How to understand a girl suits me. How to understand that a woman suits you and this is your destiny

There are a lot of girls, and you are alone. Often men ask themselves: “Is a girl right for me?” On the one hand, there is no universal answer, but there are general parameters of fit girls.

1. You can call a girl anywhere

Go with her to a party with friends, to her parents for a family holiday or to a club to party? No problem. The girl is mature enough and you don't worry about her behavior. A girl can make the right impression, you can rely on her anywhere and anytime. This girl definitely fits.

2. The girl is adequate

The complex of the princess or the presence of a "pussy" is not her case. She understands that a man is able to find another hundred other girls and appreciates him. The girl does not take advantage of the fact that she is a woman and does not try to pull the blanket over herself. She tries not to be capricious, not to hysteria and not to fuck her brains for any reason. The girl respects herself and her man. This girl suits you.

3. The girl has her own life

Is the girl right? See if she has a life outside of you? Work, hobbies, friends. How self-sufficient is she? Does the girl know what she wants from life or does she rush from side to side? A girl with a narrow outlook on life and a lack of other interests will quickly bore you.

4. The girl looks after herself, not you.

Stupid women are jealous of how much in vain for any reason and to any girl. They follow the man, trying to control him. A smart girl takes care of herself and her appearance. The girlfriend knows that she is not perfect, but she plays sports and her appearance. The girl is self-sufficient in her desire for self-improvement. The girl takes care of herself, not you. This girlfriend is good and definitely fits.

5. The girl loves sex

A passionate and temperamental girl herself wants sex. She is not shy about your penis and her sexual desires. She can tell her secret erotic dreams and make yours come true. The high temperament of the girl is manifested in an independent initiative for sex and general behavior in bed. Sexual temperament is the most important quality of a girl. Don't lose her. There are many logs among the girls. And then you have to spit on the girl's back to simulate an orgasm, so as not to sweat over a useless log.

6. The girl has a good character

The girl is not trying to make you jealous. She doesn't play silly games of manipulation and capriciousness. She does not gossip about you and does not run to complain to her girlfriends. A girl can easily express her opinion and listen in response.

7. The girl is cheerful

The girl has a positive character, and she will not throw a tantrum because of a broken nail. The girl is optimistic about life and does not suffer from constant depression. She does not walk around with a perpetually dissatisfied face and does not whine. With such a girl is almost always fun and easy.

If you are lucky enough to meet such a girl, then grab her. The girl is suitable not only for a relationship, but also for the role of a wife. Muti with her in an adult way.

Good afternoon, dear readers! Someone finds his person the first time, while others have to look for many years. Connecting your life with a girl, how to understand that she is your destiny? Maybe there are some methods and methods? Or does it all depend on the inner feeling? Let's look into the issue of a faithful life partner and understand what depends on ourselves, and where we can rely on fate.

Is there an ideal partner?

The first thing I suggest thinking about is . Among my male acquaintances, such feminine qualities as domesticity, fidelity, femininity / sexuality were in the lead. Do you have the perfect image in your head?

If you don't have it, congratulations. You are completely free and open. You have no barriers and you don’t dismiss a good option just because she doesn’t have the same hair color as the ideal wife in your head.

If you have a similar one, then I have only one question for you - are you sure that such a girl really exists?

A man can have, even if not ideal, an exemplary image of the one that will accompany him all his life. Such an image may consist of the qualities of a mother, a first lover, an actress, and so on.

Dear men, remember that your ideal can be a living hell if you put it into practice. No wonder we all have with whom we work and fight all our lives. And often, in these shortcomings, people find our peculiarity.

Who is next?

Does everything go well?

Finding a good girl is not as difficult as maintaining a healthy and strong relationship for the rest of the time. The hardest work begins when you decide to be together. Are you ready to work on yourself, on relationships, seek compromises, change yourself?

In a relationship, one way or another, disputes and disagreements still arise. Even if the ideal person is next to you, only with experience can you find a way to solve such issues. In the meantime, we must learn, make mistakes, look for the right path and not be afraid of anything.

Are you arguing? Can't come up with one solution? Are you arguing all the time? It all makes you doubt whether you made the right choice? Stop. Now is the time to stop and think. Facts, signs, memories, features of your dialogues can come to the rescue.

For example, you swear because of the garbage that no one wants to take out. Both she and you make significant arguments in favor of your innocence. First, is this rubbish worth your relationship? Second - why is it hard for you to come to a single decision? Because of ? Because of the unwillingness to submit to the will of another person? Remember that in relationships it is very important to be able to be a team.

I don’t know if that woman is right next to me, but I can say for sure that love will live as long as your strength is enough. Read the article "" and see for yourself.

What is up to you?

Signs of a healthy and strong relationship are honesty, and. You can call them the three pillars of any family relationship. And these are the things you have control over. In Stephen Covey's book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families, you will find the concept of how to take relationships to the next level and become true like-minded people.

Respect should be shown even in small things. Sometimes it's the details like this that matter the most. There are elementary rules of etiquette: open the door, help out of the car, pull up a chair, and so on. And there is respect when you do not forget to clarify the opinion of your girlfriend, consult with her, provide freedom for personal space.

This is a fabulous journey. And it depends only on you what qualities to show and what to focus on.

How do you rate a girl? By what signs do you understand that it suits you or, on the contrary, does not suit you? How many girlfriends did you have that were perfect for you? Why didn't it work with them?

Love each other and you will succeed!

Natalya Kaptsova

Reading time: 4 minutes


A huge number of girls dream of finding exactly their “prince” and building a prosperous family life. However, everything does not always work out well, since the girl is not sure that the guy suits her. There are certain ways to check compatibility with your partner. If at least half of the signs from our list can be seen in your relationship, then you can be sure that you are the perfect couple.

  • Synchronization of movements
    Try an experiment. Reach for a drink - straighten your hair, scratch your wrist. Thus, you provoke your partner to repeat your movements. If a person is very nice to another person, then he will be completely or partially repeat his movements. If you notice that your boyfriend really repeats some of your actions, then rest assured that the relationship can last a long time.
  • Relatives
    Friends and acquaintances say that You are very similar, and the parents are trying to find out if they also had a son? Then you can definitely say that you are suitable for each other. Nature itself seems to hint that you are the perfect couple. On a subconscious level, people choose as partners those in whom they see familiar traits, as this means that the offspring will be healthy.
  • We
    This pronoun is very important in the relationship between a man and a woman. If you communicate with relatives, acquaintances or friends, use "we", "we", etc.., then this may indicate that you have a fairly strong relationship and such an alliance may end in marriage.
  • Voice change
    If you notice that your young man's voice changes when he speaks to you, then you can be sure that you approach each other. A person, as it were, adjusts his voice to a partner. The guy tries to make his voice softer and higher, and all the rudeness disappears. It seems that your partner even has a gentle voice. This speaks of his sympathy for you.
  • same speech
    How often have you met people who use the same phrases as you? If your boyfriend is one of those people, then you can be sure that your union will be enough. long. It is also worth noting that if a person likes you, then he will soon begin to unconsciously repeat your words and phrases.
  • "Yawn with me"
    As practice shows, people who are in a pair are very subtly feel each other. If you yawn and your boyfriend does not yawn after you, then there is a very high probability that there is nothing serious between you. If your partner yawned with you, then we can safely conclude that there is a close connection between you.
  • same tastes
    And now we are not talking about love for cheese sandwiches or cocoa on a winter evening. It's about what you like the same people, their character traits, their appearance. Very often you start talking about the same person who passed by. He is interested in you just as you are interested in each other. This indicates your compatibility with the guy.
  • Guessing on the fingers
    Pay attention to your partner's hands. If he has short fingers, then you can know for sure that such a person tends to finish his business as quickly as possible, and is not very patient. If your partner long fingers, then you should know that he is more patient and able to do work for a long time that has a large number of details.
  • Gait
    If you think that your man has lost interest in you and that he is not suitable for you, then invite him for a walk. If a person is comfortable with you, and he is really in love with you, then he won't be in a hurry. He will try to stretch the moments of happiness with a loved one, and his gait will be quite slow. If a young man goes with a girl who is indifferent to him, then most likely he will constantly rush somewhere and slightly overtake his companion.
  • Last step
    If you look at your young man, you will immediately understand whether he suits you or not. Look at his face. Facial features can tell a lot about a person. For example, the sharpness of facial features, sharpness - always indicate about a difficult character, stubbornness and even some malice.

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Hello friends! Many men believe that girls are unpredictable and mysterious creatures, almost like aliens. Therefore, they often think about whether they like the one they are in love with, or whether their sympathy is not mutual. In fact, everything is much simpler than it might seem at first glance. And it doesn't matter where you communicate with your passion - at school, at work or by correspondence on a social network. Today I will talk about how to understand that a girl likes you, 7 signs that will give out any will become known to you. Read carefully and remember.

Language of the body

Non-verbal signs are not very noticeable, but you can learn a lot about a person from them. Therefore, carefully observe the girl to draw the first conclusions.

  • The first thing that betrays a girl's love or interest is a look. After all, the eyes are the mirror of the soul, they hide what a person wants to hide from everyone. If she looks at you carefully when she thinks that you do not notice this and, blushing, looks away when you pay attention to her, the young lady is not indifferent to you. Another line of behavior is also possible: she constantly wants to meet your eyes in order to establish emotional contact and find sparks of love in your eyes. Another interesting nuance: if a girl's pupils dilate when she looks at you, it means that she likes you. This is due to the release of the hormones adrenaline or endorphin into the blood, which is a sign of excitement or excitement.
  • If, when meeting you, a girl, as it were, imperceptibly straightens her shoulders or blows off dust particles on her clothes, this signals that she wants to make a positive impression on you.
  • When talking to you, her intonation and voice may change, it becomes quieter or louder, words may appear that she usually does not use during a conversation. Another sign is excessive gesticulation.
  • Also, watch how she sits. If during a conversation her knees and socks point in your direction, this may indicate her interest in your person. Beauties love to demonstrate the harmony of their legs: they throw them at each other or seductively shake their shoes.
  • Do not forget about the hair. Young ladies often shake their hair so that you appreciate their beauty, or seductively tilt their heads, exposing their neck and shoulders. At the sight of their object of sighing, girls often wind strands around their fingers or sort them out.

She tries to be there and help

If a girl attends the same events as you, takes a neighboring place, tries to be near you at any opportunity, “accidentally” ends up in the same place as you, then she is not indifferent to you. Watch further. Does she always laugh at your not even the most successful jokes, listens attentively and with interest to your stories about car repair, and is she fond of fashion and painting? This is no longer a simple sympathy, this is already falling in love! If she “suddenly” became interested in cars, computer games or fishing, you can be sure that this is true love.

A young lady offers you her help, not sparing her own time and effort? She is head over heels in love with you. By the way, about help. If she asks you to fix a stuck zipper in your jacket, help you fix your computer, or asks you for advice on getting a new cell phone, that's a good sign. The girl sees in you not only an object for sympathy, but also a protector. She, of course, can handle the problem herself, but she gives you the opportunity to take care of her, appreciate it.

Social media behavior

Did a young lady add you as a friend and "like" almost all of your photos? This says a lot. Now watch her page on the social network. Of course, no girl will directly write that she is in love with you, but some signs can give her away. For example, her status quote, which has a hint of her attitude towards you, or a romantic song on the wall. She can also add a photo where she is you and definitely someone else (for conspiracy, you understand).

If a girl is added to the same publics that you are subscribed to, adds the music you listen to to the playlist, then she is interested in you and wants to get to know your tastes, worldview, character better. Well, if you notice that she takes your side in discussions in groups or under posts on the wall, this definitely means that she is not indifferent to you and she is not afraid that you and your mutual friends will know about it. And this is very valuable.

You can also understand that a girl likes you through personal correspondence. She quickly responds to your messages, writes detailed answers, and not “clear”, “clear”, “ok”, even if she is busy, puts a lot of emoticons, often writes first for minor trifles, shares songs or pictures she likes, asks for advice - this all signs of her liking for you.

The reaction of the girl's friends

Youth and youth is a time when a girl has many friends who know all her little secrets and big secrets. Therefore, pay attention to them, conducting a "love investigation." If the girlfriends of a girl you like start giggling or looking at each other when you appear in their field of view, this means that they have already discussed and gossiped about you more than once, which is a clear sign that she likes you or she head over heels in love with you. If you have enough determination, you can directly ask her best friend about it.

Provoking jealousy

How to know if a girl likes you? If you are asking this question, try one old way. Look at other girls in her presence, compliment them, and in the meantime quietly observe your passion. Most likely, she will betray her discontent and annoyance in some way. Just do not overdo it, otherwise her sympathy for you may be replaced by deep hostility.

A girl can do the same. Flirt with another guy when you are around and watch your reaction.

Attempted seduction

There are many subtle tricks and tricks that women successfully seduce men with. Take a closer look at the girl you like, and you can understand a lot about her attitude towards you:

  • The top button of her blouse has accidentally come undone, but the lady is in no hurry to fasten it;
  • Usually she wears trousers or jeans, but today, knowing that she will meet you, she put on a dress or a short skirt that emphasizes her slender legs;
  • If your eyes meet, a faint, flirtatious smile appears on her face;
  • Sexy walk if you're looking at a girl;
  • She bites or licks her lips in an attempt to arouse your interest in her;
  • Loud talking and sexual laughter are also clear signs of a seduction attempt;
  • Touching your own body as if by chance;
  • The young lady plays with her ring, bracelet, hairpin, glass, phone or other accessory.

perfect girl

If you notice that a girl is trying to look impeccable, trying to do everything in your presence as best as possible, doing what is unusual for her, know that she is at least very indifferent to you. Often the desire for ideality becomes unnatural or even absurd, but a girl in love is ready to do anything to win the attention of her chosen one.

How do you know if a girl likes you after a few dates?

Many guys are interested in how to understand if a girl likes you if you just started dating and whether you can hope for a serious relationship. This is not easy to understand. However, some tips may help you:

  • She does not refuse to communicate with you and does not say that she is busy now;
  • Willingly communicates by phone, skype and in social networks;
  • Tells about his plans for the evening or weekend;
  • Coming to a date, he tries to look good;
  • She asks and willingly tells herself about hobbies, past life, tastes and preferences;
  • Introduces to his friends;
  • Doesn't get nasty on dates, like "This cafe is bad!" etc.;
  • She doesn't care where she spends her time, as long as she's with you;
  • Worries and worries about you;
  • Interested in your affairs, family;
  • Does not refuse a date at the last moment on a far-fetched excuse;
  • Wants to share your hobbies with you, for example, enrolls in the same gym that you visit;
  • The sincere rejoices in your even the most trifling signs of attention;
  • Interested in your opinion on various issues important to her.

If you take into account all the tips outlined in this article, you will surely understand how your girlfriend treats you, as they are very emotional and easily betray their feelings. There are, of course, very unemotional persons who do not show in any way that they are in love, but this is rather an exception to the rule. When dealing with young ladies, I always paid attention to these signs, and they did not let me down.

If you understand that the girl of your dreams is also not indifferent to you, do not be shy and wait for the first step from her. Real women do this extremely rarely, because this is the prerogative of real men.

Let your feelings be mutual, and love brings only positive emotions! Write in the comments the results of your observations, together we will discuss. As always, the most interesting video on the topic, watch to the end!

Always yours, old ladies' man Pantelei.