How to make a paper airplane. Paper origami planes: several step-by-step master classes with photos. Where did the paper airplane come from?

A long time ago, when we were all little, we made paper airplanes and let them fly. It was exciting and fun to play with the paper toy. It would seem that this is an ordinary flying piece of paper. But no, to design an airplane that will last a long time and please you with long flight distances is a whole science.

The main thing in the article

What do you need for a do-it-yourself paper airplane?

To design a paper airplane with your own hands, you will need:

  • 5 minutes. time
  • sheet of paper A4 or A3;
  • diagram with step by step instructions.

If you want to give the airplane individuality and originality, prepare paints, brushes, felt-tip pens and pencils.

Previously, they used a newspaper sheet as the main material. It had a rectangular shape and was suitable for making a paper toy.

Make a paper airplane with your child, and at the same time remember your childhood. Your child will enjoy not only launching it, but also the process of simulating an aircraft. In the process of work, children develop accuracy, concentration, motor skills of hands, perseverance and imagination.

How to make a regular paper airplane: step by step instructions for beginners

The easiest and easiest way to make a paper airplane

To make the airplane soar in the air longer, it is enough to make the ends of its wings “look” up. The dotted lines in the figure indicate the areas that need to be folded.

How to make a far-flying paper airplane: instructions with photos

  1. Turn the sheet towards you with the wide side and fold in half for a clear middle line.
  2. Bend the upper left corner to the middle of the fold, do the same with the upper right corner.
  3. Bend the "nose" of the airplane across so that its end coincides with the edge of the sheet.
  4. Step back from the top fold line 1.5 cm and bend the nasal area, pointing it up.
  5. Next, fold the structure in half lengthwise.
  6. Make the wings by placing the nose to the left of the hand and the tail to the right. Bend the top so that the nose does not break, as in the diagram.
  7. Make folds on the side edges of the wings so that they look up. This will give the aircraft aerodynamics and stability.

What does it take to make a paper airplane fly far?

  • To make a paper airplane fly far, design narrow and long models. This design gives the aircraft rigidity, and the center of gravity, shifted to the nose, will increase the length of the flight.
  • Choose spacious rooms so that the plane has a place to fly. If you run it outdoors, it is better in calm weather.
  • When launching a toy, try to do it gently.
  • The nose must be pointing up, otherwise the plane will fall very quickly.
  • Paper weight also plays an important role. The thicker the paper, the stronger and more durable the airplane.
  • The folds should be even and perfectly symmetrical.
  • To make a far-flying "apparatus" take clean and smooth paper.

How to make a paper airplane with your own hands: 10 different ways with step-by-step diagrams

Show your imagination and give the airplanes a colorful look, then they will look interesting and bright.

How to make a cool paper airplane

Behind are simple instructions for building paper toys. Each of them has a unique aircraft. But how to make a cool paper airplane? Each person has their own parameters that correspond to coolness. Therefore, we offer one of the models of cool aircraft.

reconnaissance aircraft model

  1. Place a sheet of paper in front of you with the wide side facing you.
  2. Fold the top right corner, then the top left corner. The result is an isosceles triangle.
  3. Fold it in half, guiding the top corner towards the underside of the shape.
  4. Measure 1.5 cm and bend the nose of the airplane up.
  5. Bend the structure along the middle fold line.
  6. Make the wings by guiding the top corner towards the bottom fold line. Turn over and make the second wing.
  7. The paper airplane is ready for maneuvering flights.

military paper plane

Now try to make a more complex paper airplane. You will need:

  1. Place the sheet with the narrow side facing you. Draw lines on the sheet according to first diagram point.
  2. Bend the resulting corners inward. You will get a triangle.
  3. Turn the design over so that the bow is on the left hand.
  4. Find the middle in the triangular part of the airplane. Fold the remaining corner inside. You should get a hexagonal figure, as in the diagram in paragraph 6 .
  5. Fold in half, folding the bottom towards the top. Try to match all lines.
  6. Take a pencil and redraw the dotted lines with 7 point of the diagram on your aircraft model.
  7. Cut along the dotted line with scissors.
  8. Make wings based on 9 schema item. Bend the wing along the dotted line, pointing it down.
  9. Step back a distance equal to the width of the main body of the aircraft and fold the wing up.
  10. Bend the wing down again.
  11. Items 12 , 13 And 14 show exactly how to bend the wing.
  12. Bend the top corner first, and then the entire wing down. Turn the design over and make the second wing.
  13. Bend the tail along the dotted line, as in paragraph 15 .
  14. Military aircraft is ready to launch.

To make a military paper airplane fly far, launch it with the greatest force straight or up.

Airplane with paper propeller

For a propeller plane you will need:

  1. Take a square sheet of paper, fold it diagonally, then unfold it. Fold diagonally at the other corner.
  2. Cut a sheet of paper from four corners, but not completely. Leave the middle untouched.
  3. Fold each corner towards the center of the sheet.
  4. Fasten with a needle.
  5. Attach the finished propeller to the tail of the aircraft and launch.

Make an airplane from a sheet of paper: video master class

There are probably no people who have never made even the simplest paper airplane. The older generation remembers that it used to be difficult to get functional and interesting toys, so they showed their imagination and creativity to make them with their own hands.

Experts note that the independent production of various crafts allows you to develop your child's fingers, improve concentration and teach you to turn on your imagination.

Another plus is that the paper plane is absolutely safe. Such a toy can captivate children for a long time. Many parents cannot afford to give their child a modern toy, so the best way out is to make it yourself and involve your child in this activity.

It is not difficult to make a simple airplane, but there are several options for making crafts that will fly relatively long distances. Let's look at a few manufacturing methods.

There are many options for an airplane that can fly longer than a conventional counterpart. Today we will make a super airplane, but in order to achieve the result, you need to know a few secrets:

  • If the tail section is folded incorrectly, then there is no need to talk about any long flight.
  • Maintain symmetry.
  • Correctly bend the wings.

We will need to prepare a regular A4 sheet. The whole process takes no more than 3 minutes.

  • Put a sheet of paper on a flat surface, bend it lengthwise, exactly in half, and then straighten it. To maintain symmetry, we will be guided by the fold line. After that, on one side you need to carefully bend the corners along the line, as shown in the image below. So we will form the nose of the future aircraft.

  • The next step is to turn the paper over and fold it in half. If it is not clear, then we are guided by the images.

  • Now the folded corners of the spout need to be straightened along the line.

  • Turn over the workpiece. Now you need to fold the future airplane along the lines. You should get the same result as in the picture.

  • Now you need to fold the workpiece in half. To shape the paper plane, you need to bend along the lines indicated in the image.

In order for the airplane to plan for as long as possible, it must be gently launched.

If you don't succeed the first time, then try again. You can also watch a video on how to create a paper plane.

How to make a plane out of paper that flies far up to 100 meters?

Everyone wants to make an airplane that will fly at least 100 meters. But an ordinary craft cannot overcome such a bar. According to Guinness records, such an aircraft was able to cover a distance of 69 meters. Of course, if you launch it from the 10th floor, it can fly 300 meters.

Creating crafts is a fascinating process, so it is recommended to involve your child in this activity.

Manufacturing process

To make a craft, you only need a sheet of A4 paper.

First you need to form a corner, for this the right side of the sheet must be bent to the left edge. It is very important to avoid distortions, otherwise nothing will work. Therefore, all actions must be done carefully.

Similarly, form the left corner. As a result, you will get bend lines, along which we will continue to make an airplane.

The next stage is very responsible. You need to bend the right corner to the middle of the left line, as shown in the image. Make sure that your red lines match, only then finally bend the sheet.

The edges must match, so be guided by the lines. As a result of the last step, you should get the following:

In the same way, you need to bend the corner on the left side. Bend both sides so that you get the same as in the image below.

Now you need to bend the top. Pay attention to the picture, all lines must match.

In the next step, you need to again bend both corners to the very center.

We bend the workpiece across, before smoothing the line, you need to make sure that the corners exactly match.

Now let's start forming the wings. You need to carefully bend them on each side, pay attention to the drawing, how the bow of the craft should look.

At the finishing stage, you should get such a neat paper airplane.

The entire cooking process takes no more than five minutes. If you correctly observed all the techniques, then such an aircraft will fly at a distance of up to 100 meters in length. Now you can test it in action in the nearest park.

How to make a paper plane that flies 1000 meters? Plane scheme

Of course, no paper airplane can fly a distance of 1 km. The duration and range of the flight depends on many factors: the model of the craft, the symmetry of the folds, the weather, the terrain, the quality of the paper, and others.

Consider a simple model that can fly high and far. This is a supersonic aircraft. To do it, you must perform the following steps:

  1. A sheet of paper needs to be bent in half, only along, and not across, as in other cases.
  2. Then unfold it, and bend both corners of the sheet to the line to make the spout sharp.
  3. Now the bow should be bent towards the tail.
  4. It is necessary to retreat about 1.5 cm from the last fold and bend the spout, as indicated in the diagram.
  5. At the next stage, the workpiece must be bent in half lengthwise and form wings.

To improve aerodynamic properties, it is recommended to bend the edges of the wings so that they look up.

There is another version of the model, which was developed at the end of the last century by Ken Blackburn. Thanks to his scheme, the flight duration of the aircraft was 30 seconds.

  1. The edges of an A4 sheet must be folded towards the middle, only the corners should not touch each other. There should be about 3 cm between them.
  2. After that, bend 2 cm of the upper edge.
  3. Carefully smooth and repeat the process, only in this case, you need to increase the distance between the corners. Look closely at the diagram.
  4. This procedure must be repeated, about 10 times.
  5. Bend the workpiece in half.
  6. Leave 3 cm for the body and bend the wings.
  7. Bend the ends of the wings up.

Of course, successful models are not always obtained, so practice and experiment.

How to make a paper plane that flies 10000000000000 meters. Step-by-step diagram with a motor

If you want a paper airplane to be able to fly long distances, then you need to install a motor on it. You can make it yourself if you have similar experience or buy a small motor in a store. Usually they are sold with detailed instructions, but if there is none, then we will consider how this can be done.

First you need to make the most ordinary paper airplane.

Now you need to determine the center of gravity where the board will be installed. To do this, use a needle and a simple pencil. The image shows that you need to hang the craft in three places, and draw a continuation of the line from the thread.

Now you need to install the motor on the model. To do this, fix the board in the center of gravity, as well as cut out a place for the propeller.

For the manufacture of such a model, some experience is required, so it is better to buy a motor and install it on a paper airplane according to the instructions.

How to make (fold) a paper airplane so that it flies well?

In order for a paper plane to plan well, you need to follow the manufacturing technique. Therefore, any model can fly smoothly. Consider another version of the model, which is able to plan for a long time in the air.

To do this, you need to prepare a blank A4 sheet and a ruler for even folds.

Preparation method

You need to fold the sheet in half lengthwise and unfold. Then bend it across. Iron everything well and fold one corner, as shown in the image below. Fold the second corner in the same way.

Then the corners need to be bent again, strictly along the line, and ironed well again. See drawing.

Now you need to carefully open the sides, and then bend inward.

Bend the top of each side outward.

Now you need to bend to the other side.

After that, open the formed parts, only strictly along the contour.

Do the same actions on the other side. As a result, you should get a blank, as shown below.

At the next stage, we bend the future model in half.

Approximately 2.5 cm from the base of the model, you need to draw a line on each side

Then carefully fold each wing, and carefully iron.

Draw a line on the wings as shown in the image.

Now we bend the corners along the drawn line.

The end result should look like this:

If everything is done correctly, then the plane will fly well and for a long time.

Video lesson. A simple scheme for folding a paper airplane

Even the simplest model will fly high and for a long time if it is made according to all the rules. Try following the instructions in the video below and see for yourself.

How long have you been making paper airplanes? I've been here for a long time, and have already tried several options. To be honest, I had a lot of fun.

Many of us (yes, almost all of us!) folded paper airplanes as children. But until now, not all moms and dads know that they were doing aerogs, one of the branches of origami. In Japanese, by the way, it will not be aerogami at all, but kami hikoki - kami \u003d paper, hikoki \u003d plane. So today we present to you the 12 most popular models of kami hikoki - paper airplanes that are ready to bravely cut through the expanses of the ocean of air and will undoubtedly delight your children!

Glider #1

Glider #2

(Click on diagram to enlarge)

The use of paper to create toys is believed to have started 2,000 years ago in China, where kites were invented. The modern paper airplane, according to one of the most popular versions, was invented (yes, yes, that's right!) In 1930 by Jack Northrop, co-founder of Lockheed Corporation. Northrop used paper airplanes to test new ideas while building real airplanes.

"Silk" (Silke)

(Click on diagram to enlarge)

"Drake" (Canard)

(Click on diagram to enlarge)


(Click on diagram to enlarge)

In 1989, Andy Chipling founded the Paper Aircraft Association, and in 2006 the first paper airplane launch championship was held. Competitions are held in three disciplines: the longest distance, the longest planning and aerobatics - the performance of aerobatics by paper models.


(Click on diagram to enlarge)

However, there are also commercial competitions. Perhaps the most famous of these is the Red Bull Paper Wings. The last world championship was held in Austria, the designers competed in three categories: "aerobatics", "flight range" and "flight duration".

"Gomez" (Gomez)

(Click on diagram to enlarge)

Numerous attempts to increase the time the paper airplane stays in the air from time to time lead to the taking of the next barriers in this sport. Ken Blackburn held the world record for 13 years (1983-1996) and got it again on October 8, 1998, by throwing a paper plane indoors so that it stayed in the air for 27.6 seconds. This result was confirmed by representatives of the Guinness Book of Records and CNN reporters. The paper airplane used by Blackburn can be classified as a glider.

"Locked" (Locked)

(Click on diagram to enlarge)

Although it is believed that light paper airplanes fly farther than heavy ones, this claim is disputed by Blackburn. Blackburn's plane, which broke the world record in 1983, was designed on the assumption that the best planes have short wings and are "heavy" during the launch phase when a person tosses them into the air. Although longer wings and lighter weight would seem to help the airplane achieve longer flight times, such a paper plane cannot be thrown high. According to Blackburn, "to achieve maximum altitude and a good transition to gliding flight, the throw must be carried out with a deviation from the vertical of no more than 10 degrees."

In today's article, we propose to create the most popular toy among boys - a paper plane, origami - a technique that will help improve the fine motor skills of the baby's hands, as well as take this fidget for a few minutes. You can create with your child and help him in complex processes, spending more free time with the dearest little man on this planet.

Easy option

There are a huge number of options for the process of creating an airplane out of paper with your own hands, and one of them is origami. This technique came to us from Japan and helps to create very beautiful and cute paper crafts. For the classic technique, you need to prepare a single sheet of paper or corrugated board. Another characteristic of origami is that you do not need to use scissors and glue, so we advise you to start creating an air vehicle with your baby in order to develop fine motor skills of his hands. The manufacturing process can be followed by the example of step-by-step instructions.

As materials, use thin paper, just one sheet, as well as felt-tip pens or colored pencils.

Now let's start creating. First of all, fold a sheet of paper vertically, then unfold it. We fold the two upper corners to each other along the fold line. We do not expand. We fold these corners one more time. You should get the following result: the edges do not connect with each other and do not intersect at the central fold. Then we bend the upper sides down from the right and left sides. In the last step, lift each part of the figurine and shape the wings of the plane. We got such a toy in just five minutes.

In the previous photo, you can see a diagram of creating an airplane made using the origami technique in this master class.

We conquer the sky

We all know that preschool children are very fond of crafting something from cardboard, paper, and even a matchbox. So let's make a flying machine out of plain paper. In the next step of the article, we will describe in detail how to make an airplane that can take off with our own hands.

Take a thin sheet of cardboard and make a square out of it. Fold the sheet diagonally, and then cut or tear off the excess, bottom. After that, unfold the workpiece and fold it in half. We bend all the upper edges to the center of the workpiece. We have a triangle that we bend. Again, bend the edges to the middle, and then bend the entire sheet of paper in half. Bend the corners, so you have the wings of the plane.

If you use corrugated cardboard in your work, then you can get a very spectacular tail or voluminous wings. Thanks to this, small aircraft will be able to stay in the air longer. If you want your airplane to last longer, then throw it up with all your might. In the photo you can see what beauty we got.

If your kid is so passionate and makes a huge number of planes, then offer to make him a whole fleet of aircraft. And where will he be? Exactly, we need to make an airport. This can be done from a box and a huge sheet of paper. We model real aircraft routes on paper, draw landing lines, lay out the points at which the aircraft lands and departs. In fact, you or even your little one will be able to easily play a huge number of aircraft games, the most important thing is to make them, and as you have already seen above. Using fantasy, you can improve the aircraft or decorate it with additional materials.

airplane layout

Well, the last step is to make an exact copy of the plane out of paper and a matchbox. We got an unusual, but foldable plane, but, unfortunately, it cannot fly on its own. It's not a problem. You can easily attach a rope to the central point, and then your baby will be able to independently control the entire aircraft while running on the street.

To create an airplane, prepare materials such as paper (red), cardboard, pencil, glue, a matchbox and a pushpin. Also take scissors.

From cardboard cut out two completely identical strips. This will be the base of the plane. We glue one end of these strips together, and at the second end we place a matchbox in the center, which we paste over with cardboard. We make another strip of cardboard, and glue it in a triangular shape so that we get a tail. The form itself is shown in the photo.

We cut out a small cross from paper, which we attach to the pushpin in front. Then we cut out two identical strips and make wings. You can decorate them with red paper stars. In fact, you can stick whatever your little dreamer wants.

Video on the topic of the article

We offer you to watch a selection of videos on how to make an airplane out of paper with your own hands.

Paper airplanes have a rich and long history. It is believed that they tried to fold an airplane out of paper with their own hands back in ancient China and in England during the time of Queen Victoria. Subsequent new generations of paper model enthusiasts developed new variants. Even a child can make a flying paper airplane, as soon as he learns the basic principles of folding a layout. A simple scheme contains no more than 5-6 operations, instructions for creating advanced models are much more serious.

Different models will require different paper, differing in density and thickness. Certain models are able to move only in a straight line, some are able to write out a sharp turn. For the manufacture of different models, paper of a certain stiffness is required. Before you start modeling, try out different papers, select the required thickness and density. You should not collect crafts from crumpled paper, they will not fly. Playing with a paper airplane is a favorite pastime for most boys.

Before making a paper airplane, the child will need to turn on all his imagination, concentrate. When holding a children's holiday, you can hold competitions between children, let them launch airplanes folded with their own hands.

Such an airplane can be folded by any boy. For its manufacture, any paper is suitable, even newsprint. After the child is able to make this type of airplane, more serious designs will be within his power.

Consider all the stages of creating an aircraft:

  1. Prepare a piece of paper approximately A4 size. Place it with the short side facing you.
  2. Bend the paper along the length, put a mark in the center. Expand the sheet, connect the top corner with the middle of the sheet.
  3. Perform the same manipulations with the opposite angle.
  4. Unfold the paper. Place the corners so that they do not reach the center of the sheet.
  5. Bend a small corner, it should hold all other corners.
  6. Bend the plane mockup along the centerline. The triangular parts are located on top, take the sides to the center line.

The second scheme of a classic aircraft

This common option is called a glider, you can leave it with a sharp nose, or you can make it blunt, bend it.

propeller plane

There is a whole direction of origami involved in the creation of models of paper airplanes. It is called aerogami. You can learn an easy way to make an origami paper airplane. This option is done very quickly, it flies well. This is exactly what will interest the baby. You can equip it with a propeller. Prepare a sheet of paper, scissors or a knife, pencils, a sewing pin that has a bead on the top.

Manufacturing scheme:

  1. Place the sheet with the short side facing you, fold it in half lengthwise.
  2. Fold the top corners towards the center.
  3. The resulting side corners also bend to the center of the sheet.
  4. Bend the sides again towards the middle. Iron all folds well.
  5. To make a propeller, you will need a square sheet measuring 6 * 6cm, mark both of its diagonals. Make cuts along these lines, stepping back from the center a little less than a centimeter.
  6. Fold the propeller, placing the corners to the center through one. Secure the middle with a beaded needle. It is advisable to glue the propeller, it will not spread.

Attach the propeller to the tail of the airplane mockup. The model is ready to run.

boomerang plane

The kid will be very interested in an unusual paper plane, which independently returns back to his hands.

Let's figure out how such layouts are made:

  1. Place a sheet of A4 paper in front of you with the short side facing you. Bend in half along the long side, unfold.
  2. Bend the top corners to the center, smooth down. Expand this part down. Straighten the resulting triangle, smooth out all the wrinkles inside.
  3. Unfold the product with the reverse side, bend the second side of the triangle in the middle. Send the wide end of the paper in the opposite direction.
  4. Perform the same manipulations with the second half of the product.
  5. As a result of all this, a kind of pocket should form. Raise it to the top, bend it so that its edge lies exactly along the length of the paper sheet. Bend the corner into this pocket, and send the top one down.
  6. Do the same with the other side of the plane.
  7. Fold up the details on the side of the pocket.
  8. Expand the layout, place the front edge in the middle. Protruding pieces of paper should appear, they must be folded. Details that resemble fins, also remove.
  9. Expand layout. It remains to bend in half and carefully iron all the folds.
  10. Decorate the front part of the fuselage, bend the pieces of the wings up. Run your hands along the front of the wings, you should get a slight bend.

The plane is ready for operation, it will fly further and further.

The flight range depends on the mass of the aircraft and the strength of the wind. The lighter the paper the mockup is made of, the easier it is to fly. But with a strong wind, he will not be able to fly far, he will simply be blown away. A heavy aircraft resists the wind flow more easily, but it has a shorter flight range. In order for our paper plane to fly along a smooth trajectory, it is necessary that both parts of it be exactly the same. If the wings turned out to be of different shapes or sizes, the plane will immediately go into a dive. It is advisable not to use adhesive tape, metal staples, glue in the manufacture. All this makes the product heavier, because of the extra weight the plane will not fly.

Complex views

Origami plane