How does the name Elizabeth bow? Declension of the name Elizabeth. Famous people with the name Elizabeth

Nouns are divided into three types according to the type of declension:

  1. Feminine nouns ending in -а, -я (earth);
  2. Masculine nouns with a zero ending, neuter nouns with the ending -о, -е (house, field);
  3. Feminine nouns ending in zero (mouse).

In the Russian language, a special group is made up of indeclinable nouns: burden, crown, flame, udder, banner, tribe, stirrup, time, name, path.

A significant group of nouns does not change in gender and number; they are called indeclinable; depot, foyer, aloe, coffee, coat, attache and others.

Adjectives change according to gender, number and case in the singular. In the plural, the case endings of adjectives of all three genders are the same: new tables, books, feathers.

There are certain rules for declension and numerals. For example, the numeral one is declined as a singular adjective, and the numerals two, three, four have special case forms that are similar to the endings of plural adjectives.

Numerals from five to ten and numerals -twenty and -ten are declined according to the third declension of nouns.

The numerals forty and ninety have two case forms: forty and ninety.

The numerals two hundred, three hundred, four hundred and all numerals starting with -hundred have both parts declined.

There have been countless queens and royals named this way throughout the history of mankind. This female name was at one time very popular among aristocrats, since the meaning of the name Elizabeth translated from Hebrew is “Oath for the good of the Lord.” Such commitment to the powers that be gives Lisa excessive ambition.

Little Lizonka fits the definition of a minx perfectly. When choosing the meaning of the name Elizabeth for a girl, parents must prepare themselves to endure all sorts of antics from the funny little robber every day. But you shouldn’t attach great importance to the baby’s excessive playfulness; everything will be forgiven for her radiance and cheerfulness.

Lizochka can be confidently described as an active child. She will not sit still for a minute, doing one thing, she needs to constantly explore such an interesting world around her. This will play a bad role in school years - restlessness, inability to occupy oneself with a single task will catastrophically interfere with studies, and will play a great role in the development of the baby’s personality.

Especially during adolescence, the girl will be completely dependent on her changeable mood. Just a minute ago she was happily chatting with her friends, and now she is offended and going to the boys’ company - this is the meaning of the name Elizabeth for a child.

The interpretation of the name suggests a slightly inflated sense of self-esteem, which sometimes prevents the young lady from successfully communicating with her peers. Therefore, often among her friends there are boys and girls older by several years.


Thanks to her good sense of humor and cheerful disposition, Lisa always attracts the attention of men. She is an excellent psychologist with developed intuition, which means that it costs her nothing to manipulate a weak-willed suitor for her own purposes. She loves to play with people, which is not a positive trait. For her, this is a way of relaxation.

But she will never choose a shy simpleton who so easily succumbs to her tricks as her permanent partner. She needs a real man who will make her feel like a queen - she attaches great importance to respect and honor. She also attaches great importance to mutual understanding, and if the chosen one “breathes in the same rhythm with her,” then she cannot find a better couple to create a family.

Sex occupies a place of honor in Lisa’s life; she attaches special importance to lovemaking and pleasures, but sometimes she is indiscriminate in her partners for the sake of pleasure. Not vulgar, but quite relaxed, the girl easily starts and ends fleeting relationships.


Having matured for a serious step towards marriage, Lisa often follows strong feelings without listening to her intuition. This means there is a high risk that the first marriage may be unhappy. She devotes herself entirely to caring for the family nest, and having calmed down after the stormy achievements of her youth, she enters the stage of dependence on peace and quiet, which are of decisive importance in her married life.

In this girl’s happy marriage, everything goes smoothly, without interference, she loves to receive guests and create comfort. With the advent of children, the warmth of the family hearth becomes ever hotter, the woman devotes herself entirely to raising the children, while not forgetting to provide good conditions in the house for a happy family.

Business and career

A lively and temperamental woman, not without ambition, oddly enough, she does not strive to command and occupy leadership positions. This means that it is more pleasant for her to play the role of a responsible subordinate, and in such types of activities where she can use a special mindset and speed of reaction. She has to spend a lot of effort on mastering a new type of work, but having fully understood the essence, she easily overtakes her colleagues.

The most optimal work schedule for this woman would be a short working day with the opportunity to pay more attention to the family. She always attaches special importance to the correctness of speech, clear articulation, and the ability to speak and attract attention can make her an excellent reporter and speaker.

Origin of the name Elizabeth

The Hebrew state is the country where this word originated. The origin of the name Elizabeth and its etymology is related to a Hebrew phrase that literally translates as “worshipper of God.” The days of the angel of the owners of this name are scattered throughout the Orthodox calendar, which confirms the deeds of the holy martyrs named so in the name of God, for the oath given to God.

Righteous Elizabeth, cousin of the Blessed Virgin Mary, whose name is remembered in the history of Orthodoxy as the image of a rebellious intercessor who did not want to give up her child to perish during the Massacre of the Innocents. She fled with her son, who in the future became John the Baptist, into the desert, and lived there for a long time.

Without the help of guardian angels, in the absence of water and food, Elizabeth and her son would not have lasted long, so the angel who came to the rescue fed John. According to various sources, Elizabeth died 40 days later, or lived another seven years after fleeing - this is the great secret of the name Elizabeth, capable of self-sacrifice for the sake of a loved one.

Characteristics of the name Elizabeth

The fundamental characteristic of the name Elizabeth is impulsiveness, which sometimes pushes her to rash actions. But despite this, she is very self-critical, and always strives to correct even minor shortcomings in herself that are not noticeable to anyone except her.

Its complex nature has both pros and cons. The girl looks meek, but this is just a deception: her balance is better than that of a sapper, and easily coexists with frenzied sentimentality and compassion. One gets the feeling that there is always a struggle of opposites going on inside her, so you can notice petty lies and the ability to embellish behind her.

The mystery of the name

  • Stone - Amethyst.
  • Name days - May 7, September 5, 18, November 4 and December 31.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name - Virgo.

Famous people

  • Elizaveta Boyarskaya is the daughter of Mikhail Boyarsky, a Russian film and theater actress.
  • Elizaveta Arzamasova is a Russian singer and actress, debuting in the TV series “Daddy’s Daughters.”

Different languages

The translation of the name Elizaveta into different languages ​​in most cases is very consonant with the Russian word, but sometimes you come across very interesting sounds, which also have many affectionate forms and variants. An example of how the name is translated into other languages: Elizabe, Erzhebet, Elisabetta, Elisabet, Alzhbeta, Eliska, Liisa, Eliisa, Elasaj, Elezade.

In Chinese, it will sound with a predominance of sibilant consonants - Ilishaveita, and written using hieroglyphs (transcription translation) - 伊丽沙维塔. In Japanese, you can translate the word using the katakana alphabet - エリザヴェタ, or syllable-by-syllable, Japanese characters - エリザベタ, but in any case it will sound somewhat harsh - Erizabeta.

Name forms

  • Full name: Elizabeth.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Elizavetka, Lisa, Lizonka, Lizka, Lisaveta, Alisava, Lizukha, Veta, Vetka, Lizushka.
  • Declension of the name – Elizaveta, Elizabeth.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is Elizabeth.

Short form of the name Elizabeth. Lisa, Lizochka, Lizonka, Lizunya, Lizavetka, Elizavetka, Veta, Lilya, Betsy, Eliza, Ellie, Alice, Bess, Lizzie, Lisetta, Lisela, Lisel, Lisa, Liss, Ela, Beth.
Synonyms for the name Elizabeth. Elisaveta, Elisaveta, Lizaveta, Lisaveta, Alisava, Olisavya, Elisava, Elizabeth, Elish, Elasaj, Isabel, Isabel, Alzhbeta, Elzbeta, Elishka, Ilse, Elisheva.
Origin of the name Elizabeth. The name Elizabeth is Russian, Jewish, English, Orthodox, Catholic.

The name Elizabeth is of Hebrew origin and literally means “my God is an oath,” “honoring God,” “conjuring God.” In Hebrew this name sounds like Elisheva.

In Western Europe there is also the name Isabella (Isabel, Isabel), which is a form of the medieval Provençal name Elizabeth (Isabeu). These names were considered royal and were common among the highest circles of society.

Eliza, Lisa, Louise, Veta are short forms of the name Elizabeth and its analogues in various languages. But recently these names have become independent and are also used as independent names.

The name Elizabeth is widespread in the world, and in addition to European forms that have become independent names, it also has Asian variants. So the name Elzira is a Kyrgyz name that appeared from the name Elizabeth.

Capricious and domineering, categorical and narcissistic, Elizabeth often feels underestimated, so she often gets into conflicts and does crazy things. These are powerful women who dream of building a small kingdom around themselves. Elizabeth is stubborn, envious, boastful, she is constantly tormented by doubts, she always has a lot of problems and tries to tell absolutely all her relatives and friends about it. Nevertheless, with people dear to Lisa, she shows herself to be a kind and sympathetic woman.

She is an introvert, reserved and does not always say what she really thinks. Elizabeth knows how to adapt to the people around her. She is curious and balanced, she always brings the things she starts to a victorious end, and her interests will come first for this woman. She perceives her own failures very painfully.

Lisa's conflict negatively affects her relationships with colleagues. Elizabeth loves to weave intrigues and spread gossip; in dealing with women she prefers to be a leader. In general, professional activity is not the most important area of ​​​​life for Lisa. The ideal profession for Elizabeth is a radio and television reporter; these women are always interested in the latest developments in the field of radio electronics. However, secretly from everyone, Lisa dreams of being scouts or investigators.

The most important thing in Elizabeth's life is her family. Lisa is a wonderful housewife, thrifty and thrifty. She is an excellent cook and often pampers her husband with various culinary delights. Elizabeth treats the visits of her husband’s friends and relatives calmly, and she also communicates calmly with her neighbors.

In family relationships he seeks tranquility and peace. The first years of Lisa's married life may be characterized by tension in her relationship with her husband, but later all problems disappear. In her youth, Elizabeth had many admirers; as a rule, she became happy only in her second marriage. Having met her lover and become his wife, Lizaveta will be faithful to him even when she is widowed.

Elizabeth loves to lure into her network a shy man who doesn’t even know where he’s ended up. She dreams of throwing herself into the arms of her loved one, but hides her desire, which is why she may look cold. Elizabeth always looks for the best, including a partner. Outwardly, Lisa looks like a charming but cunning coquette; she loves to dress brightly.

Elizabeth gets along with new people very easily. When communicating with others, she shows herself to be capricious and narcissistic; only close friends know her as a kind and balanced woman. Elizabeth has a very developed intuition, which she successfully uses to choose friends. Lisa loves noisy companies and entertainment, however, when choosing between friends and family, she always chooses family.

Sound. Elizabeth is a rather long name, consisting of five syllables. Majesty is the main characteristic that stands out from him. Almost always they also note the beauty (91%), mystery (86%) and strength (84%) of the sound of the name. Some also hear a certain femininity in him (82%). The names that are closest in phonosemantic profile are Veronica, Diana and Ekaterina.

Elizabeth's name day

Elizabeth celebrates her name day on January 4, March 7, May 7, June 18, June 20, July 4, July 18, September 5, September 12, September 18, October 21, October 31, November 4, November 5, November 14, November 17 , November 20, November 25, December 31.

Famous people with the name Elizabeth

  • Lisa del Giocondo, Lisa Gherardini ((1479 – 1542/1551) wife of the Florentine silk merchant Francesco Giocondo, possibly depicted in the painting by Leonardo da Vinci, known as the Mona Lisa or Gioconda)
  • Eliza Radziwill ((1803 - 1834) Polish aristocrat, bride and first love of the German Emperor Wilhelm I)
  • Elizabeth Taylor ((born 1932) English-American film actress)
  • Elizabeth of Thuringia ((1207 - 1231) Christian ascetic, widely revered in Germany)
  • Lisbeth Palme ((born 1931) Swedish politician, wife of the late Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme)
  • Elizabeth Yaroslavna ((XI century) daughter of Yaroslav the Wise, wife of the Norwegian king Harald III Sigurdarson, Queen of Norway)
  • Elizaveta Petrovna ((1709 - 1762) Russian Empress, daughter of Peter I and Martha Skavronskaya (later Empress Catherine I))
  • Elizabeth I ((1533 - 1603) Queen of England, daughter of Henry VIII Tudor and Anne Boleyn)
  • Elizabeth II ((born 1926) Queen regnant of Great Britain)
  • Elizabeth of Valois, Elizabeth of France ((1545 - 1568) daughter of the French king Henry II and Catherine de' Medici, queen of Spain, third wife of King Philip II of Spain)
  • Elizabeth of Bavaria ((1837 - 1898) Austrian Empress, wife of Emperor Franz Joseph I; was known in Austria under the diminutive name Sissi)
  • Elisa Bonaparte ((1777 - 1820) Grand Duchess of Tuscany, sister of Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte)
  • Elizaveta Vorontsova ((1739 - 1792) Russian aristocrat, favorite of the Russian Emperor Peter III)
  • Elizaveta Tyomkina ((born 1775) daughter of the Russian Empress Catherine II and Prince Grigory Potemkin)
  • Liza Minnelli (American film actress and singer)
  • Lisa Marie Presley (American singer, daughter of Elvis Presley)
  • Elizaveta Khitrovo ((1783 - 1839) nee Golenishcheva-Kutuzova; daughter of commander M.I. Kutuzov, owner of a secular salon in St. Petersburg, friend of A.S. Pushkin)
  • Elizaveta Bykova ((1913 – 1989) chess player, world chess champion)
  • Elizaveta Dmitrieva ((1887 - 1928) married - Vasilyeva; Russian poetess, better known under the literary hoax pseudonym Cherubina de Gabriak)
  • Elizaveta Kulman ((1808 – 1825) poetess, translator, spoke 11 languages)
  • Elizaveta Lavrovskaya ((1845 – 1919) singer, soloist of the Mariinsky Theater)
  • Elizaveta Sadovskaya ((1872 - 1934) Russian Soviet theater actress)
  • Elizaveta Dvoretskaya (Russian writer (fantasy, historical novels))
  • Elizaveta Boyarskaya (Russian theater and film actress, daughter of Mikhail Boyarsky)
  • Lisbeth McKay (American stage and film actress)
  • Elspeth Gibson (English fashion designer)
  • Bette Davis ((1908 - 1989) American film actress)
  • Bessie Smith ((1894 - 1937) African-American blues singer)
  • Betsy Blair ((1923 - 2009) American film actress)
  • Lizzy Caplan (American film actress)
  • Eliza Dushku (American film actress)
  • Elissa Down (Australian film director)
  • Elsie Ferguson ((1883 - 1961) American stage and film actress)
  • Elisabeth Röckel ((1793 - 1883) German opera singer (soprano); according to one version, Beethoven’s famous piano piece “Fur Elise” was dedicated to her)
  • Elsa Bernstein ((1866 - 1949) German writer and playwright)
  • Else Maidner ((1901 - 1987) German artist)
  • Ilse Werner ((1921 - 2005) German film actress and singer)
  • Bettina von Arnim ((1785 - 1859) German writer)
  • Elise Fugler (French writer)
  • Lisette Lanvin ((1913 - 2004) French film actress)
  • Elisabetta Sirani ((1638 - 1665) Italian artist)
  • Elsa Andersson, Elsa Andersson ((1897 - 1922) first Swedish female pilot)
  • Elisabeth Dons ((1864 - 1942) Danish opera singer (mezzo-soprano))
  • Lisa Della Casa ((born 1919) Swiss opera singer (soprano))
  • Elisa (Italian pop singer)
  • Elizabeth Bathory, Erzsebet Bathory ((1560 - 1614) Hungarian aristocrat, countess, who went down in history as the most massive serial killer)
  • Elizaveta Chavdar ((1925 - 1989) Ukrainian Soviet opera singer (coloratura soprano))
  • Elizaveta Bryzgina (Ukrainian athlete)
  • Elisaveta (Elisaveta) Karamikhailova ((1897 - 1968) Bulgarian physicist)
  • Elzbieta Starostecka (Polish theater and film actress)
  • Eliza Orzeszko ((1841 - 1910) Polish writer)
  • Eliska Krasnogorskaya ((1847 - 1926) Czech writer, poet and playwright)
  • Lisa Lindgren (Swedish film actress)
  • Lisbeth Stuer-Lauridsen (Danish badminton player)
  • Lisbeth Haaland (Norwegian politician)
  • I.p.
  • Elizabeth
  • R.p.
  • Elizabeth
  • D.p.
  • Elizabeth



The first impression of Lisa is that she is a playful and restless creature, a kind of nimble and sweet little devil, whose obedience is calculated in minutes. She needs everything, she must know everything! In the class, Lisa is loved for her cheerful disposition and ability to make friends. Together with her friends, for company, Lisa will attend cutting and sewing, knitting clubs; the knowledge gained will be enough to dress her doll. However, in her adult life, Elizabeth also enjoys knitting. She really wants to seem better than she is, and this pushes her to extravagant actions, which she herself soon regrets. Selfish, impulsive. It also constantly seems to her that people treat her worse than she deserves, so she often comes into conflict with some of them. She can be somewhat fussy. She prefers the exact sciences, she tries to lead in women's groups, but with friends and relatives she is soft and responsive. Peace in the family is very important for Elizabeth's mental well-being. For this she is ready to do anything. She is not annoyed by her husband's relatives, she calmly endures their frequent visits, lives in peace with her neighbors. She is thrifty - out of fear that her husband will one day be dissatisfied with the fact that there is no favorite salad on the table. Work, friends, and entertainment are in the background for Elizabeth. In your youth you are unlucky in love, happiness comes with age, in remarriage. Name day:

May 7 (April 24) - Venerable Elizabeth the Wonderworker.
September 5 (August 23) - righteous Elizabeth.
September 18 (5) - righteous Elizabeth (and prophet Zechariah), mother of the prophet John the Baptist.
November 4 (October 22) - Martyr Elizabeth.
December 31 (18) - righteous Elizabeth.

Numerology of the name

Soul number: 6.
Those with the name number 6 are calm and sane. Sixes value stability, customs and traditions. For them, honesty and a good name are more important than short-term benefits. They never resort to radical methods of solving problems, preferring the liberal path. “Sixes” are not distinguished by leadership qualities, but they are capable and diligent workers. There are arrogant and self-satisfied “sixes”, but for most of them the main guideline in life is family and a small circle of loyal and devoted friends.

Hidden Spirit Number: 6
Body number: 9