How to understand what a man feels for a woman. Find out if he needs you. Quiz: Does a guy think about you from a distance?

When meeting a man, you can make far-reaching plans for him, and he can look for an exceptionally pleasant pastime.

How to find out the attitude of a man to a woman, so as not to amuse yourself with unnecessary illusions? It turns out that a man immediately at a meeting refers his new passion to one of the categories - a one-night stand and a potential wife. To which of these categories he will attribute you exactly, you can understand by indirect signs.

Future plans

A serious attitude towards a woman on the part of a man implies the inclusion of her in his plans. Watch how he talks about his intentions. For example, he can talk with enthusiasm about what prospects await him at work, how cheaply he managed to buy a ticket to a ski resort. If you haven’t heard a word “we” from him, but there is only “I”, then he doesn’t take you seriously yet.

inner circle

To understand how a man treats you, pay attention to who you know from his environment. If he introduced you to his inner circle - introduced you to friends, colleagues, parents, then he takes you very seriously. A guy will date a girl in secret until he realizes that you can make him a worthy couple. If you have been dating for quite a long time, but you have not seen anyone except him. At a chance meeting, he asks to go to the other side, so as not to allegedly meet a person who is unpleasant to him. You must understand that most likely he is not a super spy, but an elementary coward who is afraid to advertise his relationship with you.

Points of contact

Analyze the relationship and remember how you most often spend time together. If there is nothing but bed and superficial conversations, you do not go out together in public, then there is no question of any serious plans. But if you discuss a variety of issues with him, he is interested in you, he seeks your advice, then you are not only interesting as a woman, but also inspire confidence as a friend.

Treatment with you

In small things you can see the true attitude of a man. For example, he makes generous gifts, does not skimp on compliments, but reacts negatively to your mistakes, he may even swear or insult - run away from this. If at the very beginning of your communication he does not appreciate you and does not think about you, but only amuses his pride by making expensive gifts, then in the future the sad fate of a bird in a golden cage awaits you.


Having understood how a man treats you, draw the right and timely conclusions. If he is not in a hurry yet, do not force things yourself, if he is already showing signs of intolerance towards you, part with him. If all the signs of falling in love are present, continue to cheer him up, and it is quite possible that very soon you will hear an offer that you cannot refuse.

Understanding a girl's feelings is tricky, and it's made even more difficult by the fact that her feelings can change and can be inconsistent. There are many indicators of feelings that appear in her eyes, in facial expressions, intonations of voice and physical behavior, but to understand what they mean, you need to understand the context. For example, the initial expressions a girl makes when she meets a guy are unlikely to be real indicators of how romantic she feels for him. Instead, pay attention to non-verbal cues that develop over time to determine her romantic interest. The best way to find out how she feels about you is to observe the patterns that develop over time and ask her directly how she feels about you.


Part 1

Eyes and gaze

    Pay attention to her look. There are a few things that can tell you about how she feels about you romantically. If her eyes seem to be constantly attracted to your face, and especially your eyes, even during a conversation or when you are not talking, then this may indicate her romantic interest. As a rule, if a girl is interested in a guy sexually, then her gaze will shift to those parts of his body that she finds attractive. If a girl is romantically interested in a guy, her gaze will be more focused on his face and eyes.

    • But be careful, her way of looking away can be a sign that she is an extrovert. Extroverts tend to be more stimulated by social interactions and make more eye contact than introverts.
  1. Pay attention to the size of her pupils. Constricted pupils are another sign of interest or desire. If you notice that the black pupils of her eyes become smaller when she looks at you, this may indicate that she is interested in you romantically or sexually. A person's eyes widen when he looks at what he wants.

    • This is especially easy to see if the person has blue eyes, due to the contrast between the black pupil and the lighter iris.
    • Be careful, a person's pupils can also constrict in response to an increase in light intensity, so pay attention to light changes if you notice that her pupils have constricted.
  2. Count how many times per minute she blinks. If during a conversation with you she blinks more than 6-10 times per minute, this may indicate that she has feelings for you. People who look at something they like tend to blink more than usual. Wear a watch with a second hand that you can look at while you count. Do this while talking to her.

  3. Take your time with assumptions. If you like her, your sympathy may harm your ability to read her signals correctly. Waiting for signals of interest from her will make your perception less reliable, so take your time and do not jump to conclusions. To assess her feelings for you, analyze the entire evening or even several dates. When observing her, try to be objective and look at the situation as a person from the outside would look at it.

    • Look at how she behaves with other people to see if your assumptions are not too presumptuous. For example, if she often makes eye contact with other people or often groups her gestures, she just might be an extrovert and you need to take that fact into account when interpreting her body language.
  4. Pay attention to signals that say she is not interested in you. Just as there is body language that indicates interest, there is also body language that indicates lack of interest and anxiety. For example, if she often raises her eyebrows, she may feel uncomfortable. And this may mean that she does not want sympathy from you. In addition, crossed legs and arms may mean that she is trying to remain closed to you. This may mean that she is anxious or resists your feelings.

    • You can ask if she is worried about something. If she says that something is going on in her life that makes her anxious, her body language may not be a reaction to you.
    • In addition, her feelings for you may be the cause of her concern if she likes you, but she does not know how you feel for her. This anxiety can show up in her body language. If you notice conflicting signals—first interest, then disinterest—you should talk to her about her feelings.

Part 3

Communication with a girl
  1. Invite her to do something that would focus your attention on her. You can go to dinner or just go to a cafe for a cup of coffee to talk. You should have enough time so that you can sit quietly opposite each other and talk about everything in the world. The best way to understand a person's feelings is to talk to them so you can look at them and actively listen.

    • Men usually feel more intimacy with these activities when the person is next to them, side by side. For example, when watching football or drinking. But when you sit side by side with a person, it is more difficult for you to read his feelings, because in this position you do not look him in the face and cannot actively listen.
  2. Listen actively to what she tells you. Sit face to face, and when she speaks, lean forward a little closer to her and maintain eye contact. This will allow you to understand her feelings, as you will have access to all the signals she sends through her voice tones, facial expressions and body language. The more information you get, the easier it will be for you to understand how she feels. Use your body language and these speaking techniques to improve your listening skills. :

    • Show her by body position that you are listening. This will encourage her to talk more, and the more she talks, the better you will be able to understand her. Nod your head to show your agreement or to encourage her to keep talking.
    • Give her the distance she needs. This will also help her communicate with you, because if you give the girl the right distance, she will be more comfortable talking to you. If you stand too close, you may appear too interested, and if you stand too far away, you may appear aloof. Give her the necessary space in the conversation, but position yourself so that you can see and hear her well.
    • Restate the main idea of ​​what she is saying. This way you will know that you understand her feelings correctly. And she will be able to correct you if you have the wrong idea about what is happening to her. If she talks about a hard day, for example, you might say, “So you say you couldn’t figure out why your sister was misbehaving until she saw what was happening to her at school.”
    • Empathize with her feelings. If you begin to develop this muscle in your communication with her, you will become an expert in recognizing her feelings. Empathy means that you understand the feelings that she is experiencing, even if you do not share these feelings. For example, you could combine restating her main idea with empathy by saying, “You must have been itching to get out of the house after sitting at your desk all day.”
  3. Ask her how she feels about you or the current situation. This will show her that you care about her feelings. Often the best way to find out how a person feels is to ask them directly. This will save your communication from any guesswork, and you will not overthink the situation. Most of all, you should listen to what the person is saying, even if you think it contradicts what their body language is saying.

    • Find a place where you won't be distracted by other people or activities. This shouldn't be a long conversation. Find a table in the corner or a couple of chairs where you can sit for a couple of minutes and talk about how she feels.
    • Ask if she would mind talking to you for a minute. You don't want the situation to put too much pressure on her, so tell her it won't be long. It doesn't take long for you to ask about her feelings. Say, "Can I talk to you for a minute?"
    • Think about what exactly you want to know before you start a conversation with her. Make up the question in your mind before asking it. If your question seems unclear or ambiguous, she may not understand how to answer it, and therefore may give an answer that will not be of any help to you. First, think about how you feel, for example, "I'm starting to have romantic feelings for you." And then think about what you want to know: “I want to know how you feel about me romantically.” Be sure to be specific. For example, the question “Do you have any romantic feelings for me?” would be better than asking "Do you like me?" because the word "like" can mean different things to different people and is too vague. She may be afraid of hurting your feelings and may not want to directly tell you how she feels unless you ask her directly.
    • Ask directly about her feelings and tell her about yours. For example, you could say, “I really enjoy spending time with you, and I'm starting to develop romantic feelings for you. Do you feel romantically for me?"
    • Respect her feelings and don't be sad about them. Admit that you were brave enough to ask, and if you respect her feelings, you can only be proud of your actions. Remember that your dignity, self-respect and personality do not depend on her feelings for you, even if you really care about her.

Can't figure out if a man is in love with you? Look into a man's eyes to see how he feels! Unlike words, a look never lies.

The eyes are the mirror of the soul, and the soul, as you know, never lies. Words can hide our true feelings, but a look can never. Especially when it comes to the look of a man in love. The ability to read eyes is a very useful activity that every girl should master, because only in this way can you understand what your partner is really experiencing.

Do you want to know how a man feels for you? Just look into his eyes! Here are some tips to help you read the truthful answer in them.

How do you know how a man feels about you?

The direction of his gaze

To inspire confidence in a person, psychologists advise looking directly into his eyes during a conversation. However, if the interlocutor does not arouse sympathy in us, it is incredibly difficult to do this, and the gaze now and then slides around. And vice versa - if a person is pleasant and interesting to us, we literally cannot take our eyes off his eyes, trying to capture not only the words, but also the emotions of our counterpart.

Communicating with a girl who evokes the most tender feelings in a man, he unconsciously establishes direct eye contact with her. This is a common psychological reaction that cannot be controlled. When an object of interest to us falls into our field of vision, we direct all our attention to it, trying not to miss a single detail.

Eye Contact Duration

According to psychological research, when talking with friends, colleagues, relatives or acquaintances, people look into each other's eyes for about 50% of the total conversation time. If the dialogue is between two lovers, the duration of eye contact increases to 80%. At the same time, the look acquires intimacy and softness, as if people want to become even closer to each other.

To understand whether a man is in love with you or if there is only flirting on his part, pay attention to where his gaze is directed in between conversations. When a man is really interested in a girl, most of the time he looks at her face. If his gaze drops lower, wandering over your figure, his thoughts are occupied with fantasies of intimacy with you.

That is why men often do not remember the details of our image or features of appearance. For example, if you ask a man who recently talked with a girl he liked what she was wearing, he most likely will not remember, because during the conversation his attention was focused on her eyes and face.

dilated pupils

Love affects our body like a drug. At least these two phenomena have one thing in common - dilated pupils. When a man looks at his girlfriend, his pupils involuntarily dilate. This is due to the strong emotions that are now raging in his heart.

Concentration of attention

In a normal conversation, the duration of continuous eye contact averages 5-6 seconds, after which the gaze involuntarily “runs away” to the side. But the look of a man in love acquires special concentration and attentiveness.

During the conversation, the main object of male attention is the girl, so now he is not interested in what is happening around. If at this moment something happens that makes you switch your attention, the process of looking away proceeds with a slight slowdown.

As a rule, during normal flirting, a man is not so focused. With a superficial interest, a man looks into the eyes of his interlocutor only when he speaks himself, as if reading the reaction to his monologue in his eyes. When a girl joins the conversation, his gaze involuntarily drops down or to the side.

Raised eyebrows

The slightly raised eyebrow gesture is a sign of sympathy and trust. Raising his eyebrows, the man subconsciously says that he believes your every word and wants you to believe him too.

Together with raised eyebrows, the lips of the man involuntarily stretch into a smile, and the body leans forward slightly. Being part of non-verbal communication, all these gestures occur unconsciously, and it is impossible to control them.

Related gestures

In addition to the "bottomless" look, a man in love will be given out several accompanying gestures. For example, when a guy is overwhelmed with feelings, he unobtrusively touches the object of his passion, narrows the distance, and also uses preening gestures - straightening his hair or shirt collar. Translated from non-verbal language, all this means only one thing - a man is in love and he wants you to experience exactly the same feelings for him.

The gaze of a man in love is like a bottomless ocean. Even if he has not yet spoken the cherished words, you will definitely feel his love, because he will reward you with the most special look.

It is often difficult for a woman to understand how a guy treats her. This applies to both unfamiliar men and regular partners. At some point, it becomes unclear what to expect in the future and how serious his intentions are. Then you have to come up with ways to check the feelings of a man, because it can be inconvenient to ask directly.

How to check if a man loves you?

There is no need to rush into this matter. remember, that everyone loves in their own way and perhaps your partner shows feelings as best he can. And if his behavior does not meet your expectations, this does not mean that he does not love you. Therefore, first try to understand it. When that fails, push:

  • Start act indifferent. Psychologists believe that this is one of the most reliable ways to bring a man to "clean water". If you are interesting to him, he will become worried, will ask what happened, call more often, show attention;
  • Or maybe leave, few pass the test of distance. You will immediately feel care and attention even when you are far away, if he is really bored;
  • Say you want to introduce him to your parents. This is a crucial moment, he will immediately understand the seriousness of your intentions. And either he will agree that he already means something, or he will simply disappear from the horizon.

So the main advice is watch. Note whether he cares, worries, listens to your opinion and gives in.

A person remembers only important information

pay attention to little things sometimes they help to get a more complete picture of what is happening. When something is important to us, we try to remember it or write it down so as not to forget. Whether it's an unmissable event or a phone number.

The same is true for a young man. Remember, does he always wish you a happy birthday, remember when your mom's birthday is? Or he regularly skips these events.

It is also important whether he remembers your phone number by heart or can only name it by looking into the smartphone's address book. If the device is lost, he will not be able to contact you if he did not try to learn the cherished numbers.

Of course, circumstances are different, and this is far from an indicator of an indifferent attitude if he forgot to wish you a happy birthday. Could be important things - work or study, or tired. It's not worth sounding the alarm. But such events still leave an imprint and form a certain opinion in his direction.

How to test a man for the sincerity of feelings?

Also, pay attention How does he act around. There are things that show how he treats you on a subconscious level. This is a basic concern:

  1. Does it help to carry heavy bags, does it hold the door;
  2. How to respond to requests for help and assistance;
  3. How to say goodbye. Reread the messages, see what words are at the end, whether they speak of tenderness and care.

If you can not objectively assess his behavior, ask a friend to help. Spend a few weekends or evenings together and let her watch. Just choose for these purposes a person who can be trusted with such delicate topics.

How not to do it?

Now the main thing is not to do stupid things. Some women go to extremes, then regret their mistakes. Noticing that you are trying to test him, a man may be offended.

He will also begin to distrust and the matter may end in parting. To keep this from happening do not do it:

  • make jealous. Light flirting with someone in front of a loved one, late phone calls, or other similar tricks can convince him that you are cheating. Then he will either just get up and leave, or he will also slowly change, feeling the right to do so;
  • Tempt. Don't try to test its reliability by using a pretty girlfriend. Sometimes girls do this, ask a neighbor to meet a guy to see how he does. Often this ends with the wedding of a neighbor with your boyfriend.

The best way to clear things up - talk or at least hint that you are tormented by doubts. Explain what you are missing, what is not clear. This is an honest and courageous act that deserves respect. And most importantly - it will help get rid of misunderstandings.

How do men test women for availability?

Guys are tricky people too. They sometimes weave intrigues no worse than women. To understand which girl is more accessible and what feelings she experiences, the guys come up with different “moves”:

  • They make you jealous, start talking about ex-girlfriends. How to react to it? The best option is to listen with restraint and simply not continue this topic;
  • They go with her to an expensive store. There, they offer you to choose whatever you like. Thus, the essence of a woman becomes visible: one will rush to buy everything, the other will refuse, because it is expensive, and the third will buy a shirt for her beloved;
  • Meet friends and watch them. If the girl’s entourage is her comrade-in-arms, concerned about finding a husband with money, and conversations constantly revolve around financial well-being, the young man can conclude that the chosen one cannot afford him;
  • They can try to find out the reliability in such a tricky way - send SMS from friends' numbers with offers to get acquainted;
  • Or they may even persuade a friend to try to have an affair.

Again, the best way to respond to this behavior is with a frank conversation. Specify what is happening, why does he arrange exams for you? You will disarm him with your directness, and he will have no choice but to confess his deed.

Distrust is a shortcoming of modern man. We are constantly looking for a catch in people, look at them, listen. And often we offend them with this. Therefore, before you think about how to check the feelings of a man or a girl, decide if time will put everything in its place and you should not rush.

Video: test for feelings

In this video, psychologist Diana Volodina will tell you how to find out with 99.9% accuracy how a man feels towards you, how much you care about him:

The most important thing for any girl is to feel that she is loved, to be the center of the universe for someone. But sometimes in a relationship a girl doubts the feelings of her soul mate, and then the question arises, how to check a guy for feelings?

Today, the women's portal "Queen of Dating" will try to give an exhaustive answer to this topic.

Do you want to know how a young man feels for you? Just try to observe his behavior and then evaluate him objectively. If you are afraid to miss something important because of the pink glasses of love, connect one of your close, trusted friends to this process.

Any guy is always interested in what happens in the life of the object of his adoration. He will listen with sincere interest how things are at work or school, what your mother fed you for dinner and what your dog has learned to do. When talking to a guy, always pay attention to his reaction.

Does he change his plans because of you, does he pay much attention to you when you are in a big company, does he remember your date of birth? All these little things matter.

Feigned indifference

To make sure the guy's feelings, let's play feigned indifference. Just know the measure, without fanaticism.

To check if a guy loves me, try not calling him at the agreed time a couple of times or being late for a date.

A guy who is interested in you will get in touch himself, ask what happened and treat the situation with understanding.
The main thing is not to abuse this method, since each person has his own limit of patience.

Severity Check

Evaluate how seriously the guy takes your relationship. If he has sincere feelings for you, then he will not be afraid of a serious relationship.

This means that he will gladly introduce you to his entourage, friends, acquaintances and even relatives.

True, if you have just begun to wonder if the guy loves, you should not immediately try to get to know your parents. Many men do not do this for personal reasons, for example, it is not customary in the family to get acquainted before marriage. The main thing is that he would not be afraid of dating in the near future.

Expression of feelings

Analyze the behavior of a young man towards you, how often he shows his feelings. Of course, many in public are restrained in the manifestation of their emotions - which in this case will not be an indicator.

Better watch how often he admires you, does he inadvertently seek to touch, hug? Spending time together in the evening is very indicative. Tenderness and affection directly indicate that the question "loves - does not love" should disappear by itself. It is care and affection, and not passionate kisses in public, that indicate that the guy has serious plans for you.

Field testing

During an illness or a difficult life situation, it is easiest to understand whether a guy loves, of course, you shouldn’t pretend on purpose, but if such an opportunity presents itself, then I advise you to use it.

A person who cares about you will sincerely care for you, buy medicines and find out about your well-being. He will do his best to help solve the problem.

If your boyfriend tends to stay away when you're in trouble, it's safe to say that his feelings are more than superficial.

What should not be done?

Extreme Checks

All people are different! This means that it is impossible to equalize all men with the same brush. If one guy was willing to risk his life for you, it doesn't mean that the other will do the same, especially the one you want to check. All people have a different measure of manifestation of love, and not all people are ready to sacrifice their lives for the sake of another person.

Jealousy test

Jealousy to determine whether a guy loves is not only stupid, but also dangerous. The representative of the stronger sex, who is too obviously jealous of his girlfriend, most often feels either a sense of ownership or sexual attraction to her.

Testing by temptations

To check if a guy loves me, many girls try by the appearance of a third person, for example, a girlfriend. Every man is a hunter by nature, and there is always a chance that the instincts will work and the guy will turn his attention to his girlfriend.

If you check your soul mate for feelings in this way, then you can be left without a boyfriend and without a girlfriend, especially if your friend was the initiator of the check. Yes, such stories in life are not uncommon.

To understand whether a guy loves, you do not need to weave ingenious intrigues and play performances. The main thing is to be sincere in a relationship and then it will be, believe me, not difficult to distinguish the reciprocal sincerity in the soul of a loved one!