How to knit an English gum. English gum how to knit

English ribbing is easy to knit and is a very famous pattern among beginner needlewomen. It is distinguished by its simplicity, but at the same time it looks magnificent and embossed. That is why English elastic is used for knitting bulky products - sweaters, leggings, scarves, hats and berets. And if you use threads of the same color when knitting, then the product will look equally beautiful both from the front and from the wrong side.

Having chosen an English rib knitting pattern for knitting, you should remember that, due to its volume, a large number of threads will be required.

Do-it-yourself English rib knitting

Before knitting, it should be remembered that English elastic is not recommended for knitting the edges of clothing, cuffs - they are necessary to “hold” the shape. Products will look more voluminous if you use thick threads and knitting needles with a large diameter.

English knitting gum, the beginning of work is a set of loops, preferably with a thickened edge. Their number must be necessarily odd. The first loop of the new row is removed so that our product ends up being even. The last one is always knitted inside out.

English knitting gum: scheme (1x1)

The first row - the first loop is removed, the front loop is knitted behind it, then a crochet is made and the wrong loop is removed without knitting (the working thread is located behind the product), then the steps are repeated; the edge loop is knitted on the wrong side.

Second row - the first loop is removed, then purl with a crochet without knitting, then we knit the front loop, which was removed with a crochet from the previous row.

The third row - we remove the first loop, we knit the next one with the existing yarn over, we remove the wrong one with the yarn over. In the same way we knit all the rows.

There is another version of the English rib pattern with knitting needles - this is a 2x2 rib. The product is even more embossed and dense.

English knitting gum: scheme (2x2)

The number of loops needed is an even number.

First row - the first loop is removed, two loops are knitted front, then two purl loops with a crochet are removed, the last purl loop.

Second row - the first loop is removed, then two purl loops with a crochet, then two facial loops are knitted together with the existing yarn, the last loop is purl.

The third row is similar to the first.

You can apply threads of two shades to get the following options for color patterns:

  1. Different color sides of the product. To achieve this effect, threads of different colors are used. In the process of knitting, it is necessary to ensure that each side of the product has its own color. For example: the front side is knitted from light threads, the wrong side from dark ones.
  2. Speckled canvas. It is obtained by changing the threads of light and dark tones every 2 rows.
  3. Horizontal stripes of a different color. Used to create originality of the product. Such a pattern can be obtained by using threads of a different color in the right areas.

Scarf with English rib knitting

A scarf is an important piece of clothing. It is necessary not only to protect the throat in cold weather, but also as a fashion accessory to create an elegant and memorable style.

Often the first product of a beginner needlewoman is a scarf knitted from English gum. It is distinguished by its simplicity and does not require a lot of experience.

To knit a scarf with English rib knitting, you will need threads (you can use several colors), a ruler and a hook. Before starting work, you should decide on the future width of the product.

After that, you should do a trial knitting: dial 15-20 loops with knitting needles, knit a product a few centimeters long (any viscous), then use a ruler to calculate how many loops are in one centimeter. The resulting value is multiplied by the desired width of the scarf. The resulting figure makes it clear how many loops will be needed for knitting.

Knitting pattern for a scarf with English rib

To work, you need to dial an odd number of loops. The first loop of the fabric will be removed, the last knitted on the wrong side.

First row: the first loop is removed, the front one is knitted behind it, then one loop with a crochet is removed. This procedure is repeated until the end of the series. The last stitch is purl knit.

Second row: the first loop is removed, the front loop that was double crochet is knitted behind it, then the double crochet loop is removed. The last loop is purl.

The third row is the same as the first, the fourth is similar to the second, and so on until the end of the product. Then the knitting is closed, and the tip of the thread is tucked in with a hook.

Knitted hat with English ribbing

A hat is a product that is knitted according to your individual measurements, as it will wrap around your head. This must be taken into account when calculating the number of loops.

Before you start knitting a hat with an English rubber band, you need to measure the diameter of the head. Next, you should calculate the required number of loops. To do this, you need to dial about twenty loops with knitting needles and knit a sample from several rows.

After that, you can determine how many loops fall on 1 cm of the product. The resulting value is multiplied by the length of the circumference of the head. As a result, we find out the required number of loops for knitting.

Elastic band is one of the most common elements. You will need it for almost any product, whether it is a regular sock or a whole knitted coat. Today we continue to study with knitting needles and in practice we will see how beautiful and at the same time simple it is - an elastic band with knitting needles. Let's start!

Dear needlewomen! I want to warn you that I knit the loops in the “grandmother's way” - behind the back wall of the loop. This method is not classical, and in many sources the products are knitted in the "classical way". Read more about how to knit loops.

We will need .

Turn the needle so that the working thread is on the right.

We remove the first loop without knitting.

We knit the next loop.

We knit the next loop

Thus, alternating the front and back loops, we knit to the end of the row. Here's how it should turn out.

Flip knitting. As you can see, the pattern of the front and back sides is the same, which is another plus of the elastic band.

I have the next loop - purl. So, I knit it on the wrong side. If you have a facial - knit the front.

In my case, the next loop is the front one. Thus, the principle of knitting an elastic band is knitting the front loops over the front ones, and the purl ones over the purl ones.

This is what the finished product looks like. The purl rows are almost invisible.

They are visible only if you stretch the canvas a little. There are a huge variety of types of gum, the simplest of which are 2 by 2 and 3 by 3 elastic bands, in which 2 and 3 knit and purl loops are knitted together, respectively, and quite complex types of elastic bands, such as English, French, double, we will consider, so I advise you to subscribe to the site news! Many of my friends prefer the 2 by 2 elastic band, but the 1 by 1 elastic band seems to me easier for mechanical memorization.

This is the beauty we learned today! Really, isn't it difficult? If you still have questions, as well as wishes, advice, I'm waiting for them below!

Good afternoon, our dear readers! We are glad to welcome you to the new master class of the Craftswoman website! We hope that it will be useful and interesting for you, because the cold has already come, and knitters have begun to work tirelessly, warm themselves and their loved ones by knitting hats, scarves, mittens, snoods, sweaters ...

There are many types of "elastic bands": double, triple, voluminous, fan, diagonal and so on.

Most often used four types for knitting:

  • simple 1x1 (alternating front and back loops);
  • French;
  • English (patent);
  • magnificent.

In more detail in this article, we will analyze how to knit a scarf or how to knit a hat with an “English gum” pattern. By the way, a hat made of mohair with a double lapel in the Takori style, made with this pattern, came back into fashion.

English gum

In knitting, it is popular because it does not have a front or wrong side, both sides of the elastic band look the same. Since the pattern is double-sided, it is used when knitting hats, scarves, snoods and warm sportswear. The product stretches well and turns out to be quite loose and voluminous. The product is elastic and holds its shape well.

A scarf tied with an English rubber band looks more impressive than a regular elastic band. The only drawback is that the yarn consumption will be a little more than for a hat or scarf knitted in a regular or French one.

We can knit in the round or on 2 needles with a straight fabric. It turns out free, loose, this technique is suitable for knitting bulk work.

To knit a hat, use wool or wool blend yarn. Angora and mohair knitting is also used in knitting winter accessories.

In our example, the hat is knitted from Alize yarn 40% mohair, 60% acrylic. Yarn consumption - 500m, knit in two threads.

We take knitting needles several times thicker than our threads, but not so that knitting becomes loose or tight.

Knitters often have a question about how to knit an English elastic band in a circle. When knitting in this way, odd rows are knitted in the same way as with regular knitting, and in even rows, instead of the front one, a purl loop is knitted.

For knitting on knitting needles, the number of loops is divisible by three.

English knitting pattern

A new row begins with the removal of the edge, then we knit the front loop.

and after it you need to remove one wrong side without knitting.

It is simply transferred to the second instrument. The working thread should be located in front of the work.

First row- we collect an odd number of loops. We knit one front loop, then we make a straight yarn over, and remove the next loop without knitting, we leave the working thread at work, so we knit until the very end of the row.

Starting the second row knit like this - we start the row with a straight yarn, we remove one loop, we do not knit it, we leave the thread at work, we need to knit the loop and yarn from the previous row together with one front loop. Such actions alternate throughout the series. Yarn over, slip a stitch, knit the previous stitch and yarn over.

Third row similar to the second row. We knit a loop and yarn over together with one front loop, then we make a straight yarn over and remove the next loop without knitting, the thread is at work.

Since the knitting pattern will be clear even to beginners, do such manipulations to the very end.

A hat or scarf knitted with an English rubber band will stretch out a lot after washing, keep this in mind. The thicker the needles, the more the knit will stretch.

Let's tell you some subtleties: The yarns in the pattern give volume, but no holes are formed, thanks to which the product turns out to be soft, free, with the effect of volumetric friability. Therefore, the pattern looks perfect on such products as scarves, hats and berets, wide leggings, sweaters, including men's, and much more. The classic way of knitting English, patent gum looks universal both on the front and on the wrong side.

Know before choosing this pattern that it will require much more yarn than any other openwork pattern to knit the same product.

Subtleties and secrets of knitting

  • To get a smooth elastic band and avoid skewed edges, a set of loops must be made with a thickened edge. It is necessary to finish the work with a double thread.
  • Don't use English Rib for items that "hold" their shape, such as sleeve cuffs or the bottom of a sweater.
  • Follow the proportions, the thicker the yarn, the thicker the knitting needles should be. Experienced knitters recommend knitting the front loops on the front wall, then you will save the pattern from distortion, and the product will turn out to be elastic and smooth.

You will learn how to knit a hat in the style of Takori with an English elastic band by clicking on this link.

Video master class: how to knit an English gum

Text prepared by: Veronica

Good afternoon everyone! I invite you to a useful lesson on the study of knitting gum on knitting needles.

An elastic band is a knitting pattern that, after stretching, easily returns to its original state.

It is widely used for finishing the edge of knitted products, giving things a neat finished look.

The effect of stretching and subsequent compression is achieved by successively alternating vertical rows of front and back loops.

Consider how a 1 × 1 elastic band is made with knitting needles. The combination 1×1 shows that the knitted fabric consists of alternating one front row and one wrong side.

Loop calculation

In today's lesson, we learned how to knit 1x1 ribs with classic loops. Other elastic bands can be knitted similarly: 1x2 (knit 1, purl 2), 2x1 (knit 2, purl 1), 3x2 (knit 3, purl 2), etc.

Question for the beginner's lesson:
What yarn did you use and did the rib stretch and bounce well?
Question for the lesson for non-beginners:
What rib pitch do you usually use when knitting?

An experienced knitter needs only to name the type of elastic, and she immediately imagines how it will look on the finished thing, whether it is suitable for her or not. Usually, the cuffs and necklines of sweaters, the lower parts of sweaters or jackets are made with elastic bands, and a product such as a tube scarf is knitted entirely from elastic bands.

The elastic has continuous vertical lines on the front and back sides, and the fabric itself is easily stretched in width.

The elastic band can be simple, consisting of alternating front and back loops. An elastic band 1 x 1 means that these loops follow one after the other in turn, 2 x 2 - after two front ones, two wrong ones follow. In the next row, knit over the front loops, and purl over the wrong ones. The double ribbing on the needles is hollow, it is knitted to get a denser fabric. English rib, also called pearl rib, is larger and more embossed, with a soft texture, it is used for cardigans, pullovers and scarves.

We bring to your attention several videos for beginners, according to which it is easy to master the English type of gum. In the future, you can use the acquired skills to design stretchable elements of knitted items, to independently improve the proposed models. You can dock an elastic band with any other method of obtaining a knitted fabric.

Here are examples of lessons on how to knit an English gum with knitting needles:

First, we collect the loops on the knitting needles in the usual way, which is repeatedly described in many lessons for beginners. For study, you must have any even number of loops plus two edge loops. We take out one of the knitting needles and start knitting. The initial loop is hem, you just need to remove it. The next loop is the classic front. Next, a yarn over is made on the knitting needle in the direction away from you, and the next loop is not knitted, but simply removed.

This sequence is repeated: front loop, yarn over and removed loop. The yarn over and loop removal can be combined in one movement with a knitting needle. More experienced knitters will find it easy to understand how this is done. One edge loop remains in the row, it is knitted with a purl loop.

Next, unfold the knitting and start knitting the second row. The first loop is edge, it is removed. Now we have a double loop: a removed loop and a yarn over from the previous row. Both loops are simultaneously knitted with a front loop, then there is a single loop, we remove it together with the yarn.

Video: Classic English knitting gum

Then again a double loop, we knit it with the front one, the next single one is removed along with the crochet. This combination of loops is knitted to the end of the row. The final hem stitch is purl knit. All other rows of elastic are knitted in the same way. It is required to be careful and not confuse anything, do not skip the crochet or double loop. The elastic turns out to be exceptionally lush, it will not stay on the collar or cuff, but you can get a lush thing out of it.

When knitting on a machine, English rib is obtained with a significant difference between the front and back sides. Let's call such an elastic band industrial and see how to tie it. Cast on an odd number of stitches. The first edge loop is removed, the second is knitted with the front one, the next loop is removed together with the crochet, then everything repeats: front, yarn over and at the same time remove the loop. So the row is knitted to the end. We turn the knitting over, remove the edge loop.

Video: Different options for English gum

Next, purl loops and facial loops alternate with a crochet. All further pairs of rows continue like this. There is another way to get the same gum. The hem loop can be removed and knit the entire row as for 1 x 1 elastic - alternating front loops with purl loops. In the next row, remove the initial edge loop, knit the next wrong loop the same.

We catch the next front loop on the row below and knit the front one. Then purl - again we take a row below. So we continue until the end of the row, the third is knitted, like the first, with an elastic band 1 x 1, facial loops - to the front, purl - to the purl.

Another version of the English gum, which is sometimes called bulk. It looks the same from both sides. The purl loops with a crochet are removed, the front loops with a crochet are knitted. After turning the knitting, the next row is knitted in the same way. The knit and purl rows are knitted the same way. It is possible to knit an elastic band with the same pattern on both sides using loops from the previous row below. Can be knitted in rows or in the round.