How to get rid of shellac at home. Where can I buy special tools. Means and methods for removing shellac at home

Nail polish is widely used by modern women. Shellac contributes to the fact that women's hands remain well-groomed for several weeks in a row. However, a permanent coating differs from ordinary varnish, because it should be removed with a specially designed liquid, and not with ordinary acetone.

How to remove shellac at home

The best way out is to use a special solution, if you do not seek help from manicure masters. Among the numerous brands, you can choose a universal remedy, the effectiveness of which will please its owner. In addition to the liquid, in order to erase the resistant coating of the house, you may need:

  • nail file for grinding;
  • orange sticks;
  • foil;
  • sponges;
  • cream.

Gel polish removers for nails

Girls who encounter gel polish for the first time often wonder how to remove shellac at home. For a super-resistant coating, a special preparation has been created based on components that are aimed at softening and dissolving. At the same time, you should not think that the remover will harm the nail plate. Manufacturers of cosmetics have created a special liquid for removing shellac, which is additionally saturated with vitamins, oils - nutrients and moisturizers.

How to remove shellac at home without a special liquid

If there is no special liquid designed for shellac, then it can be replaced with banal acetone, which is on the shelf of every girl. It is also able to erase a resistant coating, but is more aggressive and harmful to the nail plate with prolonged contact. But always available at hand. In order to make acetone softer, you should dilute it with ordinary water: two to one.

To remove with acetone, you will also need cotton pads, foil and an orange stick. First of all, wash your hands, because the nail plates should be as fat-free as possible: this may require soap or alcohol. If you treat the surface poorly, then acetone will have little effect on shellac, and the procedure will have to be repeated again. After high-quality hand hygiene, apply cotton wool soaked in acetone to each nail, wrap your finger in foil, hold for fifteen minutes. Remove the foil, and remove the cracked varnish with an orange stick.

The composition of the gel polish remover

If you want to give your nails quality care, then it is better to use a shellac remover. Regardless of the price, all removal solutions contain acetone, but the special solution is as pure as possible, and vitamins and oils help to make the main component of the composition practically harmless. If you use a shellac remover without acetone at all, then it will not take a super-resistant coating. Gentle compositions will help you solve the problem of how to remove shellac from nails.

How does a homemade shellac remover work?

The principle of action of the substance is the same as cosmetic acetone for removing simple varnish. The procedure is identical: wash your hands, moisten cotton pads in a special product, apply to the nail, wrap with foil, wait fifteen minutes, remove the remaining gel polish with an orange stick. A special tool differs from ordinary acetone in that it is able to care for the nail plate and is harmless to the human body.

How to remove shellac with a special tool

For high-quality removal at home, professionals recommend not only purchasing a special liquid, but also using clips or disposable Shellac Remover Wraps instead of regular foil. Additional accessories help make the procedure for removing gel polish more comfortable and efficient. The process of removing shellac is standard, but the only difference is that instead of foil, clips or wraps are applied to the nails.

How to choose a shellac remover

Professionals say that you should buy shellac remover from the same company that you use for manicure cosmetics. Today, there are a number of manufacturers who, due to their quality, have earned the recognition of many women, nail artists and beauty salons:

  • Just Gel Polish Remover - instant action of the components can dissolve the varnish within five to eight minutes. The composition of the product is gentle, the elements do not injure the nail enamel, do not dry the skin around the plate, have a pleasant aroma and do not provoke an allergic reaction.
  • One Step Remover Mozart House is a great option if you don't know how to wash off shellac at home. The composition gently affects the nail plate, and oil and moisturizers help protect the surface from chemical components.
  • Shellac Severina - an effective remedy is in high demand, because it can be bought inexpensively in an online store. The liquid not only acts instantly, but also comes in a bottle with a convenient dispenser, which allows you to save the solution. Severina does not injure the nail plate, does not burn, perfectly softens the gel polish. Affordable cost of funds expands the circle of buyers.
  • Nano Professional - belongs to the professional line, therefore it guarantees an excellent result. The manufacturer of this cosmetics emphasizes that even with frequent use, the liquid will not harm the nail plate, and you can paint a new layer immediately after removing the previous one.

shellac remover price

Having decided to use a special tool, start, first of all, from your own budget, because the price for them is completely different. There are a huge number of solutions for removing gel polish, and in the catalogs of online stores you can choose and order the substance that suits you for the price and quality. Here is an approximate list of average prices for liquids, depending on the manufacturer and packaging:

  • CND Nourishing Remover, 236 ml - 950 rubles;
  • Shellac Remover SEVERINA, 500 ml - 420 rubles;
  • D "eva Florum, 130 ml - 73 rubles;
  • Domix Green, 500 ml - 199 rubles;
  • Just Gel Polish Remover, 236 ml - 865 rubles;
  • Orly Remover SmartGels, 118 ml - 350 rubles;
  • One Step Remover Mozart House, 150 ml - 230 rubles.

How to remove shellac from nails in the salon

Removing in salons differs from trying to get rid of a super strong coating at home in that professionals remove it quickly and effectively. Masters in their work for removing gel polish use Product Remover, wetting a disposable sticky tampon in it, which is put on the nail like a thimble. In this case, the solution does not get on the skin, and you only need to wait fifteen minutes. The remains of a resistant coating are removed with an orange stick. The price of the procedure will be approximately equal to the cost for one jar of funds.

Video: which gel polish remover is better

High-quality application of shellac requires a skill that is acquired only in manicure courses, and the availability of special equipment (an ultraviolet lamp), so this operation is more likely to be a salon procedure. Shellac coating lasts for a long time, at least two weeks. But what to do if during this time a manicure of one color is tired or if a new image requires an urgent change in the color of the nails? If you know how to remove shellac at home, then such difficulties will not arise. It remains only to remove the old coating, and then apply a new one to the nail.

Is it possible to remove shellac from nails at home

The answer to the question is yes, because there is such a possibility. To remove shellac right at home and save money and time is a real success, but not all girls know about it. In addition, having never tried the technology, how to remove shellac from nails at home, they are afraid to do it. However, to clean nails from shellac, you do not need to have pro skills - you just need to purchase a special shellac removal kit in the store or use improvised tools, the list of which is below.

How to remove shellac coating yourself

Such a durable coating as gel polish cannot be removed with alcohol or cologne: more serious preparations will be required here. But do not be afraid - everything you need is on sale, the price of many products is affordable even for beauties with a modest manicure budget. It remains only to find out how to remove shellac gel at home, what means are used for this.

Professional gel polish remover without acetone

Many women avoid acetone because they can't stand its strong smell and believe that the chemical dries out nails and even causes cancer (the latter claim has not been proven). Therefore, manufacturers are releasing more and more acetone-free liquids, replacing the overly odorous ingredient in them with softer isopropyl alcohol or acetate organic compounds. A set with such a tool will be in demand among fashionistas.

Acetone-free liquids degrease and spoil the plates and skin, no less than products with acetone. But acetone-free products evaporate more slowly, which is convenient when you need to keep your nails wet for a while - this property is very useful when it comes to removing shellac. The most popular brands of acetone-free liquids now The most popular brands of acetone-free liquids now are Product Remover, Severina, Bluesky, CND.

Acetone nail polish remover and foil

If you can’t get rid of shellac with the help of special tools, ordinary acetone liquid will help, you just have to keep it on your nails longer - not ten, but fifteen to twenty minutes. Resourceful beauties figured out how to remove Shellac using foil at home. The liquid is applied to a simple cotton pad, applied to the nail, then fixed on the finger with a homemade metal cap.

With special wipes

These are wonderful helpers, helping to wash off the annoying coating almost on the go. Sold in sets of ten or more. They are oblong paper envelopes, inside of which there is a damp cloth moistened with a gel polish softener. The fingertip must be inserted into a sticky bag, wait the time set according to the instructions, and then wipe off the varnish.

How to replace the foil

Foil is the cheapest option, but if desired, it is replaced with reusable devices, such as thimble caps. The desired liquid is poured into them and the fingertips are lowered inside, waiting until the coating softens. Some skilled craftsmen know how to remove shellac from nails at home, fixing wet cotton wool on the nail with cellophane and “swaddling” the entire phalanx in it. But unlike foil, food film made of polyethylene does not hold its shape at all, so it is a poorly suited material for these purposes.

How to properly remove Shellac at home: step by step instructions

There are two ways to remove shellac at home. Both methods are described step by step below. The first method is useful for those who have only the simplest manicure tools and accessories at home. To remove the second method, you will have to buy special sponges in the store. Any other method will be a variation of one of these two.

  • Method number 1: How to remove shellac at home if there is no special kit consisting of chemical reagents and a certain tool (these are used by the master in the salon).

You will need aluminum foil, non-sterile cotton wool or discs, acetone liquid or isopropyl alcohol, citrus wood sticks (orange or similar).


  1. Wash your hands, they should not be traces of sebum.
  2. Separate the cotton pads lengthwise into two thinner parts or cut into four equal parts: across and again across.
  3. Cut the foil into pieces the size of a matchbox.
  4. Saturate that part of the disk with liquid, which will then be adjacent to the nail (it is more convenient if this is the center of the disk).
  5. Apply cotton wool to the nail and tightly wrap the phalanx with foil so that it is firmly fixed.
  6. Carry out this operation with each nail plate.
  7. After a quarter of an hour, release the first finger from the foil, scrape off the softened shellac with a stick.
  8. Remove the foil, scraping off the shellac.
  9. If there are areas from which the shellac has not been scraped off, you need to repeat the procedure.

The final part of the procedure will allow you to take care of the nails and the skin around them. So, you need to rub recovery oil into the cuticles and nail plates, choosing one that is not allergic.

  • Method number 2: How to quickly remove shellac at home with specialized manicure chemicals and devices.

You will need disposable sponges with Velcro to hold, liquid to remove nail polish, scraping sticks, cuticle oil. All these items and products are sold in beauty stores as a shellac kit or individually.

  1. Hands are washed thoroughly with soap.
  2. Soak the sponge with the agent, wrap it around the phalanx, fasten the Velcro.
  3. Sponges are put on all fingers.
  4. Fill the hand bath with acetone, immerse the nails “packed” in sponges inside.
  5. Ten minutes later, the fingers are pulled out and freed from the sponges.
  6. Remove varnish with a stick. It is not recommended to use a pusher or remover tweezers for scraping, because metal tools will definitely damage the records.
  7. Lubricate the cuticle with nutritious fat.

Video: how to quickly and easily wash off gel polish yourself

There is a proverb that tells us that it is better to see once than to hear many times. This is fully confirmed by the video below. The algorithm of action, the opinions of beauties and fashionistas, affordable means for removing shellac - you will see all this. Learn how to remove shellac at home, it will turn out quickly and easily!

From shellac, nails become a little thinner, weaker, for some time they need special care. The salon master after removing the varnish will offer procedures for restoring the nail plates. A miracle will not happen, but the nails will recover faster than with home procedures, and a nail file is not needed. Experts consider sealing nails and paraffin therapy to be the most effective methods.

If financial possibilities do not allow you to take care of your nails in the salon, you will have to do it yourself by buying the necessary products in a specialized cosmetic or manicure store. It is possible to get by with simple home remedies - olive oil, lemon juice, bath salts, essential oils. Home recovery is carried out in stages.

  • Moisturizing and nourishing is carried out using an oil bath. Heat the olive oil until slightly warm and dip your nails for five minutes. Then blot your fingertips with a tissue and wait ten minutes for the remaining oil to be absorbed. If the nails after shellac are too dry, break and exfoliate, the procedure is repeated several more times at intervals of a day.
  • Whitening. After removing shellac, it is sometimes found that the nail plates have turned yellow. In this case, they are bleached with lemon juice. Citric acid not only brightens, but also moisturizes and strengthens nails. Make a lemon nail mask as follows: cut the fruit in half and dip the ends of the fingers into the lemon pulp for a couple of minutes, then rinse with water.
  • Strengthening. Baths with sea salt enriched with essential oils will help. Such salt, designed specifically for hand care, is found in some lines of cosmetics, for example, PRO Manicure, DNC, Blanc Bleu. An analogue of a special remedy can be ordinary sea salt from a pharmacy, but then you will have to add a few drops of essential oil to the bath, preferably orange.

In almost any online store that sells shellac kits, there are also products for the recovery period. Such preparations contain organic and chemical complexes for the restoration, strengthening and resuscitation of nails. Most often on sale there are restorative compositions for nails of the following brands:

  • oils PN-Nourish Nageloil and Nail Hardener (Germany);
  • resuscitator "Horsepower" (Russia);
  • base coat after Restoration acrylic (USA);
  • pencil Talika Nail Regenerator Serum (France).

Where to buy and how much do shellac removers cost?

The easiest way to buy a shellac remover at home is to visit specialized stores for manicure products. Finding them is very easy - every self-respecting outlet of this profile has at least an online page, or even an entire online store. These can be both stores with a wide range of products selling products for all types of manicure, and specialized ones, aimed only at selling products for shellac.

Lady Victory is a large wholesale and retail beauty products company. It has representative offices in the Russian Federation and several online stores. The Moscow company store is located in the Dubrovka shopping center at 13, Sharikopodshipnikovskaya St. Lady Victory online store addresses:


Shilak.rf is an online beauty products store with a focus on selling shellac products. It sells shellac products for almost any brand. An online store consultant will explain how to remove shellac at home. There are equipment (UV lamps) and materials for nail repair on sale. The store is located at Moscow, st. Letnikovskaya, 6a. Delivery works throughout Russia.

The pivot table will help determine the prices.

Being perfect in everything is the desire of any modern woman. A well-executed manicure always emphasizes the status and success of its owner.

But taking care of your appearance, unfortunately, is not the only thing for the fair sex. There is also cleaning, cooking, washing dishes and more. An ordinary manicure cannot stand such tests and quickly becomes unusable. All efforts to save it are doomed. The lacquer coating cracks, peels off in pieces and looks ugly.

Women come to the aid of the latest developments in the field of nail care, aimed at maintaining a durable and easy-to-use manicure. Among them, as a beauty panacea, helium nail extensions, acrylic coatings and many others are offered.

Shellac is an example of such innovation. In a short time, he managed to gain great popularity due to his properties. This nail coating is a combination of varnish and gel in one bottle. The manicure procedure is no longer associated with expensive nail extensions. It is greatly simplified and comes down to applying shellac (like regular varnish) to prepared nail surfaces. A whole palette of fashionable colors is offered, and there are no barriers to creating a unique image.

Shellac application is a salon procedure, because. requires manicure courses and some special equipment (ultraviolet lamp). However, if it is possible to learn the Shellac coating technique and acquire a lamp, then the application process itself will not be difficult at home.

But what if you are tired of the same color of manicure? How to remove shellac at home if you want to change everything while going to a party? After all, the durability of the shellac coating is great and is calculated at least 3 weeks. The question arises as to whether it is possible to remove it and create a new one without visiting the salon. This will save a lot of time and money.

We offer several options for removing shellac at home.

Shellac is a gel polish, not just a gel. Therefore, cutting nails is not required. This is favorable for them (eliminates mechanical damage), and simplifies the procedure for removing the nail cover.

What you need to remove Shellac yourself

You should first acquire all the necessary attributes for this action, preferably as in the cabin.

Tools and means to remove shellac:

  • Disposable special wraps.
  • Solvent nail coating.
  • Special metal nail file.
  • Orange tree sticks (styluses).

All of these items are included in a professional set for removing this varnish - gel. However, not every woman has such a set.

How to remove shellac at home - the first way (when there is no special kit)

To remove shellac at home, you need the following items and tools.

  • Aluminum foil (some women use plain food grade polyethylene).
  • Cotton wool (preferably cotton pads for convenience).
  • Acetone (you can also use isopropyl alcohol or concentrated nail polish remover).
  • Orange sticks or any of their substitutes.

Technique how to remove shellac yourself

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water to remove grease from them.
  2. Many advise to split cotton mugs into two parts in advance. Then they need to be cut in half with scissors so that several “crescents” are obtained. I don’t bother, and I use cotton pads as a whole (I soak only that part of the mug that I will apply to the nail). Sheets of foil or polyethylene also need to be cut into small pieces in order to easily wrap them around the nail phalanx of the finger.
  3. Cotton pads are abundantly moistened with prepared nail polish remover. Then they are tightly applied to the nail surface. It is important to ensure that the solvent does not get on the skin near the nail or cuticle. Substances such as acetone or alcohol can cause irritation, allergic reactions and burns.
  4. Then you need to wrap the nail phalanx (with cotton wool soaked in solvent) with a piece of cut foil or polyethylene and fix it. This action is carried out with each finger. The procedure time is about 10-15 minutes. During this time, it is required to do several neat, massage rubbing of nails wrapped in foil. The main thing is not to overdo it, so as not to harm them.
  5. The next step is to remove the foil and cotton wool from the fingers - alternately from each.
  6. After removing the wrapper from one finger, you should start removing the softened shellac from the nail with a special spatula (or better with a wooden or plastic stick, since there is less chance that you will damage the nail). The same is done with all the other nail phalanges.
  7. If not all of the nail coating has been removed and non-exfoliated areas remain, they must be treated again with a lacquer thinner.
  8. Then clean with a stick to the end.
  9. At the end of the procedure, when the varnish-gel is completely removed, the nail surfaces and cuticles should be treated with oil. To do this, rub it with smooth, massage movements. This allows you to keep your nails in excellent condition (does not allow them to dry out and become thinner).

The second way to remove shellac at home

To remove shellac yourself at home, you will need to purchase sponges (ready-to-use, disposable wraps with sticky fixatives), a special CND Product Remover, softened coating remover sticks, and nail and cuticle oil. All this can be purchased in a set.

Gel polish removal technique

How to remove shellac - video

Removing nail polish - shellac gel is not a difficult procedure. By following all these steps, you can easily remove and then also easily apply a variety of shellac nail coatings. And this allows you to always have a manicure that matches the time, mood and situation.

Shellac or gel polish- one of the most popular long-term coatings for nails, the application of which requires certain skills. If this procedure is most often performed in salons, then removal of such a tool from the nail surface is quite possible at home.

Removing gel polish or shellac

shellac base(Shellac by Creative Nail Design, USA) – natural resin which makes it strong enough. Shellac or gel polish can stay on nails for 2 or more weeks. It must be understood that shellac is just one of the brands of gel polish manufacturers. Like Pampers is one of the manufacturers of disposable diapers.

For salon removal of this coating from the nails, a special tool is used to soften it - Product Remover, or careful sawing of the coating with a milling cutter.

The master impregnates sponges with liquid and puts them on the nail plates, after which he wraps the fingertips with foil for fixation.
After 10-15 minutes, the fingers are alternately released from the overlays and, using an orange stick, gently pry off the coating - it easily moves away from the nail surface. Otherwise, the process is repeated. Irregularities from the nails are removed with a soft nail file or buff.

How to remove shellac or gel polish at home

In order to remove shellac from nails at home, you can use both professional liquid and other improvised means. Usually this coating is removed using:

  • conventional nail polish remover;
  • soaking nails in nail polish remover or isopropyl alcohol;
  • files or buff.

For those who have a special tool, it is much easier. But what if at the right time he was not at hand, and going to the salon for some reason is impossible?

Method number 1: Regular nail polish remover

A special tool can also be replaced with a concentrated liquid for removing conventional nail polish. Just pay attention: such a product must have acetone in its composition. Other means will not work - they will not even be able to soften the shellac minimally.

For the withdrawal procedure, you need:

  1. Cotton pads or cotton wool.
  2. Plain foil, adhesive plaster, adhesive tape - they will be needed to fix cotton pads. Some use polyethylene for this purpose, but it is not very convenient.
  3. Acetone nail polish remover, acetone or isopropyl alcohol.
  4. Orange sticks.
  5. Nail file.

The foil is cut into 10 pieces of such a size that it can freely cover the finger. The cotton pad is cut in half, each half into 2 more parts. When using cotton wool, it should be divided into 10 optimal parts. Narrow tape or adhesive tape is also cut into such a number of segments.

Gel polish removal steps:

1. A piece of cotton pad is moistened in an acetone-containing liquid and gently applied to the nail plate. It is necessary to avoid contact of the product with the skin, as it is possible to get a burn or an allergic reaction.

2. The nail, together with a cotton pad, is wrapped in foil. With insufficient fixation, you can use adhesive tape or adhesive tape. These manipulations are alternately done with each finger.

3. Each finger should be in foil for 10 to 20 minutes. This time is necessary for maximum separation of shellac from the nail surface.

4. After this time, the compresses are removed in the same sequence as they were applied.

5. A layer of softened shellac is gently pry off with an orange stick and removed. The remains of shellac from the nails are also scraped off by this device, you should not make much effort - this can injure the nail plate.

6. When all the coating is removed, the nails are polished with a special nail file or buff.

  • if you want to remove not shellac, but gel polish, it is better to remove the top layer with a milling cutter to facilitate and speed up the procedure;
  • if after removing the shellac a new coating is planned, it is enough to remove the top and color layer with a file or buff without touching the base;
  • shellac (gel polish) will be removed more easily if you warm up your hands before the procedure;
  • in order to protect the skin from exposure to acetone, before applying cotton pads, apply petroleum jelly or oil to it;
  • so that the softened shellac does not have time to harden, the foil must be removed alternately from each finger.

The video below clearly illustrates the procedure for removing shellac:

Method #2: Dipping your fingers in nail polish remover

You will need:

  1. A small container that can fit the fingertips of both hands.
  2. Nail polish remover or isopropyl alcohol.
  3. Oily cream.
  4. Stick made of orange wood.
  5. Buff or nail file for grinding.

Wash your hands thoroughly before the procedure.. Then you need to pour the liquid into the container, grease your fingers with cream and lower their tips into the bowl. You can keep your nails in it for about 8 minutes. The softened shellac is then removed with an orange stick. Hands are washed again and the cream is applied again.

Method number 3: Cutting shellac

This method is the most risky..

Sawing off the top can be done with a nail file or buff with high abrasiveness for the natural nail surface. It’s good if you have a nail cutter at home.

So, this method can be safely applied only if the base coat is left. It is very easy to distinguish it from a natural nail: it is not transparent, has a soft milky color.

Method number 4: Special tool for removing shellac

A specialized shellac remover differs from acetone in its composition, with which the fastest possible removal of the coating from the nails is achieved.

This liquid also contains acetone or isopropyl alcohol in its composition, but along with these aggressive components, glycerin, vitamins A and E, vegetable and essential oils, petroleum jelly are also often added to it. These components provide the necessary care for the nail plates, saving them from exhaustion.

That's why the best option would be to purchase a special shellac remover. You can buy such a tool in any store specializing in the sale of goods for manicure, or order it on specialized sites.

Removing shellac with a special tool differs little from the first method, the only difference will be a reduction in the duration of keeping the fingertips in the overlays - 8-10 minutes are enough to soften the coating in this way.

Advantages and disadvantages of home methods for removing shellac

The undoubted advantage of the first method is its cheapness.- no need to spend money on tools and materials, usually they can be found in every home. If you still had to spend money, they will be enough for several withdrawals. The advantages should also include saving time - the procedure can be performed without waiting in line for an appointment in the salon.

There are more disadvantages - some inconvenience is possible (when removing the coating on the right hand, sliding the foil, when the nails of the first hand are wrapped in foil, it is difficult to prepare the other), an increase in the duration of the procedure up to an hour - with alternate processing of the hands, the risk of injury to the nail when using metal tools, or skin, exposure to a sufficiently aggressive liquid on the nails.

The advantage of soaking nails in nail polish remover or isopropyl alcohol is the speed of the procedure, the ability to observe the destruction of shellac and control the process. A significant minus is the aggressive effect of the liquid on the skin and nail surface (drying), as well as possible injury to the nail surface when shellac is removed with a metal pusher.

Cutting down the shellac coating to the base layer has its advantages - saving time, the ability to immediately apply a new coating. But with all this, you can touch or inadvertently cut off the entire top layer of the nail plate, thereby injuring and thinning it.

Removing shellac with a special liquid has more advantages than disadvantages. The first include a minimum of time spent, the presence in such a tool of components that can have a positive effect on the nail surface. The disadvantages can only be attributed to the possible inconvenience when removing the coating from the nails on your own, the risk of damage to the nail plate if the pusher is used carelessly.

Benefits of removing shellac in the salon

The most significant advantages of the procedure done in the salon are shortening the duration of the process due to the use of a professional liquid, eliminating the risk of injury to the nail plates, complete removal of shellac without a trace of a microscopic film. The specialist can also choose suitable care products for nails after removal.

Often, craftsmen use special devices with various nozzles - milling cutters. This greatly speeds up the procedure. These machines can be used when a new coating is to be applied after stripping, in which case the base coat is not removed.

Differences between shellac and gel polish

Often the word "shellac" means not only gel coating produced by CND, but also other gel polishes. This definition is erroneous, since these funds differ from each other in composition, consistency and properties.

Main differences:

  • before applying shellac, the nails are treated with a degreaser, before applying gel polish, the nails are treated with a primer and the top layer is removed from the nail plate;
  • unlike gel polish, shellac does not contain such harmful components as formaldehyde and toluene;
  • removing the shellac coating is quite simple - you just need to use a special liquid, gel polish must first be filed, and then use a liquid with an acetone base;
  • shellac is more durable, but more expensive than gel polish.

With all the convenience of shellac and gel polish, you should not forget to give your nails a rest. That's why you need to take breaks between applying the coating, they should be 10-14 days.

Restoration of nail plates after shellac removal

Often, after removing the shellac coating, it is found that the nail plates have weakened and thinned. This means that a break is needed, during which the nails are not placed on wellness treatments. During such periods it is better to give the nail plates a rest and exclude the application of even ordinary varnishes.

There are many simple recipes. Some of them:

In 100 ml of warm water add 1 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt and 5-6 drops of iodine. Keep your nails in such a bath for about 20 minutes, then dry them and apply a greasy cream.

Bath with addition essential oils. It will take 250 ml of warm water, sea salt - 1 tbsp. l., grapefruit, tea tree and cedar oil - 1 drop each. Mix all the components, keep the nails in the resulting liquid for 10-15 minutes, then dry them and use a cream to moisturize or nourish the skin.

In order to strengthen the nail plates, you can use oils: almond, lemon, eucalyptus, chamomile, rosemary, sandalwood, apricot. To restore the structure of nails, you need to use oils: geranium, rosehip, tangerine, avocado. To get rid of effective use of lemon oil.

Thus, for the safe removal of shellac at home, it is necessary to follow the technology for removing this coating, not to carry out manipulations that can damage the nail plate. Do not forget about periodic restorative procedures for nails.

Shellac is a nail polish that combines gel and polish. This type of manicure appeared relatively recently, but quickly gained popularity, gaining recognition from fashionistas from all over the world. The advantages of Shellac are that it is simple and cheap, as opposed to costly and time consuming nail extensions. Shellac is applied to the nail plate, like an ordinary varnish. Periodically, manicure requires updating. If there is no time to go to the master, the question arises: how to remove shellac at home?

Necessary Items and Tools for Shellac Removal

Shellac is a lacquer-gel, to remove it you do not have to cut off the coating or mechanically act on the nail plate. Professionals use the following tools and tools to remove shellac:

  • a special oil that softens the cuticle - jojoba and grape seed oils are most often used;
  • remover (gel polish remover);
  • foil with sponges;
  • nail file for grinding the nail plate;
  • orange stick.

To remove shellac yourself at home, some items and tools used in salons can be replaced with others that are more affordable and cheaper. For example, take ordinary foil, instead of a special one designed to remove gel polish. Cotton pads, which are sold in a store or pharmacy, are also perfect. Instead of an orange manicure stick, you can use a plastic or metal pusher. As for the gel polish remover, regular acetone will replace it.

On a note! To remove shellac at home, it is not necessary to use acetone. You can completely do with a highly concentrated nail polish remover.

Soften the cuticle under the power of an ordinary fat cream, so it is not necessary to use a special oil.

How to remove shellac at home?

Armed with the necessary materials and tools, you can start removing gel polish on your nails at home. There are several ways to help remove shellac. Each of them is quite simple, so this procedure will be possible even for those who have never done anything like this.

Method 1: professional

To remove shellac in this way, you will need a tool used by professionals to remove gel polish from nails. You will also need some special tools used in salons.

The process of removing gel polish from nails is as follows:

Now you can do a new manicure.

On a note! If, after removing the shellac, particles of gel polish remain, you should carefully remove them with a manicure stick.

Method 2: the most popular

Often they try to remove shellac at home with the help of acetone, cotton pads and foil. These are the main tools and tools that help you quickly remove gel polish from nails. The foil not only fixes the cotton pads soaked in acetone, but also enhances the chemical reaction. It also prevents the nail polish remover from evaporating.

To remove shellac in this way, you must do the following:

The coating has been removed, now you can do a new manicure.

On a note! It is important to remember that after removing the foil and cotton pad, you should not leave the nail unattended for a long time. Upon contact with air, the gel polish hardens quickly, and it becomes problematic to remove the coating.

After removing the coating, it is advisable to apply nourishing oils to the nails, and only then do a new manicure.

Method 3: how to remove shellac with acetone without foil

If the foil was not at hand, it is not necessary to rush to the store. If you have patience, you can remove Shellac without it. True, you will have to spend a lot of time, because the gel polish will not completely disappear the first time. The rest of the coating will need to be cleaned additionally. This method is less popular than the previous one, but it also allows you to remove shellac at home.

Actions are practically the same as the previous ones:

It is rarely possible to completely get rid of shellac without foil. Usually gel polish partially remains on the nails. In such cases, it is recommended to moisten the cotton pad again and apply it to the nail plate for several minutes.

Method 4: without acetone and foil

In this case, other means are used instead of acetone, but the technique remains unchanged. Shellac can be removed with isopropyl alcohol. Its advantage lies in low cost and availability. Isopropyl alcohol takes longer than acetone to dissolve gel polish.

You can also use nail polish remover with a high content of acetone. This remedy must act on shellac for at least 20 minutes to achieve a result.

On a note! It is impossible to remove Shellac with nail polish remover that does not contain acetone.

As for the foil, you can use ordinary cling film instead. This method is quite convenient. Since fixing the film on the finger is much easier than foil. In addition, with the help of it it is possible to quickly remove shellac from nails. If there is no cling film, you can use a regular plastic bag, after cutting it into pieces of the required size.

Another option for replacing the foil is a bactericidal patch. With it, you can also successfully attach cotton pads to the nail.

You can remove shellac without acetone and foil in the same way as in previous cases:

Method 5: extreme

This method of removing shellac at home is called extreme due to the aggressive effect of acetone on the nail plates and their surrounding skin. However, its effectiveness is quite high, so this option for removing gel polish is widely used.

To remove shellac in an extreme way, you must do the following:

On a note! If tingling or pain is felt when lowering the fingers into acetone, immediately wash off the chemical under running water with soap. In the future, it is desirable to abandon this method.

Experts recommend removing shellac in an extreme way only in extreme cases, when more gentle methods are ineffective. If gel polish residues are visible on the nails, they should be removed with care so as not to damage the nail plate.

Video: how to quickly remove shellac at home?

Every woman dreams of a beautiful manicure. But, unfortunately, not everyone has the time and money to regularly visit beauty salons. In this regard, the question of how to remove shellac at home is relevant. Get the answer to this question will help step-by-step instructions with a photo, as well as a video that clearly shows each action.