How to pick up girls in a club

With a girl, others say the worst. I'm telling you that this is a great place where you can "pick up" a girl not only for a date, but also for sex without any obligations.

Do you think that clubs are visited by easily accessible girls who have already come in the mood for sex? Or does it seem to you that this is a gathering place for proud and impregnable glamorous ladies? Get out of your head all these stereotypes, forget about the rumbling music and just act! How to meet a girl in a nightclub who will justify any hopes. And what needs to be done, I'll tell you now.

Fundamentals of a successful "hunt"

The main task is to be relaxed when communicating with girls! Move to the beat of the music, smile at the girls (the main thing is sincerely) and behave naturally.

Your explosive energy

If you're heading to the club for a date, you need to stock up on great energy, which will have to be distributed left and right. Do not go there if you are simply not in the mood, because you must catch, fascinate, conquer. Be cheerful, energetic and light. You can drink for this (actually, everyone does this), only strongly.

Be the brightest guy in the club

A rather famous pick-up artist once gave good advice about clothing - wear light-colored things. This makes sense, since you first need to stand out among the mass of other guys. In the light of spotlights, white clothes stand out best - they just glow, making you noticeable and recognizable.

Read also:

Start seduction with gestures and facial expressions

Since the music is almost always loud in the club, you need to act with the help of non-verbal contact. That is, try to smile, wink, look and give other signs of attention to the girl you like. You can raise your glass up like you're clinking with her. To meet at a disco, your posture should express confidence: you can hold a glass with one hand, and put your other thumb in your pocket.

Dose your communication

You don’t need to find one victim upon arrival at the club and follow her around all night. You can walk up to her, lay down your contact base, and then just walk away. So you will kindle more desire, will not be very intrusive and will be joyfully received when you return. Just step away from her and sit down at your table with your friends. And you can even prepare the ground for communication with another girl.

Loud music is your assistant!

In fact, from the moment you enter the club, you have the right to touch. You can't hear anything, but you need to talk. At this moment, you can afford to hug the girl around the waist from behind and say your first words in your ear.

Introduction to dance

Do not ask any more question: how to meet a girl in a club, just move - you can safely frame girls on the dance floor. Just make eye contact with someone special, establish non-verbal contact with her: smile, look away from her, then look again. When you realize that she is also interested in you, you can come closer and just frankly dance right next to her. Here pay attention to her reaction: if she is also actively dancing with you, you can proceed further. If the girl moves away or expresses dissatisfaction - just switch to another.

What to whisper in her ear

In fact, in the club it is not so important. There are many openers that work with the same efficiency as the most standard phrases. Tell her something like this: "You're moving great," "Hi. Today is a great DJ, right?”, “I would never have thought that in such a club you can meet such a beautiful girl” etc. Most often, even these phrases, with a pre-established contact, are enough to start communication.

dance floor superhero

If you're already brave enough to hook up with other guys and be the protector, you can use the superhero method. If you see that a guy is clinging to a girl, act, but not with your fists. Just come and say "Hi dear. Sorry I'm late". At the same time, reach out your hand to your opponent and say hello to him. Invite the girl to your table. She is immensely grateful to you and then it’s up to the small thing - to treat her with something and continue the conversation.

And of course, do not forget about slow dancing. This method worked with our fathers and works just as well with us. Ask girls to dance without being shy. In the end, they also came here to get acquainted - you can dance at home in front of a mirror.

Key Rules for Success

  1. Try to always catch signs of attention to yourself. Girls look at you the same way you look at them. Therefore, notice the smiles, glances, facial expressions. And approach absolutely boldly, if the girl gives at least some hope.
  2. Do not become a stubborn man yourself, from whom the lady will have to be saved. Perseverance is our male trump card, but know the measure.
  3. Do not try to be a super dancer, because most likely you will seem just ridiculous.
  4. And yes, if you know that you are not a very good dancer and you want to turn it into a joke, you better not, because you will just seem like a clown.

Dating at the bar

Near the bar, it is easy to determine the mood of the girl (this is already an occasion to start communication), with which company she came, or was left alone and she is bored. All that is needed is to act according to the situation and not miss the chance to approach the lady who was left alone at the bar. Here are some ways:

Again a chip with a rescuer

This is exactly the method of dating that we have all always dreamed of. Do you want to save her from the villain? Then you'll have to involve your friend. Perfectly this method is shown in the film "How to be a man." In general, your friend approaches the girls and starts brazenly pestering them. At that moment, you appear and save them from this stubborn man. Then you just give them a cocktail, rage about the situation, and tell them the ladies are safe with you.

"I am here for the first time"

You can just unobtrusively sit down with the girl at the bar and casually say: “Yeah, that club I used to go to sucks. There were always all sorts of troubles.”. Most likely, the girl will be interested in what happened there and you will be able to continue your story. Then just get off topic and move on to another conversation.

Make her part of your party

When you come to the club, just be sure that with the right approach you will find a girl. They can dance at home in front of a mirror, and today their goal is to hunt for you, a real attractive man. So how do you meet a girl in a club? Just sit down next to her at the bar and tell her your favorite football team won today. You can think of another reason to celebrate. And invite her to keep company: “Imagine, today (such and such a holiday), and friends have all left. Can I treat you to something in connection with this wonderful event?

Just give the girl something

If today you are going to spend money on girls, then the easiest way is for you. Find a group of beautiful girls (of 2-3 people), ask the bartender how long they have been sitting and what they drink. Then order them the same drinks and ask the waiter to bring them to them without saying who they are from. Now you just wait for the right moment: you behave at ease, from time to time you can go somewhere. The girls will definitely either guess who the drinks are from, or ask the bartender and most likely come up to thank you. This is where you join their company.

  1. It is very convenient to get acquainted using the 2x2 method: you and your friend approach two girls. In the presence of your friends, it will be easier for you to liberate yourself in front of each other.
  2. Starting a conversation, do not start asking the whole biography of the girl! It is important to be interested in her, but not manically.
  3. It’s better to speak according to the situation: if you don’t like the club, say so: “Hmmm...I expected more from this club. How do you like it here?" and so on. So both of you can agree on a common opinion (after all, the statement is true) and continue to get to know each other.
  4. If possible, invite the girl to a slow dance.
  5. I could write "be witty" but I understand that you are either naturally witty or you are not. Therefore, do not try to joke if you are not very good at it. Just be cheerful and easy to communicate - that's enough.

In the club, the girls are set up for the fact that the guys will approach them and get to know each other. The club is a great place to practice your social skills and meet beautiful girls.

Dating in a club always opens up many advanced insights for me to grow. The following 11 insights will help you understand how to properly meet a girl in a club and improve your results.

1. Feel the thread of the conversation, have a sense of control

  1. You must feel your condition and feel the girl.
  2. There must be an understanding: here is loud music- Do not pay attention to conversations and focus on words. And in that place - it's quiet, there we can get to know each other perfectly.
  3. You should notice when you talk to nowhere.
  4. Feel when your words are superfluous due to loud music.
  5. Much more can be said through the eyes than through words..

These 5 points will make it easier for you to communicate and help you understand how best to get to know a girl in a club and not waste your energy.

2. Calibrate for the state of the girl, trust empathy

Read from the girl's face her condition

Look carefully at the girl's face, at her facial expressions, eyes. So I can always determine what I can already do with a girl now, but what is too early.

From her face, I read what emotional level the girl is on. Thanks to this, I can determine whether I can right now suck this girl without words.

If I read on a girl's face mild discomfort means she is not yet accustomed to the club. So she won't react well if I quickly start hugging her. Then I'm in no hurry. This fine calibration should always be.


Empathy is when I feel what a girl feels. It develops itself when you have done a lot of approaches.

Don't put too much pressure on her.

If I feel that a girl is freezing, scared because of me, I say sentences that turn off the pressure between us and relieve stress from the girl.

For example: " Oh, sorry, I'm too arrogant. I have».

With these words you let her know:

  • that you are an adequate person and you have a healthy emotional system;
  • you don't want to scare her or hurt her.

Such proposals must be made. Then she relaxes and feels safe next to you.

Video with an example of my approach

My acquaintance with two beauties in the next video.

3. Meet unknown mixed companies

You should not be limited only to communication with girls. Approach groups of girls with guys.

Many guys smile at me when I easily get acquainted with the girls from his company. Just determine in advance who exactly from his company is the guy's girl.

Don't fight guys! The guy may turn out to be a great person, and you can make friends. Then he will introduce you to his girlfriends. Knowing who you are, the guy will help you get close to the girls from his company.

4. Chat with guys: make it easier for yourself to play

Chat with strangers. Many guys come to the club to get acquainted only with girls. Do not limit yourself, communicate with men. WITH any of them you can find a common language. He may even become in the future an excellent partner for joint trips to the club.

A stranger can help you

So, you made friends with a guy at a club. Then you can always find it, and you can dance together and jump on the dance floor. Can do respite,talk about your topics.

Once I had a conversation with one interesting guy. He bought me juice himself, and then we did approaches together and met girls. He was very good with the girls and also came to the club alone, just like me!

5. Quick hug and dance with her

Dancing and quick hugs give you the opportunity to immediately get close to the girl. Quick hugs you jump over all these banal questions: "What is your name?". You seem to have known her for five years.

This method gives an understanding of how to quickly get to know a girl. Thus, you easily approach her and suck her in.

Dancing with a girlan important key to rapprochement! It is in the dance that you feel each other, touch each other and get excited. In the dance you feel her nice figure, waist, byrd. It is in the dance that attraction and passion for the girl is quickly created. Girls also love close hugs and quick rapprochement.

Keys to dance with a girl in a club

  • Dance with a girl so that you have fun first of all. Do everything for your own pleasure, so that YOU enjoy it. Know that everything will be ok!
  • Be completely in the moment. Don't look around, don't look at the people around, completely immerse yourself in the dance with her. Let the fun music flow through you. Enjoy the process. Focus only on yourself and on the dance with the girl.

Video "How to dance with her and quickly approach on the dance floor"

You don't have to be a dance master. All variations of dancing with a girl on the dance floor and pickup in the club, see this video:

6. Understand that words on loud dance floors only ruin everything.

Give minimal importance to words

On a loud dance floor, you don't have to ask a girl where she works or anything. People come to the club to relax and get away from the daily routine.

In general, you give minimal importance to words. Loud music everywhere.

The words on the dance floor will simply be a sign and a fact of acceptance of your convergence. It's like a little formality between the two of you, don't attach too much importance to them. Focus on your condition. Non-verbalism plays a major role.

Non-verbal: look and smile

Eyes are very important in non-verbal! Your look should fully correspond to your good condition.

The gaze is the most attractive tool. The way you look at a girl and your look can say a lot more than simple words.

You must have an inner smile. Natural smile inside. It attracts and gives people warm emotions.

An example of my approach

So I'm on the dance floor saw a beautiful girl. I tell her: "Let's go dancing," or without a word I take her hand. I lead, I put my arm around the girl's waist and we plunge into the dance, clinging close to each other. I don't even know her name, who she is. I just chose her.

At the moment I'm shooting my video from the club with interesting cuts.

You can give a lot of good video examples of dating in the club and club seduction. For all the time of practice, they accumulate enough.

7. Chips with kisses: instant quick sensation of the right to kiss passionately

Here I will not focus. You can read more about kissing in the articles at the link below.

If you met the one, how to spend time with her

So, you found the very girl in the club that you really like. You are doing great.

You must always know how to spend time with her. And you will never get lost and procrastinate, you will know what to do. The girl will feel your confidence and will trust you more.

Put all these insights into practice.

I told you some of my tips on how to meet a girl in a nightclub in an original way.

You can get even more secrets and advanced material on my live programs and individual training!

A nightclub is the very place where girls specially come to get acquainted. Everything here is conducive to quick acquaintances and easy communication. We'll show you how to enjoy these amazing benefits.

Advantages and disadvantages of club dating

Here are some of the main advantages of the club environment:

  • Atmosphere. Girls specially come to the club to relax, dance, meet new people. A charge of joy and good mood will contribute to your communication.
  • Alcohol. Most people in clubs are a little tipsy. Alcoholic drinks liberate girls and help to quickly break distrust.
  • You don't need to look for a reason. The club does not need to look for a reason to get acquainted. All you need to do is walk up and say "Hi".

The biggest downside is the loud music which makes dialogue difficult. Therefore, if you want to learn how to get acquainted in clubs. Learn to express your thoughts as briefly as possible and use gestures more often.

Where to start dating in the club

The first thing to start with is the look.

The club environment is not so demanding on the perfect appearance. On the dance floor, in the semi-darkness, in the crowd of people, no one will stare at you.

The only recommendation is to wear more light-colored clothes: white and pastel-colored t-shirts, shirts and polos, light-colored jeans or trousers. This is necessary so that you are more noticeable in the semi-darkness and catch the eye against the background of other people.

In addition, in some clubs at the entrance you will find hard face control. More about clubwear and face control in this video:

How to choose a girl and get her attention

How to determine whether a girl is counting on an acquaintance or just came to relax and dance? If a girl wants to attract attention, then she will:

  • actively look around, "catch" the views of the guys;
  • willingly communicate with others, smile, flirt;
  • have fun laughing with friends;
  • she will be beautifully dressed and brightly made up;
  • located in a place where it is easy to approach: in the aisle or not far from the bar.

As soon as you notice a suitable girl, you need to be in her line of sight. In order to attract her attention, you need to “catch” her gaze and smile. As soon as you received a return smile, you can safely approach and start dating.

How to approach her and strike up a conversation

The informal club atmosphere does not imply any special occasions for getting to know each other. So it's easy enough to walk up to her and say something like:

"Hello. I liked you. Let me treat you to a cocktail" or "Hi. You dance great. My name is Aleksey."

This does not mean that you can only get acquainted on the dance floor. There are other great places to meet, such as face control or a bar counter.

A very useful video, where all aspects of club dating are analyzed in detail:

We meet at the entrance to the club

The entrance to the club and face control is a great place to get to know each other. A queue usually forms here and there is a great opportunity to talk. In order to start a dialogue, you can ask the girl something or make a comment. Here are some examples:

"Hello. Do you come here often? Do you like this club? I'm here for the first time."

“So many people today. Don't push through."

Meet at the bar or at the table

If you see that the girl is sitting alone at the bar, then this is an ideal option to try to make an acquaintance.

The easiest way is just to treat her with a cocktail. In addition, the same phrases as for dating on the dance floor are perfect.

Here are some helpful tips:

  • Don't focus on one. No need to close your attention on one girl, even if you really liked her. The right strategy is to communicate with everyone a little and continue to get to know only those who have shown a great interest in you.
  • Emotions. In club dating, your emotions play the biggest role. If you come there after a hard day at work, nothing good will come of it. You should come to the club well rested before that. It is best to sleep a few hours before this or just lie in bed.
  • Confidence. When dealing with women anywhere, it is important to be confident. The nightclub is no exception. Often guys are hindered by fear and shyness. To overcome them

Nightclubs are one of the most common places for dating. Of course, having met at a party, you can’t always immediately determine what kind of relationship is possible with this or that girl: for the evening or for life. In any case, this is an opportunity to have a good time. Many girls in nightclubs are friendly and open to communication. You don't have to walk around for hours to get to know each other. The girl herself is also free to come up and get to know the man. And this does not mean at all that she decided to get him as her life partner. It is likely that she also wants love and affection for one night.

Going to look for night acquaintances, try to choose a club according to the level of noise. If the music is too loud in the institution, you will be hard to hear, which means that the conversation will not work. However, the noise is also not a hindrance, but a great opportunity to get as close as possible to the girl you like, saying something in her ear. At a party, you should always have a big smile and a good mood. If you seduce a woman, remember that you have never had and in principle cannot have any problems in your life.

The disco is a complex dynamic system, and you are part of it. If you are an inactive part of it - that is, you prop up the walls, then there is no need to wait for favors from fate.

It is especially important to smile when you first enter the club. A lot of girls keep the door under close scrutiny, looking out for incoming guys. Remember, when you enter, your social status is a blank slate, and you need to fill it with the first good impression of yourself. As soon as you walk in, strike up a conversation with the first suitable group of girls or girls with guys who seem sociable. Do not look for single girls, they are not here anyway. This will immediately give the impression that you have friends here. No matter how good or bad the conversation is, most women will notice that you're interacting with other women and immediately give you social value - because they don't know you've just met this fun bunch. Remember, girls judge social status by the people you hang out with. So as soon as they see that you are talking to other girls, they will notice it immediately and will be more open to talking with you themselves. This is not a conscious process - they do it automatically, without thinking.

The conversation doesn't have to go smoothly, all you do is increase your social worth. If the first group is not happy with you, just turn to the other group. They will most likely talk to you because they have already seen you talking to others. You can just join the party by saying, “Ladies, my friends were just talking about this. What do you think about it?". Move from group to group. Forty minutes later, such conversations, everyone in your immediate vicinity will know that you are a status person. They will consider you interesting, attractive and just handsome. If, in this way, you create a high social value for yourself, then you can already approach the most beautiful girl in the club and say “give me your number”, she will.

What should not be done at the disco? First, don't stare at the dance floor like a martyr. Contemplating the dance floor only generates negative social attitudes. Secondly, don't walk in circles around the club. You look like just an ordinary lonely guy doing this. Also, if you have already created a positive status in one corner, then moving to another corner will only destroy it. Thirdly, avoid the noisiest places in the club. Find the quietest area in the club where it's easiest to talk and settle there. You don't want to tear your voice over the deafening noise.

How, for example, to react to the fact that the girl with whom you danced and whom you had your eye on is dancing with others? Everyone wants to achieve a goal - this is reasonable. Dancing with a new guy, she initiates a new connection, if she does not do this, she may be left with nothing. By the way, you can behave this way too, it's normal.

Is it possible to continue pickup after that? Naturally, if you need it. The task here is to increase the level of her connection with you, since, apparently, your desire is already obvious. That is, we must continue. To become the best, necessary, interesting, not paying attention to those with whom she has already danced.

Is it possible to dance with several, and then get acquainted with some one? This approach is optimal and consistent with an effective disco strategy. Do not forget that a disco is a very changeable system, it is not immediately clear who you will go out with, so you need to increase the number of connections, then there will be more opportunities for making a decision.

[Reading in front of the monitor about the ways of dating in a nightclub, it is easy to feel confident and successful in your possible actions. But the closer the moment of acquaintance in reality comes, the less this virtual confidence remains ... If you want not to dream, but to really get to know each other and take home the beauties from the dance floor, then at the practical pickup trainings of the Dating Academy you are in real conditions under the control of special equipment learn how to professionally meet and seduce girls.]

How should you behave if a stranger girl does not want to dance? Correct behavior at the moment when you are refused is very important both for you and for the environment in which you are. Your reactions will determine your status. The correct reaction can even give a hundred points more than the situation when your invitation was accepted. Like everything in a pickup truck, communication begins from the moment when you are just approaching a girl on the dance floor in a club where you are going to have fun all night. There are two styles: blunt and confident. The common point is that in both cases you are by no means asking for permission.

  • Dumb style. You come up and, just grabbing it, you start dancing. If it starts to break out, you hold it (as guests from the mountains do), while trying to break its patterns. She will most likely start to object: “let go”, “I don’t want to dance.” Your task is to overcome her resistance. You can cheer up, you can use non-standard actions to make her recognize your desire to dance with her. At this time, 90% of the work is already going on for the public, which sees that you are a man and you are not afraid. And most importantly, you got attention. And be sure that among the remaining girls there are a few who will think: “God, what a man! How I would like to be just as rudely, without asking, grabbed and led to dance ”... If the resistance is broken, the first stage of communication is over. If the girl continues to break out, but by non-verbal signs you are sure that she likes it, you keep it. If evil or frightened continues to break out - let go and laugh at her, winking at friends or those who are looking at you. All! You are a winner. Because the judgment of the environment will be directed at her, and not at you.
  • Confident style. You approach the girl, take her hand tightly enough so that you don’t vomit right away, gently begin to pull her towards you and offer: “Let's dance!” If she refuses, continuing to hold her hand with one hand, lightly hug her shoulder with the other, and start light chatting with her, while adjusting. After some time, when she realized that you are a normal guy, Already talking, you pull her towards you and you start dancing. If he still resists, you continue the conversation, trying to cause laughter / smile / interest / trance, and when this succeeds, you leave / turn away. All! You are old acquaintances. Subsequently, it will be possible to base it again.

Meeting girls in a nightclub is somewhat different from dating on the street. And if you decide to go to a club and, ideally, leave with a beautiful girl, then you should know a few nuances of club dating.

Firstly, the competition for beauties in the club is much greater than on the street. Because if you are in real life, only you, and, as a rule, no one bothers you. Then in the club you start to compete with other guys. What is the way out here?

Don't get hung up on just one girl. Choose a few, interact with them one by one. For you, this kills two birds with one stone.

A) Each specific girl sees that you communicate with other different girls. So, you are sociable, successful, not a bore, etc. It attracts.

B) You increase your chances of meeting a girl. The more you communicate with, the more chances.

How to meet a girl in a club - what to do?

Now, let's imagine you walk into a club. Immediately from the threshold you find yourself in the field of view of many girls, and they begin to evaluate you. Therefore, from the very first moment you must radiate confidence and high status. You can say hello to the security guard, ask him how the situation is today, what kind of music, are there many girls.

After entering, there are several strategies of behavior, and everyone chooses what he likes best.

You can go to the dance floor and really have fun, enjoy the music and the club atmosphere. Of course, not forgetting the girls.

There is another option. Make a circle around the club, opening various groups of girls and making mini-communications. When you walk like this, you will make an approximate picture of the girls you like. And then, when you meet one of them again, she will already know you, because you already had a short conversation. And so you gradually narrow the circle of friends to two or three girls who you liked the most. And already from them you choose which one to take home, and take phone numbers from the rest. 🙂

In no case do not stand next to the dance floor and do not look at the dancers. It sucks energy and makes you feel bad. Therefore, if you come to the dance floor, immediately come in and dance, preferably closer to the center.

If you want seduction to be successful, then it is better to abstain from alcohol.

Firstly, it is better to take the girl away in your car. Sex can happen right in the car. You will be more mobile and will not depend on your friends or taxi drivers.

Secondly, when you are sober, you can do almost anything. People will see that you're not drunk or stoned. If some girl freezes herself and calls the guard, then the truth will be on your side, because you can immediately see which of the two of you was drinking. You can take her yourself, take her to the guard and say that she is drunk and behaves inappropriately. Most likely, she herself will be given a warning. And after going to the guard, she will understand that you are unrealistically cool and you can do whatever you want here.

Remember. Girls are constantly scanning you, even when you think they are not looking at you. And at every moment they should see the following picture:

  1. You're on fire, you're cool.
  2. You are talking to someone.
  3. You are kissing someone.
  4. You are dancing with someone.

Fun clubs vs pretentious

All clubs can be divided into 2 types: fun and glamorous. Accordingly, your behavior there must also be different. Girls come to fun clubs to have fun and have fun. This is where you can be arrogant, depraved and funny. And those who want to find a husband or a sponsor go to glamorous clubs. It is not customary to light and pester there. In such a place, for successful seduction, one should portray the appropriate character.

Of course, if you have little experience in club seduction and dating, then it will not work out so ideally right away, as described above. But if you methodically follow these tips, sooner or later they will lead you to success.