How long does eyelashes grow after falling out and how to speed up this process. How to grow eyelashes fast at home

Nature does not always reward us with bonuses in the form of a figure without flaws, thick hair, smooth and beautiful skin, but cosmetology and folk remedies allow us to correct our shortcomings. The same goes for eyelashes or eyebrows. Read on to learn how to grow eyelashes.

What helps eyelash growth

External factors greatly affect the condition of the eyelashes: frost, sun, abrupt climate change, polluted environment - because of all this, the eyelashes can weaken and then remain without a single chance to grow. Make care for them similar to what is planned for the skin or hair with the application of masks, creams or serums. In the question of how to grow eyelashes, ready-made cosmetics or folk recipes will help you.

Eyelashes, like hair, require maintenance. To strengthen and thicken them, you can safely use the same tools as for your curls. The main thing is that they should have a lot of keratin and vitamins that promote growth. Cosmetology offers to achieve the goal of mascara, masks, creams or balms that help hair grow faster, and in addition, lengthening with extensions. All skin care products work, but what effect each one will have on you will only be known after regular use.

Oil for eyelash growth

One of the most popular and inexpensive means as an answer to the question of how to grow eyelashes is oil. It can be burdock, castor, almond and even olive. Applying it is very simple: gently, without rubbing, distribute it so that the hairline is covered. Use cotton (discs) or fingertips. The advantage here is that the eyes themselves do not suffer, because the oil does not get into them, there will be no irritation. You can use oils 1-2 times a day. You yourself will notice how the hairs will begin to grow faster than before.

Folk remedies for eyelash growth

For those who do not like to use ready-made cosmetic products, there are a lot of folk recipes. One of the old ways is to cut eyelashes, but few people use it now, because in stores you can find everything you need to make wonderful products from natural ingredients. Using this option to improve the condition of the eyelashes, you do not risk getting an allergic reaction, because you know 100% what is included in the prepared product.

A simple herbal decoction will help grow eyelashes at home: cornflower, calendula, chamomile are ideal. Having prepared the medicinal composition once, you can use it every day for one or even two weeks. Moisten cotton wool or discs from it with liquid. and then gently make a lotion on the eyelids. The exposure time will be from 10 minutes to a quarter of an hour, and you will not have to wash off the composition. To consolidate the effect, you can wipe the skin with castor oil. The same procedure can be carried out after extensions to improve the condition of your own hair.

How to grow long eyelashes

If you are faced with the problem of eyelash loss, you need to urgently take measures to stop this process, and only then you can start treating them:

  • First, be sure to give up mascara, because due to regular use, it can significantly spoil the condition of the hair and become the main cause of hair loss.
  • Secondly, stop rubbing your eyes hard: after washing, you just need to blot your face with a towel. Be sure to start using special tools - and then you will achieve the desired result.

Mask for eyelash growth at home

If you do not know how to smear eyelashes for growth and density, just look at the following recipes. Preparing therapeutic masks at home is quite simple, you just need to decide on the desired result and purchase the necessary ingredients. Strengthening eyelashes will help castor oil:

  • castor oil - 1 tsp;
  • strong tea brew - 1 tsp.

How to cook:

  1. Mix both ingredients.
  2. Blot the cotton pads.
  3. Put the compresses on your eyes and leave for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Rinse with warm water without using soaps or gels.

For hair growth:

  • almond, castor, olive oils - 5 drops each;
  • vitamin E - 5 drops;
  • fish oil - 1 capsule.

How to use:

  1. Mix the ingredients by vigorously shaking the bottle.
  2. Apply the resulting mixture daily to the upper and lower eyelids.
  3. No need to rinse.

In addition to natural products that are at home, vitamins help strengthen and grow eyelashes. Oil and alcohol formulations are inexpensively sold at the pharmacy, A, B, C and E are considered the best of them. They are packaged in small bottles, they will last for a long time, and there will be many benefits. Vitamins can be used in pure form or mixed with oils for a quick result. Remember that in any case the main thing is not to overdo it, because vitamins should not be used more than 1 time per day.


How to speed up eyelash growth with massage

Another effective way to take care of your eyelashes and accelerate their growth is a special massage. Most likely, many have heard of a head massage, with which you stimulate the blood, and in the meantime, the hair becomes thicker, longer, in general, they begin to grow very quickly. So it is with eyelashes: the right movements will help get rid of loss and make them long and beautiful.

You can carry out such a massage yourself, it will be included in the scheme of daily self-care. Take your favorite oil, stock up on a couple of minutes of time, start like this:

  1. Apply a few drops of your chosen oil or ointment (Vaseline) to your eyelids.
  2. Starting from the outer corners of the eyes, with light pressure, we process the entire hairline on the upper eyelid with the ring finger.
  3. We repeat the same with the lower eyelid.
  4. It is necessary to repeat the movements 15-20 times.
  5. The procedure ends with light tapping with fingertips.

Video: how to quickly grow eyelashes

When the cilia begin to thin and fall out, any girl and woman is horrified. A problem may arise after extension. On the other hand, for some time the process goes unnoticed, so everything is discovered unexpectedly and immediately on a large scale. How to quickly grow eyelashes at home after extensions and for other reasons? First you need to understand why this is happening.

Why do eyelashes fall out?

The reasons for which they start most often are as follows:

  • the use of poor quality cosmetics;
  • improper care;
  • the presence of diseases;
  • lack of vitamins in the diet;
  • constant stress.

If a woman whose eyelashes are falling out feels unwell, she needs treatment. After all, maybe this is what caused the loss of cilia. But if everything is in order with health, then you need to adhere to proper care in order to resume their growth and density.

This article tells how to quickly grow eyelashes at home.

What affects growth

A few facts about the hairs on the eyelids will seem interesting. This will help you better understand how to quickly grow eyelashes at home. Their life span is much shorter than that of other hairs. It is only ninety days. In a healthy state, when the next eyelash is ready to fall, a replacement is already forming in its place. On the eyelids, there are usually from two hundred to four hundred pieces, on the upper - more, on the lower - less. Their main purpose is to protect the eyes from dust and dirt, as well as from the smallest insects.

With a wellness course, you should not expect that the cilia will increase several times. The maximum that can be achieved is an increase of 15%. In the same case, if they are already in a good condition, then a special visible effect may not be observed.

The usual course is about two months, but the results can be noticeable much earlier.

Eyelashes are the same as other hair. That's why they grow the same way. Anyone who is thinking about how to quickly grow eyelashes at home can safely use the same products as for hair used for the same purpose.

When choosing a professional tool, you should, however, carefully consider its composition. If it is hormonal, then the effect of growth in disorderly "bushes" may turn out.

More effective and harmless are products that can be prepared and used independently at home.


This simple procedure is a great help for someone who is looking for methods at home quickly.

It is known that in order for the hair on the head to grow better, massage is recommended. The same is true with eyelashes. Massage of certain points on the eyelids (here it is only a light patting with the tips of the fingers) will increase blood circulation and, as a result, hair growth.

Various vegetable oils, in particular, castor or burdock, can help here. They can be used both separately and in combination with other natural ingredients, such as aloe or parsley juice.

The massage technique consists in moving from the inner corner of the eyelid to the outer one and vice versa - on the lower one. The movements are done very carefully, so as not to stretch the very delicate skin structure here, because this can lead to the formation of wrinkles ahead of time.


How to grow eyelashes at home quickly and refresh tired eyes? Another remedy is the use of lotions, which are made on the basis of herbs. The solution is very simple to prepare, and the result is so obvious that, having done it once, women will certainly return to this procedure again if a similar problem occurs.

You will need a spoonful of dry herbs (chamomile, calendula or cornflower), a glass of water and cotton pads. The grass is poured with a glass of hot water and infused for twenty minutes, then cooled.

Cotton pads are dipped in the solution and applied to the eyelids for at least fifteen minutes.

Such a compress will not only help the eyelashes, but also relieve the puffiness of the eyelids, while the eyes will have a good rest.


How to quickly grow eyelashes at home? Every week, several times it is necessary to make masks. It's best to try different options. But one day it is desirable not to paint eyelashes at all and not to carry out any procedures so that they rest.

A nourishing mask will have a wonderful effect. To prepare it, you will need vitamin A (a couple of drops of an oil solution), a teaspoon of aloe juice and a tablespoon of castor oil. All parts are mixed and applied to the cilia for several hours. Another mask is prepared from calendula and corn oils, taken one teaspoon each. The effect of it will be noticeable very soon.

A mask of a teaspoon of castor oil and 2-3 drops of egg white and glycerin will noticeably strengthen the hairs.

Many girls are wondering how to quickly grow eyelashes at home. Reviews for certain funds encourage them to use. Meanwhile, in addition to the use of special methods of healing, it is very important to adhere to a few simple rules.

  1. You can't sleep with makeup on your face.
  2. The remover must be very gentle.
  3. It is not allowed to rub the eyelashes strongly when removing the mascara.
  4. Avoid wearing mascara at least one day a week.
  5. Do not use cosmetics after their expiration date.
  6. Wear sunglasses in summer.
  7. Eat properly.

Then there will be no reason to desperately look for methods on how to quickly grow eyelashes at home in a week. It is enough to be healthy, provide them with the right care, and they will always be thick and long.

Perhaps there is hardly a woman who would not dream of long and fluffy eyelashes, thanks to which the eyes look more attractive and expressive, attracting the admiring glances of others. In addition to aesthetic benefits, eyelashes perform a protective function, because they prevent dust and small particles from entering the eyes and damaging the mucous membrane. True, such properties of eyelashes are of the least concern to the female sex. We all want eyelashes to decorate the appearance in the first place. But, unfortunately, not every woman can boast of their chic look. Such negative factors as poor ecology, constant stress, unhealthy diet, frequent use of cosmetics affect the condition of eyelashes, which makes them thinner, shorter and rarer.

We will talk about how to quickly grow eyelashes at home, stop the loss and improve their condition without resorting to salon procedures, in our article.

First, a little information about the eyelashes themselves.

Like hair, eyelashes are prone to renewal. The lifespan of 1 eyelash is about 90 days. In place of the fallen eyelash, as a rule, a new one grows. Moreover, this requires from 1 to 2 months, and with the help of special tools, after 2 weeks you can notice a positive result.

Eyelashes are the thickest and toughest hairs that grow on the human body.

The length and number of eyelashes depends on the individual characteristics of the person. On average, about 200 cilia grow on the upper eyelid, the length of which is approximately 1 cm. On the lower eyelid, everything is much more modest - from 50 to 100 cilia up to 7 mm long are located here. Eyelash growth occurs in 5-6 rows from above and 3-5 from below.

The length, density and degree of curling of eyelashes, as a rule, are laid down at the genetic level and are inherited. However, with proper care, you can correct the moments that do not suit you.

The color of cilia, like hair, depends on the melanin pigment. Given that the hormonal background changes over time, the color of the eyelashes also tends to change.

How to quickly grow eyelashes at home? Of course, you can solve the problem with the help of professional tools. But, alas, they are not cheap. The most affordable and easiest way to get a good effect is to use home remedies. Since eyelashes are also hair, their active growth can be achieved with the help of means and methods for hair growth.

Oil for eyelash growth

Many representatives of the fairer sex are tormented by the question of how to grow thick eyelashes at home? The issue is quite solvable. Vegetable oils will help to cope with the problem. For these purposes, castor, olive, burdock, almond and sea buckthorn are best suited. All these oils are rich in various nutrients and vitamins that have a beneficial effect on eyelashes. You can also use pharmacy products. In almost every pharmacy you can buy oil solutions of vitamin A and E, which are sold in the form of capsules.

Before proceeding with the treatment of cilia, you need to take an empty and cleaned mascara bottle and fill it with oil. It is better to take a brush fluffy and not silicone. Otherwise, the oil will drain. Eyelashes should be smeared with a small layer, since excess oil will get into the eyes, forming an oily film on them, which will not be so easy to get rid of. It is worth considering that it is advisable to apply the oil at night.

With regular use of the product in a couple of months, the cilia will grow significantly. A positive trend will be noticeable after 2-3 weeks after the start of treatment.

Compresses for eyelash growth

For those who are concerned about the question of how to grow long eyelashes at home, there is another time-tested, effective remedy. Compresses will help to become the owner of chic eyelashes.

Chamomile and cornflower come to the rescue here, or rather, a decoction of them. To do this, take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chamomile or cornflower flowers, pour a glass of hot water and let it brew for about an hour. It is recommended to strain the decoction before use. Cotton pads soaked in warm broth are applied to the eyelids and eyelashes for 20-30 minutes.

This method allows not only to improve the growth of eyelashes, but also to relieve fatigue from inflamed eyes. You can also use sage, calendula, and green tea to make an herbal decoction. Moreover, you can brew several herbs at the same time.

Folk remedies for eyelash growth. Healthy Recipes

You can grow eyelashes at home using masks that contain medicinal herbs and healthy oils. Here are some of them:

  • Eyelash growth will be provided by a nourishing mask containing beneficial ingredients. To prepare it, you need to take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of burdock or castor oil, a few drops of an oil solution of vitamin A and 1 teaspoon of aloe juice. All ingredients are mixed until smooth and applied to the eyelashes with a brush a couple of hours before bedtime. Before going to bed, the remnants of the nutrient must be removed, as there is a high probability that you will wake up in the morning with swollen eyelids.

  • You can also grow eyelashes and eyebrows at home using a fairly popular recipe for a mask of burdock oil and petroleum jelly. It is advisable to apply such a mask 2 times a day, in extreme cases - at least 1 time at night. The remaining oil is removed in the morning with a cotton swab. The treatment course usually lasts about a month. At this time, it is advisable to avoid the use of cosmetics for eyelashes.

How to grow eyelashes at home? Reviews say that a good result is achieved by using another mask. It is a mixture of castor oil, glycerin and egg white. At the same time, it is worth considering that the last two components must be taken in a minimum amount, literally drop by drop.


How can you grow eyelashes at home? This question worries many women.

As you know, eyelashes are the same hair. Massage techniques have been successfully used to stimulate hair growth for a long time. A positive effect is achieved by increasing blood circulation when exposed to certain points. So why not use this method for lashes too? In this case, vegetable oils come to the rescue, for example, burdock or castor. You can also use various mixtures. Those who are afraid of getting oil in their eyes can do without it. However, the effect will be slightly worse.

The massage technique consists in a point effect on the eyelids. On the upper eyelid, massage movements are carried out from the inside of the eye to the outside, and along the lower eyelid - in the opposite direction. In this case, you should not stretch the skin around the eyes, so as not to provoke the premature appearance of wrinkles.

Little tricks

To give the cilia volume, and the eyes - expressiveness, special devices will help, which mechanically twist the eyelashes. This method is good because it eliminates the need to go to a beauty salon. True, a home perm can last a couple of days at most, while a chemical one, which is performed by professionals, will please up to 3 months.

If you are concerned about the question of how to quickly grow eyelashes at home, you can not wait until they grow back with the help of various folk remedies. The quickest and easiest way is to use another clever trick. To instantly add volume to your lashes and make them lush, special mascara will help, in which small fibers are added that can complement the natural length and volume of the cilia. Of course, the regular use of such products is not very good for the condition of the eyelashes. But sometimes you can still afford it.

In order to grow eyelashes at home in a week, follow a number of important rules:

  • Use eyelash growth products regularly.
  • Be sure to use oils.
  • Massage your eyelids daily.
  • Along with the regular use of oils, periodically pamper the cilia with masks.
  • During the treatment period, try to avoid eye cosmetics.
  • When using cosmetics, give preference only to high-quality products.
  • Change your mascara every 3-4 months.
  • At least once a week, give your eyes and eyelashes the opportunity to rest without makeup.

What not to do

  • Firstly, when removing makeup, you can not rub your eyes hard so as not to injure the hair follicles.
  • Secondly, you should not sleep with makeup. In this case, the eyelids begin to swell and itch, causing significant harm and discomfort.
  • Thirdly, the daily use of waterproof mascaras and mascaras with a lengthening effect is unacceptable.


With the knowledge of how to quickly grow eyelashes at home, everyone can cope with the task. All of the above methods of activating eyelash growth are time-tested. Their regular use will not keep you waiting long, and soon you will be able to notice a significant improvement. Your lashes will become longer, fuller and possibly darker. Be patient and persistent in achieving your goal, and then your eyelashes will delight not only you, but also those around you!

Remember the old children's fortune-telling - "guess under which eye the eyelash fell"? If you guess right, you can make a wish. Sometimes you really want to think that the eyelashes are as long as possible, stronger, thicker and more beautiful!

There are many cosmetic products to strengthen eyelashes, but their chemical composition is sometimes questionable; sometimes you think about whether it is possible to accelerate the growth of eyelashes at home, knowing exactly what you are applying to them. So what can you do to make eyelashes grow? There are several easy recipes.

Folk remedies for eyelash growth

There are three main ways to strengthen eyelashes: apply a nourishing mixture to the eyelashes themselves, to the skin of the eyelids and massage them. Before any of these procedures, make-up must be carefully removed. Asking the question: "What to do to make eyelashes grow", remember that the constant use of "super-resistant" mascara (especially those that can last around the clock) thins them, and when removing such makeup, they can fall out on their own, from strong pressure .

In this case, the eyelashes especially need strengthening. In the article we will consider folk remedies for eyelash growth. But do not forget an important thing: when preparing to use any herbal remedies, be sure to remember if one or another of their components causes you an allergy. It is better to take care of everything in advance and use, in this case, another folk remedy, since the choice is very wide.

Eyelash Blends

Castor oil for eyelash growth is a proven remedy. They have been used for more than a dozen years, and there is a result: from castor oil, eyelashes grow faster and thicker. Just apply it to clean eyelashes, smearing them along the entire length. It can be removed after 30 minutes. But burdock oil, for eyelash growth, is also not the last resort, it must be removed after 20-30 minutes.

Before and after castor oil

A mixture of oil with other ingredients is sometimes more effective. The most famous mixtures of this kind are castor oil with rum (mix an equal amount of both), castor oil with rum and petroleum jelly, for dark eyelashes - castor oil with petroleum jelly and a drop of tannin. Apply all these mixtures very carefully, trying not to get on the eyelid or the eye itself!

When choosing an oil, make sure that it is not an essential oil - they can be very caustic. Eyelash mixtures are applied either with a cotton swab or with a mascara brush (in an empty mascara bottle, of course, washed, you can also store the oil itself or a pre-made mixture. Just make sure that the brush is not entirely made of rubber).

Eye Blends

Eyelashes grow on the eyelids, and taking care of them means taking care of your eyelashes too. The eyelids can be lubricated with almond oil or a cotton swab soaked in this oil can be applied to them, leaving it for a quarter of an hour. A compress soaked in a decoction of birch leaves will not be superfluous.

Before and after almond oil

Eyelid massage

Light and gentle massage stimulates blood circulation, which means that the eyelashes will receive more nutrients. To enhance the effect, it is better to carry it out using a mixture of vegetable oil and parsley juice. So, folk remedies for eyelash growth are varied, and you can always pick up something simple, natural and effective to make eyelashes grow better.

But apart from that, always remember about proper nutrition. Vitamins are useful for the growth and strength of both hair and eyelashes, because eyelashes are also hair! Make sure you have enough fruits and vegetables in your diet, and don't forget about fish. And in late autumn or spring, when the lack of vitamins is especially noticeable, you can take multivitamin complexes.

Do you feel insecure about sparse thin lashes? Well, you are not the only one - many people dream of luxurious, thick eyelashes. Volume eyelashes create a stunning effect, making the look more attractive and beautiful. Factors such as genetics, age, certain medical conditions, malnutrition, eye infections, or hormonal changes often cause eyelashes to deteriorate. If you rub your eyelids carelessly from time to time and forget to remove your makeup by the end of the day, be prepared to put up with the frequent loss of weakened hairs. To know how to grow eyelashes at home, take our rules into service.

Since the secret to lash health lies in proper daily care, this will be your first step towards fuller lashes. In addition, to speed up the process of growing, you can turn to simple folk methods.

Keep in mind: the results of using any remedy for different people can be very different. The desired result can appear both in a couple of weeks and after a few months. In search of a method that is right for you, you can try not one, but several tools at once.

Nourishing castor oil is a powerful follicle-stimulating substance. This natural remedy will help you enjoy gorgeous, voluminous eyelashes in the future. In addition, the oil actively fights harmful microbes that settle on the hairs and prevent their healthy growth.

  1. To apply castor oil, use a clean brow brush or Q-tip. Before applying to castor oil, you can add a couple of drops of vitamin E. Leave the composition until morning, then wash off the remaining oil with water at a comfortable temperature.
  2. Alternative Ingredients: Mix equal parts (2 tablespoons each) of fresh aloe vera gel and castor oil. Apply the resulting product with a cotton swab at night. Wash off the next morning.

2. Olive oil

A well-known natural remedy for enhancing hair growth and condition - olive oil - is also suitable for increasing the volume of eyelashes. It is rich in oleic acid and vitamin E, which nourish the follicles and make hair healthier. Olive oil prevents fading of eyelashes.

  1. Dip a cleaned brush from old mascara or a cotton swab into slightly warmed oil.
  2. Before going to bed, gently apply the oil composition in such movements as if you were just applying mascara to your eyelashes.
  3. Olive oil should be left overnight and washed off in the morning with water at a comfortable room temperature.
  4. Repeat the procedure daily for several months in a row until the expected result is noticeable.

3. Combing eyelashes

Combing is also an effective method to enhance their growth. This helps to remove settled fine dust particles and impurities that clog pores on the skin. What's more, combing stimulates blood flow, providing more nutrients to the hair follicles.

  1. A little petroleum jelly or oily vitamin E is applied to a soft-bristled eyelash brush or comb.
  2. Using a brush, lubricate the hairs with vitamin oil or petroleum jelly.
  3. Continue to slowly comb the hairs from the very roots.
  4. Do the procedure for five minutes twice a day, until the first results of such stimulating therapy become apparent.

4. Eyelid massage

Therapeutic massage along the lash line has a positive effect on the condition of the hairs. With this cosmetic procedure, you will improve blood flow to the hair follicles, which means that the roots will receive much more beneficial trace elements. Easily prevent problems such as loose, thinning and brittle hairs with a stimulating eyelid massage.

  1. A few drops of vegetable, petroleum jelly or shea butter are applied to the hairs.
  2. With light circular motions, run your fingertips along the hairline.
  3. 5-7 minute sessions of home massage of the eyelids are carried out twice a day with a continuous course of about three months.

Before the cosmetic procedure, you must wash your hands especially carefully.

5. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a miraculous folk remedy that will help you achieve healthy long eyelashes. The plant contains a complex of nutrients and vitamins that promote eyelash growth. Aloe vera gel perfectly moisturizes the hair.

  • Before going to bed, apply a little fresh aloe gel to the hairs with a pre-cleaned brush from the old mascara. The juicy mass is left until the morning, then rinsed with warm water.
  • Alternative Ingredients: Mix jojoba oil and aloe vera (1 tbsp each) with 1 tsp. chamomile tinctures. The therapeutic composition is applied twice a day, using a clean brush from the old carcass. After 15 minutes, rinse with room temperature water.

The results of using aloe vera will exceed all expectations after several months of continuous treatment.

Attention: before opening your eyes, make sure that the milky juice of aloe vera is completely washed off with water.

6. Lemon peel

You can use lemon zest to add volume. Lemon peel contains a huge amount of vitamins C and B, folic acid and other nutrients that promote rapid growth. In addition, adding zest to castor or olive oil will enhance the cleansing and hair growth properties of the oils.

  1. Put one tablespoon of lightly dried lemon zest into a container.
  2. Pour olive or castor oil into a container with zest.
  3. The mixture should be infused for two weeks.
  4. Before going to bed, apply the oil composition to the eyelashes with an old mascara brush.
  5. Leave overnight, rinse with water at a comfortable temperature in the morning.
  6. Use this recipe for about half a year for best results.

7. Chicken egg

The high protein content of eggs is the key to healthy, thick and long lashes. In addition, eggs contain biotin and B vitamins, which play a major role in the structure of tissues.

  1. Crack 1 egg and add 1 tablespoon of glycerin. Beat until you get a homogeneous thick creamy mass.
  2. Dip a cotton swab into the mixture and apply to your lashes.
  3. After 15 minutes, wash off the composition from the eyelashes with cold water.
  4. The course lasts several months, subject to the use of a home mask at least 3 times a week.

8. Green tea

Another effective home remedy for growing voluminous beautiful eyelashes is green tea. Flavonoid-rich drink stimulates hair growth.

  1. Prepare green tea without sweeteners and let it cool.
  2. It is convenient to apply it with a cotton swab along the hairs from the roots to the tips.
  3. Wash off with cool water after 15 minutes.
  4. Perform the procedure twice a day for 2-3 months in a row.

Caution: When applying, avoid getting green tea in your eyes.

9. Coconut milk

Being a generous source of protein and essential fats, coconut milk will certainly help you grow thicker and longer eyelashes. After a cosmetic procedure, they will gain a dazzling radiance.

  1. Dip a Q-tip in chilled coconut milk and apply the eyelash growth product.
  2. Remove remaining coconut milk 10 minutes after application.
  3. The effect of voluminous thick eyelashes will be achieved after 3-4 months of regular use of the mask (1-2 times a day).

10. Healthy eating

Eating a balanced, wholesome diet is another step towards perfect lashes. Our eyelashes, like other hair, especially need certain vitamins and minerals. Healthy hair growth requires vitamins A, B, C and E, protein, as well as magnesium, selenium, iron, zinc and copper.

  • Vary your usual diet with plenty of fresh fruits (guava, apples, mangoes, papaya, avocados and grapefruit).
  • It is impossible to imagine a diet for eyelashes without green vegetables: broccoli, white and leafy cabbage, spinach.
  • Include whole grains, protein-fortified foods in your diet. This includes beans, beans, nuts and seeds. It is known that alfalfa sprouts combine not only an impressive level of protein, but also the necessary set of vitamins and minerals.
  • For cooking, it is useful to use cold-pressed olive or coconut oil. Remember, the main thing is to know the measure.
  • Consume the appropriate amount of water daily.

The lack of essential vitamins and nutrients, as a result, has a very negative effect on eyelash growth. Do not neglect multivitamin preparations. The type and dosage should be consulted with a physician.

  • Always wash off your makeup before going to bed. Remaining mascara on the eyelashes will dry out and thin the hairs. Thoroughly clean your eyelids and lashes with a makeup remover to give your lashes a chance to grow stronger.
  • Be gentle with your lashes, don't pull the hairs with the brush when applying or removing mascara.
  • Use the best quality beauty products.
  • False or extended eyelashes lead to a weakening of natural hairs, so it is better not to use artificial ones.
  • Eliminate eyelash curlers from your cosmetic arsenal.