Wedding anniversary ideas. Bright ideas and traditions for those who want to celebrate their wedding anniversary. wedding anniversary cake

Noisy or modest, in a large company or in a narrow family circle, a wedding flies just instantly. Bright memories of this day remain for life, and with them a slight feeling of regret that this day will never happen again. But in fact, this is not so, because every year they exist in order to return to that significant day over and over again. And every time on the eve of this date, the question arises of how, where and with whom to celebrate the wedding anniversary. There are really a lot of questions, let's try to figure it out.

How to celebrate your wedding anniversary

In fact, there are few options with whom to celebrate any wedding anniversary, in fact, only three:

  • together;
  • in a close family circle with children and parents;
  • in a noisy company with friends.

And if it’s not difficult to decide on this, then you need to figure out how to celebrate your wedding anniversary in an unusual, interesting, fun, romantic way, and at the same time often inexpensive and budgetary.

How to celebrate your wedding anniversary together

In a noisy company, it is customary to celebrate, and. All other dates, as a rule, the family prefers to celebrate together, sometimes with a child who by that time already appears in the family.

romantic dinner

Although at first glance this may seem completely banal, it is not. A wedding anniversary is a holiday for two that you want to spend in a secluded setting. Romantic dinner can be held:

  • Houses;
  • in a restaurant;
  • on the roof of a multi-storey building;
  • in a limousine or other transport;
  • gondola ride;
  • Outdoors.

Everything is clear with the house - the standard rules for a light romantic dinner. You should not cook a lot, fatty and high-calorie, strong alcohol is strongly discouraged, and solid libations of any alcohol. A very reasonable decision would be to order dishes in a restaurant, this will save you a lot of hassle and worries.

The house or room for a romantic dinner is decorated in accordance with the name of the anniversary - so on the first anniversary, chintz should prevail in the decor, on the second - paper, and so on. It is also necessary to carefully consider the lighting, it should be subdued.

For those who do not want to bother with the preparation of the festival, you can book a table in a restaurant. The atmosphere is chosen to your taste, and the preferences on the menu are the same as for dinner at home. But for creative individuals, the field of fantasy is simply huge. Organization of dinner late in the evening, when it gets dark, on the roof of a high-rise building. Rent a limousine for a few hours, which will slowly roll the heroes of the occasion. Now you can even negotiate with the management of the city transport company, which can provide a trolleybus or tram for rent for a certain time. Stylishly decorated in the evening, it will create an incredibly original atmosphere of the holiday, and it will cost relatively inexpensively.

With a romantic dinner in nature, everything is a little more complicated. Banal kebabs, which involve fuss around the barbecue, are not an option at all. But a warm blanket and a picnic basket filled with light snacks - that's it. Although this is still a matter of taste, for some it seems incredibly romantic to go camping for a few days with gatherings around the fire under the overhanging star field.


As mentioned above, for lovers of outdoor recreation - a few days in the bosom of virgin nature is also a holiday. Modest and budget, but romantic.

But for those who have finances, you can arrange for yourself a repetition of a romantic trip. Depending on the financial possibilities, the options are endless. You can go somewhere on your own, or you can contact a travel agency who will pick up a tour depending on your preferences.

Romantic dinner by the sea

Extreme Anniversary Celebration

And for thrill-seekers, there is an option:

  • balloon flight;
  • skydiving;
  • diving;
  • paintball;
  • safari.

You can list for a long time, it all depends on the hobbies of the couple.

How to celebrate your wedding anniversary with your family

There are families who love to gather at the festive table for any reason. Of course, it is impossible for them to miss such an occasion, so the question of how and where to celebrate any wedding anniversary is not worth it. The answer is already clear, of course, in the family circle. Such a celebration will depend more on family traditions and habits. Of course, care must be taken that no one at the table is bored. To do this, you can organize various contests, play forfeits, or vice versa - seat loved ones for some board games.

But it is not at all necessary to arrange family gatherings at home. The holiday can be organized on neutral territory. Naturally, the most problem-free option is to order a banquet in a restaurant. Now every second institution offers a varied banquet menu. Of course, it is advisable not to turn such a good holiday into a banal booze, but to organize a light varied table with a moderate amount of alcoholic drinks. But live music is just what will brighten up any wedding anniversary. Moreover, a light background of pleasant classical music or jazz compositions will create an simply indescribable atmosphere of luxury and romance.

To celebrate the wedding anniversary in the family circle on a budget, you can have a picnic in nature or in the country.

Very rarely, young people and their parents decide to go on vacation to celebrate a round date there. The choice of location depends directly solely on financial capabilities.

How to celebrate your wedding anniversary with friends

Today, it is less and less common to meet those who want to celebrate their wedding anniversary with friends at home. A noisy crowded feast involves a rather lengthy preparation, and then the same time to eliminate the consequences of the event. Of course, you can order food in a restaurant, but it will cost a pretty penny and will not take away the need to clean up after the holiday.

But if there are few guests, 2-3 couples, then you can completely cover a festive dinner at home or order it in a restaurant. Do not ignore the decoration of the house. That is what will create the right atmosphere. In the decor, you need to use materials that appear in the name of the anniversary.

Celebrating in a noisy company is most often associated with a restaurant. This is quite logical and justified, since gathering a noisy company at home, cooking, and then cleaning is not only costly in terms of money, but also quite troublesome. But few people want to deal with everyday problems after a fun holiday. But even in a restaurant without proper organization, everything can turn into a banal booze. When booking a restaurant, you need to think about leisure, as well as decorating the hall. The ideal option is to hire a professional toastmaster or animator, who will put all the trouble of entertaining guests on their shoulders.

With free funds, you can organize a more original party. For example, on a yacht or ship. Renting a trolleybus or tram will seem very original and fun to many.

A country picnic in the country or in the forest is also quite interesting.

wedding anniversary scenarios

The more original you want to celebrate your wedding anniversary, the more creative its script should be. You can organize something yourself, you can trust professionals. In any case, it is necessary to celebrate in such a way that it will be remembered for a long time.

If you want to plunge into childhood, there are a lot of scenarios that guarantee a cool and relaxed atmosphere:

  • face painting;
  • soap bubbles show;
  • a foam party;
  • dry ice show or chemistry show;

There are similar scenarios with a more adult thematic focus:

  • hand-made master classes (soaping, perfume session, creation of exclusive jewelry);
  • art workshops (body painting, painting on fabric or clothes, painting with paints or pencils);
  • culinary master classes (handmade sweets and sweets, sushi, etc.).

Without outside professional help, organizing such leisure is unlikely to succeed. But guests are guaranteed to be delighted with the event, in addition, everyone can keep something that was collectively created with their own hands as a keepsake.

Very original scenarios are adult games:

  • paintball;
  • laser tag;
  • game in Mythia;
  • various quests.

Organizing a holiday with an original script will not be bored. And the guests will remember such a party for a long time.

If you still cannot do without a feast, then you can offer a lot of themed parties in various styles. For example:

  • gangster party;
  • Japanese style party
  • in retro style;
  • secular score;
  • pirate Party,
  • party in the style of the 80s;
  • karaoke party;
  • etc.

There are plenty of ideas offered by us to organize something cool, interesting for any budget. The most important thing is to stock up on a good mood and believe that your holiday will be the best and will certainly be remembered for a long time.


It is not necessary to wait for the evening to congratulate your soul mate on such an important date for you. Prepare a surprise that your loved one can find in the morning, this will create a festive mood for the whole day. For example, decorate the room with as many balloons as you have been together for months. Attach a note to each - why you love him (her). Or prepare a romantic breakfast - coffee, fruit. Even a banal scrambled egg, fried in the shape of a heart, will tell your soul mate a lot. You can write cherished words on the asphalt (preferably with chalk) or draw a festive one. In the evening, try to spice up a traditional dinner with photos, symbolic gifts or cards, or even a shower together. You can go up to the roof, drink wine on a spread blanket, dance to your favorite tune. And launch into the sky the same balloons that decorated the room in the morning.

Often couples go to a restaurant on such a day. But even here you can emphasize a festive occasion: order musicians who will play only for you, a special menu, your gift can be brought by the waiter along with the order. If you ordered a separate closed booth or hall - dance or sing yourself. This surprise will definitely be remembered for a long time.

Or you can work out in advance so that every minute (especially if the anniversary falls on) you can devote to a friend. Searching for a “treasure” (well, of course, the main treasure is you) using love notes, earning points in a funny way - hearts that can be exchanged for a gift at the end of the evening. The most important thing is that a person on this day constantly feels your love, care and attention.

A wedding anniversary is an important event in life, an excellent occasion to arrange a holiday. There are many options for doing it. It can be a magnificent feast, a romantic evening for two or walks under the moon. The main thing is to understand your desires and organize a holiday in accordance with them.

You can go the traditional way - organize a feast at home, invite relatives, friends to a dinner party or celebrate a holiday in a cafe, restaurant. If you do not want additional trouble, preference should be given to a restaurant, cafe. You just have to have fun, accept gifts and congratulations. If organizing a holiday is not a problem for you, you like to cook, you can arrange everything at home. Decorate the room according to the theme, hire a professional photographer, think over interesting outfits.

You can celebrate an anniversary in an original and unusual way.

How to spend this day so that it will be remembered for a long time?

1. Remarriage.

If there is no desire to spend this day in traditional ways, you can arrange a holiday in an unusual form. Organize a repeat ceremony exactly as on the wedding day - all the same guests, witnesses, costumes. Registry office workers, as a rule, go to a meeting and help arrange a marriage again. Shouts of “bitter”, congratulations, white doves, gifts will return the newlyweds to the day of a real wedding and will allow them to relive that exciting happy day.

2. Let's repeat it again, but in a different way.

Perhaps during this time your attitude towards the wedding ceremony has changed somewhat. In this case, everything can be organized differently. Leaning towards a different dress, format, and location for the ceremony? Anything is possible on an anniversary! You can repeat the ceremony in a completely new format and even in a comic form.

3. In a playful way with children.

The option is great for couples with children. You can visit any entertainment center - bowling, water park, paintball, rides and other establishments. When choosing a place, you need to focus on the age of the children and, of course, on your preferences.

4. Romantic anniversary.

A good idea for people who have retained tender feelings for each other is a romantic evening. To celebrate an anniversary in this way, you do not need a limousine, no guests, no outfits, no chic table. An intimate evening with candles and music in a comfortable environment is the most romantic anniversary.

5. View a happy love story.

Make a movie about your love story and watch it with your friends on your anniversary. To create a film, you will have to order the services of an operator. Let him mount your life in one plot. Provide him with your joint photos, tell about your story, go to the places where you often spend time together.

Movies about love can be viewed together with friends, family or together. It is very interesting to look at such pictures after several, ten and even twenty years.

6. First date.

If you want to celebrate the anniversary together, without friends and guests, you can repeat your first date again. Remember how your relationship started. It can be dinner in a cafe, restaurant, a walk in the park.

You can organize everything in a slightly different format, but in this case, one of the spouses will have to take the initiative into their own hands. He must come up with puzzles, and the other must solve them in order to find out the meeting place.

7. For lovers of adrenaline.

The family is always certain risks. No one knows how events between two loving people will develop further. So can celebrate this event in an extreme way? It can be paragliding, parachuting, kayaking and much more.

8. Dreams come true.

If you have shared dreams, your wedding anniversary is a great occasion to make them come true. The format of the holiday depends on what exactly you dream about. Perhaps you have long wanted to buy some equipment, a car, visit interesting places, or just sign up for a gym or ride a rollercoaster. Let your dream come true from this day!

9. Rest and relaxation.

If you work a lot, perhaps on the anniversary you should just have a good rest together, without unnecessary worries and fuss. You can go to the bath, sauna, relaxing joint procedures.

You can go hiking together with an overnight stay, a fire, fishing. This is fresh air, romance, enjoying communication with your soulmate. But it is worthwhile to think over everything in advance and prepare means of protection against insects.

10. Travel on the next train.

If you are distracted, do not know how to spend a holiday, go on a joint trip by buying two tickets for the next train. So you can find yourself in an unfamiliar place and find many adventures that you will remember for a long time.

There are many ways to celebrate an anniversary. You can change the situation in the apartment or house by this day, get out on a long journey, timing this event to coincide with the holiday. And, of course, it is worth preparing a gift for the second half. It does not have to be something expensive, it is desirable that the gift reflects feelings, attitude towards a loved one.

The anniversary of a relationship is a significant event in the life of lovers, because for a whole year they tried to decorate each other's lives, overcame difficulties, shared both joys and hardships. And for those who do not know how unusual it is to celebrate the anniversary of a relationship together, the following ideas for celebrating may come in handy.

Where to celebrate the anniversary of the relationship?

Of course, the solution to this issue largely depends on financial capabilities. If funds allow, then you can go on a romantic trip. Or you can conquer a mountain peak together, which will be not only interesting, but also symbolic, because a year spent together is also a conquered peak. With limited financial resources, it is more difficult to figure out where and how to unusually celebrate the anniversary of a relationship. First of all, these can be places where significant events took place, for example, an acquaintance, a first kiss or a first confession. It is best to make a list of such places and think about where and how you can celebrate the anniversary of the relationship in a more interesting and original way. But it is better to refuse to celebrate at home, especially if this is not the first anniversary, since at some point the home routine can overshadow the whole holiday. But if circumstances force you to spend the anniversary at home, then you should not be too lazy and create a romantic atmosphere in the apartment with the help of decorations, flowers and candles. Having chosen a place of celebration, you can begin to write a script.

How to originally celebrate the anniversary of a relationship with a loved one?

1. Costume travel

This option is suitable for those who do not know how to romantically celebrate the anniversary of a relationship, but really want the holiday to be filled with sensuality. First of all, you need to order costumes that match the event. As a rule, costumes can be rented from a theater costume shop or a company that organizes celebrations. In theater schools, there are also often dressing rooms, where, having agreed with the administration, you can choose the right outfits. In a pinch, suits can be replaced with modern evening gowns, but vintage suits are the best for creating a romantic atmosphere. In addition to costumes, you need to order a carriage and horses. In many cities, this service is available thanks to private stables, but if this is not possible, then you will have to replace the horses with a limousine or an originally decorated car. The route for travel can be the most diverse, it can be memorable places, or a trip through the city at night. Champagne and strawberry dessert during the trip will not be superfluous. And it is best to end the holiday in a hotel room, pre-decorated in the right style.

2. First date again

Another option for a romantic evening is to recreate the atmosphere of a first date. But not completely, but with improvement. For example, decorate a commemorative bench in the park with flower petals, and meet your soul mate there with champagne and an unusual gift. Or even set up a table and chairs, and arrange dinner right in the middle of the park, in which, for example, the first date took place. An obligatory detail of such a celebration should be clothing, the very one in which it all began. And if unusual events occurred during the first date, then if possible, you can recreate them. A continuation of the first date can be a dinner in an intimate setting.

3. Journey with obstacles

For this more extreme option, you will need the help of friends. The route for the trip - of course, memorable places. But the meaning of the celebration is that in every place there will be an obstacle or a surprise.

All obstacles and surprises should be symbolic and related to the events lived together.

4. Romantic dinner

This option is the simplest, and is suitable for everyone who wants to celebrate an anniversary, but does not have the opportunity to organize a non-standard holiday. And yet, even dinner at home can be made unusual, and not only by decorating the apartment. First of all, you need to choose a special place in the apartment, where it would never occur to anyone to set the table. It can be a corridor, a corner behind a closet, or even a bathroom. In any apartment and even a small room there is such a place. Next, you need to decorate the chosen place with photographs of the past, as well as pictures symbolizing ideas about a joint future. For example, if you have a dream about an apartment or a house, about traveling or doing business together, then you can prepare suitable images in advance and, during dinner, build your future together by combining your photos and pictures.

It is worth considering the menu for such a dinner separately. There are a huge number of dishes for such holidays, consisting of aphrodisiac products, which include seafood, avocados, nuts, celery, spices and ginger, and, of course, champagne and chocolate. The main thing is that the dishes are light, as the completion of dinner on this day will only be the beginning of the holiday. The subsequent scenario depends only on the lovers, but on the anniversary of the relationship it will not be out of place to bring variety to intimate life.

When drawing up a script for a holiday, it is important to take into account the hobbies and preferences of the partner, as well as joint plans. This day should remind lovers of those wonderful moments from which it all began, and, of course, of what they are together for.