What balloons are needed for flowers from balloons. How to make flowers from balloons: a master class of various schemes

When the holidays come, we certainly want to somehow decorate the interior of the room in which the celebration will take place, thereby arranging an original surprise for our loved ones and loved ones. Of course, today there are many companies that do it professionally, at a high level, but their services are so expensive that not everyone can afford such a luxury. And yet, this is not a reason to abandon the idea of ​​​​creating an atmosphere of joy and fun at a festive event. Balloons are the perfect way to decorate any of your celebrations. It is they who, like nothing else, are able to give people truly childish joy.

Some secrets of how to make balloon flowers

It is advisable to start your modeling (twisting) with the simplest, but at the same time the most popular figures - flowers, as they are always the most welcome guests both at adult and children's parties. Before you make flowers from balloons, you need to purchase a set of special CDM balloons (balloons for modeling) for inflating balloons. Further, when creating your own composition, it is necessary to take into account that it is necessary to inflate the balls in such a way that they all end up being the same size; for this, a home-made cardboard or foam template with a certain diameter is usually used. You can also count the number of full strokes of your pump.

How to make balloon flowers? An easy way for beginner twisters

Let's consider the process of making a flower with our own hands using a specific example - let's try to collect a noble and elegant iris.

Since we want to make a flower from balls as similar as possible to the original, then for the petals we select a ball of pink or purple hue, and for the stem, of course, green. The balloon should be inflated so that there is a small tail (3-5 centimeters long) that is not filled with air.

Fold the ball in half and tie the ends.

Then the resulting circle must be twisted in the center to get two loops of the same size.

Having folded the loops, twist them again, but already so that one loop is one third, and the second is two.

Thus, we will get a bud very similar to a real iris.

The green balloon should be inflated in the same way, leaving a small tail.

After making several twists, as shown in the figure, we form leaves on the stem.

Then we connect the bud with the stem - and our iris comes to life.

If before you had no idea how to do it, now, by turning on your imagination, you can come up with many different colors and decorate any interior. A great idea would be to decorate the path, the perimeter of the room or the terrace for the celebration with a border of air flowers. It will also look great flowerbeds of such flowers, placed between the tables, in the corners of the hall or stage. And panels attached to the walls, made up of large flowers, or bouquets hanging from the ceiling on a fishing line will be your great find as a novice designer. And do not forget to take a memorable photo of balloon flowers - a masterpiece made by your own hands. Such a bright photo will surely warm you, dispel longing and cheer you up on any gloomy and cloudy day.

More and more often you can find created unusual compositions from balloons with your own hands. With such original compositions, you can decorate the walls and ceiling of your room for the celebration. We invite you to get acquainted with the process of making such an element as a flower from a sausage ball with your own hands.

You should know that making various designs from colorful balloons is called the art of aero design. A separate direction in this art is called twisting or balloon modeling.

For the manufacture of compositions, balls are most often used - sausages, which can be very easily twisted and fastened together.

The main thing in the direction of twisting is to learn how to create basic elements and figures from latex material, as well as master the methods of connecting and twisting the balls together.

We invite you to learn several ways and schemes for making figures and flowers from sausage balls with your own hands to decorate a festive composition.

In addition to traditional sausage balls for modeling simple crafts and complex twisting compositions, other latex balloons are also used in aerodesign, which can be classified according to the materials from which they are made, as well as in appearance.

We make a chamomile flower from sausage balls: how to make a bud

To make such a beautiful flower from balloons is quite simple and fast. For work you will need the following materials and tools:

  • two latex sausage balls: one is white, the other is green;
  • balloon pump.

We offer you detailed instructions for modeling a chamomile flower bud.

Inflate the ball - a white sausage with a pump not completely, tie it. Make sure that small tails remain on both sides of the sausage. Twist the balloon in the middle several times and tie its beginning and end. You have two sausages connected together. Take these sausages and twist them in two places so that they are divided into three equal parts. It turned out six connected "sausages".

Fold these latex "sausages" into an accordion shape and join the edges in one hand. So you get three petals on top, and three on the bottom. Twist the folded accordion several times - your chamomile flower is ready.
Now you can start creating a flower petal from balls - sausages.

Take a ball - a green sausage, inflate it and tie the end. Measure ten centimeters from the end of the latex balloon and twist it several times. Fold the formed small part in half, connecting the knot and the place of twisting, and fix the ball in this position. Thread a green ball into a white bud - the stem is finished.

You can leave the flower in this form, or you can add a couple of petals. To do this, you need to fold the green ball in half and, stepping back a short distance from the bend, twist it several times - one petal is ready. Fold the remaining end again, measure a little and twist - the places of twisting should match. After all the manipulations done, you will get a wonderful chamomile flower from sausage balls

We collect an iris flower from balloons with our own hands

To create an iris flower from balloons, you will need two long balls of green and purple.

Inflate a purple balloon and tie off the end. The resulting tail must be connected to the knot. You should have a balloon ring. Fold this ring in half and twist it several times. You should form a figure resembling the number eight.

Now join your figure eight rings together, fold and twist. The flower bud is ready.

Start creating the flower stem. To do this, take a ball - a green sausage and inflate it. Tie the ends and fold in half. Then step back a little from the fold and twist a few times. You have formed a flower petal.

Fold the bottom of your ball again, step back six or eight centimeters and twist the ball. You have a flower stem. You need to connect the flower bud and the stem.

As a result of the manipulations done, you will get a beautiful and delicate iris flower from balloons. You can make any number of such flowers and arrange them in a lush gift bouquet.

A selection of videos on the topic of the article

At the end of the article, we bring to your attention a selection of thematic video for the article. In the proposed material, you can see detailed instructions on the process of issuing flowers from sausage balls. We hope the video is helpful to you. Happy viewing and learning.

Before diving headlong into the creative process, pay attention to the twisting technique. All twists are performed in one direction. Use your free hand to hold the first and last bubbles, this will help keep the shape and prevent the ball from spinning.

One - chamomile, two - chamomile!

To make chamomile from balls, you will need two green and white balls, a hand pump. The white color of the ball does not limit your choice, to create a multi-colored bouquet, choose the color you like.

Using a pump, inflate the balloon so that the tip is at least 3 cm long. Tie the beginning and end of the balloon with two knots. Bend the structure in half and twist in the middle twice. Divide the ball into three equal parts and twist in two places. Fold the harmonica and take it with your index finger and thumb at the twist points. Twist the three petals with your right hand. This completes the creation of the flower and it's time to move on to the stem.

Inflate the green balloon to the end, but not too tightly so that twisting manipulations do not cause damage to it. Step back 10 cm from the knotted knot, bend and twist the ball so that the knot is located at the place of twisting. Insert the stem into the middle of the flower.

Million Scarlet roses

Another fairly simple flower that can be obtained from a modeling ball is a rose. To make it, you need two red balls and two green ones. Fill the balloons with a pump and secure the end firmly. To get a bud, fold the ball in half, twist its ends and mark the middle. Fold the resulting design in half again and twist. As a result, you will get four petals.

Fold one of the green balls in half and tie off the edges. Divide the ball by eye into three equal parts to get three leaves. Fold each piece in half and twist. Screw the ends of the red bud ball obtained earlier to the middle of the corolla. The second green ball will become the base of the stem. Bend future leaves in the form of a loop and twist around the stem.

The second red ball will become part of the bud. Inflate the balloon and tie in a loose knot, tie the ends together. To connect the two parts of the bud into the second element, put your hand in, squeeze the four petals and thread them like a loop. Attach the stem to the end of the first bud by twisting the ends. To get a bouquet, connect several flowers with a bow ball.

What kind of flowers we have not made, both from sweets and from paper, but today an even more interesting option is flowers from balloons! Such flowers always look joyful, and it is very pleasant to receive them. Let's take a look at the instructions and learn how to make them!

How to make a flower from balloons with your own hands?

Flowers can be different, as well as their colors, so first of all we need to decide what color we want to get flowers, then we need to pick up balls. We need only two balls, one for the stem, the other for the petals. You can also prepare a balloon pump so that you do not inflate them manually.

Before you start work, you should tell how to twist the balls correctly. The main thing is correct - all twists are done with one hand, in one direction, away from you or towards you. With your other hand, just hold the ball so that it does not move.

Let's start creating!

1. We inflate the balloon, it is necessary not to completely inflate it, but to leave the tip 3-4 cm. We connect the two ends of the balloon.

2. Now you should bend the ball in half.

3. We divide the ball into three even parts. We twist.

4. We bend into an accordion.

5. One of the most difficult stages, our harmonica needs to be twisted in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe joints. Gently holding your fingers in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe joints, scroll several times. At first it will be difficult, so you can ask for help from someone close or friends.

Thus, we got a flower! Now let's move on to the stem.

6. We take a green balloon and inflate it with a pump. Do not inflate too much to prevent the balloon from bursting during the twisting process.

7. Stepping back from the knot 10 centimeters, twist.

8. Then we bend the resulting segment in half and hide the knot by twisting it with the main stem.

9. Push up the stem into the flower.

10 . Let's make petals. We bend the stem into a small accordion.

In this article, we will show you how to make a flower out of colorful balloons using the twisting technique. For work you will need:

  • green ball (for the stem);
  • a ball of any light shade (for petals).

So that in the process of twisting the balls do not slip out of your hands and the work does not “fall apart”, you will have to perform all the manipulations with one hand. The second will, using all the fingers, hold the already formed bubbles (special attention should be paid to the first and penultimate of the finished elements). To make the finished flower look neat, all twists will need to be done strictly in one direction. That is, only “from oneself”, or exclusively “toward oneself”.

Instructions on how to make a flower from balloons step by step

Stalk of balls

  1. Blow up the green balloon. At its end, leave a free indent of 10 centimeters.
  2. Make a twist "Tulip".
  3. Without indenting from the previous element, form a 10 cm bubble.
  4. A little lower - make 2 smaller bubbles and twist them with a lock (it should look like a leaf on a stalk).
  5. Draw another leaf in the same way.

Balloon flower

1. Inflate a light balloon. Slightly let the air out of it. The ball should be pliable and slightly soft. Otherwise, it may burst during operation.

2. Squeeze the end of the balloon to create an air-free indentation of 1.5 centimeters. Using the resulting ponytail, tie the ends of the work together to make a ring.

3. Twist directly opposite the newly formed knot. If you followed the instructions exactly, the ball will be divided into 2 absolutely equal segments.

4. Fold the parts thus obtained together in the manner of a fan.

5. If everything is done correctly, the joints of the work will line up in one line. Pinch the ball in this place and make a twist in the shape of a lock.

The flower is ready!


The finished flower is put on the center of the "Tulip", crowning the stem. There is no need to attach any additional details. They stick together pretty securely. From the resulting "daisies" you can even collect a whole bouquet.