How to remove antiperspirant stains from clothes. How to get rid of underarm deodorant stains easily and simply

Heat. You are in public transport. Exhausted from the heat, you are covered with sweat. Your clothes begin to stick to your body. Common situation? Then you probably know what deodorant stains on clothes are. Often, even a high-quality antiperspirant does not guarantee that there will be no traces of armpits, no matter what the advertisement says. So what to do? Do not stop using hygiene products. If you still do not know how to remove deodorant and sweat stains from your favorite clothes, our article will help you figure it out.

Why armpit stains appear and can they be removed

The human body is capable of producing 1 liter of sweat per day. More than 3 million glands are involved in the process of thermoregulation. There are two types of them:

  1. Eccrine. They are located over the entire surface of the body, are actively involved in the process of thermoregulation. The excreted sweat consists mainly of water.
  2. Apocrine. They do not participate in the process of thermoregulation, but react to stress. They are also located in the armpits. Unlike eccrine glands, apocrine glands secrete fat and salts, which appear as a result of cell destruction. This sweat has a very specific smell, and the color is especially noticeable on light-colored clothes. It takes on a yellow tint both on its own and when mixed with deodorant.

Why is it so hard to remove sweat and deodorant stains? Bacteria begin to interact with the components of the antiperspirant, multiply, as a result of which a mixture is formed that firmly settles in the tissue structure.

The situation is aggravated by washing with the use of phosphate-based powders, and those on the modern market are 98% of the entire range. Such detergents contribute to the formation of silicone deposits on the fibers. Therefore, simple washing does not allow us to remove yellow stains from the armpits. For best results, use stain removers with active oxygen.

The specifics of removing sweat stains from fabrics of different colors

Removing sweat stains and antiperspirant underarms is not so bad. It is also necessary not to spoil the fabric, to preserve its color. It would seem that the armpit area on the clothes is not visible, but it is worth raising your hands - and here it is a moment of shame. But why take such risks if you can read our tips and remember once and for all how to remove deodorant stains on things of different colors.

white clothes

Things that dazzle with whiteness do not remain so for long. The first marks that spoil the whole look are sweat marks. To whiten yellow spots, use proven moderately aggressive chemicals.

  • Laundry soap. Using a classic 72% bad-smelling soap is a great way to get rid of white deodorant stains. Rub the dirt and leave to soak for 20 minutes in water at room temperature. After that, wash the thing with your hands or using an automatic machine.
  • Soda. This ingredient is often found in anti-pollution recipes. And if you need to be guaranteed to remove yellow spots under the arms, it really works. Take baking soda, add some water to make a thick paste and apply on the yellow spot. Leave for an hour and then wash.
  • Salt. Salt solution is also a popular anti-pollution agent. Dilute 1 tablespoon of salt in a glass of warm water. Pour the solution into the problem areas on the clothes and leave for half an hour. This method is suitable for delicate fabrics.
  • Alcohol. Mix with water in a ratio of 1: 1, wet the stain, wash the clothes in an hour.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. This is a more aggressive method of removing sweat stains than the ones described above. Whitens cotton and knitted fabrics. The method is simple - apply the substance to the stain and leave for 10-20 minutes (depending on the density of the fabric). You can prepare a mixture based on peroxide, soda and dishwashing detergent, apply to the fabric with a sponge and leave for several hours. After washing thoroughly, otherwise the remaining peroxide particles, when interacting with ultraviolet light, can cause even more yellowing.

Problematic yellow spots can be easily dealt with with the help of improvised means.

  • Ammonia. Strongly scented product with a pronounced whitening effect. Before removing stains with it, you should ventilate the room well. Dilute 1 tsp in a glass of water. ammonia and salt. Plentifully moisten the places of contamination and clean with the hard side of the sponge after half an hour. Wash the item with conditioner to get rid of the bad smell.
  • Vinegar. To remove yellow spots, you need 9% acetic acid. Apply to fabric with a cotton pad. Wait just a few minutes and start washing.
  • Lemon acid. Acids do a good job of removing stains. The fact is that they are aggressive and can ruin the structure of the fabric. If the fabric is thin, then it is better to lower the concentration and dilute the acid with water. For example, 1 tsp. dilute citric acid in a glass of water and pour the stain solution. Carry out a full wash cycle after two hours.
  • Oxalic acid. This substance is sold in bulk form in the grocery departments. When preparing the solution, proceed from the proportions of 1 tsp. for 1 glass of water. Apply the mixture to contaminated areas with a soft cloth, rubbing gently. As with any other acid, you need to be careful - it can "eat through" the fabric, so do not hold it for a long time. Finish washing as usual.

Describing ways to remove yellow stains from white fabric, one cannot but recall the good old boiling. The method is not modern, but effective. Suitable for cotton clothes. To do this, washing powder with bleaching particles is diluted in the basin or laundry soap is rubbed, the soiled thing is immersed in the solution, the container is placed on low heat. Let it simmer for 3 hours. Rinse the fabric afterwards and dry well.

colored clothes

Removing deodorant stains on colored clothes is even more difficult than with white fabrics. Here it is necessary not only to find an effective way to combat pollution, but also to prevent the pigment from fading or fading. Otherwise, we will remove sweat stains, and the thing will still become unsuitable for further wear.

The main thing to remember is not to use bleaching chemicals. In addition, it is important to know that available products can also have a whitening effect: these are acids (vinegar and lemon), salt and peroxide. There is a separate category of substances that will help restore the original appearance of colored clothes.

  • Aspirin. Crush 2 tablets and stir the granules in half a glass of warm water. Apply generously to problem areas with a sponge. Leave for a few hours and wash as usual. Stubborn stains are removed with a more concentrated solution of aspirin.
  • White spirit is a great way to remove yellow stains under the arms, and is also suitable for delicate fabrics. Mix two parts of white spirit with one part of ammonia. Apply for a couple of hours and load the thing into the washing machine on the appropriate mode.
  • Cutlery liquid. Stir 1 tbsp. l. substances in a glass of water and moisten the stains. Leave for two hours and complete the wash cycle.
  • Yolk. They say that a wedge is knocked out with a wedge. You can also fight yellowness with chicken yolk. Mix the yolk with denatured alcohol and apply to the fabric. Wait for the mixture to dry and try scraping it off. If it doesn’t work out well, wait until the yolk has completely solidified, or try to get rid of it with glycerin. Then you can proceed to the main wash. After that, the yellow spots under the arms should disappear from the clothes.

You can deal with yellow stains on clothes with regular yolk.

These products are well suited for washing colored items. However, remember to take precautions and test the effect of the substance on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric.

black clothes

People suffering from hyperhidrosis deliberately wear dark clothes. They find that sweat stains are less noticeable on black clothes. Partly it is. But by the end of the day, you can still notice white stains from the deodorant. You also need to be able to deal with these spots. There are some tools that do a good job of this task.

  • Vodka. To ensure that white spots from deodorant are removed, vodka does not need to be diluted with water or mixed with something. It is enough to moisten a small cloth in it and wipe the places of contamination with it.
  • Salt. The same goes for salt. You don't need to make a saline solution. Take a pinch of salt and gently rub the fabric with it so as not to damage the fibers.
  • Ammonia. This is a more active substance. Therefore, it must be diluted in a ratio of 1: 1 and applied to the material. White stains from deodorant on black fabric will immediately disappear, and you can safely proceed to the end of the wash.

Effectively deal with stains on black clothes will help: salt, ammonia and vodka

Deodorant stains should be removed from clothing as soon as they appear. Dealing with old pollution is much more difficult.

How to Remove Old Sweat and Deodorant Stains

If, nevertheless, it turned out that you put the laundry on the back burner and preventive measures no longer help, then it's time to resort to heavy artillery to wash off the deodorant. In any case, the first stage of such a wash is a long-term soak in soapy water so that the pollution “acidifies” and is easier to clean.

There is a good recipe to effectively remove yellow spots.

Note! The recipe contains several active ingredients, so test them on a small piece of cloth to make sure you don't ruin the item.

You will need 9% acetic acid, ammonia and citric acid.

  1. Dilute 1 tbsp. l. vinegar in 2-3 liters of water.
  2. Place the item in the solution for half an hour.
  3. Prepare another solution: 2 tbsp. l. ammonia in 1 glass of water.
  4. Take the thing out of the vinegar water, squeeze it out and moisten the problem areas in the ammonia solution.
  5. Leave briefly and rinse under running water.
  6. Make another solution based on citric acid. In a glass of water, stir 1 tbsp. l. reagent. And again apply the mixture on old spots.
  7. Leave for a couple of hours and load into the washing machine.

What are the mistakes and how to avoid them

I just want to remove sweat stains under my arms, but, as practice shows, in striving for the best, you can lose your favorite thing. Why? Due to lack of knowledge in washing technology. There are rules that must be followed in order to save the soiled thing and not harm it even more.

Do not wash clothes with sweat stains in water heated above 30 degrees. The fact is that the fats contained in our excreted secret, when interacting with hot water, only eat into the fibers of the tissue more tightly. This can lead to irreversible consequences.

Clothes should dry in a place isolated from direct sunlight. Also refuse drying on the battery.

Avoid the use of chlorine-containing substances. They will make the yellowness of the spots even brighter.

Always wash the soiled item from the wrong side.

Preventive measures

If you are still puzzled over how to remove deodorant stains under your arms, take a couple of tips into service:

  1. Take a shower and dry your skin before applying deodorant. Apply antiperspirant and wait for it to dry. Only then put on clean clothes.
  2. A worthy alternative to deodorant is burnt alum. They are sold in pharmacies and are an effective adsorbent.

Sweating is a natural process. Sometimes it brings a lot of trouble, but our recommendations will help save your wardrobe.

Deodorant is very popular among not only women, but also men, as it helps to cope with sweating and unpleasant odor. However, very often after using this product, white or yellowish marks remain on clothes. These stains are especially visible on black clothes. Let's figure out together whether it is possible to remove such spots and how to avoid their appearance in the future.

Causes of stains

Most of us apply this product right before we put on our clothes and don't think that there are some rules that can be followed to keep things clean. and deal with a lot of sweat:

  • After applying any type of deodorant (aerosol, roll-on or hard stick) to the armpits, it is necessary to wait a while for the product to dry. As a rule, this information is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging. On average, it takes five to seven minutes to completely dry. Only after this time has elapsed can you put on clothes without fear that they will get dirty.
  • Do not forget that any deodorant should be applied only to clean and dry skin. If there is moisture in the armpits, then applying a deodorant on top will only aggravate the situation. In this case, the remaining water or sweat will react with the deodorant, the product will not be able to dry on the skin and provide protection throughout the day. In addition, the existing unpleasant odor from sweat will only intensify.

If, despite all the precautions, the appearance of stains could not be avoided, do not panic. There are a large number of methods that can be applied at home without damaging clothes and thoroughly washing them from white traces of deodorant.

What to wash off?

Of course, many housewives know that black things, like colored ones, require careful care. Indeed, from improper washing, a dark color can fade and lose its appearance.

Therefore, it should be remembered that black clothes should not be washed in hot water and bleaching agents with the addition of chlorine should not be used. It is best to use a special powder for such purposes, which allows you to retain the original color of the product for a long time.

Try washing dirty blacks in a regular washing machine. with the addition of concentrated dishwashing detergent to the powder. In this case, with a sponge, you must first wash the armpits and leave the fabric soaked for half an hour. You will see that the end result will definitely please you.

Alternatively, you can try removing deodorant stains with popular products commonly referred to as stain removers. Among them, the most popular are:

  • Vanish- a strong remedy, presented in the form of powders and gels, aimed at a certain type of clothing (for black, white and colored linen). Easy to use.
  • Amway Pre Wash- not only strong, but also hypoallergenic. Available as a dry spray, easy to use.
  • Pencil-stain remover from Faberlic is a hard stick, wipes off most types of dirt, including old stains. Convenient to use, easy to apply.
  • Dr. Beckmann Expert- a special tool aimed at combating traces of deodorant and traces of sweat. The result is obtained, as from professional dry cleaning.
  • Help for washing dark and black fabrics - a special agent that restores dark color, smoothes the fibers and gently cleans the soiled surface.
  • Powder ACE Oxi Magic only suitable for colored and white clothes. It works great if you mix it with regular washing powder when washing.
  • Powder Bos plus Maximum only suitable for white linen. Returns a snow-white appearance even to gray and yellowed things.


Using various methods to eliminate white spots from black things, you need to know what types of fabrics this or that product is suitable for. It is also necessary to remember that you first need to test the product on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe product so as not to spoil or damage it. In addition, the application of the cleaning mass must be made from the edge of the stain to the center. This is necessary so that the boundaries of the traces are erased and the pollution does not reappear.

So the ways are:

  • For cotton and linen clothing, such as shirts, you can use salt with ammonia. To do this, in one glass of warm water you need to add a teaspoon of salt and the same amount of ammonia. Treat the place of contamination with the prepared mixture, leave for a quarter of an hour, then wash in the usual way.

  • For delicate silk fabrics, you will need a soap and saline solution. First, soak the item in soapy water and add a saline solution (a teaspoon to a glass of warm water) to it, wash under the arms and leave for 10-15 minutes. Next, wash the item as usual.
  • It should be remembered that stains on black woolen clothes can only be removed with soapy water. Another method is not suitable for such things, since the product can be deformed. If you doubt your abilities, it is better to use the services of dry cleaning.

For any type of fabric, you can use the following tools:

  • Remove white spots from underarms with plain vodka. To do this, apply the liquid to a sponge or cotton pad, rub it into the contaminated surface and leave it to soak for 5-10 minutes. Then wash the clothes in the usual way.
  • Deodorant stains can be quickly removed with lemon juice. Apply the liquid from half a lemon to the stained area, rub lightly and leave for three to five minutes. Then you need to wash the thing in the usual way. But it is worth remembering that lemon has bleaching properties, so be sure to test the product on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe product before use.
  • Table vinegar will help get rid of traces of deodorant, including on colored things. Using a sponge or cotton pad, apply the product to dirty places, rub lightly and soak the entire product overnight. Then wash the clothes as usual. It is important to remember that this method is not suitable for white items, since ugly yellow spots may appear from the effect of vinegar on the fabric, which will be almost impossible to remove.

  • Ordinary table salt will also help you. A pinch of salt is rubbed into the armpit area and the thing is left to soak for 12 hours, after which it is necessary to wash and rinse the clothes well.

If you need to remove old deodorant stains that have strongly ingrained into the material, you can use stronger methods:

  • Use a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. You need to combine two tablespoons of soda and four of the same spoons of hydrogen peroxide. Apply the resulting slurry to the spots under the armpits, rub lightly and leave for a fuller effect for two hours. Next, you need to wash the thing as usual. For a better effect, you can also add one teaspoon of concentrated dishwashing detergent to the composition of this mixture.

  • One of the most powerful remedies is the use of ammonia. But it is worth resorting to it only as a last resort, since the thing can be damaged, for example, lightened. And when working with this liquid, be sure to use rubber gloves to protect the skin of your hands. To prepare the solution, mix ammonia with water in a ratio of one to one. Apply to the contaminated surface for about 3 minutes (no more), then rinse well and wash the clothes in the usual way.

To get rid of the unpleasant smell of ammonia, you can use a gel rinse when washing.

  • Another powerful deodorant stain remover is industrial alcohol (denatured alcohol). It is applied to the spots and left for about forty minutes. Next, the thing must be thoroughly rinsed and washed as usual.
  • And this tool will help you if you use it immediately after taking off your clothes. Oddly enough, in this case, you only need a nylon stocking or sock. Wipe the contaminated areas of clothing with this cloth, the deodorant can be easily removed and you do not have to use strong products.

Underarm stains on a shirt or dress are a direct blow to your reputation. Such marks are considered a sign of slovenliness. They can completely spoil the image, even if the rest of the image is in perfect order: clean hair, fresh manicure and shiny clean shoes. Therefore, it is imperative to know the rules for caring for these problem areas on things.

The easiest way to deal with white marks from deodorant. They appear after contact of the tissue with the agent. Such stains can be washed even with plain water. It is more difficult to deal with whitish stains from antiperspirants. The composition of these products includes active substances: simple washing is unlikely to be enough here.

Getting Started: 4 Rules

Stains from deodorant and sweat are "capricious" pollution. It's not easy to fight them. The task is further complicated by the fact that without experience in removing complex stains, it is easy to ruin clothes. You can get rid of antiperspirant stains at home and not damage your favorite thing if you remember four rules.

  1. Act immediately. You can't store dirty things. The longer you put off washing, the more likely the yellow marks will never go away. White stains from deodorant must also be dealt with immediately, otherwise they will turn yellow.
  2. Use cool water. This is especially true for white deodorant strips. Hot water promotes "sealing" of traces. After washing at high temperatures, white stains may even turn yellow.
  3. Test folk remedies. In order not to damage the thing, you need to choose a method for removing stains, taking into account the type of fabric. But even in this case, a "test drive" is required. Test the product in an inconspicuous place (preferably on the seam on the wrong side), and only then apply under the armpits.
  4. Treat stains properly. From the edges to the center is an axiom. If you treat the stain differently, the pollution will “blur”, which will greatly complicate the task.

If yellow marks need to be removed from a white T-shirt, do not use bleach. Stain removers with chlorine will only enhance the effect of yellowness and traces of sweat after washing will attract even more attention.

How to remove fresh sweat stains under the arms

How to remove sweat stains and deodorant under the arms? The main thing is to act quickly. If white stains have just appeared, then you can wash them off with plain cool water. The spots are fresh, but you didn’t notice them right away? Here are four proven ways to remove traces of deodorant and sweat. Choose based on the fabric from which your item is sewn.

Laundry soap

Peculiarities . The method impresses with its versatility: it will help get rid of stains on any fabric. You can prepare a soapy solution or simply rub the stains with a brown bar.


  1. Rub the traces of deodorant with laundry soap.
  2. Let it "sweat" for half an hour.
  3. After washing the treated item in the washing machine.

Instead of soap, you can use liquid dish detergent. Just add a couple of drops to the water, and the soak solution is ready.


Peculiarities. Peroxide will help restore tidiness to white things, for example, this way you can save a white men's shirt. On white, traces of deodorant usually have a yellow tint, and this method will get rid of the yellowness.


  1. Treat stains with hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Wait 20 minutes for the treated area to dry.
  3. Wash following the directions on the label.

Peroxide will replace lemon. Just squeeze some juice on the stains, then follow the instructions described.


Peculiarities. The method is suitable for wool, light cotton, fine knitwear. The main thing is the moderate use of the product: in a small amount, acetic acid will not harm natural tissues.


  1. Treat the traces with vinegar (you can use a cotton pad, or you can just pour a little acid on the cloth).
  2. Forget about clothes for an hour.
  3. Wash - dirt will go away.

For synthetic colored clothes, prepare a vinegar solution. Pour the substance into the water, keeping the ratio 1:4. Action time - 15 minutes.


Peculiarities. A way to get rid of annoying whitish marks on black clothes. Express method, no soaking required. It is not worth experimenting on delicate material.


  1. Soak a cotton pad with vodka.
  2. Wipe off the white marks.
  3. Wash.

How to remove underarm deodorant stains on dark clothes if there is no pre-treatment vodka in the house? Instead, use ammonia. Proceed in the same way: we process - we erase.

Ways against stubborn yellowness

How to remove sweat stains under the armpits if the traces are deeply “settled” in the fabric? It seems that it is impossible to get rid of yellow circles, but the reviews of the hostesses confirm that salt, soda and aspirin can work a miracle.


Peculiarities. A way for all occasions: revives silk and helps to remove yellow stains from denim. Suitable for cotton and linen.


  1. Dilute the salt with a little water. It should turn out gruel.
  2. Apply the paste to the spots.
  3. Forget ten o'clock.
  4. Wash the item in a way that is suitable for a particular fabric.

Salt gruel can help freshen up a leather jacket or tweed jacket if the lining is stained with deodorant or sweat. After waiting ten hours, the gruel is simply peeled off the lining, and the fabric is gently washed with water.


Peculiarities. A soda solution will help whiten yellow sweat stains on white things. The method can be applied to any fabric, the main thing is that the material is not dark, otherwise white marks will remain. Soda solution not only removes stains, but also disinfects clothes, eliminates the smell of sweat.


  1. Take half a glass of water.
  2. Stir four tablespoons of baking soda into the liquid.
  3. Treat contaminated areas with the solution.
  4. Leave for two hours.
  5. Rinse or wash.


Peculiarities. The answer to the question of how to remove old yellow sweat stains is in the first aid kit. Acetylsalicylic acid will help. It removes even those impurities that have appeared on the fabric for a very long time. The method is suitable for any material.


  1. Crush three aspirin tablets.
  2. Add a little water to the resulting powder: a slurry should form.
  3. Apply to stains.
  4. Rub gently.
  5. Leave the tablets to "work" for three hours.
  6. After rinsing or washing is necessary.

For delicate fabrics, it is better to prepare an aspirin solution: two tablets in half a glass of water. Gently treat the material with the product, leave for half an hour.

Underarm sweat and deodorant stains are not easy to remove, so it's best to prevent them. Here are four tips that will help you forget about compromising marks under your arms on the sleeves of blouses and dresses.

  1. Choose a deodorant without aluminum salts. It is these substances, reacting with sweat, that provoke the appearance of yellowness.
  2. Wait for the deodorant to dry. Do not rush and immediately after applying the product to dress. It takes time for the armpits to dry. Aerosol deodorants dry in about two minutes, solid and roll-on deodorants in three, and creams take up to seven minutes.
  3. Use special pads. This is true if the clothes are made of dense material. Hygienic accessories are attached to the product and will help protect your favorite sweater from corrosive yellow marks.
  4. Wash things right away. Get in the habit of washing things immediately after wearing them. If you don’t plan to put it on in the near future, put it in order, and only after that send it to the closet. Even if you walked in a T-shirt for only half an hour. You can simply rinse the thing in soda or soapy water.

It is believed that sweat stains on white clothes can be removed if, after washing, hang them in the sun and hold them there longer. The sun's rays really whiten, however, if the spots are old, then without special treatment they will not disappear. In the sun, it is recommended to dry only linen clothes and products made from organic cotton. Silk things lose color from ultraviolet radiation, and synthetic ones turn yellow.

It's hard to believe, but just a few centuries ago, even ordinary soap was a luxury item, and deodorant was completely an object from the fantasy world. Today, not using deodorant is a sign of bad taste. An unpleasant smell and wet stains on clothes do not paint anyone. However, the perfect remedy for sweat, unfortunately, is not perfect. Perhaps everyone is familiar with the problem of white or yellow stains from deodorant. The site site has prepared for you several effective methods on how to remove deodorant stains.

Instructions for use

Traces of antiperspirant in most cases appear when it is used incorrectly. Remember the simple rules that will allow you to avoid such an unpleasant problem as stains on clothes.

  1. Deodorant is applied only to dry and previously cleansed skin. Water or sweat significantly reduce the protective properties of the product, and also lead to the appearance of streaks on clothing.
  2. If you use an aerosol, then spray it at a distance of 20 cm from the surface of the body.
  3. Let the product dry thoroughly. For roll-on and solid deodorants, 3 minutes is enough, and in the case of gels and creams, you should wait at least 5 minutes. Only after this period, put on clothes.

If you didn’t save the thing, then ours are for you.

How to remove deodorant stains with household chemicals?

Today, there is such an assortment of all kinds of cleaning products in hardware stores that stains that cannot be removed simply do not exist. So the usual household chemicals that you use every day at home can deal with pollution from deodorant.

  • A thing with a fresh stain can be soaked for several hours or even overnight in regular laundry detergent. For difficult stains, dilute the powder with a little water to make a slurry and coat the stains. When the thing is completely clean, it must be washed in clean and warm water.
  • A stain remover will help remove deodorant stains that are already firmly ingrained in the fabric. The well-known Vanish proved to be excellent. For light colors, use Vanish for white. Apply the product to the stain and wait a few hours. Next, you can add a little stain remover to the special compartment of the washing machine or to the basin when hand washing.

  • Surprisingly, many housewives claim that dishwashing gel helped them remove deodorant stains. It also does a great job of removing grease marks. The product must be applied to the stain and wait until it disappears completely. Repeat as needed.
  • At various forums, the incredible properties of Antipyatin soap are sung. It costs a penny, but copes with all types of pollution.
  • In the case of small and fresh divorces, laundry or baby glycerin soap can help.

Improvised means will also help remove stains from deodorant

No worse than household chemicals, products that we usually use for other purposes also cope. They are safer and more environmentally friendly, and also significantly inferior in price to imported stain removers. What is this miracle remedy?

  • Salt works great on fresh stains. Use water to make a thick paste and cover the deodorant mark. Wait 3 hours and rinse the item first in soapy water and then in clean water. If more than 12 hours have passed since the appearance of the stain, then this measure may be useless.
  • Use vinegar on colored fabrics. They need to wait until the traces disappear. The rest is just washing. Do not use this method on white fabrics as yellow streaks may appear.
  • Less aggressive is citric acid, which can be used even for the finest materials. Dilute dry acid with water or squeeze the juice of one lemon. Saturate the stain with the resulting product from the edges to the center.
  • Ethyl alcohol will help remove deodorant stains from delicate silk or delicate cotton. It is better to use medical alcohol with a high concentration. Apply it in the same way as vinegar.

  • On less capricious matters, ammonia can cope with traces of deodorant. However, this method works well only on fresh contamination.
  • Vodka is an excellent tool for removing white stains on black fabric. It is on dark outfits that stains from deodorant are the most noticeable and difficult to remove. Ordinary vodka will cope with fresh traces in a couple of minutes. The old stain will have to soak for several hours. But the result will be great anyway.
  • Ammonia will help remove deodorant stains in 3 minutes. But the concentrated solution must be further diluted with water. Also note that ammonia is categorically not suitable for delicate fabrics. And its vapors can cause an allergic reaction. Use this tool only as a last resort, when other methods have proven powerless.

The appearance of a deodorizer on fabric often makes you throw away your favorite things. To remove stains from deodorant and sweat, it is not necessary to spend money on expensive stain removers. This can be done using the usual tools that can be found in every home. Removing traces of sweat requires a serious approach, taking into account the fabrics and colors of clothing, as well as the age of the stain.

Why do spots appear?

The human body has many sweat glands that work continuously and secrete about 1 liter of fluid per day. A large number of sweat and sebaceous glands have armpits, this explains the appearance of marks on a shirt or T-shirt in the area of ​​​​their contact. Sweat itself is odorless, it appears as a result of the multiplication of microorganisms in the area of ​​accumulation of sweat glands. To eliminate an unpleasant odor, people use specially designed preparations that mask the odor and reduce sweat. Interacting with natural secretions, the deodorizer settles on the material and forms yellow or white marks.

Why is it hard to remove them?

If sweat and deodorant stains are visible on wardrobe items, it is not recommended to clean things using powder. Due to its chemical composition, the powder will aggravate the situation by firmly fixing the settled microorganisms on the tissue. As a result, dark stains remain on the clothes, which are much more difficult to remove. To remove sweat stains, it is recommended to remove them immediately after using the item. If sweat-soaked clothing is left unwashed, the bacteria will imperceptibly destroy its matter, and then the fabric will no longer be washed.

Effective preparations for different matter

Folk methods are less expensive but effective.

A universal stain remover will help you get rid of deodorant marks on your wardrobe. This soap fights stains on black, white or colored clothes of any materials. Special powders and sprays are also sold that can remove white and yellow stains. To wash away traces of sweat in the armpit area helps baby soap or soap products that contain glycerin. It is recommended to leave the clothes rubbed with soap for 2-3 hours, and then send them to the wash. If these drugs are not available, they can be replaced with laundry soap or salt. Soap helps to hide deodorant marks on woolen materials, salt is used for satin or silk.

How to remove stains from sweat and deodorant at home?

It is possible to get rid of sweat stains with the help of ordinary substances that can be found on the farm. To begin with, sweaty clothes should be soaked in warm or cold water, leaving for a couple of hours. Vodka, vinegar or dishwashing detergent will help remove white stains. You can remove yellow sweat marks using peroxide, Aspirin, lemon or soda.

How to eliminate white marks?

Vodka or alcohol

You can clean the appearance of deodorizer on black clothes with vodka. To do this, wipe the fabric with wet cotton wool or pour a small amount of liquid on the fabric and wait a couple of minutes. Old sweat stains are left for 40-60 minutes. After that, the cleaned items are washed in a typewriter or by hand. Instead of vodka, medical or denatured alcohol is also used, they are diluted with water.

How effective is dish detergent?

Dishwashing solution is effective in removing deodorant marks from white clothes. To do this, you need to apply a concentrated liquid to the fabric or wipe the stain with a sponge, having previously soaked it with dishwashing liquid. After cleaning, clothes should be left and wait 40-60 minutes, then washed and the contamination will completely disappear.

Acetic acid

Excess deodorant stains clothing, so use it wisely.

Vinegar will help remove stains from colored clothes or black items. It is enough to pour liquid on the surface of the fabric and wait 10 minutes. Old sweat stains are more difficult to remove, so these clothes are left for 10-12 hours, after treatment, things need to be washed. It is not recommended to use vinegar for white things, the liquid can give them a yellow tint. Vinegar should also not be used on synthetic materials.

How to overcome yellow marks?

It is more difficult to remove yellow stains under the arms than white ones, since such traces settle more firmly on the fabric. Removing yellow spots requires simple rules:

  • The wardrobe item must be washed after use, otherwise the pollution dries up.
  • Rinse or wash clothes in cold or warm water.
  • Apply stain removers and other substances on both sides of the fabric.
  • To achieve the result, you can use a brush, sponge or cotton.
  • The most difficult thing is to remove sweat stains from white clothes, such things need to be processed several times.
  • After any manipulations, things are sent to the laundry.