How to make peace with a guy - different methods and situations. How to make peace with a guy if you offended him

Any relationship develops unevenly. They have a place for happy days filled with mutual understanding, and moments of friction, disagreement and quarrels. All this is completely natural, any elements of relations should be perceived in a complex way, as parts of a single whole, and not as a tragedy that has come from nowhere in the form of a quarrel. The main question is how to solve problems while maintaining the integrity of the relationship. In other words, how to make peace with your loved one.

Varieties of quarrels

By definition, a quarrel is a quarrel or a state of enmity. You can stay in this state as long as you like, especially when it comes to a relatively stranger, such as a colleague or neighbor. But if it concerns close people, including relatives or a soulmate, to stop this state of enmity is a natural desire. Therefore, every person periodically faces the question of what to do in order to improve relations with those who are dear to him. In this case, consider examples and ways of reconciliation with a guy.

Before doing anything, it is necessary to analyze the situation and put all the circumstances in their place. This approach is the most correct, because it allows you to establish causal relationships, work on mistakes, draw up an action plan and ultimately achieve the goal. With the goal in this case, complete certainty: it is necessary to achieve reconciliation.

Whether it is necessary or not, if necessary, then why, whether it will be useful - all these questions do not matter here, so we will not be distracted by them. Only one issue needs to be resolved, namely, to find a way to make peace with the guy. If the goal is clearly formulated, achieving it is a matter of technology. So, first of all, you need to determine what type of quarrels your quarrel belongs to. There are four main types:

  • Blame the guy. A simple scheme in which the conflict situation is formed by one side (the guy), the state of enmity is provoked unilaterally, the girl’s guilt is objectively absent.
  • Guilty girl. The scheme is the same as in the previous case, the initiating party in this case is the girl. It's not the guy's fault.
  • Both are to blame. The state of the quarrel has developed for objective reasons, as a result of the misconduct of both parties.
  • It's nobody's fault. The state of the quarrel arose due to insurmountable differences, under the influence of circumstances, in the absence of fault of any of the parties.

The common phrase “both are to blame for any quarrel” has some basis, but does not fully reflect reality. In this case, it means that the other side, if it did not do anything reprehensible, is already to blame for not holding back, answering, not keeping silent in time, not forgiving, etc. This point of view is very controversial, since it is possible in such reasoning to reach the phrase "guilty for being born." Objectively, there is a situation (conflict) that was created by accident or intentionally, respectively, it has an “author” or several. All other actions or inactions, which, in fact, are a reaction to the situation itself, should be considered precisely as a reaction, and not as a cause.

In order to make it easier to understand the classification of conflicts, we give a few examples. The following situation is typical for the first type of quarrels. The guy promised the girl to do something. The girl counted on his help, but the guy let him down, broke his promise. Let's say he preferred to do something else at this time or was just too lazy. The girl was offended, stopped talking to him, the guy resigned himself to the situation - the state of the quarrel is obvious.

Perhaps the guy accused the girl of selfishness at the same time, or simply began to be burdened by her company, as a result of which he did not go to put up, but preferred to remain in a state of quarrel. However, this does not mean at all that after some time the girl will not want to reconcile with the young man. In this case, a situation arises in which the guy is to blame for the conflict, and the girl is looking for ways to reconcile.

An example of the second type of quarrel is a situation in which the guy’s fault is absent. Let's say a girl put a guy in an awkward situation, publicly insulted him or gave him a good reason for jealousy. The guy did not offend her by word or action, he simply turned around and left, ending all communication with her. The state of the quarrel in this case is obvious. The girl may later regret this and try to return to normal relations, which is a more natural development of events than in the previous case.

The third type of quarrel, when both are to blame, is also quite common. An example is a situation that almost any couple is familiar with. Let's say a guy accidentally breaks something, like dropping a girl's favorite mirror off her dressing table and breaking it. The girl in response reproaches him, says something unpleasant, for example, hints at his clumsiness. The guy is also not silent, snarls, hinting that she looks in the mirror too often, although he would not look there at all if he were in her place. The girl, already seriously offended, retorts with a phrase with the implication that he should be grateful for any attention, and only her ... And so on and so forth. In this case, both are really to blame.

Regarding the fourth type of quarrels, it should immediately be noted that, despite the seeming absurdity of the wording, such quarrels are not so rare. In addition, they are much more difficult to resolve than the options listed above, since they are caused by conditions or circumstances that are sometimes difficult to correct. An example is the following situation.

There is an event that is not directly related to either the guy or the girl. Suppose somewhere in the world a conflict flares up or it becomes known that some person has committed an ambiguous act. What happened affects the fundamental fundamental concepts that matter to any person. The guy expresses his opinion on what happened. The girl, regardless of him, expresses her own. Both expressed their principled position. Opinions were diametrically opposed. They cannot reconcile with each other's opinion at the current moment, since they consider the very existence of such a point of view to be outrageous. It becomes impossible to continue to communicate as if nothing had happened. There is a state of quarrel, in which no one, in fact, is to blame.

How to get out of a quarrel

After an analysis of the situation has been carried out, the cause of the conflict and the degree of guilt of each of the participants have been objectively established, one can begin to develop reconciliation tactics. There are several vulnerabilities in the defense of men, several keys, by pressing which you can achieve a lot. Here are some of them:

  • Need for recognition. This is important for any man. Each of them really wants his successes to be noticed, recognized, appreciated. And no matter what the scale of his achievements, whether he built a house or composed a song, you need to notice this and praise him.
  • Thanks for what you've done. If a man does something for a woman, then he expects gratitude, even if he does not admit it (perhaps to himself). If every time you take his efforts for granted, then in the end he will get tired of it and he will stop trying, and possibly break off relations with the wording "ungrateful".
  • The desire to be in demand. In some men, it is so great that they choose not those women that they need, but those who need them. In other words, sometimes a man leaves an independent, independent woman, whom he really liked, for a less interesting one, but who absolutely cannot do without him.
  • The opportunity to show their strengths, abilities, character traits, knowledge. It is not always appropriate to do this without any reason, so a man needs someone to sometimes provoke him into demonstrating his talents and strengths. After that, it is advisable not only to admire the result, but also to make it clear to the man that this result has clearly exceeded your expectations.

With age, the nuances of basic needs can change, but the foundation remains unshakable. Therefore, if a girl wants to make peace with a guy, especially if he is very offended and does not want to make contact, she should rely on these very basic needs, or “press the keys”.

So, let's start with the most difficult. The girl is to blame for the quarrel, and so much so that the guy does not even want to talk to her. And I really want to reconcile with him. In this case, it makes sense to immediately walk with trump cards. In other words, you need to punch a hole in the defense, at least a little soften his heart, and there, you see, a dialogue will gradually begin to improve. The procedure in this situation is something like this:

  • Send him a message. Not a long essay, not a poem in verse, but a short message, which will contain information that you admit your guilt, you are very sorry that you cannot return time and change the past. After that, take a short break. There is no need to ask for forgiveness in the first message - this is the point, the end of the action, so it should stand in its place.
  • The second message is slightly longer than the first. It should list a few events or actions for which you are grateful to him. To put it simply, say something like: “You are so wonderful, don’t think, I haven’t forgotten how you then quit everything and solved my problems, didn’t sleep all night ...” - and add: “My act is a mistake and doesn't mean I don't appreciate you and everything you've done." After that, it is necessary to take a break for some more time so that he can comprehend what was written, and at the same time and once again relive those moments when he was a hero for you, enjoy gratitude and recognition.
  • Then you can write a longer message, where you already lament what you have done, say that it was a big stupidity to offend such a guy, noble and worthy. Here you can say the phrase: "I would so like you to ever forgive me."
  • In the last message, you need to say directly: "Please forgive me if you can" - and, if he hesitates, add something like: "Give me a chance to make things right, to thank you for everything you did for me." Or: "I really need you, I can't live without you."

If after that the guy does not agree to the conversation, then the offense was too serious and efforts must be continued. If he agrees to a conversation, you can celebrate the victory in your soul: you managed to make peace. But it is necessary to celebrate only in the soul, because premature joy can ruin the whole thing.

In the course of a personal conversation, you should continue to support everything that was said in the messages with your behavior. In other words, to show remorse for your misdeed, to make it clear that you are grateful to him for his generosity and ability to forgive. Then it is advisable to say something like: "During the time we were in a quarrel, I rethought a lot, remembered how you cared for me ...", and then give a few examples of his good deeds, thereby allowing him to understand once again that you remember and appreciate everything.

In other cases, reconciliation can be carried out according to the same scheme. The difference can only be in the intensity of the effort, which should be commensurate with the degree of one's own guilt. If there is no guilt, then elements of remorse for the deed can be removed from the proposed scheme, and replaced with conciliatory phrases like “let's forget” or “our relationship is more important than these little things.”

If no one is to blame for the quarrel, then you need to think about what is more important - relationships or principles. And depending on the answer to this question, take steps towards reconciliation or abandon them. You can ask the guy in this situation to make mutual concessions or, alternatively, never touch this topic again at all, reserving the right to personal opinion.

Even in the strongest relationships, people in love can quarrel for various reasons - from a banal bad mood to unforgivable betrayal or even betrayal. But if the feelings are still alive and you value them, you can’t just throw a quarrel and let it get worse, you should try to make peace and maintain a strong relationship between you. The tips below will surely help you get on the path of reconciliation and restore the warmth of your love relationship with your young man.

In what cases is reconciliation possible after a quarrel?

Of course, you need to go for reconciliation when your relationship is quite strong and serious, and the quarrel is not connected with something serious like betrayal or betrayal. There are unforgivable situations - and they really should not be forgiven, because in this case they are more likely to be repeated in the future. But in any normal relationship, people sometimes quarrel due to the difference in character and outlook on life, so these kinds of petty quarrels should not ruin your relationship. If there are mutual feelings, sympathy and affection In cases where your situation was difficult and the quarrel is based on a serious problem, but mutual feelings and love still remain between you, you should definitely give each other a chance. It is possible that you just need to talk in detail and come to the most correct solution to the problem together in order to make amends for the quarrel and avoid negative consequences. Even if it takes some time before reconciliation to wait and be alone, this is normal. The main thing is that later you will be able to tell everything openly to each other and return relevance to your feelings. The fight was not serious. There are also moments when a quarrel occurred out of nowhere. For example, a young man had a difficult day at work and, against the backdrop of a bad mood, he broke loose and yelled at the girl. You need to be able to forgive and forget such moments, because these quarrels are not too serious and are not worth the time, effort and nerves you and your young man spend on them. Other situations Possible and other situations when it is simply important to make up and it's worth it. For example, if you quarreled because you didn’t see each other for a long time and missed you too much. Sometimes this also leads to a quarrel. It is important to correctly assess the seriousness of the situation, weigh the pros and cons in order to make an informed decision about the need to make peace and continue the relationship.

How to reconcile with your boyfriend if you broke up

Serious problems in relationships most often develop into a major quarrel and, as a result, into parting. These are not uncommon situations when people, against the background of a bad mood and negativity from a quarrel, say a lot of bad things to each other, think and act mainly on emotions, without resorting to common sense and memories of what a long and strong relationship they had with a person, with whom there was a quarrel. But even after breaking up amid a quarrel, there is always the opportunity to go for reconciliation and try to restore your feelings and love, giving her one more chance. At the same time, depending on the situation, the need for behavior may be different.

What to do if he does not write after breaking up

If a guy no longer writes or calls after your breakup, this does not mean that he has already forgotten the girl. It is possible that he is very much experiencing the pain of a breakup, or simply does not know where to start a correspondence or conversation, although he really wants to try to start all over again. Men endure a break in relationships very hard, so it’s worth giving a young man a few days to emotionally move away from unpleasant thoughts a little and calm down, “cool down”. After that, you can completely write to him first: either something neutral to start a conversation a little, or openly start right away with the words that the quarrel was not so serious for parting and you need to meet, chat and try to restore your relationship. As a rule, a man willingly responds if a girl writes to him first with an offer to try another joint chance.

How to return a lover, if everything is my own fault

It is possible that the girl herself may be to blame for the quarrel and parting. For the fairer sex, it is common to act on emotions - getting excited, the girl could tell the guy that they were breaking up, and the next day already regret it. In such a situation, the main thing for a girl is to be able to admit she was wrong and tell the young man about it. It's best to talk about it in person, but if it's hard to find the words, you can call or write a long message explaining. At the same time, you don’t need to try to make excuses or shift the blame to someone else - only by admitting your own wrong, you can show the person that for his sake you know how to reveal your weaknesses.

What if he is guilty and does not admit his mistake

Unfortunately, there are cases of quarrels when the fault lies in the mistake or behavior of the young man, which led to the separation. But the guy stubbornly refuses to admit his mistake, denies it, or even shifts the blame on the girl. It is worth considering: what is the reason for this behavior? If a man is afraid to take responsibility even in an ordinary quarrel, is it even worth relying on him in the future and building strong relationships? If a face-to-face conversation didn’t help you, you can give the guy an ultimatum: either within a certain period of time he will be ready to admit his guilt and be the first to reconcile, or after this period (if no reaction follows from him), you finally put an end to your relationships and do not go to their renewal. Otherwise, he will think that you will be ready to write off any of his mistakes in order to be with him, and a similar situation in moments of quarrels will be repeated endlessly, and he will always feel innocent.

Should a girl write or call first after a quarrel?

The main question that torments any girl after a quarrel with a young man is whether to write or call him first? Will this be normal or is it not customary for a girl to take her first steps? Very often, the reason that even the strongest relationships could not be restored is simple human pride. And most of the time it's overkill. If a relationship with this guy is expensive for a girl, she should drop all her prejudices and call the young man first. This will make it clear to the guy that his girlfriend is still thinking about him, thinking about relationships and reconciliation. It is not necessary to start a conversation immediately by finding out the reasons for the quarrel - you can start from a neutral topic: find out how the guy is doing and how he is, whether he solved any of his latest problems. And gradually, you can move the conversation to the topic that you regret that quarrel, that you need to give each other a chance and try to return everything. Summing up, we can say: if a girl is ready to fight for a relationship and wants to continue them, you need and you can call first, discarding your fears, because sometimes a man is afraid much more than you. Prejudices and fears are not worth losing someone dear to you forever for them.

How and what to write to a guy if he is very offended

If a young man is very offended, then the girl managed to seriously hurt his feelings or pride. To restore peaceful relations, you can try to start the first communication after a quarrel in correspondence by SMS or on social networks. And here the girl has a question what can be written to the guy in order to turn the conversation on the topic of reconciliation. First of all, it is very important to admit one's guilt and sincerely apologize to the young man for the rude things said or the actions taken. Such a first step will surely melt the ice in his heart. If you live together, as a gesture of reconciliation, you can meet him from school or work with a romantic dinner, at which you can talk in a pleasant atmosphere and make peace. You should not start your conversation with reproaches or remarks about a past quarrel - otherwise there is a risk that instead reconciliation, you will only quarrel more. It’s better to talk about the good sides of each other and your relationship, emphasize what is important for you to keep in them and what you are ready to do together for this. You can also write him a sweet SMS with a declaration of love and emphasize that you love him, despite all your problems and quarrels. This is also a good option.

I really want to reconcile with my ex - what to do

Sometimes, even after a long period of separation, a girl may realize that her feelings for her ex-boyfriend have not cooled down and she would like to try to restore the relationship. There are always chances, but it will be necessary to make attempts to reconcile in different ways, depending on what note you and the young man parted on.

The guy does not want to put up and avoids me

A young man often avoids meeting a girl after parting. This is understandable: he does not want to experience feelings after your breakup, does not want to refresh memories of your pleasant moments, especially if the breakup was not on his initiative. In this case, it is very important for a girl to start unobtrusively reminding herself of herself - for example, accidentally appearing in the same places where the young man is, or starting to communicate with his friends and be interested in the affairs and health of the young man. Then the ex-boyfriend will surely notice that you are still showing interest in him.

The rival interferes with the resumption of relations

When your ex-boyfriend has sympathy - a rival (he may just be interested in her, or they are already officially dating), this complicates the situation. In conversations with an ex-boyfriend, you should make an unobtrusive emphasis on your merits, and if you know your opponent’s shortcomings, use them to look better against her background. For example, if your opponent is not a good cook, then you can tell your ex-boyfriend that you have mastered new interesting dishes. But insulting your rival is not worth it - this will not show you from the best side in the eyes of a young man. In such a situation, you have a good advantage - you know the character and habits of this guy much better than your rival. Therefore, it is easier for you to understand which topics to avoid and what will be most beneficial to talk about. In addition, you can always unobtrusively remind him of your pleasant moments together, which also subconsciously motivate a person to think about the possibility of resuming past relationships.

If a man fell out of love, is there a chance for reconciliation

One of the reasons for the breakup of a relationship is that a man could just stop loving you. Unfortunately, this happens and even the strongest feelings can cool down over time. But if you want to make peace, you should try to bring a man to good memories of your common moments. It is also worth paying attention to yourself: it is possible that the guy stopped loving you because of your unkempt appearance or bad habits. Now in his eyes you always have to look irresistible in order to interest him again. A frank conversation will also be useful - you can openly ask a man why he stopped loving you and whether there are chances that these are temporarily cooled feelings that can be restored.

After breaking up, he does not want to put up

It is possible that after breaking up, the ex-boyfriend does not want to put up, and here the main task for the girl is to find out what is the reason for such unwillingness. He may be very offended by your unforgivable behavior, too timid to take the first step towards reconciliation, or does not consider it necessary to renew your relationship. Having understood the reason, you need to eliminate it: apologize for your behavior, find out the shortcomings of your relationship and agree on how to overcome them. Also, the guy often does not want to put up with the fact that the girl was too harsh with him and literally sent him off at the time of the quarrel. Young people take such rejections painfully and decide not to put up so as not to get another rejection.

If he considers me a friend, how to win him again

In rare cases, a guy and a girl remain friends after a breakup. But what if the girl wants to win this young man again and establish relations with him? First of all, you need to find out from friends and acquaintances of this guy what kind of girls he is attracted to, and begin to match such a girl. It is also important to keep your “zest” and at some points remain mysterious for a young man, this will be the main difference from friendships - in friendship people know each other very well, and a beloved girl must always be studied and conquered. Also, you should not discuss with this young man all your problems and everyday issues in order to leave intrigue behind you. And of course, a personal conversation will be important, in which it is worth saying openly or at least hinting that you see this guy not only as a friend, but are counting on something more.

Top Ways to Reconcile

When your own fantasy fails, you can use the top most popular ways to make peace. One of them will surely give a positive result. 1. Heartfelt conversation with apologies A method proven over the years, the most faithful and reliable, is a sincere conversation, during which you can apologize to each other, find the cause of your quarrel and eliminate it. No correspondence or call can replace the warmth that you feel during a personal conversation. 2. To resort to the help of friends, acquaintances, relatives If you can’t make peace on your own or don’t have enough courage, you can try to do it through your mutual friends, or through relatives. You can consult with the young man's family about what he said about your quarrel and how he feels about what happened. You can find out his character traits that you did not know about before, and use this for reconciliation. 3. Send him love photos, sms, songs As a sign of reconciliation, your cute photos with words of love and apology are also great, or you can send him a nice SMS or a theme song. Surely a young man will appreciate your non-standard approach and react to your photo or message - and this is a reason to continue the conversation, talk and eventually make peace. 4. Unobtrusively remind of past pleasant moments Shared memories bring people together very well - these are common walks in the park, going to the cinema, a cozy evening at home, anything that is pleasant to remember. Therefore, at the time of a quarrel, it is very important to remind your young man how good you are together and how much you have achieved together. These memories should not be intrusive and sound with some kind of reproach, they should be said from the heart in order to touch the young man. 5. Fulfill his dream An original and proven way to make peace with a young man is to fulfill his dream. This will emphasize that even in moments of quarrels you think about his interests and his happiness. If he dreamed of flying in a balloon - go for it, in such an unusual walk through the air you will definitely forget about all the quarrels. If his dream is some kind of thing, get it and give it to a young man to please him. Be sure to accompany your gift with words that you would not want to lose it and quarrel, and this gift is the first step towards your peaceful life. 6. Get better and fall in love with yourself The best way that will not only benefit your relationship, but also yourself as a person. Your fight can be used as an excuse to improve yourself. If you have bad habits - get rid of them, if you quarreled because of your mistakes - learn not to do this in the future. This option will definitely help you not only make peace, but also get to know each other better, raise your level of trust.

No matter how ideal relationships are, quarrels in them are inevitable and sometimes you need to step over your self and take the first step so as not to lose your loved one. The question “how to make peace with a guy” is constantly spinning in your head, but you just can’t go for it.

But before you decide on reconciliation, you need to go through several stages of preparation:

  • Breathe out yourself. If you go with resentment and a mass of attacking tirades in your head to a meeting for reconciliation, then nothing good will come of it.
  • Try to look at the situation from a different perspective. When we fight and defend our point of view, we often do not take into account the feelings and circumstances of the other person, and he too.
  • Having exhaled and calmed down, in order to stop a quarrel in yourself, you should at least try to consider the situation from the other side.
  • In most cases, this consideration makes it clear how stupid it was to quarrel and that it was possible to solve the problem more calmly. In addition, putting up without forgiving is harmful to oneself -

    accumulating resentment, we lose the feeling of love.

  • Analyze the quarrel for what was superfluous. As a rule, even if the discussion began because of someone's fault, then it reached elevated tones through the fault of both. Each of you could stop, but in the heat of the moment he could no longer, so no matter how right you are, you will also have to apologize.
  • Let the guy calm down too. The psychological behavior of men and women is different - men are not characterized by sudden mood swings, they are more difficult to experience short-term stress, so they need a little more time to set all priorities. If you do not give a man time to think, he will simply build a block wall and not hear. At best, such reconciliation will lead to nothing; at worst, it will aggravate the situation. But it's not worth the hassle.
  • And it should also be remembered that each quarrel is a separate special case and there is simply no universal medicine that gets rid of its consequences, you always need to analyze everything that happens.

How to make up with a guy after a big fight

Even strong quarrels happen because of the most elementary trifles, so you need to analyze the quarrel and understand whether it really hurt each other's feelings so much, or maybe in a personal meeting you can easily smile and forget everything.

Sometimes, if the quarrel was really stormy, then I don’t want to meet,

it seems easier to figure out what to write to a guy to make up.

But correspondence can only smooth and prepare the situation, a personal meeting is required. It is better to meet on neutral territory for you, without third parties who may have participated in this quarrel or caused it. The best place to start a meeting is with an apology. Even if you were not to blame for the cause, there are sure to be a couple of hurtful phrases that you definitely need to apologize for. Don't forget to say that the person is dear to you.

Ideally, if the guy does the same. But if he is still thinking about the situation and there is no response, do not insist. And even if you hear reproaches in response, react calmly, without continuing the quarrel. The person simply has not cooled down yet and cannot adequately accept your position. By calmly going through this step, you are working for yourself, softening his position now.

In no case do not put any conditions now and do not carry out any manipulations, all this will return you to the starting point or aggravate the situation.

How to make up with a guy after a breakup

Putting up after parting, especially long ones, is especially difficult, so it’s best not to bring it to this, but if this happens, then the tactics of action will depend on how and how much you broke up.

If you just packed your things and left for a day or two or a week, but the point that you are not a couple has not yet been set, and there was no conversation, then proceed in the same way as in any other option - make an appointment, apologize for what was said and tell about your feelings for the person, of course, without evaluative negative statements associated with a quarrel.

If the end has been set, but the bridges have not been burned to the ground by you, then first scout the situation, find out if the person needs you and if your boyfriend is ready for reconciliation. Send a random text, accidentally dial the wrong number, or meet in a neutral place unintentionally, but don't do it all the time, once or twice is more than enough. Sometimes time heals and people realize true feelings through separation. A person who is ready to resume relations will certainly go forward and help you build a dialogue on this topic. If there is no response, then it is not worth trying, it will not lead to anything good.

If one of you burned all the bridges, namely, parents, friends were drawn into a quarrel, negative rumors were spread, and the like, then think 10 times and give up such an undertaking.

How to make peace with a guy if he does not make contact

There may be several reasons for such behavior, for example, a very strong resentment, inflated self-esteem, or a person just turned up a reason to put an end to the relationship, yes, this also happens.

If the offense is too strong, then you need to understand which word was superfluous, apologize for it with all sincerity and try to explain to the person that situations are different and no one is immune from them. In such a situation, social networks, and sms, and a telephone conversation, the main thing is to convey to the person that you repent. After that, give a little more time for the person to weigh and realize everything, and only then it will be possible to meet and discuss everything in more detail.

If the reason for everything is his self-esteem, then it’s worth considering how many times this situation will repeat itself and whether you are ready to go through it again and again, or maybe it’s worth putting an end to it now. Ready to go through the situation repeatedly - act in the same way as in the first option, but everything will be more difficult to pass.

Apologizing to the person who turned the situation around in order to break off relations is also worth saying.

So you will regain your peace of mind, but it’s natural to run around and ask for the continuation of the relationship, you may need a long break, and then it will still be possible to return the relationship.

How to reconcile with a guy via SMS

In fact, reconciliation via SMS is not the best way, but only if the quarrel was serious. If the quarrel was small, it is possible to turn everything into a joke by sending the original SMS.

If everything has come to a scandal, then it is better to simply make an appointment or try to find out by the manner of writing whether the partner has gone through the process of thinking about the quarrel. The danger of reconciliation by correspondence lies in the fact that printed words do not convey our emotions, and if a person is still angry at the other end of the messenger, then he may misinterpret the most harmless SMS.

What to say to a guy to make peace

No one except you yourself will be able to choose better specific words of forgiveness, because you know everything that was said and the person himself. You can definitely say only in general terms that you need to apologize for what was said in anger, that all this is not true, and that you regret what happened, but also that the person is dear to you and you are not ready to lose him. But in no case should you now insist on your position, carry out manipulations, make demands for reconciliation and continue to blame your partner.

How to reconcile over the phone

A telephone conversation is a way out when it is really difficult to meet right away, or you realize the whole burden of guilt and understand the need to apologize, but you cannot do it personally now. Just dial the number and say all the things that are worth saying in reconciliation. However, it is best to see the eyes of the interlocutor. And it should also be remembered that apologies through calls and SMS can offend a person, if there were applicants for such insults, take courage and only make an appointment by phone.

What to write to a guy to make peace

VK is not much different from other messengers in terms of the importance of apologies. Of course, if a quarrel was started there and, moreover, in public (on a personal wall or in a group of common interests), then you need to apologize there, but remember that the reader puts emotions and meanings into the text. The best way, again, is to apologize in person, by arranging a meeting on the site only, and also do not forget that you should not try to apologize through the messenger if it annoys a person. Also, do not expose your quarrels to the public through statuses and posts on the wall.

How best to make up with a guy if you're at fault

If it is you who is the culprit of the quarrel, then it is especially important to take the first step. Show your companion that he is dear to you and that in the future you will try to avoid such situations, try to calmly explain to the person your feelings during a quarrel, what guided you in the situation that caused it. But in no case do not carry out the method of inverted resentment or manipulation, such “tricks” often do more harm to subsequent relationships and stimulate the accumulation of resentment in your partner, which is clearly not good for feelings.

Do you put up with a guy when it's not you who is to blame, but he

As mentioned above, even if you are not the culprit of the quarrel, then you probably said too much in the quarrel and you should ask for forgiveness for this. It is difficult for any person to take the first step, and if your partner has a difficult character, and you are ready to live with it, then it is better, of course, to take this step for you. It is possible that he himself really wants reconciliation, but pride does not allow him to do this. But any quarrel is a special case and there are situations when an apology should be made only for your own comfort, but in a relationship with a person you need to put an end to it.

What to do if we have frequent quarrels with a guy

Analyze, analyze and analyze your relationship again. Such situations are most often possible if:

  • The partner does not meet your requirements and further relations with him will not suit you until you want to change these requirements.
  • You are in a relationship with an unbearable person by nature and there will be no changes in the relationship until the guy wants to change, but when this will happen, and whether it will happen at all, is a huge question.
  • It is also worth asking if you are ready to wait for these changes and end up with zero results.
  • Perhaps you have already accumulated a lot of grievances, and in order to return to a peaceful course, you need to deal with them.
  • You are affected by toxic installations and you need to get rid of them in order to find peace with yourself as well.
  • Think about whether there are third parties that influence your quarrels, whether it is possible to completely or partially eliminate them from your life. Often the cause of your quarrels can be "well-wishers" among your acquaintances.

Always filter outside advice, third parties should remain in third place and should not greatly influence the relationship of the two. But this does not mean that you do not need to listen to anything at all, just advice should only be deliberative and passed through a filter, and not be incentives for action.

A scandal with a loved one? They quarreled, said too much, strongly offended each other. The case after a quarrel goes to divorce.

But there are children in the family, and maybe already grandchildren. What to do, how to make peace with your husband?

There are proven methods. The main thing is not to drag out the conflict, to find the right approaches. Many women believe that it is better to hush up a quarrel: the negative will be forgotten and left. But bad emotions tend to accumulate over time.

And a small, insignificant quarrel can develop into a serious conflict, which will lead to a divorce.

To avoid this, do not let everything take its course. How to act correctly?

  1. Calculate the reason for the quarrel: admit your guilt, if any, understand your husband, even if he is wrong.
  2. Write a plan of action: detailed, in detail every step.
  3. Proceed to its implementation: confidently and with the hope of saving the family.

How to make peace with your husband if he does not make contact?

The man does not want to communicate. He does not want to be the first to put up after a quarrel. This is a common situation. I'm right - says the head of the family. Not going to apologize. Stubbornness presses. A woman must immediately seek ways of reconciliation.

The first to apologize, even if it's not your fault? No. Psychologists advise to be patient. A man decides that he can not show respect for his wife, since she does not respect herself.

A pause after a quarrel, a dinner for friends, common household duties, children, a joint analysis of the situation is a good (and not the last!) Way to push a man to contact and start reconciliation.

How to reconcile with my husband if I am to blame?

The initiator of the scandal is often a woman. Reasons? Don't count them. Didn't get paid at the appointed time. Didn't buy a coat. Didn't bring flowers. I forgot to congratulate you on your wedding anniversary. Rude mother-in-law. Late from work. Didn't call. Didn't hug. Didn't kiss. I got jealous. Changed…

The feeling of guilt is gnawing. Ashamed. Repent before him. Pride says - do not go, he loves, forgives. Perhaps there is a grain of truth in this. Then let him calm down, rethink the situation. Without cooling down, he can provoke a new scandal. And you will do new stupid things with him.

But how to make amends? After all, it must be done! Tightening is like death. A day or two, he will lose the habit, he can switch to another object, say, in retaliation. So, to explain, to apologize - you can’t get away from this. How?! A few actionable solutions will help to establish contact.

  1. mother-in-law. Find a reason. Arrange a trip to your mother. This will pave the way for solid ground for reconciliation. Rarely visit your mother-in-law, does she not favor you? Not scary. Call before the trip, do not openly report a spat. Ask about her health, maybe she needs food, medicines to bring, help with the housework, in the garden. Prepare her favorite dish, take her with her husband. Upon arrival, do not rush into the woman's arms, but do something nice. It is better if you have a warm relationship with your mother-in-law. So tell in advance about the quarrel, ask for help, together make a plan to save the family.
  2. Children. They need to be taken, taken to school, picked up from there, learn lessons, take them to the zoo - another reason for communication. With a son-daughter, a loving father will not be impudent, answering questions and requests with silence.
  3. Family friends. Find an urgent reason, meet with them, inform about the impending divorce. Faithful comrades will help to make peace! Invite them to a barbecue, to a party, make a plan of action together.
  4. Delicious meal. Buy his favorite foods, drinks. Are caviar, elite dishes, vintage cognac expensive? Don't be stingy! Connect other ways. Put on your best clothes, put on nice makeup, use his favorite perfume, put on music that he likes, decorate the table by putting a present next to the plate of your favorite. Success is guaranteed.
  5. What else? You can recall the joint shopping trips - no one has canceled them. Let him arrange walks with children or a pet (if any). Fulfill his dream - buy a dog-cat-fish-hamster, a fishing rod, a smartphone, a fashionable suit, luxurious toilet water.
  6. Don't give reasons for jealousy. Don't annoy your spouse. Don't mention the reason for the scandal. A couple of preliminary calls (no fawning!). A few words that usually drive him crazy. A touch of intimacy, languor in your voice ... Give him what he lacked before, what he needs now, after a quarrel. Works! But do not explicitly - it will scare away, alert.
  7. Calmed down? Do not rush to start a dialogue. Make it clear that the guilt is realized, the conclusions are drawn. The conversation can be continued when the man is complacent. Don't rush him.

How to make peace with your husband if he is guilty?

Husbands also give reasons for scandal. They do not want to put up, even if they are guilty on a grand scale. What to do, how to make your husband reconcile? There is a way out in this situation. It is important to follow the sequence of actions developed taking into account the moment, the nature of the man, his capabilities.

  1. Don't blame. At stake is the family, the future of children. We need sacrifice, concession. Approach not enough courage? Get over your fears. After a quarrel, it is dangerous to delay a pause with a long silence. We need a conversation. But don't be harsh, don't blame. It is worth tactfully explaining the wrong of the offender.
  2. A conciliatory conversation should not hurt the pride of the spouse - the truce will quickly develop into a new quarrel. Especially if he decided to finally leave.
  3. Wait it out. Is it leaving quickly? Wait a moment. He himself will begin to blame and put up. But do not ask for forgiveness - nothing. Especially if the guilt is recognized by him, the conclusions are drawn.
  4. Make jealous. Guilty, hot-tempered, does not make contact? Yes, sometimes. If he is seriously at fault (say, he flirted or, even worse, cheated), cause jealousy. How? Easily. Change your style, hairstyle, buy new clothes (not to the detriment of your family!). Be late from work. Talk more on the phone. "Get lost" for a while. Pretend you're texting on social media. Loves? You will feel - he will start to fuss. But don't overdo it! If he has begun to take an interest in you, this is the first step towards a truce. Take advantage of the moment.
  5. Invite guests. Knowing when your spouse will be at home, call family friends. Bake pies, gather your parents at the table. A conversation in such a circle will help to understand the narrowed wrong. Especially if the guests help in this.
  6. Before such manipulations, you can take a few more steps. Try to forget the fight. Talk to your spouse about emotions out loud. Exhale. And then, if everything works out as planned, kiss and gently hug!

We constantly quarrel: how not to bring a quarrel to a divorce

Peace does not exist and is not expected. Husband is talking about divorce. However, words can be spoken spontaneously, thoughtlessly. Try doing this:

  • Do not rush to lose heart - focus, because everything is fixable.
  • Control yourself - an angry woman looks terrible, and will not resolve the situation.
  • Do not threaten with a divorce - a man is also not iron, someday he will say, they say, well, get a divorce.
  • Do not expect an immediate answer - he needs to cool down, concentrate, make a decision.
  • Do not argue - it is useless, it will only make him angry; only harmony and peace will save here.
  • Do not tell anyone about the scandal - other people's advice (girlfriends, neighbors, colleagues) has not helped anyone yet, on the contrary, they have harmed many.
  • Do not complain about your spouse - everyone will start to treat him worse. How will you look into the eyes of him and those to whom you complained after reconciliation?
  • What else? Don't lose it, always keep the thread, don't break it! For this:
  • Communicate constantly, call each other and write messages when you are not together.
  • Reminisce about significant moments in your marriage: first date, first vacation together, etc.
  • Spend more time together - get out to cafes, theaters, exhibitions, visits.
  • Scroll through family albums more often.
  • Confess sometimes (but unobtrusively!) feelings.
  • Respect the freedom of man!
  • Learn to forgive.
  • Discuss controversial points with your loved one.
  • Finally, walk past him more often (to remember your smell), touch your arm, shoulder, back, face (memories of intimacy will bring feelings back!) - this is a proven way.

Use correctly, timely, analyze other methods:

Phone apology. You can also try. But, as experience shows, not always a good idea. Husband doesn't want to talk. If you insist on a conversation, you can afford harshness, words that will be difficult to refuse and that will further aggravate the conflict.

  1. SMS for reconciliation. Works. After a strong quarrel, the darling does not want to talk. Therefore, it is easier to put up in this way - without seeing your soulmate, say the words of reconciliation. What to write? Depends on the situation. Sincerely express regret about the quarrel if you are at fault. Talk about reconciliation. Hint about your love for him, about how you missed him. Was he guilty? Ask in SMS if you miss your beloved wife, if you are ready for a dialogue. Offer peace. But don't force yourself.
  2. Reconciliation conspiracy. Has not helped anyone yet - time-tested and many couples!
  3. Prayer from quarrels and scandals in the family. Are you a believer? Go to the temple, talk to the priest, light a candle, give a note to the altar, pray at home in your own words, so that the Lord would deign to reconcile with her husband. There are special prayers for quarrels and scandals in the family.

What you need to do to reconcile with your husband after a strong quarrel:

  • do not relax, dropping hands,
  • do not hesitate to ask for forgiveness, sincerely admitting mistakes,
  • wait, and try again to reconcile,
  • resort to intimate relationships (but a conversation is still needed),
  • prevent possible misunderstanding,
  • learn to control yourself (especially during quarrels),
  • be affectionate and gentle, and not pull the "blanket" over yourself,
  • Treat your spouse the way you would like to be treated.

Go to a meeting

Over the years, spouses will learn to forgive, put up. A reasonable person is not one who cherishes his pride, but one who knows how to give in on trifles in order to achieve something more significant later. For example, harmony in relationships.

And then, you have studied your chosen one best of all. Therefore, you should be well aware of how to find the key to reconciliation. Remembering at the same time that delaying with a conversation, hugs is more expensive for yourself. And then suddenly, once, and feel in a couple of days - a stranger is nearby ...

The article will help you avoid making mistakes that will only aggravate the process of reconciliation. You can choose the right tactics and make peace, by all means.

Quarrels and scandals happen in family life. Sometimes you can just flare up and say too much, and sometimes you can make a serious mistake. And only then, when the emotions subside a little, do you realize that your husband is very dear to you. Then the problem of reconciliation can become a real problem.

Every family and their relationship is different. Reconciliation strategies that work 100% in one family may not work at all in another.

But how do you find a recipe for reconciliation for your family? Read the tips below, try them on yourself and put the most effective ones in your piggy bank of family secrets. Many adviсe will relate to how to behave during a quarrel, because the possibility of reconciliation will directly depend on your behavior:

  • Get to the bottom of it. A quarrel often arises against the background of a trifle. But often this trifle is just another notch on a more global problem. If you solve only these trifles, then the main problem will not disappear anywhere and you will return to it every now and then. Think and find the true reason for the quarrel, although it is possible that this is really a trifle.
  • Don't insult. If you value your relationship and understand that your quarrel is only a temporary phenomenon, then do not go over to insults. You will make peace and begin to live on, but the insulting words will remain in your memory and will not disappear anywhere. And there may come a moment when you and your spouse accumulate these words in your memory and one of you will say that you no longer intend to live with this.

  • Act straight. The psychology of men and women is different. If you want to reconcile, then say so directly. Of course, you can make indirect attempts at reconciliation, such as a delicious dinner, asking you to unbutton your dress. But watch the man's reaction. If he still behaves the same way, then say right at the very delicious dinner that you want to make peace.
  • Feel free to apologize if you are at fault. Even if during a quarrel you are sure that you are right, your decision may change after a while. When emotions subside, analyze the situation again. See your guilt? So you should apologize. Even if a man is very angry or offended, take a moment to apologize.

  • Apologize Wisely. During the apology, you can try to justify yourself by explaining the reason for your behavior. If you think your husband provoked your actions, then do not say "I'm sorry for my behavior, but you yourself are to blame." Say: "I'm sorry for this behavior, I just felt sad that we weren't together enough."
  • Let the man cool. Even after your apology, the man may continue to be angry and silent. Don't push. Just make sure you've been heard and leave him alone, but not for long. One day or night should be enough for him to calm down. It is common for a woman to quarrel, and after 5 minutes to calm down and go to reconciliation. A man perceives everything more deeply, so he needs more time to calm down.

  • Do something nice for a man. A delicious and original dinner, a small gift will only increase your chances of being forgiven. A man will see that you are really trying to make amends. This only works when you have already apologized, and your husband has already calmed down a bit and is ready to make contact. If he still does not want to communicate with you, then this method will be very inappropriate.
  • Women's tricks. When a man has already cooled down and has already listened to your apologies with understanding, then after a heart-to-heart talk and a delicious dinner, give him some kind of sexy gift: put on a beautiful outfit or caress your husband the way he loves. But this is also done only when you are almost already forgiven, and the husband has already calmed down after a quarrel.

ANOTHER grandmother said:

Swear, but put up!
And go to bed together...
Either sideways or backwards
But always together and near.

IMPORTANT: The main thing - after a quarrel, do not make hasty movements. Cool down. Only then decide how to proceed.

How to reconcile after a strong quarrel?

A strong quarrel will not necessarily be associated with someone's very strong misconduct. Sometimes a small household trifle, coinciding with a bad mood or failure at work, can make a thunder in your quiet life.

Of course, advice on reconciliation will directly depend on who is to blame and what is the reason for what is happening.

The fault of the man.

  • Undoubtedly, you want to be heard when you are offended. But men are such that they can often perfectly understand their wrong, but never admit it and never apologize. It's not because the man doesn't love you. He is what he is. He is proud and afraid to show his suppleness.
  • It is often difficult for a man to take the first step. And he usually matures for a long time. He can go to a quarrel with you for a week, but understand his guilt. And only when he really can not see you so depressed, he will take the first step.

  • How to deal with it? No way. When emotions subside a bit, tell him about your feelings and grievances. Even if he sits proudly and does not respond to your revelations.
  • Don't worry, he's listening. He listens and understands.
  • Of course, you should not run to such a man with any apologies on your part.
  • If the quarrel was strong, and you were greatly offended or humiliated, then wait. Watch. After a couple of days, you will notice that he no longer slams doors. Wait, the conversation will follow soon.

IMPORTANT: After a strong quarrel, the main thing is not to rush. Do not break firewood on the background of emotions.

Pro woman's guilt read below.

How to reconcile if you yourself are to blame?

  • Making peace with your husband when you are to blame is much more difficult.
  • Men perceive quarrels with your guilt more acutely. He can pout for a week or even pack his things and go to live with his mother. And this is despite the fact that in the presence of a man’s guilt, you are usually quite lenient.
  • If you are really guilty, then you have nothing left but to apologize. Get ready that you will have to apologize a lot and often a man will not even want to hear your apologies.
  • Don't push at first. Let him calm down, otherwise you risk hearing something unflattering in your address.
  • When you feel a drop in tension, apologize. Be sincere. Talk often. Reassure him that you are sincerely sorry for what happened.

IMPORTANT: If you are sure that you should live on in love and harmony, then help your family. Be wiser. Take the first step.

How to reconcile with your husband after a fight?

  • Is reconciliation necessary? Answer this question clearly first. If a man raised his hand to you, evaluate the circumstances under which this happened.
  • If the fight was the result of his unreasonable aggression (including being intoxicated), then you must understand that the matter is serious.
  • If you yourself provoked your husband’s aggression with your inexplicable behavior, then not only he will have to apologize, but you too.
  • Male tyrants usually assume that their behavior is normal. And the fault for such men always lies with the woman. You must understand that life with such a man will sooner or later lead you to an irreversible situation of separation. It's best to do this if you don't have kids yet. And if there is, then do not pull. There is no point in putting up with such a despot.
  • If the husband has never shown aggression before, then think about it. Perhaps he has many problems that you did not notice. Perhaps you sawed it in addition. And by coincidence, what happened happened. Such a man usually feels a layer of guilt and will not mind a frank conversation. After you both cool down a bit, talk. If you believe in his words, you can forgive and reconcile.

IMPORTANT: After the fights, it is primarily about whether reconciliation is necessary. If so, start with a frank conversation and just forgive. No tricks here will be out of place.

How to reconcile with my husband after my betrayal?

If there really is love in the family, then both partners will feel terrible after the betrayal.

IMPORTANT: Psychologists assure that both are always to blame for treason. And female adultery is most often associated with a lack of attention from her husband.

  • Cut the lover out of your life. This person cannot appear in your life either as a friend or as a partner. If you really want your husband back, take this step.
  • Men are more difficult to experience the betrayal of their wife than wives - betrayal of their husbands. You are a woman who gives herself to another person and allows him to control her.
  • Be prepared that forgiveness will be difficult to achieve. And some men never forgive this at all.
  • A heart-to-heart conversation must take place! Let it be not immediately, but when the man is ready for it. But he should be.

  • You must explain what it was: an accidental connection or an attempt to find understanding and attention on the side. Do not try to shift the blame on your husband, even if he deprived you of attention. Still, the main culprit is a woman.
  • If you think that your husband's behavior is to blame, then say so. But do not blame, but tell with regret what you wanted from your husband, what he did not give you. And explain that you do not need it from another man. You want this attention and love only from him.
  • Let the man know that you are sincerely sorry and absolutely convinced that this will never happen again.
  • Make sure that you will try your best to return the relationship.
  • Ask to start with a clean slate: he shows you attention and care, as before. And you will be the guardian of the family hearth, as before.
  • If the husband has forgiven, then never remember it. As soon as one of you remembers what happened, you will have to start restoring relations almost from the beginning.

IMPORTANT: Do not expect your husband to be in a relationship the very next day, even after forgiveness. The recovery process will be long and will require a lot of effort and patience on both sides.

How to reconcile with your husband after a divorce?

  • You need to at least see each other sometimes, otherwise when will you be able to act?
  • If there are joint children, then more often organize meetings with the father. At the meeting, invite you to come in for coffee.
  • If your husband had claims against you that became one of the reasons for the breakup, then at the meeting show the changes in you. If your husband was offended that you are not interested in his hobby, then be sure to ask how it is. If the husband decided that you have become too serious a housewife who still does not look after herself, then prove the opposite. No talk about life. Tell us where you went and what you did outside of your home.

  • You must always look 100%
  • Don't Start Talking About the Reasons for a Failed Marriage
  • Just silently eradicate the causes within your control
  • If your relationship goes to the level of intimate, then this is your chance
  • Be sexy and bold. Seduce your ex-husband

IMPORTANT: You will succeed in reconciling with your husband only by establishing friendly relations.

How to reconcile with your husband via SMS? What to write to your husband to make peace?

Often men like to take time out after an argument and not talk to you, thinking about everything that happened. This position of his deprives you of the opportunity to apologize either at home or on the phone.

Then you just have to send SMS to be heard.

IMPORTANT: Be prepared for the fact that your husband may not accept your SMS with apologies, especially in the event of a serious quarrel.

  • SMS should contain the most important thing - your apology if you are guilty, or words about your readiness to forgive your husband if he is guilty.
  • It's not the first time you've had a fight. If you know any powerful words from your experience with your husband, write them down.
  • SMS must be sincere.
  • SMS should not contain reproaches or conditions.
  • Get ready to send some SMS. If after several attempts there is silence, write the following text: “Darling, are you ready to forgive me?”.

How to reconcile with your husband via SMS?

IMPORTANT: Your sincere words are the best text for SMS. If you don't know how to get started, get ideas in the following sections (in prose or verse).

Reconciliation with her husband in verse

Options for those who want to apologize to their husband in verse

As you wish bring back the minutes
To avoid all stupid mistakes ...
Let's take a new route
You can write another story!

You're sorry for what happened in the past,
I'm sorry about everything!
Let's think about the good
And let's start from scratch!

I'm sorry for that, that i'm wrong
I am sometimes very cheeky
Forgive me for the bitter words
That for no reason I am sharp.

Resentment all that you hold - let go
'Cause it's so easy, it's not hard at all
Darling, forgive me for everything
It's simply impossible for me to live without you.

Poems for Reconciliation

And this option is for those women who want say you're sorry in verse.

I'm not offended I'm already, believe me,
Understanding does not come immediately
That our door was closed with a draft
And there is no personal influence in that.

I forgive you all the hours of our separation,
I forgive all my nightly pains, torments,
After all, you are my favorite person,
And not to forgive you is a terrible sin for me.

Words of reconciliation in prose

Prose is good because you can say whatever you feel in your heart and at the same time not try to compose lines in rhyme.

  • Therefore, in prose, you can write whatever you want to say.
  • Tell me how you love your husband, how sorry you are, how you cannot imagine your life without him.
  • Be sincere and your husband will feel it in your message.

My beloved husband, I acted stupidly and thoughtlessly. I shouldn't have said those words to you. You are the best, beloved and close man in my life. Please don't ignore me. It's very hard for me. I love you and I'm very sorry.

Prayer of Reconciliation

When all attempts to reconcile with your husband have failed, and you are sure that the quarrel is not yours not worth the break, you can turn to God.

Come to church, buy a candle, put it near the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos and read the Our Father three times.

After three times, read the prayer for reconciliation:

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Descend before us who ask, and let go of all sinful deeds. Have mercy and overcome the enmity between your servants (calling in turn the names of those whom you wish to reconcile). Cleanse their souls from filth and the power of the devil, protect them from evil people and envious eyes. Like a quarrel over an evil deed, return it to unclean adversaries. May Thy will be done, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen."

Conspiracy for reconciliation

  • If you believe in all sorts of conspiracies, then you can try this option when the situation seems completely hopeless.
  • Before reading the plot, relax and calm down. A conspiracy will help you make peace faster.
  • Read it alone and before bed. After reading, do not talk to anyone and do not give anything to anyone. Just go to sleep.

“The sun and the moon do not go to war with each other! Stone and water always live in friendship! The spirit of heaven and earth must be in harmony! So the Servant of God (husband's name) with the Servant of God (name yourself) in affection and love to reconcile, do not sulk, do not swear, but joke and laugh! Amen". Read three times.

Conspiracy for reconciliation

Reconciliation with a husband is sometimes a difficult task. But if you are sure that you should be together, then act and let your family collapse.

Video: Argument. How to reconcile after a quarrel?