How to wash your hair to make your hair shine. Egg mask with cream. Mask for instant natural darkening of hair with coffee

Reflection in the mirror does not live up to expectations - the hair looks dull, and the curls seem matte and unhealthy?

Stress, poor nutrition, the presence of diseases, the use of drugs, contraceptives, steroids, as well as styling, dyeing, waving negatively affect the state of long and short haircuts. Find out how to make your hair shiny at home without resorting to complicated procedures. Try these simple tips in practice and the result will not be long in coming.

What should be incorporated into regular care

For hair to shine, it must be healthy. Use these simple procedures in your daily care that do not require much time and money.

Make it a rule to always rinse your hair after washing cold water- just put it under a cold shower for a few seconds or dive into the basin. This rinse closes the cuticles, the hair retains more moisture and becomes shiny. An added bonus is the acceleration of growth, as the cold improves blood circulation in the skin.

If you have a little time, make herbal rinses, which are famous for their shiny and firming effects.

  • Nettle is known as a means to strengthen the roots. Dried leaves (a teaspoon per glass) pour boiling water. Infusion use as a conditioner.
  • Mint nourishes the scalp. If the skin is dry, then the curls become brittle, weak, in this case, you can use mint infusion. It is especially suitable for oily strands.

Many girls don't use conditioner because they think it will make their hair look heavier, and some just don't have the time. Never neglect the help of conditioners. Their task is to close and smooth the cuticles after shampooing. Curls will become smoother and shiny.

Let your hair rest from blow-drying and styling. Let your hair dry on its own and it only takes a drop of oil to look great. Look for a microfiber towel as it absorbs moisture better.

Do not trust purchased funds - prepare homemade lavender conditioner. Mix an egg yolk with 5 ml of olive oil, then add 3 drops of lavender essential oil. Rub the conditioner thoroughly, rinse after 15 minutes. It is recommended to use several times a week.

Is it worth restoring the tips

The beauty industry offers many remedies to solve the problem of dry ends. However, believing that the serum will make hair stronger and healthier, while the keratin layer has already exfoliated a long time ago, is ridiculous.

Salon procedures, such as glossing, are very effective, but it is also impossible to say that this panacea for cross-section and fragility. Bast-like tips are better leave without regret. A few centimeters cut off will grow in a month, and the strands will look more presentable.

So that the ends do not split, take care of them regularly - rub in oils, moisturize, avoid metal combs.

Diet features - how to feed shiny hair

Do not forget that hair needs more than external nourishment. The hair shaft consists of 80% keratin protein, about 17% other proteins, 1% lipids, 0.5% minerals, and nucleic acids.

Hair also needs biotin. Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin that is essential for. It is found in many foods - egg yolk, meat, fish.

To make your hair shiny, enrich your menu with oily fish, olive oil, avocados, flax seeds - these are sources of Omega acids.

Make sure that the diet contains iron, copper and zinc - in addition to vitamins and amino acids for normal biological processes that are important for strong and healthy hair, the body needs minerals.

  • Copper helps in the production of melanin, the pigment in hair and skin. In addition, copper is essential for the cardiovascular system and circulation, as well as for stimulating hair follicles and healthy growth.
  • Zinc - About 70% of zinc is found in bones, skin and hair. A symptom of its deficiency can be thin and brittle strands and the appearance of dandruff.

If you do not have the opportunity to eat rationally, drink a course of vitamins twice a year.

Scalp care

The health of the hair itself depends on the condition of the scalp. This zone is very sensitive, and instantly reflects all negative factors: improper care, weather, sun. Hence the common problems: increased fat content, peeling, itching and even loss. Pay attention to care products marked "antistress".

Add essential oils of eucalyptus, cedar, chamomile, rose, rosemary, lavender to your regular shampoo and conditioner. Today, many salons offer scalp peeling. Indeed, after this procedure, the rest of the hair care products become more effective.

At home, it is useful to carry out affordable cleaning 1-2 times a month:

  1. Grind rice in a coffee grinder, mix with sour cream or kefir until smooth.
    You can add burdock, coconut or castor oil, as well as vitamin A in ampoules.
  2. Wash your hair, apply a cleansing composition to the roots, massage with your fingertips for 15 minutes.
  3. Wash off with shampoo.

Take note and others and scalp.

Hair lamination at home

The lamination procedure, not without reason, is sometimes called a lifeline for damaged and dull strands. To make your hair shiny at home, use gelatin.

Recipe for lamination: dissolve a tablespoon of gelatin in three tablespoons of warm water and mix thoroughly. When the mixture thickens and takes on the consistency of a gel, add 10 ml of conditioner to it.

After preparing the composition for lamination, you can proceed to the process itself - evenly apply the mass to dry hair, strand by strand. Wrap with a film and a towel, after 45 minutes, rinse everything thoroughly.

Use various shampoos, masks, oils, moisturizing hair creams with jojoba oil, shea butter, walnut, coconut oil, argan, olive oil. Read more about moisturizing with affordable means. For brittleness, ceramide products can be used to strengthen cuticles, resulting in stronger, shinier hair.

We hope that these simple tips will help you enjoy your reflection in the mirror without spending a lot of time on care.

The shape of the hairstyle is an individual matter: someone likes long, someone prefers short haircuts, but the basis of beauty is in the health of the hair. Women and men pay a lot of attention to this part of the female image. The question, smooth in winter and summer, worries the ladies for a very long time. The use of varnishes, paints, drying the head with a hairdryer makes them dry, brittle, dull. If you want to always look beautiful, well-groomed and attractive, use balms, hair masks.

Why does hair get frizzy

Naughty, very voluminous and brittle fluffy hair cause a lot of trouble. Girls have to make an effort to give them a well-groomed look. Many people think that this is a sign of weak, dry hair, but even if they are healthy, they can still be frizzy. This does not affect the general condition of their owner in any way, but problems begin with the hairstyle. Hair becomes so from moisture, which is unevenly distributed in them. The porous structure of the curls leads to their twisting. Fluffy hair under the influence of heating devices increase volume.

How to make hair shiny and smooth at home

What to do with hair that is very frizzy and looks lifeless? There are many ways to give them shine, strength and smoothness. A visit to a beauty salon is one of them. The specialist will make moisturizing masks and other procedures to restore the health of the hair. If there is neither time nor money to visit beauty salons, but you always want to look amazing, there is a solution. How to make your hair smooth now? Six steps will help you in this matter:

  1. The temperature of the water you wash your hair with should be around 40 degrees.
  2. Shampoo is selected specifically for the type of hair.
  3. Conditioner is a must-have hair care product, apply it after every shampoo.
  4. A wooden comb smoothes the hair structure well.
  5. Blow-drying dries out hair, so it is better to refuse it.
  6. An oil mask makes them smooth, shiny, so use it regularly.

Another important cause of dry, brittle hair is a lack of vitamins. It is characteristic in winter or spring, because the body is weakened during these periods. You need to start drinking vitamin complexes to restore balance. Proper nutrition plays an important role, and bad habits negatively affect the condition of the hair. Following the tips, you will understand how to make your hair beautiful, and the density and volume of the hairstyle that you get after a while will be admirable.

Recipes for masks for shine and smoothness of hair

What to do so that your hair does not fluff, looks neat and well-groomed? Smoothness and shine cannot be obtained without additional nutrition or enhanced care. It is not necessary to go to salons, use professional products: they are easily replaced by masks prepared at home. By choosing the necessary composition, you will return strength, shine to your hair in the shortest possible time. The main advantage of masks is that making them at home is not difficult, and using them is very easy and simple.

  1. Oil mask. Using it twice a week, you give your hair all the necessary trace elements, vitamins, improve their structure. It will require four ingredients: castor and burdock oils, chamomile decoction, chicken egg. This procedure is done in two approaches. First, the oils are mixed, heated in a water bath, then they cover the entire length of the hair with a mass, wrap the head with a cloth or towel. After an hour, all this must be washed off, and then apply a mixed egg. After 15 minutes, rinse your head with a decoction of chamomile.
  2. Gelatin. Applying this mask once a week will show you how to make your hair smooth and silky with minimal effort. Pour gelatin with boiled chilled water, mix, and after 20 minutes add balm. It is allowed to include other components in the mask recipe: mustard, kefir, egg, herbal decoctions. Apply the mixture to your hair, put on a bag, wrap your head with a towel, warm it up with a hairdryer for 10 minutes. After half an hour, wash your hair without shampoo.
  3. Clay. Strength and shine will return to the hair after one treatment. If they are severely damaged, the mask should be used twice a week. Clay bought in cosmetic stores or pharmacies is mixed with honey, butter or burdock oil, lemon juice and yolk in equal proportions. The mask should be thick in consistency, it is applied to the hair, and after 15 minutes it is washed off the head with shampoo. Balm should not be used after that.
  4. Acetic. This is a good hair product so that it does not fluff, does not break, but has a well-groomed, presentable appearance. The mask is used every 14 days, and is prepared from an apple crushed on a fine grater plus a pounded yolk. The two components are mixed, after which apple cider vinegar is added. Calculate its amount in the composition of the mask according to the type of hair. If your hair is oily, add 4 tablespoons of vinegar, and if dry or normal, 2. Apply the finished mask to your hair and wash off after 30 minutes with warm water.
  5. Honey. With it, it will become clear how to make hair soft and straight, and the procedure is considered the simplest and most effective. For the mask, we take a teaspoon of honey, a little conditioner, onion juice and olive oil (it is often replaced with burdock). We mix all the components, apply the mixture on the hair, wrap the head first with a bag, then with a towel. After 20 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water. To consolidate the result before rinsing, add lemon juice to it. By applying this mixture once a month, you will get rid of dryness and dullness.
  6. Egg. For this mask that gives silky hair, making them obedient, you will need castor oil, egg, glycerin and vinegar. Mix the ingredients in a bowl, and then rub the mass into the scalp. After that, it is worth wrapping your head with a towel, slightly warming it with a hairdryer. After an hour, it's time to wash off the mask with warm water so that the egg does not curl and turn into flakes: then the composition will be difficult to remove from the hair. The effect is fixed with the constant use of the mask once a week.

How much does hair straightening cost in a salon

Beauties also want to know how to straighten their hair forever. Someone is convinced that it is better to do it in the salon, because it is more reliable: the effect lasts longer, and the quality of the final result is much higher. Home straightening of curly hair is performed by ironing, using masks or special balms. In the salon, chemical straightening with keratin is done quickly, and you do not have to torment yourself with an exhausting struggle with wavy curls. The minimum price for the service and the addresses of salons in Moscow are presented in the summary table.

Name, address of the salon

Beauty Studio, Kutuzovsky prospect, 33

Any person who is naturally endowed with curls dreams of straight, obedient hair. They will become the main decoration of every woman and any man. Hair suffers from heating devices, becomes lifeless and dry. From the video below, you will learn that they do not have to be straightened with an iron or hair dryer to get the effect.

There are other, more gentle methods to achieve the desired result. Dryness and unruly hair will remain in the past after just a few procedures due to styling in the way shown in the video. The recommended option is simple - any representative of the fair sex can use it in comfortable conditions for themselves.

The lively shine of beautiful, silky hair attracts the eye and gives the woman an extra charm. And dull, lifeless strands hanging in untidy icicles can destroy even the most ideal image and spoil the impression of dating. Therefore, for many of the fair sex, the most pressing question is how to make hair shiny and restore their health and beauty.

Experts offer different ways to solve the problem. It is necessary to provide the hair with proper care, use high-quality cosmetics, take vitamins and do not forget about modern salon procedures that can restore the curls to a lively shine. An excellent effect can be achieved with the use of homemade masks and folk remedies, rinses and massages. Let's take a closer look at each option and talk about how to make hair shiny and silky.

If your hair has become dry, dull and brittle, first of all pay attention to your diet. Perhaps the body simply does not have enough vitamins, and the hair needs additional intake of nutrients. To correct the situation, include fresh vegetables and fruits, meat, seafood, fish, eggs, nuts, vegetable oils and germinated wheat grains in your daily diet.

Another reason could be health problems. These are chronic diseases of internal organs, metabolic disorders, beriberi, anemia, and circulatory disorders. Such conditions lead to a deterioration in well-being and negatively affect the condition of the hair and scalp.

An important role is played by the methods of hair care. Regular thermal exposure when using a curling iron or hair dryer dehydrates the curls and makes them dull and brittle. The problem is exacerbated by the wrong selection of cosmetics (shampoos, balms, conditioners). To remedy the situation, listen to the advice of experts and follow their recommendations.

To make your hair play with a lively shine, be strong, voluminous and thick, follow the following rules when caring for them:

In addition to the basic rules of care, pay attention to your health, treat diseases of internal organs in a timely manner, avoid stress, be less nervous, give up bad habits, try to get enough sleep and keep a daily routine. All these measures in the complex will give a positive result, help improve the state of health and favorably affect the condition of the hair.

Folk recipes based on the use of natural ingredients will help restore shine and strength to hair. Especially popular are masks based on dairy products, eggs, fresh fruits, oil compresses and rinsing with herbal flocks. Let's take a closer look at the most popular home procedures.

Hair Shine Masks

To achieve a brilliant shine, cosmetologists recommend changing the alkaline environment and using water acidified with lemon juice, table or apple cider vinegar to rinse your hair. This procedure normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands, eliminates excessive oiliness of the hair and helps them stay fresh, clean and shiny for a long time. For the procedure, it is enough to dilute the juice of one lemon or 50 ml of vinegar in three liters of boiled water. Rinsing with acidification is more suitable for normal and oily hair. If the hair is dry and the scalp is irritated, it is better to use masks based on fermented milk products.

How to make hair shiny with herbal rinses? This is easy to do. Choose the vegetable raw materials that are most suitable for your hair type and prepare rinse decoctions based on it. To enhance the shine, you can use a decoction of hops, oak bark, chamomile, sage, calendula.

  • How to prepare an effective rinse aid? Prepare an herbal tea of ​​equal parts calendula, nasturtium, and rosemary. Take 2 tbsp. l. collection, pour 500 ml of boiling water and boil over low heat for 15 minutes. Strain the finished broth and use it warm to rinse your hair after washing.
  • The white wine rinse will wake up the hair follicles and activate the blood circulation in the scalp. To prepare it, take a collection of chamomile, marjoram and rosemary. Pour a small handful of crushed vegetable raw materials into a bottle of dry white wine and put it in a warm, dark place for a week. After that, strain the infusion, and add 4 tbsp with each rinse. per liter of water. This procedure will restore vitality and shine to the hair.

To give your hair a healthy shine, experts recommend using shampoos, conditioners or balms that contain glycine or silicone. These substances carefully envelop each hair, creating an effect similar to biolamination. Thanks to this, your hair will glow with a glossy sheen. But you don't have to use it all the time. The fact is that silicone creates an airtight film that prevents free tissue breathing and can provoke weakening and hair loss. Therefore, professionals recommend choosing only high-quality products containing water-soluble silicones that are easily washed off with water. Otherwise, the hair will soon become untidy and hang with greasy icicles.

Many manufacturers of professional cosmetics offer to solve the problem of dull hair with the help of special series of care products: serums, sprays, oils, balms. We list the most popular of them:

To make the hair look well-groomed and shimmer with rich shine, professionals offer a lamination procedure. This option is especially good in cases where the hair is weakened and depleted by constant thermal exposure and aggressive dyes. In just a few hours, the masters will return the hair to a well-groomed appearance, glossy shine and silkiness. The specificity of the salon procedure lies in the application of a special chemical composition based on protein, vitamin complexes and other bioactive components to the curls.

The effect of this procedure lasts for 4-6 weeks, after which it can be repeated. Lamination is safe for hair, after it the hair acquires volume, smoothness and dazzling shine. Due to the saturation with proteins, the curls become strong and elastic, they can withstand mechanical damage and aggressive environmental influences. The film that forms on the hair does not prevent the flow of oxygen, but it prevents the loss of nutrients, moisture and vitamins. There are no contraindications for the lamination procedure, it can be used for any type of hair with varying degrees of damage.

The procedure can be done in the salon or at home. For home lamination, special formulations or ordinary gelatin are used. This product contains a sufficient amount of protein, which acts as a constructor and effectively restores the structure of the hair, making it manageable, shiny and silky.

World famous celebrities have special recipes for maintaining the beauty and shine of hair. This allows them to take to the catwalks with luxurious hairstyles shimmering with glossy shine. Let's open some secrets from the beauties of Hollywood.

Jennifer Lopez and Catherine Zeta-Jones love to drink light beer. Do not worry, they do not drink it, but use it to rinse their hair after washing. For these purposes, light unfiltered beer is suitable, it contains a lot of vitamins and nutrients. After such a rinse, the hair comes to life and acquires radiance and shine. If the hair is too dry and damaged, a little olive oil or honey can be added to the beer.

Blonde Melanie Griffith anoints her curls with almond oil, it nourishes, moisturizes, and revitalizes dull hair. Sexy brunette and simply beautiful Angelina Jolie uses an oriental recipe to make her hair shimmer and shine. In a porcelain teapot, the actress brews a pinch of strong loose leaf Ceylon tea and a small handful of sawdust. The resulting infusion is filtered and added to the water to rinse the hair.

Use our tips for hair care, and soon you will be able to boast of beautiful, well-groomed, healthy and shiny curls.


When we say "beautiful hair," the phrase "smooth and shiny" naturally pops up in the brain. Indeed, many girls dream of perfectly straight hair with a glossy mirror shine. And this despite the fact that naturally smooth hair is inherent in a very small number of people, and in the vast majority they are wavy to one degree or another.

Defeating individual recalcitrant curls and pacifying the creative mess on the head is sometimes not easy. Styling products give a short-term effect, and if you add external factors to this: wind, rain or fog, then a perfectly styled hairstyle can turn into a real crow's nest in a matter of minutes.

To give hair shine, smoothness and a healthy look, it is necessary to act in a complex manner. How exactly? Learn from SalonSecret experts!

First of all, you need to figure out what condition your hair is currently in: whether it lacks moisture and nutrition, whether it is overdried by a hair dryer and whether it is damaged by frequent dyeing or bleaching.

If the hair is unhealthy, then to give it smoothness and shine with cosmetic procedures alone ... will not work in any way! So, first of all, remember the main rule: restore health to your hair, and masks, balms and other restorative procedures should become your main weapon, based on your hair type.

Another item directly related to hair health, but in need of a separate discussion, is. The condition of your hair depends very much on what kind of comb you use and how often you comb your hair. Opt for wooden brushes and avoid combs with metal teeth if you don't want your hair to get frizzy.

Plays a big role hair washing. Hot water is not good for them. Try to wash your hair with warm water and finish the process by rinsing your hair with cool water. This is necessary so that the hair cuticles close and the hair subsequently becomes shiny and smooth.

Unruly brittle fluffy hair can be a signal that the body lacks vitamins. This is especially true for the cold season. But you do not need to prescribe vitamin complexes to yourself. For them to really benefit, you need to see a doctor and get tested. At the same time, one should not ignore proper nutrition. A complete diet will provide the body with microelements necessary for the health of vital systems, and return shine and smoothness to the hair.

How to make hair smooth and shiny at home

Professional salons offer a variety of hair straightening treatments. But the first and main steps must be taken at home.


You need to wash your hair regularly, with the frequency that is necessary for your type of hair: oily hair - once every two or three days, normal - twice a week, dry - once every five to six days.

In addition to shampoo, peel with professional cosmetics.

Moisturizing your hair is an important step in keeping it looking healthy, shiny and smooth. Try to use a balm from the same series as the shampoo: together they work more effectively!


Make hair masks regularly, use oils for the tips. Vitamin E masks also work well!

Even the healthiest hair needs protection, and here “heavy artillery” will come to your aid:

  • if you blow-dry your hair, always use a heat protectant;
  • in the bath or sauna, wear special hats, in the pool - a rubber cap;
  • do not go in the cold season without a hat!

Long, smooth and docile hair has been considered beautiful throughout world history, so our great-grandmothers and their great-grandmothers have come down to us with recipes for folk remedies to straighten hair and make it perfectly silky.

The modern cosmetic industry also does not stand still and offers many products for smooth hair. What to give preference? It's up to you, but we would recommend getting the opinion of our experts.

From our mothers and grandmothers, we have heard more than once about “magic” masks for smooth hair. Our experts, however, are skeptical about them: you can always make a mistake with the dosage of one or another ingredient, overdo it on your hair and subsequently get the exact opposite result or an allergic reaction!

But to increase erudition, so to speak, we will tell you exactly what means “saved” our relatives earlier.

- Oil mask

Mix castor and burdock oil in equal proportions, heat in a water bath, add chamomile decoction and one raw chicken egg. Mix, apply to hair for half an hour, rinse with warm water.

Be prepared for a very specific smell after applying the mask.

- Gelatin mask

Dilute the gelatin packet with warm water according to the instructions, leave for 20 minutes, then mix with the balm that you use regularly. Apply to washed hair for half an hour, rinse with warm water. And here, get ready to wash the bathroom or shower after non-standard culinary experiments while washing your hair!

- apple cider vinegar mask

Grate a fresh apple, add the yolk of one egg and 3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Apply to hair along the entire length. Leave on for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water and shampoo.

And here you definitely can’t avoid an unpleasant aroma: apple cider vinegar weathers pretty badly!

As you already understood, the effect (and aroma!) of folk remedies is very, very prosaic, so our experts recommend giving preference to proven professional products. They are tested and have all kinds of certificates, so you can use them without fear!

Overview of professional hair smoothing products

So, what hair smoothing products do SalonSecret experts recommend?

Not only cleanses well, but also moisturizes the hair, and also protects against external influences due to the contained substance aquatoril. The active substance - pracaxi oil - guarantees discipline and smoothness of the hair.

Protects against moisture, adds shine and facilitates styling.

The appearance of the hair will not be affected by rain or strong wind. Your hair will be even and smooth, as if you just did the styling!

Nourishes, protects and smoothes hair with Molucca Seed Oil.

Contains shea butter, which tames unruly hair, protects it from moisture and adds shine.

It is also called a 25 in 1 remedy, and for good reason! The lotion nourishes, moisturizes, restores the hair structure, strengthens, simplifies combing, prevents split ends, has thermal protection properties, adds smoothness and shine, reduces static and disciplines the hair.

Every woman has the right to be proud of her smooth and shiny hair. Unfortunately, this does not always work out, because the sun and wind, temperature changes and malnutrition, as well as circulatory disorders of the scalp and diseases make the hair brittle and dull. How to make hair shiny and smooth?

There are a few simple secrets, adhering to which, you will not need to solve the problem of giving curls a healthy look. After all, the most important thing is to prevent the onset of the disease, and not to treat it. Lack of shine and strength in hair is a sign of unhealthy hair that many women ignore. So what should be done?

  • Wash your hair only in warm water, and avoid hot. So you will never get healthy hair, but only damage it. The advantage of warm water is that it steams the hairs and removes dirt.
  • As for rinsing your hair, you need to do it with cool water - it evens out steamed curls and gives them shine.
  • Choose your shampoos, conditioners and masks carefully. You need to wash them off very carefully, because otherwise a greasy and unhealthy shine will appear, and the condition of the hair will only worsen.
  • Do not forget to moisturize your hair and apply appropriate masks to them. Substances in the composition of care products will help restore the structure of curls.
  • Wet hair is best not combed. If you are thinking about how to make your hair shiny and smooth, then do not rub it when drying with a towel - the surface of the hair will be damaged and become dull.
  • You can not dry your hair too often with a hairdryer, style them with an iron - they become brittle.
  • In frosty and sunny weather, wear hats, otherwise the hair will fade and lose color.

Hair and nutrition

If you think that the condition of the curls does not depend on what you eat, then this is not so. It is worth eating the right products to make your hair shine. Include in your daily diet foods rich in protein - chicken, fish, beef, cheeses and mushrooms, as well as dried fruits. For smooth hair you need edible gelatin. You will find it in those foods that contain vitamin B: in cereals, vegetables, legumes and bran.

Does hair need to be treated?

If you have health problems, then there can be no talk of any smooth and shiny hair. In order for the appearance of the hair to become the way you want, you need to carry out general prevention. Drink vitamins and mineral complexes in tablets - their doctors advise those women who are thinking how to make their hair shiny and smooth.

It is better to immediately restore damaged strands, for example, with the help of special medical cosmetics. Radiance to the hair will give substances such as lipids, amino acids or mineral complexes. Try rinsing them with decoctions of chamomile, rosemary, or thyme.

When it is too late to treat the hair, there is only one way out - a haircut with hot scissors. With this method, the ends of the hair are “soldered”, and they are healed. There is, however, another way out - the use of oils.

What does the use of hair oil do?

First of all, it is the best of all natural remedies, which restores, moisturizes and pacifies the hair, as well as gives it shine and smoothness. Most often, hair oil is used as a styling agent or for protection after dyeing. Different types of oils affect hair in different ways, but all on the positive side. Let's see how exactly:

1. Burdock oil. It is not only able to fight hair loss, but also eliminates excessive oiliness of the scalp. True, it is worth washing your hair thoroughly, about three times - burdock oil is very oily. In addition to a healthy look, you will get long and thick curls if you use this oil once a week.

2. Cedar oil. It will help you get healthy hair that will be manageable when styling. Use this tool, and the hair will become deliciously shiny, easy to comb, and the hair structure will be protected and smooth.

3. Ylang-ylang oil. This tool will save you from brittle hair, split ends, and also perfectly stimulates the blood circulation of the scalp - the curls will shine.

4. Lemon oil can cleanse oily hair, eliminate dandruff and brittleness, and add a vibrant shine.

5. Melissa oil normalizes the sebaceous glands of the scalp, so you need to use it not only to tone the hair, but also to make it shine healthy.

In addition to oils, there are many other ways to make your hair smooth and give it a healthy shine. Which? Let's consider.

Home hair care: beauty secrets

All of the following methods are aimed at independently maintaining the health of the hair. So, how to make hair shiny and smooth? Experts recommend:

Originality in everything, even in hair care.

Many have been helped by such home methods, even if they are somewhat extravagant. Here are some of them:

How does professional hair cosmetics work?

Until recently, this type of cosmetics was considered the prerogative of beauty salons, as it takes care of curls in the complex. For this reason, the concentration of nutrients in such masks, shampoos and balms is greater than in ordinary ones. Why else is professional hair cosmetics so valuable?

1. Hypoallergenic.

2. Economy in use.

3. Long shelf life.

4. The presence of vitamins, oils and minerals.

Where to get such cosmetics?

Most often, women purchase professional cosmetics from their master - for the reason that it was created to eliminate problems of the hair and scalp. Only the master can tell you what to use for shine and smoothness of hair. As a rule, such products are quite expensive, so find out from the hairdresser how the product works and order it from the online catalog. Prices will be a little lower there.

What professional cosmetics is better to choose?

First, these are the brands that we all know. And secondly, you need to carefully study the instructions and know in which cases to choose one or another remedy. Try several tools and choose the best for you.

  • L'Oreal Professional. This cosmetics not only strengthens the hair, but also makes it smooth. If you are thinking about how to make your hair smooth and shiny, then stop at ammonia-free dyes, shampoos with arginine, almond oil and collagen.
  • matrix. This brand will be a real find for those women who want to give their hair smoothness and shine, protect them during styling or strengthen thin curls. For shiny hair, try strengthening shampoos, masks and balms.
  • redken. The brand's products include masks, conditioners, sprays and shampoos that make hair smooth by working from within.

Here are just a few ways to give your hair a vibrant shine and restore natural smoothness. Do not forget that all means and methods can be combined, and also eat right, and then your curls will look like a king.