Changes in the color of urine in women. What does the bright coloring say: neon yellow, yellow. Features of dark urine in men

The study of urine includes quantitative and qualitative indicators. The color of urine is determined by comparison with a standard scale; it must be included in the conclusion of the analysis.

Modern diagnostic methods are not comparable with the working conditions of zemstvo doctors of the 19th century, when a person’s health was judged by the color of urine, they knew in which cases the color of the foam or urinary sediment was preserved. People can independently notice a change in the color of urine. This important sign causes alertness, doubts, and the need to consult a doctor.

What determines the color of urine?

The study of the biochemical composition that affects the color of urine normally showed that the following matters:

  • transparency;
  • coloring;
  • intensity.

To characterize what color urine should be in a particular person, you need to take into account the peculiarities of his diet, taking medications. The saturation of the color varies depending on the total amount of urine excreted, its specific gravity (concentration of dissolved substances).

According to the chemical composition, urine is a multicomponent liquid. More than 150 substances are dissolved in it. In the fresh urine of a healthy adult, color is formed by pigments:

  • urochrome;
  • uroerythrin;
  • urozein;
  • stercobilin.

All of them contribute to the staining of urine in different shades of yellow, from light to richly bright. The intensity increases with oliguria, an increased specific gravity of solutes (salts, urea and uric acid, mucopolysaccharides).

The presence of a large amount of mucus and salts reduces transparency, the color looks dull. The normal color of urine is usually determined by the morning portion. Therefore, one of the requirements for the collection of analysis is the delivery of the container to the laboratory no later than two hours. If the jar of urine is stored longer, the processes of fermentation and decomposition of the contents begin. This results in a change in color and transparency.

What factors determine the color of urine?

Causes of discoloration of urine are associated with:

  • the level of metabolism in the body - increased activity in thyrotoxicosis;
  • the volume of urine excreted - the greater the diuresis, the lighter the color, since the dilution of pigmenting substances increases;
  • the age of a person - in children, urine is light yellow, in the infant period it is almost colorless, a slight reddish tint is associated with an increase in the level of uric acid;
  • the use of products, preservatives containing vegetable and artificial dyes (carrots, beets, eosin, methylene blue);
  • febrile state in infectious diseases;
  • taking medications;
  • urinary tract injuries;
  • inflammation in the urogenital area;
  • diseases of the liver, gallbladder and duct;
  • blood diseases;
  • hereditary metabolic anomaly.

We will look at what determines the color of urine and how it changes in shades.

What to think about if the urine of an adult is colorless?

Urine has a characteristic milky white color with chyluria, lymph ingress. This pathology is formed due to the connection (fistula) between the lymph duct and the renal pelvis or bladder.

Typically, the formation of three immiscible layers:

  • white clot on top;
  • in the middle - milky liquid;
  • below - epithelial cells, salts, fatty inclusions are located.

A similar condition is possible with pyonephrosis (kidney abscess).

The difference is the absence of massive leukocyturia and bacteriuria, symptoms of an acute destructive process in the kidneys. Independent termination occurs when the patient is in a horizontal position, when lifting - the lymph instantly fills the urinary system, and the color of the urine changes to whitish.

Prolonged excretion of pale, almost colorless urine is characteristic of diabetes insipidus and diabetes mellitus, chronic renal failure.

Greenish urine causes Pseudomonas aeruginosa

What does orange urine indicate?

Orange or red urine means:

  • release from the blood of a significant amount of pigments such as urochrome and urobilinogen;
  • eating preservatives containing dyes, carrot juice and dishes from carrots, oranges;
  • dehydration of the body, low fluid intake, profuse uncompensated sweating in the heat, in the sauna, during physical work;
  • treatment with Chloroquine, Riboflavin, Furagin, Furadonin, Rifampicin changes the color of urine from bright yellow to intense orange.

With an increased content of bilirubin in the blood, the urine has a saffron-yellow or amber color, after shaking the container, the foam also turns colored.

When is urine pink?

The pink tint of light yellow urine appears when eaten:

  • beetroot dishes and plenty of carrots;
  • red food coloring contained in canned meat, lemonade, sweets;
  • blackberries and cherries;
  • blackcurrant with acidic urine;
  • rhubarb for alkalized urine.

Pink color is possible in the treatment of drugs:

  • containing acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin, many headache pills);
  • ibuprofen;
  • the phenolphthalein group;
  • Aminophenazone;
  • Phenilin;
  • Rifampicin.

Urine that is any pink-reddish color indicates the presence of:

  • erythrocytes;
  • breakdown products of hemoglobin;
  • bilirubin and its derivatives.

Hematuria (an admixture of fresh blood and free hemoglobin) is possible in pathological conditions:

  • cystitis;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • urolithiasis;
  • tumors of the urinary organs;
  • systemic vasculitis involving the glomerular apparatus of the kidneys.

In these cases, in addition to the changed color of urine, patients have other symptoms:

  • pain in the lumbar region, above the pubis, in the groin, for men with renal colic, irradiation to the penis and scrotum is characteristic;
  • temperature increase;
  • dysuric disorders (frequent urge to urinate, cramps);
  • swelling on the face in the morning, in the evening on the legs and feet;
  • high blood pressure;
  • bad smell of urine.

In men over 60 years of age, hematuria is more often a sign of prostate adenoma, bladder cancer

In the analysis of urine find:

  • erythrocytes (fresh or leached);
  • leukocytes;
  • bacteria;
  • slime;
  • salt;
  • protein;
  • cylinders;
  • epithelial cells.

Without a microscope, mucus clots, pus, fibrin threads are visible.

When does urine turn red?

Such a sign as an intensely red (burgundy) color of urine indicates massive bleeding in the urinary tract. This may be caused by:

  • injury of the mucous membrane with a stone during its movement;
  • destructive effect of the tumor;
  • injury to the kidneys, lower urinary tract, genital organs;
  • diseases with reduced blood clotting (hemophilia);
  • hemoglobinuria.

In urolithiasis, oxalate stones most often bleed. They are distinguished by sharp edges, a significant injuring surface. Reddening of urine after an attack of renal colic is characteristic.

Blood in the urine forms clots that, depending on their size, can clog the ureter and cause signs of acute retention.

With the breakdown of muscle tissue during severe injuries, the syndrome of prolonged compression in the blood and urine, myoglobin appears. Its presence gives the urine a red-brown color.

Viral hepatitis is accompanied by changes in the color scale of urine at different stages.

If the urine is dark brown, what does this mean?

Most often, the dark color of urine in a child is caused by a lack of fluid in the drinking regimen. Children are much more sensitive than adults to dehydration. Therefore, pediatricians are always reminded of the need to give extra water between feedings and not save on diapers.

In adults, in addition to dehydration, urine darkens from:

  • frequent use of laxative teas containing buckthorn bark and cassia;
  • therapy with Metronidazole, Rifampicin, drugs of the nitrofuran group, Quinine, Imipenem;
  • use in the treatment of B vitamins, large doses of C, sulfur-containing drugs, antibiotics;
  • disorders of bilirubin metabolism in hepatitis, cholelithiasis, tumors of the liver and pancreas (at the same time, the feces become light);
  • alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • toxic effect on the liver in case of mercury poisoning;
  • increased breakdown of red blood cells in blood diseases;
  • hemochromatosis and excess iron;
  • hereditary tyrosinemia - a serious disease associated with a lack of enzymes involved in the breakdown of tyrosine protein, while kidney and liver cells are destroyed;
  • infectious inflammation of the urinary organs;
  • malignant lesions of the kidneys, bladder, polycystic;
  • consequences of kidney damage in systemic vasculitis.

Hematuria caused by the ingress of hemoglobin from red blood cells into the urine, under the influence of acidity, is accompanied by a transformation into hematin or methemoglobin. Therefore, the color from pink is converted to brown.

Injuries to the liver tissue may be accompanied by blackening of the urine. Black urine is also part of the symptoms of such serious diseases as:

  • Marchiafava-Mikeli disease (a rare form of hemolytic anemia);
  • alkaptonuria - a hereditary chromosomal pathology, more often detected in men;
  • melanoma is a malignant tumor.

Urine with alkaptonuria turns black when exposed to air

In pregnant women, as a rule, urine is quite dark in the morning, and becomes straw yellow in the daytime. Changes are associated with hormonal daily balance.

When do blue-green urine occur?

Urine of a blue or, more precisely, a blue tint is found in rare cases. Medicines have the ability to:

  • Phenacetin - stain urine in brown-green (tea) or dark color;
  • Amitriptyline and methyl blue - in green or blue-green;
  • tetracycline antibiotics act similarly in diabetic patients;
  • an individual reaction to the intake of certain vitamins is possible.

A congenital disorder of protein metabolism is associated with the accumulation of tryptophan protein. It is found in fish, seafood, chicken, turkey. In patients with a disturbed assimilation process, urine acquires a blue tint.

When, besides urine, is the sediment stained?

Usually the urine sediment has a fawn color, but various reasons stain it:

  • if a large amount of uric acid precipitates, then the precipitate looks like yellow sand;
  • with a large number of urates becomes brick red;
  • the presence of tripelphosphate salts, as well as amorphous phosphates, makes the precipitate dense and white;
  • admixture of pus - gives a green tint;
  • inclusions of erythrocytes - red.

What to do if you find an unusual color of urine?

When identifying changes against the background of good health, you should think about the amount of fluid you drink, food hobbies. Observe urine for 1-2 days. Persistent discoloration may signal the onset of a chronic disease. It should be remembered that many diseases have a latent period of the course.

A change in the color of urine is difficult to assess independently. It's best to get tested. Laboratory methods allow you to find out which substances affect the color in each individual case. The doctor, in order to find out what the color of urine is talking about, will first try to establish a connection with physiological causes. Only when a pathology is detected, treatment is prescribed.

It is impossible to draw a conclusion about human health based on one color of urine. For accurate diagnosis, additional methods of examination will be required.

A change in the color of urine is a sign that is easily detected by a person, which may indicate the development of a disease in the body. But, sometimes - it can be the result of taking certain medications or eating brightly colored foods.

In the latter case, it is quite easy to find out by asking the patient, and in the rest, a more detailed examination is required. The diagnostic search program is formed taking into account the existing shade of urine, which allows us to assume the most likely factor.

Causes of dark urine in men and women

The reasons for the dark color of urine can be very diverse and the nature determines one or another shade. In most cases, pathological changes in urine in men and women are the same, except for specific cases of violations in the functioning of the genital organs or injuries. And, of course - the period of pregnancy in women.

We will dwell on these features separately - first, consider the general factors that do not depend on gender.

Cause of dark brown urine lies in the destruction of red blood cells (hemolysis), in which a large amount of urobilins is formed from hemoglobin. It is they who give a characteristic shade.

Hemolysis can develop as a result of hereditary or acquired factors. Hereditary factors are abnormalities in the structure of hemoglobin or the membrane (shell) of red blood cells.

These features cause an increased deformation of red cells, as a result of which they are destroyed in the vascular bed, causing the subsequent release of hemoglobin from them.

Such events develop if a person has some hereditary diseases:

  • sickle cell anemia (erythrocytes are sickle-shaped);
  • spherocytosis, acanthocytosis, etc.
  • thalassemia (change in the number of hemoglobin chains in 1 erythrocyte);
  • enzymopathies (enzyme defects that shorten the life of red blood cells).

The causes of acquired hemolysis can be:

  • autoimmune anemia (the destruction of red cells is associated with their damage by antibodies);
  • mechanical injury of erythrocytes during physical activity (marching hemoglobinuria);
  • malaria (malarial plasmodium directly initiates the death of blood cells);
  • toxic substances of hemolytic action;
  • acute infections;
  • increase the function of the spleen, which normally destroys red blood cells.

Dark yellow urine usually indicates states of dehydration or states of fluid exit into the intercellular space, in which the concentration of urochromes (substances that give urine a yellow color) increases in it. This mechanism takes place when:

  • edematous syndrome;
  • burns;
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea.

Taking B vitamins or Furagin (a medicine used to treat kidney and bladder infections) causes yellow-orange urine to appear. To restore normal staining, it is enough to stop taking the pharmacological agent.

Dark red urine indicates the presence in it of some substances of exogenous (external) origin. They usually appear due to:

  • taking sulfonamides;
  • taking Metronidazole;
  • taking preparations created on the basis of bearberry (most often used to treat urinary infections);
  • poisoning with phenol-containing substances.

Phenol surrounds us everywhere. This poison can be found in furniture (in fiberboard and chipboard, its intake increases with increasing ambient temperature), carpets, toys, clothing, building materials, cosmetics and household chemicals. It is also present in food.

Especially a lot of it in liquid smoke, used as a substitute for smoking. Fruits and vegetables can also contain phenol, because. it is used for processing in order to prevent rotting processes. Therefore, they (especially those collected out of season) are recommended to be washed thoroughly.

In some cases, urine may turn black. The reasons for this may be:

  • nocturnal hemoglobinuria (usually the main cause of dark urine in the morning)
  • melanoma (a malignant tumor that affects the skin).

Beer color in urine appears with damage to hepatocytes caused by viral hepatitis or alcoholic liver damage. In these diseases, it is not able to metabolize bilirubin, and it appears in large quantities in the blood, from where it is filtered in the kidneys.

Reddish urine is usually indicative of a person's particular food habits. So, it appears when eating a large amount of beets, carrots or blueberries. Another cause may be taking aspirin or antipyrine.

At the same time, it should be distinguished from bright red urine due to renal colic or kidney infarction. The diagnostic criterion will be the detection of erythrocytes or hemoglobin in the urinary sediment, which indicate colic or circulatory disorders.

Dark cloudy urine is a sign of an inflammatory process. The lack of transparency indicates the presence of various impurities in it. These can be bacteria, dead leukocytes, or desquamated epithelial cells. Microscopic examination of urine helps to detect these elements.

Features of dark urine in men

Specific causes of dark-colored urine in men are:

  • damage to the prostate gland;
  • epididymitis - an inflammatory lesion of the epididymis;
  • traumatic injury to the scrotum.

Otherwise, the symptoms and causes of color changes in urine in men and women are the same.

The main cause of dark urine in a woman during pregnancy is (vomiting). It leads to dehydration of the body and the concentration of dyes in the urine is higher than normal. These urochromes lead to darkening of the biological fluid.

A study of the urinary sediment in toxicosis can also reveal the presence of acetone. Other signs are:

  • recurring vomiting;
  • dry mucous membranes;
  • constant nausea;
  • pressure reduction;
  • increased heart rate;
  • a slight rise in temperature;
  • acetone breath, etc.

Toxicosis is not the only cause of dark urine in a pregnant woman. A similar mechanism occurs in food poisoning (infections).

All of the above factors should also be excluded. The changed color of urine during pregnancy should always be alarming and be the reason for a detailed examination.

What to do when urine acquires an uncharacteristic color? - It is necessary to find out the reason for this condition. To do this, it is necessary to adhere to a certain algorithm (a person can perform its initial stages on his own):

  1. Analyze the diet to see if it contains foods with bright colors (beets, blueberries, carrots, etc.).
  2. Analyze if medications are being taken, especially antibiotics (Metronidazole), sulfonamides, Aspirin, or other non-steroids.
  3. Assess if there are concomitant symptoms (vomiting, fever, diarrhea, etc.).
  4. Is it possible to identify a provoking factor - pregnancy, burns, poisoning, etc.
  5. Submit a urine sample for microscopy.
  6. If microscopic examination does not reveal abnormalities, then it is necessary to conduct a biochemical analysis of urine (assesses the presence of certain chemicals, including toxic ones).
  7. Get a blood test to check for possible anemia.

The last 3 points of this algorithm are the task of the doctor. Therefore, when changing the color of urine, you should consult a specialist. Appeal should be prompt in the following situations:

  • pregnancy;
  • temperature increase;
  • recurring vomiting;
  • painful urination;
  • the appearance of yellowness of the skin;
  • development of puffiness;
  • massive burns.

If physiological (morning increased urine concentration), iatrogenic (due to medication) or nutritional causes are excluded, then treatment is carried out. It depends on the underlying disease and is prescribed by the appropriate specialist.

Often, patients notice that they have dark urine, and because of this they begin to panic. But darkening of the liquid is not always a sign of pathology. In a healthy person, a light, yellowish liquid without unpleasant odors is released. If the urine has become dark in color, you should consult a doctor who will determine the cause of such changes. Dark urine in the morning is the norm, because at night the person did not go to the toilet, and no other liquid entered the body. Usually the second act of urination is characterized by lighter urine. Many factors change the color of the discharge, because blood, mucous and purulent impurities are excreted in the urine. So, patients have black urine, discharge of a grayish or burgundy hue, or brown liquid. If dark-colored urine is supported by other signs (pain in the abdomen or lower back, weakness, headache, pain in the side or temperature), then the patient should be examined by a doctor.

Physiological causes of darkening of the liquid

If the patient's urine has turned dark in color, there is no need to panic, because darkened discharge is observed not only with the development of ailments. Natural causes of dark urine include drinking a small amount of liquid, eating foods that make urine cloudy. Urine changes color after exercise or sex, when the body has received physical activity.

The appearance of dark morning urine is the norm for any person, because after sleep, urine has a high concentration. Also, the color changes due to the use of a small amount of liquid per day or as a result of increased sweating, which manifests itself on hot days or during physical exertion. This phenomenon indicates an increased level of urochrome. What foods cause urine to turn dark? Strong tea and coffee, legumes, beets, beef, carrots, rhubarb, blueberries, etc. have a coloring effect.

What are the pathological causes?

Dark-colored urine may be a symptom of damage to the organs of the urinary system.

What diseases cause dark urine when urinating? The reasons are divided into 2 groups. The first group includes ailments that change the color of urine, in which the organs of the urinary system (kidneys, urethra, bladder) are affected. Such diseases include pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, cystitis, malignant neoplasms or nephritis. The second group is general metabolic disorders of the body (the appearance of jaundice, hyperlipidemia or hemolysis), which affects the analysis of urine.

What does the shade indicate?

A distinctive feature is the urinary hue. If the urine becomes dark brown, then this indicates a liver lesion or ailments of the gallbladder, as a result of which bilirubin and biliverdin are excreted from the kidneys (for example, cholestasis develops), and with urolithiasis, the outflow of bile becomes more difficult. When the liquid has darkened to a dark yellow hue, then the patient progresses with an ailment that affects the urinary tract. In addition, high levels of salts, urates, etc. are found in the secretions. There may also be gray urine, indicating the presence of purulent secretions.

If the urine turns dark, then the reason for this may be the development of cirrhosis, and dark urine appears with hepatitis C or kidney ailments, due to which the process of removing excess toxins is disrupted. In addition, in case of pathology, the patient has such signs as an increased level of sweating, the appearance of nausea, increased protein in the urine, vomiting and pain, the patient has a liquid with a smell and the temperature rises. It is important that when changes are detected, the exact factor due to which the urine darkens is established. In particular, this applies to cases when a person is disturbed by fever and sharp pains in the lower abdomen, while pain may appear in the left side or in the right side, headaches and weakness, diarrhea.

Causes of dark discharge in men

In men, the cause of brown urine may be inflammation of the genitourinary system.

Discharge from an adult male can change color with ailments of the vas deferens, prostate, testicles and other genital organs. This is due to the fact that urine, seminal secretions, and prostate secretion pass through the urethra. The appearance of a rusty hue means that blood has stagnated in the prostate gland, which manifests itself in a man with prostatitis. If a brick color is found, it is possible to identify a scrotal injury or the presence of inflammatory processes in the epididymis.

What causes dark discharge in women?

Dark-colored urine in women can be a sign of inflammatory processes that appear in the patient's body. These include malignant neoplasms in the pancreas and liver, kidney ailments, various kinds of injuries, the development of vasculitis, jaundice or hepatitis, hemolytic anemia, and a symptom manifests itself in pancreatitis. If the patient has a dark color of urine, then an infection could get into the urinary tract or the patient was found to have high levels of bilirubin.

Dark urine in women appears when a certain dietary menu is followed or when using products that have a coloring effect (tea or coffee drink, beets, etc.). Darkening of the urine can be a symptom of pregnancy, which appears due to hormonal changes in the patient, or manifests itself after childbirth. Dirty and smelly fluid is released in venereal diseases, cervical cancer and decaying uterine fibroids.

Dark urine symptoms

Isolation of very dark, almost black, urine is observed in acute renal failure.

In a healthy person, a light yellow liquid is released that does not have odors and impurities. But there are different causes of dark urine, and the type of developing disease depends on the shade. Changes in the color of urine are sometimes associated with a person's age, because after 50 years the genitourinary system is affected in both men and women. At the same time, urine of a certain color is characteristic for each syndrome.

  • If the color of the urine has changed to dark yellow, while the liquid is cloudy and of high concentration, then the patient has become dehydrated, resulting in nausea, vomiting and liquid light stools.
  • Brown discharge indicates hemolytic anemia.
  • Black urine is a sign of melanosarcoma, alkaptonuria, and an acute hemolytic kidney is also diagnosed.
  • Red, almost burgundy, thick urine with blood indicates tumors, cystitis and urolithiasis.
  • Glomerulonephritis is the reason why the color of meat slops appears.
  • A greenish-brown tint (beer-colored urine) means that the patient is developing parenchymal jaundice.
  • In the presence of a gray tint, which is almost white and discolored, they speak of the presence of fat or purulent secretions in the secretions, while the urine smells unpleasant.

Urine is a product of the basic metabolism of the human body, which is produced by the kidneys as a result of the blood filtration mechanism, followed by the secretion of metabolic products into it. Color of urine (urine) reflects the functional state of the kidneys and the whole organism as a whole. Even without a laboratory study, it is possible to say with a certain accuracy what kind of deviation occurs in the human body by the color of urine. This criterion was the main one in the diagnosis of diseases in medicine before the introduction of the practice of laboratory research.

What color urine should be is determined by the presence of certain substances in it in a dissolved state, impurities of blood, pus, mucus and other pathological factors. Normal urine is yellow, clear, without any impurities. The color saturation of urine ranges from light yellow to yellow, in the laboratory another indicator is used - straw-yellow urine. Knowing what color urine should be, and under what diseases it changes, will help to suspect diseases of the urinary system and metabolism in the body.

Physiological causes of urine color change

A change in the color of urine can occur not only due to diseases, but also in some of the following normal conditions of the body:

  • eating foods containing dyes can stain urine in the appropriate color: beets - pink, carrots - rich yellow;
  • taking certain medications - amidopyrine stains urine red, triamterene - blue-green, acetylsalicylic acid - pink;
  • the intake of fluid in the body in a volume less than the daily requirement gives a rich yellow color to the urine, while its amount decreases - the concentration of urine;
  • excess intake of fluid into the body, on the contrary, makes the urine very light, almost colorless, its amount increases - urine dilution.

Pathological causes of urine color change

If you have a changed color of urine - the reasons can be of 2 main groups:

  1. causes associated with the process in the organs of the urinary system (kidneys, bladder, urethra) - nephritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, tumors, and;
  2. causes that cause discoloration of urine as a result of general metabolic disorders in the body - jaundice, hemolysis (destruction of red blood cells), hyperlipidemia.

Changes in the color of urine in pathology vary widely:

  • Dark-colored urine - this change is also compared to beer-colored urine, occurs when the level of bilirubin in the blood (jaundice) increases, which is excreted in the urine, giving it a rich brown color. In the case of the development of obstructive jaundice, when the outflow of bile from the gallbladder is disturbed and it enters the bloodstream, then the urine is bright yellow in color, with a greenish tint. If there is parenchymal jaundice, due to the release of bilirubin from the destroyed liver cells, then the color of the urine is brown. In addition, the dark yellow color of urine can appear with kidney failure and severe dehydration, due to the high concentration of urine. The amount of urine is small.
  • Red urine - due to the ingestion of blood into the urine, this occurs in the presence of kidney stones that damage blood vessels, tumors or injuries of the organs of the urinary system. With severe bleeding in the organs of the urinary system, in case of damage to a large vessel, urine becomes completely like blood. Normally, the red color of urine is due to the use of a large amount of beets or the use of certain drugs. In this case, you should not be afraid, after a short period of time, the color of the urine returns to normal.
  • Urine is reddish in color - this color is also compared with the color of "meat slops", this color appears with significant hemolysis - the destruction of red blood cells with the release of hemoglobin from them into the blood and its entry into the urine, which gives such staining. This is a serious condition, since free hemoglobin in the blood, when it is filtered in the glomeruli of the kidneys, leads to their pollution and the development of acute renal failure.
  • Pink urine - can also be the result of blood getting into it, but only a small amount - microhematuria in inflammatory diseases of the kidneys or bladder, the initial stage of tumors.
  • White urine is a sign of lipids entering the urine from the blood during hyperlipidemia (increased levels of free fat in the blood serum). Also, the urine becomes cloudy and opalescent.

Excretion of a large amount of light urine can be a sign of the development of diabetes in a person. This is usually accompanied by a feeling of thirst and nocturia. Nocturia is a state of predominance of nocturnal urination over daytime diuresis. In a laboratory study, glucose is determined in the urine, which enters the urine when blood is filtered in the glomeruli of the kidneys.

Photo: Urine color and pregnancy

Also, with a normal color, the transparency of urine may decrease, it becomes cloudy. This is caused by the presence of undissolved sediment in the urine, which includes:

  • cellular elements - squamous epithelial cells during its desquamation from the mucous membrane of the urinary tract and bladder and a large number that appear in the urine as a result of inflammation;
  • cylinders - are protein casts that appear due to a large amount; leukocytes or erythrocytes can settle on them;
  • salt sediment - insoluble salts are in the urine in the form of sediment, which is the first sign of the onset of stone formation processes in the kidneys.

The color of urine during pregnancy is due to an increased load on the kidneys, as they have to experience a double load, removing metabolic products from the body of a woman and a growing fetus. Therefore, usually the color is more saturated, yellow of various shades. In the case of an inflammatory reaction in the kidneys, the urine becomes cloudy with a greenish tint - a high number of leukocytes in it. When such changes appear in the urine, a woman should seek the advice of a gynecologist and urologist for further examination and treatment.

What will the color of urine tell

If the color of urine has changed, then first of all it is necessary to exclude the physiological, normal causes of such a change. To establish the exact cause of the change in the color of urine, a laboratory study is carried out, which begins with a clinical analysis. This study includes macroscopic indicators - the color, amount, presence of protein and the relative density of urine. If necessary, the presence of glucose in the urine, which normally should not be, is also determined. Then microscopy of the urine sediment is performed, in which it is possible to determine the number of leukocytes, erythrocytes, cylinders and the nature of salts in the urine. An ultrasound examination of the kidneys is also performed if there is a suspicion of the presence of stones or tumors in them.

Any changes in the color of urine should alert a person regarding their state of health and serve as a reason to visit a doctor for consultation and further examination.

External signs are a signal that the body gives. The color of urine, which is formed due to blood filtration, is a sign of a person's condition. It is not difficult to determine the disease by urine, having elementary knowledge. In a healthy person, urine is transparent yellow, sometimes rich yellow. The indicators depend on the concentration of urine. If it is transparent yellow, it means that you have drunk a lot of liquid. If it is rich yellow, it means that there is not too much water in the body. How to determine the disease by visual signs?

Pathological causes of urine color in kidney disease

Every day, at a normal rate, a person should excrete from 800 ml to 1.5 liters during urination. The reasons for the abnormal color of the natural fluid are those components that should not be in the urine (erythrocytes, proteins, leukocytes, etc.). In the presence of such components, it can be revealed that pathological processes occur in the body, to which it is important to pay close attention. Urine color is an important landmark for diagnosing the disease. The rate often varies with kidney disease.

But not only serious disorders in the body - the causes of color:

  • Some vitamins, after taking which and.
  • Carrots are always bright orange.
  • Medicines contain dyes that affect the color of urine.
  • Age is also considered a factor in changing color characteristics.
  • With physical exertion in adults after 50 years of age, particles of blood can enter the urine, staining the urine reddish.

light urine

It is believed that light urine means that the body is healthy. But too light urine is also found in diseases - diabetes, cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis. During pregnancy, urine acquires a light-transparent color. A different type of vitamin leads to the fact that the body cannot digest useful elements. As a result, such elements in urine change color to sandy. A yellow biofluid with a sandy color is a consequence of the disease, it happens during the formation of stones and sand.

What does bright coloring say: neon yellow, yellow

Neon coloring indicates taking vitamins to improve health, or taking medications. The danger is that an excess of vitamin substances leads to a disease called hypervitaminosis. Drugs such as nitrofurans (used for inflammatory processes in the human body) are able to make urine bright yellow. Daily use of a different coloring product (carrot juice, asparagus) increases the amount of bright yellow pigment.

Coloration dark: golden or dark yellow

The dark color of urine indicates health hazards. But don't be so quick to worry. Dark color varieties range from dark brown, brown to golden. First, determine what color your urine is. To do this, make sure that the lighting is sufficient for correct output. It is important to check if there are any dye residues on the toilet bowl. The spectrum of causes of discoloration is wide - from harmless to life-threatening.

If the dark color of urine has appeared recently, remember what food you have eaten recently. Blackberries, foods with dyes, rhubarb, and liquorice candy can cause temporary urine coloration. If you take medications (sleeping pills, laxatives, medical dyes for diagnostics), there is an effect of changing the tone of the biofluid. A very dark color is possible with kidney disease (hepatitis, cirrhosis, bleeding). It is advisable to immediately go to the urologist to determine the definition of the true cause. To do this, you will do a urine test.

Dark or dark yellow urine

Talks about kidney disease and these types of problems:

  • Dehydration. With frequent vomiting or diarrhea, low water intake, the biofluid is concentrated with nitrogenous slags, which gives a dark yellow color.
  • Excessive consumption of food or medicinal supplements.
  • The first symptoms of illness and disorder. Liver infections, anemia, jaundice, hepatitis change the breakdown of red blood cells, which stains urine in an unusual color.