How to give a back massage to a small child. Children's massage: types and techniques. When to perform the procedure

Massage has been known to mankind for several millennia. There are many varieties of such effects on the human body - from traditional to exotic (hot, Thai, stone, African, etc.). Children's massage is always considered separately: it is a special type of treatment and prevention that helps parents in a wide variety of situations. In this material, we will tell you what a baby massage is and how to conduct it for a child on their own.

Benefits of procedures

Massage is an indispensable assistant for mothers and fathers who want to raise a healthy child. A small child needs it to relieve muscle hypertonicity, which is physiological, because the baby in the mother’s womb is not in the most comfortable position for many months. A child is born with arms and legs that do not fully unbend, he almost does not open his fists. A newborn needs the help of parents in removing muscle tone so that he can grow and develop physically more harmoniously.

For older children, massage is necessary to support the musculoskeletal system and the muscular corset, since they have a huge load in the process of intensive growth of the child. Massage improves local blood circulation, increases blood flow to the skin, improves metabolism, promotes the development of the nervous system, because certain nerve receptors are intensely excited during massaging. Due to this, massage for hyperactive babies has a calming effect, and for slow and lethargic toddlers it has a tonic effect.

If a child is capricious, eats poorly, sleeps poorly, or is often sick, a massage will help improve his well-being. A properly conducted session will help with a wide variety of early childhood problems: regurgitation, colic, constipation, dacryocystitis, muscle hypotonicity, and a runny nose.

Wellness massage is recommended for all healthy children, because it strengthens children's immunity, and this, to be honest, is the most important task of any loving parent.

Massage for a baby is not only a therapeutic and prophylactic procedure, but also communication with parents, because during the session he feels tactile contact with his mother, which is so necessary for him in the first year of life. This communication has a beneficial effect on the development of the emotional, mental and intellectual spheres of the baby’s personality.


Massage for a child is carried out according to the same scheme as massage for adults, but only all the effects are more delicate, gentle and accurate.

Depending on the purpose of the massage, there are several main types.


This type of influence, as the name implies, is used when the baby has certain diseases that require conservative treatment, which includes massage procedures. Often prescribed for diseases of internal organs and the nervous system.


Such a massage is very common, it belongs to the professional impact and is indicated if the child has problems with the musculoskeletal system. It is also carried out by professionals or by the parents themselves, previously instructed by professionals, under their control. It is indicated for flat feet, hip dysplasia, scoliosis, torticollis, kyphosis and lordosis, valgus and varus deformities of the feet.

General (classic)

This type of massage has many other names. It is called general strengthening or strengthening. This is the same type of procedure that can and should be carried out for children at almost any age at home. Indicated even for completely healthy children. But especially infants, excitable and inhibited babies, often sick children need it. In turn, a general massage can be relaxing and tonic.


This type of massage came to us from the East. Acupuncture points, the stimulation of which is provided by the technique, affect the functioning of certain organs and systems, the brain, and nervous system. It is quite complex for a non-professional, but some types of acupressure can still be performed at home, for example, massage for a child with a headache or runny nose.


This type of influence is one of the most complex - manual procedures. It requires the massage therapist to have excellent knowledge of the biological points on the patient’s body. The peculiarity of emendic massage lies in stimulating the correct flow of lymph, due to which the body is cleansed. Children are massaged exclusively by experienced chiropractors; at home, if performed incorrectly, it can cause harm.

Drainage (percussion)

This type of massage is used to treat respiratory diseases. It is used in situations where it is necessary to facilitate the passage of sputum, relieve a cough, or help a child cope with a wet cough during the recovery stage after suffering from influenza or ARVI. At home, it is carried out quite successfully, it is simple and effective.


This is the informal name for tear duct massage. Needed for children with dacryocystitis - inflammation of the lacrimal sac and obstruction of the nasolacrimal ducts. It can be carried out by specialists, but is more often recommended for children of any age to do independently, at home.

In addition, massage is divided into therapeutic, preventive and therapeutic-prophylactic. Thus, dacryomassage belongs to the category of therapeutic and prophylactic, because it can be done both in case of illness and to prevent relapses in the future. But classic general massage is not therapeutic, it is only preventive. Thus, massage for cerebral palsy, dysplasia, umbilical hernia, inguinal hernia, scoliosis, etc. are subtypes of therapeutic massage, the task of which is to help heal and improve the condition of a sick child.


Since massage can be useful to parents in a wide variety of situations, you should master the techniques of the most common types approved for home use.

General strengthening

Goal: to promote the physical and emotional development of the child, the development of new motor skills and abilities, the removal of hypertonicity, increasing muscle tone during hypotonicity, and the prevention of disorders in physical development.

What you will need: baby cream or massage oil, equipped massage place (table or changing table), paper towel, wet wipes.

The impact scheme is as follows.

Stage one - on your back

The child should be placed in a supine position. After he gets used to the temperature of the air undressed, you should begin to carry out a classic massage, starting with the upper extremities. Lightly massage each hand in turn, first stroking it and then rubbing it from the fingers to the shoulder. The armpit cannot be massaged.

The legs are also massaged with stroking movements - from the toes to the heel and up to the groin. Avoid rubbing and stroking the inner thigh and groin area. The ankle is massaged with two fingers, easily kneading the muscle. It is prohibited to massage the knee joint and popliteal cavity.

The baby's chest is rubbed with an open palm in the direction from the center of the sternum to the ribs, and the tummy is massaged with light circular movements, describing “circles” around the navel.

Stage two - on the stomach

Turn the baby onto his stomach, let him lie down for a while, get used to his new position in space. Start massaging your feet. Gently stroke the back of the legs and thighs, move to the buttocks, and finish rubbing them with light patting or pinching movements. The back is massaged excluding the impact on the spinal column and lumbar region.

The long back muscles are easily rubbed, after which rubbing and kneading are used. The massage ends with a rollover on both sides from a prone position to stimulate the abdominal and lateral muscles.

The collar area is massaged only for children over 3 months old, and is limited to stroking. There should be no pressure, sawing, or percussion technique when massaging the neck.

The general massage ends with turning back on your back and soothing strokes of the whole body.

Duration of the session: start with 2-3 minutes and gradually increase the massage time to 15 minutes for children up to six months, up to 30 minutes for children from 6 to 8 months, up to 40 minutes for children from 9 to 12 months.


Goal: to promote muscle relaxation, relieve hypertension in newborns and infants, the effects of stress, symptoms of hyperactivity, neurasthenia, improve sleep and appetite.

What you will need: hypoallergenic oil for baby massage or baby cream, wet wipes, disposable diaper, equipped massage place (table or changing table), warm flannel diaper.

How to do: This type of massage does not require intense muscle kneading or rubbing. All influences must be careful, gentle, delicate. Place the undressed child on a disposable diaper, moisten your hands with oil or cream. Start softly stroking your arms. Trying to stroke each of your baby's fingers with your fingers, stop on the palms and wrists and massage them in a circular motion. Stroke your forearms from bottom to top.

Foot massage begins with the fingers, feet, heels, massaging them with light circular movements. Next, you should move on to the lower leg, without kneading the ankle and lower leg muscles. Iron in a straight direction from bottom to top. Using circular movements and semicircles, stroke your stomach and chest.

Turn the baby onto his tummy. Lightly massage your buttocks, back, and collar area. Proceed to the head massage - use your fingertips to massage the head in small circular movements, avoiding the fontanelle area if it has not yet healed due to age. Finish with a light massage of your earlobes.

Wrap your baby in a warm diaper and take him for a bath: water treatments are a mandatory attribute of a relaxing massage. After bathing and feeding, babies usually fall asleep well and sleep sounder and longer than in situations where parents prefer to do without massage.

Duration: The massage should be carried out about an hour before evening feeding and going to bed, the duration of the session is on average 10-15 minutes. For a child older than one year, you can increase this time to 20-25 minutes.


Purpose: during a child’s illness, excess bronchial secretions accumulate in the bronchi. To avoid complications, a vibration massage is performed, which is designed to promote the removal of sputum in case of bronchitis, tracheobronchitis, wet lingering cough, at the stage of rehabilitation after a viral disease.

What you will need: handkerchief.

How to carry out: when performing a cough massage, take into account the age of the child and follow the following recommendations:

  • place the baby on your lap face down so that his head is slightly below the level of the buttocks;
  • With your fingertips, tap on the ribs and intercostal space, tap on the back and chest, avoiding the heart area;
  • lift the child to an upright position. If everything was done correctly, the baby will cough with sputum.

An older child can be seated on the edge of a bed or sofa and asked to lean forward a little. Percussion tapping with your fingertips is performed in this starting position. After the procedure is completed, the child is asked to stand up sharply and cough. This is where a handkerchief prepared in advance comes in handy. The massage therapist’s fingers do not need to be lubricated with anything, since the movements are only tapping, there is no need for sliding.

Duration: You can perform this massage up to 5-6 times a day, the session duration is 5-10 minutes. The general course is until the symptoms of the respiratory disease are alleviated.

Vibrating drainage massage is not performed on children with a dry cough, which is unproductive, that is, no sputum is produced when coughing.

For colic and constipation

Purpose: to normalize intestinal motility, improve digestion processes, remove intestinal gases, prevent their accumulation and the occurrence of pain, promote defecation during constipation.

What you will need: a hard surface as a massage place, oilcloth and a disposable diaper, wet wipes, massage and Vaseline oils, baby cream and a clean thermometer.

How to do it: Place the baby on his back, with light movements in a circle, stroke his tummy ten times clockwise and the same number counterclockwise. Around the navel (without touching it), make more intense but gentle movements in a spiral - from the navel to the expansion to the sides. With one hand, bring the legs to the stomach, with the other finger, from the lower left corner, draw an imaginary letter “P” along the intestinal loops. This technique is performed several times.

Place your baby on his tummy for a few minutes. This will be quite enough to eliminate infant colic. If the core of the problem is constipation, then return the baby to his back and help him empty his bowels. To do this, bring the legs to the stomach, lubricate the anus with Vaseline oil and slightly irritate it with the tip of a clean thermometer. This usually helps to empty your bowels after a massage.

Duration: The massage lasts about 5-7 minutes, usually it is part of a relaxing or restorative session. For constipation, massage for at least 10-15 minutes. On an ongoing basis, abdominal massage is an excellent prevention of constipation and increased gas formation.

Do not perform a massage if the abdomen is severely bloated, if there is pronounced visual asymmetry, if blood or thick mucus appears in the stool, or if the abdomen is sore, in which even a light touch causes severe pain to the baby. It is possible that there is a surgical pathology in which massage will only cause harm; such a child should be urgently shown to a doctor.

Massage of the tear duct

Goal: restoration of patency of the nasolacrimal duct, elimination of inflammation of the lacrimal sac in dacryocystitis, removal of swelling and inflammation of the organs of vision, restoration of their function in full.


What you will need:“Miramistin”, cotton pads, furatsilin solution (1: 5000) or chamomile decoction, a container for dirty pads, eye drops prescribed by a doctor or eye ointment.

How to do: The child is placed on his back. With clean hands, after thorough washing and treatment with Miramistin, the mother cleanses the baby’s eyes from accumulated and stagnant tears and pus. For each eye, use a separate disk soaked in a solution of furatsilin or chamomile decoction. The direction of movement is from the outer edge of the eye to the bridge of the nose.

After cleaning, the mother feels the lacrimal sac - a small protrusion between the bridge of the nose and the inner corner of the eye. Using light vibrating movements with her finger, she presses the bag several times to provoke the discharge of pus, if there is suppuration. The pus is removed again with fresh cotton pads soaked in antiseptic.

Move on to massage the lacrimal canal. From the corner of the eye, following the nasolacrimal duct, the finger quickly moves to the bridge of the nose. This is done 9 times, the 10th time you should make the opposite movement - from the bridge of the nose to the eye. After this, drops prescribed by the doctor are instilled into the eyes, or ointment is applied.

Session duration: duration about 5 minutes. You can do up to 6-8 sessions per day. The general course of treatment is about two weeks. Special recommendations: dacryomassage is not performed in cases of phlegmon, abscess, which have become a complication of advanced dacryocystitis, in case of some congenital anatomical features of the structure of the child’s eyes, in which the discharge of pus is physically difficult (the presence of a membrane, for example).

For runny nose and headache

Purpose: facilitating nasal breathing with rhinitis of any origin, eliminating severe headaches.

What you will need: diagram of the location of acupuncture points, as well as essential oils (can be replaced with the “Sopelka” patch or “Golden Star” balm), if desired and if the child does not have allergies, children’s cream to soften the massage therapist’s hands.

How to do it: A circular and light vibration finger effect on the biological points responsible in our body for the functioning of the nose will help get rid of a runny nose. Each point should be massaged clockwise and counterclockwise 10 times. For rhinitis, choose the following points: the tip of the nose, the wings of the nose, the point between the eyebrows in the very center, the center of the ears, the point above the first cervical vertebra, the space between the thumb and forefinger on both hands, the point on the wrist at the base of the thumb, the center of the heels.

Symmetrical bilateral points are massaged with both hands synchronously, single points - with one hand.

For headaches, perform acupressure massage of acupuncture zones that are responsible for reducing pain and normalizing blood pressure: points in the center of the temples, points above the eyebrows on both sides, a point in the parietal part of the head, two points on the chest. The principle of performing the technique is similar.

Session duration: acupressure is usually recommended for 5-15 minutes, depending on the age of the child. It can be carried out as the problem occurs, as well as for prevention.

Acupressure is not given to children with a runny nose and headache during the acute period of illness, when the body temperature is elevated, as well as to children with an increased convulsive susceptibility.

For speech development

Speech therapy massage is based on stimulating certain receptors that promote the activity of speech areas of the brain. Indicated for children with impaired tone of the facial muscles, facial expression disorders, dysarthria, stuttering, dysfunction of the vocal cords, and speech disorders caused by chronically inflamed adenoids.

What you will need: a set of massage speech therapy brushes.

How to do it: start with a light relaxing massage of the shoulder girdle and neck, this will allow you to relax your facial muscles for a more comfortable massage. Facial massage begins with stroking the forehead, with both hands the mother carefully draws horizontal lines from the center of the forehead to the edges of the face, then from the temples to the ears, after which the cheeks and chin are massaged with diverging movements.

The mother needs to carefully take the tip of the child’s tongue and move it left and right and up and down, the tip can be massaged from above and below. Do this only with clean and dry hands without using creams or oils.

If the child becomes nauseous, discontinue exposure.

Proceed to massaging your lips - you can easily rub them with your finger, carry out an asymmetrical massage, pinch the lips themselves and the space around them with your fingertips.

Next you should massage the hands. Try to stroke each finger and each phalanx well with light pressure. Pay attention to the child’s palms: pause in the center of the palm and draw various figures and letters there with your finger.

The ears should be rubbed from top to bottom, holding them between two fingers. Stop at your earlobe and massage it in a circular motion. Rub the space behind your ears lightly 5-6 times.

Use not only your own fingers, but also special massage brushes for speech therapy procedures.

Never make decisions about the need for a massage on your own. Even a general classic massage should only be started if your pediatrician does not object. The fact is that there is a rather impressive list of contraindications for massage procedures, and therefore it is best to ask a doctor about the feasibility and safety of the sessions.

When it comes to medical therapeutic massage, there are several options. You can do it in the treatment room of a clinic, invite a specialist to come to your home, ask a specialist to teach you the treatment procedure, especially if a long and expensive course is required.

If the child is healthy and only needs a small “stimulus” for him to start walking, rolling over, crawling, sitting, then after consulting with a doctor you can easily take advantage of our recommendations and numerous video tutorials, which are available today to everyone on the Internet.

Maternal massage is always more pleasant and beneficial, this is a proven fact. The child does not feel separated from his mother, perceives the manipulations as a game, nothing terrible happens to him.

A different situation arises if a stranger with a massage therapist diploma begins to massage the child without urgent need. Here the kids scream and experience extreme stress, their sleep and appetite are disturbed, and sometimes mothers themselves are not happy that they started such prevention.

Always massage only when the child has slept and is in a good mood. Turn it into a game, remember the rhymes, “the train was late” and “A and B were sitting on the pipe.” Read anything as long as your child finds it fun and interesting. Massage through tears and under duress is not the most beneficial event for a growing person.

Always give a massage in a good mood. Make sure that your hands are clean, without signs of varnish and extended nails, without rings or bracelets. This is important because it greatly reduces the likelihood of injuring the baby’s delicate skin. Hands should be warm for any type of massage. Cold touches are not pleasant for anyone, and they can generally drive a baby into hysterics.

Make sure that the air temperature in the room meets pediatric requirements: no higher than 21-22 degrees with a humidity of 50-70%. Do not use dubious massage products that have a strong odor or strange color. Choose only hypoallergenic oils and creams for your child.

Perform the massage on a hard surface. Not on the bed, not in a chair, not on your knees (exception - drainage massage). Only a hard and level surface will ensure the correct position of the spine during exposure to muscles and muscle groups.

Always place everything you may need during a session next to the table where the session is taking place. This will help prevent severe injuries to the head and spine, which children often receive by falling from the table when the mother turned away for just a second to get a tube of baby cream.

Consider the age and individual characteristics of the child. Hyperactive children need a relaxing massage more, while slow kids need a strengthening one. Anxious children especially need maternal massage; they will not tolerate a stranger.

Do not massage on an empty stomach or immediately after eating, so as not to interfere with the digestion process. The time is perfect - an hour after a meal or an hour before a meal.

Remember that any massage is a burden on the child's body. Be prudent and do not put too much pressure on your child, especially if you have just started a course of massage therapy. If a child is capricious and expresses with all his appearance that he is not in the mood for classes today, do not force the session, postpone it until better times.

Age characteristics

There is no clear and specific answer to the question at what age you can start giving massage to children. Most often, pediatricians recommend starting general massage for healthy babies after the umbilical wound has healed. For premature babies, the procedure is usually indicated a little later - they still need to gain weight so that even light touches of their parents’ hands do not cause discomfort.

It is optimal to start massage from 3 weeks of age. To begin with, limit yourself to a relaxing type of procedure, then gradually introduce a restorative massage.

Children from 6 months can add additional techniques to their technique - striking techniques, pinching, more intense muscle kneading.

Children from 9 months are given a lot of active techniques in which they are involved as a full participant in the game process - various gymnastics techniques, exercises, and age-appropriate exercise therapy complexes are introduced.

With massage, it is important not to overdo it, not to rush the child to grow and develop. It is stupid and dangerous to sit down a baby at 3-4 months, because this poses a threat to the normal development of his spinal column. You should not put the baby on his feet ahead of time, or perform gymnastic and massage exercises that the child has not yet grown up to.

Loads should increase with age. At six months, the child is only encouraged to crawl, and not seated, and at 8 months, he is seated, but with great care. It is recommended to stand on your feet no earlier than 10-11 months, earlier only if the child has already stood on his own feet.

For older children, massage is necessarily combined with gymnastics.

Therapeutic massage is performed for children of any age, with the exception of the first three months of life. But even here there are exceptions: there are medical complexes for the little ones with dysplasia, bowed legs, and birth injuries. But such an impact can only be carried out correctly and accurately by a doctor.


Each type of massage has its indications and contraindications. We have already partially talked about them, describing the technique for performing each of the types approved for home use. There are also general contraindications that are relevant for all types of massage without exception. Here they are:

  • fever and febrile conditions (high or elevated temperature, several days after the high temperature subsides);

  • the presence of skin rashes, pustules, vesicles, pustules and pimples, as well as allergic rashes, burns and abrasions, prickly heat on the skin in areas of intended massage;
  • hydrocephalus;
  • severe disorders of the central nervous system (only medical massage is shown);
  • birth injuries, fractures, congenital diseases (only professional massage is indicated for medical reasons);
  • epilepsy and convulsive syndrome;
  • congenital heart defects;
  • large hernias - of the spine, inguinal, umbilical (massage is indicated only by a specialized medical one).

You should not massage your child during teething, during periods of diarrhea and vomiting caused by various reasons. Massage should also be postponed if the child is stressed - the family has moved, he has just started kindergarten, school has started, there has been a divorce in the family, etc.

Massage is refused on days of preventive vaccinations, so as not to provoke an already possible increase in body temperature.

Children's massage is difficult to overestimate. It is useful for prevention and health promotion, helps speed up development, and if the mother does it, the child also receives mother’s love. Therefore, every mother should know how to give a massage to a child.

Massage for young children is a wonderful method for improving psychomotor development, improving sleep, and a good remedy for colic, constipation, and strengthening the immune system. It even enhances intellectual development. Therefore, massage for infants is necessary. The most important thing is to know how to do it correctly.

Science has long proven that babies, with the help of the touch of their mother’s hands, receive initial information about this world and establish connections with their relatives. Different movements help develop the nervous system. The child's body is malleable, so even minimal, but regular, impact on it has a beneficial effect.

Massage can be therapeutic, general preventive, or simply mother’s. Treatment is performed only by a specialist for specific indications, for example:

  • injuries after childbirth;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • hypotension;
  • hypertonicity.

This type is prescribed by the doctor after examination and diagnosis.

Every mother, after consulting with a specialist, can engage in prevention and general health improvement. Preventive massage has almost no contraindications, but there are still some exceptions. It is not recommended to do it in case of inflammatory processes of the skin, diathesis, diarrhea, or when there is an inguinal or umbilical hernia. But there are diseases for which it is, on the contrary, strongly recommended:

  • muscular dystonia;
  • central nervous system disorder;
  • congenital defects of muscles, feet;
  • with cerebral palsy;
  • hemodynamic disturbance.

Newborns are very small and fragile, so every mother worries about how to properly massage her infant so as not to harm him. The most important thing is that before the procedure, you must remove all jewelry from your hands, your nails must be cut or filed down so as not to damage the baby’s thin skin, and you also need to warm your hands. Touches should be soft and affectionate.

For a one-month-old baby, the massage should be done in the form of stroking with light movements on the legs, arms, back, stomach, repeating them on each part of the body 3-4 times. The stomach should be stroked in a circular motion clockwise; you can carefully make a “bicycle”. Five minutes for such a procedure will be enough.

For a two- or three-month-old child, the process becomes a little more complicated. You can add rubbing and pinching. Session duration is 10-15 minutes.

At the age of 6 to 12 months, movements are added to stroking and pinching - patting with palms or fingertips. The duration of the procedure is 25-30 minutes.

The most important questions are when, how many times a day and how to properly give children different types of massage.

General prophylactic treatment can be started as early as 3-4 weeks of life. This is the usual gentle stroking of the back, legs, arms, tummy. The sooner the mother begins tactile communication with the baby, the sooner he will gain weight, his resistance to disease will increase, and the amount of stress hormone will decrease. It is enough to carry it out daily once a day.

Relaxing massage is done when the child is capricious and tense. Starting from the back, it is necessary to move along the entire vertebra with stroking movements, and then with circular strokes along the stomach.

Drainage is used to remove sputum from the bronchi and lungs, which means it is required if the child coughs or has bronchitis. The method is simple: we place our son or daughter on his stomach, or on a ball, using gentle clapping movements from the middle of the back to the shoulders. This type is contraindicated for children under 6 months.

There are massages of the collar zone, cervical, vibration and indirect heart, but it is advisable to entrust them to a specialist so as not to cause harm.

According to the recommendations of pediatricians, therapeutic massage is done in 10 sessions at 3, 6, 9 and 12 months. It is best to take it before lunch, 1 hour before or after meals. The room must have a warm, favorable temperature.

We lay the baby on his back, grab his ankles and gently shake his legs. Using gentle stroking movements in a circle, we go from top to bottom, without touching the inner surface. You can also make a “toad” - bend your legs at the knees, press them to your stomach, and quietly spread them apart. It is quite effective for colic. You need to pay close attention to your feet. We massage our fingers, bend and straighten them, this is a good prevention against flat feet.

Speech therapy massage is aimed at correcting speech defects and is carried out on the muscles of the tongue, palate, lips and cheeks. It is done by a specialist by stroking from the tip of the tongue to the root.

At home, this process is carried out using your index finger: first, lightly stroke the tongue from the root, then make spiral movements, then pat. At the end, gently squeeze the tongue on all sides. This massage is relevant for children with Down syndrome.

Moms often have questions about how many times a day you need to massage, whether you can massage in the evening, at what age you can start, whether you can massage at a temperature, and many others. Let's briefly look at some of them.

For children aged 2 years and older, therapeutic massage is prescribed once every three months for 10-15 sessions; preventive 1-2 times a week for 10-15 sessions every 6 months.

Cough massage

The period of its implementation is the first half of the day, and if sleep is poor, you can do it before bed. At a temperature, naturally, massage is contraindicated, but if the child simply has a cold, has an acute respiratory viral infection, cough, runny nose, it is very much indicated. It is better to discuss massage immediately after pneumonia, vaccination or in a patient with epilepsy with a specialist.

Massage for a child under one year old is necessary to maintain the baby in good physical condition. Massage can calm the baby, ease the work of the gastrointestinal tract, and increase the overall tone of the body.

If your child does not have health problems, then infant massage can be done independently, following general recommendations. However, if the baby has any diseases, entrust the massage to a professional who will perform manipulations taking into account the child’s diagnosis.

Important! Massage for infants should be done shortly before feeding and under no circumstances on a full stomach. Before class, be sure to ventilate the room; the ideal room temperature is 20-22 degrees. The surface for massage must be hard. On top you can lay a blanket made of flannel or wool, folded several times, and cover it with a disposable diaper.


Start your foot massage by stroking your feet. Using light gentle movements, rub the outer ribs of the foot, then the inner ones. Then knead each finger - just squeeze lightly between your two fingers.

Hold your shin with one hand and your foot with the other. Use your thumb to draw a figure eight on your foot. Repeat several times.

Lightly press on the point under the baby's 2nd and 3rd fingers - he will reflexively tighten his fingers. Then, without lifting your finger, draw a straight line to the heel - the baby will straighten his fingers again. Repeat a couple of times, then alternate this technique with the “eight” 2-3 times.

Next, touching only the pads of your fingers, do acupressure along the entire leg - from the feet to the hips. Repeat several times. You can only massage the outer parts of the legs; it’s better not to touch the inner parts at all!

Belly and chest

Start the massage with circular stroking of the tummy in a clockwise direction. Then perform very gentle pinching on the area around the navel. Next, you can stroke the belly from the edges to the center. Repeat the entire set of exercises again.

Gradually the strokes move higher and higher. Massage your chest in a circular motion, alternating with tapping with your fingertips.

When massaging these areas, avoid the navel and mammary glands. The area around the liver should be massaged especially lightly and slowly.


As with your feet, massage each toe with your palms, holding them between your two fingers. Using pointed touches, massage each palm from the fingertips to the center. In addition to the fingers, we also massage the points between them.

Move all the joints on your baby's hand, but very gently, without force.

The baby's arms can be massaged from the hands to the shoulders with movements up and down and left and right.


Place the baby on his tummy and start again with the legs - stroking and acupressure from the feet to the hips. Next, massage your hands. Then go directly to the back. Massage stroking movements should go from the lower back to the shoulders, i.e. upward, and from the spine to the ribs, sideways.

Remember that the spine itself should not be massaged.
After a general back massage, massage the collar area and shoulders.

The duration of massage for infants up to 5-6 months should not exceed 7-8 minutes. After this period, increase the session time to 10-15 minutes.

Focus on your baby's reaction. If the child shows signs of fatigue: crying, fidgeting, resisting, reduce the load and shorten the training time.

After each massage, give your baby 20-30 minutes to rest and only then start feeding.

The most important thing in the life of every parent is the health of their children. Much depends on the parents themselves: how responsibly the parents approach the issue of the child’s health will determine their future life and well-being. According to many experts, the first year of life is very important. This time is significant - what the parents instill in the child at this stage of life is how he will move along the entire path of life.

Regular activities with a child, regardless of whether he is healthy or with any disabilities, will only benefit the baby. Massage for children under one year of age is one of the regular activities and is quite important.

With the help of a properly performed massage, the baby will be ahead of his peers in development and will also have good health. There have also been cases in which children with quite serious illnesses miraculously recovered. Don't waste precious time; massage children under 1 year of age right now.

The healing properties of baby massage

Massage for children under 1 year of age should be divided into three groups:

  • prophylactic;
  • correctional;

Through preventive massage, you can completely tune the child’s body to the correct development of the body. Preventive procedures can be performed independently or by seeking help from a specialist. It is recommended to start performing procedures at the age of 1.5 – 2 months. In any case, consultation with a pediatrician is necessary before performing it.

As for therapeutic and corrective massage, only a doctor prescribes it. Depending on what abnormalities were identified in the child, appropriate appointments are prescribed. Don’t be shy when visiting a doctor; ask all the questions that interest you and everything that worries you, as well as your child. The diagnosis will be made faster and more accurately depending on how accurate and detailed your story is. If at any point you stop trusting your doctor, contact another specialist. The life and health of a child is not worth risking.

In the first year of life, a child may develop the following problems: diseases of the musculoskeletal system, various therapeutic diseases, diseases of the central nervous system, as well as problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Remember, consultation with a specialist in this field is required.

Basic rules

If you decide to carry out the procedure yourself, you should pay attention to several important and basic rules.

  • The child must be in a good mood and not be capricious. If the child’s mood has deteriorated, reschedule the procedure for the next time.
  • Remember, it is best to massage one hour before feeding and 40 minutes after it.
  • You should also be in a good mood, be affectionate and friendly to the child.
  • Your hands must be clean, without unnecessary decorations, without long nails.
  • If there is no need to use cream or oil, do not use them so as not to cause an allergy.
  • The room in which the massage is performed must be ventilated and well lit.
  • The massage area should be on a hard surface.
  • All movements should be smooth, gentle and careful. No sudden movements.
  • It is not recommended to massage before bedtime.

In addition to all the health benefits, the baby should enjoy positive emotions during the massage.

Technique for restorative baby massage up to one year

Before you start performing, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic technique of performing techniques. Make sure that the first sessions take no more than 5 minutes. Over time, you can increase the time, reaching 15 minutes. But still, each baby is individual, and if he begins to act up, you should refuse the session.

Four basic techniques are performed: stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibration.

All exercises performed should be smooth, gentle and soft. No sudden movements.

The main rule is that all movements must be performed towards the center, i.e. from elbow to shoulder, from heels to knee.

Four basic techniques are performed: stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibration. About each in more detail.


This technique can be used literally from the first days of a baby’s life. Warm and gentle touches have a beneficial effect on the central nervous system. In the first three months, stroking is used exclusively. In the future, this type of technique can be used to complete subsequent techniques and be used between kneading and vibration. Gentle stroking serves as a kind of preparatory process for further manipulations.


This technique is recommended for use when the baby is 3 months old. Rubbing is performed with more intense but gentle movements. The technique is performed with rubbing movements, not stretching. Rubbing is performed using the thumb or the base of the palm.


The kneading technique is performed with energetic but gentle movements. Remember that baby's skin is very sensitive and delicate. Through this technique, the child’s muscles are affected. The first sessions will be unpleasant for the baby. You can distract your child with a bright toy, talk to him. Subsequently, he will get used to massage sessions. You should start with a few minutes, gradually increasing the time. The technique is performed using the fingertips, gently pinching the skin.


Vibration is received using the fingertips and the edge of the palm. Soft tapping and tapping are performed. Strong pressure is prohibited. As a rule, vibration is used for back and chest massage.

Basic techniques for baby massage up to one year old

The child develops gradually. The preparatory process for certain periods is of great importance. With the help of a massage for a certain age, you can perfectly prepare your baby’s muscles for the upcoming loads. That is why we recommend using a certain technique suitable for a certain age of the baby.

Baby massage up to one year old will perfectly prepare the baby's muscles for the upcoming loads.

Massage for 1-3 month old baby

Massage for a 1 month old baby is practically no different from massage for a 2 month old baby. Massage for a 3-month-old baby is aimed at maximally adapting the child to the world around him. At this age, stroking is used.

  1. It's worth starting with your hands. First, we place the child on his back and begin to perform stroking movements. Movements are performed strictly from hand to elbow, from elbow to shoulder.
  2. Let's move on to the legs. The child still lies on his back. The massage is performed over the entire surface of the thigh, with the exception of the knee area and the front of the lower leg. Foot massage is performed with the thumb in a circular motion.
  3. Breast massage is performed from the middle to the sides, gradually going down to the stomach. Here circular movements are performed clockwise. They are also useful and effective for abdominal pain.
  4. Afterwards you can move on to a back massage. To do this, stroke from bottom to top, alternately changing your palm and the back of your hand. Five repetitions for each technique will be enough.

Massage for a 4 month old baby

As a rule, at this age the baby should hold his head well while lying on his stomach. in the form of rubbing will be an excellent preparatory basis for muscles. Remember, each procedure begins and ends with stroking.

  1. We also start with our hands. To do this, you need to grab the child’s wrist with your thumb and middle finger and move towards the elbow, and from the elbow to the shoulder. Movements should be smooth and twisting. First, massage one hand in this way, then the other, and proceed to massage your legs in the same way.
  2. Foot massage is performed in a circular motion using the thumb from the heel to the toes. You can add light tapping to the main technique.
  3. Breast massage is performed very carefully and energetically. You need to move from the middle of the chest to the edge. Under no circumstances should you press. “Draw” circles clockwise.
  4. Rubbing the back and buttocks is performed using the pads of bent fingers. The hands should move one by one, moving the skin up and down.

Massage for a 5-6 month old baby

As a rule, at this age babies roll over onto their tummy. Therefore, the abdominal and back muscles must be well prepared. The kneading technique is added to the basic techniques. This means that all exercises are performed according to plan, only after rubbing is kneading added.

Massage techniques for a 4 month old baby are similar to those for a 6 month old baby.

  1. Foot massage is performed by kneading. Don't forget, all exercises are soft, neat and gentle.
  2. complemented by a new technique - pinching around the navel. With this technique you can strengthen your abdominal muscles well. The child will get great pleasure from this.
  3. and the buttocks are also added with a new technique - sawing. Sawing is performed using the edge of the palm, moving up and down. Finish the massage with light stroking.

Massage for a 6-12 month old baby

Massage for a 6-month-old child is performed using identical techniques as massage for a 4-month-old child. With age, you can increase the time of massage. It is better to start performing massage from the very birth of the baby, after consulting with your doctor. you can start at this age and.


Before you begin the procedure, be sure to consult your pediatrician. If your doctor has identified the following diseases, you should not perform the procedure.

  • Acute febrile illnesses;
  • Inflammatory lesions of the skin;
  • Diseases accompanied by bone pain;
  • Acute forms of arthritis, nephritis;
  • Congenital heart defect;
  • Prolapse of abdominal organs;

Video instruction-lesson

You can learn more about the massage by watching the video presented.

With the help of massage, you can protect your child from many diseases for up to a year. But, do not forget about the mandatory consultation with a doctor. The health of your child is in your hands.

Very little time has passed since you first saw your child after his birth. His main activities now are eating and sleeping, only for a short period the baby is awake. The child does not yet know how to control his body, all movements are chaotic and random, and the newborn also does not have the skill to hold his head in an upright position. The arms and legs are pressed tightly to the body, while they are bent at the joints, and the palms are in a closed position (clasped into a fist). This position is the result of muscle hypertonicity, which is characteristic of all newborn babies.

How soon will the baby learn to control his movements? This will depend on both him and you. E. Komarovsky claims that daily massage for newborns will help relieve hypertension, and basic gymnastic exercises will strengthen muscles and joints.

A newborn baby's muscles are tense and he cannot completely relax. Massage relieves hypertension and stimulates the development of motor skills

When can you start a massage?

Parents often ask pediatricians the question: at what age can you start massaging a newborn? Professional massage in a clinic is carried out no earlier than 2-3 months, of course, in the absence of contraindications (we recommend reading:). You can massage a newborn yourself at home from the age of 3 weeks or when the navel has healed.

The main goal of massage is to relax tense arms and legs. You can straighten your clenched palms and feet using innate reflexes. Try to run your hand along the spine, and you will see how the baby arches. By lifting the baby and allowing his legs to touch the support, you will see that the child will begin to take small steps. By placing your baby on his stomach and supporting his legs, you will notice how he pushes off and tries to crawl. Such innate reflexes last only up to 3-4 months and can be used as exercises for massaging a newborn.

It is difficult to say unequivocally when it is better to give a newborn baby a massage. Any physical activity, including massage, is recommended to be carried out in the first half of the day. The stress caused by exercise often makes children want to sleep, but there are also those who become active.

The outcome of physical exercise is difficult to predict, so it is not recommended to do it immediately before bed, especially if you notice that your baby is not sleeping well at night. Komarovsky advises postponing massage for newborns to the time before evening bathing.

Preparing for a massage

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While the baby is from 0 to 3 months, the following areas should be excluded from massage for the newborn: under the knees, in the elbow, fontanel, inner thighs and armpits. A relaxing massage for a baby should be done with smooth movements and it is strictly contraindicated to press hard or hit the body of a month-old baby - such sudden movements can cause excessive irritation of the receptors and increase the baby’s nervous excitement.

Basic Rules

The baby does not need to be smeared with cream or oil during the massage, but if the skin of the mother’s hands is a little dry, it makes sense to moisturize it a little with baby oil

Adhere to the following rules when organizing a massage:

  1. Komarovsky recommends maintaining a room temperature of 18-22 degrees.
  2. For the massage procedure, you will need a changing table or any other flat, hard surface. Place a thick diaper, a thin blanket and an oilcloth on top. When choosing a surface, consider its width - it should be convenient for you to turn the baby over.
  3. Take care of the location of the exercises in advance. Everything that may be useful during a massage should be nearby so that you are not separated from your baby. Place your mobile phone nearby too. Use a disposable diaper to protect the table from involuntary urination.
  4. Prepare yourself: wash and dry your hands, remove all jewelry, trim your nails short. Use baby oil if your hands are too dry, or talcum powder if your hands are too wet.
  5. An infant should do physical exercise half an hour to an hour before meals or 45 minutes after meals.
  6. Accompany the massage with songs, rhymes or nursery rhymes. Such voicing will create a positive atmosphere and help develop hearing and future speech.
  7. You need to gradually increase the complexity of the exercises and increase the duration of exercises.
  8. You need to perform all movements from the edges and move towards the center.
  9. Perform movements carefully so as not to cause harm or discomfort to the child.
  10. Charging time is about 15 minutes. If the child is tired or expresses dissatisfaction, an incomplete set of exercises should be performed, but only part of it (1 or 2 exercises). At the same time, consider the sequence of activities suggested below.

Do not forget!

When doing gymnastics with a newborn baby up to 3 months, try to communicate more with him and evoke a positive response (we recommend reading:). During classes, place your little one on his tummy more often. Combine physical exercise with regular water treatments, swimming, and don’t forget to make light stroking movements throughout the baby’s body. Pay special attention to innate reflexes and how they stimulate movement and extensor muscle function.


Massage is contraindicated:

  • When the temperature rises, you should not do any type of massage. It is also prohibited for diseases of the skin (especially purulent forms), fragile bones, diseases of the circulatory system and ARVI.
  • The disease in the acute stage also means refusing massage treatments.
  • If the baby is diagnosed with an umbilical hernia, then the massage should be carried out only by a doctor or under his close supervision due to the danger of pinching the hernia (we recommend reading:).
  • The situation is similar with children with heart defects. Massage in this case is strictly under the supervision of a cardiologist.
  • Increased nervousness of the baby does not allow massage procedures, as muscle tone may be increased.

Coordinate massage procedures with your doctor. Do not self-medicate. Physical activity must be justified and timely, otherwise it can lead to negative and serious consequences.

Set of exercises

The set of exercises includes smooth stroking movements, which are aimed at reducing muscle hypertonicity, and exercises based on innate reflexes. It is not necessary to complete the entire complex. It is possible to break it into parts and spend it during the child's waking hours. Basic techniques:

  • stroking is a light or slightly pressing movement on the child’s skin without forming skin folds;
  • rubbing – stretching and shifting the baby’s skin;
  • kneading - the action is performed in three stages: fixation, squeezing (squeezing) and rolling (this technique is not recommended for home massage);
  • vibration - oscillatory movements transmitted to the child by the massage therapist (at the very initial stage (at 1 month) - these are light pats).

Stroking is not only very pleasant for the baby, but also useful for its development - it gently increases blood circulation and stimulates muscle function.

Part of the complex on the back

  • Hand massage. Starting position (IP) – on the back. Secure your baby's left hand by placing the right thumb in it. Stroke your hand from bottom to top from all sides. Do the exercise 10 times. Change hands and repeat.
  • Foot massage (we recommend reading:). IP - on the back. Fix the child's right leg in your right hand, while the other hand strokes the leg from bottom to top. Do the exercise first on the back of the thigh and shin, and then on the front. Do it 10 times. Change legs and arms, massage your left leg.
  • Foot massage. IP - on the back. With your right hand, grab your baby's legs at the shin area. Make rubbing movements with the back of your left hand over the baby's foot from the toes to the heel and in the opposite direction. Do it 10 times.
  • Reflex exercise for the feet. IP - on the back. Use the pad of your index finger to press the area of ​​your foot under your toes. Pressing will cause compression of the foot. Apply similar pressure over the entire area of ​​the outer side of the foot, moving from the toes to the heel. Pressing in this area on the contrary will cause a reflexive “opening” of the foot. Do it 5 times.
  • Exercise for the torso. IP - on the back. Lift the baby with both hands, trying not to squeeze the ribs, and gently rock from side to side. Do 8 times.
  • Abdominal massage (we recommend reading:). IP - on the back. Make synchronous movements with your right and left hands, stroking your tummy from top to bottom. Do 8 times.
  • Breast massage. IP - on the back. Wrap your hands and fingers around the baby's chest. Move with smooth movements from the center to the edges along the intercostal spaces, applying slight pressure with your thumbs. Do 8 times.
  • Reflex exercise for the spine. IP - on the side. With light pressure, move two fingers along the spine, moving from bottom to top. This action will help arch the spine. Do 2-4 times on each side.

There are a huge number of acupuncture points on the feet, the impact of which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of internal organs

Part of the complex on the stomach

  • Back massage. IP - on the stomach. Simultaneous stroking movements from top to bottom with the palms, and from bottom to top with the back. Do 8 times.
  • Foot massage. IP - on the stomach. Take the child's left leg in your right hand, and with your free hand knead the back and side of the thigh and lower leg. Do it 6 times. Change leg, repeat.
  • Buttocks massage. IP - on the stomach. Lightly pat your baby's buttocks with the back of your fingers. Do 12 times.
  • Reflex crawling. IP - on the stomach. Bend your baby's legs at the knees and place your palm under his feet. Give your feet a little push so your child can push off and try to move forward. Do it 4 times.

You can see how to do massage movements correctly using video tutorials. Experienced doctors will show you how to perform each exercise correctly.