How to get rid of unpleasant oily shine on your face. How to remove oily shine from your face at home

J-u-l-j-a wrote:

I have the following problem: the skin on my forehead is very oily and shiny... It would have been fine, but I got bangs and now I have to wash my hair every day, because... they get dirty quickly because of the grease, they stick... But it’s summer, it’s going to be hot, the problem will get even worse...
The actual question is: how to remove shine (I tried it with powder, but it retains very little matte), how to make it less greasy?

pipapo wrote:

Proper care is needed. First of all. For all companies
There are lines for oily skin.
There are also blotting wipes. Shiseido has a lot for me
I like it, I’ve been using it for many years!!! I’ve tried so many things,
but I couldn’t find a better one. There is compact powder, and these same leaves.
The powder mattifies very well, does not clog pores, and it seems
2 in one. I.e. I don’t need foundation. I blot it during the day.
oily areas (where it shines), and I powder it a couple of times.
That's all. If you don't want powder, I can also recommend
Gel creams for the T-zone. Clinics have it, a very cool thing!!!
They have now overgrown it, it has become even better. From the line for
narrowing pores.

Olga S. wrote:

Be glad (can I use “you”?) that she’s fat—wrinkles don’t appear on her so quickly. Over time, perhaps, she’ll become normal. Many people have such problems during adolescence.
The main thing is just not to use aggressive products with alcohol - they dry out the skin and begin to produce more sebum.

PinkSunrise wrote:

Regular hydro. cream + powder matting (I use Double Mat EL, I like it), and napkins, a lot of napkins !!

nurochka-girl wrote:

Oh, I'll have to ask my friend...
Once I saw her tube with some kind of gel. With me, she applied literally a drop on the T-zone and, as if it had not happened, the shine! Moreover, the effect lasts for a long time.

And I myself powder all day and use napkins. Plus, in the morning I apply a moisturizer for oily skin with a matting effect under the foundation.

Barcelona wrote:
J-u-l-j-a wrote:

Olga S., of course!

I would not raise this issue, it’s just that such circumstances are foreseen that I won’t be able to wash my hair often at home, etc. ... Thanks everyone for the advice! Napkins and powder turns out the main thing!

Not always! Garnier has a matting cream, I tried it, I liked it, and you can also buy a tonic from this line.
STRELA wrote:
J-u-l-j-a wrote:
Markisha wrote:

I ordered from Moscow myself (I live in König). Search around with the help of search engines on the Internet, they give out a bunch of links. The thing is really very good, I didn’t expect such an action.

Are these two different types for hair and face? or the same parashok... Do you know if it is sold all over Russia or not?

I cleanse my face and scalp with Lithocomplex, then wash it out of my hair with shampoo... But there are also dry shampoos with the addition of herbs. And the products are distributed in a network way through distributors.

ladadasha wrote:
Miranda_Lux wrote:

By the way, about these Secrets of beauty. I have several of their dry masks, so I started using them actively at one time and after using them the skin began to peel, I stopped using them, I was scared for some reason. but they probably should have continued - maybe that’s exactly what they are aiming at - skin renewal, although nothing about this is written there. Masks - regenerating, from skin defects and vitamin.
it feels like the oiliness of the skin is still slightly reduced.

Nadyusha wrote:
Markisha wrote:

Girls! There is such a cool thing called "The Secret of Beauty" - a lithocomplex. After a week, with regular use, the skin begins to return to normal, the oily sheen disappears and you can no longer use creams after it. If you make hair masks, then oily hair can be washed after 3 days! I tried it myself

I have a lithocomplex and a bunch of all their masks, I don’t argue, it’s a good thing, it cleans the face decently, and if some nasty thing pops up somewhere, then with daily use it all goes away quickly, BUT it DOESN’T REMOVE the oily sheen of the T-zone, Believe me, I’ve been using it for 2.5 months already. So who cares about THIS particular problem, the lithocomplex does not solve it, unfortunately, BUT, I repeat, the product is good
Cheburashechka wrote:

My skin on the T-zone is very oily in summer and combination in winter, and I use this gel; it fights oily shine very well, instantly mattifies after application and keeps the skin matte for several hours.

LEOLANC wrote:

In our pharmacy 36.6 we sell a cream (and the whole series: wash gel, tonic, day and night cream, hand and foot cream, etc.), which is called “36.6 day cream for face with multivitamins" (made to order from this pharmacy).
This cream dries and mattifies the skin very well, the effect appears after 2-3 days of use. Each product costs about 80 rubles.
Do not apply under the eyes or on the neck! There is a chance for everything to dry out here.

ladadasha wrote:
Zverushka wrote:
ladadasha wrote:
Zverushka wrote:
ladadasha wrote:

I have a Lithocomplex, I’ve been using it for probably half a year now. In principle, I like it and will continue to buy it! The sensations after it on the face are great, besides, it cleanses the skin well, you can feel it, it removes toxins, here it has no equal, I don’t argue, but it says that it changes the skin type to normal, such miracles did not happen, and I didn’t even have miracles , actually, I didn’t even expect it! It depends more on hormones and what we eat, IMHO.

Where do you get this in St. Petersburg, through the Internet from Moscow or do they have their own warehouses in St. Petersburg?

Art. m. Pionerskaya, shopping center "Merchant Dvor" on the first floor behind the escalator opposite RIVE GAUCH. Happy shopping!

Thank you very much! I often visit these parts.

Yes, it’s okay. But I live in those parts.

ladadasha wrote:
Zverushka wrote:

And I almost live in those parts. It’s a nearby metro station)) Tell me, please (can I say “you”?) Do they have a lot of all sorts of products from the Siberian series, too, or just the lithocomplex? I just won’t be able to get there in the coming months.. .

Of course on "you"!!! In general, there are a lot of things there, and creams (for the face, for hands, for feet) and shampoos, face masks, and much more, in general there is a large assortment!!! But I only go there for the lithocomplex, once I also bought a mask, the Regeneration formula, but I wasn’t particularly impressed with it.
16 730 0 Hello! In this article we will talk about oily skin and how to remove oily shine from your face at home. Ideal women with flawless skin, unfortunately, exist only in photographs. Girls go to cosmetologists, look for folk recipes on the Internet and mask imperfections with cosmetics. One suffers from dry skin, another suffers from sensitive skin, and the third dreams of removing oily shine from her face. Oily skin is not a death sentence; it even has advantages over other types: it ages later and is less susceptible to environmental influences.

How to determine oily skin type

If you are reading this article, most likely your skin is really oily, because dry skin rarely shines. But to dispel all doubts, we list the signs of oily skin type:

  • wide pores. They quickly become dirty and therefore expand, the face looks loose, bumpy. This occurs with pores on the forehead, nose, chin, sometimes on the cheeks;
  • frequent inflammation, rashes, acne, itching, redness. The glands that produce sebum are very active; excess oil accumulates, hardens, and forms plugs on the surface of the skin, interfering with its natural cleansing. Hence the black dots and inflamed pimples;
  • Makeup doesn't stay on your face: foundation and powder, blush “floats” or disappears two to three hours after application;
  • the skin is shiny. An oily sheen appears by lunchtime or already two hours after the morning toilet.

A quick test will also help determine the oiliness of your skin. Right now, take a thin paper napkin and place it on your face. If there are marks left on the napkin, the skin produces more oil than necessary. The test can be performed at any time of the day, but not immediately after washing.

Why is my face shiny?

We will not take into account situations in which any skin will shine: a hot day, a stuffy room, a bathhouse, a sauna, etc. The shine of the skin in such cases is a consequence of the situation, and not a pattern characteristic of the body. There are other reasons why oily shine appears on the face:

  • disruptions in the functioning of the stomach, intestines, liver. When internal organs do not function properly, it is immediately reflected in the skin;
  • hormonal disorders or surges. Sebum is intensively produced before menstruation, during pregnancy or after it, when the endocrine system is imbalanced. Many teenagers and young women are familiar with oily skin problems, which recede with age and the skin changes to a different type, becoming normal or combination;
  • Constant stress has a bad effect on your appearance. The nervous system causes the glands to work more actively, the skin becomes oily;
  • neglect of healthy eating: excess in the diet of spicy, fried, smoked, sweets and soda;
  • hereditary skin type and improper care for it;
  • passion for low-quality cosmetics.

Oily skin care

Daily care consists of sequential procedures. At first, the process may seem long and laborious, but over time you will get used to it, performing each action automatically.

The first procedure is cleansing or washing. All care tips begin with the words: “The main thing is cleansing.” And it is advisable to cleanse oily skin in two stages.

  1. Remove makeup with milk, makeup remover or micellar water. Moisten the cotton wool generously, because dry cotton wool will cause facial wrinkles in the future. If you washed your face this morning and didn’t have any makeup on your face, still use milk: wash your face with it like foam. Cosmetic milk collects impurities from the surface of the skin, using it you will gently prepare your face for the next stage.
  2. Wash with gel or foam for oily and combination skin. It is good to take a product with aloe, cucumber, chamomile, witch hazel, tomato, and apple in the composition. Gels with salicylic and lactic acid are effective, the content of which in home daily remedies should not be more than two percent. Acids very gently dissolve the top layer of cells, remove excess fat, and cleanse pores.

Wash your face twice a day, even if it doesn't seem like enough. The more thoroughly and often you wash off fat from your skin, the more diligently it will begin to produce new oil. To wash your face, prepare a decoction of chamomile or sage; it should be at room temperature. Do not wash your face with hot water, it expands the pores and provokes the glands to work harder. Cold is also harmful - it dries and ages the skin.

The second procedure is toning. The toner will remove any remaining gel or foam, tighten pores, and nourish the skin with beneficial substances from its composition. Please note that alcohol products are harmful to any skin and oily skin is no exception. Alcohol lotion is used to dry out spot inflammations, nothing more. You want to cleanse your face, but not dry it out. And for an anti-inflammatory effect, the same chamomile, aloe, and salicylic acid are added to tonics.

The third procedure is moisturizing. When the skin lacks moisture, it produces sebum more actively. To moisturize, use a light water-based cream. Or buy aloe gel - it moisturizes, heals, and resists inflammation of the epidermis.

These three procedures should be carefully followed twice a day: after waking up in the morning and before going to bed. Add to them regularly special care :

  • Apply an active exfoliator twice a week during your evening wash. Just five years ago, scrubs were the only known method of exfoliation for most women. But now there is access to enzyme peels, peels with fruit acids, and soft rolls. Compared to these products, the scrub is too aggressive and acts superficially. And you shouldn’t use it on skin with acne; you can spread the infection to your face. So, two evenings a week your care looks like this: milk, foam or gel, peeling, toner, moisturizer.
  • mask according to skin needs. Masks are made two to four times a week. This is intensive care, and even if you do not use professional cosmetics, but products from the refrigerator to prepare the composition, regular use of masks will give you excellent results. For oily skin, masks are regularly needed that will moisturize, cleanse and regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

And two more important points when dealing with oily skin:

  • Do not touch pimples or clean pores manually yourself. Inept actions result in scars, infection spreading and the situation getting worse. Mechanical cleaning - only by a cosmetologist;
  • try to use decorative cosmetics less often. Powder, blush and foundation clog pores and prevent the skin from breathing. Give them up for at least a month and you will be surprised at how much cleaner your face becomes.

There is no single and reliable remedy for oily shine on the face. There are several reasons for this problem, and the solutions are varied. It is necessary to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and eliminate hormonal imbalances. And don’t forget about local skin treatment: thorough washing, well-chosen cosmetics, hygiene, masks for matte skin.

For a short-term solution to the problem, place little helpers in your purse. They can quickly refresh your skin and save your appearance.

  • Matting napkins. Once you apply such a napkin to your skin, excess oil will be absorbed into it, leaving your face matte.
  • Thermal water. Sold in spray bottles. Use directly over makeup. It will moisturize and refresh your face.
  • Powder. Regular powder will save you from shine in five seconds, but will aggravate the overall condition of the skin. Mineral powder will not clog pores and will take care of your face. Some craftsmen make its analogues at home from oatmeal, and although such homemade powder does not mask imperfections, it mattifies perfectly.

To make oatmeal powder, place two tablespoons of oatmeal in a coffee grinder. When you grind the flakes, fine dust will collect on the lid of the coffee grinder - this is powder. Shake it into a dry cream jar and continue grinding, adding flakes as needed. It is convenient to apply powder on the face with a wide brush, or at home you can use it with your hands. Use it in the morning and your face will not shine until noon.

  • Useful at home cosmetic ice. It is prepared from decoctions of medicinal herbs: sage, calendula, chamomile, eucalyptus, linden, string are suitable. Frozen watermelon juice perfectly tightens pores and mattifies the skin. Rub the skin with ice cubes in the morning and evening. As a result, pores become smaller, oily shine disappears, and the skin is toned.

Ice rubbing is contraindicated for rosacea and overly sensitive skin.

Anti-greasy masks

Add masks to your weekly beauty plan; they will not only cope with excess oily skin, but also moisturize it, nourish it, cleanse and tighten pores. There are many recipes, so through experience, select a composition that will satisfy the needs of your skin. Do masks twice a week, 10 procedures per course. Then use another recipe. It is necessary to change products so that the skin does not get used to the same ingredients and receives more benefits from different products.

Clay mask

The leader in mattifying the skin is any clay: white, blue, black, pink. Dilute two tablespoons of clay with boiled water or chamomile decoction, apply a thick layer to the face and rinse after 20 minutes. It is better to make this mask in the morning, after washing and before using toner. The procedure will ensure matte skin for two to eight hours.

Protein masks

Egg white cleanses pores and tightens them. This product goes well with lemon or aloe. It is more convenient to apply protein masks with a cosmetic brush, in layers: wait until the first layer dries and apply the second, then the third. It would be enough. When the last layer has dried, the mask can be washed off.

  • Whisk a teaspoon of aloe leaf juice with one egg white. This composition helps with rashes, red spots, and soothes the skin.
  • For one protein, take a teaspoon of lemon juice. The mask refreshes, whitens, cleanses well and tightens pores.

Kefir mask

Kefir dries, heals and whitens the skin. You can simply apply it to your face for 15 minutes. But it is better to mix a tablespoon of the product with a tablespoon of oatmeal or pea flour. Lightly massaging, apply the mixture to the skin and rinse after 20 minutes.

Yeast mask

Both live and dry yeast are equally useful. Dilute a tablespoon of yeast with a teaspoon of milk and pour in 5 drops of lemon juice. Rinse off the mixture after 15 minutes with warm water.

Cucumber mask

Mix with a blender or grind through a meat grinder two tablespoons of oatmeal and half a small cucumber. Leave for 10 minutes to swell and add a teaspoon of plain yoghurt. Keep on your face for 20 minutes, rinse with cool water.

Potato mask

Mix the juice of one potato tuber with egg white, pour in 3 drops of lemon essential oil. Keep for 20 minutes. The mask not only removes oily shine, it rejuvenates and brightens the skin.

  • To ensure that your skin produces less sebum, eat foods that are healthy for the body: fresh fruits and vegetables, herbs, fish, whole grain cereals, natural oils. To cleanse the intestines, add flax seed and bran to porridge and salads. Drink herbal decoctions and rosehip infusion, clean raw water.
  • Instead of tonic, it is useful to wipe your face with cabbage or cucumber juice. Try also rose water: it cares for the skin and dries it out a little.
  • Use light, water-based creams; try to avoid foundation altogether. Leading cosmetic companies produce special day creams for oily skin with a mattifying effect. Their effect lasts several hours, but only on the skin without decorative cosmetics.
  • Avoid touching your face during the day, especially with dirty hands. Once a week, wash all makeup brushes, puffs, and sponges.
  • Use mild cleansers and care products. They should not contain alcohol and sodium lauryl sulfate, so as not to dry out the epidermis.

Despite the fact that your skin is oily and seems rough, it needs care and gentle care. Help her become more beautiful, she will gratefully respond to all your efforts.

Remedies for oily face

Today we wanted to introduce you to unique cosmetics that have proven themselves in our market. La Roche-Posay is a new name for French problem skin care products. For more than 40 years, La Roche-Posay specialists have been developing unique products to combat all skin imperfections. But since our article is about oily shine, we have prepared special products for you that will help you eliminate this nuisance, but also prevent the appearance of other imperfections: acne, blackheads, inflamed pimples.

  • EFFACLAR GEL AND EFFACLAR DUO(+) SET- set for oily acne-prone skin. The set includes a foaming gel for cleansing and a cream gel for care.
  • Serozinc is the first oil-control spray Hypoallergenic. Without perfumes. Tested under dermatological supervision.
  • EFFACLAR DUO(+)- Cream-gel reduces pronounced imperfections due to Niacinamide, Piroctone Olamin, Lipo-Hydroxy Acid and Linoleic acid. Corrects and prevents the appearance of post-acne marks thanks to the powerful anti-inflammatory component Prokerada. Effective after 24 hours.
  • EFFACLAR - pore tightening lotion. The lotion effectively cleanses pores and reduces their size, mattifies and smoothes the skin surface thanks to a combination of cleansing components and Lipo-hydroxy acid.
  • Micellar water ULTRA- Thanks to the new formula of the product, all particles of makeup and micro-pollution are firmly captured and retained. Contains La Roche-Posay thermal water.

When the sebaceous glands are too active, the first thing we notice is an oily forehead. You will only understand how to get rid of the unpleasant and unsightly manifestation of oily skin. having determined the reason such increased secretion. Regular hygiene procedures may help you, or you may need to resort to medication. In any case, do not leave the situation to chance.

Oily skin on the forehead: what to do?

The epidermis on the forehead tends to get the most oily during adolescence. Closer to middle age, less subcutaneous fat is produced, and by old age, fat ceases to be produced completely.

The main signs of an oily forehead are:

  1. Shine;
  2. Subcutaneous tubercles;
  3. Lots of blackheads;
  4. Wide pores.

It is necessary to get rid of fat on the forehead both from the outside and from the inside. As for external procedures, these are standard facial care procedures:

  • Wash your face warm water twice a day. The use of hot water is not recommended, since high temperature stimulates the sebaceous glands even more;
  • Do not use aggressive care products. Choose a suitable washing gel;
  • It is necessary to exfoliate weekly;
  • Masks can be made no more than twice a week. White clay, lemon juice or potatoes ground in a meat grinder work well;
  • Try to use foundation less often;
  • Once a week, you can wipe your forehead with a solution of a teaspoon of sea salt in half a liter of melt water.

As a comprehensive approach to getting rid of fat on the forehead review your diet:

  1. Avoid fatty and fried foods;
  2. Eliminate salty and sweet foods;
  3. Try to eat natural foods;
  4. Add vitamin B6 to your diet, it is found in fish, pork, beef, bananas, avocados, nuts, beans and liver;
  5. It is also advisable to consume foods rich in vitamin B2: potatoes, oatmeal, milk, cocoa, lamb.

Homemade face masks for excess oiliness

You should only stop using masks if a third of your face or more is covered with acne. In other cases, masks can and should be used.

However, several rules must be followed:

  • Before the procedure, wash your hands with soap;
  • The skin must first be cleaned;
  • Do not use components containing alcohol;
  • Do not make a mask in reserve;
  • The ingredients must be clean and fresh.

A few recipes for oily skin:

  1. Grind 20 grams of cottage cheese or pass through a sieve, pour in 30 grams of kefir and a few drops of mint essential oil. Mix everything, apply to face for half an hour, then rinse;
  2. Mix blue clay with a crushed brewer's yeast tablet, pour the mixture with regular tea until it reaches the consistency of sour cream, add a few drops of hazelnut oil. Apply to steamed skin and let dry on face, then rinse;
  3. Grind the dry fruits of green peas in a coffee grinder, add a couple of grams of turmeric and about 8 ml of peach oil. Apply to the skin, wait for it to dry, then remove the mask with cotton pads and purified water;
  4. Crush several tablets of acetylsalicylic acid, add 4 ml of mango essential oil and add plantain decoction to the desired sour cream consistency. Apply to face with a brush or wearing gloves, wait 10 minutes, then rinse.

Thus, in order to provide oily skin with complete care, it is not at all necessary to resort to expensive cosmetic procedures. You can set up a beauty salon at home.

Why is my forehead fat?

If the oiliness of the skin is increased, it is immediately visible on the forehead, nose and chin. On the body itself, areas on the chest and back are also oily. This type of skin may be permanent or may occur periodically.

The main prerequisites for this type are:

  • Genetics;
  • The period of growing up;
  • Hormonal disorders;
  • Problems with the digestive system;
  • Poor nutrition;
  • Regular prolonged exposure to the sun or high temperatures;
  • Stress;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Climax;
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system.

There is also a number of diseases that cause the skin to become oily:

  1. Diabetes;
  2. Obesity;
  3. Exhaustion;
  4. Cysts or tumors on the ovaries;
  5. Various liver diseases.

In the case where the cause of oiliness is a disease or a malfunction of certain systems, with proper treatment of the source of trouble, the result in the form of oily forehead skin will disappear along with the cure.

In the case of a genetic predisposition, it is only possible to regularly eliminate unpleasant manifestations, but it is unlikely that it will be possible to completely get rid of the problem forever.

Benefits of oily skin

Any skin type has its own disadvantages and advantages. The main advantages of facial oiliness compared to other types are:

  • Smooth and high-quality tan. In contrast to the dermis, which is prone to dryness, with well-functioning sebaceous glands, the fat secreted by them is a good natural tanner;
  • Late aging and wilting of the skin;
  • Long-term absence of wrinkles;
  • With well-chosen makeup, your face will shine beautifully with a pearlescent hue;
  • In old age, the skin looks fresher and more elastic;
  • The fatty film prevents negative environmental factors from harming dermal cells.

Therefore, don’t be upset, follow simple care tips, choose the right cosmetics and you will look gorgeous for many years to come.

Oily skin on the forehead and acne

If you have acne on your forehead with oily skin, caring for it requires even more careful attention. Since in an effort to get rid of the hated oily sheen, you can further aggravate your acne problems. To prevent this from happening:

  1. Avoid mechanical impacts on the skin using brushes or sponges;
  2. Skip scrubs or use them sparingly and avoid rubbing on acne-prone areas;
  3. Wipe your face with lemon. The acid disinfects acne and removes excess oil;
  4. Do not use aggressive cleansers.

Thus, if the problem of oiliness is aggravated by the appearance of acne, this means that the pores are clogged and, in addition, an infection has joined them. Your task is to keep your face clean, not to take aggressive actions, to promptly and efficiently cleanse the pores and moisturize the dermis.

If the problem does not resolve itself after a while, then it is better to consult a dermatologist. Along with care, he will prescribe medication treatment.

Quite often, the perfect picture of your face at a party is ruined by a fat forehead. A cosmetologist or a qualified dermatologist will tell you how to get rid of this phenomenon. On your own, you can adjust your diet, rest schedule and fit time into your schedule for facial care.

Video: caring for oily skin

In this video, dermatocosmetologist Evelina Vasilyeva will tell you how to properly care for oily skin, which products are more suitable for this type of skin:

Oily skin (sebaceous, seborrheic, bumpy, porous, oily, hypersebaceous) is a common problem among teenagers and people under 30 years of age. Oily skin is characterized mainly by excess sebum, which is produced in the sebaceous glands. People with this skin type may have noticeable enlarged pores or inflammation of the hair follicles and a shiny face. Skin with hypersebaceous function requires proper care, otherwise acne (pimples) and other inflammatory processes may occur.

Areas of increased fat content are: forehead, nose, chin, back, shoulders and chest. The sebaceous glands are very important for humans and are responsible for many processes in the body. Sebum protects the skin from external influences and consists of lipid derivatives. The composition and secretion of sebum changes during different periods of life. The fat synthesized by the skin mixes with secretions from the sweat glands and creates a superficial layer. It protects the skin from excessive moisture loss and harmful external factors, softens, has an antibacterial effect, and transports vitamin E to the upper layers of the epidermis. Skin lipids have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties and are involved in the removal of certain xenobiotics (poisons, harmful substances) from the body.

Causes of oily skin

- Hormones influence the production of fat in the sebaceous glands:
In the second phase of the menstrual cycle, women experience an increased amount of secreted sebum. This is due to hormonal levels.
Oily skin is more common in men, regardless of age. This is due to the predominance of the hormone testosterone in the body, which is responsible for the production of sebum.
The problem of excessive oily skin often occurs in young women, girls, teenagers, especially over 12 years of age. This problem occurs due to puberty. It is characterized by excessive activity of the sebaceous glands.

Have an impact environmental factors, stress (especially chronic stress), cigarette smoke, air pollution.

- UV aggravates problems with oily skin. The sun's rays dry out and thicken the stratum corneum, which prevents the release of sebum and acne (pimples, blackheads) appears.

- Poor nutrition, eating large quantities of fried, fatty, spicy food increases the greasiness of the skin.

- Poor hygiene(it is necessary to regularly wash your face in the morning, treat areas of skin prone to greasiness) leads to increased oiliness and inflammation of the skin.

- Increased ambient temperature increases sebum secretion.

The amount of sebum secreted also depends on the area of ​​the body. The largest number of sebaceous glands are located on the face, chest and torso.

- Use of low-quality cosmetics, oily or greasy based products aggravate skin problems.

- Immune system disorders contribute to oiliness, since the skin is a protective layer. If immune processes are disrupted, a symptom of increased oily skin may appear.

Diseases that may cause oily skin symptoms

Diabetes. One of the symptoms may be oily skin and inflammatory reactions. This is due to the fact that the disease is multisystemic (affects all organs and systems).

Women with low nutrition(cachexia, asthenic body type). Nutrients are required for the synthesis of hormones. If, due to diet or poor nutrition, a woman does not receive enough of them, then there is not enough building material for female sex hormones and male hormones begin to predominate in the body. In this case, oily skin is defined as a symptom of increased levels of male hormones.

Obesity(men and women of high nutrition). The skin becomes oily as a result of poor nutrition and excessive sweating.

Hormonal imbalance in women may be associated with ovarian dysfunction, abrupt withdrawal of contraceptives, tumors of the reproductive system (the reproductive system, which has the function of reproduction), menopause, and so on. As a result, the level of male sex hormones increases and a characteristic symptom of oily skin, the appearance of bristly hair, deepening of the voice, irregular menstrual cycle, and sweating occurs. If you do not consult a doctor, you may develop infertility, malignant tumors, and irreversible changes in appearance. It is recommended to consult an endocrinologist; symptomatic treatment should be carried out by a cosmetologist.

Hyperandrogenism in men- increased content of male sex hormones. This complication can often be observed in men who are professional bodybuilders or athletes, since they often use chemically synthesized testosterone to build muscle mass. But there are cases of genetic predisposition to this phenomenon; with age, the synthesis of hormones will decrease and everything will return to normal. Treatment is related to the elimination of symptoms. It is necessary to consult an endocrinologist, cosmetologist, valeologist, nutritionist, and in some cases a psychiatrist (aggression, jealousy, preoccupation with appearance), a sexologist (strong libido, promiscuous sexual relations, rapid ejaculation).

Hypertrichosis(increased hairiness) in women and men - the disease, in some cases, is associated with the production of sex hormones and may be accompanied by oily skin.

Liver diseases(hepatitis, fatty liver) – the liver is responsible for functions such as removing toxins and excess hormones and other substances in the body. If the functioning of this organ is disrupted, a symptom of oily skin in the forehead and nasolabial folds may be observed.

When to see a doctor

As a result of increased oily skin, inflammatory diseases can develop, since sebum is a breeding ground for bacteria. If you discover such complications, you should immediately consult a doctor. By doing this you can prevent increased tissue scarring, the development of septic skin diseases, the spread of infection in the body, and avoid many chronic diseases (such as sore throat, runny nose, decreased immunity). The bacterium Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus and Propionibacterium are mainly involved in inflammatory processes associated with increased sebaceous skin. The infection may spread to other parts of the body or other people. If the infectious process is not treated, it can be fatal. Death usually occurs from general intoxication or sepsis. Therefore, it is important to contact a specialist in a timely manner.

Seborrheic oily dermatitis is an inflammatory skin disease that is characterized by oily scaly lesions that are red (fresh) or white-gray (dry, old) on the scalp, hairline and face, folds around the nose and ears, chest, armpits ( armpits), groin. You should consult a skin and venereologist or cosmetologist.

Acne Acne is a common skin condition that causes pimples to appear on the face, chest, and back. This occurs when skin pores become clogged with oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria. Treatment by a cosmetologist is necessary; in case of extensive lesions of the skin, consultation with a skin and venereologist, nutritionist, or endocrinologist.

Carbuncle (or boil)- a deeper skin lesion, sometimes affecting the subcutaneous fat layer. The cause is an infectious process in the hair follicle, pus (abscess) accumulates near the hair. This is directly related to oily skin. If the sebaceous gland does not function properly, an excess amount of fat is released and subsequently an infection occurs. Treatment by a surgeon is necessary, followed by consultation with an endocrinologist or dermatovenerologist.

Necrosis- tissue necrosis due to deeper penetration of the infection.

Treatment for oily skin

Treatment of oily skin should be complex. It is necessary to identify and eliminate the cause, and then the symptoms of the disease. Treatment of visible signs without a deeper examination will only bring temporary results. Most often, specialists use an integrated approach to solving this problem, which includes examinations (analysis of hormones, blood sugar, general tests characterizing the somatic condition, identifying pathogenic flora), studying genetic predisposition and life history (dietary habits, habits) . The treatment combines salon procedures, hardware technique and pharmacotherapy.

Drug treatment for oily skin

To reduce skin oiliness, it is possible to prescribe medications containing the following components:

  • Lactoferrin is a protein with antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. It has a beneficial effect on the balance of the body's immune system.
  • Adapalene is a derivative of vitamin A, prevents the appearance of comedones, and relieves inflammation. An effective combination with antibiotics to treat inflamed skin areas.
  • Benzoyl peroxide exfoliates well, renews the skin, and prevents the proliferation of pathogenic flora.
  • Azaleic acid - relieves inflammation, reduces bacterial growth, exfoliates.
  • Zinc is a strong keratolytic (dissolves keratinized epidermis)
  • Copper – regulates sebum secretion.
  • Sulfur - affects the functioning of the sebaceous glands and suppresses their secretion.
  • Isotretinoid – synthesized in small quantities in the human body, suppresses sebum production, lyses (dissolves) the stratum corneum.
  • Bacteriocins and pyocyanins are metabolic products of bacteria (Escherichia, Enterococcus, Streptococcus, Pseudomonas) grown in a sterile environment. Increases the immune properties of the skin, promotes its rapid regeneration.
  • D-Panthenol - increases the strength of collagen in the skin, normalizes cellular metabolism. Essential for skin restoration after irritating procedures such as peeling.
  • Vitamin B6 - participates in the metabolism of proteins (for example, lactoferrin) and unsaturated fatty acids. Favorable effect on the functioning of the nervous, hematopoietic and immune systems.
  • Vitamin PP - has a positive effect on metabolism and normal functioning of the skin.
  • The mineral zinc has a positive effect on the immune system. Zinc protects immune cells from the harmful effects of free radicals and activates the body's defense mechanisms, essential for healthy skin.
  • Other drugs that have a beneficial effect on the skin: Selenium, Coenzyme Q10, Nicotinic acid (vitamin PP), folic acid, Vitamin E, Vitamin C.

Hormonal therapy to eliminate oily skin:

Medicines for menopause in women - Vero-Danazol, Divina, Finland, Divisek, Indivina, Climodien, Livial.
For other hormonal disorders: contraceptives with antiandrogenic action - Yarina, Jess, Janine, Belara.

Antibiotic therapy is not prescribed for oily skin! To prevent acne, it is better to use local antiseptics and exfoliants. Antibiotics kill the beneficial flora of the skin, resistance may arise and in case of urgent need (for example, for acne and other inflammations) they will not be effective.

Herbal treatment for oily skin

  • Chamomile extract cleanses and softens. Acting locally, it has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. Restores skin elasticity and smoothness.
  • Salvia officinalis has a bactericidal, soothing, regenerating effect.
  • Calendula officinalis has a healing, regenerative effect on damaged skin.
  • Oak or birch bark has antiseptic and tannic properties.
  • Tricolor violet extract cleanses, affects the metabolic process and helps remove harmful substances that accumulate in the body.
  • Green tea extract has antioxidant properties and reduces the effects of free radicals on the skin.
  • Dandelion root extract strengthens the body's defenses. Supports the proper functioning of the liver, gall bladder, and kidneys. Helps in excretion of metabolic products, which is beneficial for the skin.

In addition to daily home care, oily skin requires additional treatment. It is prescribed by a dermatologist or cosmetologist. The main methods of treating oily skin are:

Hardware procedures for oily skin:

Beauty treatments for oily skin

  • Scrubs (almond, apricot, salt, clay, plastic, etc.) are a creative method for smoothing and cleansing the skin.
  • Peels with acids (lactic, fruit, pyruvic, trichloroacetic, glycolic, etc.) reduce the pH of the skin, which has a bacteriostatic effect. Regulates sebum secretion and reduces skin greasiness;
  • Masks (mud, clay, seaweed based) - disinfect, heal, soothe the skin, remove excess sebum.
  • Manual facial cleansing is a mechanical and most traumatic way to clean skin pores. It is recommended to carry out such cleaning only in cosmetology centers.

Prevention of oily skin diseases

1. When choosing cosmetics, give preference to the following products:
- low lipid content,
- with antibacterial and antiseptic composition (alcohol no more than 10%!!!),
- Hypoallergenic (neutral fragrances or better odorless),
- containing natural plant extracts.
- If this is not a specialized certified store that you are confident in, then it is better to choose less popular, inexpensive brands of cosmetics. There are fewer fakes on them. Make your choice in favor of a domestic manufacturer. In the production of cosmetics, they often use plants from our latitude, which are less allergenic.

2. Once a week, use a simple peel or facial cleanser.
3. Use UVA and UVB sunscreen year-round.
4. Go to the sauna.
5. Do not overuse everyday makeup, provide the skin with an influx of oxygen. Always remove makeup at night.
6. Use bottled water to wash your face. You should not wash your face with soap and water; a cleansing gel for oily skin is better.
7. Avoid contact of hands with face. Dirty hands carry bacteria.

Cosmetologist Kondratenko N.A.

Approximately one third of the female population has oily skin type. It causes a lot of trouble: an unpleasant shine, unkempt appearance, and rashes will not please anyone. The fact that with age the type of epidermis will gradually become normal does not reassure anyone, because nowadays you want to look beautiful. In this article you will find the causes of oily facial skin, knowing which, you will be able to better control the situation.

The work of the sebaceous glands

Often the main locations of oily shine are the forehead, chin, nose, and less often - the back, shoulders and chest. At the same time, in your quest to get rid of excess fat, you need to be very careful not to cause harm, since sebum-producing glands play a very important role in our body. They protect skin cells from the adverse effects of the environment, and also help maintain the necessary water balance and are a transport route for vitamins.

When overworked, they also create a favorable environment for the development of bacteria, which leads to acne, clogged pores and blackheads, as well as difficulty applying makeup. A positive aspect in the case of oily skin is the fact that its owners face wrinkles later than their peers and look younger than their age.

Experts also call this problem seborrhea. The causes of oily scalp, back, chest, as well as the armpit and navel area are the same. Small pimples, blackheads or acne may appear in these areas, the skin may also peel (called dry seborrhea), and dandruff may appear on the head.

Main reasons

Many people are interested in the answer to the question: “Why is the skin on my face oily?” Let's look at the main factors of its occurrence.

  • Genetics. Quite often, the type of sebum production is inherited. If this is your case, then there is nothing you can do, but don’t give up: proper care and lifestyle will help improve your appearance;
  • Poor nutrition. Of course, what we eat reflects our skin. Therefore, you should review the list of products that you have in your home. It is necessary to exclude fatty, artificially sweet, spicy and fatty foods. Also, minimize your coffee consumption and avoid lemonade altogether. Drink enough clean water and eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • Alcohol. Do not overuse various tinctures and alcohol-based products, since in this case, on the contrary, they stimulate the skin to produce oil for its own protection.
  • Frequent deep cleansing is also bad for you. The mechanism, as in the previous paragraph, is protective;
  • Using cosmetics that do not match your skin type. It can cause clogged pores and inflammation;
  • Environment. If there is high humidity outside, or indoors at work, or at home, this will also negatively affect your face;
  • Testosterone. Character problem for teenagers. During puberty, this hormone can influence the excessive functioning of the sebaceous glands. It goes away on its own until the age of thirty. However, in this case, the skin requires proper care;
  • Improper functioning of internal organs. Various diseases can provoke increased sebum production. You should seek help from qualified specialists who will conduct the necessary analyzes and studies;
  • Stress situations. If you are often nervous or in an unfavorable psychological environment, then your body, with the help of nerve endings, can release accumulated internal tension by stimulating the sebaceous glands;
  • Mental illnesses are also sometimes the reason why the skin becomes oily. Doctors' help will be required;
  • Long-term treatment of infections, as well as some medications. Here it is necessary to check the effect of medications on the body and, to the best of your ability, avoid taking them.

As you can already see, if you have oily skin, the reasons can be very different: from inheritance to a passion for chips, from air humidity around to intestinal problems. To begin with, you should visit your therapist and get tested, and then a cosmetologist for recommendations on skin care.

Check if you are assessing your skin type correctly

Diseases and bad habits that cause oily skin

There are a number of diseases that can cause oily sheen. Let's look at them in a little more detail.


This disease affects all human organs, so its presence explains why the skin has become oily.


Since our body cannot produce female hormones from nothing, if there is insufficient supply of nutrients, for example due to diet, the amount of male hormones in the blood increases. This, in turn, leads to improper functioning of the sebaceous glands. So, before limiting access to food, think carefully.

Binge eating

Obese people also often suffer from increased facial oiliness, as their unbalanced diet leads to an increase in the amount of sweat produced.

Malfunction of the hormonal system in women

This option can be caused by several diseases at once, for example, tumors in the reproductive system, ovarian lesions, as well as abrupt cessation of taking birth control pills, menopause and others. All of them lead to an increase in the content of male hormones. And this affects the timbre of the voice, the appearance of coarser hair, increased sweating and irregular cycles, as well as oily facial skin. All these symptoms should make you visit a doctor (gynecologist and endocrinologist), since untimely treatment can lead to infertility, degeneration of tumors and other troubles. It is also recommended to regularly visit a cosmetologist.

Hormonal imbalance can cause mustache and beard growth in women

Malfunction of the hormonal system in men

In most cases, increased testosterone levels occur in professional athletes and bodybuilders because they take certain drugs to increase muscle mass, based on artificial male hormone. Less commonly, this process occurs due to a genetic predisposition that self-regulates over time. In such circumstances, treatment of symptoms is used. To prescribe it, a man should contact an endocrinologist, cosmetologist, valeologist, or nutritionist. Sometimes the help of a psychiatrist is required (if the condition is accompanied by increased aggressiveness, narcissism and pathological jealousy), as well as a sexologist.


This term means increased hairiness. It is also associated with improper functioning of the hormonal system and affects the amount of sebum secreted by the skin.

Liver diseases

Since this organ is the main excretory channel for the release of toxins, excess hormones and other unnecessary substances, damage to it leads to an imbalance in the body. Most often this is reflected in increased fat content in the area of ​​the nasolabial fold and forehead.

Be sure to see a doctor

Since when the skin is very oily, it is favored by various bacteria and infections, inflammation often develops. If this applies to you, make an appointment with a specialist. Lack of treatment can lead to the appearance of scars, septic skin diseases, infection of the body (frequent sore throats, runny nose and a general decrease in immunity).

Most often, when analyzing inflammation due to increased fat content, bacteria such as staphylococcus, streptococcus, and propionobacteria are found. They can be transmitted both to other parts of the body and to surrounding people. If the infection is not treated, it sometimes even leads to death due to extensive sepsis. And all this can be avoided by simply visiting a doctor.

Seborrheic dermatitis

This inflammatory skin disease is distinguished by the following symptoms:

  • fatty scales of red or gray color;
  • location on the head, along the hairline, around the nose or ears, on the chest, in the armpits, in the groin.

People who discover such phenomena in themselves should contact a skin and venereologist and cosmetologist.


This is one of the types of acne, characterized by clogging of pores with sebum, dead particles and introduced bacteria, and the formation of blackheads. Most often localized on the face, chest and back. You will need the help of a cosmetologist, and in especially difficult situations, a skin and venereologist, nutritionist and endocrinologist.


This is a more severe form of skin lesions that reach the fat layer. The beginning is the introduction of infection into the hair follicle, which is why pus begins to accumulate. Increased fat content plays a major role in this process. In this situation, a surgeon will help, and then he will refer you for continued treatment with an endocrinologist and dermatovenerologist.

If the infection penetrates even deeper, it can cause necrosis of an entire area of ​​skin.

As you may have already noticed, such problems are not just associated with aesthetic troubles, but can cause serious damage to the body and require timely treatment.

Boils most often affect the armpits, abdomen and shoulders

Treatment options

Of course, there are ways to combat it if the skin has become very oily. Heredity cannot be changed; in this situation, unpleasant symptoms are removed, but a sharp change in the structure of the skin, coupled with peeling and pimples, requires a visit to doctors and cosmetologists. They will offer the best way to solve your problems.

Therapeutic methods

The specialist should first direct you to take tests, and then draw up an action plan. Most often the following procedures are used:

  • Vaporization is the use of hot steam to open pores.
  • Facial cleansing can be done either by a cosmetologist or by machine.
  • Cryotherapy – the use of liquid nitrogen.
  • Mesotherapy is the delivery of a cocktail of beneficial substances to the skin using injections.
  • Darsonvalization– directional action with alternating current.
  • Biorevitalization– increasing facial hydration.
  • Massage .

The manipulations listed above are carried out in specialized clinics and cost a decent amount. Regular repetition of courses will be required to maintain the effect. Learn more about how to deal with oily skin.

By studying the simple tips presented below, you can also have a beneficial effect on oily skin.

Use cool water to wash your face, as hot water increases sebum production. When choosing cosmetics, be careful:

  • Check for appropriate “for oily skin” or “non-comedogenic” labels;
  • Foundations are more effective if they contain kaolin clay;
  • Priority to products with zinc oxide;
  • Liquid blush and shadows will not suit you;
  • The powder should be applied using a sponge;
  • Products with disinfectant and anti-inflammatory properties are suitable for caring for oily skin.

About care products for oily skin.

Diagram of the depth of action of various peels

If you are tormented by the problem of increased oily skin, you should not immediately rush to carry out numerous cosmetic procedures or buy expensive creams; all this will be ineffective until you discover and eliminate the cause of the disease. Therefore, the first thing you need is a trip to a dermatologist. It is he who will understand the situation and, if necessary, refer you to additional specialists, such as an endocrinologist, psychologist and nutritionist. Lead a healthy lifestyle, drink enough water, walk more often - and your skin and hair will thank you!