How to remove candle wax from clothes, the best solutions. How to remove wax or paraffin from clothes without a trace

Almost any stain on clothing can be easily cleaned and removed using modern laundry detergents. But if it’s candle wax, don’t even try to immediately wash it or rub it off with your hands or use a washing machine (delicate mode) - it’s to no avail. The waxy mixture will never dissolve with water, and detergents cannot remove it either. And also pay special attention that paraffin instantly eats into all the fibers of the material on both sides.

Basic methods

Note. If you want to remove traces of paraffin that have become embedded in trousers or another item of clothing, wait until the wax has completely hardened. Otherwise, the situation will not improve, but, on the contrary, will worsen. As a result, the problem spot will increase in size.


Using the hot method involves heating paraffin to its melting point and separating it from the fibers of the material. The ideal tool for this is an iron. When thermally treating a stain, it is important to heat the electrical appliance to eighty degrees. It is recommended to prematurely remove the steam function from the standard mode.

Step-by-step instructions for removing candle wax.

  1. Clean away traces of paraffin. To do this, take a kitchen spatula or nail scissors. Proceed with extreme caution so as not to deform the fibers.
  2. Prepare a napkin, cotton cloth, white A4 sheet.
  3. While the iron is heating up, place a napkin underneath and on top of the material. Cover the paraffin blot with a cloth and a sheet of paper. Start ironing the stain.
  4. After cleaning, be sure to hand wash the item. A stain remover will help get rid of greasy marks.
  5. It is strictly forbidden to iron synthetic fabrics at eighty degrees.
  6. Do not use an iron to remove stains from colored candles. The dye used for their production will only penetrate more deeply into the fibers of the fabric, and your favorite sweater will certainly deteriorate.

Steam to remove candle wax

To use this method, equip yourself with:

  • a piece of fabric made from natural fibers (an old T-shirt will do);
  • hairdryer or professional steamer.

Removal technology:

  • Cover the paraffin blot with a napkin and start heating it with steam;
  • under the influence of hot air, the stain will melt and be absorbed into the material;
  • If there is no proper result, you can repeat the procedure several times.

Important! If using a hairdryer does not bring the desired result, use a steamer. You just need to keep it at a distance of ten centimeters from the stain, otherwise you will ruin the fibers of the fabric.


This method will be most effective for the following materials: denim, leather, wool, products with pile.

To do this use:

  • freezer (hardened wax is quickly removed even from light dresses).
  • ice from the freezer;
  • ice or cold water;
  • toothbrush.

The result will be as fast as possible if the item is placed in the chamber immediately after the paraffin enters. This should be done quickly so that the wax does not absorb into the fibers.

IMPORTANT! This is the only way to save costume fabric.

If the clothing is made of thin, delicate material, use ice cubes to remove wax marks. Just apply them to the desired area, and after a few minutes, scrub the stain with a toothbrush.

Removing wax from clothes of different materials

You can remove paraffin stains and candle wax from denim fabrics using the freezing method.

More details:

  • wash away the stain;
  • After half an hour, wash the product, the dirt will immediately disappear.

This cleaning method is the best for home use.

We will also consider the following materials: silk, satin, organza, chiffon, wool.

These fabrics are not easy to clean because they warp when exposed to high temperatures. If you want to use the hot cleaning method, pay attention to the item's label and use only the temperature specified by the manufacturer for processing.

However, it is more rational to use a more gentle method of removing traces of paraffin - soak the item in water, and carefully, after a few minutes, remove the residue with a piece of natural fabric. A greasy deposit will remain at the spot, which can be easily removed with a stain remover.

There are also synthetic products that are prohibited from being processed at high temperatures, for example, a light “top” made of chiffon. In this case, traces of paraffin are removed with a cleaner: the product is applied to a sponge and the required area is treated. It is important to wash off any chemical residue.

Advice! Before using such a radical cleaning method, test the solvent on an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing. If it has damaged the fibers of the fabric or ruined its natural shade, take the product to the dry cleaner.

Woolen and silk items are also damaged by drops of paraffin. Regular dishwashing liquid will help remove it quickly. Apply a little product to the stain and leave for 12 hours. All that remains is to thoroughly wash the soap traces from the fibers.

To clean clothes from candle wax, take it out into the cold or put it in a chamber. Then carefully remove the marks with a wooden spatula. In this way, you can clean leather pants, a skirt, or even.

Candles are a welcome addition to a romantic dinner, Christmas or New Year celebration, or other event. But sometimes the evening ends with unpleasant consequences, drops of candle wax remain on clothes or tablecloths. This raises a logical question: how to remove paraffin so that it does not spoil the product or leave marks? Let's figure it out together.

Ways to remove wax from clothes

Experienced housewives know firsthand how difficult it is to get rid of wax if you do not have sufficient skills. Washing will not help in this case, since paraffin does not dissolve in water even when exposed to powder. It is also important to consider the type of fabric.

Cotton or linen

  1. If the question arises regarding cleaning linen or cotton fabric, then be patient. The wax settles firmly between the fibers of the natural material, which greatly complicates the task.
  2. Before the main manipulations, study the manufacturer’s recommendations, which are indicated on the product label. Perhaps the fabric should not be ironed or there are some other tips. Start from them.
  3. Now, in order to remove paraffin, you need to take a napkin and an iron. We can start. Spread the item on a table or other flat surface, the contamination should be located on the outside.
  4. Cover the stain with a paper towel or napkin, or you can use a scrap of cotton. Turn on the iron and iron the fabric for 25-30 seconds.
  5. Carefully lift the napkin; there should be traces of wax on it. If the stain does not disappear completely, repeat the steps until you get the desired result.
  6. If wax remains on the clothes after this, place napkins on both sides, inner and outer. Iron and put away in the same way, evaluate the result.
  7. When the paraffin itself comes off, you can replace the greasy mark where it was present. Sprinkle it with salt and rub it in, shake it off, put the item in the washing machine or clean it manually.


  1. It is not recommended to expose items made of synthetic material to high temperatures, so in most cases the use of an iron is unacceptable. But what to do in such a situation?
  2. Take a basin, pour hot water into it, arm yourself with a cloth or brush. Place the clothes in the container and leave for 2-3 minutes. Remove, do not squeeze, gently gather the wax towards the center and discard it.
  3. Do not rub the paraffin stain too hard so that the heated wax does not penetrate deep into the fibers. If all else fails, soak a cotton sponge in turpentine and carefully remove the paraffin with it.


  1. The main advantage of leather items is that such products do not absorb dirt. Or they partially absorb, which in any case makes the task easier.
  2. If you find a drop on your favorite handbag, pants or coat, put the item in the freezer for a while. When the wax hardens, you can easily remove it.
  3. If the buildup is too extensive, fold the cloth over the stained area so that the wax crumbles. Sweep it in any convenient way. Soak a cotton pad in makeup lotion and wipe away any remaining traces.
  4. You can use a solvent such as acetone, turpentine or ammonia. Place a few drops on a sponge and wipe the greasy candle stain.

Products made from suede look expensive and impressive, but require meticulous care. There are several ways to remove wax from this material, let's look at them.

  1. Steam cleaning is most effective. To do this, pour filtered water into a pan, boil it, and hold the product over the steam for several minutes. When the wax melts, without rubbing, remove it with a napkin.
  2. You can clean suede with turpentine if you have it on hand. Soak a cosmetic sponge in the mixture, apply it to the wax stain and note the time. After a third of an hour, wash the product in warm water and rinse several times.
  3. Ammonia has the property of dissolving wax, so it must be used. Mix 1 l. clean water with 20 ml. ammonia, soak a cotton napkin in this liquid and gently rub the stain from the edges to the center.
  4. Mix 45 ml. gasoline for refilling lighters with 30 ml. ammonia and 10 ml. medical alcohol. Soak a cosmetic disc in this solution and apply to the wax mark for 2 minutes. Carefully collect the paraffin and wash the clothes. The same composition is suitable for cleaning wax from velvet fabric.
  5. There is another simple way to remove paraffin from clothes. If you have medical alcohol on hand, soak a piece of cotton wool in it and apply it to the wax for a third of an hour. Then collect the dirt from the edges of the stain towards the center.
  1. It is more difficult to remove stuck wax from fur items, but this does not mean that the task is impossible. Since fur cannot be exposed to high temperatures, an iron and a cloth will not help.
  2. In this case, you need to use freezing. If it's winter outside, send the item to the balcony for the wax to harden. In warm weather, carry out the manipulations by placing the item in the freezer for a while.
  3. You can also rub ice cubes onto the stain to create cold temperatures. When the paraffin has hardened, begin to remove it from the pile slowly and carefully.
  4. In a similar way, you can remove paraffin from the surface of natural or artificial fur, velvet, suede, velor, and other fabrics with long or short pile.

Most of the time, people prefer to wear denim because of the practicality of the fabric. The products are quite durable and easy to care for. If you have stained your clothes with wax, solving the problem will not be difficult.

  1. In this case, you can resort to freezing and then washing the fabric. To do this, place the denim item in a plastic bag and place it in the freezer. After a few hours, the wax can be easily scraped off and the item washed.
  2. If you don’t like the first method, the denim product needs to be pre-soaked for a while. This procedure will help get rid of wax stains. Make a solution of hot water and powder. After an hour, wash the item in the machine.
  3. Not many people know that marks after wax can remain for quite a long time. If you don’t want to wash the product several times, you can resort to a little trick. Wash out paraffin stains with dishwashing detergent. If the procedure does not help, repeat the steps. Then wash the item in the classic way.

Wool and silk

  1. Products made from delicate fabrics require special care. In this case, you should use exclusively gentle methods. Otherwise, the wool or silk will deteriorate irrevocably. Be prepared, the procedure may require patience.
  2. Wax from such things is quite difficult to remove; to do this, use dishwashing gel. Apply the mixture to the stained area and wait until it dries completely. The procedure can be extended overnight.
  3. After the specified time, the product does not need to be washed off. Throw your clothes straight into the washing machine. Set the appropriate mode. You can wash delicate items yourself.
  4. It happens that drops of the candle remain on the bologna product. Don't despair ahead of time. The problem can be solved in the same way as described earlier. Dish detergent will do the job. After this, the item needs to be washed in a machine.


  1. The question is quite relevant; many do not know how to remove such contamination from chiffon or organza. The use of a hot iron is strictly contraindicated. Alcohol-containing compounds are also prohibited.
  2. Once again, the situation will be saved by a high-quality gel-based dishwashing detergent. Wet the product in the area of ​​contamination with plain water, apply a small amount of soap to the fabric.
  3. After complete drying, wash the item in warm water yourself. If this procedure does not help, you should use dry cleaning services. Otherwise, there is a risk of damaging the delicate material.

Removing wax after depilation

  1. In most cases, wax on clothes can be found after feasts and all kinds of celebrations. In addition, people face a similar problem after undergoing cosmetic procedures.
  2. If you notice the contamination in time, wax can be easily removed from clothes in a few minutes. Treat the problem area with warm vegetable oil. The composition should be taken in a minimal amount, literally a few drops.
  3. Wait a couple of minutes for the oil to be absorbed. Remove stains with gel-based dish detergent. In such a situation, you can resort to special oil-based wipes.
  4. They can be purchased at a cosmetic store. Unfortunately, this remedy does not always help. Therefore, it is worth resorting to the help of olive or cosmetic oil. Soak a cotton swab in the mixture and wipe the stained area several times.

If you approach the problem without fuss, you can solve the issue in a short time. The basic rule remains that you need to follow simple instructions. Identify the location of the contamination and determine the type of fabric. After this, begin the cleaning procedure. Pay special attention to delicate and fur items, they are the most difficult to care for.

Video: how to remove wax from clothes

The use of wax candles has become an original decoration element. However, candles can become a source of contamination to clothing. The question of how to remove wax from clothes very often arises among housewives.

Putting a wax stain on the fabric from which the clothes are made is quite simple, especially since this situation arises at the wrong moment, for example, during a date or a celebration with lit candles. Immediately after the wax gets on the fabric or clothing, an almost imperceptible stain is formed, which over time can form an unpleasant greasy mark on the clothing. Experts recommend getting rid of such stains as quickly as possible so that you don’t have to put your favorite item aside or throw it away altogether. The widespread use of candles made from paraffin and wax leads to the fact that the question of how to remove wax from clothes is very relevant today. Moreover, there are a large number of ways to remove wax from clothes at home.

Widespread use of candles made from paraffin and wax leads to stains

To the question of many housewives about whether it is possible to wash candle wax from clothes, the answer will be in the affirmative. It is easy to get rid of such contamination of the fabric from which clothing is made if you know how to do it correctly.

There are several different ways to remove wax from clothes.

Mechanical removal of fresh contamination with a knife

The most common methods for removing wax stains are:

  • hot stain removal method, carried out using an iron and paper napkins;
  • cold stain removal method, used to remove stains from delicate fabrics;
  • removal of contaminants with solvents and acetone;
  • removing wax stains using dishwashing liquid;
  • a method of removing wax from the surface of a fabric by steam treatment;
  • the use of ammonia;
  • mechanical removal of fresh contamination with a knife or other sharp object.

Advice! After using any of these methods, it is recommended to consolidate the result by washing the item in the washing machine.

In addition, washing the item allows you to remove any remaining dirt from the surface of the fabric from which the clothing is made.

Using special household chemicals you can remove wax stains

Very often you can hear from housewives the question of how you can wash candle wax from clothes if the dirt is very ingrained. The answer to the question of whether it is possible to remove a stubborn wax stain from clothing is yes. For this purpose, you should use household chemicals, washing powder or special products designed to remove stains.

How to remove wax stains using steam and temperature?

Wearing clothes that show wax stains is not only completely uncomfortable, but also undignified. If the housewife does not have the knowledge of how to remove wax from clothes, it is recommended to contact a specialized household chemicals store. Store sales consultants will advise or recommend the best means for removing wax stains from clothes. You can also contact a professional dry cleaner for advice on how to remove wax stains from the surface of clothing.

Steam removal is the most common

Steam removal is the most common method. This method of removing stains is suitable for getting rid of wax on things made from suede.

In order to remove the stain, you need to hold the area with the stain over steam for some time. Exposure to high temperatures will cause the wax to melt and come off. After the wax melts, use cotton napkins to remove the melted wax and clean the cloth. Once you have finished removing the stain, you will need to wash the item of clothing as usual using any washing or detergent.

Wax has a low melting point, which allows you to use a household iron to remove it from clothing. For this purpose, the device should be heated to 60 degrees Celsius. Place a paper napkin covered with a small piece of cloth on top of the contaminated area of ​​the item. Using a heated iron, iron the contaminated area several times until the wax transfers from the fabric to the paper napkin. If necessary, the napkin should be replaced with a clean one during stain removal.

Wax has a low melting point, which allows you to use a household iron to remove it from clothes.

Cold method for removing wax stains

Wax contamination is most easily removed from the surface of the fabric if the substance has completely hardened and has not had time to saturate the fabric. Clothing with wax contamination on its surface must be placed in a plastic bag and tightly closed. This is necessary so that there is minimal access of air into it, after which you should place the bag in the freezer. If the item is large and does not fit in the freezer, then it can be covered with ice packs.

The bag containing contaminated clothing should be placed in the freezer.

Once the paraffin freezes, it easily begins to crumble and be removed from the surface of the fabric from which the clothing is made. In this way, even extensive stains on clothing can be removed. After the bulk of the wax contamination has been removed, you should wash the item as usual.

This method of removing wax stains is ideal for those housewives who do not know how to properly remove stains from clothes. bThis method of cleaning clothes can be applied to both delicate fabrics and more resistant materials.

Important! Any residual contamination on the surface of the fabric from which the garment is made is undesirable.

After the main contamination has been removed, very often residual stains remain on the clothes, which in some cases are quite difficult to remove.

To get rid of greasy wax stains, you can use laundry soap.

In some cases, when used to remove solvents, a greasy stain forms at the site of wax contamination. Removal of the resulting stain should begin immediately.

To get rid of such contamination, you can use laundry soap. In addition, various stain-removing compounds and products can be used to remove grease stains. However, before using any product, you should read the instructions for use. Many of the existing products have a high degree of aggressiveness, which can lead to damage to the product during use. Grease stains on delicate fabrics should be removed by washing in an automatic machine using the delicate cycle.

How to remove wax stains from the surface of denim?

At the moment, there is practically no person who does not use clothes made from denim. Denim has now become so popular that it is used to make a variety of clothes. Clothes made from denim without stretch can withstand washing in any mode. As soon as a wax stain is identified, the item should be soaked in heated water for 30 minutes and after that the item should be washed by hand. For washing, you can use an automatic washing machine. To use the latter, you should set the heating temperature within 50-60 degrees Celsius. This temperature will be enough for the wax stain to easily come away from the denim.

Our lives are filled with fun events where candles play an important role. For these events, everyone wears only their best clothes, so it’s unpleasant when your favorite dress or blouse gets stained with wax. But don’t be upset, because there are many effective ways how.

The fresher the stain, the easier it is to remove it, but don’t panic if precious time is lost. The main thing to remember is that you cannot rush in this matter, as you can damage the fabric. Below are only proven methods for removing wax stains from fabric, which are divided into two categories: cold and hot removal.

Hot removal techniques:

  • Using an iron, dry cloth and towel. Turn the iron on medium heat. Place the stained item on the ironing board, first placing a clean napkin under the stain. Cover it with a towel or handkerchief. Using a heated iron, gently iron the stain through the fabric. This will cause the wax to melt and be absorbed into the napkin. For maximum effect, change wipes until the stain is completely gone.
  • How to remove wax stains from clothes using boiling water. Boil water in a clean container and carefully lower the contaminated area of ​​clothing into it. The wax or paraffin will quickly melt and flow into the water. It is important to remember that this method is only suitable for white or solidly colored plain items. Otherwise, the item may fade. It is also not recommended to remove wax stains on delicate or natural fabrics using this method.

Cold removal techniques:

  • How to Remove Wax Stains from Fabric Using Ice. This method is suitable if you are in a cafe or restaurant. Apply ice or, as a last resort, any product from the freezer to the contaminated area. The wax will quickly harden and come off the clothing.
  • How to remove wax stains using dishwasher. This method will be a useful find if something made of delicate fabric that cannot be treated with high temperatures is dirty. Thoroughly treat the stained area with dishwashing detergent and leave for half an hour. Then carefully peel off the wax from the surface of the item and wash it by hand or with a washing machine in the appropriate mode.

Now you know how to remove wax stains quickly and effectively. But you should remember that after wax or paraffin, a greasy mark remains on the clothes. It can be removed using:

  • Laundry soap. Lather the stain, leave the item for 5-10 minutes, and wash.
  • Talc. Sprinkle it on the stain, leave for 5 minutes, shake off the residue and wash the item.
  • Baking soda. Sprinkle it liberally onto the stain, leave for 10 minutes, then carefully remove the residue and wash in soapy water.
  • Turpentine. Dilute 50 grams of turpentine with ammonia, mix thoroughly and apply to the wax mark using a cotton pad. Leave the item for three hours, then wash it.

Now there will not be even a hint left on your clothes that there was once wax there. It will be useful to learn how to remove wax stains from fabrics of different textures.

How to remove paraffin stains from different fabrics

Since candle-based holidays are celebrated throughout the year, it may be helpful to learn how to remove wax stains from delicate items, fur, and leather.

  1. How to remove paraffin stains from cotton or wool? To do this, place a clean towel on the ironing board or any flat surface. Place the soiled item on it and cover it with paper napkins folded in two layers. Then heat the iron to the maximum indicated on the item's label and iron the contaminated area several times. The paraffin will melt and be absorbed into the towel.
  2. How to remove wax stains from linen products if it has dried? Initially, gently scrape off the wax with your fingernail or knife. Place a towel on the ironing board and a slightly moistened, thick, undyed cloth on it. Then place the stained item down and cover it with blotting paper. Iron with a heated iron until wax stops appearing on the paper. Naturally, the paper changes after each ironing.
  3. How to remove paraffin stains from synthetic fabric? Lay a slightly dampened clean towel on the ironing board, lay the soiled clothes on it and cover them with a thick cloth. Heat the iron on low and iron in the area of ​​the stain. After it is completely absorbed into the fabric, you can wash the item.
  4. During the winter holidays, information on how to remove wax stains on clothes made of natural or faux fur will be useful. In this case, freezing is used. To do this, take the item out onto the balcony for 2 hours. The wax will freeze completely and can be easily removed from the fibers with your nails.
  5. How to remove without the slightest damage? To do this, also take the soiled item out onto the balcony or place it in the freezer, if size allows, for about 30-40 minutes. Then fold the skin in half in the area of ​​the spot. Cracked wax can be easily scraped off with fingernails or another not very sharp object.
  6. Suede clothing never goes out of style, so it's important to know how to remove wax stains from such fabric. To do this, let it dry well, then carefully scrape it off with a dull knife or nail file. Then place a dry towel in two layers on the problem area and apply the product to a not very hot iron. It is important to apply it in such a way as not to damage the fabric structure. Change the towels until no more wax appears on the towels. To remove old stains use a mixture:
  • 5 ml gasoline.
  • 5 ml of wine alcohol.
  • 30 ml of ammonia.

Mix everything thoroughly, apply to the stain for 5-10 minutes, then remove with a damp cloth or cloth.

  1. Such contaminants are removed from velvet and plush with warm alcohol or turpentine. To do this, you need to soak a cotton swab in these liquids and blot the stain.
  2. How to remove wax stains from silk clothes without the slightest damage? Cologne is useful for this. Apply it to the problem area, leave for 15 minutes and wash the item in warm water.
  3. How to remove paraffin stain from fabric that cannot be washed? To do this, take medical or denatured alcohol. Soak a cotton swab in it and wipe the stain every 10 minutes until it disappears completely.

These simple tips will help get rid of problem stains and maintain the visual appeal of clothes made from any fabric.

If not only clothing, but also furniture is damaged, use the following folk remedies.

How to remove wax stains from furniture made of different materials

In order to immediately achieve maximum effect, it is advisable to choose a method specifically for the material from which the furniture is made.

  1. For wooden furniture, use a hair dryer, paper towels and polish. A completely frozen stain is treated with a hairdryer until completely melted, then quickly blotted with a towel, and the residue is removed with polish.
  2. For leather furniture, use a kitchen sponge and dishwashing detergent. Spray the stain with a damp soapy sponge, allow to dry, and wipe with a clean, dry cloth. Repeat if necessary.
  3. A stain remover is suitable for upholstered furniture. After first clearing the surface of wax with ice or a knife, treat the problem area with a stain remover and leave for 30 minutes. Afterwards, treat the contaminated area first with a soap solution and then with clean water.

Of course, there are many other ways to remove paraffin stains from fabric, but the above ones have proven themselves to be the best.

To ensure maximum benefit from cleaning, remember the following:

  1. First prepare your work area.
  2. Do not hurry.
  3. Cleaning products and mixtures are applied only to the problem area.
  4. Be sure to use rubber gloves.
  5. Dry the treated items in a well-ventilated place.

Now you won't be afraid of wax. But it is still better to prevent such situations than to look for a solution later.

Did you get paraffin on the fabric? Don't get discouraged, there are many ways to remove wax from clothes without leaving stains on them. Depending on the composition of the contaminated fabric, you will need a different set of available tools: an iron, paper napkins, rags, turpentine, purified gasoline, wine or ammonia.

Ways to remove candle wax from fabric

The first stage, common to all things, is the mechanical removal of hardened wax. Wait until the paraffin becomes hard and use a non-sharp object to scratch off the drops. Work slowly and carefully so as not to damage the fabric. When you remove the wax, you will notice that there are greasy or colored stains on the clothing. There are simple ways to get them out.


Clothing made from artificial fabrics is sensitive to high temperatures, so boiling and ironing methods are not suitable for them. To remove wax from synthetics, use one of the following methods:

  1. Place a clean, slightly damp towel on the ironing board, place the soiled clothes on top and cover with a thick cloth. Heat the iron to minimum temperature and iron the dirty area. When the wax is completely absorbed into the towel, wash the item as usual.
  2. Paraffin can be removed from faux or natural fur on a coat by freezing. Place the item in the freezer or hang it on the balcony for 2 hours (if the temperature outside is minus). After this, the wax will be easily removed from the villi. To freeze paraffin, you can use an ice pack.
  3. Place contaminated clothing in water heated to 50-70°C for 2 minutes. Next, use a clean rag to remove any remaining wax. Don't try to scrub the stain away - you'll make the situation worse. If the problem is not solved the first time, repeat the procedure.
  4. If the clothes cannot be washed, treat the stained area with a cotton swab soaked in medical or denatured alcohol at 45°C. The stain must be wiped every 10 minutes until it disappears completely.
  5. Wax marks on velvet or plush are removed with warm alcohol or turpentine.

    You need to soak a cotton swab in one of these liquids and blot the dirt. Then wash the item in warm soapy water and rinse well.


The material is resistant to shrinkage and deformation, so stains can be removed from it either cold or hot. Options:

  1. Soak the product for 30 minutes in hot water (50-60°C) with powder. Wash the item intensively by hand or in a washing machine.
  2. Preheat the iron and iron the clothes through a paper towel or cotton cloth.
  3. Freeze the item of clothing and clean the paraffin mechanically. Wash the item in warm soapy water.

Natural fabrics

Clothing made from cotton and wool can withstand high temperatures well, so the wax can be easily removed using a hot iron and paper towels.

Place blotting cloths under and over the dirt. Iron the paraffin stains until the grease is no longer absorbed by the towels. You can remove wax from linen clothes in the same way, but place a cotton cloth and damp gauze under it, and a paper towel or napkin in two layers on top. If the stain is colored, the hot method cannot be used.

To remove paraffin and grease stains from clothing made from other natural fabrics/materials, use one of the suggested methods:

  1. To clean silk, apply cologne to the affected area. Leave the clothes for 15 minutes, then wash in warm water.
  2. To clean the wax on a leather jacket, take it out into the cold for 30-40 minutes. Then fold the stained area in half. The paraffin will crack and can be easily cleaned with your fingernails or other non-sharp object. Treat the remaining greasy stain with a solution of laundry soap and water, then wipe the product dry.
  3. Plain natural fabric can be soaked in hot water (60°C) for 20 minutes. The paraffin will begin to melt and come off without a trace.
  4. To remove colored wax stains from cotton and linen, use a homemade solvent. Mix purified lighter gasoline, wine alcohol and ammonia in a ratio of 1:1:6. Dampen a cotton pad with the solution and blot the stained area. Leave for 10 minutes, remove any residue with a wet, warm cloth. The method is not suitable for clothes made of wool, silk, or satin.
  5. A greasy stain on fine wool or colored natural fabric can be washed with detergent. Apply it to the stain using rubbing movements and leave for 2 hours. Wash as normal.
  6. Method for cleaning bright materials: dissolve 1 tsp in 1 liter of water. ammonia. Soak the item in this liquid, leave for 30 minutes, rinse well with a scented conditioner. For things with lace inserts, beads, sequins, use the same method, but dissolve ammonia in 2 liters of water.


Use a special suede brush to remove beads of hard wax. The less of it left, the better. Be careful not to stretch the material or rub paraffin into the fibers. Next, use one of the suggested methods:

  1. Boil water in a basin, hold the item over the steam for 3-5 minutes. You can use a steam generator or an iron in the “steam” mode. The wax will begin to melt, use a brush to clean it. Movements should only be in one direction. If the marks have not disappeared, wipe the contaminated area with a cloth moistened with soapy water (0.5 l) and ammonia (1 tsp).
  2. Clean your clothes with a solution made from 10 g of wine alcohol, 35 g of ammonia, 50 g of purified alcohol. Moisten a cotton pad with this liquid and apply it to the stain (do not rub it in, you may damage the material!). Wait 2 minutes, wipe off the dirt with a damp foam sponge.
  3. You can remove paraffin from clothes with the following solution: 300 ml of water, 20 g of soda, 10 ml of oxalic acid. Moisten a cotton swab with the mixture, apply it to the remaining wax, wait 2 minutes. Remove any remaining paraffin with a special brush.