How to make roses from wide ribbons. How to make a rose from satin ribbon? DIY two-tone roses from satin ribbons

Making roses from satin ribbons is not as difficult as it might seem to a beginner. Such beauty can decorate pelmets, curtains, sofa cushions. Yes, anything! Looks very soft and elegant.

Roses can be used as a brooch, show off on a headband, hair band, even beads. In a word, the scope of these satin roses is very wide.

Consider several workshops for making roses from satin ribbons.

Chic rose from a wide ribbon

To work on this little masterpiece, we need:

  • Long pink satin ribbon
  • sharp needle
  • Pink threads
  • Scissors

We take our satin ribbon by the edge. We bend it at an angle of 45 degrees so that a small tail remains. The place of inflection is sheathed over the edge.

We bend the tape again towards ourselves and also sheathe the place of the fold with threads. At this point, we should have a sheathed triangle.

We bend the tape again and the figure begins to resemble a square. We sew this inflection.

Finally, we bend for the last time until we get a square. Most of the tape on top remains free.

Turn the square over so that the free end of the tape is on the bottom. At the right side of the square, you can see the tail, which we made at the beginning of our work.

We turn the square over so that the free tape lies on our fingers.

And again we begin to bend the tape at an angle of 45 degrees, but no longer sheathing the edge, as before, but simply holding it with our fingers.

After 4 turns of the tape over the first base square, we will get another, already three-dimensional square.

We do this path several more times until we get several volumetric squares - future petals.

We add a "stack" of squares until the tape runs out. The remaining small tip is twisted into a flagellum.

We fill the edge of the flagellum into the core of the "stack" of squares.

The flagellum should come out from the back of all the squares.

Now the squares need to be tucked a little so as to simulate the arrangement of the petals in a rose.

We twist, scroll, straighten them with our hands until we achieve the maximum resemblance to a rose.

Flip the rose to the other side. The remaining tail of the tape is sewn more tightly to the flower. You should get such a slightly convex circle. As soon as it arrived, we cut off the rest of the ribbon.

Our beautiful flower is ready!

Yes, it can be a little confusing at first, but after your debut attempt at creating a satin rose, you will make similar flowers very quickly.

Rose on an elastic band

A rosette can also become a hair ornament. A rosette on an elastic band looks especially impressive. Let's try to make a rose from a satin ribbon, and then attach it to an elastic band.

We will also need a medium-width satin ribbon. Color is up to you.

Put the tape on the table. 5-6 centimeters from the left edge we throw inward.

Then we bend the tape towards ourselves at an angle of 45 degrees and fix the place of the inflection with a pin so that the edge of the ribbon looks down.

We bend the tape up and repeat the same steps until a square is formed. We fasten the places of inflections with pins.

If we turn the square over, we get four small squares looking at each other.

We take a needle and stitch all sides of our square. At the same time, we do not take out the pins yet.

Now you need to carefully pull the thread so that the base becomes rounded, that is, the original blank will turn into such a small round bag with a hole at the bottom.

Flip the rose to the other side. We straighten, we got a neat, round bud.

We take the next tape. We put its ends crosswise so that a circle-loop forms at the top. We fix the place of intersection of the ends with a pin.

As a result, we get a figure that looks like a trapezoid. The sides also need to be sheathed.

Again we pull the thread, again we get a voluminous bag. But there is no hole.

So we got two buds: large and small.

We insert a small bud into a large one, closing the hole.

The rosette is almost ready, it remains only to make a leaf. To do this, we take a green satin ribbon. Bend the edge so that a cone is formed.

With a pin we fix the place at the base of the two cones. So we got the leaves for the rose. Sew them to the finished bud.

It remains only to fix the rose on an elastic band. Take a small piece of felt in the same color as the rubber band to cover the place where the rosette is attached to the rubber band.

Braid or play ponytail and secure with your new homemade hair tie. Very gentle, feminine and original. It is unlikely that anyone will guess that such a satin ribbon rose is made by your own hands, and not bought in a store.

Bouquet of roses

And another original way of making roses from satin ribbons. In order to make a dazzling bouquet of such roses, you need to make each flower separately.

To twist one such rose, we need a round base. It can be cut from thick burlap or gauze folded into several layers (to make it denser, starch it), as well as from felt. Here's what we do next:

Cut out a circle with a radius of 3-5 cm (at your discretion).

In the circle we mark a tuck segment, it needs to be cut and sewn, as a result we get a small cone.

If the tuck is made large, the cone will turn out to be high, which is why the flower from the ribbons will be more voluminous

We impose a satin ribbon on the cone so that its edge with a square covers the top of the cone.

Sew the ribbon to the cone.

In a way already familiar to us, we begin to bend the tape in a circle so that the result is a square.

We fix the places of inflections with our fingers.

From these voluminous squares, a flower bud begins to emerge. The more squares, the more voluminous it turns out.

Gently straighten the petals with your hands and then the rose will be incredibly beautiful!

To create a bouquet of such roses, you must first make a basis for it. It is easy to make a handle for a bouquet from old felt-tip pens, folded together, pasted over with tape and rewound with a satin ribbon. We fix the foam ball on the base of the handle with hot glue. If there is none, you can make a ball of papier-mâché or just crumple the paper so that you get a ball and stick it with tape. It remains to stick our beautiful roses on the ball. Such a bouquet can be presented for a birthday, used as a hand-made wedding bouquet, or fixed in a pot - make a topiary - and put on the windowsill.

There are many ways to use these roses. They can be combined into bouquets, or you can make incredibly beautiful head jewelry out of them.

Recently, wreaths made of artificial flowers have gained incredible popularity. Most often they are a satin bandage with an elastic band, the top of which is decorated with a floral volumetric appliqué. It's really very fashionable, stylish, and for long-haired girls it's just a godsend! You will immediately become like a beautiful fairy who, by some miracle, wandered to the ground. Such wreaths are not so cheap, so making them with your own hands is not only pleasant, but also cost-effective.

You will need to sew the bandage itself from satin fabric, matching the color of the flowers that will be on it. And then sew roses to it from satin ribbons, which we have already learned how to make. At the same time, you yourself regulate the size of the rose, the number of them on the bandage and the location. And if you can already make a rose from a satin ribbon, then it will not be difficult for you to design such a delicate wreath.

Surely you have girlfriends who would be happy to see such a decoration on one of their wardrobe items. And you can safely call yourself a designer - after all, you created such beauty with your own hands. Satin ribbons are cheap, beautiful and very affordable material.

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Ribbon roses can be quite an original accessory or decorative element, especially if they are made by hand. Moreover, in the manufacture of such crafts there is nothing complicated. And in today's master class, we give you the opportunity to learn how to create several types of satin roses.

From narrow and wide ribbons

You will need:

  • a ribbon of any color from any material, but keep in mind that it is easiest to work with satin, linen and guipure;
  • sharp scissors for needlework;
  • "superglue" for different surfaces;
  • thin needle and thread (one or two).

Take the tape in your hand and bend it in the middle.

For a small rose, you will need about forty to fifty centimeters of tape. The fold should form a perfect ninety degree angle. Now put the second edge of the tape on top of the first fold at the same angle. As a result, the angle should look up from you.

Take it with two fingers and place the ribbon on the left over the end of the ribbon on the right. Trim where the ribbon extends beyond the edges and tails of the ribbon. As a result, the design should visually resemble an envelope. It needs to be fixed. To do this, walk along its edges with a thin tie and pull the thread to fold the tape into a bud.

Next, start baiting layers of petals on the bud.

Roses from narrow ribbons are created according to a similar principle. Grasp any corner with two fingers and begin to wind the material in a circle, reaching the end, bring the edges down and sew at the base of the rose.

Composite flowers from wide ribbons begin to be made like small roses - this will be a bud. When the bud is ready, they begin to wind a wide ribbon. If you want to create a ribbon rose with more petals, you will need to gradually expand the ribbon, making the petals larger. However, even two or three turns are enough to imitate this flower.

A finished rose from a ribbon must always be fixed so that it does not fall apart. It is best to sew it at the base.

Volumetric rose

To make one rose you will need:

  • red satin ribbon (5 cm wide, 1.5 meters long);
  • green satin ribbon;
  • red and green threads;
  • beads;
  • needle and pins;
  • wooden skewer;
  • gouache;
  • tassel;
  • PVA glue;
  • newspaper;
  • candle or lighter;
  • foam rubber.

Take a red ribbon, bend one of its edges at an angle of 90 0 with the satin side up and secure with a pin.

Bend the longer edge of the tape 90 degrees as well, but in a mirror image and pin it with a pin. It turns out a kind of triangle.

Now bend the long edge of the tape again at 90 degrees, but already relative to the second fold and fix it again with a pin.

Make the fourth fold at an angle so that you get the shape of a square and secure the tape with a pin.

The resulting blank must be placed on a piece of foam rubber. The center of the flower should be marked with a large needle.

After that, continue to bend the tape in the same way as you did in the first row, but now pierce through each resulting triangle with a pin.

Moving on to folding the third row of petals, remove the pin from the first triangle of the second row and fix it with a new triangle of the third row.

It is necessary to ensure that each subsequent row is slightly smaller than the previous one.

Continue laying the tape in layers until there is 15-20 centimeters left to the edge of the tape.

Lightly roll the remaining edge of the tape into a tube with the bright side facing out.

Pass the end of the tape through the center of the craft along the large needle.

Remove the entire blank from the foam together with the pins, without removing them, and carefully pull the edge of the tape from the underside.

Take the red thread and pull off all the layers with one stitch, grabbing the middle of the twisted ribbon. Do not cut the thread from below.

Now you can remove the four top pins and fluff the rose, scrolling the rows slightly relative to each other.

Now sew each part of the squares, passing the needle vertically up and back.

Stitching each layer, bring the needle vertically to the center of the flower, stringing beads on it, and return it back.

Bend the remaining ribbon in half and sew to the bottom petals.

Now take a small piece of green ribbon, slightly larger than a matchbox, and, having made a hole in the center of this piece, put it on a wooden skewer.

Then, using scissors, make a fringe along the edge, making cuts one centimeter towards the center.

Turn the resulting green blank with the bright side down and pass it over the candle flame, thereby removing all the bumps and villi.

Hold the blank over the fire for a few seconds so that the petals bend down. Do not bring the fabric close to fire, otherwise it may turn black and melt.

Now make a mixture of green and blue gouache and PVA glue.

Carefully holding the edge, cover a wooden skewer with this dark green compound. When the skewer dries, color the remaining light edge.

Grab a small piece of foam rubber to the bud from the underside with a few stitches.

According to the level of the depth of the cuts on the green blank, pass the basting in a circle using a green thread. Do not cut the thread yet.

Put the green blank on the painted skewer and place it at the level with the foam rubber, which is sewn to the bottom of the bud. Now you can tighten the thread.

Foam rubber must be hidden under the green blank. To do this, with small stitches in a circle, sew a few green leaves to the nearest row of rose petals.

Pull the thread and cut.

From the green ribbon, cut out 6 leaves, any shape.

Work each leaf over the fire so that their edges do not crumble.

Cut out several strips from the newspaper: two 5 by 6 centimeters and four - 2 by 4 centimeters. And with the help of a thin rod, twist them into a tube diagonally, be sure to fix the edges with glue.

Cut each tube a little on one end. For these places they will be attached to each other.

Cut the other end of each tube at an angle.

Now glue the smaller blanks to the larger ones in pairs.

The resulting branches must be painted dark green with a previously prepared mixture.

After the branches have dried, spread each upper cut with PVA glue.

And glue green leaves to them with the right side.

Attach the finished branches with leaves to the stem with glue.

Now you can finally cover the stem with green paint, hiding all the junctions.

composite rose

We offer to make a wonderful compound rose, which later can easily become a hair ornament, a brooch or a bright accessory for a bag, bracelet or belt.

You will need:

  • bright satin ribbon;
  • a small piece of green cloth;
  • sharp little scissors;
  • needle and thread;
  • candle;
  • matches or lighter.

At the first stage, cut out 12 rounded petals from the tape. After that, light a candle and hold each petal over the flame, working on the edges. Ideally, if the petals begin to bend in the middle, but do not turn black at the edges.

At the second stage, you can proceed to the collection of the product.

Fold the first petals into a tight bud, sewing to each other. Place all the rest in sequence on top of each other, forming a drop-down flower.

Sew each petal with small stitches to the base of the rose.

To give naturalness, cover the base of the flower with a piece of green fabric, gathering it into an accordion.

Finally, you can sew an elastic band to the finished flower.

In the technique of kanzashi

To create a neat kanzashi rose, you need to take:

  • satin ribbon 5 cm wide;
  • scissors;
  • soldering iron or lighter;
  • universal glue.

Cut the ribbon into 5cm x 5cm squares. You will need 22 squares.

Fold one square in half into a triangle. Fold the edges of the resulting triangle again in the middle. Cut off the lower sharp part and carefully burn it on fire. Get a petal. Do the same for the rest of the squares.

Now you need to cut two pieces of 10 centimeters from the tape, from which we will make rose leaves.

Each segment must be folded in half with the right side inward, cut off the lower right corner, and burn the cut line. Turning the products on the front side, we get cone-shaped leaves.

You can collect crafts. Apply a small amount of glue to the bottom face of the petal. Roll the first petal into a tube - it will become the middle of the flower, and stick all the other petals in a circle. Attach two large cone-shaped sheets last.

After the flower is assembled, cut a small circle from the tape, burn the edges to it and glue it on the back of the craft to hide any possible imperfections.

Such a rose can become an ornament for an elastic band, hairpins or a hoop.

From satin ribbons, you can make various roses of various colors and shapes.

Ribbon roses can be used to decorate a dress, make a hairpin, or simply "refresh" the interior of your home.

Here are the most interesting ribbon roses that you can make yourself:

Rose from pieces of ribbons (master class)

Such a rose can be made from the remains of ribbons that are about 10 cm long. It will be even more beautiful if you use ribbons of different colors.

You will need:

Ribbons (length up to 10 cm)


Thread (preferably in the tone of the ribbon) and a needle.

Making a button:

1. Bend the end of the tape at a right angle. Then again you need to bend the corner.

2. Secure the ribbon with a pin and then secure with thread.

3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 with the other end of the tape.

Making petals:

1. Take another piece of tape and bend its ends at a right angle.

We connect:

1. Attach the petal to the bud with a pin.

2. Wrap the petal around the bud and sew to the core.

3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for the rest of the petals.

4. Fix the base of the flower well.

How to make a simple rose from a ribbon (photo-instruction)

Bouquet of small flowers from ribbons (photo instruction)

We embroider roses on fabric (master class)

You will need:

Narrow tape



Below you can find a video instruction for a more detailed overview.

DIY velvet ribbon flowers

You will need:

Velvet Ribbon

Hot glue


1. Cut a piece of tape from 45 to 60 cm long.

2. Fold the tape in half.

3. Apply a drop of glue and twist one end of the folded tape tightly to get the center of your bud.

4. Start wrapping the ribbon around the center of the flower, twisting the ribbon regularly and adding glue for strength.

5. When you have about 2-3 cm of tape left, glue this tail to the bottom of the resulting bud.

How to make a lush rosebud from satin ribbon

You will need:

Satin ribbon 1 m long.

Thread and needle

Hot glue

Pin (if necessary)

Candle or lighter (if needed)

1. So that the tape does not crumble, its ends should be slightly singeed.

2. Lay the ribbon with the wrong side facing you. Step back from the edge of the tape by 2-3 cm and bend it at an angle of 30 degrees.

* If desired, you can fix the tape with a pin.

4. Use a thread and a needle to sew a seam from the top corner of the edge of your ribbon. To begin, thread the needle down, then to the right, moving along the edge.

6. Make folds along the entire length of the tape. There can be from 6 to 11 of them in total - it all depends on how magnificent the bud you want to make. In this example, there are 9 folds.

7. Pull the thread to gather the edge of the tape.

8. Now twist one end of the ribbon to make a tight center of the flower. Fix this center with hot glue.

9. Start wrapping the tape around the center, remembering to add a little glue at the edge.

If you want to make a hairpin, then cut a circle out of felt and glue your bud to it. After that, simply glue the brooch attachment to the felt.

Large satin ribbon rose flower (step by step)

You will need:

Satin or silk ribbon 1 m long

Thread and needle


Hot glue (if necessary).

1. To begin with, it is desirable to singe the ends of the tape, otherwise unwanted fringe may appear.

2. Step back from the edge about 5 cm and bend the tape towards you at an angle of about 50 degrees. Make the main part of the bud - its core - by tightly rolling the ribbon.

3. Bend the other end of the tape up so that the edges are parallel and meet (image 4). Folds can be fixed with a pin.

4. Bend the tape along the line where the edges of the tape meet (image 5). Connect with a seam "needle forward" but as close to the edge as possible.

5. Repeat steps 3-4 to fold the tape to the end (image 6).

6. Gently pull the thread and fasten its end (image 7, 8).

7. Start twisting the tape, wrapping it around the core (image 9, 10). You can fix the tape with threads or hot glue.

* You can decorate the bud with leaves.

Beautiful rosebud from one satin ribbon (instruction)

You will need:

Satin ribbon 1 m long and 5 cm wide

Thread and needle or glue gun

Below you will find a video instruction.

1. You can burn the edges of the tape with a lighter.

2. Diagonally bend 1.5 cm of the tape (image 1) and roll this part to the left (image 2) to create the core of the rose (3 turns are enough).

Secure the folds of the bud with hot glue or thread with a needle.

3. Holding the workpiece with one hand, try to bend the tape down and around the core. Glue the petal you made to the base of the bud.

4. Fold the top edge of the tape back and then down to make one more turn around the core. Glue it to the base of the bud.

5. Make all the petals to the end, fixing them with glue or thread with a needle, and just glue the tail at the end to the bottom of the bud, cutting it off or attaching it with wire.

Flowers from ribbons (master class)

Rose from a narrow satin ribbon

You will need:

Satin ribbon 0.5 m long and 1 cm wide

Lighter (if necessary).

1. Fold the tape in half.

2. Bend the ends of the tape to form a right angle (image 2).

3. Hold the fold and move the end of the tape from your right hand to the left (image 3).

4. Throw the lower end of the tape up (image 4).

5. Holding the end of the tape in your left hand, flip it over to the right. Remember that the tape must always go on top (image 5).

6. Bend the top end of the tape down (image 6).

7. Repeat steps 3-6 until the tape runs out. You should get an accordion (image 7, 8).

8. Hold the ends of the tape and release the harmonica (image 9).

9. Gently start pulling on one end of the ribbon - the ribbon will begin to take the shape of a rosebud.

10. On the back of the bud, tie the ribbons into a double knot so that the flower does not bloom (image 10).

* You can cut off the excess and singe the ends of the tape (image 13, 14).

* You can add leaves.

Do-it-yourself ribbon roses (photo-instruction)

How to make roses from a ribbon with your own hands, step by step photos and instructions for creating a flower, seven options for roses from a ribbon in the form of buds and blooming flowers

How to make roses from a ribbon with your own hands, step by step photos and instructions for creating a flower, seven options for roses from a ribbon in the form of buds and blooming flowers

This article will focus on the queen of gardens - the rose. We will offer several master classes on how to create it with your own hands from various ribbons. An amazingly beautiful flower delights and conquers people for many hundreds of years. There are countless legends about the rose among different peoples. Greek myths tell that the white rose appeared from the sea foam that enveloped the body of the goddess Aphrodite, coming ashore. According to Iranian legend, all flowers came to Allah and asked him for a new ruler, instead of a beautiful, but lazy and idle lotus. Allah heeded their requests, creating a beautiful white rose with sharp thorns. According to Hindu beliefs, the goddess Lakshmi, the embodiment of beauty, was born from a rose bud. Scandinavian legends say that in spring, the laughter of the god of fire Loki melts the snow and blooms roses. The queen of gardens among many peoples was a very revered flower. In the Roman Empire, wreaths of roses were awarded to the winners of battles. When Cleopatra hosted the commander Mark Antony, his path to the queen's chambers was strewn with rose petals several tens of centimeters high. In Christian mythology, the white rose is considered the flower of the Virgin Mary. Roses were depicted on the coats of arms of many noble families of antiquity. There are many varieties of roses now, from the usual shades of pink and red to completely extraordinary ones: emerald green, blue, black and dazzling white. In this article we will make roses from ribbons. Due to the wide variety of ribbons in size, texture and color, roses from them are always different and beautiful. Such crafts will be a great decoration for a hat or handbag. They will become an original brooch, decorate a hairpin or turn into a charming boutonniere.

Ribbon Rose

Option 1 Rose from ribbons 1 cm wide
You will need:

  • Ribbon 1 cm wide (approximately 75-80 cm);
  • Needle and nylon thread to match the tape;
  • Large needle with a wide eye;
  • Canvas (you can take a napkin);
  • hoop;
  • Coin;
  • Pencil;
  • Scissors;
  • Decor elements (lace, pearls) at will.

It is necessary to draw the contours of a coin on the canvas and mark five points at an equal distance around the perimeter. Mark the center of the circle. We fix the canvas on the hoop and embroider a snowflake with five “rays” intersecting in the center with a nylon thread to match the ribbon. We fix the thread on the wrong side.

Now take the ribbon and tie a knot at one end. We insert the second end into the eye of the "gypsy" needle. We begin to embroider a rose. We pass with a needle with a tape from the inside to the face in the center of the circle. We have five "rays" of nylon threads. We will pass the tape in a circle, alternately threading the tape, then above the “ray”, then under it. Twist the ribbon in a spiral. The splendor of the rose will be directly proportional to the number of turns of the ribbon. The tape should not be tightened too much, this can deform the canvas and flatten the rose petals.

After you have reached the required volume of the flower, turn the ribbon inside out and tie a knot similar to the first end of the ribbon. The ribbons are mostly quite silky, and the knots can untie over time. To prevent this from happening, grab both ends of the tape from the inside with a pair of triple stitches with ordinary threads.
You can sew a few pearl beads into the core. As an additional decorative element, you can use round lace of small diameter. Just align its center with the center of the intersection of the "rays" of the snowflake, which serve to attach the tape. Now you can embroider a rose, as indicated above.

At the end, it is necessary to cut off the excess fabric, leaving the necessary minimum so that the thread fastening does not bloom. Option 2
You will need:

  • Tape 5 cm wide;
  • Needle and thread to match the tape;
  • safety pins (you can take any pins with heads);
  • Candle or lighter;
  • Sharp scissors.

First you need to cut the blanks for the petals. For one rose flower you will need: 8 segments 10.5 cm long and 9 segments 11.5 cm long. The edges of all blanks must be melted over the flame of a candle or lighter so that they do not fluff. We begin to make a rosebud from a smaller blank. We unfold the front side away from us and bend the upper right corner down, as shown in the photo. We have a small shiny triangle. Fasten with a pin. Now take the lower right corner and wrap it from right to left. Fasten with thread.
Bend a small strip of tape along the top edge. Make a couple of stitches along the bottom and fasten the bud with a thread.
The heart of the rose is ready. Next, we start creating the petals. We arrange the ribbons, as before. We bend the upper part of the ribbon by about 7 mm and fix it with pins. We bend the upper corners of the tape down and again fasten it with pins, as shown in the photo. We pass basting stitches along the bottom of the workpiece and slightly tighten the petal.
We attach it to the bud by crossing the ends. We sew.
Similarly, we perform all the other petals of both sizes. We sew them in a checkerboard pattern, one by one.
It turns out this is a rose. Option 3
To create the next rose, you will need a soldering iron. Thanks to him, there will be no need to melt the edges of the tapes and glue the workpieces. If you don't have a soldering iron handy, you can use a wood burner. Sometimes a cloth nozzle is attached to it. You will need:

  • Satin ribbon 5 cm for petals (choose the color to your taste);
  • Satin ribbon 2.5 cm for green leaves;
  • soldering iron;
  • Needle and thread;
  • Metal round template for petals;
  • artificial stamens;
  • Tweezers.

As a round metal pattern, you can use a lid from baby food or pickles. The size of the flower will ultimately depend on its diameter. Fold the ribbon 5 cm wide in half with the shiny side inward. Now you need to cut out circles with a soldering iron, as in the photo, leaving the bottom part not sealed. For each flower, you will need at least 10 of these blanks.
The edges of the petals are tightly fastened with a soldering iron. We turn them with the shiny side on the face. We sew the non-soldered bottom with a lap seam. The thread must be pulled.
Fold the stamens in half. We wrap them in one petal and fix them with hot glue. Next, we begin to glue the rest of the petals overlap, like a real flower.
Advice! If you are just starting to try your hand at floristry, and this is your first flower, use Moment Crystal instead of hot glue. The first option is faster and sets in seconds. The second one needs a couple of minutes to glue, and you will have time to arrange the petals in the best positions. To create the leaves, you will need pieces of green tape about 8 cm in length. We position the segment vertically and bend the upper left corner so that the upper half of the ribbon becomes perpendicular to the lower (see photo). Now add the top right corner (a) to the bottom left corner (b). The resulting workpiece has a top in the form of a triangle. We unfold the future sheet with the wrong side on the face. We fold the lower right and left corners together, as in the photo. We cut off the ends a little and melt over the fire.
Now it remains only to glue the leaves to the rose. Option 4 Ribbon rose using kanzashi technique Materials and tools:

  • Satin ribbon 5 cm wide;
  • Needle and thread to match the tape;
  • Tweezers;
  • Scissors;
  • Lighter or candle.

The number of petals will depend on how lush the rose you want to end up with. We cut the tape into squares 5 x 5 cm. We melt the slices over the flame. Now you need to fold the square in half diagonally. The fold line is at the top.
Bend the right and left corners to the bottom. Now it is necessary to cut off the lower corner of the workpiece in a semicircle and glue it by melting it over the fire. If you have a soldering iron, you can use it. This tool will allow you to skip the cutting step. After working with a soldering iron, the edges of the petals will immediately turn out to be even and glued.
Let's start building the rose. We turn the first petal into a tube. The pleated side is on the outside. We wrap the middle with the next petal and sew it on. Continue sewing on overlapped petals. The pleated side should always be on the outside.
It turned out such a rose. Option 5 Chic lush champagne satin ribbon rose
You will need:

  • Satin ribbon (wide);
  • Candle or lighter;
  • scissors;
  • Needle and thread in ribbon color.

The tape must be cut into square pieces. We cut out rose petals from them so that one of the processed ends of the ribbon is the bottom of the petals. As a sample, you can take a real petal. We melt the edges of the cuts over the fire, turning the wrong side to the flame. After that, the petals will become slightly curved. For one flower you will need from 10 to 15 petals. For the core of the flower, twist the bud. Take a rectangular piece of ribbon and fold it in half lengthwise. The fold line is at the top. Lower the upper right corner (about 4 cm) down to form a right angle. Now we fold the lower right part of the tucked corner again and fasten it with a couple of stitches of thread. We do not cut it off, we begin to twist the tape around the bundle. After every two or three turns, stitch the workpiece with a thread. When the bud is large enough, fold the free end of the tape down. Fasten with thread.
Now you need to sew the petals around the bud. We attach them with an overlap, as shown in the photo, with a convex shiny front side to the bud. Now you can attach a leaf and the rose is ready. Option 6 Miniature rose
Such a crumb will look great as a hair band decoration. You will need:

  • Satin ribbon (medium in width) for petals and leaves;
  • safety pins;
  • Needle and thread to match the ribbon.

It is necessary to put the ribbon on the table and bend from left to right about 6 cm. Take this end of the ribbon and bend it down so that a fold of 45 ⁰ is formed. We fix this place of bending with a pin. The end of the tape is pointing down. Bend the other end of the tape up in the same way. The place of the fold is also fixed with a pin. Here's what the end result should be.
If you expand our blank, you will see 4 small squares. Do not remove pins. We turn it back and with a lap seam we pass along the entire perimeter of the workpiece. Now you can remove the pins and pull the thread a little. We unfold the resulting spherical blank and straighten the petals of the future rose.
Now we make the core for the flower. This will require another piece of tape. Fold its ends crosswise so that the upper part forms a loop (see photo). With pins it is necessary to fix the place of intersection of the ends of the tape. We cut the ends and sew with a lap seam, as shown in the photo. The figure resembles a pentagon with sides of different lengths. We tighten the thread and again we get a spherical blank, but it does not have a hole in the center, like the previous one.
Now we insert a smaller one into a large part, thereby closing the hole. This is such a cute little rose. It remains to make her leaves. To do this, you need a green ribbon. At one end, we fold the cone by simply throwing the edge of the tape (see photo). At the second end, it is also necessary to make a similar figure. It is necessary to fix the junction of the tape with a pin, and then sew them to the finished rosette.
Now you can attach the craft to an elastic band or hair clip. Option 7 Opened lush satin ribbon rose
Materials and tools:

  • Satin ribbon in two colors (for petals and for leaves) 5 cm wide;
  • Glue gun and hot glue;
  • scissors;
  • Candle or lighter;
  • Decor element for the core (beautiful button, large bead or something of your choice).

Cut the tape into pieces. For one rose flower you will need: 10 pieces 5 x 5 cm, 10 pieces 5 x 6 cm, 10 pieces 5 x 7 cm and 12 pieces 5 x 8 cm. Round off the right and left corners at the narrower side. Now you need to melt all the blanks over the fire. We pinch a smooth narrow edge, as in the photo. Can be fixed with glue or melted again.
Now it remains to collect a flower with a glue gun, we start with the inner circle of the smallest petals. Glue them together. It will take about 5 pieces. The next layer and all subsequent ones will go in a checkerboard pattern. We insert the core into the center: a beautiful button, artificial stamens or a bead.
If you want to make leaflets, then you will need 6 - 7 pieces of green ribbon 5 x 5 cm. From five we make exactly the same blanks as the petals. We glue them on the bottom of our flower. From two pieces of green ribbon we make the basis for the flower. To do this, glue the wrong sides with glue and glue them together. Cut out a circle from the workpiece. It is necessary to melt the edges over the fire. Now glue the rose with leaves to this circle and you're done. Can be used as a decoration for hairpins and hair bands. Make a brooch, decorate a handbag or a hat. From small roses, you can also make a charming and delicate topiary - a European tree of happiness. To do this, crafts must have a flat base. Experiment, create.

Master class "Artificial rose from silk ribbons with your own hands"

Karaeva Tatyana Alexandrovna, teacher of additional education, MBOU DOD "TsDOD" s / p "Rovesnik", Prokopyevsk, Kemerovo region.
Description: this master class is intended for children of middle and senior school age, teachers of additional education, educators, and just creative people who love to create something special with their own hands.
Purpose: gift for any occasion
Target: making artificial rose flowers with your own hands.
introduce the technique of making roses on wire;
to consolidate the skills and abilities of working with scissors, a needle and a burner;
teach how to use a soldering iron for buns, a mold;
develop artistic and aesthetic taste;
develop creativity, imagination, imagination.
Preface to work
Looking through the Internet for making roses from silk ribbons, I came across a job where the master Elena offered to make roses from satin ribbons for a boutonniere or as an ornament in her hair.
I really wanted to make life-size roses on a long stem with foliage so that the rose would be like a living one. Having made a test copy, I showed it to the children. The children liked the rose, they immediately offered to make artificial flowers and give them to the veterans on the occasion of the Victory Day on May 9th. Every year we go to the veterans' house with our children to congratulate grandparents on the Victory Day. Together with the children, they made flowers and on the eve of Victory Day they went and congratulated the veterans. Having made flowers in the classes of the circle, the children presented not only veterans, but also their relatives and friends for various holidays: the anniversary of their parents, the birthday of their grandmother, the birth of a brother, someone made roses just for beauty in a vase. The children's works turned out to be bright, colorful, the ribbons were of different colors and textures, I just could not keep such beauty as a souvenir, I photographed it. At the end of the outgoing 2014, I decided to make a generalizing master class, maybe it will be useful to someone in their work. After all, roses do not leave anyone indifferent, and a bouquet of artificial roses made in winter with your own hands will remind you of summer, enliven the interior of your living room and will delight you with its beauty for many years. No wonder the rose is considered the most beautiful flower, the queen of all flowers. This reputation, deserved by the flower in ancient times, has not lost its relevance today.
When did the first roses appear?
“According to archaeologists, the rose has existed on Earth for about 25 million years, but in culture it has been grown for more than five thousand years, and for a greater period of this time the rose was considered a real sacred symbol, the aroma of which has always been associated with something divine.
The first mention of growing roses in Russia dates back to the beginning of the 16th century. It is assumed that they came to Russia through the Balkan Slavic tribes. Mass distribution was received only under Catherine II. By the end of the 19th century, roses began to grow throughout the European part of Russia.
Internet. Wikipedia.

Let's move on to the master class, for work we need
Tools and materials:
It is very important that the materials are given on the basis of one rose.
Silk ribbons (5 centimeters wide) in four colors for rose petals:
light pink - 48 centimeters long;
pink - 48 centimeters long;
dark pink - 36 centimeters long;
dark green 5 centimeters wide and 40 centimeters long, for rose leaves;
Burner for cutting ribbons so that the edges of silk ribbons do not bloom;
Soldering iron for buns (bulks are devices for making artificial flowers) to heat the mold.
A mold for giving rose leaves a textured surface by heating.
Corrugated paper for wrapping wire (0.7 centimeters from the entire roll of paper)
Pink thread and a needle for sewing rose petals
Thick aluminum wire for peduncle (stem) of rose 40 centimeters
Wire thin for leaves 90 centimeters
Scissors large for cutting corrugated paper
Sintepon for the formation of the ovary of a rosebud
Metal ruler for cutting ribbons using an electric burner
PVA glue for lubricating rose pedicels
Glue "moment crystal" for gluing leaves to the base and sepals to the rosebud.

Before we get started, let's repeat the structure of the flower.

1 - stamen, 2 - petal, 3 - pistil, 4 - sepals, 5 - receptacle, 6 - pedicel, 7 - anther, 8 - filament, 9 - stigma, 10 - style, 11 - ovary.
And don't forget about safety:
Safety precautions when working with hand needles and pins
1. Make sure there are no rusty and bent needles and pins
2. Sew with a thimble.
3. Do not take needles and pins in your mouth, do not stick into clothes
4. Do not leave needles and pins on the working surface of the table
5. At the end of the work, remove all needles and pins in special boxes and pads
Safety precautions when working with scissors
1. Scissors must be well adjusted and sharpened.
2. Keep the scissors in a certain place (box or stand).
3. When using scissors, be as careful and disciplined as possible.
4. When passing scissors, hold them by closed blades.
5 Place scissors to the right with closed blades pointing away from you.
6. When cutting, the narrow blade of the scissors should be at the bottom.
Safety precautions when working with an electric burner.
1. It is possible to connect the electric burner to the network only in good condition.
2. When working, do not press hard on the needle.
3. Do not lean close to the burning site.
4. Keep your hands, clothes and wires away from the hot needle.
5. Do not leave the electric burner unattended, plugged in, as the needle is hot, this may cause a fire.
6. It is impossible to determine the degree of heating of the device by touch.
7. While working with the electric burner, unplug it periodically to cool it down (30 minutes on; 15 minutes off).
8. Avoid overheating of the burner needle.
9. After finishing work, the burner must be disconnected from the mains.
Safety precautions when working with a soldering iron for rolls.
1. Prepare and test the soldering iron. Take additional devices (press form). Especially make sure the soldering iron handle and wires are secure.
2. Use the soldering iron carefully during operation, do not drop it or use it as a hammer.
3. Do not touch the heated surface of the mold and the soldering iron with your hands.
4. Use tweezers to remove leaves from the mold.
5. During breaks in work, place the hot soldering iron on a non-flammable surface. Do not remove the plug from the socket by the wire. If you need to leave the workplace, turn off the soldering iron.
6. After finishing work, carefully turn off the soldering iron. Remove the place of work. Let the soldering iron and mold cool down, put back the tools you used.

Work sequence
1. We mark a segment of 12 centimeters on a sheet of A4 paper, circle the markings with a marker for better visibility and place it under the glass on which we will work.

2. We cut pieces of ribbons of three colors using an electric burner and a metal ruler on the glass according to the marked sheet, this saves time and prevents the silk ribbons from crumbling.

3. Tapes are cut. Light pink color -4 segments; pink - 4 segments; dark pink - 3 segments; in total - 11 segments of 12 centimeters. Ribbons took three shades of pink to make the rose look more natural.

4. We begin to sew the petals. We take one piece of a light pink ribbon and bend it along 1 centimeter, stab it with a pin.

5. Then we wrap the right corner of the tape down, pin it with a pin.

6. Wrap the left corner down, pin it with a pin.

7. We sew the tucked corners with a small basting stitch with a thread and a needle.

8. We tighten the thread and fasten. The first petal is ready.

9. In the same way, we perform the remaining 9 petals, leaving one piece of ribbon for the rose ovary. All 10 petals are ready.

10. Now we perform the ovary of the bud. We wind a piece of synthetic winterizer onto a thick aluminum wire, pulling the lower part tightly, and fix it with a thread.

11. We take a piece of light pink ribbon and wrap it on top of the synthetic winterizer in the form of a bud ovary. We fold the tape first across, insert the wire with synthetic winterizer and tuck the edges. We tighten the tape with a thread with a needle around the wire, sewing it to the tightly tightened lower part of the synthetic winterizer.

12. With the remaining end of the thread, tightly wrap the edges of the tape. The ovary of the rosebud is ready.

13. We begin to sew on the rose petals, first all light pink, then pink and finally dark pink, sewing each petal in a circle (around the wire) to the bottom of the bud ovary with a padding polyester inside.
We sew the first light pink petal, placing it opposite the fold of the ovary of the rosebud.

14. Sew on the second light pink petal, placing it opposite the first petal.

15. Sew on the third light pink petal, placing it opposite the second petal. And we continue to sew the rest of the petals in the same order.

16. Sew on the fourth and fifth rose petals

17. Sew on the sixth and seventh rose petals

18. Sew on the eighth and ninth dark pink petals

19. And last we sew the tenth dark pink petal. The rosebud is ready.

20. We turn to the implementation of two complex rose leaves, each of which consists of three separate leaves glued to a wire base. With large scissors, cut a strip 0.7 centimeters wide from a roll of corrugated paper

21. We cut three segments of 15 centimeters from a thin wire and twist the so-called base of a complex sheet for three leaves, leaving the length of the middle wire to twist 6 centimeters, the other two 4 centimeters each, twist the ends of the wire together into a bundle. We wrap a base of three twisted pieces of wire with a strip of corrugated paper, starting from the middle one, moving to the left wire, reaching the end of the wire, seal the edge of the paper with PVA glue. Then we begin to wrap the right wire with corrugated paper and go down, reaching the end of the wire, glue the edge of the paper with PVA glue.

22. The basis for a complex sheet, consisting of three leaves, is ready. In the same way, we make another wire base for three leaves.

23. We carry out leaflets for the base using a burner with a thin needle on the glass. Along the green ribbon we put a rose leaf template measuring 3 centimeters wide and 4 centimeters long. We burn out all six leaves along the contour and from the scraps of the tape we burn out small leaves 2.5 - 3 centimeters long arbitrarily for the sepals of the rose.

24. Blanks of leaflets are ready.

25. We take a soldering iron for buns (bulks are devices for making artificial flowers), insert a mold into it, plug it into an outlet and heat it up.

26. We put the leaf blank on the lower part of the mold and press it down with the upper heated part of the mold.

27. After processing the leaves in the mold, they acquire a textured surface with veins, like real rose leaves. Leaves are ready.

28. We turn the leaves on the wrong side, in the middle of the leaves there are recesses for gluing the base of the wire. We squeeze out the “moment crystal” glue with a thin strip directly into the formed recesses (in the middle) of the leaves.

29. We wait for some time until the glue dries, then glue the leaves to the wire base.

30. The wrong side of the leaflets based on wire.

31. In the same way, we perform the next complex sheet, consisting of three leaves. Two complex rose leaves are ready.

32. We begin to make out the receptacle of our rose. We wrap a strip of corrugated paper around the pedicel of the rose. Stepping back from the rose bud down by 7 centimeters, we begin to wrap the peduncle from the bottom to the top and from top to bottom, winding the paper onto the wire until we get a receptacle expanded near the rose bud.

33. The receptacle is ready.

34. We continue to wrap the peduncle with corrugated paper downwards from the rose bud by 10 centimeters. We take a complex rose leaf and thread it tightly to the rose peduncle with threads.

35. We wrap the peduncle with a strip of corrugated paper, going down another 5 centimeters, we wind another complex sheet with a thread.

36. We wrap the rest of the rose pedicel with corrugated paper.