How gold affects men's health

For some reason, Egypt is considered to be the first country to start mining and processing gold. But so far, archaeologists are only still looking in the Nile Valley for evidence of the life of primitive people, traces of their dwellings and burials. Perhaps they were simple hunters who ran for prey throughout the country and even learned how to make stone tools in the Neolithic era from some other people.

While they were mastering this craft and simultaneously learning agriculture, bronze and all sorts of other tools were brought in. How else can one explain the presence in the pyramids of frescoes dedicated to the manufacture of stone knives, at a time when the same pyramids were decorated with metals, including gold. Clearly, this is not a clean issue.

Well, how is the ancient Egyptian to find that gold in the endless yellow sands, when there is barely enough time to cope with the sowing after the flood of the Nile? What kind of exploration of ore deposits is there. It’s easier to go to war with someone, get different scrap metal, at home it will only be melted down and made a lot of different beautiful things. Or exchange the gifts of the fields for the necessary things, since the climatic conditions allow you to harvest two crops a year. The same sand is easier to melt into glass and make beads and vessels than to look for grains of gold in it. Yes and oh the effect of gold on humans then no one heard

The very beginning of Egyptian history dates back to about 3400 BC. By this time, on the territory of the same Manchuria, according to archaeological finds, horse harness was already decorated with gilding, silver chains were woven and bronze mirrors with elegant ornaments were stamped, and not only axes, but braids were produced.

The effect of gold on a person

But, in the end, it is not so important where gold was first found and started to be processed, it is important that for all peoples sooner or later it became a symbol of power, nobility and wealth. And, of course, the metal, which did not lose its unusual sunny color over time and did not succumb to environmental influences, was endowed with magical and healing properties.

The armor of warriors was decorated with gold, as it was believed that the solar energy contained in it was able to protect and give strength. The envoy of a hostile tribe could be sure of the purity of the intentions of rivals offering a truce if he was served food or drink in a golden dish. It was believed that gold neutralizes the effects of poisons. They washed themselves with water infused with gold, believing that in this way it was possible to preserve beauty and prolong youth. With the help of gold, various diseases were treated, and damage was inflicted through it.

This metal has always been associated with power. And believing in special effect of gold on a person, the owner of the golden thing felt not only the ruler of other people's souls, but also believed that he was gaining power over his own. Becomes like Gods, gets superhuman abilities, including non-material ones. But only a really very strong person could develop an even greater amount of solar energy with the help of a precious metal. Those who did not have strength and energy in themselves, simply began to accumulate the yellow metal itself, considering it the culprit of their spiritual weakness. Meanwhile, gold is only an accumulator of those energy flows that a person himself produces.

The influence of gold on a person in terms of spirituality

If gold does not enslave the human soul, but helps to grow spiritually, then the doors of practical knowledge of the Earth and the Cosmos open. People who, having gold, do not become attached to it, easily go through life. By helping others, they do not get poorer, but only become richer both spiritually and materially. Metal harmonizes a person with the Earth, strengthens his position in society, and stabilizes love relationships. The connection of gold with the Sun can attract energies that increase fertility.

Precious metal products were used to reveal the "secret" sides of the personality. When a person for a long time pushes his internal problems to the periphery of consciousness that need to be solved, this deprives him of strength and health. Since a colossal amount of vital energy is spent on such actions, his realization as a divine essence suffers. Like the Sun, gold worn around the solar plexus was supposed to "highlight" hidden problems and help find ways to solve them. Thus, hitherto unknown abilities could be revealed in a person: the ability to control one's mental life, the ability to control the work of the physical body, the ability to process information arrays, contact with the entities of the astral world, and the like.

And, of course, gold was endowed with the magical power to bring wealth. The best amulet for this purpose was considered and is considered a gold nugget. In the absence of a nugget, you can use a gold coin. And if there is none, then an ordinary coin must be sent to gold and constantly carried in a wallet.

Gold is a very "strong" metal, which is like energetic and creative people, but is completely contraindicated for "greedy" and lazy people. It is better to put on gold and start working with it at sunrise on Sunday. There are several professions for which gold is particularly well suited as a talisman. These are chemists, builders and architects, printers and businessmen. It is also a powerful talisman for miners, protecting against collapses and helping to maintain physical strength and good spirits for a long time when working underground.

The influence of gold on a person from the point of view of medicine and psychology.

By managing the work of the heart and blood vessels in the body, gold can tone up the mental state of a person, helping him make decisions. Also, the effect of gold on a person was noticed during “decay” - melancholy, after psychological upheavals, and also to activate the work of the cardiovascular system. It was forbidden to wear gold to "full-blooded" people - hypertensive patients and those who had an unstable psyche and were prone to manifestations of aggression. It is suitable for people suffering from stomach ulcers, but for patients with reduced production of gastric juice or prolapse of the stomach, it is better not to wear gold.

To increase efficiency and give vigor, it was prescribed to wear a gold ring on the index finger. Earrings were designed to help with memory impairment and amnesia. It was believed that the energy of this metal not only sharpens memory, but also generally increases the productivity of the brain, sharpens the sense of smell, and even helps in the treatment of brain tumors.

It is best to wear gold on the little finger, ring and index fingers for the benefit of the body. If you have a desire to give a person a golden jewelry that will become an “object of power” for him, and you want it to protect and shelter him from various misfortunes, do it at a time close to noon. If you are in doubt about the choice of decoration style, the best choice would be a gift with the image of the Zodiac sign under which the person was born. But, we must remember that solar metal can cause bouts of unreasonable anger, rage and aggression in some "water" signs of the Zodiac. Such a gift, filled with good feelings, your bright thoughts and sincere wishes for happiness, will definitely play a positive role in the fate of your dear person.

From time immemorial, gold has been the hallmark of wealthy people. Priests attributed magical properties to it, healers charged and purified water for it, and ordinary people were ready to kill their brother for a piece of this valuable metal. About how gold affects the human body, will tell you PEOPLETALK.

According to astrologers, gold is the best Lions because it is the sign of the sun. It also fits Taurus, Aries And Gemini. And here Aquarius it is better to combine gold with amethyst. Virgins you need to choose elegant and small jewelry made of gold. Cancers a gold ring with a garnet or diamond is perfect. Libra you need to combine gold with sapphire or rose quartz. Sagittarius a gold bracelet with turquoise is suitable, and Capricorn- a combination of gold with topaz. And finally Fish. Gold is not very suitable for them, but it can serve as a good setting for pearls.

Gold is recommended for people with reduced immunity, suffering from constant fatigue and fainting. But for people with sharp mood swings wearing gold is contraindicated. Canadian scientists have proven that this metal emits special magnetic waves that stimulate the active processes of the brain. For many, they have a positive effect (improved memory and metabolism), but less stress-resistant people can become irritable and aggressive. Maybe this explains the "gold rush" that has seized humanity?

People with depression need to wear gold, as it helps to heal from it, attracting positive waves. Perhaps any girl will be cured of depression if she receives a golden jewelry as a gift. It is believed that the ring is best suited for this.

Studies have also shown that gold helps to normalize certain processes in our body. For example, gold chain improves eyesight and normalizes the work of the heart, the bracelet heals the joints.

Scientists have proven that we have biologically active points on our fingers that are responsible for the state of the body. That's why don't wear tight rings, it can be detrimental to health.

It is better to start wearing gold after 20 years, as this metal gives strength, but for young people it can act as an energy drink and cause excessive activity. Young ladies are better off choosing silver.

By the way, piercing ears is best with a gold earring or a gold-plated needle, this reduces the risk of inflammation.

Gold is the purest, non-toxic and non-radioactive material on the planet, it does not react with anything, therefore in demand in medicine, with the help of even cure cancer. Gold nanoparticles, developed by a group of researchers from China, are capable of delivering drugs directly to cancer cells.

It is believed that gold can charge water, for this you need to throw in a jug of water, for example, a golden ring, and in the morning drink "infusion". But there is a better way! Pour two glasses of water into a saucepan, put a golden ring in it and boil twice. It is believed that received decoction will help maintain youth if you wash them in the morning.

The human body contains a certain amount of gold, namely about 10 mg, the main part of which is concentrated in the bones. The answer to the question - Why is it in the human organism? - not found, however, claims that it is in the kidneys, liver, spleen and contributes to the functioning of the brain. Gold also has the ability to enhance the biological effect of silver, that is, it helps the immune system fight viruses. The well-known properties of gold - excellent electrical conductivity - can directly indicate its importance in the action of brain neurons.

But gold, or rather its compounds, interfere with the work of macrophages ("eater") - cells involved in the immune system, as well as the termination of their reproduction in the bone marrow to such an effect as aging. The properties of macrophages are as follows: in their ability to form a new cell complex, read the initial DNA structure and synthesize protein to renew the cells of the body.

If an ear is pierced with a golden needle, then the hole made will no longer overgrow. This is one of the many beliefs about the properties of gold. Therefore, in this area, cell renewal and regeneration stops .... Gold makes us mortal???

Also, some researchers claim that in ancient times the Anunnaki forced people to evaporate gold to a white powder in special cauldrons, and eat the powder itself. Volatile particles of gold enter the body, accumulating and settling, but in a woman the content of this metal is 5 times higher than the amount contained in a man, does it not follow that a woman is 5 times older than a man? It can also indicate the peculiarities of metabolism, that is, the properties of the body and the differences between a man and a woman.

Corn contains gold, which improves the functioning of the nervous system, or rather the electrical conductivity between the nerve endings.

“An Indian fairy tale tells that when the powerful gods decided to divide all the wealth of the Earth between people of different skin colors, the Indians were the first to come to the division and chose the most valuable thing at their discretion, bright yellow, as if poured from pure gold, corn cob. He gave food to man, animals and birds. With corn, hunger was not terrible. Corn was the bread of the Incas, Aztecs and Mayans. The ancient Indians portrayed the god of fertility, rain and harvest with a corncob in their hands. The Indians revered this plant so much that it was reflected even in Maya writing. ”

The two most common myths about corn are that corn is indigestible and that it is an allergen. As I suppose this is not a myth ... because. Gold can be poisonous, so it is classified as a possibly toxic compound to humans. This applies not only to trace elements within us, but when gold comes into contact with the skin, women often know that when wearing gold jewelry, they sometimes develop an allergy to the metal.

“The most common corn (maize) is of alien origin. For corn to multiply, caring human hands are needed. Let's say rice or wheat can grow by itself - their seeds will be spread by animals. But corn itself, without human intervention, is not capable of reproduction. Corn is a gift that the god Kukulkan or, as the Aztecs called him, Quetzalcoatl (Quetzalcoatl, Quetzalcoatl; Quetzalcoatl) made to mankind. Moreover, according to legend, it was from corn that man was created. A corncob wrapped in leaves will rot if not gutted with hands.”

Due to its medicinal properties, the "queen of the fields" has long been used in folk medicine. For example, roasted and cooled corn grains have a wound-healing effect, and a decoction of corn tendrils improves immunity and normalizes blood pressure. That is, the evaporated gold from corn is useless, and the residual compounds have very interesting effects. The impact of gold, or rather, wearing it at certain points causes various diseases. However, it is highly controversial that adioactive gold is used in the treatment of malignant tumors, although this is described in the properties of macrophages, since they do not suppress tumors.

That is, we are smart-reasonable thanks to gold and mortals ... thanks to him.

The myth of the creation of the first man by the gods from grains of white and yellow corn speaks quite eloquently about the huge role of maize agriculture in the life of the Mayan Indians.

“And then, grinding yellow corn and white corn, Shmukane made nine drinks, and strength and flesh came from this food, and muscles and human strength were created from corn. This is what the Great Mother and the Great Father, Tepeu and Kucumats, as they were called, did. After that, they began to talk about the creation and creation of our first mother and father; only from yellow corn and from white corn did they make their flesh; from corn dough they created human arms and legs. Only cornmeal dough went into the flesh of our first fathers, the four people who were created.

[Popol-Vuh. Per. R.V. Kinzhalova]

God gave….God took…

“Eat the flesh of God, which is obtained in the sweat of your face. And you will become like gods. And the secrets of the universe will be revealed to you.

The greatness of the achievements of the ancient Maya puzzles the workers of the science of human nutrition. At the same time, in their calculations of the hypercalories required for the construction of stone structures of this people, they completely exclude protein of animal origin. Because the builders had to eat everything and everything in Honduras and Guatemala, including earthworms. Maize, and only maize.”

In one Aztec tradition there are such remarkable words:

Our ancestors taught

that we owe our lives to the gods,

they created us.

The gods give us our food,

everything we drink and eat

that which preserves life are maize and beans.

The emotional sensitivity of a woman, her nervous susceptibility can be explained precisely by the increased content of gold in the body. The Maya forbade women to grow corn and mainly gave them the right to grow rice, which, by the way, contains iron.

“The arrangement of atoms in alloys leads to changes in the chemical properties of the components, making them potentially effective catalysts. This prompted Sylvie Rousset and her colleagues at Denis Diderot University and the National Center for Scientific Research to consider creating an alloy of iron and gold. The latter easily forms alloys with precious metals - silver and palladium, but is "friendly" with "cheap" iron no better than oil poured into water, due to the difference in the size of atoms

Madame Rousset's group vaporized iron and gold and melted them onto a plate of ruthenium, after which they heated it to 330 ˚C so that the atoms moved into a single-layer lattice.”

“The scientists tested several combinations of iron and gold to find the most stable compound. Theoretically, such a mixture should include about 80% iron, as this minimizes the mechanical stress caused by the difference in the sizes of the atoms. However, to their surprise, the researchers found that the most stable lattice contained approximately one iron atom per two gold atoms. Accordingly, a long-range order is established in the lattice - a repeating pattern of interlocking gold hexagons with an iron atom in the center.

Sylvie Rousset believes that this stability is based on the magnetic properties of iron. They are most pronounced when this metal makes up a third of the alloy.

If one can learn to switch magnetism between two directions with the application of a magnetic field and hold the chosen direction at temperatures common to a computer, the alloy can function as a high-density memory array.”

Everything is interconnected... the main thing is to choose the right proportions... and the structure of the body is eternal, it is necessary to restore the balance of the elements.

It is no secret that any metal affects the human body. In particular, scientists have long ceased to consider gold as just a precious metal. Consider whether it harms or, conversely, has a beneficial effect.

Since ancient times, only royalty or people of the highest rank could afford gold jewelry. Magicians attributed unusual properties to gold and called it the metal of the Sun, as well as the conductor of the energy of this celestial body. It was believed that gold has its positive magical properties on generous, generous, established people, with certain goals and established life ideals, who love to travel.

For centuries, scientists have studied the effect of gold on the human body and it turned out that it can be very different. Far from being a myth is an allergic reaction to gold jewelry. In the course of research, it turned out that gold itself in its pure form is neutral for humans. The danger lies in various impurities (ligature), which are used to create alloys of various samples. To give gold strength, silver, copper, zinc, and nickel can be added to it. Nickel, which is banned in many countries, is especially allergenic.

There is a certain amount of gold in the body of each of us - about 10 mg. This is not even a fantasy - a fact! Of course, all this amount is not in a single piece in us, but is evenly distributed throughout the blood, tissues and bones.

Gold treatment

Traditional medicine knows many ways to treat gold. There are methods when you need to take golden water, various tumors, arthritis are treated with gold, and they are used for rejuvenation. We can say with confidence that this noble metal improves memory, normalizes metabolism. At the same time, the positive effect of gold on the body is not fully understood.

The harm of gold

New technologies are helping to understand more about the impact of gold on health. Can the mere wearing of gold jewelry harm a person?

Recently, Canadian experts reported that gold jewelry can lead to depression. During the tests, it was found that upon contact with the skin, gold negatively affects the human nervous system, slows down metabolism, and worsens mood. It is not recommended to wear gold jewelry for people with an unstable psyche.

Also, gold is contraindicated in epileptics. It turns out that the glitter and shimmer of gold jewelry can trigger an attack.

All this does not mean that you need to completely abandon gold jewelry, but take them off, at least at night. A more useful precious metal in terms of medicine is silver, which can calm the nervous system and even lower blood pressure.

It is no secret to anyone that in one way or another absolutely any metal affects the human body. Such an impact can be both negative (for example, mercury, lead, arsenic) and healing (for example, silver). "Really and gold affects a person? - you ask. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately), this is true. The question is: what makes the precious metal so beloved by everyone! May be, gold heals? Or maybe, on the contrary, gold only harms? Let's figure it out together.

Allergy to gold
Allergic reactions to gold jewelry are far from a myth. Scientists have long proven that gold itself (in its pure form) is completely neutral for humans. Some impurities (ligature) used to create gold alloys of various samples make it unsafe. Silver, copper, zinc, nickel - all these metals can be added to gold to give it greater strength, hardness and ductility. If it is extremely difficult to find fault with silver and zinc, then nickel is the strongest allergen banned in most Western countries. Therefore, if you notice even slight symptoms of an allergy to gold, be careful: it is simply impossible to find the composition of impurities on the tags and labels of gold jewelry!

Unusual gold bracelet

Gold in the human body
It sounds amazing, but it turns out that the body of each adult can contain up to 10 mg of gold! But such tiny doses are found in a person not as a whole piece, but are distributed in the blood and even in the bones. So the expression "golden man" now begins to take on a completely different meaning.

Gold treatment
folk medicine and metal therapy unanimously say that gold and health are inseparable things. Some advise taking golden water, others use golden microcapsules and threads for the treatment of various tumors, arthritis and rejuvenation. However, positive effect of gold on the body far from fully revealed. We can say with confidence that gold normalizes metabolism, improves blood circulation, strengthens the nervous system and heart. This noble metal improves memory, gives strength and energy, increases the activity and endurance of a person. And if we recall the numerous beliefs and all sorts of magical and mystical properties attributed to gold, we can say: benefits of gold and gold jewelry is available!

Wide gold bracelet

The harm of gold
Science does not stand still and now scientists are looking not only for the benefits, but also for the harm that the constant wearing of gold jewelry can bring. It turns out that over time, gold oxidizes and begins to release certain substances into the human body that can have an extremely negative effect on men's health. You can also get a malfunction in the work of the male genital organs from a fraction of a milligram of the allocated oxides. What to do? Throw away your gold engagement ring and swap it out for a platinum or silver one? Or maybe you just need to wash your hands more often, remove gold jewelry at night and take care of them regularly ... But, oddly enough, women may not be afraid of the negative effects of gold. Their hormonal system is not affected by the oxidation products of this noble metal.

That's all you need to know about the effect of gold on the human body. But it is worth choosing gold jewelry or trying to find a replacement for them - it's up to you!

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Gold, gold jewelry: the properties of gold, the benefits and harms of gold

Gold jewelry has always been a symbol of wealth, as well as the most desirable and exquisite gifts. In every era, gold jewelry played a certain role in designating the status of a person.

Brooches, rings, earrings, bracelets, chains, wedding rings… They can be shades from white-yellow to orange.

Gold is not just beautiful, it is an almost eternal element born from the earth. It never changes its formula, its properties. Its greatest value is that it does not corrode and is easily processed.

Gold literally fascinates with its inner attraction, it contains all the power of the Earth and it has great magical power. Stronger than any magnet, gold attracts the human soul to the Earth, which has practically no weight. A person who worships gold ceases to think spiritually, he is attached to everything carnal and earthly.

Yes, it gives freedom, looseness and strength. But, in the end, everything becomes boring, depression and illness begin.

But if gold, on the contrary, does not prevail over the soul of a person, it helps his spiritual growth. People who are not tied to gold, although they have it, easily go through life. They help their neighbors, not becoming poorer at the same time, but becoming richer both spiritually and materially.

One of the first metals known to man is gold. Already in ancient times, its significance and value were great.

It was believed that gold had not only material value, but also mystical properties. Gold records in Rome and Ancient Greece were used as a love spell.

Gold was kept in the mouth for sore throats and so that the smell from the mouth was pleasant.

And in modern medicine, preparations containing gold are widely used.

Gold faithfully serves people, it is akin to the Sun and has a warming effect on the human body, attracting heat to it, which is very important when there is a lack of energy that the body produces.

Who can wear gold jewelry?

Without fear, people of a dense physique, ruddy, possibly suffering from hypertension, with an irritable character can wear gold.

In general, in homeopathy, indications for the use of gold preparations, as well as a recommendation for wearing gold products, are: hypertension, heart disease, biliary tract and liver diseases, diseases of the joints and spine, cerebrosclerosis, depression, and in women also uterine fibroadenomas and chronic metritis.

We can say that this noble metal is vital for people of mature age.

With children, the issue should be resolved individually in each case. If a child has a rash on his body when wearing gold jewelry, then it must be removed by all means.

And for young people, gold will act as an extra source of heat, while they have more than enough energy of their own.

Who can't wear gold?

Some people can't stand gold as a metal at all. When gold comes into contact with the skin, they develop a rash.

A large number of nerve endings are concentrated in the fingers. Rings worn on certain fingers constantly affect biologically active points, so it is dangerous to wear tight rings.

Wearing a tight ring on the little finger can easily lead to duodenal pathology. If the ring presses on the middle finger, hypertension and atherosclerosis may occur. A tight ring on the index finger can cause sciatica and osteochondrosis. If during your family life your fingers have recovered, be sure to stretch the rings, and do not forget to take them off at night.

Long-term wearing of a gold ring by men can adversely affect the male gonads, even leading to disorders in the sexual sphere. After all, over time, the precious metal begins to oxidize, while the products of a chemical reaction are released. Gold does not adversely affect the health of women during oxidation, since the reproductive and hormonal systems of women are better protected from external influences.

You need to know that many years must pass before the oxidation process begins. And if it has already begun, then it can always be neutralized by washing your hands more often and regularly cleaning your jewelry.

How to care for gold jewelry? Gold care

You can freshen up darkened gold and gilded jewelry with onion juice. It is necessary to rub the surface of the product with onion juice and leave it for one and a half to two hours. Then rinse with water and let dry.
- When gold items have lost their luster, you can wash them in one glass of soapy water with the addition of half a teaspoon of ammonia. Then rinse them with clean water, wipe.
- If the gold ring does not have a stone, then you can smear it with lipstick and rub it with soft paper or cotton wool.
- Gold items with precious stones such as diamonds, emerald, ruby, sapphire, aquamarine, topaz, quartz, beryl can be cleaned by immersing them in dishwashing detergent. Leave them for the whole day, shake them from time to time. Dirt will come off during this time. You can rub near the clasps and around the stones with a soft toothbrush. Then rinse each little thing in boiled or distilled cold water, dry with a towel.
- Rings with stones can be cleaned in this way: with a cotton swab for cleaning the ears, dipped in cologne, clean the stone and its setting from all sides. Then polish the ring with a soft flannel or suede cloth.
- Do not clean the ring frame with sharp objects - it is easy to damage it.
- When washing your hands, it is better to remove rings with stones - so they will remain shiny and clean.

Preparation of "golden water"

For this, a gold ring without any precious stones is ideal. The ring is placed in a container, poured with two glasses of water and boiled until the volume of water is halved. "Golden water" is taken orally three times a day, one teaspoon. Thus prepared remedy stimulates cardiac activity, memory processes, evens out the pulse, and also helps to awaken spiritual consciousness in a person.

Lilia Yurkanis
for the women's magazine

When using and reprinting the material, an active link to the women's online magazine is required

Precious metal - a symbol of wealth and beauty

What is gold, every student knows. Precious metal, heavy, dense, but at the same time soft. It is called noble because it is not destroyed by alkalis and acids.

Because of its physical properties, since ancient times, people have used gold to make jewelry, household items, and coins. For many peoples, noble metal has been and remains a symbol of power, wealth, and beauty. Investors invest in gold to save their assets.

Wedding rings are made of noble metal, which for many centuries have remained a symbol of love and fidelity. This tradition was introduced by the Egyptian priestesses, it quickly spread throughout the world.

Reliable amulets are made of gold. Magicians claim that golden gizmos are difficult to charge with additional energy. But if you put a program in them, then it is almost impossible to reprogram. That is why it is necessary to be careful about rings, pendants and chains, inherited from grandmothers and aunts, bought from the hands. It is difficult to guess what kind of energy they have.

The healing properties of gold

Since ancient times, people have known about another important property of gold - healing. Medieval physicians used it extensively in their potions. The precious metal is used in modern medicine. Solutions of gold salts have a detrimental effect on a large number of pathogenic microbes, so it is included in the composition of medicinal preparations. In the form of a suspension and water-soluble mixtures, it is used for injections in the treatment of lupus erythematosus, chronic purulent arthritis, and tuberculosis. Radioactive gold is used in combination with surgical and drug therapy to diagnose and fight tumors.

The noble metal is used to treat diseases of the nervous system. It improves cardiovascular activity, strengthens the heart muscle. Used in dentistry. In the 20th century, alloys of gold with other metals (silver, zinc, copper, nickel) were used to make dental crowns and prostheses, which were distinguished by high corrosion resistance and mechanical properties. In modern cosmetology, gold threads are successfully implanted to reinforce the face - they return youth to patients.

golden water

Healers from ancient times use "golden water" to treat patients. It is easy to prepare even at home. You should lower gold jewelry without precious stones (preferably wedding rings) in half a liter of water and boil until the volume of liquid is halved. Take "golden water" should be 1 teaspoon 3 times a day, regardless of meals. This remedy helps with nervous disorders, colds, heart ailments, weakness and exhaustion, depression; improves memory, increases intelligence.

Modern research confirms the assertion of ancient healers that the noble metal has a disinfecting property. Despite this, "gold therapy" will not benefit everyone.

Gold is not for everyone

Even gold jewelry should be chosen with care, not only because of the energy inherent in it. The human body contains gold in microscopic, but sufficient quantities. Not every individual is able to withstand its arrival from the outside. Gold can be harmful to human health. Some people have a toxic-allergic reaction - chrysias - damage to the body by metal salts. In severe cases, the skin acquires a blue-gray tint, the kidneys suffer.

Some fashionistas feel bad when they wear gold jewelry. They say, “This is not mine. I prefer silver."

The negative influence of gold is expressed not only in unpleasant sensations. In a person, hair growth slows down, the condition of the teeth worsens. Therefore, choosing for yourself a massive ring or earrings, a large chain, you should listen to your own body, understand how much such a gift will please him.

In fairness, it should be said that 75 percent of people wear jewelry made from this noble metal with pride and pleasure. They give them pleasure, improve mood, strengthen health.

What do you prefer? Silver or gold?

Zozhnik treats various minorities with respect. This text is dedicated to the rich who sometimes have to eat food covered in real gold. We figure out how much gold you can eat without harm to health.

Food with a touch of gold

But first, let's see in what cases a person has to eat gold.

For example, in a Krasnodar burger shop with an unexpected geo-name ЁBURG, they can serve a Luxury burger for only 4,990 rubles. To justify the price, the burger included 100 g of king crab, 200 g of marbled beef patty, 30 g of black caviar and 1.65 carats of gold leaf (about 1/3 gram).

In the Krasnodar burger EBURG, you will have to order such a burger 2 days in advance (apparently, in order to have time to order the ingredients. By the way, about the cost of food gold - a little lower). But hype.

Of course, adding gold to burgers was not invented in Krasnodar. For example, in New York they serve the “most expensive in the world” burger for a devilish $666 straight from the food truck and also add gold to their culinary product.

Pay attention to gold particles in food - this is, in fact, gold. Price: apocalyptic $666.

And here is a golden pizza for $2000. Shiny like a gypsy's teeth. Rich as a carpet on the wall.

Squint your eyes at this $100 gold-wrapped donut served by the Manila Social Club near Miami:

Glow with joy at the sight of the most expensive dessert in the world for $ 25,000 from Serendipity 3 (New York), of course, it could not have done without gold:

By the way, this dessert contains as much as 5 grams of gold.

Is it bad to eat so much gold?

You can calm down and continue to eat pineapples, chew hazel grouse, covered with bourgeois gold, in almost any quantity. Gold is an inert metal and practically does not change under the influence of the environment, and therefore passes through your body without loss to either side. Judging by the sources and opinions of experts, gold is harmless to the human body, even if not for the wallet.

However, some experts warned against the use of technical gold with small impurities of copper - in large quantities, copper (but not gold) can be toxic. But if you buy edible gold, then this situation is excluded.

Edible gold is hidden under the approved food additive code E175. Therefore, if you see such a designation on the package, you should know that the product contains real gold.

The American "Ministry of Health" - the FDA - has not investigated the safety of edible gold, but the organization that monitors all toxic substances (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry) does not classify gold as a toxic substance.

In addition, edible gold is also a kosher product. (By the way, read "What is Kosher Food" - we had fun writing).

It's golden crumbled bacon from New York's Baconery.

Gold is approved for use in the food industry all over the world, including the USA, Europe, Russia. We even found data that some homeopaths prescribe food gold for depression, which, of course, no one began to verify with scientific experiments.

How many calories are in gold?

In gold (because it is not absorbed) - zero calories. But do not abuse gold and replace ordinary food with it. Firstly, it is tasteless, since gold is completely tasteless. Secondly, in large volumes, gold can cause digestive problems - after all, this rather heavy metal will have to travel several tens of meters through your digestive tract.

How bad can gold be?

In addition to the beautiful emptying of the wallet, according to the medical portal Zdorovye24, “an excess of the E175 supplement in the body can lead to the development of the following diseases: stomatitis, thrombocytopenia and dermatitis.” Therefore, you should not overdo it with gold, as, in other matters, with any other food ingredient.

How much does edible gold cost?

3 of these 5x5 cm leaves from the Italian manufacturer of the Gold Chef series costs 1,500 rubles:

If you take more, then for about 4000 rubles you can already take as many as 25 sheets of edible gold measuring 8.6x8.6 cm:

You can easily find how to buy it. And now you know how to hit a selfish heart at home dinner.