How to drain the thoracic ducts for the first time. Breast preparation for feeding. If the baby can not cope with the volume of milk

The importance of breastfeeding is invaluable to any infant. Mother's milk is a natural food that contains all the necessary vitamins, trace elements, nutrients, moisture vital for a baby up to the age of six months.

And now let's dwell on this in more detail.

In order for the newborn to begin to receive the optimal balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates with food, it is not enough for a young mother to just eat right.

There are certain rules that help prepare the mammary glands for feeding. Only then will the milk arrive on time and will produce fully, in the required quantities.

How to prepare breasts for breastfeeding

The mammary glands by nature itself are designed so that a woman can feed offspring. Special manipulations in the preparation of the breast is not required. However, medical recommendations apply to the following range of actions:

  • breast preparation for lactation while waiting for the baby;
  • preparatory activities after childbirth;
  • hygiene procedures;
  • massage;
  • exercises.

Breast work during pregnancy

Among obstetricians, there is a completely justified opinion that it is impossible to prepare the mammary glands for lactation during pregnancy. If a woman is in a state of readiness for childbirth, any manipulation of the nipples can provoke a premature birth of a child.

During pregnancy, it is impossible to prepare the mammary glands for lactation.

This is due to the production of a hormone, the release of which occurs in response to stimulation of the nipples. In the absence of readiness for childbirth and a mature cervix, this is not scary, however, the uterus can tone up, which is also dangerous at the risk of miscarriage.

Preparing nipples for feeding is recommended only for those women who have an irregular nipple shape. Flat or protruding nipples can cause problems in full lactation.

If the extreme shape of the elongated nipple is formed by very short connective fibers that lie at its base, it is pointless to massage and exercise, but this feature is rare.

A more common problem is the paradoxical reaction of the nipple in response to irritation. If it is retracted when exposed, special exercises can be carried out that will remove such manifestations. In other cases, during pregnancy, you will only need good underwear and recommended care for the mammary glands.

Exercises for flat nipples

  1. Light pulls. The nipple is grasped between the fingers and gently pulled outward.
  2. Rolling between fingers. Nipples without effort, squeezes gently roll between the fingers
  3. Pinch massage. With simple pinching movements, all the mammary glands are massaged, with the exception of the areola and nipple, in order to exclude cervical stimulation.

All manipulations should not last more than a minute. You can not exercise when ready for childbirth and the threat of miscarriage.

Psychologist's advice - be confident in yourself!
Preparing breasts for feeding is not difficult, breastfeeding experts believe that it is necessary to prepare not the chest, but the head. Because the breast is ready from the very beginning - it was created for breastfeeding, and all problems arise due to fear, unwillingness to feed, or simply lack of self-confidence.

  1. In the second trimester, it is recommended to perform a contrast shower, massaging the breasts with a terry towel, without touching the nipple for 2-3 minutes. All movements are exceptionally light, stroking, in the direction from the areola to the base of the gland. After that, you can make circular movements.
  2. When the manipulations with the towel are completed, you can press the chest against the chest wall with moderate force pressure 2-3 times.

This breast massage for a nursing mother will help stabilize blood circulation, improve the outflow of tissue fluid, lymph. Skillful manipulations create favorable conditions for milk production and the breastfeeding stage itself. It also lays the foundation for maintaining a beautiful shape after the completion of breastfeeding.

Massage will keep the beautiful shape of the breast!

To make the nipple more resistant to mechanical damage by the baby's mouth, you can put coarse canvas inserts into the bra, but this remains at the discretion of the woman. Doctors recommend short ultraviolet irradiations to increase the resistance of the breast to possible infection and pustular lesions, however, under strict medical supervision.

Hygiene rules

Hygiene rules for a pregnant and lactating woman must be strictly observed:

  1. Daily hygienic shower.
  2. Delicate rubbing of the chest with a towel.
  3. Treatment with moisturizing and nourishing creams of the nipple and areola in case of their excessive dryness.

Video "Proper breast care"

Watch the video for tips from breastfeeding experts on how to properly care for and prepare your breasts for feeding during pregnancy:

Hygiene of a nursing mother in questions and answers

Is it necessary to wash the breast every time before feeding?

Neonatologists and obstetricians-gynecologists urge not to wash the mammary glands with detergent before each feeding of the child.

To ensure complete safety, it is enough to take a daily hygienic shower using a ph-neutral detergent. This will prevent the formation of crusts.

After the procedure, it is enough to dip the breast with a clean soft cloth. Do not use a terry towel. This can injure the nipples.

If mommy will wash the mammary glands before any feeding, she will provoke the occurrence of excessive dryness of the skin, which will lead to the formation of cracks. It's much better to just wash your hands.

Is breast treatment necessary with special formulations?

Additional processing is not advisable if the nipples are healthy, there are no cracks and abrasions on them. Disinfection solutions also lead to dryness, change the natural smell of the breast and the taste of the first drops of milk, which is very important for the comfort of the baby.

Does your breast need to be washed after feeding?

Milk always remains on the nipples, it is not necessary to wash it off.

It is quickly absorbed and creates additional protection for the skin from the appearance of possible cracks.

Look. Do it safely and painlessly.

Read what is the dosage for breastfeeding. Instructions for the use of the drug for HB.

What exercises and massage can be done

Breast massage for nursing mothers

Gentle manual massage perfectly prepares the breast for feeding the baby and performs a number of other useful functions:

  1. Prevention of lactostasis. Even if there are areas with stagnant milk in the mammary glands, they are activated.
  2. Improving blood circulation, which strengthens the breasts and increases lactation.
  3. Oils that are recommended for massage during feeding tone the skin and help get rid of stretch marks.

Massage technique

  • palms are lubricated with natural oil;
  • the left hand is placed under the mammary gland, the right - above it;
  • the chest is massaged in a circular motion;
  • then the massage turns into stroking movements towards the nipple, with a gradual coverage of the entire surface of the mammary gland.

The nature of touches is delicate and light, without causing discomfort. The oil should not affect the nipple and areola. Such care is recommended after each feeding for 3-4 minutes.

Nursing exercises

Exercises for pregnant women were mentioned above, now you can turn to those that are intended for nursing mothers.

Exercise will help improve the quality of feeding, as movement increases blood flow, which contributes to better milk production.

It is necessary to do it in doses so that lactic acid does not develop in the muscles, it will make the baby's food taste bitter.

Exercise #1

  • palms are folded in front of you, elbows are placed at chest level;
  • pressure is created between the palms for 10 seconds;
  • repeat - 5 times.

Exercise #2

  • straight arms rotate around the shoulder joint in a circular motion;
  • manipulations are performed first with one, then with the other hand.

Excessive exercise can ruin milk!

Exercise #3

  • hands imitate movements, as in breaststroke swimming.

Exercise number 4

  • palms are placed in the armpits;
  • Elbows make circular movements forward / backward.

Exercise number 5

  • in an inclination parallel to the floor, hand swings are made to the sides.

Nursing bra
A special bra is an integral part of preparing the mammary glands for feeding. In no case should he squeeze the chest, but at the same time, you can’t take the size “for growth”. The straps of the product should be wide and well regulated and fix the mammary glands.
It is advisable to choose a model made from natural fabrics that will provide oxygen access. A properly selected bra is also necessary to maintain the shape and elasticity of the bust.

Additional physiotherapy procedures to improve lactation

  • baths for breasts with warm water;
  • shared bath exclusively with warm water for relaxation;
  • warming hands and feet in hot water before feeding;
  • acupuncture or special applicators on the back;
  • massage of the collar zone, the back area between the shoulder blades.

How to restore breasts after breastfeeding

Proper Diet

For a more productive recovery of the mammary glands after lactation, the following products will help to enrich the diet:

  • meat of any low-fat varieties;
  • milk, at least two glasses a day;

Physical exercise

Exercises to restore elasticity and height of the chest are as follows:

  1. Push-ups with arms wide apart - 10 times in 3-4 sets.
  2. Starting position - lying on your back with knees bent. Hands with dumbbells are bred to the sides and lowered to the body. Exercises are repeated alternately 10-15 times.

People's Council - black tea.
Apply napkins soaked in tea leaves on the nipples several times a day. Even better if you have oak bark.
Brew it as directed on the package, let it cool, and bathe your papillae, or make compresses in the same way as tea.


Massage effect helps restore skin tone and elasticity. The technique consists of the following manipulations:

  • stroking circular movements along the mammary glands;
  • intense kneading of the chest;
  • fingertip massage;
  • patting on the chest with the ribs of the palms.

Cold and hot shower

Procedures with alternating hot and cold effects strengthen the walls of blood vessels, increase tissue elasticity, and improve blood circulation. It is enough to act on the chest with a shower jet alternately with hot and cold water for 10 seconds.

The success of lactation largely depends on how well a woman prepares her mammary glands for future feeding. This issue should not be taken lightly, despite the fact that nature has thought of a lot for us. Simple manipulations will help preserve not only the health, but also the beauty of the breast.

Undoubtedly, every woman dreams of feeling this happiness - breastfeeding her own child. All mothers know about the benefits and benefits of natural feeding, so they strive to give their baby everything only the best. In fact, it is not so easy to establish lactation. Often, new mothers giving birth for the first time do not imagine the correct sucking technique. A seemingly simple process does not bring results, women face some problems and difficulties.

Most young mothers do not have the correct technique for applying the baby to the breast, so they often have to face difficulties in establishing lactation (see also:)

Phases of lactation

When does the first breast milk appear? The next day after giving birth, women have colostrum. It happens even in the hospital. As a rule, it is not much, just a few drops. The secretion of all women who have given birth will work differently. Sometimes milk arrives in small portions, and its volume increases closer to 4-5 days. Sometimes milk comes abruptly and unexpectedly - usually for 3-4 days. In such cases, a woman notices a sharp increase in the volume of the mammary glands, they harden and cause pain, enlarged veins are visible on the chest, body temperature rises.

This period lasts from 1 to 2 days, followed by the establishment of normal feeding, but only if the breasts are well emptied. A couple of weeks after giving birth, a woman already has mature milk, which will change its composition depending on the mother's diet.

How long does it take for the body to start producing milk? In women who have given birth to their first child, milk may come late - only on the 5th-6th day, and in some cases only at the beginning of the second week. Once having arrived, milk arrives in increasing quantities every day and reaches its “climax” between 10 and 20 weeks. A high level of production will be established and will be maintained throughout the entire period of feeding. Milk production will depend on a number of reasons, in particular, on the duration of feeding. In one day, a woman in the first week after childbirth produces about 200-300 ml of useful "drink".

How to recognize mature lactation?

Mature lactation is characterized by an uninterrupted supply of milk and the absence of sudden tides. Each woman may have her own individual characteristics in this regard. So, sometimes during the phase of mature lactation there are crises, while other women calmly continue to feed the babies without any failures.

Mature lactation is accompanied by soft mammary glands. This phase can be established in different ways, in time it takes from 1 to 3 months. A woman notices changes in her well-being. The previously present discomfort from the rush of milk becomes imperceptible. The feeling of lightness often frightens mothers with the fact that the milk in the breast could disappear completely.

How to understand when mature lactation has come? It can be identified by a number of symptoms:

  • the chest becomes soft and light (not heavy);
  • absence of pain symptoms with milk tides;
  • before each feeding it seems that the breasts are not completely filled, that milk has not arrived in them;
  • the absence of discomfort of any plan that previously bothered the nursing mother.

The period of mature lactation becomes a real joy for the mother, since the physiological discomfort from lactation remains in the past

Remember! The most important role is played not by hormones, but by the quality of the emptying of the mammary glands at each feeding.

During this period, a woman may have a place. They are accompanied by a decrease in the intensity of milk production. There is no need to be afraid of these crises - the situation, as a rule, improves within three days, rarely a week.


What to do if the woman who gave birth does not have milk? The lack of milk in the mother may well be diagnosed. This phenomenon is called hypogalactia, i.e. decreased lactation after childbirth. The reasons for its appearance can be very diverse. Some of the most significant are overwork, poor nutrition, stress and a nervous home and social environment.

Hypogalactia is curable - in order to fight it, you must first of all provide your mother with a full and sufficient sleep in the amount of 7-8 hours a day, as well as good nutrition. What it includes: strong tea (1 liter) with the addition of milk (1 liter), as well as fermented milk products in equal amounts. It is important in this case to establish and "neutralize" interfering factors.

Help in the development of lactation

A young mother should be informed about the principles underlying successful lactation even in the maternity hospital, immediately after childbirth. Medical staff must convey to the woman the following information:

  • Earlier breastfeeding. It is extremely important (experts on breastfeeding do not tire of repeating this) to give the baby a breast as soon as possible after birth (immediately in the hospital), preferably within 30-60 minutes. Why is there such a hurry? At this time, neuroendocrine mechanisms start their work, which are responsible for the regulation of milk production in a woman who has just given birth. The first early application is a signal for the beginning of active actions: “A lot of milk is required!”.
  • Colostrum is a valuable product for the baby. Thanks to the first drops, the newborn receives unique components that populate his small stomach with beneficial microflora, and protective antibodies begin to be produced in the body. The first application is an impetus to the activation of a whole range of functions. It is at this time that close bonds begin to be established between mother and child. When these connections become tangible, the mother understands the needs of her baby and gives herself a positive attitude to continue full breastfeeding.
  • Feeding on demand- the baby receives a breast as soon as necessary (he wants to eat or just calm down). The duration of feeding is also not limited. This method helps to establish sufficient milk production. Frequent and prolonged sucking stimulates the mammary glands, as a result, more and more milk comes. Sucking releases the hormone prolactin. The task of prolactin is the active secretory activity of the mammary glands.

If the mother manages to feed the baby within an hour after the birth, milk production will be urgently launched in full due to complex hormonal processes.

Additional Important Factors

  • Feed at night and early morning hours. It is at this time that the maximum amount of prolactin will be produced, the likelihood of establishing stable lactation will be higher.
  • Do not supplement with water. Breastfed newborns do not need additional fluids, as mother's milk is not only food, but also drink.
  • Do not formula feed. Often mothers make a mistake and start feeding the baby with adapted mixtures, fearing a lack of milk. Such actions are erroneous: the colostrum that appears at this time in the breast is very nutritious. Its energy value is so high that even 5 ml of colostrum (and there is always a little of it at this time, from 10 to 50 ml per day) will be enough for the baby. It is easier for a baby to “get” a mixture from a bottle, and this can reduce the sucking activity of the child, complicate and slow down the process of lactation.
  • In the first practices of attachment, it is important to prevent the appearance of cracks and irritation on the nipples and areolas, they will complicate the feeding process.

To maintain breast health and improve lactation, a young mother needs to follow the correct application technique. You can see it in specialized videos, and employees of the maternity hospital or the local pediatrician are also obliged to give basic knowledge.

Milk straining

Getting to the stage of mature lactation is not always easy. Attachment pain will persist until this period arrives. A baby who is not emptying his chest well needs your help - you need to drain the milk ducts so that they all begin to function. Would you like to know how to open your chest? Follow the following rules.


  1. Correct application technique is the key to good lactation. When feeding, the child should capture the nipple with the mouth along with the areola, then each gland will be stimulated and work. The constant arrival of milk in the first week and incomplete emptying of the breasts by the baby can cause a fever. The way out of this situation is to express as much as possible to the last drop. Otherwise, lactostasis may lie in wait for you (more in the article:).
  2. Before feeding, you can make compresses from the cabbage leaf. Apply the leaves to the breasts for 10-20 minutes, they will help soften the breasts and relieve pain, after the compress it will be easier to spread.
  3. In the absence of a high temperature, it is quite possible to drink something hot: tea with milk, and you can also take a warm shower or bath.
  4. The flow of milk will increase if, before pumping, the mammary glands are developed with a light massage in the form of strokes, but without active pressing on the glands. It will be a great stimulation for full pumping.
  5. How to unwind after childbirth? For pumping, you can use modern devices that operate by creating a vacuum. The device is attached to the areola, after which work begins: manually, if it is manual, or from the network (with an electric type of device). Which type is more convenient is up to you.
  6. If you want to pump yourself (for more details in the article:), you need to do it “from the inside”. By making circular movements with both hands, you will help increase the flow of milk to the areola - this will help disperse lactation. Now you need to press on the areola and make a smooth movement towards the nipple, as if prompting the milk in the right direction.
  7. After the process is completed, it is recommended to leave the chest open. You need to do this for 15 minutes. So a new portion of milk will get unhindered access to the mammary glands.

You can consider the pumping technique in more detail using examples of video tutorials. Such training courses will tell you how to disperse milk and strain it correctly.

When breastfeeding a baby, doctors recommend regularly massaging the mammary glands. But performing breast massage while breastfeeding requires care. How to properly spread the chest? How to avoid discomfort during massaging?

Any type of massage is extremely beneficial for the human body. This healing technique has been used since ancient times. Massaging the bust, a woman should pay no less attention than hygiene. Breasts after childbirth require careful treatment and regular preparation. It should be strained before giving to the baby.

Massage has a positive effect:

  • prevents mastitis
  • increases secretion
  • regulates metabolic processes
  • ensures better milk outflow
  • increases blood microcirculation inside the gland

A large number of nursing mothers are faced with insufficient breast milk production and do not know how to drain the ducts. During lactation, it is required to carefully monitor the condition of the nipples and the cleanliness of the skin. Before feeding, it is necessary to rub the chest with massage movements. If a woman does not know how to develop breasts with milk, you can ask the advice of a breastfeeding specialist.

Straining milk is important for the full functioning of the milk ducts. This procedure is auxiliary and helps to prevent lactostasis.

Massaging until milk arrives prepares for feeding. Straining the ducts is sometimes quite difficult and painful. If you first strain the breast before the massage, you can get rid of the discomfort during feeding. The outflow of milk improves, problems with pumping disappear. Straining the biofluid will favorably affect the further production of breast milk and the feeding itself.

Side effects and contraindications

The doctor determines the technique of action. For advice, a nursing woman should contact a gynecologist or mammologist. You can also get advice from a lactation specialist. The doctor will tell you how to properly drain the ducts. The breast after childbirth requires special attention.

There are some contraindications to the process:

  • the presence of chronic diseases
  • oncological disease
  • the presence of a node in the thickness of the gland
  • skin lesion
  • deterioration of health

Massage in the presence of a neoplasm can provoke an increase in the node. Therefore, when confirming a neoplasm, massaging is prohibited.

Among the side effects of massage, tension in the muscles of the thoracic region can sometimes be observed. In this case, you must stop massaging the gland. You can strain your breasts with a breast pump or manually.

Rules for conducting and technique of breast massage

Before straining milk, you need to take a shower with antiseptic soap. The hygienic procedure will improve blood circulation in the chest and prevent the penetration of pathogenic flora. For massage, it is better to use natural plant-based oils that do not irritate the skin. Applying oil to the nipple is prohibited.

It is required to develop nipples with gentle movements. It is important not to hurt yourself. The chest is easy to drain if the procedure does not bring discomfort. Bust warm-up is especially important for lactating women.

Massage after childbirth

Performing a massage during breastfeeding is recommended by experts in order to drain the milk ducts without any problems. Rubbing promotes the production of breast milk and maintains tissues in the right tone. Initially, you need to strain the biofluid. Perform circular movements should be no more than ten minutes. You need to move your palms in a spiral, directing them to the nipples. This technique helps tighten the tissues and prevent the bust from sagging after childbirth.

Massage to increase lactation

Actions are carried out before and after the GV. To increase lactation, a nursing mother needs to carefully knead the thickness of the gland. It is necessary to start circular movements from the upper parts. Circles with the palms are performed clockwise gently and without much pressure. Massage should not bring discomfort. How to do breast massage while feeding correctly, the gynecologist will tell you.

For lactation, it is necessary to massage the bust daily. Performing breast massage during feeding promotes a better outflow of milk. Don't forget to strain the accumulated milk first. Feeding should be started only after preparation.

It is required to start massaging half an hour before the start of feeding. Movements should be smooth. How to properly stretch the mammary glands? First they need to be massaged at the top, then gently go down.

Action algorithm:

  1. wash hands with soap
  2. wash the glands, touching the nipples
  3. sit comfortably in a chair
  4. lubricate the chest with oil
  5. put one palm under the chest, the other is carried out actions
  6. start circular motions from top to bottom
  7. massage from base to nipple

It is better to massage before the appearance of droplets of milk from the nipple. The procedure must be completed with a warm shower, which will wash away the remaining oil. Kneading the breast during feeding is not always required.

Massage before feeding

Before performing the technique, it is recommended to warm the chest well with a hot towel. Before starting the process, the mammary gland needs to be kneaded in those places where seals are present. You need to act carefully, without causing pain. For manipulations, you can also use a special hydromassage nozzle. An important rule is not to act intensively. With GV, squeezing of tissues is not allowed.

Immediately after the end of kneading, they begin to feed the child. After the massage, the iron becomes less elastic, and the baby willingly sucks milk. The influx of biofluid increases, and the ducts are emptied without discomfort. After feeding, massage the glands again in a circular manner and express the remaining milk.

Breast massage before expressing milk

To avoid blockage of the milk ducts, the bust is massaged for about five to seven minutes before decanting the biofluid. The palms are pre-lubricated with oil or baby cream. It is required to perform movements in a circular, smoothly. Simple strokes in the direction from the top to the nipple are also good. The chest can be slightly shaken when tilted. This action promotes the flow of milk. Breast massage should include:

  • rotational circular movements of the palms in a spiral
  • pulling movements
  • patting
  • kneading gland
  • gentle squeezing of the nipples with fingers

Such a warm-up is very beneficial for the functioning of the mammary glands. All actions should be carried out carefully, carefully, without undue pressure. You can express milk while sitting comfortably in a chair.

Massage at the end of breastfeeding

Not always the end of lactation goes without problems. Milk disappears gradually. Massage will help the natural cessation of biofluid production. To avoid the formation of painful bumps, before the massage, you will need to strain the chest. To do this, gently express the remaining milk, and then begin to massage the bust.

All actions must be performed in the following sequence:

  1. wash your chest with antiseptic soap
  2. apply a hot towel to the bust for five minutes
  3. start doing circular motions with your palms
  4. moves from top to bottom
  5. palms move around in a spiral
  6. end the massage with stroking
  7. pump out the rest of the milk

Proper execution of the technique will allow you to quickly drain the ducts and not experience discomfort when you stop lactation. Stimulation of the glands should be carried out three times a day. Light, painless massaging will prevent lactostasis, mastitis and other problems when lactation is stopped.

Every mother, while still pregnant, thinks about how to prepare her breasts for feeding. In order not to feel discomfort and pain during the application of the baby to the chest, you must follow simple rules. They are usually told in perinatal centers before childbirth. In order to avoid problems with lactation, let's look at the basic preventive measures for good and proper breastfeeding.

There are several stages of preparing the mammary glands for feeding. The main ones are:

  • determine the shape of the nipples: flat, retracted and convex. The most suitable of them for breastfeeding is the third. With the first two, you will need to purchase a special pad or massage the nipples to correct their shape. Before starting a massage, it is imperative to consult a doctor so as not to inadvertently cause premature birth;
  • prepare the skin of the chest. In the second half of pregnancy, it is better to give up soap and shower gel to avoid dry skin. Which in turn can provoke the appearance of cracks;
  • take air baths with bare breasts for 10-15 minutes daily;
  • hardening. Pouring nipples with cool water or wiping with frozen cubes with decoctions of medicinal herbs with antiseptic properties has a positive effect;
  • nursing bra. You can buy it in specialized departments of stores for mothers or pharmacies. It is made of natural fabric, has a detachable cup and does not squeeze the chest. In addition, it helps to maintain its shape and elasticity;
  • compresses with decoctions of herbs. Oak bark or black tea brewing will not only disinfect the nipples, but also prevent the appearance of cracks. Carry out the procedure several times a day for 10 minutes;
  • soften. This item is necessary only in case of injury to the nipples during feeding. Then they are treated with an ointment, which the doctor should prescribe after examination;
  • breast massage before feeding is also very helpful.

How to develop breasts for nursing

Massage should be done daily in the morning and before bedtime for both pregnant mothers and those who have already given birth. It includes simple tricks:

  • stroking the breast with smooth movements from the outer sides to the nipple;
  • circular movements on the chest. The nipple is not affected;
  • lift the chest with one hand from below, and with the other lightly press from above;
  • we sort out the chest in a circle with massaging movements of the fingers.

Each movement is performed 5 times. Massage will help not only strengthen the mammary glands, but also useful for expressing milk. In no case do not press hard on the chest, so as not to injure it.

And don't forget clean, comfortable underwear that fits and fits well. When choosing a bra, pay attention to models with wide straps and natural cotton.

If you have overly sensitive breasts, then you need to choose underwear made of coarse fabrics (linen, terry) or use bra liners made of coarse fabrics.
If discomfort and pain persist during feeding, seek the advice of a doctor to find out the causes of discomfort.

The lactation period is different for every woman. Some have a lot of milk, others may have very little. One of the effective ways to solve the problem of milk deficiency and breastfeeding is to massage the mammary glands. It significantly increases blood circulation, strengthens the mammary glands. If you do it every day, stagnation of milk in the chest does not threaten, and you can get rid of dense lumps in a week. It is not difficult to do massage, besides, it helps to improve overall well-being, relieve anxiety and relax.

What happens in the mammary glands after childbirth

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the breasts increase significantly in size. Its appearance also changes: the size of the nipple and areola increases, they become dark in color. The skin becomes thinner, slightly bluish, blood vessels are visible. Stretch marks may appear, which will initially be pink in color, and then turn white and may last for a lifetime.

The younger the girl, the more elastic the tissues of her mammary glands. If, after childbirth, due attention is paid to the breast, then at the end of the lactation period, the breast will quickly restore its previous shape.

To avoid such a phenomenon as lactostasis (stagnation of milk in the mammary glands), it is very important to empty the breast in a timely manner, and the main assistant in this is the child himself. With untimely emptying, the chest becomes large and dense, even painful. In some cases, the body temperature rises, the general condition worsens. It is for this reason that it is so important to develop the chest and establish breastfeeding as quickly as possible.


The main advantage of breast massage to increase lactation is that it can be used by all women who feed the baby, without exception. But various medicinal herbs, even the most effective, can not be used by everyone.

Massage is not only an effective tool for breastfeeding, but also an excellent prevention. During the massage, it is recommended to use special oils that reduce the risk of stretch marks, which look rather unaesthetic.

Depending on what goal is set, each woman chooses for herself the appropriate option for breast massage: preventive and therapeutic.

Massage technique

It is very important that the movements are as light as possible, rough movements and strong pressure are unacceptable. This can lead to the fact that the breast will not give milk. Massage should bring only pleasant sensations, relax. You need to do it before you start feeding the baby: this will significantly improve the outflow of breast milk.


Preventive massage is performed as follows:

  1. 1. Put the palm on the upper chest so that it is slightly below the collarbone.
  2. 2. Make circular stroking movements, gradually moving in the direction from the base of the breast to the nipple.
  3. 3. During the massage, the chest should be periodically washed with warm water.

Cold chest during lactation - what is dangerous and how to treat?


This option is used if a woman has any problems during breastfeeding. Thanks to therapeutic massage, pumping will become much easier, blood flow in the tissues will improve, their tone will increase, lactostasis will resolve much faster.

Therapeutic massage includes the following:

  1. 1. Each breast should be lightly stroked with the palm of your hand. At the base of the gland (under the collarbones), press, and as you approach the nipple, reduce the pressure. The movement must be in a spiral.
  2. 2. Make a straight line with your fingers from the base of the gland to the nipple. Repeat the same movements from different points of the base of the gland to the nipple.
  3. 3. Take the nipple with the index and thumb, begin to gently massage it.
  4. 4. Standing, bend forward and shake your chest, but only very carefully.
  5. 5. In the shower, massage the mammary glands by directing a jet of warm water at them, making rotating movements. Gently pat your chest dry with a soft towel.

With lactostasis, stagnant areas of the mammary glands should be given special attention. Each seal needs to be massaged with light movements for a longer time. Circular movements for a few minutes will be very effective.

If there are no problems with lactation, you should not unnecessarily do therapeutic massage. The preventive technique will be more correct and effective.

Massage rules

The basic rules that will allow you to do breast massage correctly:

  1. 1. It is important to understand that manipulation of the mammary glands increases oxytocin and milk flow, and this causes discomfort in the chest and can lead to stagnant processes.
  2. 2. Hygiene procedures are required before the massage. Hands should be washed with soap and rinsed with warm water. It is not recommended to use alcohol solutions. If there is no access to water, alcohol-free baby wipes can be used.
  3. 3. Light massage movements directly during the feeding of the baby make it possible to make the return of milk more intense. To do this, you need to interrupt feeding for a couple of minutes (you can give the baby a nipple for now) and lightly massage around the gland. This will relax the milk ducts, respectively, milk will be more actively secreted. Such self-massage is especially recommended if there is a feeling that the baby does not empty the chest completely.
  4. 4. Breast massage for lactation should take no more than 5 minutes.
  5. 5. In most cases, after warming up the mammary glands, a rush of milk will be felt, so you need to feed the baby or express milk.
  6. 6. Overcrowding of the mammary glands for a long time should not be allowed.

The effectiveness of breast massage for lactation is difficult to overestimate. This will help a young mother to solve many breast problems during breastfeeding and after its completion.