How to know if a guy you don't know likes you. Signs that a man likes you

Every happy couple has their own history of dating, and the initiator of the relationship was not always a young man. We live in a modern world where no one has long condemned girls for their courage and ability to interest a man in themselves. If you are not married and are in search of your happiness, read on - it will be interesting! Now we will talk about how to understand that a guy likes you, and whether it is worth taking the initiative to get closer to him.

The main signs of sympathy

A man, when he pretends to be in love, tries to be cheerful, gallant, to give all kinds of attention. But if he is truly in love, he is like a sheep.

Agatha Christie.

In general, it is very true, because even the most gallant courtship may not have sympathy. Not every relationship is built on romance, and there are such sad concepts as “prestigious bride”, “career growth”, “material gain”, and everything like that.

It happens the other way around: there are feelings on the part of the guy, but he is inactive. We will consider the reasons for this behavior below, but this is not about that now. It is important for us to understand whether the guy who interested you likes you, and his unconscious actions will help us find out. Even if a person wants to hide his true attitude towards you, whatever it may be, he cannot take control of some things (unless, of course, he is not a psychologist by training).

So, you know each other, but you haven't met yet. He is one of those who are always there: you are fellow students, neighbors, work colleagues, or periodically see each other in a campaign of mutual friends. The relationship can be described as friendly at best, but you like him, and it's very interesting if he likes you.

Here they are, 6 signs of sympathy on his part:

  • He controls his speech. Close friends do not need to pretend to be intellectuals from a social event, but if a guy likes a girl, then neither with her, nor in her presence, he will not talk very ugly. This applies not only to the words themselves, but also to the topics of conversation (vulgar words, “male” jokes, discussion of other women, etc.). If so, then at least he likes you, and this is already a big plus;
  • You catch his eye on you for no reason. This means that if he talks about something in the presence of other people, and the speech is not addressed specifically to you, then from time to time he looks in your direction, as if interested in the reaction;
  • Looking for a reason to touch you. If he, passing by, as if accidentally touches you, removes a non-existent speck of dust from your clothes, and tries to be as close as possible to you at every opportunity, he likes you, even if there are no other signs of sympathy;
  • Cares, but doesn't make it too obvious. The desire to do something nice for the girl he likes is absolutely natural for any guy. Care can be expressed in any way, and it is likely that you will not even always know that it was he who tried for you. And yet, with his actions, the guy wants not only to provide you with comfort or somehow please, but also to win you over. True, there are situations when a person behaves in this way for the sake of profit, but then he emphasizes all his “good deeds” almost three times in the ways available to him;
  • Jealous. While you are not an "official couple", therefore each of you has the right to privacy. This means that there will be no explicit scenes of jealousy, but he will not allow another guy or man to flirt with you in front of his eyes. If everything is in order with his self-esteem, then the instinct of the owner will turn on regardless of whether you are already dating or not yet. At the same time, he can behave as he likes: switch the attention of a potential rival to himself, find a way to discredit him in your eyes, or “pull by the ears” any reason to interrupt your communication with him;
  • Makes inquiries about your personal life. This point differs from the rest in that you may well not know what is happening. However, it is likely that one of the mutual acquaintances will let you know or your girlfriend that the guy is interested in you. In addition, we live in the age of the Internet, so a young man will definitely not leave your page on a social network without attention. If you're lucky, you'll find out about it too.

I guess that it is on this line that you are trying to put your thoughts in order. Let's say you realized that a guy likes you, but why then is he inactive? Is it really your reason? Or is it still in it? Do not panic. Just read on.

Loves but is silent

If you think about how often people regret lost happiness because of their own indecision, it becomes clear why every second marriage breaks up, and which of them can be called prosperous in a row ... It’s better not to dig. You do not want such a fate for yourself with your beloved?

But I wouldn't want to be wrong either. After all, we are talking about the closest circle of friends, that is, in case of failure, you will not change friends, place of residence, work, institute, or at least school within an hour! All ages are submissive to love, and young girls who are interested in boys also read this article.

In order not to put yourself in a ridiculous position, you need to understand why he behaves in this way. Even if your sympathy is mutual, this does not mean that he is ready for a relationship ...

Reasons for silence and inaction:

  • A very strong love. This applies mostly to young guys who have not yet had the experience of a serious or long-term relationship with a girl. They are romantic, and do not yet look at the world through the eyes of an adult, and therefore tend to idealize their beloved. Such a guy or boy can look at a girl with admiration, dream about her, but for him she is an ideal, perfection, and therefore inaccessible. He simply does not imagine how to bring her down from heaven for a love affair with a mere mortal. Having decided on a relationship, you may not justify his hopes, since the guy is clearly inclined to fantasize;
  • You are being arrogant. Do not think that being beautiful and inaccessible is the path to success. Perhaps the guy likes you, but you put yourself in communication with him so much that he is afraid to even hint about his feelings. Behind the mask of "touchy" you hide your true face, and, frankly, you do it quite successfully. So successful that the guy does not know how you will react to his sympathy. What if you tell all your mutual friends about this, start making fun of him, or answer in such a way that he wants to change his last name and leave the country? Just think;
  • He has a girlfriend or wife. Perhaps, at best, they only talk about love in these relationships, but the fact remains that his personal life is arranged. For now, you are only a “dark horse” for him, and not everyone is ready to lose a titmouse for the sake of a dream that may not bring happiness. In this situation, the best thing you can do is unobtrusively let him know that you are interested in him, and there already - as he decides;
  • Do you have a boyfriend or a husband. Not every guy or man dreams of becoming the third corner in someone else's relationship, even if the boyfriend exists only "for show", or the husband has been living with you as a neighbor for a long time. If an initiative follows from your side, the person you are interested in can react as you like: rejoice at the luck to recapture you from your opponent, remain satisfied with the role of a lover assigned to him, or look with contempt at you as a “fallen woman”. Alas, there are no forecasts here;
  • He sees no future in this relationship. This is not the behavior of a young guy, but an adult man who knows how to take responsibility for his actions. He likes you, but for some reason he understands that you will not be together for long, or you will not be able to give each other happiness. If we develop this topic, we can delve into the real jungle - everyone has their own motivation, and in any case we will not be able to consider all the examples. I will limit myself to the phrase that the Sun is beautiful, it is beautiful and bright, but there is no life next to it - it is too hot. And it is better to admire a thunderstorm from afar. In any case, there will be no initiative from the guy.

So, girls, girls and women, not everything depends on us. Not everything depends on feelings, although this is sad. However, if you can’t, but really want to, then you can! Can anyone stop you from being happy? Just act carefully, considering each step and its consequences. Just a half-hint, a look or a gesture can decide much more than a loud declaration of love on your part. In the end, give your loved one the opportunity to be a man! This is not only mutually beneficial, but also a win-win option! Good luck everyone!

Hello dear readers! It happens that a girl wants to understand whether a particular guy likes her. And there are ways to find out. In this article I will write how to recognize signals from a guy about his sympathy for a girl.

How to understand that a guy likes you by his gestures

There is a very specific sign language. And it works with absolutely everyone. If you remember which gesture means what, you can understand a lot about a person. It happens that a person says one thing, but his gestures mean the opposite. If a person can deceive with words, then his gestures will betray the whole truth, the main thing is to correctly interpret everything.

It is unlikely that the guy you need to “bite through” will purposefully control his gestures. Only a good psychologist can do this.

So, how will a guy who is interested in you behave?

First point - touch.

All people strive to touch the one they like. If a guy "purely by chance" touches your arm or shoulder during a conversation, hugs your waist, letting you out of the room, then this is a clear sign of sympathy. And it can also be comic fights, catch-ups, where you can also touch plenty. If a person is unpleasant, then there is absolutely no desire to touch him.

Remember, boys at an earlier age pull their pigtails, kick and do other "signs of attention." This, too, they seek to touch the object of attention.

If you doubt a guy's sympathy, touch his hand. If he does the same, then he likes you.

The second point is open pose.

To the girl they like, the guys will turn around in an open pose. Look at the toes of his shoes - they should be turned towards you and should not be crossed. And if you are in a company in which there are many other girls, then the socks of his shoes turned towards you are a very good sign!

If you are sitting next to him, he can cross his legs. If he likes you, then the upper leg will be turned towards you, and the head will be slightly tilted towards you. If a guy likes you, then he will turn his palms upside down while talking to you. Also, the guy may straighten up when you appear to appear taller.

If, most often, in a company or when communicating with you, a guy takes a closed pose (crossed legs, crossed arms, closed wrists, a half-turned body from you), then most likely he is not interested in you.

Third point - copy gestures.

If a guy likes a girl, then he will automatically, without being aware of this, repeat some of her gestures after her. Perhaps these gestures will not be a complete copy. For example, you fixed your hair. The guy can also touch his hair or scratch his head. You crossed your legs and he did the same. You picked up some object, he also took something. In sign language, such actions win over the person they are directed at.

And, if you also want someone to like you, you can adopt this technique for yourself. Repeat some gestures, perhaps slightly modified, for the person you want to make a good impression on.

How to know if a pen pal likes you

There may be such a situation that you rarely see a guy in real life (or maybe you never saw each other at all), but you correspond with him on social networks. How do you know if he likes you or not?

The first sign of his sympathy - a lot of activity in correspondence. If a guy always writes first, is interested in your affairs, regrets that you are not next to him, then this is a clear sign of his sympathy for you.

Also, an interested guy will like your pictures, write comments on them, make fun of you. All guys like to "exhibit" their sense of humor in front of the girls. And if he likes you, then he will definitely try to make you laugh. And even if he teases you, it is also a sign of sympathy.

If a guy is interested in you, then he will try to write more competently, not to use obscenities and other words that are unpleasant for the female ear. That is, he will try to look better than he is. Everyone does this at the stage of communication and acquaintance, if they want to continue this communication. If a pen pal swears, uses swear words, writes disrespectfully, then you should not continue to communicate with him. Then he will behave even worse and disregard your opinion. Such relationships do not have a happy future.

The look of a guy can tell about his feelings

At the girl who likes, I want to look and admire her. That's what guys do, absolutely everything. If he likes you, he will look at you for a long time and often. If the guy is timid, then he will look away when you catch him. But then he will look again.

If you notice that they are looking at you for a long time, most likely it is sympathy (if clothes, makeup and the whole appearance do not give rise to such views, that is, if you are neat and clean).

Ask your girlfriend if the guy is looking at you so as not to turn around and scare him off. From the side it is clearer who is considering whom.

And also pay attention to where exactly the guy is looking. If his gaze is on the chest and below, then most likely this is a simple lust, which can hardly mean anything serious.

How to understand about the feelings of guys in a conversation

A guy with a girl he likes will talk more politely and kindly. His tone changes. If a guy is rude enough by nature, then in a conversation with you he can become gentle. I think you heard guys talking on the phone with their girls: they lisp, and the tone immediately becomes so affectionate.

Listen to how he communicates with his friends, and how with you. If the difference is noticeable, then it means that he distinguishes you.

Another very important point. If he likes you, he will listen to you carefully. He will be truly interested in your affairs and stories, will not interrupt, will look you in the eye.

Interest in the conversation and interest in your life is a good sign. It’s also good when a guy talks about himself, shares his experiences with you. With just anyone, guys do not share such information.

If he likes you, he will compliments. Not banal superficial, but will pay attention to details. Believe me, most guys do not scatter compliments. They say them only to the very best. But it may happen that the guy is an ordinary pick-up artist. In this case, he will compliment many people, his goal is not love, but bed. These need to be learned to weed out.

The main signs that a guy likes you

Random meetings.

If you often meet a guy not in the place where you usually communicate, then think about whether he is there on purpose? Perhaps he is looking for a meeting with you, wants to see you more often. Or he calls you on the phone on some “invented” topic in order to communicate with you more. Just don't confuse calls from phone pranksters with a call from an interested guy.

Eagerness to help.

Guys are so arranged that they strive to help the girl they like. They want to demonstrate their strength, protect the weaker sex and thus earn mutual sympathy. So, if a guy helps in every possible way, even if you don’t ask him about it, be sure that he likes you.

For example, a guy might carry your arms through a huge puddle so you don't get your feet wet, or carry your heavy bag. He will also share his sweater if you are cold or drive away an angry dog. There are many options, it all depends on your age and situation.

If you are already dating a guy, then he will no longer be so eager to help you. And the longer you are together, the less he will try, because there is no need to prove anything.

So I'll give you a little advice. From the very beginning of the relationship, constantly ask him to help you, demonstrating your weakness. You don’t need to do everything yourself, because he will get used to the fact that you can handle everything anyway. Over time, it will be very difficult to make him “move” for you. If you teach him to always help you, then there will be more warmth and less scandals in the relationship.

Showing concern.

Guys love to take care of the girls they love. You just have to let them do it. The manifestation of care can be in the little things: he helped to take off his jacket, opened the door in front of you, let him write off (if you are still schoolchildren) and other pleasant little things.

The desire of the guy to look better.

Any guy who wants to please a girl will try to look good. In your presence, he will straighten his clothes, smooth his hair. Not only girls behave this way when their favorite guy looks at them. Perhaps he will begin to use perfumes that he has not used before.

Trying to get your attention.

If a guy likes you, he will try to draw your attention to his person. When you approach, he can start talking loudly with friends, laughing, joking with you, flirting.

Or it could be the opposite. The guy is shy in your presence, does not know what to talk about, is afraid to look stupid. It could also be a sign of his feelings for you.

Company invitation.

A guy who likes you can invite you to some friends parties, for his birthday. This may be a sign of friendship, but if this happens often, then this is an occasion to think. And watch how he behaves at such events, how he communicates with you, how much attention he pays. If all the previous signs of his love coincide, then he is definitely not indifferent to you.

Sympathy is a feeling of emotional predisposition towards a person. In other words, it's when someone likes you. Does this manifest itself outwardly, and how to find out about sympathy, what signs give out a guy and his feelings for you, we will consider below in the article.

The main thing in the article

How to understand if a guy likes you: common signs

  • When a guy finds that girl next to whom he feels at ease, an emotional feeling permeates him. The girl becomes indifferent to him, and he tries in every possible way to win her over, attract attention, subtly hint that he likes her.
  • The behavior of a young man is changing before our eyes, he begins to behave not as usual. Some become a little inhibited, others, on the contrary, actively attract attention to themselves, sometimes doing rash acts.
  • But there are some signs by which you can determine that a guy likes a girl. We will look at the most obvious ones.

How to understand that a guy likes you by the look?

  • The look of a guy who likes a girl looks like a devoted puppy.
  • A sympathizing guy literally eats with his eyes.
  • Some timidly spy on the person they like, others look without looking away.
  • In the eyes of a young man there is tenderness, his gaze is affectionate.
  • The eyes of a guy who likes a girl radiate a sincere smile.

How to understand that a guy likes you by gestures?

The gestures of the young man in every possible way say that the girl is not indifferent to him:

  • He fixes his hair;
  • Rub hands with excitement;
  • Corrects clothes;
  • touches the girl;
  • Gives a hand when the girl comes down the stairs;
  • Opens doors;
  • Holding hands for a walk
  • He wants to hug.

How to understand that a guy likes you by conversation?

There are two types of guys: "macho" and "nerd".

  1. The first type is named so because such guys try to praise themselves in every possible way during a conversation. They do this not because they are actually beautiful, but because they are trying to attract attention. But in any case, they enjoy the conversation with the lady.
  2. The second type are more shy guys, they listen more than talk about themselves. But they listen excitedly, with tenderness and love watching every movement of the lips of a pretty girl. They are laconic about themselves, prefer not to brag, sometimes even belittling their merits.

How to understand that a guy likes you by behavior?

  • Most guys behave like children, and at any age.
  • Sometimes their behavior can be compared to tomfoolery.
  • A guy who likes a girl will always find time for her, even if he has a lot to do.
  • Today, young people prefer to exchange messages on social networks. But if a guy likes a girl, he will definitely call her.

How to understand that a guy likes you when you meet?

  • When meeting a guy behaves a little distracted.
  • He likes to spend time with a girl.
  • He is not shy about the girl he likes.
  • Invites you to interesting places.
  • Invest time in these relationships.
  • Tries to please by giving compliments, sometimes even ridiculous or obvious ones.
  • His appearance suggests that the best girl in the world is walking next to him.

How to understand that a stranger likes you?

  • He will look at you, and when you try to catch his eye, he may turn away.
  • He will try to find out about you through acquaintances.
  • Gain courage and get to know each other.
  • Will give a compliment.
  • Will try to find a hobby in common with yours.
  • He will try to distinguish himself and make an original gift.
  • Tell your friends about you.
  • He will invite you for a walk.

How do you know if a guy friend likes you?

A friend who is always by your side. With whom you spend a lot of time, having fun. A friend who makes you laugh and understands. With whom you feel comfortable sharing anything and telling even the strangest stories. How do you know if he likes you?

  • He is always by your side, even if you are wrong.
  • Next to you, his mood rises, because you are an outlet for him.
  • He wholeheartedly invests material and temporal resources in you.
  • He tells his male friends about you.
  • He loves to watch you and listen to you talk, even if it's nonsense.
  • He's always texting you, calling you.
  • Gives compliments.
  • Fulfills your desires and whims.
  • He always comes to the rescue.
  • Looking for a reason to be by your side.

How do you know if a guy likes you on a date?

  • He will make compliments, sometimes inappropriate ones.
  • Wants to take you to an amazing place.
  • He will pay for the entire dinner himself.
  • Will be a gallant gentleman.
  • He will try to show all his good sides.
  • Will try to surprise you.
  • Wants to know more about you.
  • He will ask about your hobbies and hobbies.
  • Invite you for a second date.

How do you know if a work colleague likes you?

  • He helps you when you can't do your job.
  • He greets first.
  • Greets you with a smile and sees you off with a bewitching look.
  • Always speaks kind words.
  • Offers a ride home.
  • He invites you to his table for dinner.
  • Gallant like a true gentleman.
  • If the issue of a promotion is between the two of you, he will relent.
  • He is always watching you work.
  • In his free time, he offers tea or coffee.
  • Invites you on a date, a walk or somewhere else.
  • He notices every detail in you, your every reincarnation.

How to understand if a pen pal likes you on the Internet?

Communicating with a guy on the Internet, you won’t immediately understand whether he likes you or he just likes correspondence with you. But there are several signs that he likes you:

  • Often writes;
  • Asks about you;
  • Choose topics that are related to your hobbies;
  • Wants to meet you;
  • Invites to the cinema, to walk;
  • Interested in your progress;
  • Every day wishes pleasant dreams and good morning;
  • Before important events, he writes parting words;
  • Supports you in any endeavors;
  • Likes to send emoticons;
  • Offers video chat;
  • Writes nice things;
  • Likes your posted photos and videos;
  • He doesn’t notice how time flies while chatting with you.

How to understand that a guy likes you on the phone?

  • You can call such a guy at any time and he will always find him for you.
  • He will talk to you until you get bored.
  • If he has really important things to do, he will delicately give you hints.
  • In any free minute, he will dial your number.
  • He is looking forward to your call.
  • He will be glad even to be silent with you on the phone.
  • He enjoys hearing your voice.
  • If you want to meet, even at night, he will come to you.
  • When you say goodbye, he will wait until you hang up first.
  • He will always find a reason to meet.
  • He will try to ask you out on a date.
  • He will praise you, say nice words.

How do you know if a shy guy likes you?

  • He will look at you when your gaze is not directed in his direction.
  • He will behave ridiculously and unusually.
  • He can hide when you walk by.
  • He can be distracted and inhibited around you.
  • He has rapid breathing when you are around.
  • Sometimes, young people even sweat at the sight of an object they like.
  • He is speechless when you greet him.
  • His friends laugh at him and make fun of him.
  • He is afraid to take the first step.
  • When talking to you, he often stutters and cannot find the right words.
  • His compliments are often unsuccessful.
  • When he sees you, he often forgets what he wanted to do or where he wanted to go.
  • He often has his head in the clouds, dreaming about you.
  • Sometimes your name is written in his notebooks.
  • He listens to music that you like or about love.
  • He may try to go to the same classes that you attend. And he may not succeed, but he will try to get you to pay attention to him.

How do you know if an ex boyfriend likes you?

  • He will try to find a meeting with you.
  • Ask about your business.
  • Interested in your love front.
  • Invite you to your favorite concerts and events.
  • Send flowers and show other signs of attention.
  • Invite to a cafe for tea, coffee or ice cream.
  • Send funny sms.
  • Like your photos on social networks.
  • Write enthusiastic comments.
  • He will invite you to parties or to visit him.
  • Will call you, sometimes even for nothing.
  • Wishing you a successful day.
  • Interested in how your day went.
  • Feel sorry for you if you feel bad.
  • Rejoice with you when you feel good.

How to understand that a married man likes you?

  • A married man tries to find time for the object of his desire.
  • Makes nice gifts.
  • Helps solve your problems.
  • Invites you on a journey.
  • Fulfills its promises.
  • Feels real next to you.
  • Shares his plans with you.
  • Likes to give compliments.
  • Appreciates your presence.
  • Supports you in any matter.
  • Takes responsibility for his actions.
  • Always looking to meet you.
  • He behaves like a schoolboy in love.
  • Does something nice with or without.
  • He tries to please everyone and everywhere.

How to understand that a guy likes you: test

Sometimes a guy's behavior is inconsistent and requires a precise definition of his feelings and behavior. Then a simple and sure way comes to the rescue - a test, after passing which, you can more likely verify the guy's sympathy.

1. His reaction to your appearance?

  1. No way.
  2. Joyfully.
  3. Just like on others.
  4. Calmly.

2. You are sad, he ...

  1. Will ask what's the matter.
  2. Trying to cheer up.
  3. Won't notice.
  4. He won't even notice me.

3. How does he perceive your conversation?

  1. Carelessly.
  2. Attentively.
  3. No interest.
  4. Interrupts.

4. He is talking to you...

  1. By name or affectionately.
  2. Gently by name.
  3. Doesn't remember my name.
  4. Careless surname.

5. Does he share stories about his exes?

  1. Only crap.
  2. Only if I start.
  3. Likes to brag.

6. When talking to you, his friends called him, his actions…

  1. Politely refuses.
  2. He agrees and leaves.
  3. He leaves without saying goodbye.
  4. He waved it off and continued talking.

7. You are cold, he ...

  1. Zero reaction.
  2. Sympathize and all.
  3. Give me a jacket.
  4. Hugs.

8. With a large company visiting him and you wanted tea, he ...

  1. Make tea for everyone.
  2. Will do, but without pleasure.
  3. Will offer me separately.
  4. Will tell you where everything is.

9. Is he trying to touch you?

  1. Does it with everyone.
  2. Just like with everyone.

10. How do his friends react to you?

  1. Whispering behind your back.
  2. Negative.
  3. Kindly.
  4. Neutral.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
1. 0 2 2 2 3 3 0 2 1 3
2. 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 0 0
3. 1 1 1 0 1 0 2 3 3 2
4. 2 0 0 1 0 2 3 0 2 1


  • 0 to 10 You are indifferent to him and he does not pay attention to you. He is not interested in you, he avoids your attention in every possible way. Makes it clear that he doesn't like you.
  • 10 to 20- he sometimes shows sympathy for you, but easily switches to other girls. He does not believe that you are the one to whom his heart lies.
  • 20 to 30- He likes you, and he makes you understand this with every action. Hints at sympathy with all his behavior and waits for a response.

7 main signs that a guy really likes you

  1. His interest in you is not fake, but sincere.
  2. His behavior betrays him.
  3. When he sees you, he gets nervous.
  4. He always tries to help you.
  5. His touch is unobtrusive.
  6. He speaks to you affectionately and with trepidation.
  7. His friends know that he likes you.

How to let a guy know that he likes?

  • Reciprocate;
  • Share his interests;
  • Take an interest in his affairs;
  • Touch back;
  • Go on a date;
  • Accept invitation;
  • Say directly.

Most men are not as perceptive as women's nature, so hints are useless. You need to act directly, opening your heart. Of course, it is advisable to do this when there is confidence that he has sympathy. Otherwise, there is a chance that your feelings will remain unrequited.

Video: how to understand that a guy likes you?

Sympathy is a feeling when a certain affection flares up between opposite sexes. There is a desire to be always there, to help, listen and do something pleasant. These wonderful emotions are experienced by all people at one time, and it doesn’t matter when and where, the main thing is that they are mutual.

Sympathy is a delicate matter, it can be given out with one gesture, look and even a word. And at this moment you need to be ready to understand and interpret them correctly. How to do this, we will tell in this article. You can determine whether a man likes you by speech, behavior and gestures. You will also find out why a guy blushes when talking to a girl.

Here are some things to judge by:

  • Timidity. If a guy is carried away by you, then he will behave with restraint, not defiantly, considering his every word. You can watch him awkwardly look away and linger, asking questions. Of course, this is not always the case, for example, if a man is arrogant by nature, then this will not happen.
  • Concentration. He will not take advantage of any convenient pause to talk to someone - a waiter, a stranger passing by, on the phone, etc. This proves that the man is passionate about talking with you.
  • Desire to hook. Sneering in moderation is an obvious sign of sympathy. If the guy is a good friend, then he may try to say some kind of barbs and mock you a little, trying to evoke emotions.
  • Questions about personal life. Be prepared to be asked about your ex-boyfriend, marriage prospects, falling in love and sympathy. But if he bombards with questions about how to behave with other girls and how to please them, this is a bad sign. It means he wants to use you.
  • evaluating glance. Rest assured, he will study his candidate inside and out, from head to toe.
  • Solving household issues together. Does a young man do shopping with you, help with repairing the plumbing? This is definitely a sign of a serious relationship.
  • Getting to know the parents. Only those who really like are waiting for this moment.
  • Talk about the future. Are you making joint vacation plans, are you happy to talk about children and family? Get ready for a long term relationship!
  • Serious gifts. This is not about girls who are supported by young people. If you received something valuable, for example, some kind of family heirloom, this says a lot.
  • Permanent connection. A guy who likes a girl tries to always find time to call or text.

How to understand by correspondence that you are attractive to a man

If a guy, especially an adult, is not indifferent to you, everything is very easy - he will constantly write, be the first to enter into a dialogue, try to keep the attention of the interlocutor and show his interest. A manifestation of sympathy can be various jokes, anecdotes, compliments addressed to you and a desire to communicate for hours on end. We wrote about this in more detail in another article. It will help determine. You can understand this by what he writes and how it is done.

Analyzing behavior - how to test it for sympathy

If a guy is interested in a girl, then, naturally, he tries to constantly be near her. If we are talking about colleagues, then he will not miss a single opportunity to help his chosen one, exchange a few words with her and exchange views. And this is not a friendly gesture at all!

As for the sympathy of the boss, against her background, he can from time to time ask the girl to linger, help sort out the papers and resolve various issues at work. Perhaps bonuses and off-schedule weekends will follow, and then harassment.

To confirm your suspicions, pay attention to whether he helps other girls in the office, whether he spends his time on them. Also, a man can give himself away if he is nervous. This is especially true if he is shy.

How to learn about feelings through body language and gestures

Even if a young man hides his intentions, his “body language” will definitely give him away. In order to check his attitude towards you, it is enough to look closely at his gestures.

Conventionally, gestures can be divided into open and closed. If a young man uses the first ones, then you don’t have to worry, he has his eye on you.

Closed gestures indicate an aggressive attitude against you or the isolation of the interlocutor.

After dating an indifferent man who failed to fall in love with himself, unconditional surrender will follow without a showdown.

open positions

People who like each other don't hide in conversation. Here's how it should be. You will find out where he will look and for how long, in what condition the pupils will be, etc. And here are examples of poses that give hope for continued acquaintance, with their help you will not be able to hide your true feelings:

  • head tilt towards the interlocutor;
  • one foot in front;
  • fixing a tie
  • unbuttoning a shirt (top button);
  • direct eye contact;
  • palm opening.

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Closed postures - how to recognize indifference

Closed postures include everything that requires crossing your arms and distracting attention from the interlocutor. It can be:

  • crossing hands in the castle (does not want to open);
  • interlacing of fingers (he does not want to continue the conversation);
  • propping up his head with his hand (he is bored);
  • twitching of the strap on the watch (indicates that the person is in a hurry);
  • sitting half-turned, especially towards the exit.

Of course, after you manage to recognize by the poses whether he likes you or not, you should not immediately turn around and leave. It may well be that you just got a distrustful person. Then you need to know how to understand what. Here are a few basic signs that will help you not to make a mistake. You will learn how lovers behave.

We judge whether he could like you by speech

People who are not indifferent to each other will never raise their tone, so as not to seem boorish and impolite. Also, in no case will they interrupt the interlocutor and make fun of him in public. An equally important point is the distribution of compliments.

The guy should praise his passion in every possible way, albeit not directly, but indirectly. He can say “You will adorn any company with yourself”, “You know how to surprise”, “A smile suits you” and other pleasant, albeit banal, words.

In no case will he hide his relationship. If your feelings have grown into something more than just sympathy, this is what it can be. What actions will he perform, what to say, how to get closer? There is a separate article about this on the site.

Why does a man blush when talking to the opposite sex?

This does not always happen, for example, a man may blush when a woman looks at him with an evaluating look: she tries to study his habits and demeanor, clothing style and other points. It is also worth considering that it is at the moment of blushing that the guy imagines how you are having fun with him at his house. At the same time, a modest person will not hint at intimacy on the same evening.

If you understand that you liked it, the time has come. Read here how to do it right.

Here is a guy giving out all their secrets of male behavior when communicating with a girl he likes:

Gestures, speech and behavior - of course, will help to know if he likes you or not, but you should not rely on them alone! Each case requires an individual approach, and male psychology is a very complex thing.

How to know if a guy likes you? Guessing is not necessary. You need to carefully look at the man and listen to what and how he says. An observant person reveals many secrets. So if you want to understand how sincere this or that person feels about you, stop listening and watch. A person can control words, but he will not be able to play emotions and control the body at the same time.


If you don't know how to tell if a guy likes you, look him in the eyes. No wonder they say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. You can read a lot in the eyes of the interlocutor. For example, tenderness and affection. The person who likes you will not just look at you, but admire, smile with his eyes. In the process of such a look, wrinkles form under the eyes. Your acquaintance may break into a barely noticeable smile that will support the look. How does a guy look at a girl he likes? Long and inexorable. But when you inadvertently look at a guy, he will most likely look away. And if not? Then you will be able to notice dilated pupils. They always become larger when a person looks at something that he is pleased to contemplate.

Voice timbre

How to know if a guy likes you? Listen to how he speaks. A man is always trying to sound nicer to his lover. The guy can slow down his speech and speak with a breath, and his voice will become lower. A man will speak with his chest, because it is this sound that is best perceived by the female ear. The slowness and ductility of speech, even if it is not typical of a guy, can create a miraculous effect. If you understand that you enjoy being in the company of an acquaintance precisely because you like listening to his voice, then the likelihood that he is specifically trying to please you is very high.


Faking emotions is difficult, and sometimes impossible. How to know if a guy likes you? Look at how he behaves in your company. If, when communicating with friends, he is lively and active, then he is unlikely to save in front of you. But underneath the outward confidence often hides an inner turmoil. If a person experiences more than usual, it will be seen. Most likely, the guy will take some object from the table that he can twist in his hands. It can be a pen or a folder. From excitement, the guy's voice can change a lot. Your acquaintance may start speaking a phrase loudly, and finish it almost in a whisper. Well, the main sign of excitement is increased sweating. When talking to you, the guy may mention that the room is too hot. If you understand that the room is cool, think about whether you are making the guy worry?


A common reaction of representatives of two different sexes to each other is excitement. It often transitions and can even coexist with embarrassment. Such a feeling visits those guys who rarely contact girls. For example, your friend may work in a male team and be friends exclusively with the stronger sex. So how do you know if a guy likes you? The signs are very simple. A guy may blush when talking to you, shift from foot to foot, be embarrassed and choose words for a long time. And some men can't even utter a single coherent phrase. Of course, such cases are rare and mostly only with very young guys. If you notice that your friend feels like he's not at ease with you, most likely he likes you.


A person gives not the last place in life to tactile sensations. What he likes, he tries to touch more often. So no need to guess if the guy likes me. Take a simple test, look at how often your friend is looking for an excuse to touch you. This may be an accidental touch with the shoulders if you are sitting close, or a deliberate holding of the hand when he passes something to you or greets you. There can be many reasons. And some guys don't even try to somehow argue their actions. If you see that a guy often tries to deliberately touch you, know that he cares about you.

Doesn't know where to put his hands

The guy invited to the cinema, but behaves somehow strangely. Now he actively gesticulates, then he tries to put his hands deeper into his pockets. If you notice such strange behavior, know that the guy is worried. It is human nature to get lost when he is embarrassed. This often happens when a man is left alone with a girl he likes. The guy may hesitantly take your hand or hug you. But he can do such an action as if in jest. Thus, he tests your reaction. If you didn’t take his hand away and didn’t wriggle out of the hug, then the next time the guy will hug you in earnest.

Change in appearance

How to conduct a simple test, do you like a guy? Look at him carefully. If a guy always looked not well-groomed, and now he dresses with a needle, uses cologne and went to the hairdresser - this is proof that he decided to win a woman's heart. Yes, but they also like to look at a beautiful picture. So if a guy is trying to look cute, it's a clear sign that he wants to please you. Are you not sure that the transformation was made especially for you? Then tell the guy that you like his shirt. If after this compliment, the piece of clothing you like will often flash before your eyes - draw the appropriate conclusions. Should you tell a guy that you like his hair? Why not. Such compliments will definitely not spoil your relationship, but, on the contrary, will help the guy understand that you care about him too.

increased attention

Even shy guys can take decisive action. If a man pays you increased attention, this should tell you about his sympathy. For example, at a party where there are a lot of girls, a guy can chat with you very often. He will offer you drinks, invite you to dances and sit next to you. All this can hardly be called a coincidence. A guy can often meet you in the city or at the institute. When you meet, he will greet you, smile and compliment you. It is easy to guess that such “dates” are rigged. If a man seeks the company of a woman, this is a clear signal that he is interested in her candidacy.


Increased attention can manifest itself in different ways. For example, in the form of flirting. The guy can flirt openly. Most often in such cases, the man moves very close to the girl, looks into her eyes and looks at her lips. He jokes and smiles. Touch plays an important role here. The guy may not hint at you that he likes you. He will simply communicate at ease and try to charm with his charm. Restrained men will not behave liberated. They know the boundaries that should not be crossed. Therefore, you may not hear dirty jokes or compliments about your sexuality. But the look and gestures will be gentle, and the touches will be frequent.


If a guy likes you, he will want to know more about you. And how to do it, if not with the help of questions? A man may be interested in your place of work or study. Questions can relate to both your hobby and personal life. If a guy asks something too frank, know that he wants something serious between you. You can ask counter questions to the guy. For example, ask something personal. If he gives you an answer right away, doesn’t think for a long time about whether to give you an answer, then you are not indifferent to him. The more often a man is frank with a girl, the more likely it is that his interlocutor is interesting to him.


A guy who wants to interest a girl will always bet on humor. A good joke can bring people closer. Humor helps remove boundaries and make conversation less formal. But be prepared for the fact that jokes can be addressed to you. Thus, the guy wants to understand how you feel about him. If he, as if by chance, says that it is dangerous to deal with a girl like you, and that he would never dare to ask you on a date, keep in mind that this is a hint. He is waiting for you to refute this information and give him the green light. But be careful with your jokes. Men are very touchy creatures. If you inadvertently decide to laugh at his appearance, you can scare off your date. So, if you have a desire to keep the conversation in a playful tone, it is better to laugh at yourself.

personal information

The person who is trying to impress you always wants to appear in the best possible light. If a guy in a conversation with you talks about how successful and smart he is, do not consider this as a manifestation of selfishness. It should be understood that a man behaves like a peacock and fluffs his tail in front of you. Or maybe the guy is just shy and therefore speaks on a topic that seems safe to him.

If a man shares details of his childhood or school years with you, he cares about you. And if he's trying to find out more about you, that's a good sign too. Men are very calculating. They will not throw words to the wind and ask what they are not interested in. So if a guy asks a question, keep in mind that he really wants to know the answer.


Have you been invited to have a cup of coffee and you can't understand the man's intentions? He likes you. You should not ask the guy why he invited you to only demonstrate your low self-esteem. Perhaps it was difficult for a man to call you in a cafe, and inappropriate questions can confuse him. But still, some girls do not believe until the last that they can fall in love. If you are one of those, then look for confirmation in non-verbal signs. Is the guy sitting across from you asking questions, smiling sweetly and trying to touch you? What other confirmation is needed? Do not try to speed up the course of events and do not demand an account of feelings ahead of time.

Telephone conversations

Do you have a friend that you have known for many years? How does a guy talk on the phone? He can not only discuss course assignments or work reports with you. Do your conversations start with the guy being interested in your business and how you feel? Or maybe he consoles you and gives you relevant advice? Of course, that's what friends do. But if a man calls you every day or every other day, this is a sign that he cares about you. Why else would he waste his time on you?


You did not communicate with the man live? How do you know if a pen pal likes you? It may seem that this is quite simple. If a guy writes himself, it means that you are not indifferent to him. But here, too, there are nuances. A man may be interested in your person for a reason. Maybe he wants something from you. For example, he wants you to do him a favor, or he is a pick-up artist and trains seduction skills on you. How to understand such subtleties by correspondence? Pay attention to how often and for how long the guy communicates with you. You just logged into a social network and immediately received a message? Or maybe it repeats itself every day? Then your boyfriend learned the time when you check your VKontakte or Instagram page. If communication is hectic, your interlocutor is trying to find out more about you before calling for a personal meeting, then this is a good sign. He's probably looking online for a soul mate, not a one night stand.


What other way is there to know if a guy likes you? The test will help resolve all your doubts. You need to honestly answer the following questions:

  • How often do you meet a guy?
  • Does a man flirt with you?
  • Does a guy prefer your company to other girls?
  • Do you communicate with the prospective boyfriend on social networks?
  • Do you often meet with a guy look?
  • Are your friends jokingly or seriously saying that you and your boyfriend look good together?
  • Is a man trying to find out more about you through mutual friends?
  • Does the guy always find time to talk with you?
  • Does your friend often compliment you?
  • Does a man offer his help in solving everyday problems?

If you answered yes to these questions more often than not, then the guy definitely cares about you. Of course, a man can consider you a good person and communicate with you as a friend. Therefore, you should always rely on your heart and intuition. They rarely deceive girls.