How to determine the character of a woman by the way she laughs? Thoughts of a woman in love. Signs of indifference on the part of a woman

One of the most common desires is the desire to be able to read other people's minds. Almost every guy would be happy to know that he likes a certain girl. But what to do if a person does not have the ability to read other people's thoughts? Are there any chances under such circumstances to find out about the sympathy of the girl? Of course, there are such opportunities. Moreover, if you have the ability to decipher certain signs that a girl subconsciously shows, then it is possible to speak with great certainty about her falling in love. What are the signs of falling in love here?

Interested look

It is the look of the girl that first betrays her interest. In addition, one can speak of interest only at the first few meetings. Further, the look gradually acquires all the signs of falling in love. If at first a girl looks at the guy she likes with keen interest, then over time she begins to hold her gaze on the object of desire for too long. At the same time, she looks very carefully, almost admires him. You should not think that the girl deliberately holds her gaze at you in order to make it clear that she likes you. A similar reaction is inherent in a person at a subconscious level - what you really like, you want to watch all the time. But it is the subconscious actions that make it possible to most accurately diagnose the girl's interest!

Trembling lips

When talking to a girl, pay attention to her lips. If a girl's lips tremble a little when talking, and her tongue is a little tangled, then she likes you. There is nothing unusual about this. The state of falling in love is very similar to the state of intoxication. In addition, the body is in a state of mild psychological stress and excitement! The girl cannot control or correct this process with the help of the efforts of her own will. So reddened and slightly trembling lips are also a sure sign that a girl is in love.

Redness on the cheeks

Redness on the cheeks has the same cause as trembling lips. The release of adrenaline into the blood, the general acceleration of blood flow. All this leads to external changes in the girl. Not without reason, after all, it has long been said about a girl that she runs into paint. Red cheeks should signal a girl's sympathy for a certain young man! Unless, of course, this was not the only time in a situation where a girl could be embarrassed or embarrassed for another reason.

Excessive shyness

In addition, a girl in love shows excessive shyness. This behavior is explained by the fact that the girl is afraid to feel awkward or behave incorrectly. A similar fear in a girl arises only in the presence of those people who are truly important to her. So the shyness of the girl gives reason to draw a certain conclusion regarding the significance of the guy for her. Simply put, if a girl is embarrassed at the sight of you, then she is in love with you!

But the previous points concern very modest and shy girls. But what if we talk about girls more open and sincere?

Bright makeup

If a girl put on bright makeup, knowing in advance that she would meet with you, then this is also one of the signs of her falling in love. This feature is known to us thanks to even wild animals. The female always tries to attract the male with her bright appearance. The girl seeks to completely capture your attention. So that you don’t even think to look away from her even for a single moment. So the bright make-up of a girl is a good harbinger for a guy in love!

Loud laughter

A girl in love is trying to attract attention. And one of the features of her behavior is a loud manifestation of her emotions. If a girl in the company laughs out loud at your jokes, if at the same time she literally falls into an unusual state, then this is a clear sign of the girl’s emotional interest in you. So, she is predisposed to communication and it's time for you to move on to more personal topics in conversations and romantic dates in private!

Trying to get attention

A girl in love always seeks to attract the attention of the object of her sympathy. At the same time, she achieves her goal by absolutely any means. We have already mentioned loud laughter and bright makeup. But this is just the beginning of the list of girl tricks. A girl in love will try to pay attention to her hair, will correct the elements of clothing on herself. She can also deliberately defiantly remove a non-existent thread from the shoulder of a young man she likes. Options may vary. One thing is clear: a girl in love will do her best to attract attention and leave an unusual impression. Such an impression that will allow the girl to look very extravagant against the background of her competitors.

Easy flirting

A girl in love is always prone to flirting. And at first, flirting has a completely innocent and even playful form. But there is some truth in every joke. And therefore, if a girl begins to flirt slowly and gradually deepens in her game, then we can talk about her love and disposition towards the interlocutor. In this case, the guy should start the return game, repeating the girl's actions step by step. She will go further and further. And the outcome of such a game depends on who stops first. Most of the time no one stops!


A person in love always strives to be as close as possible to the object of his feelings, up to full bodily contact. Hugs and mutual caresses are loved by all lovers. But at the first stages, when the relationship is still very shaky and the feelings of the partners are still unknown, open hugs are not available. Therefore, this subconscious desire is replaced by a simpler form - light, as if random touches. So if you notice that a girl is telling something emotionally or in a fit of laughter trying to touch you, then the girl sympathizes with you very much. And she doesn't even try to hide it very much. It's time to move the topic of conversation to a more personal or even intimate plane.


The girl in love begins to show noticeable caring. Sometimes this care even becomes excessive and can unnerve the guy. But more restrained guys do not see anything wrong with such a manifestation of love and even begin to skillfully use the desire of a girl in love with them to please them. But caring has a trait that will please absolutely all the guys who are serious. It is caring that speaks of the sincere love of a girl, and not only of her simple interest or desire to just have fun.


Have you ever seen a girl who is jealous of her boyfriend for another girl? A girl in this state is like a real hurricane, which is ready to crush any obstacles in its path. No wonder hurricanes are called women's names! So, if a girl is somehow able to disguise the usual signs of falling in love, then this number will not work with jealousy. The girl begins to act up, call her friends, cry, even threaten. This is what a woman's love is like! If you gave a girl a reason to be jealous, and then noticed her in a similar state, then she is probably in love with you! So you can drink champagne. Preferably with her on a romantic date by candlelight.

Knowing the simple signs of girls falling in love, you can easily diagnose the interest of any girl in you. Of course, you should pay attention to the character of the girl, her type and usual behavior with other guys. But in general, identifying a girl in love is not so difficult. After all, gentle and impressionable creatures can hardly restrain their true feelings!

Do you know if a girl likes you or is it just a harmless conversation? Is the girl flirting or having a normal friendly conversation? What betrays girls who want to hook up with you? The secret female body language of girls.

The girl maintains eye contact. Does she periodically shoot her eyes, cast a glance from afar, or stare into her eyes when talking? A girl flirts with you, but you do nothing and stand like an idol?

The girl touches you. The girl is happy to touch you for any reason. She kisses at a meeting, touches her hand, gives herself a hug, tickles and easily goes to any physical contact.

The girl gives a compliment. Does your friend like your new shirt, phone, or something else? Compliments are a sign of flirting on the part of a girl, in the hope of reciprocal words of sympathy.

The girl touches her hair. Touching your hair is a good sign of a flirty beauty. She plays with her hair, runs her fingers through it and twists her curls. She's trying to please you!

The girl laughs at you. Pretty woman loves to tease and periodically taunts you. This strategy, ancient as the world, often speaks of special sympathy.

The girl takes steps forward. The girl herself writes, sends funny pictures and is active. This girlish activity can be described as flirting.

The girl asks for compliments. The chain is interested in whether a new dress suits her so that you pay attention to her beauty and make a compliment. She tries to push you and flirts.

The girl provokes. She tries to make you blush with her talk or turns the conversation into a sexier one. If she is trying to disturb your mind and excite you, it's a matter of sympathy.

The girl laughs all the time. Does the girl often giggle or laugh in your presence? Girls love guys with a good sense of humor, and her laugh speaks volumes about how she feels about you. Laughter is a feminine flirtation.

Girls will not make obvious steps towards. Learn to pay attention to their secret signals and you will find that many girls like you.

Perhaps every young person at least once in his life faced with such a question: “Are my feelings mutual?”. Of course, you can ask the girl directly. But what to do if there are too many doubts, but you don’t want to make yourself look stupid?

In this case, the unconscious actions of the girl come to the rescue, which she herself may not notice. But knowing about their existence and being able to read them, you can easily determine whether you really have a chance for reciprocity.

Signs that she loves you

All unconscious actions of a person can be divided into 3 groups: behavior, look, gestures. Let's analyze each separately.


In order to find out if a girl is in love, you need to observe how she behaves. Here are the main signs:

  1. Interest. A girl who is not indifferent is usually very pleased to hear about your affairs. A sure sign - if a girl tries to ask someone else about you, she asks mutual friends about your condition. If a girl is always ready to help you, regardless of her own affairs, then most likely she likes you.
  2. Communication. The girl who likes you will seek communication with you. She would rather talk to you than talk to a friend.

    Pay attention: if a girl stays close to you at all general meetings and tries to speak, this is a sure sign.

  3. self-sacrifice. Do you know that she is terribly afraid of drowning, but she boldly climbs into the boat after you? She definitely likes you.

    A girl in love very often puts the guy's interests in the foreground, forgetting about her own for a while. But remember that the girl will expect the same from you, do not disappoint her.

  4. Present. A gift without a reason is a reason to think about the nature of your relationship. This is the most obvious way for a girl to convey that she likes a guy. If you were presented with a handmade thing, in which a lot of time and effort was invested, this can be a help for a long, serious relationship.
  5. Jealousy. Caught a look full of displeasure when he spoke to her friend? Helped a sweet stranger on the street, and then you can’t understand what upset her so much? She's just jealous of you. Even if you are not yet in a relationship, a girl in love does not want to share you with others at all.
  6. Care. If you get sick, and she comes to you more often than all the other friends, if she wants to take care of your condition, she definitely likes you. All girls have a maternal instinct that makes them take care of people. But only about special, dear people.
  7. Happiness. There is one more, perhaps the most not obvious sign. But it is also worth paying attention to: a girl in love (even if unrequited so far) looks like a little sun. She rejoices in every little thing, and it seems that nothing can upset her.


  1. You are capable catch her eye on you when you are in a big company? See if this happens often. If at least three or four times during your meeting - you are definitely interesting to the girl, she wants to look at you.
  2. If looking at you the pupils of a woman in love increase, then this is a true physiological sign. But please do not try to see the changes in girls with dark eyes. Even if you succeed, you run the risk of embarrassing or scaring the chosen one.
  3. You looked at the girl and saw how she looked sharply in the other direction? This means that she is in love with you and is embarrassed by this. She wants to look at you, she wants to date you, but she is afraid that you will not reciprocate her feelings.

Sign language

  1. touch.A girl in love will constantly look for touches to the object of feelings, often even unconsciously for herself. She will sit closer to you in a cafe, in all the attractions, in a cinema and in other places. For what? Hoping that at some point your hands will meet.
    If a girl is constantly trying to straighten your hair, slap on your shoulder or remove an invisible speck of dust from you, you can safely confess your feelings to her - and you will surely get reciprocity.
  2. Excitement. For any woman, meeting with objects of sighing is a very exciting event. Looking at her at this moment, you can easily understand if she feels something for you.

    A girl in love may have a slight blush on her cheeks and rapid breathing; she will not know where to put her hands and may even answer inappropriately. In order to notice these subtle, almost invisible signs, you need to develop good powers of observation.

  3. flirt. Girls are big coquettes. And it is not surprising that a girl in love with you will flirt with you. Flirting is a sure way to determine sympathy, "test the waters." How do you know if a girl is flirting? A sure sign of flirting is compliments. They can be both direct and veiled "woven" into the conversation.

    Often, flirting, a girl teases, teases you. Do not be offended - this is a sign that she likes you. Of course, provided that the girl does not do this often and only on those topics that you make fun of in yourself.

    An equally important sign of flirting are gestures and movements. If a girl in a conversation “shoots” with her eyes, twists her curls and smiles sweetly - be sure she likes you, and she flirts with you.

  4. rapport. Another sign is that the girl unconsciously “mirrors” your poses. She can keep pace with you, sit in a cafe in the same position, hold her hands in the same way - all this will be a sign of sympathy.
  5. Personal space. If a girl is calm about your intrusions into her personal space, this will also be a sign of her sympathy for you.

    What is an invasion of personal space? This is if you touch her hair or cheek without her permission, if you suddenly bite off a piece of her ice cream, or take a ringing phone out of her purse to give it to her. Did the girl endure it all? She really likes you a lot.

Signs of indifference on the part of a woman

Here are some of the main signs that indicate that a girl does not love you:

  1. If a girl calls you not for the purpose of talking, but only in those cases when she needs something, this may be a sign - she's just using you.

    But feel the difference. If you chatted with a girl for an hour, and in the course of a conversation about books, she asked you to nail the bookshelf, then she is probably just looking for a meeting. And if she, having called, began a conversation with the words “fix”, “borrow” or “buy”, then you are completely indifferent to her.

  2. Young woman tells you about his relationships with guys? So you are only a friend to her, and she is in love with another. If she liked you, she (even when meeting with someone else) would not once again remind you of this.
  3. If you have already met, but the relationship has already deteriorated, and you decided to break it off, look at the girl's reaction. If she is sincerely upset, then she still has feelings for you and everything can be restored. If she doesn't care, then the relationship has become obsolete, and you did the right thing that you decided to break it.

    But if, under the threat of parting, a girl suddenly begins to show such interest in you, which has never been before, this is a reason to think - maybe she is just using you and does not want to lose a source of money or help?

In this video, you can see how a girl in love behaves with examples:

Now you have all the information you need. You just need to look closely at the girl. She will definitely give herself away in a word, gesture or deed.

Sign language speaks for us much louder and with more directness than anything we can say out loud. How to learn to accurately recognize male intentions without asking too many questions? Very simple: just look carefully.

1. Sweet smile

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A smile is always a good sign. But when it comes to flirting, a smile also tops the top five most reliable “beacons” that signal that a man likes you. If you notice that a man is smiling at you, you can safely conclude that he does not mind getting closer to you. Perhaps, at the same time, the man is not going to take the first step himself. Why not show him your confidence then? Of course, if you like it enough. Just smile back and start a conversation.

2. Light blush

Shy guys are hard to flirt with, but that doesn't mean you should stay away from them. If you notice that a man blushes slightly in your presence, this is an obvious sign that he likes you. Blush is not only for the shy. Any person blushes slightly when he sees someone he likes. it is a physiological response that we cannot control, hide, or fake.

3. Eye contact

Eye contact is an essential part of communication, and it's worth using this form of sign language as often as possible. Do you like a man if he looks into your eyes? Depends on how long it takes. If you meet eyes more often, and the contact itself lasts longer than with other people around you, this is most likely a sign of interest. Plus, if we're flirting, we just have to make eye contact. In the case of shy guys, even a brief meeting of eyes means something.

4. Mirroring

Sometimes men involuntarily repeat the actions and movements of a woman - and they themselves are not aware of it. A man can turn into a kind of mirror that reflects anything - from the manner of speech to the movements of the eyes. You laugh and he laughs with you. This is one of the sure signs that you are being flirted with consciously or involuntarily: people tend to "mirror" those they like. On sites for bachelors, guys are even advised to specifically use this technique.

5. Hands on hips

If he's leaning his hands on his hips or tucking his thumbs into his belt like a cowboy in a movie, he's probably trying to come across as confident and strong. The gesture is involuntary - and it serves as a fairly reliable signal. By the way, this gesture repels many women - it seems like an excessive self-demonstration.

6. Light touches

When a man accidentally touches you, it means that he likes you, and he deliberately flirts with you. The main thing is not to confuse the signs: when a guy touches you accidentally, involuntarily, it means that he is trying to attract your attention and is looking for a reason to prolong the conversation with you. Do you like it? If so, try flirting yourself! These are two signs girls most often ignore - but meanwhile it’s not worth it.

7. Head tilt

This is also an important sign that you should pay attention to. If a man tilts his head towards you, he carefully listens to your every word. He is fascinated by the conversation, and he is interested in you. Such moments are worth appreciating, even if you do not consider this person as a partner. Perhaps you can become great friends?

8. Dilated pupils

Our eyes give us away, even when we don't feel like it at all. When we are attracted to someone, our pupils dilate, when we do not like a person or a situation, they narrow. If you notice that the pupils of your interlocutor are gradually expanding, you can be sure that he is simply delighted with you and enjoys every minute in your company.

9. Raised eyebrows

In some contradiction to the "rule of eye contact", a man can hide his eyes in your presence if he likes you. At the same time, he slightly raises his eyebrows. If his eyes are wide open and his eyebrows are raised, this is a sure sign that you are being flirted with. Watch - and see for yourself!

10. fidgeting

Do you find it difficult to sit still in the presence of the person you like? Are you fidgeting and don't know where to put your hands? This is normal - and men behave the same way. We are nervous, and all because we do not know whether we are making the desired impression. So don't laugh at a man if you see him fidgeting in his cafe chair.

So now you know the basic body language signals that you are being flirted with. What are you waiting for? Perhaps you should start flirting back - and you will have a wonderful date! Or maybe you can tell us about those signs of flirting that you yourself noticed?

Doubting what her looks and smile mean? Follow these steps and you will determine if she really likes you.

1. Start a conversation with her

Talk to her about nothing - it will help you learn some things that will come in handy in the future. All girls are different, so be careful, pay attention to the little things. Listen to her voice: if she is shy, then the tone of her voice may be a little higher than usual, or she starts fiddling with her hair (stroking it, twisting it on her finger), straightening her clothes.

Another sign that a girl likes you is that she laughs at boring and stupid jokes. (Just don't use jokes like that as a test or you'll look like a Comedy Club host.)

Perhaps she will not look into your eyes and will giggle with or without reason (at least you managed to make her laugh, but not the fact that you can count on more) in this case, read "Make a girl fall in love with you? There is nothing easier! «

2. Not all girls act girly.

Some of them don't act like girls should, so don't joke about it. If she likes football, then appreciate it. Don't think she's crazy.

3. Notice if she flirts

Although sometimes it is very difficult to understand whether this is really so. A girl can flirt with a guy even if she considers him her friend. And if you don't get it right, it will be a disaster. Obviously, many girls do not want everything about them to be clear from the first minute, some flirt just a little, while others have a real blast.

In any case, don't flirt with everyone. And with other girls in her presence. Even if she sees that you hugged another girl or that another hugs you, she may make a hasty decision that you are not interested. Understand it betterHow to Understand Body Language .

4. Pay attention to whether she touches you more than usual with friends (maybe she constantly strives to touch you)

If she has an excuse for this, it is possible that you understand everything correctly. But, again - do not think that she is not cute if she does not strive to touch you all the time. Perhaps she is too nervous. Take the first step yourself - touch it.

5. Pay attention to how she looks at you.

If she likes you, then she either looks intently into your eyes, or vice versa - she immediately looks away as soon as you notice him. Both of these things definitely indicate that she likes you. If she looks away, then she is just nervous, perhaps waiting for you to make the first move.

If a girl looks into your eyes, then she is confident in herself and, perhaps, ready for decisive action. If suddenly you looked at the girl, and received a gaze in response, then she definitely cares, even if after a second she turns away and looks in the other direction. Notice if her eyes sparkled when she saw you or heard your name.

6. Keep an eye on her friends

If you see that her friends are looking at you and giggling, it means only one thing - she told them about you. If her friends are a noisy bunch, you'll hear "(Your name), you like (her name)!" It is possible that in this way they make fun of her. When she's chatting with friends and you come over, the conversation can end abruptly.

Obviously they were talking about you. If she likes you, and she told her friends about it, then they can come up to you and talk about something like this: “Who would you go on a date with from these girls? Who do you like the most? Who is the most beautiful? And everything like that.

If one of them listed several girls, and that one is one of them, it is possible that she asked her friend to talk to you, so to speak - to test the ground, and maybe even find out what you think of her.

7. Look at the behavior of your beauty in different situations

For example, you are in nature, and suddenly she complains that she is cold. It is possible that she is expecting some action on your part, hoping that you will offer her your sweater. This is a very caring act, especially if you want to show the girl that you like her.

And if she likes someone else, she will be very disappointed that you were the first to offer her help, but at least you will understand her train of thought. Sometimes a girl can pretend that she doesn't know how to do something. Here's your chance to help her! It is possible that she asked you just to see how you would behave.

8. Smile at her

Only it should be a natural smile, do not grimace. If she politely smiled back, or frowned and turned away, then mentally say goodbye to her. It's obvious that you're not interested in her. And if she sincerely smiled back, openly and joyfully, and then continues to look at you, it is clear that she is interested in your special. If she smiled and then turned to her friends and mingled with the crowd, she might be both curious and excited at the same time.

9. If you talk to her on the phone, pay attention to whether she starts the conversation first.

If it seems to you that she is looking for an excuse to say goodbye and hang up, then this means that you are having a conversation. She will respond as needed, but may appear bored. And do what she says! She'll think you're cute and very sensitive if you do that, but don't forget point number 5.

10. Try to understand her

Girls like to say what they think. Listen to what she cares about, listen as if she is telling you something very good.

11. Pay Attention

If you do not listen, then the girl will understand it very easily.

12. Pat

If she playfully pats you on the shoulder or above the elbow, then she definitely likes you.


Follow the hints. She leaves them everywhere, you just need to know where to look. If you want to make sure if a girl likes you, pay attention to some of these:

  • Her lips: if she kisses you on the first date, then she definitely likes you.
  • Her hair: if she starts to play with it, twists curls around her finger when you are near or enter the room, then this is a good sign. So she's nervous about meeting you.
  • Look: envy how much she likes you and how good an actress she is. She can give you a long look when you are not watching her, or taking a glimpse.
  • Reaction to presence: if you saw her walking towards you along the corridor, then her eyes are already turned on you. And she's definitely smiling.
  • Questions: if she often asks about your relationships with girls, about the types of girls you like - this is intelligence, she wants to know if she can match your requests.
  • Touch: if she tries to touch you, slap your hand, then she loves you. If you pretend that the blow was very strong and she laughs, then she likes you. If she starts to worry, you are just her friend.

If you find out that a girl loves you, don't treat her like she's an alien or someone with bird flu. It will touch and hurt her, so be careful. Do not ignore her and do not douse her with cold, because it may happen that you like her too, but it will be too late. In addition, such a trick will ruin your reputation among girls.

Chat with her friends. They can give up a lot of valuable information if they ask the right questions.

Don't flirt with a girl's friends. This can lead to their fight.

If a girl says that a guy is like a brother to her, this is not a very good sign. Usually girls do not perceive their real friend as a future partner. But sometimes it can just mean that the girl is embarrassed. If she says that you remind her of her brother, that you are a true friend for her, this will not automatically mean that you do not have a single chance.

If she tries to hug you, hug her, don't try to push her away if you're shy. You can hurt her a lot.

Girls like to know they're in love with them, so if that's the case, just walk up and tell her!

If a girl jokingly calls you a boyfriend, then there can hardly be any doubt that she likes you. But here, too, pitfalls are hidden - if you are good friends with her, then this can really be just a joke.

If a girl is shy, then she will deny everything if she is not sure that you like it too. So if it closes, don't lose hope! Put in some effort to be her friend so she can trust you. If she goes for it, then there is interest. If not, then don't take it personally. There are a lot of pretty girls around!

If you go to class or to the cafeteria and you see her trying to walk beside you or waiting in the lobby for you to show up, then she likes you. Perhaps she will walk close to you with her friend, so as not to seem intrusive.

If you like a girl, but you hide it so that no one guesses about your sympathy, stop suffering nonsense and choose a different tactic - girls hate this behavior and quickly lose interest.

Make subtle hints about what attracts you to her. If she stops talking to you or starts avoiding you, then she does not need your sympathy.

She can talk about herself to see how you react, to see what features you like. If she does this, give her a compliment, show that you are really interested in it.

Do something nice for her, something that will benefit her and please her, for example, give a disc with an interesting movie. Pay attention to her reaction - if she makes a pleasant surprise for you in return, then she is not indifferent to you.

If she asks you to help her with something (it is possible for you and another couple), then this is a signal that she hopes to continue dating.

Attention - possible errors!

Girls may try to play Othello and flirt with your friends to make you jealous. Be careful with those slugs. If you really like her, give her enough attention and then leave her alone - this way you show that you are interested in her, but you give her a choice. But keep in mind that she can slip away, and it’s unlikely that everything will be fixed.

Don't ask directly if a girl likes you. The girl will be uncomfortable, and she may tell a lie. In short, keep these questions to yourself.

Be careful. If the girl doesn't really like you, your tricks will lead her to think you like you. This can lead to misunderstanding and resentment. She will try to introduce you to someone, or she will simply sometimes say: “Look how Katya / Marina / Olya looks great today.” All this so that you leave her alone. If you notice such signs, try to remain calm and change your behavior. You will try to please again a little later.

Don't get carried away with gifts, especially in the early stages of a relationship.

Don't try to impress in every possible and impossible way if you already know that she likes you. This is starting to get annoying.

If you flirt with her friends, don't be surprised if you find out that she flirts with your friends.

Do not be too soft and compliant, not all girls want to see a mumble next to them.

When talking, look her straight in the eyes - girls like it. Plus, you can mention in a conversation what beautiful eyes she has, and if you also remember the color of her eyes, she will be pleasantly surprised.