How to calculate your pension yourself. The procedure for calculating pensions: examples of calculation. New procedure for calculating old-age pensions

Since 2015, pensions have been calculated according to a new formula. But something else is much more important: to qualify for it, you need to earn at least 30 pension points. This condition, first of all, affects the rights of the young: those who have little work experience. Let's consider a few examples of calculating an individual coefficient that will help you understand the mechanism of the new law and consciously plan your future.

New calculation principle

To understand what the essence of the changes is, we will give a brief historical background. The table below shows that previously only two conditions were required for granting a pension:

  • the onset of the legal age;
  • availability of the required work (insurance) experience.

Its size was calculated from two values: length of service and wages. At the same time, for the period from 2001 to 2014, it directly depended on the amount of insurance premiums listed in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. They accounted for 14-16% of earnings. The formula for calculating pensions since 2015 contains a new indicator: IPK– individual pension coefficient

It represents the sum of points for each year of work, but in fact reflects a new condition: in order to receive a legal payment, you must not only work out the required length of service, but also with such a salary that the amount of contributions paid is not less than the amount established by law.

Conditions of appointment and calculation of the size according to different laws

Most of the people counting on retirement in the near future started working during the Soviet era. For the period of validity of each of the three laws, its size is calculated differently. From the length of service earned before 2001, salary and insurance premiums, the amount of the insurance part of the pension will be determined. Then it will be converted into points. Let's take an example.

Example 1. Vladimir Ivanovich worked all his life as an engineer with an average income. As of December 31, 2014, he received an average Russian pension: 10,030 rubles. It consists of a fixed payment (the same for everyone) - 3935 rubles. and the insurance part - 6095 rubles. How many points does he have?

IPC = 6095 / 64.10 = 95

It is clear from the example that in order to receive an average pension, you need to have about 100 units. If the IPC of Vladimir Ivanovich was equal to 30, then he would receive only 5858 rubles.

For those who are still working, the pension calculation formula works as follows:

  1. Individual ratio: PKI = PKI before 2015 + PKI after 2015 until 2015 - we have already calculated on the example; after 2015. - is calculated as the sum of indicators for each year of work
  2. The amount of the insurance pension: SP = IPC × SPC, where: SPK - the cost of a point on the day of calculation
  3. Total size: PV + SP, where: PV - fixed payment (established by law)

How are points awarded for retirement?

Federal law establishes two values ​​annually:

  • the maximum wage for the deduction of insurance premiums;
  • the value of the pension point (indexed to inflation).

The marginal (maximum) salary for 2015 is 711,000 rubles, that is, 59,250 rubles. per month; with more - contributions are not taken. The amount of insurance premiums calculated at a rate of 16% will be: 113,760 rubles. Let's calculate how many units you can earn.

Example 2. Vladimir Ivanovich continues to work and receives a monthly salary: 25,000 rubles. Insurance premiums are deducted from the amount of earnings - 16%, or 48,000 rubles. in a year. Then:

IPC 2015 = (48,000/113,760) × 10 = 4.22

As a working pensioner, he has the right to recalculate from the amount of contributions transferred for work, but no more than 1.8 units will be taken into account.

The number of points earned depending on the salary

Thus, the higher the salary - the more points. The maximum number is 10, which corresponds to the maximum salary from which contributions are transferred. But the law establishes a transitional period during which the demanding conditions will gradually increase. It can be seen from the above table that fully earned rights will only be taken into account after six years.

Calculation examples

Before giving a few examples, we note that pension units are not only awarded for work. The law establishes several periods for which contributions are not paid, but are reimbursed by the state in the following amounts.

What the formula for calculating pensions in 2015 for employees looks like, we saw on the example of an ordinary Russian engineer. But there are other categories of citizens, they are also interested in knowing what awaits them.

The new procedure for calculating pensions from January 2015 (plot of Channel 1)

Example 3. A young successful top manager Sergey.

He has been working since 2010, the salary is 100,000 rubles. He has 5 years of experience, his insurance premiums for 2010-2014. recalculated in points (10). He will earn 20 more for the period 2015-2017: 7.39 + 7.83 + 8.26 = 23.48. But we already know that the payout will be minimal. In addition, according to the law, 15 years are required, so we work further: from 2018 to 2025: 8.70 + 9.13 + 9.57 + 5 × 10 = 77.4. Total for 15 years - 107.44. In the prices of the current period, this is approximately the same average pension as that of Vladimir Ivanovich (95 points).

Example 4. Former military man, now - an individual entrepreneur Dmitry.

Until 2015 - the army, 5 years of service in the police. Total: 7 years of experience, or 7 × 1.8 = 12.6 points. Individual entrepreneur with income up to 300,000 rubles. pay a fixed amount of insurance premiums - 18,611 rubles. (for 2015). IPK 2015 = (18611 / 113 760) × 10 = 1.6. He needs to work for almost 11 years to earn the missing 17.4 points and the minimum pension.

The number of units earned in each period will be different. After all, it depends both on the personal salary of the employee and on the maximum amount for calculating contributions, which changes annually. Moreover, it is growing much faster than income. So, in 2015 it increased by almost 14% compared to the previous one, and the average salary for this period increased by only 9%. So, even with good earnings, you do not have to rely on a large pension. Therefore, you need to take care of other ways of accumulating capital for old age.

Since January 2015, another conversion of pension rights has been taking place, now into pension points. For the first time after the Soviet period, the conversion of pension rights in Russia was made in 2002 - into pension capital.

From January 1, 2015, on the basis of laws No. 400-FZ and No. 424-FZ of December 28, 2013, which entered into force, the insurance and funded parts of the old-age pension became independent pensions.

We remind you that the funded pension is formed and calculated according to the old principle (it still remains relevant only for citizens born in 1967 and younger), and the insurance pension is calculated according to the new formula - on the basis of pension points accumulated by a citizen during his working life .

SPS = FV× PC 1 + IPK × SPK × PC 2,

where SPS is the insurance pension.

PV - fixed payment.

PC 1 - premium factor for increasing the fixed payment at a later retirement.

IPC - individual pension coefficient.

SPC - the value of the pension coefficient at the time of registration of the pension.

PC 2 - premium coefficient for increasing the individual pension coefficient if a citizen continues to work, despite the onset of retirement age or other conditions for the emergence of the right to an insurance pension.

To understand How is old age pension calculated? according to the new formula, we will consider what are and how its main components are calculated: a fixed payment (the former base part) and an individual pension coefficient, as well as who will be entitled to premium coefficients.

So, we got acquainted with the general concepts regarding how to calculate a future pension. Now let's cover this topic in more detail.

Fixed part of the insurance pension

To calculate old age pension, should be aware of the existence fixed payment (hereinafter FV) to the insurance pension, established by Art. 16 of the Federal Law "On insurance pensions" No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013. In 2016, the payment amounted to 4,558.93 rubles. This is a guaranteed minimum by the state for every Russian citizen of retirement age. Twice a year, the PV is indexed: on February 1, taking into account the growth in consumer prices, and on April 1, at the expense of the Pension Fund's income for the previous period. April Fool's compensation is prescribed in the legislation as possible, and the possibility is determined by the Russian government.

For some categories of citizens, the PV is set at an increased rate. In order to be true calculate old age pension , the data shown in the table below should be taken into account.

Fixed payment to the insurance pension for various categories of citizens, northern pension

Gr-not eligible for ATP

Number of dependents

PV size (rub.) 1

Under 80 years of age and without a disability

Those who have reached the age of 80 or disabled people of the 1st group

Under 80 years of age and without disabilities, worked in the Far North for at least 15 years, insurance experience of at least 20 and 25 years for women and men, respectively

Those who have reached the age of 80 or people with disabilities of group 1 have worked in the Far North for at least 15 years, insurance experience of at least 20 and 25 years for women and men, respectively

Under 80 years of age and without disabilities, worked in the Far North for at least 20 years, insurance experience of at least 20 and 25 years for women and men, respectively

Those who have reached the age of 80 or disabled people of the 1st group, have worked in the Far North for at least 20 years, insurance experience of at least 20 and 25 years for women and men, respectively

Work experience in agriculture for at least 30 years, not engaged in activities with mandatory pension insurance, live in rural areas 2

1 Amounts rounded to hundredths of a ruble

2 A new category of citizens included in the list of preferential PV from 01/01/2015. In the case of a citizen moving to an urban area, this benefit does not apply. In 2016, there was no increase in the fixed payment for this category of beneficiaries.

Individual pension coefficient - the basis of the insurance pension

Individual pension coefficient (hereinafter referred to as IPC) is an innovation in the practice of calculating pensions. He became a key component in the formula for secure old age. You can even say - the basis of the foundations for a citizen who wants to independently provide for himself after retirement and live with dignity at the same time. The higher the pensioner's IPC, the more likely it is to achieve this goal.

IPC is determined at the time of registration of the old-age pension and consists of the amount annual pension coefficients (hereinafter APC) or pension points accrued to a citizen annually in the process of official employment with a “white” salary. That is, for those years when employers transferred insurance premiums to the future pensioner.

The new pension legislation also determined other periods for which pension points will be accrued to citizens, and provided for the coefficients for increasing the IPC and EF - for a later registration of the implementation of the pension right.

How is the pension calculated? 2015-2016, are there any differences from the calculation in 2014?

GPC = SSP/ SSM× 10

3 quantities are involved in the calculation of the CHP:

  1. The amount of insurance pension contributions from the annual income of a citizen (SSP).
  2. The amount of insurance premiums in the amount of 16% of the maximum taxable salary, annually established by decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation (SSM).
  3. Factor 10 . It was introduced for the convenience of calculating pension points. Also, 10 is the maximum number of annual pension points that can be accrued to a citizen in the billing year.

But future pensioners will be able to receive 10 points for the billing year only starting from 2021. And only those who do not participate in the formation of their funded pension. In 2015, the maximum allowable GPC is 83. As can be seen from the table below, it will increase gradually.

Maximum values ​​of the pension coefficient by years

Year of the old-age pension

The maximum value of the IPC with contributions to the funded pension

The maximum value of the IPC without contributions to the funded pension

1 When calculating pension coefficients, the values ​​are rounded to three decimal places.

This means that if a citizen’s CPC calculated for 2016 according to the above formula, for example, is 9.9, then only 7.83 will be taken into account when calculating the IPC upon retirement.

At old age pension calculation pension points for all years when the employee's mandatory pension fund received insurance contributions from employers are summed up and an individual pension coefficient is displayed. The longer a citizen worked and the higher his salary was, the higher his IPC will be. Accordingly, the higher the IPC of a citizen, the higher his pension income.

IPK= GPC 2015 + GPC 2016 +…GPK 2030

where CPC 2015 is the number of pension points earned by a citizen in 2015, CPC 2016 - in 2016, etc.

Calculation of the individual coefficient: which years are better to take

Let's try it on our own calculate pension. As mentioned above, the annual pension coefficient is equal to the ratio of insurance pension contributions from a citizen's income for the year to the maximum insurance pension contributions established by the state in the billing year, multiplied by 10. For clarity, we will give examples. But first, let us recall that the total amount of pension insurance contributions deducted by the employer per employee is equal to 22% of his salary. Of them:

  • 6% go to the so-called solidarity part of the Pension Fund, from which a fixed payment (basic part) of the insurance pension is paid to current pensioners;
  • 16% are intended for the formation of the employee's insurance pension or, at his request, 10% of them go to the insurance, and 6% - to the funded part.

An example of calculating the GIC with a deduction for an insurance pension of 16% of income

The salary of a citizen in 2016 is 20,000 rubles. per month. The amount of insurance premiums paid by the employer to the Pension Fund will be: 20,000 rubles. × 12 months × 16% = 38,400 rubles.

In 2016, the maximum taxable salary is 796,000 rubles. The amount of the maximum insurance premiums from the employee's income is 127,360 rubles.

GPC = 38400 / 127360 × 10 = 3,015

The annual pension coefficient of a citizen in 2016 will be 3.015 pension points.

An example of calculating the GIC with a deduction for an insurance pension of 10% of income

For clarity, let's take a citizen with the same salary for 2016. His employer contributes only 10% to the insurance pension, and the remaining 6% goes to the funded pension. The amount of pension contributions to the insurance pension of a citizen for the year will be: 20,000 rubles. × 12 months × 10% = 24,000 rubles.

GPC = 24,000 / 127,360 × 10 = 1,884

The annual pension coefficient of a citizen in 2016 will be 1.884 pension points.

Since the amount of future pensions directly depends on the value of the CPC, the examples show that the formula for calculating pension points campaigns for refusing to participate in the formation of funded pensions.

Additional pension points: how to check the correctness of accrual

In addition to the pension points accrued to a working citizen for the payment of insurance pension contributions by his employer, when calculating the IPC, other periods are taken into account during which pension contributions were not paid to the citizen. For each full calendar year, the GPC is charged under the following circumstances.

  1. Care of one of the parents for a child under 1.5 years old (no more than 6 years in total):
    - for the 1st - GIC = 1.8;
    - for the 2nd - GIC = 3.6;
    - for the 3rd or 4th - GIC = 5.4.
  2. Care for a disabled child, for a disabled person of group I, for a person over 80 years old - GPC = 1.8.
  3. Service in the army by conscription - GIC = 1.8.

Point value

The cost of 1 pension point in 2016 is 74.27 rubles. It will increase every year:

  • February 1, according to the inflation rate for the past year.
  • April 1, according to a formula that includes such values ​​as the amount of income to the PFR budget in the form of insurance premiums and federal transfers.

Premium odds

Despite the fact that in Russia the retirement age comes much earlier than in most other countries of the world, Russian legislators have not taken the path of raising the age limit for old-age pension rights. But they have built tools into the pension calculation formula that encourage people to voluntarily retire later.

If a citizen, having reached retirement age and the onset of pension rights, does not encroach on receiving funds from the Pension Fund, that is, does not draw up an insurance pension, but continues to work, the legislation provides coefficient of increase of the fixed payment to the insurance pension (in our PC 1 formula) And coefficient of increase in the individual pension coefficient (PC 2).

Indicators of premium coefficients for full months of voluntary deferral of pension receipt

Number of months

IPC increase factor

EF increase factor

120 or more

Based on the above indicators, it is easy to calculate that if a citizen does not draw up an insurance pension within 10 years after the entitlement to it, then the PV will increase by 2.11, the IPC - by 2.32 times. And the insurance old-age pension, respectively, will grow by almost 2.5 times.

Converting to points of "old" pension rights

Citizens who reached retirement age in 2015 or who will reach it a few years later are worried about what will happen to their pension rights, which until now have been measured in rubles, and not in points. The same question worries people who already receive an old-age pension - after all, its further indexation will take place on the basis of pension points, which they do not seem to have.

The new pension legislation provided for a formula according to which pension rights formed before January 1, 2015 will also be converted into points:


SC - the insurance part of the labor pension as of December 31, 2014, excluding the basic and funded parts.

SPC is the value of the pension point at the time of retirement.

The amount of points received will either make up the citizen's individual pension coefficient if he is already a recipient of an insurance pension or retires, for example, in 2016, or will be added together with subsequent annual pension coefficients to withdraw the IPC.

How pension is calculated examples

Let's go back to the new pension formula:

SPS = FV× PC 1 + IPK × SPK × PC 2

Now we know how its components are calculated, and we can find out the approximate size of the future pension.

Example 1: Retirement upon Retirement Age

Citizen Ivanova reaches retirement age in 2017. In 2015, her pension rights were converted to 70 pension points. For 2015-2017, Ivanova will earn another 5 points.

Citizen Ivanova twice for 1 year was on leave to care for a child up to a year and a half. For the first child, she received 1.8 pension points, for the second - 3.6.

By adding up all the pension points, we get the IPK of citizen Ivanova by the time the right to receive an insurance pension comes in - 80.4 points.

Let us assume that the minimum amount of a fixed payment (FV) for an insurance pension in 2017 will be 5,000 rubles, and the cost of a pension point (SPK) will be 100 rubles. Citizen Ivanova has no grounds for applying bonus coefficients, so the formula for calculating her pension looks like this:


We consider the old-age insurance pension of citizen Ivanova:

5 000 rub. + 80.4 × 100 rubles. = RUB 13,040

Example 2. Coming to a well-deserved rest after the emergence of the right to an insurance pension

Let's try to calculate the monthly income of a pensioner from the distant future. Consider a conditionally ideal variant of calculating a decent pension according to the new formula. After all, as the legislators assure us, all their efforts and reforms are aimed at achieving a decent standard of living for a Russian pensioner. So, let's dream according to the new formula.

Citizen Petrov began his career in 2015 at the age of 17. After serving for a year, he was drafted into the army and served for two years. For military service, he was awarded 3.6 pension points.

Citizen Ivanov received a correspondence higher education and worked without interruption of the insurance period until the retirement age and 5 years after the emergence of the right to an insurance pension. In total, over 48 years of insurance experience, he earned 400 pension points. Together with the "military" points, his IQ was 403.6 points.

Suppose that by the time citizen Petrov retires in 2063, taking into account all possible indexations, the PV will be 20,000 rubles. But citizen Petrov worked for 20 years in the Far North, so his PV is increased by 30% and amounts to 26,000 rubles.

Petrov's premium coefficients for 5 years of voluntary pension deferral are: for a fixed payment - 1.27, for an individual pension coefficient - 1.34.

Let the cost of a pension point in 2063 be equal to 600 rubles.

We consider the old-age pension of citizen Petrov, taking into account bonus coefficients:

26 000 rub. × 1.27 + 403.6 × 600 rubles. × 1.34 = RUB 324,527.42

Of course, it is difficult to imagine what will happen to the ruble by 2063, but today it looks more than worthy.

It must be said that the given old age pension calculation according to the new formula is approximate. Not only in the second example, but also in the first. If you want to get a more accurate result - register on the website of the Pension Fund of Russia. The PFR already has all the information about the currently formed pension rights of officially working or working citizens, namely the number of years and months of insurance experience and the number of pension points already earned. This information can be viewed in the personal account of the insured person. Enter into the pension calculator additional information about your current place of work and salary, about other periods for which pension points are accrued. Click the "Calculate" button - and find out the size of your pension. Plan a well-deserved rest based on the result, if it suits you. Or, if possible, take steps to increase your future pension. Now you know how it can be done.

Can I now count on a preferential pension? If yes, how to calculate it?

Whether the new pension reform provides for preferential pension provision worries those who worked in hazardous industries, in the field of education, medicine, etc. Yes, preferential pensions have been preserved to date.

It is quite natural that such citizens are also interested in how to calculate discounted pension. We must say right away that it is not worth looking for any special differences in the calculation of a preferential pension from the calculation of a regular one, since the same formula is taken as the basis, its size is directly dependent on the amount of accumulated points that have been taken into account since 2015. Contributions are transferred to those into the mandatory pension insurance system, using the formula:

IPO/NGO x 10

IPO - the amount of individual pension contributions for the year,

NPO - the standard amount of pension contributions for the year.

However, it will be much easier not to engage in independent calculations, but to go to the PFR website and use the pension calculator available there.

The size of the future pension worries all users. However, people have difficulty trying to figure out complex formulas. Is there a possibility in advance calculate pension online without resorting to the help of specialists? When accruing points, the length of service is taken into account. Calculate pension online in 2019 year on our website using the official PFR calculator.

The procedure for calculating the pension

The insured person has an individual account to which payments are received. If desired, you can determine the honesty of the employer. The absence of payments indicates that the user has no official income.

People who receive a "white" salary often perceive the results of calculations as objective data. To calculate a pension, you need to know the amount of a fixed payment. The state pays this amount to all applicants. The lack of funds in the Pension Fund has led to the fact that since 2015 no payments have been made for the formation of the funded part.

The reason for adjusting the amount of the pension may be the presence of a disability or work in the Far North. It is necessary to take into account the working conditions of a person that allow him to receive increased payments. When determining a pension, a large number of parameters are used that require professional knowledge. They are quite difficult to use for simplified calculations.

To determine the exact amount requires the help of a specialist. Calculate pension online self-employed people can. A large number of people work exclusively for themselves. Entrepreneurs regularly make fixed payments to the Pension Fund.

To receive a pension, you must have worked for at least 8 years. In the future, the requirements for applicants will only become tougher. The length of service until 2014 will increase by a year. In 2017, the Pension Fund does not pay insurance pensions to applicants who failed to earn 11.4 points. In 2025, it will be much more difficult for users to achieve budget funds.

Important! The figures obtained cannot be taken as accurate information about pension payments. It is impossible to put in the calculator all the parameters that are used by specialists when calculating payments.

Features of calculating payments according to the new formula

To be more precise calculate pension online it is necessary to take into account the factors that directly affect the amount of payments. When calculating payments, experts pay attention to the presence of premium coefficients. How to use correctly pension calculator online and calculate approximate amount? The applicant needs to know the size of the fixed payment and the value of the point. Be sure to double-check the information received, as these parameters change annually.

After the reform carried out in 2015, the procedure for calculating pensions has completely changed. Now the amount of payments is affected by the IPC, which depends on the amount of contributions. The funds are transferred from the employer to the account of the insured person. If desired, the user can go to his personal account to view all payments.

Now the specialists of the Pension Fund use the following formula to calculate payments:

SP \u003d IPC x SIPC x K + FV x K

  • SP represents insurance payments, which are accrued upon the onset of retirement age;
  • IPC - the number of pension points earned by a person;
  • SIPC - the cost of a point, which is regularly indexed by the state;
  • K - the value of premium coefficients to which an elderly person is entitled;
  • PV - a fixed payment guaranteed by the state.

Retirement score

What parameters should be entered in new online pension calculator to calculate upcoming payments? The state strongly encourages people to retire later. After the 2015 reform, the concept of the basic part of payments disappeared. Instead, a fixed amount appeared, which is guaranteed by the state. Moreover, to receive payments, you must score at least 11.4 points.

When calculating the pension, the following periods are taken into account:

  • passing the service about the call;
  • time spent on maternity leave;
  • being in custody.

To determine the amount of pension payments, you can use the formula:

IPC \u003d SV / SVmax x 10,

  • CB - insurance premiums that the employer paid for the employee to the Pension Fund;
  • CBmax - the maximum amount of contributions paid at a rate of 16%;

For example, an employee's income is 25 thousand rubles. It is necessary to determine the annual amount of contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

(25,000x16%)x12 = 48,000 rubles.

The maximum amount of contributions in 2017 cannot be more than 140,160 rubles. Now let's substitute all the values ​​into the formula and get: IPC = (48,000/140,160) x10 = 3.42 points

How to determine the value of a pension point

To receive the insurance part of the pension, you must work for at least 8 years. Retirement calculator for retirees in 2019 developed taking into account the changes that have occurred since the reform. Employees of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, when processing documents, check the number of pension points a person has. In the future, the requirements for employees will only become tougher. Already in 2025, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation plans to increase the minimum number of IPC. A person must have worked for at least 15 years and have at least 30 points on their account.

YearRequirements for the minimum work experience, yearsThe minimum value of the IPC, in points
2015 6 6,6
2016 7 9
2017 8 11,4
2018 9 13,8
2019 10 16,2
2020 11 18,6

When calculating payments, employees of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation take into account the cost of the point. After obtaining the necessary information from the table, you can calculate your pension using the new pension calculator. Be sure to take into account all the parameters that are used in the process of calculating payments. This may require specialist assistance. The calculator allows the user to estimate the size of the future pension in advance. However, the results obtained on screen monitors are only an approximation.

What determines the size of the fixed payment?

An elderly person can count on a certain amount guaranteed by the state. Its size depends not only on the category of the recipient. The regions independently set the amount that pensioners will receive. Fixed payments are subject to mandatory indexation. To do this, you need to take into account the economic indicators of the country. Without fixed payments, it is impossible to determine the amount of the survivor's benefit. Annually on February 1, the pension is indexed in accordance with Article 16 of the Federal Law No. 400.

You can determine the amount of fixed payments in force in 2019 according to the following table.

When calculating a pension, the age of the elderly person and the number of dependents are taken into account. For pensioners who are 80 years old, the state pays an increased fixed payment in the amount of 9610.22 rubles. If an elderly person has no dependents, then the basic part of the pension will be 4805.11 rubles. Persons with disabilities are entitled to an increased amount of a fixed payment.

As an example, consider the calculation of the pension of a person who decided to postpone the processing of payments.

The work biography of Ivanova Victoria Petrovna began at the age of 18. Throughout her life, she took parental leave 2 times. For the firstborn, she was awarded 1.8 points. The second baby increased the IPC by 3.6 points. Victoria Petrovna constantly worked at the same enterprise. After reaching retirement age, the woman worked for another 5 years in excess of the length of service.

The total number of earned points was 104. The woman achieved an increase in the amount of fixed payments by 1.27 times. Adjustments were also taken into account when determining the value of the IPC. The number of points was calculated taking into account the coefficient of 1.34.

Hence, 405.11x1.27 + 104x78.58x1.34 \u003d 11,465 rubles.

How to calculate your own pension

Three factors affect the amount of pension payments:

  1. What is the person's official salary?
  2. Length of employment.
  3. At what age did the employee apply for a pension?

Important! The pension fund limits the maximum number of points an individual can earn. With a monthly salary of 60 thousand rubles, an employee can receive 7.9 points per year.

After entering the basic parameters into the calculator, you can calculate your pension. The amount of the insurance pension is indicated not in rubles. It converts to points. The amount of payouts can be determined by multiplying the number of points earned by their value.

When calculating the pension, you need to take into account the value of surplus factors. Benefits apply to people who have worked in hazardous industries. The pension fund encourages older people who decide to defer payments. The surplus coefficient for a person who has issued a pension 5 years later than the due date will be 1.5.

The contributions paid by the employer to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation are 16% of the employee's official salary. These funds can be divided into insurance (10%) and funded part (6%). Funds in the savings account are used to invest in securities. Moreover, the pension is formed from the income of people born after 1967.

What kind of pension will people working in the shadow business sector have?

According to the statement of the Ministry of Labor, about 20% of people receive a salary in "envelopes". Employers do not pay contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for them. This group of workers will not be able to count on a full pension. However, even this category of people will not be left without a livelihood. The state guarantees social benefits to older people who do not have work experience. A single base was created in the Pension Fund, in which all candidates for receiving payments are present. Now the Russians have a personal account in which you can see valuable information.

First you need to register on the website of public services. After that, the user has access to the personal account of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Each person is given a unique username and password. A future pensioner can receive information about the contributions that the employer transfers to the individual account of the employee. The personal account displays the number of points earned by a person. If the employer does not pay contributions, then you can write an application to the labor inspectorate at any time. To calculate the future pension, you can use the calculator on the institution's website.

For example, a woman reached retirement age in 2017. During the entire working period, she managed to earn 75 points. The woman was awarded an additional 1.8 points, as she was taking care of the child. The cost of the pension ball was approved in the amount of 78.58 rubles.

What formula is used to calculate the funded pension

A person has the right to transfer funds to an NPF, which will be able to manage the client's money more efficiently. The funds received will be used in transactions with shares and bonds. The profit from the activities of the fund is distributed among the participants in accordance with the agreement.

But in this case, the future pensioner is not immune from the bankruptcy of the company. If the non-state pension fund goes bankrupt, the client will still be able to receive the invested funds. The state insures the employee's contributions that were transferred to the NPF.

NP = PN / T,

  • PN - the amount of contributions that is involved in the formation of the funded pension;
  • T - during what time payments were received on the account of the insured person.

As an example, consider a person who was born after 1967. The future pensioner received a salary of 32,000 rubles for 10 years (120 months). Every month, the employer transferred 6% of his earnings to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Hence, the total contribution will be:

32,000x120x0.06 \u003d 230,400 rubles.

Pension Calculator

To determine in advance the amount of a future pension, you can use an online calculator. In this case, the user does not have to prescribe the cost of the point and the size of the fixed payment. These indicators are already present in the calculations.

To determine the sum insured, the user only needs to specify:

  • the age at which a person plans to apply for a pension;
  • What is the applicant's work experience?

To get a more accurate amount, you must specify the type of pension formation (insurance or funded)

  • whether the person served in the army;
  • the amount of the official salary;
  • availability of pension capital.

The resulting calculations serve to familiarize with the future pension. They are only advisory in nature and can be adjusted by PF employees. If the user has entered into an agreement with a non-state pension fund, then a preliminary calculation can be made on the company's website. The result of the investment can be seen on the screen.

The following information must be entered into the funded pension calculator:

  • age and gender of the client;
  • length of service;
  • average salary of an employee.

All funds indicate their return on investment. A person can calculate the amount of profit before concluding an agreement with an NPF.

How to find out the amount of pension savings?

Many users experience difficulties when trying to determine the effectiveness of funds invested in NPFs. For information on the status of savings, you can contact the Pension Fund. You can check the amount of pension contributions directly on the organization's website. To do this, you must specify the SNILS number.

Important! The function is available only to users who have registered on the public services website.

In your personal account, go to the "Pension Savings" tab and request the necessary information. Within a few seconds, information about the amount on the account of the insured person will appear on the monitor. Some people forget the name of the NPF with which they entered into an agreement. To find out where the funds are stored, you can contact the PF. Be sure to bring your passport and SNILS with you.

There is an easier way to get information about NPFs. The company's accounting department regularly makes deductions from the employee's salary. To find out about the amount of payments, just contact the specialist of the department.


For the convenience of users, a calculator has been developed that allows you to calculate the pension online. A person only needs to enter the information needed to determine the amount of future payments. The results should not be taken as exact numbers. The developers of the calculator decided to simplify the calculation procedure. They did not include in it all the factors affecting the size of the pension.

Basic concepts in calculating pensions

The old-age pension is calculated in accordance with Law No. 173-FZ, adopted by the State Duma in December 2001. The law defines the basic concepts of the accrued pension, such as length of service, which is insurance. It is defined as the period in which a person paid in contributions. Based on this amount of calculated pension capital, the procedure for calculating the old-age pension is then determined by means of calculations.

Terms and age of pension accrual, which is included in the calculation formula

The amount depends on the funded part and the insurance part. The insurance part is all the time of work, confirmed by entries in the work book of the future pensioner. The law includes the length of service both in Russia and abroad. The procedure for determining this length of service is specified in the law (Article 10, paragraph 2). Article 11 lists other periods of work that may be included in the length of service.

The calculation of the old-age pension is based on the base part of pension savings (it is established by the Government of the Russian Federation and in 2012 is BCH = 3170 rubles). If there are dependents in the family, then the BC will be larger (depending on the number of dependents, the amount increases). The basic part changes along with a certain place of work (Far North, hazardous production, etc.), this is reflected in the Law, in Article 14. Remember that you should apply for a pension in advance, two or three months before the age determined by law.

Formula of the insurance part

The formula for the insurance part is MF (which is obtained by calculations) = PC / T. It is the basis on which the old-age pension is calculated. PC is a certain amount of pension capital, which is calculated as of the day on which a person applies for a labor pension. In the formula, the letter T indicates the period during which the pension is supposed to be paid, this is a fixed number of 216 months. PC is the number obtained during the calculations.

Billing period

The most difficult thing is to correctly determine the amount of pension capital when you do your own calculation of the old-age pension. The formula for calculating the pension capital is defined in Article 30 of the Law and is defined as follows: PC = (RP - BC) x T. In this formula, RP is calculated as follows: RP = SC x SR / SR x SFP.

SC is an indicator of the seniority coefficient, it is calculated and depends on how many years of experience a person has. An experience of twenty / twenty-five years - a coefficient of 0.55. Each subsequent year of work adds 0.01 to the SC, but the total SC cannot be more than 0.75. Have at least 50 years of experience, a coefficient of 0.75 is the ceiling.

ZR is the employee's salary for 60 months, taken from the period when the employee received wages, which he confirms in the accounting department. 60 months are taken for any period of employment, regardless of whether there was or was not a break in the experience. ZP is an indicator of the average salary in Russia for the same period, this figure can be obtained from the Pension Fund. In case of refusal, write a written statement with a request to inform you of this figure.

SZP is the government-established data on the average salary in the III quarter of 2001, expressed in a fixed amount of 1671 rubles. This figure is established by the Government of the Russian Federation for calculating pensions; it has not changed since the publication of the Law. Therefore, you need to calculate the coefficient of your seniority, multiply it by the value that will be obtained after dividing the average salary of a pensioner (divide your salary by sixty months) by the average salary in Russia, then multiply the resulting number by 1671 rubles.

We get RP (called the size of the old-age pension), we put this number in the formula PK \u003d (RP - BC) x T, where all the numbers are already known. We receive pension capital. We calculate the insurance (see the formula above). We connect it with the base part, we get a pension.

Count and Calculate

The calculation also includes the funded part, but not for everyone. It depends on the year of birth and is determined by the Law. Thus, when calculating the old-age pension, you need to understand the principle of calculation, understand the formulas, and then calculate. If you still get confused in the numbers, get the Law and read everything from the beginning, with the help of the article and the Law, you will definitely figure it out and calculate everything yourself.

Recall that according to the rules that came into force on January 1, 2015, according to the Federal Law-400, the old-age labor pension (without the funded part) consists of the “Insurance old-age pension” and the “Fixed payment”.

The old-age insurance pension - SPst consists of four "parts" - three of them correspond to different periods of employment, and the fourth is accrued for other periods equated to the insurance period:

  • Parts of the insurance pension earned for periods before 2002
  • Parts of the insurance pension earned for the periods from 2002 to 2014
  • Parts of the insurance pension earned for periods after 2015
  • Parts of the insurance pension accrued for other (non-insurance) periods.

Starting from 2015, pension rights formed by citizens are assessed not in rubles, but by an individual pension coefficient - IPK, measured in points.ABOUTThe main difficulty in assessing pension rights lies in the fact that during the period of employment of most citizens, pension legislation has changed several times. Formulas and calculation rules for different periods turned out to be different. Therefore, the assessment and calculation have to be carried out separately for each period: the period before 2002, the period from 2002 to 2014 and the periods after 01/01/2015.

In order to calculate the amount of a pension due to a citizen, it is necessary to know (calculate, calculate) the value of his individual pension coefficient -IPK(in points). Further, on its basis, the amount of the pension in rubles is determined - ifIPKis known, then it is multiplied by the cost of one pension point in the year the pension is awarded and its ruble amount is determined.

IPKis the sum of three main terms with the addition of a fourth, which takes into account pension rights for “other” (non-insurance) periods - military service, childcare periods, etc.:

IPC = IPC before2002 + IPK for2002-2014+ IPK after01.2015 + IPKfor other periods.

The most difficult to calculate is the period up to 2002.The main difficulty lies in the fact that on individual personal accounts citizens in the PFRF information about this period of employmentnot fully reflected - at best, since 1997 (and even then not at all). Therefore, in the Personal Account of the insured person on the PFRF website and when calculating pensions, as a rule, there are many inaccuracies. You can avoid misunderstandings and understating the amount of accrued pensions by preparing and submitting the necessary documents to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (about the length of service and the amount of earnings) and understanding how the amount of the estimated pension earned during this period is calculated and what primarily depends on.

The key formula, on the basis of which the monthly amount of the estimated insurance pension earned before 2002, before valorization and indexation, is determined has a relatively simple form(Clause 3 of Article 30 of FZ-173)

RP as of 01.2002\u003d SC x KSZ x 1671 - 450 (rub),

Where SC- seniority coefficient (takes into account the length of service of a citizen for periods up to 2002), KSZ- the coefficient of the average monthly salary (calculated as the ratio of the average earnings of a citizen for a certain period to the average monthly earnings in the country for the same period).

Each of the coefficients included in the formula depends and is determined by many details related both to the features of the length of service and to the periods for determining earnings taken into account in the formula. At the same time, pensionrights formed prior to 2002 depend on and are entirely determined by three "parameters":

1. The duration of the insurance period until 2002 (years) - Experience up to 02.

2. The average monthly earnings of a citizen either for 2000-2001, or for any 60 months (5 years) in a row in the period up to 01/01/2002 (whichever is more profitable is chosen) - ZR.

3. The duration of the insurance period until 1991 (years) - Experience up to 91.

Incorrect accounting or underestimation of any of them leads to errors in determining the amount of the accrued pension.

1. Accounting for seniority until 2002.

The duration of service until 2002 is taken into account in the calculations not directly, but through the so-called service coefficient - SC. It is calculated as follows:

- for men, whose insurance experience before 2002 is more than (equal to) 25 years ( Experience up to 02 > 25):

- for men, whose insurance less than 25 years of experience before 2002 ( Experience up to 02< 25 ):

SC = 0.55

- for women, whose insurance experience until 2002 is more than (equal to) 20 years ( Experience up to 02 > 20):

- for women, whose insurance less than 20 years of experience before 2002 (Experience up to 02< 20):

SC = 0.55

For both men and women, the value of the seniority coefficient SC limited by law. It cannot exceed 0,75 . This means that if, in the calculation, the length of service coefficient is SC will be greater than 0.75, then it will be taken equal to 0.75.

Examples of SC calculation.

A) The length of service until 2002 for a man is 27 years (he began to work in January 1975, the experience was not interrupted). Since his total length of service until 2002 exceeds 25 years, his seniority coefficient

SC \u003d 0.55 + 0.01 * (27-25) \u003d 0.55 + 0.01 * 2 \u003d 0.55 + 0.02 \u003d 0.57.

B) The length of service until 2002 for a woman is 26 years (the experience was not interrupted). Since her total length of service until 2002 exceeds 20 years, the length of service coefficient

SC \u003d 0.55 + 0.01 * (26-20) \u003d 0.55 + 0.01 * 6 \u003d 0.55 + 0.06 \u003d 0.61.

C) The woman began her career in 1975. The length of service until 2002 was interrupted (periods of childcare, study at a university) and its total duration was 17.5 years. Because. the total length of service until 2002 is less than 20 years, then her length of service coefficient

SC = 0.55

D) The man started his labor activity at the beginning of 1998. The experience until 2002 was not interrupted and is 4 years (less than 25 years). His seniority ratio

SC = 0.55.

2. Accounting for average monthly earnings for periods up to 2002

Average monthly earnings for the period 2000-2001 or for any 60 consecutive months up to 01/01/2002 is taken into account through the so-called "earnings ratio". What is a special coefficient used for (average monthly salary coefficient)KSZ- the ratio of the average monthly earnings of a citizen (ZR)for the period chosen by him to the average monthly salary in the Russian Federation for the same period(ZP):


For most citizens, the average salary in the period 2000-2001. fixed in the Pension Fund and does not require documentary evidence. In cases where there is no such information, or it is more profitable for a citizen to apply the coefficient calculated for other periods (the larger it is, the better), he will have to submit supporting documents to the PF.

A) If the period 2000 - 2001 is chosen for the calculation, then the coefficient of the average monthly salary (earnings ratio) is calculated by dividing the average salaryZRcitizen during this period1494.5 (average salary in the Russian Federation for this period).

KSZ \u003d ZR / ZP \u003d ZR / 1494.5.

B) If it is more profitable to apply a different period for calculating the KSZ - any 60 months in a row until 01/01/2002, then the calculations will have to be performed either independently (the information necessary for such calculations can be found in the article), or with the help of our KSZ calculator .

The law imposes a restriction on the value of CVD - the coefficient cannot be more than 1.2. An exception to limit the upper limit of the KSZ value of 1.2 was made only for those who worked before 01/01/2002 in the regions of the Far North. They have, depending on the regional coefficient, the bar ranges from 1.4 to 1.9 - see below.reference materials.

Examples of calculation of KSZ.

A) Average earnings in 2000-2001 was 2500 rubles (ZR = 2500), citizen until 2002 he did not work in the regions of the Far North. His earnings ratio is KSZ:

KSZ \u003d ZR / ZP \u003d 2500 / 1494.5 \u003d 1.67.

Since it exceeds 1.2 and there are no “northern” benefits, then in further calculations the coefficient will be taken equal to 1.2: KSZ = 1.2 .

b) Average earnings in 2000-2001 was 1,000 rubles ZR = 1000.

KSZ \u003d ZR / ZP \u003d 1000 / 1494.5 \u003d 0.67.

Since it does not exceed 1.2, then in further calculations the coefficient will be taken equal to 0.67. KSZ = 0.67.

C) In 2000-2001 the citizen did not work, so his average monthly earnings during this period is zero (or very small). At the same time, the average monthly salary for 60 months (5 years) from April 1975 to April 1980 was significant and amounted to 140 rubles. How to calculate the SSC for this period?

In such cases, it is convenient to use our KSZ calculator for calculation. We enter the month and year of the beginning of the selected period - April 1975 and indicate the average monthly earnings - 140. After pressing the "Calculate TSC" button, the calculator will show the average monthly earnings in the Russian Federation for the selected 60 months (160 rubles 23 kopecks) and the calculated TAC = 0.87. With the help of the calculator, you can also analyze other periods, choosing the one for which the KST is the largest. This implies the availability of documents confirming earnings for the selected periods. The calculator also allows you to calculate the average monthly earnings for any period of 60 months (the "Calculate average salary" button).

3. Calculation of the ruble amount of the estimated pension as of 01.2002

Pension rights formed by a citizen for periods of employment before 2002, as of January 1, 2002 , are taken into account by the length of service coefficient ( SC) and the ratio of earnings ( KSZ). These rights are "converted" into an estimated pension ( RP on 01.2002.), measured in rubles, according to FZ-173, according tothe following formulas:

  • For those with seniority coefficient SC > 0.55 ( men whose work experience before 2002 is 25 years or more and women whose work experience before 2002 is 20 years or more)

RP as of 01.2002\u003d SC x KSZ x 1671 - 450.

If it turns out that the value RP=SK x KSZ x 1671 < 660 руб , then (according to paragraph 7 of Article 30 of Federal Law-173):

RP as of 01.2002= 660 - 450 = 210 rubles.

  • For those with seniority coefficient SK = 0.55( men whose work experience before 2002 was less than 25 years and women whose work experience before 2002 was less than 20 years)

RP as of 01.2002

RP as of 01.2002\u003d (0.55 x KSZ x 1671 - 450) x .

If at e it turns out that the value RP= 0.55 x KSZ x 1671 < 660 руб , That (according to clause 7 of Article 30 of Federal Law-173):

RP as of 01.2002= 210 x (Experience up to 02/25) - for men;

RP as of 01.2002= 210 x (Experience up to 02 / 20) - for women.

Calculation examples RP as of 01.2002

A) The length of service of a citizen (woman) until 2002 is full - 32 years (more than 20 years before 2002). The value of the SC is 0.67, the ratio of earnings (KRR) is 0.9. Since SC > 0.55. then we use the first formula.

Checking the size RP: RP\u003d SC x KSZ x 1671 \u003d 0.67 x 0.9 x 1671 \u003d 1007.61\u003e 660.

Then RP as of 01.2002\u003d SC x KSZ x 1671 - 450 \u003d 0.67 x 0.9 x 1671 - 450 \u003d RUB 557.61.

B) Citizenship experience (male) until 2002 incomplete- 19.5 years(less than 25 years old) , the ratio of earnings ( KSZ ) - 1.2. Since the experience is incomplete, then SC=0.55 and for the calculations we use the second formula.

Checking the size RP: RP\u003d SC x KSZ x 1671 \u003d0.55 x 1.2 x 1671 = 1102.86 rubles > 660 rubles

Then RP as of 01.2002= (0.55 x KSZ x 1671 - 450) x (Experience up to 02 / 25) = ( 1102,86 - 450) x (19.5 / 25) = RUB 509.23.

C) The length of service of a citizen (male) until 2002 is 2.5 years (incomplete). the ratio of earnings (KSR) - 0.2. Since the experience is incomplete, we use the second formula.

Checking the size RP: RP\u003d SC x KSZ x 1671 \u003d0.55 x 0.2 x 1671 = 183.81 rubles< 660 руб.

Then RP as of 01.2002= (660 - 450) x ( Experience up to 02 / 25) \u003d 210 * (2.5 / 25) \u003d 21 rubles.

4. Accounting for seniority until 1991

The third parameter affecting the amount of pension rights acquired before 2002 appeared, in accordance with Federal Law No. 213-FZ of July 24, 2009, when the procedure was carried out valorization(one-time increase) of settlement pension capital available on personal accounts of citizens as of January 1, 2002.According to the law, the amount of valorization amounted to 10 percent of the estimated pension capital, and in addition, 1 percent of the calculated pension capital for each full year of total work experience acquired before January 1, 1991.

In terms of monthly pension - RP as of 01.2002 this rule means that the sum of the valorization ( SW) - the supplement due to the citizen - is 10% of the value RP as of 01.2002 and, in addition, 1% of RP on 01.2002, for each full year of total seniority acquired before January 1, 1991.

Therefore, the length of service before 1991 is the third factor that affects pension rights earned before 2002. The formula for calculating the amount of valorization - "additives" for the length of service before 1991 is as follows.

SW =RP on 01.2002

If the insured person has no experience before 1991, then his supplement will be 10% of RP as of 01.2002:

SW =RP on 01.2002x 0.1.

Calculation examples the sum of the valorizations of SV.

A) The estimated pension as of 01.2002 is 557.61 rubles, the length of service until 1991 is 15 years. Calculate the amount of valorization due to a citizen

SW =RP on 01.2002x (0.1 + 0.01 x Experience up to 91) \u003d 557.61 x (0.1 + 0.01 x 15) \u003d 557.61 x 0.25 \u003d RUB 139.4.

B) The estimated pension as of 01.2002 is 510.42 rubles, the length of service until 1991 is 9 years. Valorization amount:

SW =RP on 01.2002x (0.1 + 0.01 x Experience up to 91) = 510.42 x (0.1 + 0.01 x 9) 510.42 x 0.19 = RUB 96.98

C) The estimated pension as of 01.2002 amounted to 210 rubles, there is no experience before 1991. In this case, the valorization amount is 10% of RP on 01.2002:

SW =RP on 01.2002x 0.1 = 210 x 0.1 = 21 rub.

5. Definition of IPC earned for periods prior to 2002

As of January 1, 2002 monthly insurance pension SP as of 01.2002) earned for periods of employment before 2002, is determined as the sum of the estimated pension and the amount of valorization:

SP as of 01.2002 = RP on 01.2002+ST.

Note that ifSP as of 01.2002multiply by 228 months (19 years is the life span), then we get the value of the pension capital, which was formed by the insured person on 01.2002.

Since the pension capitals were indexed annually, by the end of 2014 both the pension capital and its 1/228th part, i.e. SP as of 01.2002 increased. The value of the index for converting the capital (or pension) of the beginning of 2002 to the capital (or pension) of the end of 2014 is the product of all annual indices from 2003 to 2014. As of the date of assessment of pension rights formed for periods before 2002, in points (December 31, 2014), the value of the conversion index is 5.6148 ( index=5.6148). Therefore, the insurance pension JV until 2002, earned for periods up to 2002, as of January 01, 2015 increases by indexing as follows

JV until 2002 =JV as of 01.2002 xindex = (RP on 01.2002+SW) xindex.

Or in a more convenient form

JV until 2002 =(RP on 01.2002+SW) x5.6148 (rubles).

These are the formed pension rights in ruble "measurement" for the periods up to 2002.

To convert them into points (to determine the value IPK up to2002) it is necessary to divide the received amount by 64.1 rubles.

IPK up to2002 =JV until 2002 / 64.1 =(RP on 01.2002+SW) x5.6148 / 64.1 (points).

An example of calculating the insurance pension and IPK for periods up to 2002.

Initial data: The estimated pension as of January 1, 2002 is 557.61 rubles, the amount of NE valorization is 139.4 rubles.

Let us calculate the size of the part of the insurance pension earned before 2002, taking into account indexation and valorization as of 01.2015 and the citizen's IPC for this period.


JV until 2002 =(RP on 01.2002+SW) x5,6148 = (557,61 + 139.4) x5,6148 = RUB 3,913.57.

IPK up to2002 =JV until 2002 / 64.1 = 3,913.57 / 64.1 = 61,054 (points).

IPK up to2002 reflects the pension rights of a citizen acquired by him during the periods of labor activity until 2002. To calculate pensions in all subsequent years, this part of the pension rights, expressed in points, will remain unchanged and will serve as the basis for calculating the part of the pension earned before 2002.

When it's time to pay your pensionIPK until 2002. multiplied by the cost of one pension coefficient (point) -SPKin the year the pension is awarded, and determine in rubles the part of the insurance pension earnedcitizen for periods up to 2002.

JV until 2002 = IPK up to2002 xSPK.

For example, in 2015, the cost of one SEC pension coefficient was set at 71 rubles. 41 kop. And if retirement is due in 2015, andIPK until 2002. made up 61,054 , then the contribution of this period to the final amount of the pension will be

IPK until 2002. X 71,41 = 61,054 x 71.41 \u003d 4,359 rubles 87 kopecks.

If retirement is due in 2017, and the cost of one pension coefficient in 2017 will be equal, for example, to 90.5 rubles (SPK = 90.5), then the contribution of the period up to 2002 to the final amount of the pension accrued in 2017 , will be

IPK until 2002. X 90,5 = 61,054 x 90.5 \u003d 5,525 rubles 39 kopecks.

More concisely, without examples and explanations, the computational algorithm for assessing pension rights formed before 2002 is as follows.

Algorithm for assessing pension rights formed for periods before 2002.

1. The seniority coefficient is calculatedSC.

Required information - insurance experience until 2002.


If the insurance period before 2002 is more than (or equal to) 25 years, then SC \u003d 0.55 + 0.01 * (Experience up to 02 - 25);

If the insurance period before 2002 is less than 25 years, then SC = 0.55.


If the insurance period before 2002 is more than (or equal to) 20 years , That SC \u003d 0.55 + 0.01 * (Experience up to 02 - 20),

If the insurance period before 2002 is less than 20 years, then SC = 0.55.

Attention– the value of the SC is limited by law. SC cannot be more than 0.75.

2. The ratio of earnings is calculatedKSZ.

Required information - average monthly earnings ( ZR) for the period 2000-2001. or for any 60 consecutive months until 01/01/2002, the average monthly salary in the Russian Federation for the same period ( ZP.

Required information - seniority coefficient SC; earnings ratio KSZ, length of service until 2002

If the experience is full ( SC > 0,55 ), That RP as of 01.2002\u003d SC x KSZ x 1671 - 450 \u003d RP - 450.

If the experience before 2002 is incomplete (less than 25 years for men, less than 20 years for women), then

RP as of 01.2002\u003d (0.55 x KSZ x 1671 - 450) x (Experience up to 02/25) - for men;

RP as of 01.2002\u003d (0.55 x KSZ x 1671 - 450) x (Experience up to 02 / 20) - for women.

Attention– e if the valueRP =SK x KSZ x 1671 ( or RP = 0.55x KSZ x 1671 in case of incomplete experience) will be less than 660 rubles, then in the calculations they use RP = 660 rub.

4. The amount of valorization is calculated - SV.

Required information - insurance experience until 1991; estimated pension RP as of 01.2002

SW =RP on 01.2002x (0.1 + 0.01 x Experience up to 91).

If there is no experience before 1991, thenSW =RP on 01.2002x 0.1

5. The part of the insurance pension earned before 2002 is calculated as of 01.2015.(increased due to indexation of pension capital for the period from 2002 to 2015).

Necessary information - estimated pension RP as of 01.2002; valorization amount SW.

JV until 2002 =(RP on 01.2002+SW) x5.6148 (rubles).

6. IPC earned for periods before 2002 is determined.

Required information - the amount of the part of the insurance pension earned before 2002, as of 01.2015 in rubles - JV until 2002

IPK up to2002 =joint venture until 2002 / 64.1 (points).

In conclusion, we add that those who do not want to delve into the details and carry out calculations manually can use our calculator by entering the necessary initial data there (in the section of the calculator "Data for periods up to 2015").