What causes gel polish to peel off. What is important to know so that the gel polish does not quickly exfoliate from the nail. The perfect manicure. Secrets of persistent application of gel polish

even on problematic nails, provided they are properly cared for. Shellac manicure does not lose its attractiveness within 2-3 weeks, is very resistant to mechanical damage and does not require additional correction during wear. With a 36-watt UV lamp and a basic palette of shellac colors (which can be mixed with each other to get the desired shades), you can easily make a trendy manicure at home. As a rule, the shellac coating stays on the nails for a very long time and retains all its decorative properties, subject to the application technology, followed by drying in the lamp of each layer.

But in some cases, women are unpleasantly surprised when the shellac on the nails peels off, cracks and even starts bubbling already on the second or third day after the manicure. Why doesn't gel polish stay on nails for a long time and what should be done to solve this problem? The common reasons for the rapid damage to the coating on the nails in our country include the use of low-quality gel polish (fake shellac, products from little-known Chinese brands). If the coating immediately peels off after performing a manicure, then the nail plates were probably poorly prepared for the procedure, and if the hardened shellac coating cracks, then most likely there was a violation of the drying technology in the UV lamp.


❶ Low-quality gel polish or fake shellac very often begins to peel off at the edges, as well as bubbling over the entire surface of the coating. Be sure to read the recommendations for choosing a gel polish, the characteristics of the appearance of the packaging and bottle of branded products;

❷ Shellac peels off quickly if the adhesion (adhesion) between the surface of the natural plate and the hardened coating layer is not tight enough. This can happen if the surface of the nail is poorly cleaned of the remnants of the previous coating or the nails are left with grease and moisture after treatment with a degreaser;

❸ Gel polish often cracks if the polymerization technology in the lamp is violated. If you apply too thick a layer of shellac on your nails, then after drying, thin cracks may appear along the edges of the coating. Too low lamp power or insufficient curing time can cause hardened layers to deform, followed by delamination of some areas of the coating. If you overexpose the nails in a UV lamp, then the elasticity of shellac will suffer and, under external influence, cracks will appear on the top layer;

❹ According to the latest research, some changes in the hormonal background of a woman can cause the destruction of the gel polymers that make up shellac. Gel polish is sometimes deformed on the nails of pregnant women (2nd, 3rd trimester), as well as after taking hormonal drugs or antibiotics;

❺ Sometimes shellac peels off at the tip of the free edge of the nail if the end is not sealed during the application of the base coat;

❻ Unlike conventional polish, gel polish cannot be diluted with solvents or liquids containing alcohol. If this is done, the hardened coating will most likely begin to crack and flake off the natural plate;

❼ Metal cleaning or dishwashing utensils can leave deep scratches on the top coat, which quickly turn into cracks. It is advisable to wear rubber gloves while washing dishes, as well as in contact with hot water, household chemicals, acetone or alcohol;

❽ The gel polish coating will most likely begin to peel off at the line of contact with the base of the nail, if you leave particles of keratinized skin after removing the cuticle;

❾ If the surface of brittle, delamination-prone nails is deformed, then applying shellac to them in an even layer will be very problematic even after polishing with a good buff. As a result, the adhesion of the coating to the nail plate will be weak and the shellac will gradually peel off;

❿ If the shellac bottle is exposed to direct sunlight for hours, the decorative properties of the gel polish will deteriorate and the hardened coating on the nails may suffer from minor mechanical damage.


In the photo: fashionable manicure with shellac gel polish


Gel coating is a practical solution for a thin nail plate. The advantages of the gel are that the nails do not break off and have a well-groomed appearance. In addition, it is possible to create any design.

The coating may come off at the wrong time, or peel off immediately after a fresh manicure. If the nails exfoliate from the gel, how to avoid this - we will consider in the article.

Why do nails peel off gel

The reasons may be in errors during the build-up, in the characteristics of the body or in mechanical damage.

Extension mistakes

They can be allowed by the master due to inexperience or inattention. Often, girls who do their own manicure forget about important points.

  1. If, during operation, fat or liquid gets on a dry plate, then soon a cavity will form at this place, which will begin to expand from natural loads on the fingers. During the procedure, the master must wear new gloves. It is permissible to brush off dust only with a brush, without touching a dry nail with wet objects.
  2. The nail plate is unevenly polished. The smooth areas that are part of the overall coating do not have sufficient adhesion to the material. This applies to the cuticle zone and near the lateral ridges of the finger. In this place, a "pocket" is formed, where moisture enters and destroys the integrity.
  3. Grinding files need to be changed in time. The purpose of this tool is to lift the scales of the nail to adhere to the gel. A smooth wiped file, on the contrary, polishes the nail.

Body reactions

Still, the gel is an artificial material. The nail can take it for a long time, and at some point begin to reject it. If the master is trustworthy, then consider the following reasons:

  1. Hormonal changes. This may be pregnancy, taking OK, age-related changes and a violation of the level of hormones in the body. If there are other symptoms hinting at a problem in this area, you need to go to the doctor.
  2. Allergy. On new material or on any gel in general. As a rule, allergies are accompanied by itching and redness in a mild or severe form.
  3. Nail fungus. While the disease is not running, some women prefer not to notice the discomfort. The first signs are itching, the native plate of the nail begins to exfoliate. Unfortunately, this is almost invisible under the cover. Detachments appear from the free edge of the nail, the manicure quickly deteriorates.

Man-made damage

Even high-quality material may not withstand some loads. For example, you should not pick metal objects with your nails and often “drum” the tips on the surfaces. It is recommended to avoid bending on the overgrown length of the plate. Damage mainly leads to detachment at the tips.

What to do if the nails peel off from the gel

If there is order with health, then you should change the manicurist, or pick up the material from another company. For girls who want to do their own manicure, it is advisable to take training courses, and then write out a memo with all the stages of work. Updating manicure once a month, some details can be forgotten. The main thing is to observe sterility and monitor the instrument.

If it's a matter of well-being, then you should immediately go to the doctor. Before this, the gel must be removed. It is better if the master does this, carefully preserving the native nail. Masters need to be warned about the problem, because the fungus is transmitted through the hands. If you are allergic to the material, then it is useful for the master to know about such a dangerous reaction in the client.

How to prevent

In order not to waste time and money, choose a proven salon and nail masters. Ask what materials are used, carefully follow the process of work. In turn, try not to touch your clothes and skin with your nails, so as not to stain the treated dry nail.

Tactile contact with unhealthy hands is shameless to avoid. The fungus is treated, but the process is long and unpleasant. For general health, it is recommended to drink a course of vitamins once a season, especially in winter.

If you need to open or pick something, then you do not need to use your nails for this. Manicure is done for beauty and comfort. Such experiments spoil the whole aesthetics.

Enough materials and techniques have already been developed in the nail service, and for each case it is realistic to find your own, suitable one. Feel free to ask questions to the master during the procedure. The information received will help you orient yourself in time and avoid unnecessary problems.

Causes of detachment of gel polish

Manicure with gel polish has long been loved by clients of beauty salons, because such a manicure is very practical and can look spectacular even 2-3 weeks after application. But many adherents of such a manicure periodically face the problem of poor-quality coating, which is cracks and peeling of gel polish. Let's look into this issue.

The appearance of gel polishes made a revolution in the beauty industry, displacing classic nail polishes from the market. The first company to introduce this product was "CND", founded back in 1979 by dentist Stuart Nordstrom. He created the Solar Nail monomer, which was quite elastic, but at the same time, reliably protected the nail plate. The modern gel polish from "CND" entered the market in 2010 under the name "Shellac" and for a long time fixed this name among the people for gel polishes of all other manufacturers.

For 6 years of active use of gel polishes around the world, these products have improved, acquired new qualitative characteristics, but peeling problems still continue to occur, forcing craftsmen to improve the technique of applying gel polish coatings.

There are many causes of peeling and cracking of gel polish, which we will conditionally divide into two categories. The first is the human factor (possible mistakes of an inexperienced master). The second category includes the natural causes of detachment associated with the individual characteristics of the human body.

Reasons that fall into the first category

1. Poor cleaning of the nail plate - partially removed or poorly retracted cuticle and pterygium;

2. Insufficient removal of sweat-fat gloss from the nails, poor buffing and dust residue after the grinder;

3. Poorly dried layers. After applying each layer, it is very important to wait for it to dry completely;

4. Too thick layer of material: base, color or top. These funds must be applied in thin layers (especially the first layer of pigment);

5. Insufficient degreasing of the nail plate with a special agent and poor dehydration;

6. Unsealed or poorly sealed nail ends guarantee rapid peeling and cracking of the gel polish along the edges of the nail plate. The technique of "Sealing the free edge" involves gel polishing the cut of the nail from all visible sides when applying each layer of the coating, and not just the finish;

7. Poor quality or stitched base and top will definitely affect how long the gel polish will last and how easy it will be to remove.

8. According to many masters, you should not buy a 2-in-1 base and top, because it will differ in quality and be noticeably inferior to the individual base and top, besides, the 2-in-1 tool is much more difficult to remove than the base and top separately;

9. The use of single-phase gel polishes, without the content of the base and top.

1. Brittle nails. This reason can be both a feature of the organism and an acquired factor - for example, due to frequent or improper cutting of varnish. Therefore, when choosing a gel polish, it is worth considering not only the appearance of the coating on the nails and its longevity, but also what method of removal is recommended by the manufacturer. The best choice is gel polishes, when removing which you do not have to resort to sawing, ordinary soaking is enough. By the way, according to our observation, it is better and faster to remove the coating with a liquid of the same manufacturer.

2. Gel polish does not last long on the so-called "wet nails". To make the coating more durable, the free edge of the nail is treated with a primer or ultrabond;

3. Soft and thin nails initially wear gel polish worse than hard and strong ones. However, this fact is not at all a reason for refusing a beautiful and fashionable manicure. A special firming gel or acrylic powder will help correct the situation. For owners of thin nails, you should not resort to cutting off any coatings, because. each time the nail plate will become thinner even more.

4. Regular contact with water: dishwashing without gloves, frequent hand washing, work in aggressive environments, etc. inevitably lead to the absorption of moisture by nails, which also provokes detachment of gel polish or biogel.

5. Some diseases of the nervous system or a stressful period in life, disruptions in the hormonal background of the body.

6. The cause may be diabetes, the passage of a course of antibiotics, the use of hormonal drugs;

7. Rehabilitation period after surgery;

8. In addition, one should not forget about such subtle moments as pregnancy, hormonal disruptions and critical days (in the early days, you should also refrain from building and gel strengthening, applying gel polish, biogel).

9. Violation of the immune system.

Each manufacturer calls different terms for wearing the coating, but usually a period of 2 weeks is indicated. In fact, it all depends on the growth rate of the client's nails, but here everything is very individual. The client can come to the procedure a little more often or a little less.

How to achieve the durability of the gel polish coating throughout the entire period of wear?

1. Proper manicure and preparation of the nail plate. A few hours before coating, do not apply moisturizers, fat-containing preparations, cuticle oil, lotions, removers with moisturizing ingredients to the nail plate and cuticle. The manicure must be dry, otherwise, in some cases, the coating will peel off due to insufficient dehydration of the nail before by applying it.

Of course, one can argue and say that a trimmed manicure is performed with a soak, but in this case, the master necessarily uses dehydrating agents, and during the maceration itself, moisturizing components are not used, which create a film on the surface of the skin and nails that prevents them from drying out. It doesn't matter before coating. Gel polish requires dry nails to last.

2. Carefully remove the pterygium. With a wet manicure, it is very easy not to notice and leave a thin film of pterygium on the nail plate. This is a very important rule for preparing a natural nail.

3. Assess the general condition of the nail: the coating is worse on the yellow plate, since its top layer has absorbed a large amount of pigment, and if before that there was a strengthening varnish on the nails, now there is a small amount of varnish polymer between the upper scales. These factors also do not contribute to the adhesion of gel polish to the nail. Be sure to polish your nails with a soft buff 240 grit.

4. Remove the layers in the area of ​​the free edge. If cracks in the ends or deep delaminations are visible, it is better to shorten the nails, clean the exfoliated scales with high quality and strengthen the nails with a special. means.

5. Correct application.

When applying the base, make sure that it does not get on the cuticle and side ridges, while covering the entire surface of the nail. If "gaps" remain, the color will not hold.

The coating must cover the ends with all 4 layers.

All coating layers must be even and thin. This will ensure good polymerization of the composition.

Be sure to strengthen soft, springboard nails. Without strengthening, gel polish will not last long. An additionally applied base with acrylic powder will help to strengthen the coating and give it density. Often there are problems with the “departure” of the base from the cuticle, side rollers and from the ends, this is due to the peculiarity of this polymer to shrink. To reduce this effect, you need to apply the base with a medium drop and dry one finger at a time in a good powerful lamp.

If the UV lamp power is not enough, simply increase the drying time;

You should never save on funds such as base and top.

It should not be forgotten that nails covered with gel polish are not at all intended for opening locks, etc. Therefore, handle the manicure as carefully and carefully as possible, do not expose it to adverse conditions. Then a beautiful and bright gel polish on your nails will delight your eyes for a very long time!

An important difference between regular polish and gel polish is the durability of the coating. But why does gel polish peel off?

The main reason is a violation of the technique of applying gel polish. How to apply the gel in order to achieve a flawless result and maintain a perfect coating without chips and cracks?

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Proper preparation of the nail plate

First you need to give the nail the desired shape and align its free edge with a file. It must be perfectly smooth and completely free of dirt. Before applying the gel, you can not use a cream or cuticle oil, and the nails must be degreased with a dehydrator and dried thoroughly. If you do not have a special tool, then you can use alcohol or nail polish remover containing acetone for treatment. Apply the product to a lint-free cloth and wipe your nails well.

Especially carefully it is necessary to process the areas near the cuticle and side ridges, it is very convenient to do this with the corners of the buff.

Be sure to push back the cuticle and remove the layer that adheres to the nail, because the material applied to the cuticle will 100% peel off.

Then remove the top layer of the plate with a coarse-grained file, paying particular attention to the top edge.

Try to do this carefully, without scratching the plates and not removing too thick a layer, since each such treatment makes the nails thinner and deprives them of their strength and healthy appearance.

After cutting off the gloss, treat the plates again with a dehydrator to remove any remaining fat and moisture from them. Avoid touching them with your fingers to avoid recontamination. Such scrupulous cleaning contributes to a more reliable adhesion of the gel polish to the surface.

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Base gel coating

Before this procedure, it is desirable to coat the plates with a primer, especially if they are thin and brittle. It evens out the delamination of the base, which contributes to a stronger attachment of the product and avoids chipping.

Read also: How to make patterns on nails

Let's figure out what the importance of the base component is. It serves as an intermediary for the connection at the molecular level of synthetic material and natural. Therefore, it protects the nails from dyes and is responsible for ensuring that the coating does not peel off.

Remember that all components must be applied as thinly as possible and carefully paint over the cut of the plate with each layer, as if sealing.

This also applies to the base. Apply it with a brush, rubbing movements, without affecting the skin and cuticles. Dry the base well in an ultraviolet lamp.

After drying, the base ingredient will become sticky, it can be leveled with a dry brush so that the next layer lays more evenly.

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Coating with color

Depending on the desired shade, you can apply the color gel in one layer, then the color on the nails will be translucent. In order to get a more saturated shade, you need 2-3 layers of varnish. But they must all be very thin! If the layer is thick, then bubbles will appear on the nails, and the varnish will lie unevenly.

Do not try to paint over your nails by adding more gel, it is better to apply several thin layers, curing each one in an ultraviolet lamp.

The final stage is the application of the top or finish gel. This coating serves as a fixative for all applied layers of gels and gives the nails a beautiful glossy shine.

Apply the finish gel in a denser layer, paint over the upper edge of the nail well again and dry under the lamp.

It is very important to dry the top gel well, otherwise it will not shine.

At the end, remove the sticky layer with a special Cleanser liquid. This liquid contains moisturizing elements that protect the nails from drying out.

Why does gel polish last 2 weeks or more for someone, and for someone it cracks and leaves after a couple of days? Causes of peeling gel polish? We will answer these topical questions and tell you the secrets of the durability of gel polish on nails.

Why does gel polish peel off?

First of all, it depends on the manicure procedure itself. The following questions are especially important.

  • Was the cuticle area carefully treated? (Is the shine removed with a buff?)
  • Has the first layer of gel polish been applied to the dried nail plate?
  • Have you used a primer?

  • Is the free edge of the nail sealed? (Sometimes the free edge of the nail is missing or the pads of the fingers go over the nail - this happens when the client bites his nails or cuts the free edge to zero).

Other reasons may be:

  • constant contact with water - washing dishes without gloves, frequent washing of hands, work in aggressive environments leads to the absorption of moisture by the nail plates, which causes peeling of gel polish or biogel;
  • a feature of the nail plate (rejection of foreign material on the nails is when the work of several different masters and different materials does not last the indicated 2-3 weeks);
  • excessive moisture of the skin of the hands (for example, often sweaty palms) - in this case, it is advisable to go over the nail plate with a primer twice and dry it thoroughly before applying gel polish).

Physiological reasons are not excluded:

  • diseases of the nervous system or a stressful period in life;
  • disruption of the immune system;
  • diabetes;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • rehabilitation period after surgery;
  • pregnancy, hormonal disruptions and critical days (in the early days, you should refrain from building up and applying gel polish).

How to make the coating durable?

Each manufacturer calls different periods of wear, but it is usually recommended to renew the manicure every 2 weeks. It also depends on the rate of nail growth: the client may come to the procedure a little more or less often. How to ensure that the coating remains perfect throughout the entire period of wear?

Let's look at the 2 most important rules that affect the durability of gel polish.

  1. Proper manicure and preparation of the nail plate.

  • Immediately before coating on the nail plate, it is not recommended to apply fat-containing preparations: cuticle oil, creams, lotions, removers with moisturizers. Be sure to use a nail degreaser before applying the coating. The liquid effectively disinfects the nail plate before working with various coatings (acrylic, gel, gel polish), and also gently degreases and dehydrates nails without overdrying them. For this you can use:

  • Carefully remove the pterygium. With a wet manicure, it is easy to miss it and leave it on the nail plate. Don't allow it. You can effectively remove pterygium with:

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– professional ,

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  • Assess the condition of the nail plate. Has the old coating been completely removed? If the top layer has absorbed a large amount of pigment, then between the top scales there is now a small amount of varnish polymer. This factor prevents the adhesion of the gel polish to the nail. Buff your nails with a soft buff 240 grit. And also be sure to use a bonder for better adhesion of the material to the natural nail. For example, these:
  • Notice the split ends. Shorten your nails or clean off loose scales. If the client does not want to remove the length, then fragile tips need to be strengthened.
  1. Correct application.

  • The first thing you should pay attention to is the application of the base. It should not get on the skin, but it should completely cover the area where the color will be. Otherwise, the gel polish may peel off.
  • Second: Always seal the ends of your nails. This applies to all coating layers, including primer and bonder.
  • Third: be sure to strengthen soft, springboard nails. Without strengthening, gel polish will not last long. Strengthening the nail plate can be done using a single-phase gel or acrylic.
  • Often there are problems with the “creeping away” of the base from the cuticle, side rollers and from the ends, this is due to the tendency of this polymer to shrink. To reduce this effect, you need to apply the base with a medium drop and dry one finger at a time in a good powerful lamp. For example, in this one:

Having learned how to correctly diagnose the condition of the client’s nails, identify the causes of gel polish peeling, you can do a manicure at a qualitatively new level. This will allow you to expand the base of regular customers who will contact you.

We wish you successful work!

Best regards, imkosmetik online store