Which baby milk is best? When and in what form can a baby start giving milk?

When a baby is born, the first thing he tries is mother's milk or a special formula. This is the ideal diet for a baby in the first six months of life. After this, pediatricians recommend introducing complementary foods and gradually accustoming the baby to adult food. However, this process must be done correctly. From this article you will learn when a child can be given cow's milk. It is also worth saying what experts and experienced parents think about this. From when can you give cow's milk to children and how to do it as correctly as possible? Let's consider the main opinions on this matter.

What do our grandmothers think?

When can a child be given cow's milk? Representatives of past generations say that such food should be organized as early as possible. Surely everyone remembers how a few decades ago women returned from maternity leave when the child reached three months. Representatives of the fairer sex did not have the opportunity to properly organize breastfeeding. That is why mother's milk was replaced with cow's and goat's milk.

It would seem that there is nothing terrible about this. More than one generation has grown up on this product. Grandparents still urge their grandchildren to start drinking cow's milk from birth.

What do experts think?

When can a child be given cow's milk, according to doctors who support natural feeding? This group of experts claims that this product should be introduced into the diet of babies no earlier than three years. It is at this age that the baby has already received everything useful from mother’s milk and can safely replace it.

Until your baby reaches this age, experts strongly recommend breastfeeding. After all, this is how the child receives all the necessary vitamins, minerals and antibodies.

What is the opinion of pediatricians?

When can a child be given cow's milk, according to pediatricians? Pediatricians strongly do not recommend introducing this product into a baby’s diet before reaching 12 months. Everything is explained quite simply. Cow's milk can cause iron to be removed from the body. This leads to anemia, which is very dangerous for infants.

Milk contains a large amount of minerals. These include phosphorus and chlorine, magnesium and potassium, sodium and calcium. It would seem that this is good. However, an excess of these substances can negatively affect the health of the baby. Often, due to an overabundance of minerals, stones form in the kidneys and gall bladder.

What do allergists and nutritionists say?

At what age can a child be given cow's milk? Experts say that many children are allergic to casein protein. That is why you should avoid such food until the child reaches the age of five.

Also, newborn babies may have a deficiency of lactase. This substance is necessary for the breakdown of milk sugar - lactose - and its proper absorption. With age, lactase is produced less and less. This is why milk causes diarrhea in many people. If your child is faced with a similar pathology, then you should completely exclude this product.

When can children be given cow's milk and how to do it as correctly as possible?

Of course, it will be better if you forget about this product until your child is three or five years old. Absolutely all doctors tell breastfeeding women that they should not drink such a drink. All due to the fact that part of the product enters the baby’s body. What can we say about directly feeding a child with cow's milk.

If you decide that you will give this drink, despite the opinions of doctors, then start doing this no earlier than nine months. It was during this period that the baby became acquainted with many foods and can show his own preferences. Milk should be introduced into the child’s diet gradually. Perhaps this process will take even longer than getting used to cereals and vegetables.

On the first day, give the baby milk in the amount of one teaspoon. At the same time, add plain clean water to the drink. Carefully monitor your baby's reaction on this day. If an unusual rash or digestive upset occurs, stop experimenting immediately and consult a doctor. When the baby reacts quite normally, you can continue accustoming to the new product.

Try to choose natural milk, not one that is loaded with preservatives and can be stored for several years at room temperature. If you take a “live” product from under a cow, be sure to boil it. Otherwise, you can infect your child with salmonella, toxoplasma and other microorganisms.


So, you now know when children can be given cow's milk and how to do it correctly. Experts strongly do not recommend using this drink when it is possible to replace it with breastfeeding or breastfeeding. Let your baby's food be healthy and tasty!

After breastfeeding ends, many mothers wonder what kind of milk to feed their baby next? Regular store-bought or whole cow's milk? Should you take milk labeled "baby" or give preference to children's milk drinks? And does a child older than one year really need milk?

Of course, a baby needs milk! According to pediatricians, dairy products are an essential and significant part of the diet of both young children and older children: preschoolers and schoolchildren. Such content of nutrients necessary for full development is not found in any other product.

What should be the most beneficial dairy product for a child?

Of course, you should choose from “children’s” products, the composition of which takes into account the child’s physiology, since the consumption of adult foods by young children can lead to a number of problems with digestion, and indeed with health in general.

"Baby" milk is made from the highest quality raw materials, and the production requirements and quality control are much stricter than in the production of regular milk. This milk is safe for children of any age. Dairy products prepared specifically for children must meet the nutritional needs of a growing body. However, this is where the problem lies.

Today you shouldn’t rely only on food products: over the last 50 years, the content of macro- and microelements in milk, meat, fruits and vegetables has decreased significantly. This is due to soil depletion and modern farming methods.

Children are especially vulnerable to vitamin and mineral deficiencies. This condition is the cause of mental and physical development disorders, frequent colds, and the occurrence of chronic diseases. Unfortunately, not all “children’s” products take into account the child’s increased need for micro-, macroelements and vitamins.

How to avoid nutritional deficiencies?

To help your baby grow healthy, pediatricians recommend choosing additionally fortified milk formulas. But the technologists of the Dutch company FrieslandСampina went further than simply enriching dairy products with nutrients. They differentiated milk formulas for children under three years of age and older.

Unlike baby milk, specialized dairy products (for children over one year old) and (for children over 3 years old) contain a modern combination of important nutritional ingredients: complete high-quality protein, galacto-oligosaccharides, a balanced spectrum of fatty acids, nucleotides, probiotics, a full range of vitamins and minerals. Thanks to this combination, Friso Gold 3 and Friso Gold 4 milk drinks have a preventive effect against vitamin and mineral deficiencies, help intestinal function and immune maturation.

With Friso Gold 3 and Friso Gold 4 milk drinks, parents don't have to worry about providing a balanced diet for their babies.

Comment on the article "What kind of milk should I give to a child over one year old? An important conversation"

Tell me, is it necessary to give formula to a child after one year? Until 1.1 I was on GW, so I don’t understand mixtures at all. What kind of milk should I give to a child over one year old? Important conversation. They differentiated milk formulas for children under three years of age and older.


not necessary, but possible. Mine drinks formula and will continue to drink until he is 4 years old because:
1. he likes the taste
2. all the necessary vitamins/microelements are added there, that is, at the end we have the same result if he drank regular milk + multivitamins.
Which one? yes, to me they are all the same.

Are there special, adapted formulas for children after one year? Formula for children after one year is no different in composition from baby milk. Tell me, is it necessary to give formula to a child after one year? Up to 1.1 it was on GW, so in mixtures in general...


Well, by the age of one year, the child usually already eats porridge, soup for lunch, cottage cheese for an afternoon snack, for example... various purees. Therefore, it’s easier here, if it’s so important to replace breast milk with something, and you don’t want store-bought, buy special milk drinks, there are a lot of them on the market, we drank friso for literally half a year, the same milk, I even cooked porridge with it

12/17/2013 20:23:22, From YUKgirl

I think the formula is more adapted and useful for a child - sorry, even the difference in price says something... Tell me, is it necessary to give formula to a child after a year? What kind of milk do your children drink? And after 1 year she gave me regular organic cow's milk...


It all depends on the child and the conditions in which you live. My cousin lives in the village - so for six months there, the child switched to milk, and cow milk - and nothing. True, they even shoved oranges at that age, and chewed the lard skin... So what if their cheeks are red afterwards... Somehow they don’t care...
But these conditions are clearly not for my life... I consider the formula more adapted and useful for a child - sorry, even the difference in price says something... I found a solution for myself in goat formulas - there seem to be supporters here too... Healthy composition, non-allergenic, good for the immune system.. And in our version, when after a year it was impossible to force anyone to eat, that was the only thing that saved us.. We have Cabrita.
So it's all up to you.

In general, I don’t let my child drink regular milk, because I have an allergy, my cheeks are immediately red, and I have the same reaction to goat milk. I make porridges and omelettes with lactose-free milk, and there is no allergy from it.

Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and development of household skills. What kind of milk should I give to a child over one year old? Important conversation. According to pediatricians, dairy products are a must and...

Are you planning to give formula to your child for the first time? Formulas are sold in almost any age. Second year child - formula or milk? Nutrition of a child from 1 year to 2 years: 10 rules and The dairy component of the diet of a child up to three years old is of utmost importance for his...


Humana LP (therapeutic nutrition). Special mixture for digestive problems. There are prebiotics (help digestion), easily digestible fats (you will gain weight) and some other beneficial properties. It helped us, otherwise I already thought that we would remain at 8 kg per year.

Humana 3 Folgemilch try (follow-up milk), good mixture. In my opinion, there is some kind of taste - in general, you can give it to up to 3 children, but this is, of course, when switching to whole milk is undesirable. Plus vitamins, minerals, prebiotics - usually a complete set, for health, immunity, good. digestion. In general, yes, marking 3 is your case.

What kind of milk should I give to a child over one year old? Important conversation. In contrast to baby milk, specialized dairy products Friso Gold 3 (for children over one year old) and Friso Gold 4 And after a year we switched to the mixture “Instant milk for children after a year with vitamins...


Kefir and cottage cheese have already switched to Danone.
Well, I can’t monitor and buy children’s kefir all the time - the expiration date is short, you can’t buy much, and in the evening, when I leave work, the store often no longer has children’s kefir :(

For now I give milk to Agusha, but apparently in the summer we’ll switch to regular milk - it’s unlikely that Agusha will be found abroad :))

From the age of one year they gave me the most ordinary milk.

About the mixture after 1.5 years. Until what age are children given formula? We weaned him at 1.5, the doctor said to give the formula 2 times a day. After 1 year, my eldest and I switched to milk (real milk, from the market, diluted with water in half) and kefir.


After 1 year, my eldest and I switched to milk (real milk, from the market, diluted with water in half) and kefir. I don’t see the point in formulas after 1 year.

I know a girl who, at 6 years old, still drinks milk from a bottle at night)) when she first saw it, she scraped her jaw off the floor for a long time. Her mother actually understands that this is not good, but she still feels sorry for the child.
And anyway, children at your age react with hostility to all changes. You need some kind of cunning. A brightly colorful cup with color effects...or with straws. Well, if milk categorically does not want, then do 50/50 with the mixture, then change it in favor of milk (or kefir). You can always add fruit or berries, for example. Our child fell in love with the cup because she could walk around and “clink glasses” with everyone. And we secretly threw out the bottles and put them away, distracting the child with new mugs with their favorite characters.
but waiting until he comes up and asks for milk in a cup is definitely not worth it)))) you won’t get it)))

I supplemented my baby with formula in the morning, when there was no milk in the breast at all, after 3 months, 100g. Then I started giving it in the evening, he didn’t How to supplement with formula? Nutrition, introduction of complementary foods. A child from birth to one year. Care and education of a child up to one year: nutrition...

Mixture after a year. Agusha. Please tell me when your children stopped drinking formula. After a year I've been using Agusha milk since I was 8 months old. I went over and gave it something to drink and made porridge on it. cow's milk is not yet Baby food: which milk formula to choose? How the mixture is chosen.

Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and development of household skills. What kind of milk should I give to a child over one year old? Important conversation. And after a year we switched to the “Instant milk for children” formula...


we switched to kefir. Those. At night I give kefir instead of the mixture. served with milk.
In the morning, porridge.
In the afternoon - vegetable puree with meat
in the evening - fruits, cottage cheese and 100 g of kefir.
At night - 200 g of kefir.
At the age of 1.5 years, the norm is up to 400 g of fermented milk products.

And after a year we switched to the mixture “Instant milk for children after a year with vitamins and...” from Nestlé. We eat it in the morning, and welling at night

Many mothers, especially inexperienced ones, often do not know the most important rules that should be followed when preparing the baby’s diet.

They are often afraid that their baby will remain hungry, that they may not have enough breast milk, that the child will not get enough to eat. Therefore, they ask the following question: what kind of milk can be given to a child, in addition to breast milk or formula, so that he is not hungry? For some reason, someone wants to give a child “diversity” in his diet that is completely unnecessary.

Let's start with the fact that with proper breastfeeding, the baby always has enough breast milk! Therefore, this question loses its meaning now. But let’s look at this question in more detail, since not everyone breastfeeds and not everyone wants to give the child milk in the first months of life; for some, this question arises a little later. This article will be interesting and important for all women who are just about to become a mother, for those who have recently become one, as well as for those who have older children.

An example from the practice of a pediatrician: The parents of a 9-month-old baby came to the appointment; blood was found in his stool. Questions revealed that the child had been given cow's milk the day before. This is a natural product - are parents surprised? But for modern infants this is one of the most harmful products. When the parents heard the diagnosis of “allergic hemocolitis,” they were surprised. However, along with chicken protein, it is cow's milk protein that is very dangerous for infants. The child recovered when he was switched to an adapted milk formula.

Can cow's milk be used for children under one year of age?

For a long time, in many countries, including abroad, studies have been and continue to be conducted on the effect of cow's milk on the health of children under one year of age and older. According to the results of these studies, there are several main points that are important to know for mothers of children under one year of age and older.

Chemical composition of cow's milk

Cow's milk contains a huge amount of extra macroelements and microelements. For example, protein, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, chlorine are 3 times more than in breast milk. And excess is no better than deficiency. And sometimes, even worse. Let us consider in more detail why an excess of these components is dangerous.

The child's kidneys and excretory function are still imperfect. When an excess amount of protein and minerals enters the body, a huge load is created on the kidneys, exceeding the permissible level by 4-5 times.

Fluid is also excreted; due to the increased work of the kidneys, more fluid is excreted than necessary, which causes thirst in the child. In this case, the mother most likely gives him cow's milk again, and this only aggravates the situation, a “vicious circle” arises.

At the same time, cow's milk contains a tiny amount of iron, which is not absorbed by the body even in these small quantities, since it is not heme and does not participate in the construction of hemoglobin.

Lack of iron in a child's body causes the development of iron deficiency anemia. And during this period of a child’s life, iron is the most important microelement, since the production of red blood cells and hemoglobin is constantly underway.

Lack of necessary enzymes in a child

A child’s gastrointestinal tract is not able to digest cow’s milk, since he simply does not have the necessary enzymes until at least 2 years of age, and some do not produce this enzyme throughout their lives.

This causes diarrhea in children on cow's milk. The baby has other enzymes that help digest breast milk.

Amino acids from mother's milk are supplied in the form in which they are easily and quickly absorbed by the baby's body. While the amino acids in cow's milk are completely different, the enzyme systems have to work harder to break down the foreign amino acids.

Aggressive action of cow's milk protein

The protein in cow's milk is called casein. It is represented by a fairly large molecule that damages the intestinal mucosa and its wall. In this case, not only injury to the wall occurs, but also the release of histamine into the blood. High histamine levels lead to allergic reactions. But much more significant is damage to the intestinal walls; in small amounts, this causes bleeding, which may go unnoticed at first, but will then lead to a drop in hemoglobin and the development of iron deficiency anemia.

With constant consumption of cow's milk, there is a high probability of severe intestinal bleeding from ulcers formed on the intestinal mucosa.

High risk of allergies

According to many studies, when cow's milk was introduced into the diet, it developed in 25% of cases. This allows us to consider cow's milk one of the most allergenic products. If an allergic reaction does not occur immediately, this does not mean that it will not happen. Allergies have a cumulative component. It does not always develop immediately.

Allergens often accumulate over a period of time and are subsequently expressed in a violent allergic reaction. The time of its occurrence is different for everyone, since everyone has different limits when compensatory mechanisms can no longer cope. As a result of their production, fermented milk products reduce the amount of protein and lactose, so they are introduced into the child’s diet earlier.

How is goat's milk different from cow's and mother's milk?

  • Foreign proteins in goat and cow milk. Breast milk contains proteins that are immediately used to build new cells. Animal milk proteins are foreign to humans, and the amount of casein, which requires special enzymes and energy for absorption, is very large. For the growth and health of the baby, proteins are needed, and easily digestible ones.
  • Goat milk has more fat- and it seems that this is good, but not for infants, for whom harmonious development is important, and not the growth of fatty tissue. For underweight children and after 3 years - this is not bad, but also in moderation.
  • Goat's milk contains less carbohydrates (milk sugar) than cow's milk. This is also good, especially for children with, when there is not enough lactase enzyme to break down lactose (milk sugar). Let us repeat - this is useful for children only after 2-3 years.
  • Goat milk contains more vitamins and microelements than cow milk.. But given that most vitamins are destroyed already at 80C, pasteurization and boiling negates this advantage.
  • More calcium and phosphorus than cow's milk. That is, it would seem to be the prevention of rickets, caries, the development of a stronger musculoskeletal system. But calcium without vitamin D is almost not absorbed, but excess phosphorus is easily absorbed. To remove excess sand crystals, the load on the infant's immature kidneys increases, which can result in urolithiasis in the future. When a child’s kidneys become more developed (after 3 years), no more than 1 glass of goat’s milk really strengthens the skeletal system.

Is it possible to drink milk from a nursing mother?

Disputes on this issue have been going on for a long time and continue to this day. It is clear that a nursing mother should not drink whole milk during the first month of breastfeeding.

  • The opinion of some scientists about the possibility of drinking whole cow's milk by a nursing mother is that its use is possible only in diluted form in small quantities (adding to tea, porridge or puree diluted 1:1) with a mandatory assessment of the baby's reaction, since cases of allergies in a child are not uncommon (start with 2 tablespoons per day).
  • Others do not see any particular danger or harm, claiming that it is useful for the developing bone system of the baby and its consumption is necessary.
  • Still others believe that its use by nursing mothers often causes colic in their babies, recommending replacing it with fermented milk products - natural yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir.

The existing opinion that cow's milk increases lactation is also considered a myth, since it is not the milk itself that has a positive effect, but the fact that the woman drinks a warm drink before feeding, and it does not matter whether it is compote, tea or just warm water, but the quantity is important and liquid temperature.

Goat's milk for children under one year old

Some people believe that goat's milk is much better than cow's milk for a child under one year old, but this is not at all true. Goat's milk contains even more minerals, which puts a huge strain on the baby's excretory system. It also contains casein proteins with the same negative properties. Goat milk also contains a lot of triglycerides, which makes it fattier. This type of milk is very poorly digested, as evidenced by undigested lumps in the baby’s stool. If you are still thinking about the question of whether it is possible to give goat milk to a child, then the answer is no.

Goat's milk for children under 2 years of age is by no means an alternative to cow's milk. But if you are allergic to cow's milk, after 2 years you can try giving your child goat's milk or fermented milk products based on it.

Anemia is the main consequence of feeding a child goat milk

It is very dangerous if an infant is fed only goat milk, while the baby has no other food sources and develops a deficiency of blood-forming vitamins and, as a result, megaloblastic anemia. The level of hemoglobin decreases, the shape and size of red blood cells changes, leading to a deficiency of vitamin B12 and folic acid. With their deficiency or even absence, normal hematopoiesis and the functions of all organs are disrupted.

Is milk allowed for children after one year of age?

Well, if everything is clear with the introduction of milk to children under the age of one year, then many probably still have a question - is it possible to give cow's milk after a year?

After a year is a loose concept, if the child is already 5 years old and tolerates it well, drinking milk does not cause allergies, loose stools, then milk can be given, but within reasonable limits. Do not forget that this is food for calves, not for humans. Do not give more than 400 ml per day. But if we are talking about younger children, then we should remember that enzymes that effectively break down milk do not appear earlier than 2 years. You shouldn’t immediately give a couple of glasses of milk on the day your child turns 2 years old.

It’s better to start with a small amount; you can introduce porridge with milk. Yes, yes, until this time you should give your child dairy-free cereals, or, as a last resort, add a little adapted infant formula to them if the child receives it, or breast milk if the child is breastfed.

What kind of milk is best to give to children?

We often ask ourselves the question: is milk okay for a baby? It would be better to ask: does a child need cow's or goat's milk? There are no essential substances or minerals in it; the child gets everything he needs from a nutritious and varied diet.

The question often arises: which milk is better - “from the cow” or industrially pasteurized?

Some argue that pasteurization loses all the benefits of milk, and that milk with the expiration date indicated on the packages cannot be natural. In fact, during pasteurization only the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms occurs. Even in flash pasteurization mode, milk is heated to 90 degrees, and in other modes the temperature is even lower.

Raw milk obtained from a domestic cow is very dangerous to drink. Since sanitary control over such animals is not always carried out and no one knows how it can be painful. Some infections may be asymptomatic, or a cow may only be a carrier or carrier of the infection, but its milk will be infectious to humans. By giving such milk to children, you expose them to the danger of dying from brucellosis or tick-borne encephalitis, becoming infected with tuberculosis (extrapulmonary forms occur), and Lyme borreliosis. If you give this milk to children or drink it yourself, be sure to boil it.

However, with pasteurized milk, things are not so simple either. Even if pasteurization does not have a negative effect on its composition, it does have an effect on how the animals were kept. In industry, in order to avoid epidemics among livestock, antibiotics are administered to animals preventively. They end up in the animal's milk.

In Europe and America, there have long been strict regulations according to which milk should not contain antibiotics. There is no such thing in our country. Therefore, by constantly consuming such milk, we also receive antibiotics. This is why patients are so often resistant to antibiotics when treatment with them is necessary. For children, these antibiotics may generally be contraindicated. And their content in milk is not at all microscopic.

Synthetic hormones that are used to increase productivity on dairy farms, such as recombinant growth hormone for beef, are used in large quantities to increase milk yield. Therefore, most cows that produce unnaturally high volumes of milk develop inflammatory processes in the mammary glands. And of course, antibiotics are used for treatment, which are found in samples of both dairy products and milk. Moreover, when conducting independent examinations, pesticides, other drugs used to treat cows, and even excess lead levels are often found in milk.

Diseases transmitted to humans through consumption of fresh (not boiled) milk

You should not drink unboiled milk; some diseases (for example, tuberculosis) in cows may remain undiagnosed. List of diseases that can be contracted by drinking fresh milk:

  • tuberculosis (extrapulmonary forms of the disease develop several years after consumption)
  • leukemia caused by lymphotropic virus
  • food poisoning (see)
  • gastroenteritis staphylococcal and streptococcal
  • dangerous severe infections - anthrax, foot and mouth disease
  • tick-borne encephalitis arboviral (see)
  • Q fever

And a few more facts

Previously, women who could not breastfeed their baby resorted to the help of wet nurses. Nobody used animal milk. Cow's milk began to be used for feeding children only in the 18th century, when social life was more important for many ladies, they did not want to waste time feeding their children with mother's milk, and then this alternative was found.

Fortunately, in modern times there is enough data not to resort to this method. If you cannot continue breastfeeding, then feed your baby with adapted milk formulas, which contain much less protein and no extra minerals. But remember that no formula can replace a child’s mother’s breast milk.

About the potential harm of milk for children and adults

According to a study by Daniel Kramer and a team of scientists from Harvard, a link was found between excess consumption of milk and dairy products and the occurrence of certain types of cancer, more specifically breast cancer, ovarian cancer in women and prostate cancer in men. Lactose (milk sugar) is first broken down in the body into galactose (a simpler sugar), and then broken down further by enzymes.

With excess consumption of dairy products, when the level of galactose exceeds the potential of the enzymes that break it down (or when the level of enzymes is low in a particular person), galactose is incorporated into the blood and affects the ovaries in women. With regular large consumption of milk and dairy products, the risk of ovarian cancer in women increases 3 times.

Prostate cancer (see) is also believed to be associated with the abuse of dairy products. An excess of certain substances in milk leads to an increase in the insulin-like growth factor IGF-I; in men with elevated levels of IGF-I, the risk of prostate cancer increases by 4 times, in contrast to men who rarely consume dairy products.

The widespread belief about the benefits of milk for the prevention of osteoporosis (bone destruction in adulthood, see) has now been refuted. It has been proven that diets high in calcium from dairy products do not strengthen the skeletal system, but rather the opposite. One study at Harvard University involved 75 thousand women over 12 years.

Increasing the amount of milk consumed not only did not have a protective effect, but also contributed to an increased risk of bone fragility. Other studies also confirm this fact, and the prevention of brittle bones, that is, reducing the risk of osteoporosis, can be achieved by reducing the consumption of animal proteins and sodium, increasing the content of leafy greens, beans, fruits and vegetables in the daily diet.

In many families, for a number of reasons, children are present from birth. Parents are gradually introducing regular store-bought milk into the diet, replacing infant formula with it. Is it harmful and at what age should a child be given this product from the store?

Store-bought milk and adapted milk formula: which is better?

Packaged store-bought milk contains much less vitamins and microelements, which fully satisfies the baby’s needs. It lacks important enzymes. They are destroyed during processing. A store-bought product may not sour for weeks at room temperature. It is difficult to get tasty yogurt or cottage cheese from it.

Milk from the store is sterilized at high temperatures. It may contain an antibiotic, which gets into the diet of cows through imported feed, and we get it from the cow in the finished product. Many types of shelf-stable milk contain preservatives that are allergic not only to children, but also to adults. Sometimes soda is added to milk powder during the production process to extend shelf life. All this does not add any usefulness to the store-bought product.

Unlike store-bought milk, infant formula contains essential microelements and vitamins. They have a stable composition and the milk protein of the mixtures does not cause allergic reactions in babies.

An unequivocal conclusion arises: milk formula in a child’s diet is much healthier than a store-bought product.

For many mothers, the question remains relevant: at what age can regular milk be introduced into the diet of children?

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

Children from three years of age are ideal for store-bought milk to appear on menus.

The introduction of new foods into the daily diet of children should not harm the digestive system of a growing organism. Pediatricians recommend adhering to a specific schedule for giving milk to your child.

If the baby is a child, then from the age of one year you can try to introduce special baby food into the menu - milk and lactic acid products intended for the appropriate children's age. It is indicated on the packaging. As a rule, they are sold in small volumes of up to half a liter. Baby milk does not require boiling. A one-year-old baby's diet includes a glass of milk, provided it is well tolerated and has no adverse reactions.

However, many mothers switch their bottle-fed babies to a store-bought product much earlier. If there are no problems with digestion, it is diluted and gradually added to porridge for children from 9-11 months. Mothers evaluate the reaction of the child’s body to such an “adult” product. If a child develops various disorders or allergies, pediatricians strongly advise giving up this new complementary food for about six months. In this situation, it is advisable to obtain qualified recommendations from an experienced pediatrician.

What store-bought milk is best to give to a child?

When gradually introducing store-bought milk into your child’s diet after three years, you should remember that it is better to use ultra-pasteurized milk for baby food. It is safe and retains all vitamins and microelements.

Low-fat foods are recommended for older children. American nutritionists have proven that children who regularly consume them are prone to obesity. In America, skim milk is stopped until the child is five years old.

Children drink milk! The well-known children's song misses an important point: how much, when and what. For clarification, we turned to a specialist: Oleg Gennadyevich Shadrin, chief freelance pediatric gastroenterologist of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

At what age can children be given cow's milk?

According to the standards for the introduction of complementary feeding, which are approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, according to Order No. 149 “Protocol for the clinical examination of a child from 0 to 3 years”, the introduction of milk and fermented milk products can begin from 8 months. Many baby dairy products are recommended from 8 months.

I also recommend introducing drinking milk into your child’s diet from this age. But we are talking exclusively about a product adapted for the child’s body - specialized children’s milk. Such products are made from the highest quality raw materials, which are selected in specially certified raw material areas intended only for the production of baby food. Increased control is accompanied by the production process of these products in separate specialized workshops, more stringent requirements are imposed on the safety of packaging, and the product is subject to more thorough examination before leaving the factory.

How much milk do children need to meet their calcium needs? (at different ages).

By drinking 200 ml of milk, a child 3-6 years old receives almost half (40%), and a schoolchild under 10 years old receives 1/3 (34%) of the required daily calcium intake. Calcium and phosphorus (also found in milk) are extremely important for the child, due to their participation in the formation of the bone skeleton, teeth and nervous system. Such a concentration of calcium and phosphorus as in milk is not found in any other product. In addition, milk contains almost all water- and fat-soluble vitamins.

A child aged 1 to 1.5 years should consume milk and fermented milk products in a volume of 450-500 ml, while milk in milk porridges is from 100 to 150 ml.

At the age of 1.5 to 3 years, a child should receive 400-500 ml of milk and fermented milk products, and 150-200 ml of milk in milk porridges.

But we are talking only about full-fledged, unboiled milk, which contains the entire complex of vitamins and minerals contained in it.

When milk is boiled, a significant part of the protein and vitamins is lost.

What kind of milk is best to give to children: homemade, store-bought (with what fat content), pasteurized, etc.?

For children under 3 years of age, only specialized baby food is recommended for daily consumption - milk and fermented milk products. At this age, switching a child to general purpose dairy products is unacceptable.

And, even more so, it is unacceptable to introduce homemade milk purchased at the market into a child’s diet. Such milk, due to the lack of timely processing, contains pathogenic microflora, which is why it poses a danger to the health of not only the child, but also the adult.

When we talk about the safety of milk, we mean only industrially produced milk. Any milk presented on store shelves undergoes heat treatment. Its goal is the complete or partial destruction of bacteria, foreign microflora that develops in milk or enters it from the outside.

The most modern method of milk processing is ultra-pasteurization. A distinctive feature of UHT milk is aseptic cardboard packaging. During ultra-pasteurization, milk is heated to 135-137 ºC for 3-4 seconds and quickly cooled in absolutely sterile and sealed conditions.

As a result of processing, extraneous microflora of raw milk is destroyed (all microorganisms and heat-resistant enzymes), and most importantly, bacterial spores that lead to spoilage (souring) of the product, and the natural beneficial qualities of milk remain as preserved as possible.

It is extremely important to consciously approach the choice of children's dairy products - pay attention to the type of packaging, as well as special instructions regarding the age at which their consumption is recommended.

Is milk fortified with vitamins healthier for children?

Enriching baby milk with vitamin premixes is a way to replenish the vitamin reserve of the child’s body. After all, children receive very few vitamins in their diet. Of course, if a child is allergic, then you need to be careful with both fortified foods and vitamin complexes.

To make homemade yogurt or kefir for children, which milk is best to use?

For the production of fermented milk products for children under 3 years of age, it is recommended to use specialized children's milk in aseptic cardboard packaging. These are “For Children’s Health”, “Vitamin Abetka”, “Lasunya”, “Totosha”.

For children over 3 years of age, general purpose milk can be used, but it is also important to choose UHT milk.

Unfortunately, any other milk in terms of microbiology and acidity is not suitable for preparing homemade fermented milk products. By inoculating any other milk (except ultra-pasteurized milk) with “beneficial bacteria,” we will end up with a product that is useless in terms of quality for a child. UHT milk does not contain germs, harmful bacteria or their spores, unlike any other milk.

Is goat's milk better for children than cow's milk?

As a product for young children, goat milk has more disadvantages than advantages. This is due to the fact that goat milk casein is quite heavy for a growing body. Another disadvantage is that the protein in goat's milk, compared to cow's milk, takes longer to digest in the child's stomach. This, in turn, puts an extra burden not only on the gastrointestinal tract, but also on other organs of the baby.

The Ministry of Health of Ukraine does not recommend that children under 2 years of age consume goat's milk, since early introduction of goat's milk into a child's diet may pose a risk of anemia. One of the advantages should be noted that goat milk fats are more easily absorbed and broken down. Also, sometimes children with an allergy to cow's milk can be given goat's milk.

Can milk harm children (with lactase deficiency, etc.)?

Milk, of course, cannot harm a healthy child. In cases of cow protein intolerance and lactase deficiency, milk should be excluded from consumption, or if the deficiency is mild, milk can be modified, i.e. give fermented milk products.

Is skim milk suitable for children?

Skim milk can only be given to children after 2 years of age. Up to two years, the fat content of milk should be 3.2% -3.5%

Can a cup of milk replace one meal for children (second dinner, first breakfast, afternoon snack)?

Maybe, provided that this is the first breakfast or afternoon snack, you can also combine milk with cookies.

Could cocoa reduce the benefits of milk for children?

It is not advisable to give drinks using milk, such as cocoa and coffee, to young children, because they negatively affect the nervous system and digestive system.