What questions can you ask a guy of an intimate nature. General questions that you can ask. Ask him yourself: questions for a guy to get to know him better

Communication is usually a two-way process, involving communication between interlocutors. Consequently, one cannot do without questions that concern one of the parties, and answers. This rule also applies to the conversation of girls with representatives of the opposite sex.

When meeting a man on VK or communicating with a beloved young man online, young ladies are constantly wondering what questions they can ask a guy so as not to destroy relationships, but, on the contrary, to strengthen them.

4 rules for texting

You do not need to blush and be embarrassed, but with such a “hatted” acquaintance, you cannot assess the interest of a counterpart with one hundred percent certainty.

In order to interest the guy you like and not seem like a boring conversationalist, try to follow a few rules of communication by correspondence, which psychologists do not get tired of repeating.

Rule #1: Start with a Mood Question

This means that your communication moves to the next level of relationships, as people share their difficulties, happy moments and just curious events with the interlocutor who they like and inspires a certain trust.

Rule #2

You can ask a young person how his day went if communication takes place in the late afternoon. In the morning correspondence, you can ask what his plans are for the coming day. You will not only show yourself as a polite person, but also determine the scope of his interests.

His answers will prompt topics for conversation that can be further developed. For example, today he is taking a test, working out in the gym, going to a family dinner or meeting with friends. This means that you do not have to puzzle over what questions to ask a young man when corresponding in VK.

Rule #3: Discuss the news

A good reason for a conversation is the latest high-profile news that everyone around is discussing. You can ask his opinion about what happened.

This will show your awareness, and will also help to better understand the interlocutor - whether he knows how to sympathize or is indifferent, whether he is involved in global events or “boils” in his own little world.

Questions for your boyfriend can be presented in the form of a request for advice. Of course, you should not ask if you need to go on a diet or cut off your bangs, but discussing more masculine topics is very acceptable. For example, take an interest in what kind of nutrition to choose for sports activities, which headphones are better to buy.

Of course, initially try to find out what the young man is interested in, whether he understands anything in the topics you have proposed for conversation. If you managed to interest him, he will gladly give you a detailed answer.

Neutral questions suitable for all guys

The list of clarifying phrases largely depends on how closely you know a particular young man and what you want to learn from him. You can, of course, ask a lot, but it’s not known whether a man will like your curiosity.

  • The following questions for unfamiliar guys can also be asked to those young men with whom the correspondence has just begun:
  • What do you consider to be the most reckless thing you have done in your life?
  • What genre of movies do you prefer?
  • What do you like more - noisy parties or solitary dates?
  • Do you like everything romantic?
  • Are you involved in any sport?
  • Where would you go to rest?
  • How do you feel about everything psychic and otherworldly?
  • What book did you read last?

The list, as you know, is endless. It is useful to ask such suggestive phrases in VK correspondence that can reveal the character traits of a young man, his life priorities. A well-posed question can interest a guy, arouse in him a desire to get to know you better.

Questions for a beloved young man

You can ask your beloved guy, perhaps, any questions. Therefore, it is also much easier to communicate with him by correspondence. Focus on the previous rules, discuss all sorts of, even the most intimate topics. So you can get to know him better, as well as understand whether he likes your communication. Think about what you have not yet asked your loved one, and be sure to ask during correspondence.

  • Here are just a few common conversation topics:
  1. His hobbies. You don't know everything about him yet, which is quite natural. Therefore, do not hesitate to ask and clarify the slightest nuances - what exactly interested him in diving or parachuting, why he began to get involved in professional photography.
  2. His plans for the future. To decide if a serious relationship is possible for you in the future, ask your beloved guy what his plans for the future are, what he wants to do in the coming years or in a couple of decades.
  3. Common interests. To get to know each other better, at the first meeting and in further correspondence, ask about his views, interests, judgments. So you can find common ground and understand how much your loved one likes your hobby.
  4. Children's stories. Find out what cool and funny stories happened to a guy in childhood. Also ask about the main family traditions, rituals. Surely your beloved young man has a couple of interesting stories about preschool or school years in his wallet.

Many girls are interested in whether it is worth asking vulgar questions to a guy. If your relationship has gone far enough and the discussion of various aspects of sexual life does not bother you at all, then no one can forbid you to tease your loved one with some not quite decent questions.

  • The most original and at the same time vulgar questions are as follows:
  • Which part of my body attracts you the most?
  • Which Kama Sutra position would you like to try?
  • Will you come with me to a nude beach?
  • Did you spy on girls in the school locker room?

In order not to scare off your beloved young man, first find out during the correspondence process how pleasant such questions are for him and whether he thinks that decent girls do not communicate on such topics.

What are the best questions not to ask?

There is a whole group of questions that you should generally refuse when meeting or communicating on VK with men.

  • For example, you should not ask your beloved guy:
  • Are you bored in my company?
  • Am I getting better?
  • What is your salary?
  • Have you forgotten what date is tomorrow?

In communicating with a young man, the main thing is to show him your sincere interest. You can ask thousands of original, funny, interesting questions, but if a man does not notice real emotions in correspondence and in person, he will no longer want to communicate with you. Good luck!

In this article, you will learn about what topics there are for conversations with men.

The right question can be a successful start to a dialogue and affect your relationship with a man. In order not to get confused at an important moment and always interest your interlocutor, it is important to know in advance what you can and should ask him.

Questions for correspondence:

  • Hello! How are you spending your evening?
  • How is the mood today?
  • What are the plans? What are you doing?
  • How to cheer you up?
  • I want to surprise you with something, do you think I can do it?
  • Hello! Let's play something?
  • I want adventure, do you?
  • There are evenings when it's especially boring, don't you think?
  • Tosca is mortal! Can you recommend any good movie?
  • How did you spend this day? Was he successful today?
  • Do not want to chat with a dreary, but terribly interesting person?
  • I'm boiling inside, do you want to listen?
  • Let's spend the evening together?
  • Have you watched this series (name)?
  • I love music, can you send me a couple of great tracks?
  • Haven't talked in a while, how are you? What changed?
  • Are you still into sports (fishing, basketball, dancing)?
  • Have you heard the latest news about (person's name)?
  • When was the last time you went to the cinema? Maybe we can go see something together?
  • I listen to a great track, you will definitely like it, can I throw it off?
  • Do you remember when we danced to this song? (drop track)
  • Hello! Already forgot what you look like, can we meet?

What questions can you ask a guy on the phone: list

Questions for a telephone conversation:

  • Haven't heard from you in years, how are you?
  • How nice to hear your voice! Are you all right?
  • Thank you for calling! I hope nothing happened to you?
  • Good thing you called! Let's agree that you will call me more often?
  • Hello, are you bored tonight?
  • Hello, have you forgotten my voice yet?
  • Hello! Guess who's calling?
  • I give you 3 attempts to guess my name. Will you try?
  • Hello! Do you want some entertainment tonight?
  • How do you feel about me inviting you for a couple of cocktails?

What questions can you ask a guy when meeting: a list

  • Dear, does your mother need a daughter-in-law by any chance?
  • I'm sure I've seen you somewhere, maybe in my dreams?
  • Are you by any chance the man of my dreams?
  • How would you like to get to know you, would you leave your phone number?
  • My mom will definitely like you, but let's check it out?
  • I have never seen such a handsome man in my life! Have you been told this before?
  • Can you leave me your phone number so we can talk later and have a good time?
  • Do you happen to want a new romantic and completely crazy relationship?
  • I liked you at first sight, and you like me?

IMPORTANT: Do not hesitate to ask a man even the most "juicy" questions, getting to know him better.

What questions can you ask a guy to interest him?

Question options:

  • Do you like my eyes?
  • I am often told that I look good, what do you think?
  • I have a feeling we used to know each other, don't you think?
  • I have many interests, would you like to share some?
  • I'm sorry, but can I fall in love with you?
  • You have a beautiful look, have you heard that before?
  • How often do you go on dates? I want to invite you to one more!
  • Have you ever watched a movie from kissing places?
  • I was once told that I'm a good kisser, would you like to check?
  • Have you ever drunk champagne under the moonlight? Me not. Let's try together?

What questions can you ask a guy on a first date?

Every woman's dream is the perfect date. It can only go well when you know exactly what you can talk about on a date. Preliminary preparation of topics and questions can help you with this.

Good question options:

№ 1

№ 2

№ 3

№ 4

What questions can you ask a guy when talking?

If communication with a man is established, you may well count on signs of attention from him. Try to ask him as many questions as possible about his hobbies and passions.

What can we talk about:

Ideas for conversation

What questions will tell more about a man that you can ask a guy?

When you get to know your beloved man closer, you can understand what your life with him will be like in the future. Use the selection of "interesting" questions, designed to obtain the most detailed information.

What can you ask about:

Themes and ideas

What questions and what can you ask the guy you like?

It’s very easy to “scare off” a guy you like with a funny or inappropriate question, so choose your phrases carefully and take into account all the features of your relationship.


№ 1

№ 2

What questions can you ask your boyfriend, beloved?

If your relationship is already "started", you should not let your guard down and relax. Try not to stop being interested in your man's life. So you can earn his trust and attention!

Ideas to start a conversation:


What question can I ask a guy to find out if he likes me?

Very often, a woman is tormented by questions about mutual sympathy on the part of a man, try on your own and directly ask him about it by asking a delicate question.

Ideas for conversation:


Questions for dating a guy on the Internet, VKontakte?

Suitable topics:

For "Contact"

Interesting questions for a guy, on any topic: a list

Love relationships are not only sex and signs of attention, they are also conversations and mutual interests. Don't lose your thread by asking your partner questions about his love life, adventures, successes, and women.

Suitable topics:

What can you ask?

What intimate questions can you ask a guy?

Questions like these will help you get on with your sex life, make adjustments, and set rules. Feel free to talk to your partner about sex.

Ideas for conversation:

"Intimate" compilation

What erotic questions can you ask a guy?

There is one secret: any man not only loves sex, but also any talk about sex. Feel free to be interested in any topic about sex: experience, technique, number of women.

Ideas for conversation:

Erotic compilation

What dirty questions can you ask a guy?

Every man has his own hidden sexual fantasies and dreams, talking to him about it, you not only give him your attention, but also show love.

Ideas for conversation:

"Naughty" selection

What tricky, tricky questions can you ask a guy?

Do you want to surprise your man? Intrigue? Show that you are not such a simple person? Feel free to ask him unusual questions and let him try to answer them!

Ideas for conversation:

"Tricky" selection

What "unusual" questions can you ask a guy?

Surprising a beloved man is not easy, but you try to ask him a non-standard question and see how he answers it!

Ways to start a conversation:

What to ask the "second half"?

What kind of "honest" questions can you ask a guy?

The line between interesting and superfluous is very thin. With the help of "frank" questions, you can not only get closer, but also spoil the whole relationship. Try to choose the right topics for conversations.

What to talk about:

original selection

What romantic questions can you ask a guy?

Having learned some nuances about the romantic nature of your beloved man, you can understand what your relationship will be like in the future.

What to ask about:

What questions about love and relationships can you ask a guy?

Relationships are hard work and if you do not discuss some of the nuances between each other, you can lose understanding and trust.

Suitable questions:

Compilation "love"

What questions can you ask a guy to confuse him?

Ideas for conversation:

  • Are you looking at me just like that or do you have special plans for me?
  • Be honest, do you want me?
  • Am I attracted to you like a woman?
  • Do you want me to show you something interesting?
  • Do you think I can surprise you in bed?
  • Is this your friend or lover?
  • Have you ever slept with your friends girls?

Video: "Men's questions?"

Communication is always a dialogue. Questions and answers to them. The ability to ask questions is very important, because they can not only attract attention to themselves, but, on the contrary, scare off the interlocutor. You need to choose your words especially carefully when talking with a guy you like.

What questions can you ask a guy?

What questions to ask a young person depends on how well you already know and what, in fact, you want to know. Lots of options.

Well, for example, you can ask:

  • What is the craziest thing he has done?
  • What is his best achievement that he is proud of?
  • What sport does he like the most?
  • What films (books, singers, musical styles) does he like best?
  • Does he like noisy companies?
  • Where does he dream of traveling?
  • How often does he consult with his parents?
  • Does he believe in life after death?

Particularly interesting may be questions that reveal his preferences, temperament.

For example,

Which is better: the beach or the mountains?

Museum or hotel pool?

Samba or waltz?

Racing car or jeep?

Billiards or horseback riding?

Thailand or France?

Fried grasshoppers or chops?

It is very interesting for any guy to think about thematic questions, for example: “what would be ... if ...?”

For example, if he suddenly won a million, what would he spend it on? What role would he like to play if invited to act in films?

If you could choose a country where would you like to live?

With whom would you like to be on a desert island?

cool questions

If you want to laugh together, then ask him something like this:

  • Have you ever been in a funny situation in front of a crowd?
  • What was your nickname at school?
  • Have you ever danced a striptease at a party?
  • What fruit are you?
  • What's your favorite joke?
  • What New Year's costume did you have as a child?
  • Who did you want to be as a child?
  • What letters did you not pronounce for a long time?
  • How did you distort words as a child?
  • Were you afraid of Babayka?
  • Until how old did you go with a pacifier and sit on the potty?

Be careful when asking provocative questions. Take into account the fact that a careless word can easily hurt a person. Rely on your sense of tact and degree of intimacy with the interlocutor.

What to ask a guy in correspondence?

If you start a conversation on the 1st social network, it's better to just write "Hi". If he answers the same, you can ask: “How are you?”, “Do you know when spring will begin?”, “You are very similar to my classmate, maybe you are his older brother?”, “Are you by any chance not in ... studied ? I think I saw you there” (choose 1 from the options).

Don't ask too many questions at once, especially long or complex ones.

Look at his photo, if there is “Travel”, ask if he liked those places, otherwise you are also going there, but are still considering whether to go.

If there is a car in the photo, consult which girl is better to choose. Do you want the same, but maybe not worth it, because the parts are very expensive?

If you want to attract attention, you can write in your status: “I am looking for a guy with a strong physique, with good willpower and perseverance for planting potatoes together. There are such?"

Some girls who dream of rekindling the flame of passion again think about what vulgar question to ask a guy? This great way to get attention quickly and innovate relationships. Of course, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the fine line between provocation and insult. An incorrectly formulated question, even with a positive message, can destroy an already fragile relationship.

First, you should identify the goals that are being pursued. Depending on this, we will select questions with varying degrees of "vulgarity". Agree, the questions asked to a classmate and beloved guy should be different.

A competent game with intimate questions is a rather complicated matter, but insanely interesting. Do not directly ask questions by type “When and how did you lose your virginity?” or "Did you measure your penis with a ruler?" If you want to cheer each other up, it's much more interesting to catch a man. For example, he says that it is inconvenient for him to correspond on the phone, because, you see, his fingers are big. Catch him by saying it's good.

Intimate questions to ask a guy include:

  • How does he feel about sex in non-standard places?
  • Does swearing during sex turn him on?
  • About sexual fantasies.
  • How does he feel about girls who like to walk around the house and sleep naked?
  • What would he do if you settled on a desert island?
  • What positions in sex does he prefer the most?

What interesting questions can you ask a guy?

Interesting questions dilute communication as easy as shelling pears. Philosophize. Ask if he was making a movie what it would be about. Find out how a young man feels about extreme sports. Laugh together, talking about cats jumping from the 8th floor - whether they celebrate the day of the Airborne Forces or not.

Top 10 Ridiculous Dirty Questions for a Guy:

  1. Would you fuck a 55 year old woman for a million dollars?
  2. How many times a day do you masturbate? Does your hand hurt?
  3. Have you ever wondered how much penis enlargement surgery costs?
  4. Admit it, you like to be friends with gays?
  5. Honey, can I buy a vibrator?
  6. What size is your dignity? … Brain!
  7. How does he feel about threesomes?
  8. Does he shave his intimate area or not?
  9. How many times a day can he do this?
  10. For the sake of sex with a beautiful girl, what is he ready for?

Sexual questions to a guy are a good way to excite and provoke a guy. This will help to find out interesting intimate details of his life. The psychology of relationships is as follows: it is necessary to constantly bring notes of piquancy. Discussing vulgar topics helps to understand the reasons for the partner's behavior, especially if the guy does not want a relationship.

Top vulgar questions for a guy to warm up passions:

  1. Are you spying on a girl in the shower, locker room?
  2. When you first saw porn, what were your impressions?
  3. Who was the first object of your fantasies?
  4. What famous book heroine would you like to make love to?
  5. What will be the first thought when you see a girl in your T-shirt on a naked body?
  6. What color of erotic lingerie excites the most?
  7. Do you often talk to your friends about dirty topics?
  8. Do you like to discuss your dignity with a girl?
  9. Do you get excited at the sight of a woman dressed as a nurse, a police officer, a student?
  10. Who is your favorite porn actress?
  11. How long can you last without sex?
  12. What attracts more: oral or anal sex?
  13. Do you prefer waking up to coffee in bed or a gentle blowjob?
  14. What do you think is the best time of day to have sex?
  15. Does it turn you on if someone outside finds you with your beloved during an intimate process?
  16. Are there times when you don't wear underwear?
  17. Do you want someone outside to watch the sex?
  18. How do you deal with an erection when you see a sexy girl in public?
  19. What can't excite you?
  20. Do you dream of trying out with the twins?
  21. Are you drawn to the thought of trying to have sex discreetly in a public place?
  22. How sensitive are your erogenous zones, where to look for them?
  23. Do you call your “friendly organ” by an affectionate name?
  24. Are you more attracted to experienced girls or virgins?
  25. In what position did you first make love?

The questions that are appropriate to ask a grown man are different. As a rule, a mature person has little interest in peeping, other fun "explosion of puberty." Vulgar topics are appropriate, but ridiculous, hurtful questions about size or homosexual experience should be avoided.

Top vulgar questions for a man:

  1. Are there taboos in intimate life for you?
  2. How do you feel about sex in the workplace?
  3. What type of women are you more attracted to?
  4. Sex - a way of spiritual and physical reunion or a marital duty?
  5. What is the sexiest thing a woman can do?
  6. What smells set you up for sexual thoughts?
  7. How often do you want to diversify intimacy with experiments?
  8. What was the most unusual experiment in bed?
  9. Are you inclined to make mistresses or stir up interest in your wife?
  10. The most acceptable frequency of sex?
  11. Do you think erotic costumes are a good way to bring novelty into a relationship?
  12. Do you like sex in the shower?
  13. Holiday romance - treason or a way to escape from the routine?

What questions should not be asked to a guy to interest him?

If the girl hopes for a long and serious relationship, you need to know what questions should not be asked to a man in any case. These include clarifications about the income of a loved one, his sexual orientation, views on the political situation in the country, as well as disputes regarding religion. By asking such questions, the girl will demonstrate a complete lack of education, tact, or even commercialism.

The right questions to interest a guy are hobbies. Find out what your loved one dreams about. Specify what he wants to achieve in life. Develop communication in the direction that is interesting to both. You should not talk about motorcycles, unless, of course, you are not an ardent fan of two-wheeled transport. Otherwise, the pretense of the girl looks, at least, pathetic. In conversations, a compliment on the case, light flirting is appropriate.

We hope that this material was useful for you and now you know exactly what interesting questions you can ask a guy.

What's the dumbest question to ask a guy? Attract attention

Many novice pick-up artists ask what vulgar questions can you ask a girl? In general, a vulgar question is an important tool of seduction, and sometimes without them it is generally difficult to overcome the friendly zone. But you need to ask the lady frank questions on time, and this should be learned. In this article I will tell you what vulgar questions you can ask a girl, and what you don’t need to ask in principle.

Candid questions for a girlfriend: simple rules

There are at least three rules to follow if you want to use frank questions to seduce:
  • First you need to achieve a certain trust between you and your new acquaintance. And therefore, if you do not know anything about it, ask first leading, vital questions. This will help you get to know her better and trust her more. Such is female psychology.
  • Leading questions will also help you determine which topics are taboo and which are allowed to be talked about. In addition, it will help you find out what topics excite her. In general, you need to learn how to calibrate all questions depending on her behavior and character. But only experience will help you with this.
  • However, if you immediately chose for yourself the so-called style of a sexual provocateur or the “bastard” style, then you will have to skip the first two points. After all, vulgar questions for girlfriends with a catch for them are not just a tool of seduction, but also a manner of communication. But then you should be prepared for the fact that you can successfully communicate so far only with a certain category of women. AND only with experience this style will allow you to feel comfortable always and everywhere and like most of the fairer sex.

Dirty questions: examples

Of course, you can ask the girl any other frank question you have thought up.. Below I just give a list of those that I usually ask. And in general, when deciding what vulgar question can be asked to a girl, with little experience of such seduction, it is still worth starting with less vulgar ones. And then, when you see that your girlfriend reacts as it should, move on to more "heavy artillery" to consolidate your position.

So, what are the vulgar questions:

  • The craziest thing you've ever done?
  • What attracts you the most in a man, and what do you pay attention to first of all?
  • Do you like men older than you or peers?
  • What is more important to you - money or love - wealth or relationships?
  • How long have you been kissing?
  • Which celebrity would you not want to sleep with?
  • What is your breast size?
  • Ever kissed a girl?
  • How do you feel about sex for money, are you ready to pay for it or would you prefer, on the contrary, to take money?
  • Do you like watching "adult movies" (porn)?
  • Do you do nude selfies?

  • Do you like sleeping naked?
  • Size matters?
  • What are the most sensitive places on your body?
  • What is your favorite position in sex?
  • What's the weirdest place you've had sex in?
  • What's the sexiest compliment you've ever been given?
  • What part of your body are you most proud of?
  • What do you do best in bed?
  • In what position do you most often experience an orgasm?
  • Do you have a sexual fantasy, if so, what is it?
  • Do you prefer soft and hard sex?
  • Never dated two guys at the same time?
  • Do you have nice sexy lingerie? What's on you now?
  • Do you want to kiss me?

What questions to ask a girl?

Vulgar questions and compliments - of course, communication with a girl is not limited to this. Not only that, at first, you need to “rock it” for such conversations, but also with further communication - after sex - you will have to talk about something. For this reason, it is very important to know what to say to a woman in bed!

But in general it’s better to immediately decide for yourself where you want your communication to lead. But since most often any normal guy wants to drag a girl into bed, it is rarely possible to do without vulgar questions to a girlfriend. However, there is something that in this case you definitely should not ask, and sometimes such questions completely repel any sympathy that has arisen for you.

I am talking now about the most boring and banal phrases, such as “what do you work for” and “where do you study”, “what do you want to become” or “what are you interested in”. To many, they seem convenient, because they provide an opportunity to develop a topic and catch on to something. But in fact, they do more harm. And with each such question, you are less and less interested in her as a man, and you move into the category of possible friends with whom you can just chat.

Moreover, at the first meeting, try to ask funny questions, a little frank. This will immediately set you apart from the crowd. But, in no case, do not ask them one by one, as in a list. Try in each case to develop the topic, be interested in her opinion. Show that you are interested in her as a person and as a sexual object. Almost always, before you ask a vulgar question to a friend, you need to prepare the ground for this. And for this, only interesting and cool questions are suitable. Examples of the first:

  • Are you into sports, if so what kind?
  • If you were invited to act in a movie, what role would you choose?
  • What clothes - style, colors - do you prefer?
  • What catches you more when communicating with a man - a voice, a look or a touch?
  • Do you like it when men stare at you?
What is good is that cool questions can be on a variety of topics. And if in the case of interesting questions, you need to seem a little bit serious, then here you can already joke. Examples of such questions:
  • If you were to turn into a man, what would you do?
  • Is there something for you that it’s definitely better not to tell your parents about?
  • What usually makes you blush?
  • Do you like to be in charge in relationships or do you prefer to be led?
  • What will you be when you grow up?


If you do not know what to talk about with a girl, you are unlikely to be able to seduce her. There are, of course, exceptions to this rule, for example, you are a muscular macho, and she is drunk and dreams of sex.

In most cases, you will have to not only keep the conversation going, but also seem interesting to her. But vulgar questions can help you get her into bed faster, and not stagnate in the friendship zone - if you ask them correctly and at the right time.
If you want to know even more secrets to seduce girls