When is the best time to take a pregnancy test for an accurate result? Two stripes or how many days after conception the test will show the result

It is possible to accurately determine the onset of conception in the early stages only by taking a blood test in a laboratory for the content of certain hormones. At home, you can find out whether the birth of a new life has occurred using a conventional test. In the article we will answer the question of how many days after conception the test will show the onset of pregnancy.

The term human chorionic gonadotropin or hCG refers to a special hormone that is synthesized by the chorion 6-8 days after the egg meets the sperm, that is, almost immediately after the embryo is implanted into the uterine wall. HCG begins to increase from the first days of pregnancy and by 10-11 weeks it increases tens of thousands of times. After this, human chorionic gonadotropin begins to gradually decrease.

Thanks to this hormone, after conception the corpus luteum does not dissolve, as is usually the case with the onset of menstruation, but continues to function. This is very important for the normal development of the embryo. It is known that it is the corpus luteum that produces progesterone, which is necessary to relax the smooth muscles of a woman’s internal organs. And this, in turn, prevents spontaneous abortion, that is, miscarriage.

In the first hours of pregnancy, the concentration of hCG is approximately 25 mU/ml. By week 11, its amount reaches about 290 thousand honey/ml. After this, human chorionic gonadotropin gradually decreases.

Most modern devices are based on the determination of human chorionic gonadotropin in urine. The most accurate results are achieved with devices with high sensitivity. They are made from expensive high-quality materials, so they are usually not cheap.

Each package contains a special indicator strip, which includes substances sensitive to human chorionic gonadotropin. When interacting with urine, the test will show a negative or positive result. Sensitive tests can show the onset of conception even before the delay.

The result of such a diagnosis will be reliable 7-10 days after unprotected intercourse, but provided that it coincides with the woman’s ovulation.

HCG begins to increase rapidly from the moment the fertilized egg is implanted into the wall of the uterus. From this moment on, the amount of human chorionic gonadotropin begins to double every 2 days. If a woman has twins or triplets, the hCG doubles or triples. In the presence of certain diseases or conditions, this hormone will, on the contrary, be reduced.

When does a pregnancy test show a reliable result after conception?

How many days after the delay should the test be done? Undoubtedly, every woman needs to know on what day after conception the indicator strip will show pregnancy. Let us recall that most devices operate on the basis of determining hCG in urine, which increases gradually and in the first days after fertilization is a very small amount. The test can determine the onset of conception only when the concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin reaches certain levels, according to their sensitivity.

Conventional strip tests show the onset of pregnancy only from the first days of the delay, that is, 12-14 days after ovulation. Highly sensitive devices are able to detect conception earlier, approximately 5 days before the expected period.

We must not forget that even expensive tests can show a false negative or false positive answer.

False positive response

Reasons for a false positive result:

  • increase in hCG after miscarriage (up to 10 days);
  • increase in hormone after artificial termination of pregnancy;
  • expired or poor quality test;
  • the presence of cancer in a woman;
  • undiagnosed early miscarriage;
  • pregnancy on the verge of miscarriage;
  • tests can be wrong immediately after birth;
  • changes in hormonal levels due to a woman’s psychological experiences.

Many girls become fixated on their pregnancy, so the body's reaction can be unpredictable. One of the consequences of such experiences is a false positive pregnancy test.

False negative

Often, during diagnostics at home, the test shows a false negative result, that is, when there are two stripes on the indicator, but conception has not occurred. The reasons for this condition are as follows:

  • the use of this type of diagnosis for a very short period of time, when the concentration of hCG is still low;
  • pregnancy has occurred, but the amount of human chorionic gonadotropin is small, which indicates a threat of miscarriage;
  • the test was not applied according to the rules;
  • after 40 years, the result is often negative due to weak production of hormones in the body;
  • the device is of poor quality or expired;
  • the woman has kidney pathologies or heart and vascular diseases, which provokes low production of hCG upon conception;
  • using the test after drinking large amounts of water, tea or other drinks or after taking diuretics.

If a woman does not have any pathologies, the test usually shows the result accurately. It is important to ensure that the device is used correctly. Note that false negative responses are much less common than false positive ones.

To summarize, it must be said that if the procedure is done too early, the result will most likely be negative. To determine conception, it is necessary that the concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin reaches a certain amount. You can check pregnancy before your period is missed using highly sensitive tests or in the laboratory by donating blood for hCG.

How to use the device

Before answering this question, let’s figure out what tests there are. Modern pharmaceuticals offer several options. These include jet tests (the indicator strip is placed under the stream), tablet tests (a special container is filled with urine) and test strip (the indicator is immersed in a container with urine).

Most devices must be used immediately after the first day of the delay, however, expensive electronic tests can diagnose the onset of fertilization 5 days before menstruation. When purchasing a device, you should pay attention to the expiration date and integrity of the packaging. It is better to choose products from trusted manufacturers with positive reviews.


This type of device is considered the most convenient of modern devices. It is very easy to use. To do this, place the area intended for contact with urine under the stream and wait three minutes. The result is shown in the form of two stripes, a picture or an inscription.

The inkjet test is quite expensive, but its accuracy is considered the highest.


When using a tablet test, you need to collect a small amount of urine in a clean container, then drop a few drops of urine into the area indicated on the device itself.

In 5-10 minutes the result will be visible. It is usually indicated by one or two stripes.

This test is considered the most accessible for determining the onset of conception from the first days of delay. How long after the delay should it be carried out? This diagnostic option is used after the first days of absence of menstruation. There is no point in buying a device before, since it will not be able to detect hCG in small quantities.

To carry it out, you need to collect morning urine in a clean container and lower the strip into it as indicated in the instructions for use. After this, you need to place the strip on a horizontal surface and wait 3-5 minutes. Depending on whether the second line appears, it will become clear whether pregnancy has occurred or not.

What does a weak second line mean?

Sometimes during home diagnostics, even with the help of the most expensive tests, it happens that the second strip appears weakly or almost imperceptibly. There may be several reasons for this condition:

  • Diagnosis too early. Most manufacturers recommend using their devices no earlier than the first days after the delay. If we are talking about ultra-sensitive tests, then a weak line may indicate that the test is too early and the concentration of hCG in the body is low.
  • Poor quality device. Expired or defective devices will show a weak line or no line at all.
  • Incorrect interpretation of the result. Sometimes, strongly wanting to see the second stripe, a woman peers so carefully at the indicator that she sees the so-called “ghost stripe”. It may appear barely noticeable in the area where the reagent is concentrated.
  • Ectopic pregnancy. With pathological attachment of the fertilized egg, the test result often appears as a weak second band.
  • The presence of neoplasms in the body that synthesize certain hormones in the body.
  • Late ovulation. Sometimes the release of the egg is delayed. In this case, the test may well show a weak second band.

A faint line may also appear during pregnancy resulting from IVF. At the same time, women often take hormonal medications, which can affect diagnostic results.

When answering the question on what day the test will determine the onset of pregnancy, the choice of the device itself remains a rather important criterion. This is due to the fact that the sensitivity to human chorionic gonadotropin varies among different devices. The sensitivity of the device is indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer. Typically, the higher it is, the more expensive the test costs. The highest sensitivity is 10 mEe/ml. Lower concentrations can only be determined in a laboratory setting.

This boundary was not chosen by device manufacturers by chance. The fact is that hCG in small quantities can be present in the body not only during pregnancy. In this regard, it would hardly be possible to avoid frequent false-positive responses.

The highly sensitive test will show pregnancy approximately one week after conception. Conventional ones are able to record hCG in 12-14 days.

Sometimes even ultra-precise devices can make mistakes and 14 days after ovulation the result will be negative. In such a situation, it is recommended to repeat the procedure in a few days. If the result is positive, we can say with confidence that pregnancy has occurred, even if the second stripe is light and barely visible.

The influence of the menstrual cycle on the study results

Of no small importance for how many days after the delay the test will show the onset of conception are some features of the female body, namely the duration of the menstrual cycle. The duration of this period varies:

  • A cycle lasting 24-25 days is considered short. Consequently, a woman ovulates 12 days before her expected period. At the same time, conception occurs. For such ladies, there is no point in trying to determine the onset of pregnancy before the delay, since the hCG is still too small. In addition, after the delay you need to wait at least three more days.
  • With an average cycle lasting 25-30 days, you can try to determine conception from the first day of absence of menstruation. This is exactly the cycle most women have.
  • If the cycle lasts more than 30 days, the test can diagnose pregnancy even before the delay, but this also has its pitfalls. The fact is that among representatives of the fairer sex with such a cycle length, ovulation is often delayed. Consequently, conception occurs later. In this regard, diagnostics need to be carried out only from the first days of the delay.
  • With an irregular cycle, finding out the date of ovulation can be quite difficult. At the same time, experts recommend doing tests 14 days after the date of expected conception. It is at this time that they are able to show the right result.

Be that as it may, to obtain the most reliable result, the procedure should be carried out after waiting a certain time.

The earlier the procedure is performed, the greater the likelihood of obtaining a false negative result.

Let's sum it up

When drawing conclusions, you should determine the main factors that influence how many days after conception the test will show pregnancy:

  • in the first 7 days after fertilization, the concentration of hCG is still too low, so diagnosing at home is useless;
  • after unprotected sex with a partner, conception occurs within a period of time from several hours to 5-7 days;
  • during the procedure, the duration of the menstrual cycle should be taken into account;
  • When choosing a device, it is important to consider its sensitivity. Sensitive indicators will show conception earlier;
  • inkjet tests are considered the most accurate;
  • failure to follow the instructions for use affects the accuracy of the result;
  • It is important to pay attention to the production time of the device.

Based on this, we can conclude that on average, in order for the test to show the correct result, you need to wait 14-16 days after unprotected sex. In most cases, these days coincide with the start date of menstruation. If the period is too short and the result is negative, it is recommended to carry out the procedure after some time.

If your test showed two lines and you want to learn in detail about the development of the baby throughout the entire pregnancy, our article will come in handy. Read more details.


Do you want to know when the test will show the correct result? Then this video is for you.

Every woman who dreams of having a child or simply doubts whether she is pregnant or not is in a hurry to find out about conception. Therefore, many representatives of the fair sex purchase pregnancy tests and conduct them much earlier than the due date. As a result, they receive an unreliable result and, after a certain time, are surprised to learn that pregnancy has occurred. At the same time, women believe that the test turned out to be faulty, although in fact it was only necessary to calculate the optimal date when to take a pregnancy test after conception.

Naturally, trying to find out whether conception has occurred using a pregnancy test the day after intercourse is pointless. The reason lies in the operating features of all express tests.

The simplest pregnancy tests are strips with two indicators. After the test is lowered into the urine to the desired level, one line becomes visible - this is the control line. If after a few minutes a second stripe appears, this indicates conception. It is the second stripe that contains a special substance that reacts with hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). This hormone begins to be produced in increased volumes after the embryo is implanted into the uterine wall. HCG circulates to a greater extent in the blood, and after some time it begins to accumulate and is excreted in the urine.

It is worth understanding that this hormone is always present in the female body, but if there is no pregnancy, then its level is very low. The hormone reaches its peak value 2-3 months after conception. However, the test is able to recognize it in urine much earlier - on average 15 days after pregnancy.

How many days do different types of tests show pregnancy?

There are various types of devices on the modern market, including test strips, tablet tests, and inkjet electronic tests.

The optimal days to conduct a pregnancy test depend on a number of factors:

    Test sensitivity.

    Condition of a pregnant woman. For example, if there is a threat of miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy, tests may not be informative for a long time.

    Accuracy of following instructions.

Test sensitivity and timing of pregnancy detection

Tests that have a sensitivity of 10 mIU/ml are able to detect pregnancy 7-10 days after embryo implantation. It makes no sense to conduct research earlier, since tests with greater sensitivity are not currently commercially available. Moreover, before this period, the hCG hormone in the required concentration in the urine simply will not be able to accumulate. Therefore, it is best to take a pregnancy test 10 days after possible conception. This will allow you to save money on the purchase of the device and once again not be nervous about the result obtained. Typically, tests that are ultra-sensitive will be either electronic or tablet devices.

Tests that have a sensitivity of 15 mIU/ml can detect pregnancy 10 or more days after conception has occurred. Such tests most often include inkjet devices that are not equipped with an electronic display. Although you can also find tablet tests with similar sensitivity to hCG on sale.

Tests with a sensitivity of 20-25 mIU/ml are able to determine pregnancy no earlier than 15 days after fertilization of the egg. Such devices are represented by strip strips. These tests are the most affordable, but at the same time have the least accuracy. Moreover, the earlier the woman conducts the study, the lower it will be.

When to take a pregnancy test after conception to get an accurate result?

A pregnancy test after conception should be done at a time when the most accurate result can be obtained. Most manufacturers indicate that their testing systems have high reliability, which ranges from 97-99.8%. Thus, the risk of an error occurring is minimal. However, the procedure must be carried out on certain days. The optimal date is the date on which menstruation should begin.

If you do the test earlier, the risk of getting an erroneous result increases significantly:

    The reliability of the test is equal to 55% when the study is conducted 4 days before the start of menstruation.

    The reliability of the test is equal to 86% when the study is conducted 3 days before the start of menstruation.

    The reliability of the test is equal to 97% when the study is conducted 2 days before the start of menstruation.

    The reliability of the test is equal to 98% when the study is conducted 1 day before the start of menstruation. Thus, the risk of error at this time is already minimal and does not exceed 2%.

It is imperative to take into account the instructions from the test manufacturers that the test should be carried out on the first day of a missed period, as this guarantees the most reliable result. This statement is true, but you need to know some subtleties. The thesis is based on the fact that a woman becomes pregnant exactly in the middle of the cycle, when ovulation occurs, and menstruation should begin 14 days after conception occurs. Tests can show pregnancy only in the third week of gestation, that is, 15-16 days after fertilization. If everything happened exactly according to this scenario, then the result of the study conducted on the first day of missed menstruation will be as reliable as possible.

Now about the most important thing - conception does not always occur exactly in the middle of the cycle. Therefore, conducting research even within the time frame recommended by the manufacturer may not be informative. Practicing gynecologists are well aware of this, so they give an unequivocal recommendation - to take a pregnancy test after 1-2 weeks of a missed period. If a woman knows that sexual intercourse, which could lead to conception, occurred precisely closer to the day of ovulation, that is, towards the middle of the menstrual cycle, then the test can be performed on the 7th day of a missed period. When sexual intercourse was closer to the beginning of menstruation, and it did not occur, then the most accurate test result can be obtained two weeks after the missed period. Only in this case can we say that the test was 99.8% reliable.

For many women, this waiting period may seem too long and tedious. In this case, they need to purchase a test that is highly sensitive to hCG and conduct the study 15 days after unprotected sexual intercourse. At the same time, it is important to know on what day the intimacy occurred, which could lead to conception. When using such calculations, you can not take into account the duration of the delay of the next menstruation.

Tests are now commercially available that are highly sensitive to human chorionic gonadotropin. The number on packages with such products is 10 mIU/ml. These devices allow you to diagnose pregnancy starting from 7-10 days after intimacy. If you purchased just such a test, then you need to count 7-10 days from the date of unprotected sexual intercourse and conduct the study within this time frame. When performing the test on the 7th day from possible conception, you can get a result whose accuracy will be 88%. If the test is performed 10 days after the date of fertilization, then the risk of error is reduced to 1%.

So, it would be more correct to conduct the study not on the first day of missed menstruation, but to calculate from the date when unprotected sexual intercourse occurred. In this case, the day the next period begins does not matter. However, it is important to pay attention to the sensitivity of the device. Using conventional tests, diagnosis can be made 15 days after the date of expected conception. Tests with increased sensitivity to hCG allow the procedure to be carried out already 7-10 days after possible fertilization.

Sometimes even meeting all the deadlines and strictly following the instructions leads to tests producing false positive and false negative results.

This happens due to a number of factors, including:

    Getting a false negative result:

    1. The concentration of the hormone in the urine did not reach the required level due to the individual characteristics of the body.

      The woman has severe kidney dysfunction, which prevents the normal excretion of hCG in the urine.

      Urine is very dilute. This is observed when taking diuretics, or when the woman drank a lot of liquid the day before the test. Therefore, doctors recommend testing in the morning, immediately after waking up. This is especially true for determining pregnancy in the early stages.

    Getting a false positive result:

    1. The woman suffered an abortion or miscarriage, and no more than 30 days have passed since that time.

      A woman takes medications that contain hCG.

      A neoplasm develops in the body that produces human chorionic gonadotropin or stimulates its increased production. This could be a hydatidiform mole, a pituitary tumor, uterine chorionepithelioma, etc.

In other cases, there is no point in not trusting the results of the testing. Therefore, if pregnancy is detected using a test, you should seek advice from a specialist. In the case when the test gives a negative result, and menstruation does not occur even after 10-14 days from the due date, a trip to the gynecologist should be mandatory.

Education: Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynecology received from the Russian State Medical University of the Federal Agency for Health and Social Development (2010). In 2013, she completed her postgraduate studies at NIMU named after. N.I. Pirogova.

To accurately determine the presence or absence of pregnancy using home tests sold in pharmacies, you need to follow the basic rules for their use. All tests differ in their sensitivity to components: some promise an accurate result only three weeks after conception, while others show two stripes after a week. Even a blood test for hCG will not be able to determine pregnancy before a week, since the fertilization process is not completed in such a short time. In this article, you will learn not only the types of sensitivity of pregnancy tests, but also the main timing when it is best to use them.

How many days after conception will the test show pregnancy - types of tests

In pharmacies you can find tests in different price categories, they are all slightly different:

  • Typically, the most expensive tests are labeled with a number 10. This means their sensitivity is 10 mIU/ml. To date, this is the highest indicator that tests can have.
  • Mid-priced tests have a sensitivity of 20 or 25 mIU/ml.
  • Paper tests in the lowest price category either have no markings or are marked with the number 30.

The mIU/ml indicators determine the level of substances in urea, which begin to be produced only after fertilization. The longer the pregnancy, the higher their content.

What is the pregnancy detection period for tests?

Depending on the labeling, the timing may vary from a week to three. The best tests with high sensitivity promise to show you a positive or negative result within seven to eight days, and cheaper ones - on the twentieth day.

To determine the timing more accurately, choose tests marked “10”.

When is the best time to take a pregnancy test?

Many girls forget that one of the most important criteria is the last sexual intercourse, if sex life is irregular. Even the most accurate test cannot show results if less than seven days have passed since the day of conception.

The entire process of fertilization and fixation of the fetus on the wall of the uterus takes about a week. This is precisely why there are restrictions on the timing of tests, as well as blood tests.

If a delay prompted you to buy a test, then in this situation you can trust its result immediately. Even tests with low sensitivity promise a correct result from the first day of delay.

It is better to perform the procedure in the morning after sleep, after taking a shower. The test is placed in a small container with urea for three seconds and placed on a horizontal surface. Most modern tests show a positive result, like two lines. There are exceptions in the form of a cross and a change in color.

Can a pregnancy test result be false?

And this happens. The main reasons for a test error look like this:

  • A negative test may be unjustified if a woman does it ahead of time, when hCG has not yet reached the required concentration.
  • Don't drink too much liquid. This also affects the concentration of substances in the urine and blood, which can negatively affect the test result, even if you are pregnant. In the morning, the probability of seeing the truth is highest, provided that you did not go to the toilet at night.
  • The test may also show a false positive reaction. This happens when you take certain medications that stimulate ovulation. A positive test may also indicate tumor processes.

To eliminate error, it is better to do several tests on different days. A positive result should prompt you to see a doctor: if the assumptions are confirmed, then you will soon need to register with a gynecologist, but if not, examinations for inflammation are required.

It happens that people want a child so badly that the very next morning after intimacy with their partner they go to buy a test. A couple of decades ago, the fact of pregnancy was determined by a gynecologist during an examination at 10 weeks. This is quite a significant period, because it implies a delay in menstruation. In addition to this, other signs will already appear. Not all women know how many days later they need to take a pregnancy test. In this article you will find the answer to this question.

Hormonal changes

When a woman has achieved her goal, she managed to get pregnant, the body begins to produce a special hormone, hCG. This substance is contained in a small amount in each of us, but its content can be accurately understood only after passing specific laboratory tests.

Upon conception, the level of the hCG hormone increases, preventing the ovulation process and ensuring the baby proper growth and full development. It is possible to establish a high content of the hormonal component when taking urine for analysis. This is much easier to do at home. It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions.

A certain amount of time must pass before hCG rises in the expectant mother’s body. It is for these reasons that you should not rush to purchase the test and buy it the day after sexual intercourse. Otherwise, a false result will be expected and you will ruin the test.

Women have the greatest chance of conceiving during ovulation. If unprotected sexual intercourse occurred during this period, then it makes sense to do a test. But you need to do this only after two weeks. If your cycle consists of 28 days, then after 14 days it is possible to detect the fact of successful fertilization. 24 hours after successful conception, the concentration of hormones is still low.

It is possible to obtain plausible information within two weeks after ovulation. Many people wonder why a pregnancy test does not need to be done on the first day of the delay? Often the devices “deceive”, so ideally it is better to do this on the third to fifth day.

How different tests work

The most popular devices presented on pharmacy shelves are tests with a sensitivity of 20-25 mIU/ml. However, the hormone will reach this level only two and a half weeks after conception.

When to take a pregnancy test after a delay? As already mentioned, it is better to wait three to five days. Early manipulations in most cases give implausible results.

You may do things differently if you want to test ahead of time. Ask your pharmacist for high-sensitivity strips. They allow you to determine the fact of successful fertilization already on the seventh day after conception.

How many times you need to take a pregnancy test is determined by the gynecologist in each specific case, based on data from tests and a survey of the woman.

The question of how many times a day you can take a pregnancy test arises if the result is confirmed. Usually one more time is enough to clarify and calm down. However, this is not at all necessary; just using a quality test is enough to give you a reason to see a doctor.

If the results are implausible, it is recommended to wait a couple of days for the hormone levels to increase, then repeat the test. In general, there are no restrictions on how often you can take a pregnancy test. You can purchase several devices and check several times.

Determination of pregnancy and irregular cycles

If your cycle is irregular, then you may have difficulty using the strips to identify an interesting position. With an unstable schedule, it is difficult to determine the exact date of ovulation and successful days for fertilization. It is difficult for you to determine when your next period will come.

The first symptoms will help in this matter, because the delay is far from the only guideline on which you can rely in suspicion of pregnancy. If you notice characteristic manifestations, then immediately go to the doctor, and he will help you find out the truth.

When is it appropriate to do the test?

No matter how conception occurred, it is recommended to carry out the test in the morning after waking up, without visiting the restroom. The hCG level has become significantly higher, so the results will be reliable.

The advertised newfangled tests do not require testing at any specific time of day. But, since we already know why a pregnancy test should be done in the morning, and we don’t want to get false results, we shouldn’t deviate from this rule, especially when it comes to early pregnancy.

Teas and diuretic drinks lead to increased urination, which lowers hCG.

If you have been delayed for longer than five days, then you can take the test at any time of the day. The content of the hormonal substance has already reached the level at which pregnancy can be accurately detected using any test.

Checking while breastfeeding

It is quite difficult to detect the fact of pregnancy during breastfeeding. The situation is aggravated by the fact that at first you will not have menstruation. There is also a claim that hepatitis B affects protection against unwanted pregnancy. But it is fundamentally wrong. The absence of menstruation does not indicate the absence of an ovulation period. So successful fertilization may well happen after one cycle. Often women get confused in these moments.

A rapid examination during breastfeeding should be carried out every month until the cycle is restored. When menstruation resumes, the test should be carried out, as always, according to the standard scheme: a few days after the delay.

What types of tests are there?

Today, there are several types of devices that help determine the fact of pregnancy. Regardless of the desire or unwillingness to have a child, a woman always wants to know about her condition. Innovative devices differ from each other in their functionality and other characteristics.

What are the most popular options:

  • The jet type shows a quick response, that is, its response to hCG is supersensitive. You will be able to see the results within a minute.
  • The strip test is the most popular. This is a budget and very convenient option. The result can be seen already in the fifth minute of the test. But in no case should you overexpose or underexpose the device, otherwise the results will be implausible. Therefore, this method is considered uninformative.
  • Test tablet. This device provides detailed information about the woman’s condition. It is usually used in hospitals, but if you have experience and opportunity, you can use it at home. Just apply some urine to the tablet. When should I take a pregnancy test after a delay using this device? You can use it even the next day after the delay.
  • The most financially expensive digital test. This device gives you no reason to doubt your position.

Each of the listed methods has its pros and cons. If you doubt the information content of the device, it would be wisest to contact your gynecologist at the antenatal clinic.

We suggest using an online calculator: when to take a pregnancy test after conception.

In what cases does the device give false results?

The operation of various devices requires compliance with the principles of the instructions for use, therefore deviations in the information may occur. This also happens in certain conditions of a woman:

  • In case of an ectopic pregnancy, the results will be false.
  • If the device is used incorrectly, if it was used ahead of time.
  • If the test is invalid. Read the instructions, which should indicate the expiration date of a particular test.
  • In case of improper use of the device, which can happen if the instructions are not carefully studied or ignored.
  • With an increased concentration of liquid in the urine, if the woman drank diuretics or drinks.

There are also implausible positive indicators that indicate pregnancy:

  • Remains of the fertilized egg after abortions and interventions.
  • Taking certain hormonal medications.
  • The presence of malignant neoplasms.

If you have doubts about the reliability of the information received, then you should consult a doctor to find out the truth.

Artificial insemination

To conceive a child artificially, specialists accurately determine the day according to the schedule of menstruation and ovulation. In all other senses, this process is carried out exactly the same as during natural sexual contact.

The study is performed after 17-18 days: approximately on the third day after the missed period.

If injections were administered to activate hCG, it makes no sense to carry out checks immediately after the end of the course. The level of the hormone will be so high that even the most uninformative test will give a positive result.

For your own confidence and peace of mind, take the test after 15-17 days.

IVF and pregnancy check

After you have undergone the IVF procedure, you can take a pregnancy test after two weeks, not earlier. Even if the results do not live up to the expectations and hopes for motherhood, do not be upset. Just buy a test in a few days, or get your blood tested at a medical facility.

How to get checked after an abortion

Often women worry that the fetus has not been completely removed from the uterus. To put your mind at ease, test strips alone will not be enough.

Credible results can be obtained within two to three weeks after the intervention. The hormonal background will already be stabilized.

First signs of conception

As soon as all the studies have been completed, you need to go to the antenatal clinic. An expectant mother can easily determine her interesting position based on external criteria:

  • Sensitivity of the mammary glands and their enlargement.
  • The nipples become darker.
  • Latency is a classic indicator that indicates an interesting situation.
  • Increase in basal body temperature.

Ultrasound indicators of pregnancy:

  • Enlarged uterus.
  • Fertilized egg, which can be detected 14-21 days after conception.
  • Fetal heartbeat, which can be detected in the sixth week.
  • The movement of the child, which is visible on the monitor at certain times.

Do not confuse other symptoms with signs of conception. Nervousness, apathy, dizziness, weight gain, nausea, frequent urge to go to the toilet. All these symptoms can be easily confusing, so it is important to see a doctor for an examination.

Let's sum it up

And in conclusion, I would like to say that all the dates indicated in this article are conditional; there is no need to try to calculate the time when you need to do the test to the minute. The ovulation period itself often changes due to stress, unusual physical activity, etc. Even though brands claim that their products provide reliable results, you need to understand that this is just a publicity stunt.

Anticipating a happy day when you become a mother can cause a huge range of feelings: from trembling excitement to anxiety. To quickly find out If conception has occurred, it will be useful to understand the question of when you can take a pregnancy test. Thanks to modern technologies in the field of medicine, you no longer need to wait many months and sit in line to see a gynecologist to get news of an upcoming addition to the family.

Pharmacy options of this kind measure the amount of hormones in the blood, most methods for early detection of conception are aimed at indicating the amount of human chorionic gonadotropin. Doctors often call it for short hCG, this abbreviation is familiar to many patients. Its level may change 10 days after fertilization. If a woman has an average cycle of 28 days, then she can confirm the birth of a new life using a test 5 days before menstruation. That is, even before it becomes clear whether there is a delay. As a rule, they indicate the presence of pregnancy when it cannot yet be seen during examination with an ultrasound machine.

In general, it is worth considering that from the moment of ovulation to the next menstruation in a cycle of 28 days, 14 days pass. So each woman can independently calculate from what day before the onset of regular bleeding she is able to recognize that the transition to a new state, the expectation of the appearance of an heir, has occurred.

It is easy to increase the accuracy of the check if you perform a number of simple steps:

  • carry out the examination in the morning, before meals and before going to the toilet;
  • check the sample after 5 minutes or after the amount of time specified in the instructions, no earlier and no later;
  • 3 hours before the test you should not take diuretics.

The first tests for the presence of an interesting position can be made on the ninth day after contact with a man has occurred, insufficiently protected or aimed at targeted fertilization. By this time, the fertilized egg has already implanted into the uterus, and the chorion, which forms the placenta, begins to secrete the hCG hormone. Its presence in the blood and urine is considered the main sign of an interesting situation.

When conducting an inspection at the earliest stages, you must be especially careful follow the instructions for use products. You shouldn’t keep it in urine, and you shouldn’t take it out too quickly either. During this period, the concentration of hCG in the body is small, it is important use the most sensitive samples. The second stripe on them may be rather weakly expressed. The more time passes from the time of conception, the brighter the second stripe will be. And the easier it will be to detect the fact of motherhood using different brands, including not the most sensitive products.

Until 6 days after the birth of a new life, no method can reveal this fact. At this time the embryo not yet attached to the uterine cavity, is in free movement. Only after introducing it into the endometrium can you find out whether it is there. And this happens on the 21st, 22nd or 23rd day after last menstruation. The fertilized egg does not implant into the uterus until 6 days. But its fusion with sperm is possible not immediately after ovulation, but within a couple of days. This is where the approximate dates come from when you can take a pregnancy test in order to understand whether the birth of a child has occurred. And is it worth it? prepare for the long-awaited arrival of your baby.

After ten days, the most sensitive and expensive brands can already show two treasured stripes. If you are very impatient and they show the second line barely noticeable, you can donate blood for analysis concentrations of human chorionic gonadotropin. This will have to be done by a doctor, but the data will be even more accurate.

However, if you have the opportunity to wait and there is no urgent desire to urgently find out whether the long-awaited miracle has occurred, you can wait until the fourteenth day after ovulation. Experts believe that at this stage all tests can already detect the presence of a fetus without errors.

If the test is carried out in the shortest period after conception, it is especially important to comply with the following conditions:

  • carefully study the instructions on the packaging and follow them unquestioningly;
  • do not take any medications on the eve of the procedure, if this is not possible, reschedule it;
  • When consulting a gynecologist, pay attention to whether there is a disease that can lead to false positive or negative tests.

The exact parameters of pharmaceutical strips should be studied in the instructions that come with them. Usually 10 days after the release of a mature female reproductive cell, the most sensitive analogues already show whether conception. Their accuracy is 99%. Cheaper and less sensitive products can reveal a woman’s interesting position at the earliest stages with only an 80-90% probability.

Manufacturers recommend wait for the first days of delay menstrual flow and only then measure something.

The results may be influenced by external factors. Among them we can list several main ones:

  • hormonal drugs can change the amount of hCG in the blood, if they were taken before conception, the data may be inaccurate;
  • some fertility drugs lead to false positive tests;
  • a previously terminated pregnancy, if it occurs recently, may distort the sample.

The ability of pharmacy products to determine the presence of an interesting situation before the delay is not the same. Important read the manufacturer's instructions so as not to make a mistake. It is also worth preferring the most sensitive options that measure the slightest concentrations of hCG in the urine. As a rule, they are not cheap, but they can indicate 5 days before the expected menstruation that fertilization has occurred.

The number of days before the delay, during which it is possible to understand when it is possible to take a pregnancy test and detect the presence of an embryo, must be calculated in depending on a woman's average cycle. So, for those whose cycle is the standard 28 days, the most early detection of conception can take place in 5 days. And if the menstrual cycle is 24 days, then only 1 day before the delay.

Factors that can distort the picture have already been listed above. If you have them too, you should play it safe and test them several times over a number of days. Preferably use products from different manufacturers and with different sensitivities. And sometimes you still have to go to the doctor to make sure that it is time to prepare for the birth of the baby.

Sometimes during an interesting situation menstruation does not stop, although they become less pronounced. So if the test comes back negative, this can sometimes be a cause for concern. For example, this happens when using type of dough with weak sensitivity to the concentration of hCG hormone in the extremely early stages.

The degree of sensitivity of the product is indicated on the packaging. The more accurate it is, the more expensive it is, as a rule. The lower the number, the more sensitive the test is. For example, if two products are displayed on the display - 20 and 25 units, then you should choose the first one. It is more suitable for early periods, since it has a higher sensitivity to the concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine. The most sensitive brands on the market help detect hCG concentrations as low as 10 mIU/ml.

The earlier the stage of pregnancy, the more important it is at what point in the day should the procedure be performed?. Over long periods of time, the hormone content in the urine is high, so the test can be done without looking at the clock. And if you can’t wait to find out about an interesting situation as early as possible, then it’s better to carry out diagnostics in the morning after sleep. It is important to carry out this procedure before visiting the toilet. Because at this time hormone levels are highest for all times of the day.

If follow all the recommendations listed, use a sample of the desired sensitivity, do not violate the instructions for use, then the appearance of new life in the early stages can be recognized unmistakably. And if time is of the essence and there is no acute impatience, then you can wait 14 days from the moment of ovulation to save on the purchase. At this time, most varieties, even inexpensive ones, are no longer mistaken. So you can get a reliable answer to a piquant question without unnecessary costs.

Do you now understand when you can take a pregnancy test? The forum will tell you. Read more about numerous cases.