How to use red henna. How to dye with henna at home. Features of the use of henna

What to mix henna with? How to prepare the paint? What will be the end result? You will find answers to all these questions in our article containing a photo catalog with the results before and after staining.

Many of us have heard about medical hair coloring with henna. And someone has long renounced chemical dyes, preferring a natural remedy. If such painting is new to you, you should first study the advice of professionals.

  • ALWAYS do a test color by applying the mixture to a small section. So you will avoid unpleasant surprises, at the same time you will find out what color this mixture gives to your curls. After all, the same composition can give different shades on different hair.
  • Be careful with mixtures containing coffee. If the dye is left on the hair for a long time, the caffeine can enter the pores, causing headaches.
  • So that henna does not dry out hair, you can add oils (essential or olive) to it.

How to make paint

  1. It is advisable to prepare the mixture in a plastic or ceramic bowl.
  2. It is not recommended to apply paint immediately after preparation. Let it brew until the mixture changes color to a darker one. To do this, store it in a warm place, after adding lemon juice or vinegar.
  3. The longer the paint remains on the hair, the more reliable the effect. Do not wait for the result after 15 minutes, staining can take from 1 to 8 hours.
  4. The amount of henna and the total weight of the mixture depends on the length and color of your hair. It can take up to 100 grams of henna for short hair, 100-200 for medium hair, and 300-500 for long hair. On light hair, the result is more noticeable.
  5. We advise you to cook more than the required amount. The rest of the mixture can be stored in the refrigerator.
  6. Henna dilution liquid should not be too hot. If you heat the mixture, do not bring it to a boil - this will degrade the coloring properties.
  7. The optimal density of the mixture should resemble sour cream in consistency. To make the paint flow less, add diluted gelatin.

How to apply henna to hair

Gloves should be used (so that the skin of the hands does not stain). After you have applied the mixture to your hair, put on a plastic cap or a regular transparent bag and wrap your head with a towel. Apply petroleum jelly or oil to the skin along the hairline so that the henna does not leave marks on the face. Dye is easier to apply on wet hair than on dry hair. To color your hair better, dry it with a warm jet of a hair dryer. When you have finished dyeing, wash off the henna until the water runs clear.

It is important to know: henna continues to change the color of your hair after removing the mixture. After a couple of days, the shade may change.

So, we've learned the basics. What are the options for hair coloring?

50 options for dyeing hair red

200 g henna, 1 cup lemon juice, juice of 1 lime, 10 drops of patchouli essential oil, 4 tsp. ground cloves, water.

The mixture is infused for 18 hours. Apply to hair for 3 hours.

100 g henna, 220 g lemon juice, 7 tbsp. spoons of corn syrup, 3 tbsp. cloves, 13 drops of frankincense oil, 13 drops of benzoin oil, 6 drops of rosemary oil.

We insist the mixture for 15 hours. Apply to hair for 3 hours.

100 g henna, lemon juice, coffee, yogurt

We dilute 100 g of henna with lemon juice to a thick paste, add cold coffee, diluting to the consistency of sour cream. We insist the mixture for 3-4 hours. Add yogurt (1:1 ratio). Apply to hair. Then leave the paste on the hair for 2.5 hours.

100 g henna, lemon juice, 2 bags of ground cloves, a cup of plum juice.

Mix 100 g of henna, lemon juice and add 2 bags of ground cloves, bringing the mixture to a thick paste. We insist the mixture for 12 hours, then add a cup of plum juice, bringing to a state of sour cream. Apply to hair and hold for 7.5 hours.

75 g henna, lemon juice.

We insist 20 hours. Dilute the mixture with water to the desired consistency. Apply to hair for 3 hours.

6. Rose oil

200 g henna, 75 g lemon juice, 75 g filtered water, 3 tbsp. ground cloves, 20 drops of rose essential oil.

The mixture was infused for 8 hours, then another 1 day in the refrigerator, after which it was applied to clean hair and kept for 5.5 hours.

7. White wine

50 g pectin, 150 g white wine, 150 g water, 100 g henna, cinnamon

50 g pectin + 150 g white wine + 150 g water = heat the mixture for 12 minutes, stirring every minute. We insist 1 hour, then add 100 g of henna, we insist 3 hours. Add cinnamon for fragrance and apply to hair and leave overnight. We wash off the paint in the morning.

8. Red wine

100 g henna, 200 g red wine, 1 tbsp. lemon juice.

We dilute the mixture with water until we get the density of sour cream. We insist 3 hours. Apply to hair for 1 hour.

100 g henna, raspberry tea, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, olive oil, red wine vinegar, turmeric, paprika.

Brew strong raspberry tea with cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves. We dilute 100 g of henna with 1 cup of tea. Add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil and 4 tbsp. red wine vinegar. Add a pinch of turmeric and paprika. Let the mixture brew for an hour and a half. Apply to hair for 3 hours.

Henna, lemon juice, lavender and tea tree essential oils, a cup of chamomile tea and a pinch of paprika.

Mix henna with lemon juice, add lavender and tea tree essential oils, a cup of chamomile tea and a pinch of paprika. Mix thoroughly and leave in a warm place for 24 hours. If the mass dries up, dilute it with lemon juice. Apply to hair and leave for 4 hours.

The unique natural properties of henna make it possible to gently and carefully care for hair. Henna coloring makes the hairstyle brighter, the color of the hair becomes deeper and more saturated.

Features of henna and its classification

The composition of the natural product includes B-group vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on the hair structure, contributing to the oxygen saturation of the scalp. An excellent dandruff blocker with a beneficial effect on dry hair with split ends.

In addition to B vitamins, henna has substances that can compress and thicken the upper hair layer, which has a very positive effect on thin hair. There is an increase in the strength and volume of the hair.

After henna, the color can turn out to be the most diverse. Adding a certain ingredient can give the curls a red, red, golden, eggplant tone, brown tint. Light strands are easily amenable to dye pigmentation, while dark hair can only acquire an aesthetic sheen. It is highly undesirable to use henna on blond curls, since the color of bright carrots will turn out.

Henna is classified into several types:

  • colorless henna used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes without pigmentation. The properties of this type include: cleansing, disinfection, enveloping. Widely used as a nourishing mask. If a different dye was used in the previous staining, henna can be applied after at least 2 days.
  • white henna- this is just a brightening analogue that has nothing to do with natural henna.
  • colored henna, successfully used for coloring strands and strengthening the hair structure. Given the previous staining of curls with oxidative dyes, it is strongly recommended to be careful with henna, since in this case the natural dye can significantly change the main color.
  • liquid henna is a tinted shampoo used to enhance the intensity of color and increase the shine of hair.

Henna hair coloring

The coloring composition for subsequent coloring must be prepared exclusively in non-metallic containers. Henna powder must be diluted with boiling water to a creamy consistency. The resulting slurry is optionally equipped with lemon juice (vinegar) to give extra shine to the hair.

"Important"!To avoid pigmentation of the skin of the hands and nail plates, it is recommended to wear gloves.

The gruel applied to the curls should be well warm, almost hot. Clean hairline should be pre-moistened, combed thoroughly. To obtain an aesthetic result, the distribution of the dye must be uniform, with careful parting every 2 cm.

Warming effectively contributes to good pigmentation. It is advisable to insulate the processed strands with cellophane and a scarf. The duration of exposure of the dye on the hair is determined in accordance with the length and color of the hair. So, the optimal duration for dark hair is about three hours, 30 minutes is enough for fair hair.

Tinted strands are washed with a plentiful stream of water using a balm as desired. Since the coloring properties of henna are pigmented for 24 hours, the use of shampoo should be excluded.

"Attention"!Before dyeing with henna, the hair is allowed to be washed with special products that do not have any effect on hair color and shade saturation. Since the choice of shampoo is carried out in order to emphasize the color of the strands, henna-based shampoo is most suitable for chestnut hair, and shampoo with the addition of walnuts is most suitable for dark hair. When using the right shampoo, the aesthetics of the hair is incredibly enhanced.

Hair coloring with henna and basma

To get dark, henna is combined with a second natural dye - basma. The need to combine dyes is due to the fact that the use of basma as a separate dye converts the original color of the hair into a blue-green tone. The cosmetic properties of basma during coloring are stimulation of hair growth, saturation of strands with natural shine, strengthening of the hair structure, strengthening of follicles, and dandruff relief.

Dyes are applied mainly to clean curls in a mixed form or sequentially, with basma being used as a second dye. The separate coloring method is used to achieve a black tone.

The amount of dry product is determined taking into account the length of the strands, varying in the range of 25 - 100 grams. The ratio of dyes depends on how intense the coloring should be, and which tone is more priority. So, with equal proportions, you get a chestnut tone. To obtain a black tint, it is necessary that the basma be 2 times more henna, and for a bronze color, on the contrary, less. Since the direct purpose of basma is to darken, an increase in its amount leads to a dark shade in accordance.

Powders of dyes are to be rubbed with a wooden spoon in a glass container, adding hot water there. As an analogue, hot natural coffee, strongly brewed, is used. Red wine is also suitable. Rubbing is done until a slurry is formed. For a more even distribution of paint, henna gruel is supplemented with flaxseed, glycerin or shampoo.

The deepest darkening is obtained by coloring with henna and basma. The mixture is preheated. Then 15-20 ml of beetroot juice is added. To make the hairline soft and silky, the paint is enriched with 5 ml of olive oil.

Separated clean, moistened strands are processed with a freshly prepared composition. The skin of the head is pre-lubricated with petroleum jelly to avoid pigmentation of the forehead.

The gruel is applied to both dry and wet clean hair, starting from the back of the head, since this place has the lowest temperature and the hairs are tinted a little longer. After the back of the head, the temples are tinted with the parietal part. The last part of the hair is processed. If the head is insulated with cellophane and a scarf, the effect will intensify.

"Remember"!For primary henna staining, you should first test the effect of the composition on a small strand.

The use of henna on dyed curls

If the procedure is carried out on colored ones, henna and basma are bred by analogy with primary coloring. The gruel is applied directly to the uncolored part of the hair, since previously tinted strands are easily exposed to unwanted pigmentation. It is desirable to insulate the root zone treated with gruel, while the hair does not need to be crushed. Having withstood the composition for the required time, the coloring process ends with a wash without shampoo.

Under the condition of curling on the head, the exposure time of the composition should be reduced. Overgrown curls after curling should not be dyed, since there is a high probability of obtaining an uneven tone. The straight part of the hair will become slightly lighter, and the tips will become darker. When the need for painting nevertheless appears, natural hair is initially tinted, and after a while - completely.

In the case of treating strands with a reducing agent, it is highly undesirable to use basma, otherwise a pronounced darkening effect will occur. On dyed hair, it is allowed to experiment only with a solution of henna. To give goldenness, the hairline is discolored, the washed strands are treated with liquid henna (10 g of powder / 250 ml of water). Exposure time - 10 minutes, followed by rinsing with warm water.

"Advice".Faded curls from curling are subject to restoration with saturation with the brilliance of the given solution recipe.

Painting gray hair

Gray hair is a gentle effect on the hair structure that collapses with age. Coloring is done in stages with the inclusion of basma. Natural dyes are combined in the case of gray hair. Partial gray hair is easier to toned. Detailed information is presented in the form of a table.

Desired result

Henna exposure (min)3 5 10 15 25 40 30 40 60
Basma impact (min)pour out
and immediately
wash away
pour out
and immediately
wash away
5 7 15 30 25 45 70

For the maximum approximation of a light tone, it is advisable to bleach the hair in advance, at least by one or two degrees.

The effect of ginger when stained with henna

Henna staining with ginger is done in the following cases:

  • To lighten the hairline by one or two tones.
  • In order to flavor the coloring mixture.

If you want to become the owner of a bright redhead, dark-haired girls should lighten up, and only then add ginger powder, previously brewed in chamomile broth, to the paint.

The coloring mixture is prepared from the following components:

  • 2 - 3 bags of henna;
  • 10 grams of ground ginger (error allowed);
  • 5 ml lemon juice;
  • chamomile flowers, which have a slight brightening effect with golden saturation.

Cooking method: Chamomile is brewed first. Henna is combined with ginger powder, enriched with lemon juice. The resulting mixture is poured with a decoction of chamomile flowers and mixed thoroughly. The finished product should be infused. Infusion time - mostly 8 hours, can be less. If possible, the composition is placed close to the battery. The optimal consistency is creamy, since an excessively thick mixture is poorly applied, and an overly liquid agent flows.

An alternative to chamomile tea is pure water, but it is more beneficial for hair than grass.

Before proceeding with painting, the paint must be heated with the addition of liquid until a creamy consistency is formed. It is advisable to wear things that can get dirty. You need to work with protective gloves. The forehead is lubricated with a greasy substance to prevent the appearance of age spots.

"Important"!It is forbidden to use balms, make masks, use oils on the hair when washing your hair immediately before painting.

Ginger slightly burns the skin. With a strong burning sensation, the exposure time of the composition is reduced to 30 minutes.

Washing is done with water, if desired, a balm is applied. It has a softening effect on the hair, making it manageable. To fix the color, the hair is rinsed with vinegar water.

The optimal exposure time is 90 minutes, after which the strands are dried in a natural way. Since henna has a slight weighting effect, the hair must be wet after washing.

There comes a time in every woman's life when she wants to change her appearance. Most often it is a change of hairstyle and hair color. A good way to make the look more vibrant and noticeable is to dye your hair red or burgundy. You can do this with the help of chemical dyes, or combine business with pleasure and dye your hair with a natural remedy that will not only change the color of the curls, but also heal them at home. Let's talk about henna staining in this article.

Photo from

Henna is a ground powder from the leaves of lavsonia non-prickly. This plant grows as a shrub in the hot countries of Asia (Iran, India) and in the Middle East.

Types of henna

In our market you can find Iranian and Indian henna. Based on the names, you can understand where it grows. It is worth paying attention to the differences between these two types.

Indian henna dyes hair in cherry, burgundy, wine shades. And the Iranian gives the curls red, golden, copper colors.

How does henna affect hair?

Henna hair coloring has its pros and cons. The advantages include a clear transformation of curls, they become stronger, stop falling out. In addition, henna successfully fights dandruff, excessive oily hair.

Thanks to the regular use of natural dye, the curls shine, they are compacted. The growth process is also greatly accelerated.

If you have no desire to dye your curls red, then you can try colorless henna. It does not have pigment, but it acts just like the usual one.

Owners of dull, sparse and thin hair are shown masks with her, since she is able to make her hair lush and voluminous.

Of the minuses can be called the risk of drying hair. The fact that henna is not suitable for everyone is a fact. How not to dry the curls, we described earlier.

What shades can be obtained with henna staining

Depending on the type, technique of its brewing, the components that are added to the decoction, the following shades can be obtained:

  1. Bright red, you can say the color of orange;
  2. Wheat, golden;
  3. Red;
  4. Cherry, burgundy color;
  5. Chestnut;
  6. Chocolate;
  7. Copper;
  8. Black;
  9. Dark brown.

As you can see, the palette is striking in its diversity. Consider now the ingredients that will help achieve the desired shade at home.

Recipes for dyeing hair with henna - what components to add when brewing it

In its pure form, henna (Iranian) gives a red color. Below are the ingredients that can change the shades obtained after painting. If you add to henna:

  • Hibiscus tea, cloves, beetroot juice - you get a cherry, burgundy color;
  • Turmeric, a decoction of onion peel or chamomile will give the hair a golden and light red hue;
  • Basma is not used separately without henna, as it can dye hair blue or green, they are used only in pairs. When mixed in different proportions of these two components, the color will give a color from chocolate to black. The more the percentage of basma is diluted, the darker the color of the curls will be;
  • Carrot juice, a small amount of iodine, turmeric give the curls a red, copper tint.

How to dye your hair with henna at home - dyeing technique

Important! Henna staining is carried out on curls washed with shampoo!

Let's start with the correct brewing of henna. To do this, you will need ceramic dishes (metal dishes cannot be used), a brush, a spoon, several dye sachets and additional components as desired.

  • Pour the powder into a bowl, pour hot water (but not boiling water), mix thoroughly with a spoon until the consistency of thick sour cream so that there are no lumps;
  • After that, add 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar so that the henna releases its coloring pigment;
  • To moisturize and nourish hair, add almond/olive/peach/sea buckthorn/coconut oil. You can mix several oils at once. If desired, use the components necessary for a particular shade;
  • Leave in a warm place for 20-30 minutes;
  • It is best to apply the dye to the hair with a dyeing brush. It is better to start from the roots and the back of the head;
  • At the end, cover the ends with a mixture, they are painted the fastest. We put a plastic film / bag on the head and warm it with a towel;
  • It is necessary to keep the dye from 15 minutes, depending on the desired result. The longer the hold, the darker the color obtained;
  • Rinse off without using shampoo. To nourish the curls and make them well-groomed, use a rinse conditioner and a nourishing mask during washing.

In order for the pigment to play on curls, it needs contact with air. Enhance the effect of drying hair with a hair dryer (cold air mode).

  • If you want a brighter color, add citric acid/lemon juice/vinegar to the decoction;
  • In order to protect the curls from drying out - brew the powder on kefir;
  • In order not to make the curls split, brittle and dry, use egg yolks, vegetable oils when brewing;
  • Be sure to wash off the mixture with balm and masks;
  • For a healing effect, keep colorless henna on your hair for 2 hours;
  • If your hair is too dark, there is a risk that the red color cannot be obtained. In such a situation, you can resort to hydrogen peroxide, honey or chamomile decoction.

Hydrogen peroxide brightens curls most radically. To maintain the health and beauty of hair, take a 3% composition. Pour into a spray bottle and spritz onto curls. Leave the solution overnight. In the morning you will notice the effect of lightening. Hydrogen peroxide must be washed off with shampoo and balm, which is better to hold longer.

Henna hair care

Henna-dyed hair requires special special care. As described above, this natural dye is able to dry curls. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the right care that is aimed at nourishing and moisturizing the hair. In addition, care products should be from the “for colored hair” line. Shampoo is best to choose a soft, sulfate-free. It will not dry out and wash out the color quickly.

Important! Without the use of nourishing masks and balm, the hair runs the risk of turning into an overdried “broom”.

Be sure to have indelible care in your arsenal: spray, tip oil, serum. This will help keep the dyed curls beautiful and healthy.

The result in the photo before and after painting with henna, reviews

In the photo below you can see the result of henna dyeing previously dyed hair. The girl turned out to be bright red, but her hair does not give off tints of light, as it was previously damaged.

Before and after henna staining

The following photo shows how great the quality of the hair can be. if you dye henna on undamaged hair.

Before and after henna painting

Henna is a wonderful tool that, without chemicals and any additives, will give your hair a natural, pleasant shade. But you need to be very careful with it, because due to the wrong mixing of proportions, instead of fiery red, you get dark green. How to dye your hair with henna and at the same time achieve the desired shade?

Beneficial features

This wonderful remedy was discovered by Native American women. Even then they tried different mixtures of colors and ingredients, it was their recipes that became the basis for modern paints with a natural base. Useful properties of henna:

Most often, with the help of henna, girls want to become red-haired beasts. Even when using a powder without additives, the color will turn out close to natural, bright and persistent. But what needs to be done to change the shade of paint?

To get a bright red color, you need to mix the contents of three sachets of henna (the amount depends on the length of the hair) with half a sachet of ginger. Pour boiling water over and apply to hair. Little secret: The longer you leave the mixture, the darker the color will come out.

Do you want to become a girl with copper curls at home? As easy as pie! We will need seven bags of ordinary henna, one third of a teaspoon of ginger, turmeric, cinnamon, mix it all up and pour very strong black tea. The lighter the shade of natural hair, the brighter the color will be.

Photo - Red hair before and after painting

Henna is not only a coloring agent, but also an excellent cosmetic product that cares for hair, gives it volume and strength. To care for curly hair, you need to mix Iranian henna (take the amount needed for your length), two tablespoons of avocado oil, 10 drops of rosemary oil and two tablespoons of cocoa. All this stir and dilute with boiling water. Stir again. Before you dye your hair, make sure that there are no lumps in the mixture. Spread on hair and hold for 2 hours under cling film.

To dye your hair a deep red color with copper notes, you need to dilute four sachets of henna to a pulp, then add two tablespoons of heated flower honey and a spoonful of cloves to it. If the hair is very dry, then you can also beat the egg into the mixture. Mix thoroughly and apply on strands, hold for 2 hours.

We paint in chestnut color

To get the desired shade of chocolate on your head, you need to use basma and henna in equal proportions. If desired, in addition to paint, you can separately make the same mixture that will strengthen the hair. The paint must be kneaded on a decoction of nettle or burdock, add just a few drops of nutmeg essential oil. For a strengthening solution, you need to prepare black coffee or very strong tea, jojoba oil and mix well. The first mixture is recommended to be applied to the roots, and the second - along the entire length of the hair. A very important point regarding coffee: to find the right concentration, you need to mix the powder with water until a dark color is obtained. You can also give your hair a slightly red tint with this recipe, just add a decoction of onion peel to it instead of a decoction of burdock.

Photo - Henna painting in chestnut color

A very beautiful color is obtained by mixing ground cloves, red wine and henna. If you experiment a little with the concentration, you can get a beautiful chocolate color that is close to natural.

It is believed that if you dye your hair after dye, you get some kind of crazy shade, which then will be washed off very badly. This is nothing more than prejudice. This happened to girls who incorrectly maintained proportions or used henna less than two weeks after using chemicals.

In order to get a very dark color, almost black, you need to mix Iranian henna in proportions of 2: 1 with basma, and pour it all over with dry red wine. Wash off after an hour, this product does not have to be washed off the hair when using shampoo, you can do great without it. The result is a dark chestnut color.

Do you want to become a mysterious brown-haired woman? Then mix two parts of basma with one part of henna, add cinnamon on the blade of a knife and dilute with strong coffee. Wash off after an hour.

Iranian henna sometimes dries hair very much, so you can buy some professional one instead, for example, “Lash: dark chocolate”. It is very cool that this product is already mixed with the right ingredients and you will not need to play with the ingredients to get the desired color, as they say - just add water.

Recipe for dyeing your hair brown:

  1. natural ground coffee. We take a glass of water for four spoons, this is the proportion for one bag of henna. If you dye your hair with coffee, then a very deep color will come out that will last about a month;
  2. strong black tea. It is used by pouring several spoons of tea with hot water;
  3. cocoa, brewed the same way as coffee;
  4. buckthorn, it is used not only in tinted natural shampoos, but also when painting to give depth to the color. Boil 100 grams of berries in a glass of water for half an hour, then pour it into henna;
  5. walnut leaves and nut shells. For a glass of the mixture, we need a spoonful of funds;
  6. amla. This powder can be purchased at a pharmacy, mixed in equal parts with henna.

It is worth remembering that henna is not a paint, but rather a tint that can be used when eluminating hair. With its help, you can very beautifully shade dark hair and emphasize red hair, lighten it without harm to the strands, or simply treat curls.

Photo - Brown henna painting

To get red, which will rather go into the Bordeaux palette, you need to mix Egyptian henna (250 grams, dilute it with vinegar), half a liter of beetroot juice, two tablespoons of madder powder, four tablespoons of amla powder, and thirty drops of essential oils of burdock, ylang-ylang and carnations. It will be difficult to apply this oil mixture yourself, so it is best to ask someone. Keep on the hair for at least three hours, and then depending on the desired shade.

Before you dye your hair with henna, if it is gray or after chemical exposure (lamination, curling or chemical dyeing), you need to consult with specialists. The reaction of the strands is unpredictable, and instead of brown, you can get bright red.

We get light brown

Dyeing your hair at home in a light brown color with henna is even easier than with a special paint. And the point is not only in lightness, but also in the fact that in this way you can lighten your hair by several tones without harming your hair.

To get a light blond color, we need to purchase two sachets of red henna and one sachet of basma, mix, dilute with water (although it is better to mix with chamomile), and apply to the strands, distribute evenly, using a wide comb, wash off after 1.5 hours.

Light brown color will also turn out if henna is poured with a decoction of onion peel. We need to get a creamy mixture. With this method, you can easily dye henna in a light tone dark blond hair or even chestnut, depending on the exposure time.

A beautiful natural light brown color is obtained if Iranian henna (8 bags) is mixed with two bags of basma and a mixture that consists of barberry, hibiscus tea and cloves, if desired, cinnamon can also be added.

You can combine the beneficial effects of kefir masks and henna by mixing these products. If all proportions are observed, the mixture will not flow and will be quickly absorbed. To get a dark blond color you need:

  • 4 spoons of henna;
  • 2 tablespoons of cocoa;
  • whipped yolk;
  • a spoonful of peach oil for hair;
  • four cedar oil;
  • one ampoule of vitamin E;
  • a glass of kefir, not cold.
Photo - Painting with henna in light brown color

All this is mixed, nothing needs to be heated. It is very important to apply the product not on wet hair, but on slightly damp ones, so our paint with kefir will stick better. Wash off after an hour and a half.

Paints with Indian henna are brighter. They give more red color than light or brown. Therefore, girls who want to get light brown hair with a light redhead need to mix Indian henna and ginger powder (1: 3), a little lemon juice, one glass of low-fat kefir and essential oils of flax and burdock. We mix everything and set to warm up in a water bath or battery. Depending on the needs, keep the paint on the hair from half an hour to two.

If you need to slightly lighten hair that has recently been subjected to chemical coloring, then you need to use colorless henna by mixing it with a decoction of chamomile or lemon juice. This tool will not lighten brown strands, but light brown will become a couple of tones lighter.

What to add to henna for light shades:

  • you can simply dye your hair with white henna along with a decoction of chamomile;
  • natural flower honey;
  • cinnamon helps fight redness on blond hair;
  • hair dyed with turmeric acquires a golden hue;
  • white wine brightens strands;
  • rhubarb also gives light shades together with henna.

In order to professionally dye your hair in the desired color with henna, you must first check the selected concentration on a small strand of curls. This is especially important for hair with gray hair or previously dyed.

Benefit or harm?

It will be right if you write the opinions of experts about henna. Many trichologists are not happy that women have begun to actively use this tool again. In their opinion, henna spoils the structure of the hair, gives it fluffiness, exfoliates the scales, which then leads to split ends and the need for daily hair care.

Whether or not to use this tint paint is up to you, but when choosing, also pay attention to the manufacturer. Many who complain about poor coloring simply took advantage of low-quality products that are actively smuggled into our country.

Also, in the end, you need to be reminded that before you dye your hair with henna, carefully read the instructions, watch a video on the topic, find out, purchase stencils and do not go too far from the recommended proportions.

Greetings. Today I want to tell you how to dye your hair with henna - a wonderful, useful natural dye, but in such a way as to get exactly the shade that was planned.

Magic powder

Many women have long abandoned artificial dyes in favor of healthy henna. This gift of nature strengthens curls, makes them healthy, gives them different shades.

Advantages of natural dye:

  • It does not contain peroxide, ammonia, which adversely affects the structure of the hairs.
  • Can be used during pregnancy, breastfeeding.
  • Age does not matter.
  • Protects from sun rays.
  • Relieves scalp from dandruff.
  • Improves, strengthens the hair structure, so that the hair becomes more magnificent.
  • Restores damaged curls, reduces sebum secretion, making hair well-groomed for a long time.
  • Nourishes the skin, improves blood flow to the roots.

Disadvantages of Henna Powder

Despite a number of advantages, henna has some disadvantages:

  • Use with caution on already dyed strands, you can get the color blue or green.
  • It is not recommended to use after a perm, artificial curls can straighten.
  • It dries out the curls, so before the procedure, treat the hair with vegetable oil.
  • You can not use natural dye too often, so as not to lead the curls to dullness, undesirable stiffness. Enough 1 time per month.
  • Difficult to wash off.

How to dye your hair with henna after dyeing your hair with artificial dyes? It is better not to take risks so as not to get an unexpected effect.

If you decide to change the artificial dye to natural, wait until the colored curls grow, then feel free to use green powder. If you are not afraid of experiments, then you can try, but experts do not advise.

Ways to achieve the desired effect

Henna does not penetrate deep into the hair shaft, but lies only on its upper layers, so it is quickly washed off.

With the help of henna, you can achieve the desired shade of strands. The tone depends on the coloring pigment of the lawson plant.

If you just want to strengthen your hair, then 2 times a month you need to use colorless henna.

Have you noticed that oriental beauties have lush, shiny hair? This is thanks to the magic powder. Most often, oriental women paint with black paint, which is obtained by mixing red henna and indigo powder.

But black dye is only suitable for brunettes without gray hair. Gray hair may take on a green tint.

A blue-black tone can be obtained by mixing henna with basma 1k 3. It is best to carry out this procedure in the salon.

How to dye curls in deep black?

So, you've decided to get a deep black color.

  • Do a test first. Stir a little powder in a ceramic dish, fill it with hot water, 80-90 degrees, mix thoroughly.
  • Wearing gloves, apply part of the mixture on several strands, hold for 15-20 minutes, rinse with water.
  • If you like the resulting shade, then apply the hot mixture to the entire head.
  • Cover your head with polyethylene, then with a handkerchief.
  • For the first time, keep it on for 40 minutes.
  • With further use, you will have to keep 2 hours, no less.

How to dye your hair with henna in chocolate color?

You liked the noble "Chocolate".

Chocolate color can be obtained by adding 1 tbsp to 25 grams of powder. black coffee.

If you mix a bag of henna with 4 tbsp. spoons of cocoa, you get an amazing chestnut shine. Chestnut shades can come in different tones: from reddish to dark chestnut, depending on the natural tone of the strands.

At home, you can paint in any tone. But first you need to decide on the amount of powder.

If you are the owner of long thick curls, then take 300 g of dye. With short hair, 50-70 grams of green mass is enough, for an average length, take 100-250 grams.

Important! Before the procedure, wash your hair and dry your hair slightly so that the pigment lies better on the hairs.

Preparation of the dye mass:

  • Dilute the dry powder in hot water at 70-75°C.
  • Leave for 2 hours to darken the mixture slightly. In 2 hours, the coloring pigment will be released.
  • To make the procedure more effective, add 5-6 drops of burdock oil or eucalyptus, tea tree, rosemary oil to the solution. Adding oils will give your curls a healthy sheen.

How to get a bright shade? In order for the plant to show its coloring properties more, dilute the green mass with lemon juice, green tea with lemon, kefir. An acidic environment releases the coloring pigment better.

Do not forget that the real color on the strands will appear only after 2-4 days, so try not to wash your hair for these 2-4 days.

Moreover, after subsequent procedures, the color will become brighter and richer.

How to become a red beast?

Do you have blond curls, and you want to have a red mop of hair on your head? Red color will be obtained by diluting the powder with hot water.

If the product is of high quality, then the mixture will immediately acquire a reddish tone. You can add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice to give your hair even more shine, a healthy glow.

  1. If the strands are dry, then pour 1 tbsp. a spoonful of kefir
  2. The agent is applied when it is warm, wrap the head as described above.
  3. If the hair color is dark, then you need to keep it for 1 hour or more. On light brown strands - 40-45 minutes.

Rinse off the lumps of dye under running water, then rinse with water with the addition of vinegar - 1 tbsp. for 1 liter of water.

You have to be very careful with the red color, as it does not suit all girls. A fire shock will beautifully highlight green eyes, and dark ones will become even darker.

How to dye your hair in a light brown tone?

To paint in a light brown tone, you need to add 1 pack of basma to 2 packs of red henna, then knead it all on a decoction of chamomile.

Keep the mixture on your head for 90 minutes.

To give the chestnut hair a light brown tone, dilute the mass with a decoction of. You can use another recipe:

  • 4 packs of Iranian henna.
  • 1 pack of basma.
  • A mixture of cloves, tea, cinnamon.

Mix all this, apply the mixture on the strands, hold for 1 hour, rinse with water. Rinse with vinegar solution.

To give a more pleasant color to nondescript medium and light blond strands, brown henna is suitable. It looks especially impressive on strands of a gray-ash nondescript shade.

Brunettes using brown dye will get a soft chestnut sheen.

Dye with henna and coffee

A very beautiful black tone is given by coffee added to natural dye. How to dye your hair with henna with coffee?

  • 1 pack of green powder.
  • 2 packs of basma.
  • Natural ground coffee - 50 g.
  • Water - 150 ml.

Cooking: Pour hot water over coffee and let it brew. In chilled to 50 ° C, henna and basma are added to coffee. It is important to get a creamy mixture. Then the mixture is heated to 70-75°C. Apply the heated composition to all strands and hair roots, cover with polyethylene, wrap with a towel, hold for 2 hours.

If you do not add basma, but take only coffee and henna, then brunettes and brown-haired women can beautifully enhance their natural shade.

golden hues

  1. To get a golden color, take in equal parts, green mass, dry white wine.
  2. An "old gold" color can be obtained by mixing 1 sachet of henna, 2 g of saffron boiled in a small amount of water.
  3. A noble honey tone will be given by paint diluted with a strong decoction of chamomile.
  4. Green powder, diluted with Cahors heated to 70 ° C, will give the curls a luxurious reddish sheen.

Beauties with blond hair with natural dye need to be very careful. If you apply dye to light strands, hold it for 30 minutes, then they will acquire a bright red tone. But a 7-10-minute staining will give curls a pleasant golden hue.

A few words about colorless henna

Can you dye your hair with colorless henna? Colorless henna is used to strengthen the strands, rid the scalp of dandruff, and give the curls a beautiful shine.

To treat your strands, dilute the white dye, apply to curls, wrap, hold for 30 minutes. By doing this procedure once a month, you will get strong, healthy curls.

But many women still use white mass to lighten curls. However, experts advise finding a gentle synthetic paint. White mass may give you an unexpected color that may not please you. If you have bleached strands, then white henna will not harm them, but only heal them.

Choosing the right henna

How to choose henna:

  1. Purchase fresh dye. See the expiration date on the package. So that the powder does not lose its qualities, it must be stored in the refrigerator.
  2. Decide on a color. Plants grown in different regions produce different tones. Many people prefer to buy Iranian dye, as it is of higher quality. Others claim that African dye will give a delicate reddish tone, Persian dye will give a deep red, and Indian henna will give a red-brown color. But the shade depends more on the characteristics of the person's hair.
  3. A good powder is green.
  4. Make sure that there are no synthetic additives in it, otherwise you will burn your skin and hair.
  5. The mass should have the smell of grass or plants.
  6. When you brew with hot water, it should take on a bright red tone.
  7. A good tool will not leave marks on the dishes in which you stir it.
  8. Fresh mass after stirring will be grainy, that is, it will never turn into smooth sour cream.
  9. The dye quickly stains the skin of the hands, so work with gloves. And grease the ears and forehead with a fat cream so that no traces remain.

Finally, I want to advise you to use this natural dye, that your hair was no worse than that of oriental beauties.