealousy of his school crush or a famous musician whose posters are hanging in your bedroom, or that you spend too much time shopping. Such problems are easily solved. But the conversation on this topic should be continued only if you are calm and the person does not become louder.

Sometimes it is enough to stop playing the role of the victim for the despot to cease being a despot.

But if insults and rudeness are heard again in response, think about whether it is worth looking for reasons in yourself, whether it is worth saving the family, is it possible to have an intimate relationship with this person after humiliation and insults, what attitudes will the child grow up with, will he repeat you or your husband When will the time come for him to start a family?

I am a professional psychologist with experience in solving problems related to family relationships. When such events occur in a family, you should not waste time, contact a specialist, this way you will save your self, nervous system and time.. I conduct consultations in a private office in the center of Moscow and online using.

If for some reason you cannot decide to have this conversation and further actions, you need the help of a psychotherapist. You can contact me by phone or through the electronic registration form on the website. I conduct consultations in person in an office in the center of Moscow or via Skype. There is always time in my schedule to listen to you and help you gather your strength. Our communication is completely confidential, you can trust me with everything you consider necessary, not a word will be passed on to third parties.

The belief that only women scream and are hysterical is greatly exaggerated. There are quite a few men who prefer to “loudly” declare their point of view. And it’s okay when a man shouts about something, but when he opens his mouth both on business and without business, then something needs to be done.

Indeed, what to do if your husband yells constantly? He is not embarrassed by those around him, his son sitting next to him does not stop him, he does not pay attention to anything. At first you tried to prove something, then you also started screaming. There was a time when you hoped that if you kept quiet, he would calm down quickly. But nothing changes, the husband continues to behave this way.

Let's start with the main thing: it is impossible to change a person. And this is the main mistake of all of us: we believe that we can make our other half like ourselves and instill our own views on life. Sometimes we spend our whole lives on this re-education, and in the end we come to the understanding that nothing can be changed. It is impossible to change a person, but you can try to retrain him. No one can guarantee that you will be able to direct the behavior of your beloved man in a different direction, but don’t sit with folded hands!

Any conflict can be resolved. The main remedy for resolving this situation is to talk about what is happening. You must speak calmly, without raising your voice under any circumstances. Do not expect that your chosen one will agree with you at that very moment and immediately correct himself. Most likely, he will scream again, trying to explain to you why he behaves this way and, most likely, he will say that you are provoking him. Better prepare for this right away. You have to endure it, no matter how difficult it is. Believe me, he is just waiting for this, for you to start screaming like him, and then you will hear: “It’s your own fault. You scream - and I answer!”
So, from time to time, talk and talk, suggest and suggest... Remember what they say: water wears away stones.

It is very awkward when the chosen one raises his voice in front of strangers. Parry calmly. If you have friends nearby, say: “Darling, let’s discuss this later.” If he doesn't stop, move away from people. Let him speak out. Never listen to insults in front of anyone. This will then certainly be spread around the world, plus it will also be multiplied many times over.

If your husband is too emotional and constantly screams, you can still fight this. But if the husband yells and even raises his hand, then we need to take action. If a man refuses to change, then think about whether you will continue to endure such hell. Perhaps it is worth gaining strength and breaking this vicious circle.

Psychologists They believe that passion and ardent feelings between lovers last about three years after they meet. In fact, happy families living in absolute harmony are rare. Most spouses eventually begin to quarrel, conflict with each other, and sometimes stagnation occurs in the relationship.

Manifestations of such stagnation may include changes in behavior. For example, a spouse may periodically switch to elevated tones when communicating with his beloved.
Only in fairy tales can there be serene relationship between people. Only those families who want to be together are able to preserve their tender love.

Psychologists advise understanding yourself. Ask yourself more often why your loved one was so wonderful that you lost your head in love. But after the wedding you cannot recognize him - he has changed and become completely different. All sorts of little things in his behavior began to irritate you. All the advantages of a loved one can be overshadowed by minor details.
Of course, this doesn't go anywhere comparison with a man screaming and this is definitely not a minor aspect of a relationship.

Your marriage will come with time end, if you began to find fault with your partner’s shortcomings, but progress in the relationship (at least) will not appear if you are indifferent to such manifestations as screaming. A man needs to be loved, his virtues remembered more often and, if possible, supported.

No need to merge together, for happiness. Most psychologists are sure that a small distance is necessary between spouses. Because excessive frankness is harmful, spouses will benefit from little secrets.

However, in certain situations you will need frankness. Although for this you need to make an effort and overcome possible fears. Two important areas of prevention include independent reflection and understanding of the cause of a man’s cry (we’ll talk about this later) and clarification of such manifestations with the husband.

Of course, here too it should be manifest a certain delicacy. In general, screaming is not typical behavior for a man, especially in... Screaming in the family is a sign of weakness (for the most part, especially if the reasons are minor).

In this regard, you again need navigate on the positive development of the situation and not take this weakness into account as such, but search for the reasons. It is possible that you are not providing your spouse with the emotional support she needs, or that your behavior is disappointing your man. Still, you are an active participant in the relationship, and you should understand your own responsibility.

It's sad, but many men " break down"on wives after any negative situations with other people or after their own wrong actions. Of course, this is difficult for a woman, but this is also a sign of a woman’s lack of ability to create emotional comfort in the house, an atmosphere in which a man could feel yourself as the best, to be filled with new aspirations, to understand why you should continue to act in this world.

It is in this direction as prevention The male cry should guide the strategy of female behavior. Yelling back at a man or swearing is sometimes appropriate, but for the most part it is only a sign of unspent sexual energy. If everything is in order with you in this regard, then you should be tolerant and over time, if you create a favorable atmosphere in the house and treat screaming with understanding, the man himself will understand how ridiculous such behavior is and will begin to appreciate you even more.

In conclusion We offer you some recommendations of a more practical nature. For many, they may seem frivolous, but in fact, it is these and similar nuances that make up your relationship and your coexistence. Read the tips from the Meduniver website in the psychology section and perhaps some will be useful to you.

1. If your spouse is watching a football match, you shouldn’t walk in front of it and sigh. There is absolutely nothing wrong with TV, football, chips and a little beer. Try watching the game once with your husband, maybe you will also like this kind of entertainment. And if you still can’t watch football, find something interesting to do during the football broadcast. In this case, the two of you will be satisfied.

2. Many wives are very susceptible and, having heard from their husband a refusal, for example, to buy new shoes or a trip to see their mother in the garden, at that very moment they begin to become hysterical. Most psychologists call this behavior simple blackmail, and many men cannot tolerate women’s tears and may resort to screaming.

3. What to do if husband- like to argue? There is no need to defend your innocence. Arguing is not good, but it’s also not necessary to constantly support him in everything. If you still decide to argue with your spouse, try to give him as many facts and arguments as possible, but you don’t need to go too far, you are a woman after all.

4. Yours husband- a fan of spending free time with your friends? The weekend is approaching, and you are already fully thinking about how your husband will go away to have fun with his comrades, and you will have to spend time alone and at home. There is no need to sit at home and wait for your loved one. And the likelihood that a considerable scandal will break out upon his return is quite high. You need to be more reasonable, let him go without shouting and quarreling, let him go to his friends to watch football or go fishing. And go to your friends or visit your mother, or even better, go shopping. You will see how quickly and unnoticed the weekend will fly by without any scandals or disputes.

5. Often men They don’t understand women’s hints. Sometimes it’s better to say it directly, otherwise your husband won’t be able to understand for a long time what exactly you want. This will allow you to make your relationship more productive.

We wish you harmony in your family relationships!


My name is Kim, I'm 28 years old and I came to this forum for advice.
I feel that I need help, because I myself cannot cope with my problem.

Lately I've been lashing out at my wife a lot. I become irritable over all sorts of little things, absolutely trivial things make me angry, I cannot keep my emotions under control. At such moments, I use my last strength to restrain myself from assault, which, fortunately, has not happened so far.

Half a year ago our wonderful daughter was born. Because all our relatives are in other cities, we have absolutely no time for personal life, for recreation and for personal interests. I go to work, my wife stays at home with the child. Our child is wonderful, but he requires a lot of attention, and in the evening he is often capricious, so after work I have to devote almost all my time to him. The wife does not sit still - she tries to do all the household chores and, of course, at least put herself in order a little after another busy day. My personal time appears only late in the evening, usually closer to ten o'clock. I am in constant tension due to the fact that I simply don’t have enough time for my personal interests: I can’t play sports, I can’t study (I study at the university as a correspondence student), I can’t devote time to my hobbies and other things. I in no way want to say that my wife finds time for this - things are even worse for her, because at least I go to work and have a little variety in these identical everyday life. Before the birth of the child, such a problem, naturally, did not exist. I've been nervous before, but it never came to such bouts of rage. And, to be honest, I just can’t get used to the fact that now I have absolutely no personal time. I am very happy that we have a baby, but I just can’t come to terms with the constant lack of time.

Recently, my younger sister became very ill - she was diagnosed with cancer, at that time she was 16. She celebrated her last two birthdays in the hospital. I have a very close relationship with her despite the age difference. A year has passed and her treatment continues to this day. She lives in another city with her parents, so she gets to see each other very rarely. Before the birth of the child, I tried to visit her at least once every two weeks, but now this happens very rarely. I constantly worry that I can't be there for her when she needs it. Sometimes I think that I should at least temporarily return to my hometown, live next to her, so that I can see her as often as possible. But my wife, unfortunately, will not approve of this proposal: here we both have good jobs, but there we will have to start all over again. This doesn’t scare me, but my wife, naturally, with the arrival of a small child, does not want to take such risks. And she has a circle of friends here, which she also doesn’t want to lose. In a word, I'm trying to tear myself apart: I want to be with my sister and with my family. Naturally, it is not possible to combine everything, because the constant lack of time, and sometimes money, simply does not allow us to solve all the problems at the same time. I constantly blame myself for not being able to be with my sister and parents in these difficult moments.

Mom’s health is also not so good, and dad has problems at work. Earnings are no longer what they used to be, so parents often lack money. Everyone's nerves are on edge. My wife and I try to help them as much as we can, because with my sister’s illness, expenses have increased several times (treatment, recovery). Previously, my parents never had problems with income, but lately financial difficulties have taken them by surprise more and more often. Moreover, all this happened literally at the same time as we learned about my wife’s pregnancy. I admit that I just wasn't ready for it.

Now I am studying in my third year of distance learning, next year I will have a diploma thesis. Even before, I didn’t always devote enough time to studying, and after the birth of my daughter, I completely stopped doing my homework. A lot of debts accumulated and there was a risk that I simply would not be able to graduate from university. I constantly think about this, but I often have neither the energy nor the time for homework. In the month of May, I thought that in the summer I would be able to get rid of my debts and go to my last year with peace of mind, but for 2 months of the summer I never took up my textbooks. To be honest, in light of all these events, I simply cannot bring myself to do my homework.

At work I have to constantly keep my emotions to myself, because I work in a large international company and no one here allows themselves to become emotional. Everyone behaves rather reservedly and conservatively, so I often bring home all the negativity from past meetings. I am afraid of losing my job, because I still do not have a higher education, and I am unlikely to be able to get a similar position without education. As a result, I am often forced to restrain my emotions and keep my opinions to myself, because I simply don’t want to be left without work with a small child and a mortgage for an apartment. I think about this quite often and it stresses me out.

All these factors put pressure on my nervous system. Lately, my outbursts of aggression have gone beyond all permitted limits. I'm ashamed to say this, but I started yelling at my wife insanely loudly, using all kinds of unpleasant language. And all this happens in front of a small child. In the evenings, when the child cries and I can’t calm him down, I try my best to restrain myself so as not to yell at him. Intellectually, I understand perfectly well that this is a small child who requires attention and care. But in the evening I’m tired myself, so emotions take precedence over reason. As a result, all this anger spills out on the wife. Several times already I caught myself thinking that I was actually ready to hit her during the next outburst of aggression. I put all the swear words on her, although she asked me many times not to swear in front of the child. Absolutely insignificant things can infuriate me, for example, the stroller does not want to fit into the trunk of the car. Or, for example, we are going to go for a walk with the child and my wife takes longer to get ready than I would like. Last night I yelled at her because the child was being naughty while she was washing the dishes. At that moment, I thought that she had been washing the dishes for too long and should have calmed the child long ago, because I couldn’t do it. I yelled at my wife, then I lulled the child to sleep, and when my wife asked me to put the child in bed, I simply began to insult her and try to explain to her that I was great like that, and she was just a worthless woman. Although in fact I don’t think so, on the contrary - I’m very pleased with how she copes with her new responsibilities.

Literally half an hour later I cool down and realize my guilt 100%. I immediately try to ask for forgiveness, try to hug her and sleep closer to her. The next day I come to work and constantly replay this situation in my head, realizing how much I was wrong. I will definitely write her a message asking her to forgive me and give her a hundred promises that in the future I will try to restrain myself in such situations. I only have enough for one day. A little time passes and I again snap at her over some trifle, although I understand perfectly well that she is no less tired than I am and is doing everything possible. Moreover, she tolerates all my outbursts of aggression every day. I am sure that anyone else in her place would have long ago packed her things and gone to live anywhere, just not to live with someone as nervous as me. I feel incredibly ashamed of moments like this and feel like an insignificance. I tell myself that this will never happen again, that I will never utter a single swear word at home again, but after a few days everything happens again and again. At work I don’t swear at all, but at home during quarrels I simply cannot restrain myself from swearing. It seems to me that there are no words better than swear words that will help me describe my feelings and thoughts at these moments. I have already tried many times to find solutions by reading expert advice on various forums. Some people advise counting to ten before you want to explode, but for me the explosion is ahead of my mind. Someone advises drinking motherwort or valerian, but took a course of Xanax - it did not give any result.

And, what’s most offensive, after literally half an hour I really realize that I’m wrong. I begin to blame myself for once again causing a scandal in front of my daughter, who certainly should not see such things. Before the birth of my daughter, I made promises to myself that after her birth everything would change and I would never allow myself to scream, much less swear in her presence. Now she is half a year old and I still haven’t been able to change myself for the better - it’s only getting worse. I'm afraid to think that soon she will be a year old and she will understand everything that her inadequate dad is shouting to her mother throughout the apartment. I love my wife very much and am sincerely grateful to her for everything she does for me. And any other man would not be able to find a single reason to pour out as much dirt on her as I can pour out because of some next trifle. It’s hard to believe, but my wife is a very calm girl, very restrained and well-mannered, during the 6 years of our relationship she has never yelled at me. Moreover, she extremely rarely provokes any quarrels. I'm afraid that one day she'll just say she doesn't want anything to do with me anymore. Even worse - I can’t restrain myself and hit her, which I can never forgive myself for. Once, in anger, I slapped her on the head and it was clear that she was scared. I myself did not expect this from myself, because I always told everyone that only scum can lay hands on women and children, and now I myself am one step away from this. After that incident, I was incredibly ashamed in front of her, because She was absolutely not to blame, and I just once again could not keep my emotions under control, moreover, I hurt her.

In fits of rage, I want to break furniture, I want to punch everything that is nearby. During the European Football Championship, I was unable to watch the match because we had to bathe the child, which also drove me crazy: I slammed the closet door so hard that it flew off its hinges, and then threw the baby bathtub into the bathroom with roar. As a result, we quarreled again, but literally after 20 minutes I cooled down and went to screw the cabinet door back. I understand that this sounds funny, but at that moment I simply rudely expressed to her a bunch of complaints about the fact that we could go bathe the child a little later, knowing full well about the importance of the children's regime. Several times I thought about hanging a punching bag at home - maybe it would help me get rid of unnecessary nervousness. Sometimes I am serious that I will end my life in a psychiatric clinic, because Every time it gets worse and worse. Moreover, I constantly promise myself and my wife that this time was 100% the last, but everything happens again and again. Before I met my wife, I quit smoking, but now I want to start more and more often. I constantly catch myself thinking that I really miss this, but I understand with my mind that once I start again, I will never be able to stop.

It’s probably worth adding that this doesn’t happen every day. Quite often we spend our days calmly, go to visit our parents, go for a walk with the child, do some ordinary things and without conflicts. That is, everything is still not as bad as it might seem from all of the above. But things will definitely get worse if I can't change. Tomorrow our daughter turns six months old and I made another promise to myself that from now on I will try to change my behavior and, at least, try not to swear like a shoemaker.

I'm afraid of losing my family and ending up in a mental hospital. It seems to me that my nervous system is at its limit and I am close to a real nervous breakdown, which will entail treatment in the hospital. I am an absolutely sane, very responsible person who loves his family and is aware of the seriousness of the problem. That's why I came here, shared my situation with you and would like to get at least some practical advice that will really help me become a normal person like I was a few years ago.

I will appreciate any help and useful information!

P.S. Sorry for such a long text, I just decided to state the essence of the problem as clearly as possible.

Inadequate person

@ , Hello! I sympathize with the situation you find yourself in. It seems that you are a very attentive and emotionally responsive person. In an ordinary life situation, you are probably a wonderful family man - you are so attentive to your parents, sister, and wife. But this sensitivity of yours has caused your breakdowns in an unfavorable situation: your sister’s illness, the family’s financial difficulties, a small child, your mortgage, the need to study and work. Plus moral remorse that you can’t be with your parents and sister, but you also can’t leave your wife and baby, you can’t study conscientiously and you’re afraid of losing your job. Everything came together - nerves are on edge, stress depletes the nervous system.
Let's try to analyze the situation so that we can set priorities and relieve unnecessary stress where it can be avoided.

The first thing you need is to drink herbs that will gently relieve nervous tension: valerian decoction, mint tea at night. Be sure to have a contrast shower in the morning, and a warm soothing shower at night. If you have insomnia, then go to the doctor - let him pick you up something that will strengthen the nervous system and normalize sleep/wakefulness. Your aggression is a nervous breakdown of an overexcited nervous system. Some of the problems with remorse that torment you after your outbursts will go away on their own when your nerves are calmer and your reactions are more adequate.
With your studies, try to resolve the issue by taking a sabbatical - there is no need to take on everything at once if circumstances do not allow you to concentrate on your studies. A year or six months will not radically decide anything in your career - resume your studies when it is easier. How do you think?

Doctor, you are absolutely right. I myself often come to exactly this conclusion: everything is superimposed on each other, depleting the nervous system. You won’t believe it, but I even tried to explain my nervous breakdowns to my wife due to the current circumstances. I am a truly decent family man, I try to be attentive and caring as much as possible. And I always believed that family is paramount. Now I find myself in a situation where my family is forced to suffer because I simply cannot control myself.

Inadequate person

In terms of physical activity, unfortunately, repeated outbursts of anger only contribute to the fact that this anger is consolidated as a common reaction to something that irritates you. Experiments were conducted that proved that if you give a person the opportunity to express his anger - hitting a punching bag, screaming, destroying everything - this leads to the fact that this behavior is fixed in his brain and the overall level of aggression increases. So “pear” and other breaking of dishes is not an option for you. You need a nightly jog in the fresh air until you sweat, or swimming, any cardio exercise, except boxing and other “fights with fists or feet.” Tension needs to be relieved, but aggression should not be given free rein - this will help keep your character soft for communication and calm.

My wife has also recommended drinking peppermint tea and calming herbs numerous times. About half a year ago she bought me herbal-based calming tablets. To be honest, I didn’t really believe in such methods, but if you advise, I will definitely listen and start today! There is no insomnia, I sleep very soundly, but I have nightmares quite often. Sometimes I wake up abruptly with screams, and sometimes with obscene words. I really do have remorse, because I blame myself for not being able to earn enough money, which is especially necessary in this situation. I also blame myself for not being able to be with my sister and parents, who are 250 km away. I constantly think that I should be close to them, but for the last 10 years I have been living in another city, so everything is more difficult than it seems. I still haven’t talked to my wife about the possibilities of moving, because Firstly, I’m afraid of her refusal and, as a result, my instant offense. And secondly, I’m just afraid that in a small town I won’t be able to find a job to provide for my family. By working here I can at least somehow help my parents from a financial point of view, and by working there I will hardly have enough to support my wife and child, but at least I could be close to my sister.

I have thought about academic leave more than once, but I am afraid that in a year I will not be able to find the strength to return, as happens with many of those who take academic leave. And that's the only thing holding me back. I don’t know what will happen in a year, but what if it gets even worse? As a result, I will simply be left without a higher education, and therefore without confidence in life. Now I work in a good position only because I climbed the career ladder here within the organization. So I just don't know what would be better.

Inadequate person

In terms of controlling aggression, I recommend that you read the article “How to stop being angry? Interesting discoveries” in the “Blog” section on the website http://www.uladimspor.com/#! How-to-stop-being-angry-Interesting-discoveries/ctu0/558002950cf2205db3aad6ce

Doctor, it's good that you said that. I was already seriously thinking about signing up for boxing or kickboxing training so that I could release my aggression in the gym. Now I understand that this is not a solution, because Subsequently I will simply get used to this image and will not be able to cope with anger in any other way. I really like cycling and swimming. Last year I bought myself a new bicycle, but during the year I did not find an opportunity to ride it, which I am once again ashamed to admit. The new bike was hanging on the wall for a year, and I never found a couple of hours of time to ride, always justifying it by saying that I simply don’t have time for it. I will try to find opportunities to go swimming or cycling if it helps me calm my nervous system.

Inadequate person

I am forced to leave the chat now, but I will definitely return after 23.00 in the evening and am ready to continue our consultation. You can write to me, I will definitely answer today or in the morning.

“I’ve thought about taking a sabbatical more than once, but I’m afraid that in a year I won’t be able to find the strength to return, as happens with many who take sabbaticals. And this is the only thing that’s holding me back.”
Don't be afraid - you will return, because you have no other way. You need money and you need a job to support your family and support your parents and sister. You are too responsible and reasonable a person to simply quit your studies halfway out of laziness and be left without a profession. So feel free to take an academic degree and remove this burden of problems for a while. Now it only bothers you and you still don’t devote time to studying. And you spend more energy and time worrying about the fact that you can’t study. So feel free to take a break from studying, you objectively need it - your uncertainty and fears due to your nervous exhaustion.

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Doctor, I'll definitely weigh this option. You are absolutely right again - I don’t devote time to studying, but I think about it every day. There hasn't been a day that I haven't been reminded of how much debt I've accumulated lately.

Today I came home around six and tried to behave absolutely calmly. My wife, oddly enough, wasn’t even angry after yesterday’s concert, although I was terribly rude to her. I didn’t apologize for the thousandth time, just as I didn’t make further promises that it wouldn’t happen again tomorrow. I’ve done this so many times that now, probably, even in my silence you can see how ashamed I am for the words I said to her. She’s probably tired of my outbursts, so she’s just trying not to take it all to heart. I have already told her more than once that in moments of rage it is difficult for me to control my verbal p%#os, but subsequently I regret every word I said. Therefore, I asked her to try to ignore all this, because in reality I have the best opinion of her and I am happy that she is around. I am often surprised at her patience and endurance, because not every woman will tolerate the hysterics of an adult man. In general, I try to compliment her more often and tell her what I really think of her and how much she means to me. It seems to me that this helps her close her eyes to all the negativity that I sometimes pour out on her.

Doctor, I was wondering if there is any way to control your anger and keep your mouth shut when things start to get out of control? If, for example, I feel like I'm going to explode, what can I do or tell myself to prevent this from happening? My wife tried to tell me just before the quarrel that I should calm down, otherwise later I would have to apologize again, but that didn’t help either. I still exploded even though I perfectly understood the outcome of the upcoming events. And, of course, after half an hour I felt terribly ashamed and disgusted with myself. And so from time to time. Maybe there is some effective solution a second before the explosion? Someone wrote on the forums that you need to take a sip of water, but water is not always at hand. I also can’t count to ten, because my emotions get ahead of my common sense. What else can you try?

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Tomorrow at work I will definitely find time and read this article.

Inadequate person

“Tomorrow my daughter turns six months old and I will try my best not to spoil our holiday. I just took a hot shower, and now I’m drinking mint tea - everything is exactly as you advised!”
You are very disciplined, just great! The main thing is not to give up this endeavor - after all, restoring the nervous system is not a one-day process. So be prepared that persistent mood changes will occur not in a day or two, but in a month or two.
In order not to overload your nervous system, you need to learn to prioritize your affairs - “you cannot embrace the immensity,” as the philosopher Kozma Prutkov said

You are very lucky to have your wife next to you - understanding and forgiving. It looks like you have a very harmonious couple, because you are also attentive to her state of mind, you know how to apologize and smooth over the consequences of conflicts, you know how to recognize the virtues and generosity of your wife. These are wonderful qualities!

"Is there any way to control my anger and shut my mouth when things start to get out of control? If, for example, I feel like I'm going to explode, what can I do or tell myself to stop it? Did not happen? "
Anger outbursts can be controlled. There are several methods. But keep in mind that it will take time to learn how to use them:
1. Our mind and body are interconnected. All emotions have their physical embodiment in muscle reactions. Before anger spills out, certain muscles in your body tense, which are responsible for the reflexive manifestation of aggression - usually your jaws and fists clench, your breathing becomes shallow (not from your stomach, but from your chest).
So remember or observe which muscles are tense in you personally if something begins to irritate you and create a wave of anger. It is enough to relax these muscles (for example, straighten your palm) and a signal will go to the brain that the situation has changed - the aggression will subside. Therefore, when you realize which muscles are tense in anger, then when you are in a calm state, begin to train these muscles - learn to quickly relax them. For example, since ancient times, merchants, in order not to lose face during moments of intense bargaining, rub their hands and stretch their fingers - this prevents their fists from clenching, and at the same time their jaws (this is the connection between these muscles). You can observe it yourself - just stand straight and calm, put your hands down and try to relax. And then just clench your fists - and observe what happened to the facial muscles, to the jaw muscles - they close. Now straighten your palm and stretch out your fingers and try to close your jaws and tense your jaw muscles to the “nodules”, as before - does it work? As a rule, this is impossible to do.
2. Breathing is very important. If you feel a wave of anger rolling in, take a sharp, full exhalation or several. This also relieves tension and relaxes the muscles. Also practice in a calm state, simply remembering moments of anger, exhale so strongly and listen to your feelings. In general, the principle of breathing to calm down is to inhale for 4 beats and exhale for 8 beats (the exhalation should always be much longer than the inhalation and the abdominal muscles contract as you exhale). Every person's body is different, so it's important to find what works for you.
3. The method described in the article works great - train self-control by practicing doing something with your left hand every day. This will not only allow you to learn to take control of your emotions, but also develop your creativity - you will be able to approach problems much more creatively and find non-standard solutions. It will help both at work and at home.
4. Prevention is the best prevention of anger. As we have already discussed, you need to give yourself regular physical activity, take a contrast shower in the morning and a warm soothing one at night, drink herbs (mint, motherwort, valerian) that normalize the functioning of the nervous system - all this will help relieve increased excitability of the nervous system and her willingness to give an active response to the slightest irritant. If the nervous system is exhausted, then you will not be able to consciously control it, just as you would not be able to drive a car without brake fluid.

In a happy marriage there is no place for screaming at all - isn’t it? But why then do some husbands raise their voices at their wives, and what should a woman living with a loud husband do?..

What to do if your husband yells (and does it often) - a non-trivial women's site will tell you.

My husband constantly raises his voice: how to deal with this?

For a person of any gender, a cry is a distress signal: if a person screams, it means he is very bad, hurt or scared, it means that he has exhausted all constructive ways of communication and solving some problem. We start yelling if they don’t hear us at all, and the problem is acute and urgent. We give vent to our emotions by screaming if a lot of these same emotions have accumulated - if we were not allowed (or we did not allow ourselves) to “let off steam” slowly, rest and switch.

Any psychologist will confirm that for an adequate, mentally healthy person who is not in extreme conditions, screaming is justified only in the most extreme cases.

And therefore, “Beautiful and Successful” advises you to realize that if your husband constantly yells and is dissatisfied with everything, he has a mental problem. The wife should not think on what dish to present halva and marzipan to her padishah today, so that he does not get angry. She must think about how to arrange a meeting between her husband and a psychologist, psychotherapist, and maybe even a psychiatrist. And think about whether she is, in principle, capable of living with a person with such a psyche?

The fact is that if a husband is constantly yelling, then it is naive to think that he is now yelling, and then suddenly a wizard will fly in a blue helicopter, and from a psychopath who cannot control himself, this man will turn into an adequate person who solves all problems through ordinary conversations without promotion vote. It won't transform. Or he will transform for a short time - for example, if you categorically threaten him with divorce.

Such husbands have absolutely no respect for the feelings of their wives while they are around, while they behave like helpless victims, meekly taking any cries and discontent personally. But as soon as the wife decides that she’s had enough, packs her bags and goes to her mother, then yesterday’s dissatisfied aggressor will come running to beg, swear and swear that he understood everything and will not do it again... If you forgive him and return, then for some time he will will hold back, but everything will return to normal as soon as he feels that the woman has become sufficiently attached to him and is again ready to endure the yelling.

And yes, you should not consider it a significant argument that once, at the beginning of your relationship, this man was not like that, did not scream, seemed quite balanced. The fact is that being strong for some time has a beneficial effect on people with mental disorders - they can control themselves and seem absolutely normal. But the further you go, the less often “bright intervals” will happen - so think ten times about whether you really want to spend your life with this person.

How to behave if your spouse yells at you?

Let's talk about how to solve the problem “my husband is yelling at me” at the very moment when he is yelling. How to behave?

You have every right to behave in a way that protects yourself to the maximum – emotionally, psychologically and physically. It’s normal to leave without listening to the shouting! It's up to you to decide how far and for how long to go - for ten minutes in another room, or for an hour's walk on the street, or to spend the night with relatives or a friend. Your task is to protect your psyche, and not to calm it down.

Yes, he will be offended. Perhaps he will consider you a bad and inattentive wife. But understand that a good wife for a constantly yelling husband is an unrequited sacrifice. Better be a bad wife, but not a victim!

You shouldn’t “mirror” and yell back at your spouse - you won’t come to a consensus, it won’t add peace to the relationship, you’ll only fray your nerves once again.

But what about thinking about why a husband yells at his wife - maybe you are really doing something wrong, maybe he has objective reasons to be dissatisfied? But in fact, too much reflection on this topic will not be beneficial either. If only because if this is not an isolated incident in your relationship, but a regular practice, it means that you are so “bad” that, in principle, you cannot (and should not!) adapt to all the demands of this man and please him in everything. The rule “start with yourself” will not bring good results when in front of you is an aggressive, unrestrained person who has completely different ideas about life than you. To adapt to it - doesn’t this mean losing yourself, giving up your individuality and devaluing your personal ideas about “how good” and “how it should be”?

Start with your husband. Tell him very directly that you don’t want to listen to him when he raises his voice, but you are ready to talk about everything and discuss everything quietly and without shouting. Say that you deserve not to be yelled at - not because you are some kind of arrogant princess, but because it is a natural human right not to be subjected to psychological violence and to protect yourself from it. Indicate your actions if he continues to yell - you will leave, you will not listen, you will want to break up. Yes, this is an ultimatum - but without ultimatums you will not be able to get out of the position of a defenseless victim!

If you are valuable to your husband and loved by him, he must reconsider his behavior and stop yelling. But life shows that people who are prone to shouting and aggression rarely change seriously and for a long time - so we advise you to really seriously consider whether to save this marriage...