Short funny wishes for the day of knowledge. Short verses with the day of knowledge Happy knowledge day short

September 1 is the day that first-graders are waiting for to try on hairstyles with bows, and high school students choose more adult looks and worry about manicures and makeup. Grandiose plans are being built for the new academic year and great hopes are placed, I want the first day of school to be remembered for a long time.

Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge in verse, as well as short congratulations on September 1, are most often sought by parents of first-graders and just schoolchildren to learn by heart for a solemn line or write as congratulations on postcards. Congratulations on September 1 leaves an indelible mark and pleasant memories in your soul.

Know, remember everything in the world,

Think it over and understand everything

For everything in the world to be responsible -

We celebrate Knowledge Day again!

Since there is a holiday, it means that it is needed,

And if there was a reason in September ...

Here the yellow leaf will spin again

Autumn day on the calendar.

When you need both intelligence and knowledge

... and therefore the soul is alive ...

The world will be born through trials

Hurrying stubbornly to wisdom!

And again, autumn beckons with aromas -

This is how fresh notebook sheets smell:

Science, dahlias and asters,

Drawing strict lines and simple.

And the path to new horizons is free,

Swim boldly, keeping inspiration -

Let unexpected discoveries come:

Happy Knowledge Day, my friends!

special day today

Bright autumn has come

And boys and girls

Invited to the school.

Excellent to study

We give you parting words

And the granite of science is complex

Conquered every day.

Inspiration to you, talent,

Without obstacles on the way

What would be interesting

Go to school in the morning!

You, our lovely teachers!

Good luck to you for the whole year,

So that there is always comfort in the soul!

Patience to never end

Salary so as not to "bite".

Lessons so that they are carried out,

So that everyone sits at their desks in an instant!

So that the leadership praises you,

Always worthily appreciated you,

Respected for your work

For all merits - awarded!

Collection of cool, beautiful postcards and pictures For congratulations With September 1- Day of knowledge of schoolchildren, classmates, children.

Portfolio packed? All is ready?
Well, well, it all starts again.
School time has come
With what I congratulate you!
Don't be too upset
Lessons will definitely come to an end.
Let it shine only perfectly in the diary,
And the remarks will be single.

Hooray! Back to school today
Again the call meets you,
The teacher is stately and cheerful,
Take you back to class!

May this year be filled
Mystery, knowledge magic,
May the days be joyful
And the world is filled with witchcraft!

Trembling in the knees pulls the nerves,
And the bouquet in the hands trembles:
I congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge -
You can't run away from him!

He will catch up and catch
Inspire to success
For textbooks will plant
And learning will convince!

First day, ninth month -
The holiday of knowledge has come to us!
Let laziness not outweigh
Equation and verb.

There is joy in every day
Sadness will run away with fear:
Let success be envy
Keep your head up, don't be afraid!

school fun country
It is rich in noisy holidays.
On the first day of autumn September
Children celebrate Knowledge Day.

The first school bell will ring:
Hello student fraternity!
Take this congratulations
And the order: study and study!

On this day, let me wish
You strive to learn new things.
Your motto: fight and seek!
And one more thing: find and do not give up!

Tired of summer, right, kids?
I really want to go to school again
There is no better job in the world
Get up in the morning on an alarm clock,
do homework,
Joyfully writing essays
It's been a long wait,
Everyone wants to get fives.

Beautiful congratulations on September 1

Summer is over and it's time to get back to school. The Day of Knowledge is approaching, which begins the new school year. Of course, it’s a pity that the holidays are over, but troubles should be met with humor. And therefore - it's time to send cool SMS congratulations to your friends and classmates

Let the new school year
Only brings you fives,
For you to be proud
Each diary page!

The first autumn day calls students to the classes, students to the audience. Congratulations on the national holiday - the Day of Knowledge! Let the new academic year be successful for everyone who gnaws at the granite of science!

Outside the window again autumn
And September has come
Almost every house has it.
Found a schoolboy! We wish children's happiness
To all the kids
great ratings,
Better change!

Words of greeting sound in the morning,
And I congratulate you today.
It's time for all schoolchildren to sit down at their desks.
I wish you easy and successful studies

Congratulations on September 1
And I wish you many discoveries!
Friends, teachers are waiting for you,
A whole world of exciting events!

Today is the first day of autumn.
You are going to study again.
Be persistent, and a lot of knowledge
You will definitely get it!

I wish you high marks
And grab everything on the go!
I want to be the first in everything
In the coming school year!

Well done for doing
Congratulations and love
We wish you strength
Faith in a strong self.
Be serious but laugh
And there won't be much trouble
There will be many successes
And, of course, victories.

Summer flew by again
And September calls to his native school again.
Start learning cheerfully and boldly,
Let success excite your blood!

Hello again, my beloved readers! The start of the school season, as usual, will not do without official events, for which you should prepare in advance. Today I will help you decide on the question of what congratulations on September 1 in prose should be prepared for congratulations on the line or in person.

Brilliant congratulations on September 1 in prose: examples and ideas

I am sure that many of you have children who are now spending carefree summer days in games and entertainment. But not much time remains until the moment when they, together with other boys and girls from all over the country, put on satchels, pick up armfuls of fragrant flowers and go on another date with the world of knowledge, sitting at classy desks.

For now, back to our prose.

For schoolchildren

A child of any age, no matter what class he goes to, always wants a holiday and congratulations instead of the stressful days of school that will follow after the end of the summer. It is possible to prolong the feeling of an unusual and solemn time with the help of positive phrases.

September 1 is not a simple date on the calendar, although it is marked in red. For some, the first bell will ring today, for others it has long since rung out and these wonderful moments will never happen again. But we will definitely remember this beautiful melodic sound again and again. It gives an impetus to students, helping to reach for knowledge, and reminds adults of the significance of this holiday, called the Day of Knowledge. We wish everyone involved that both student work and teaching be filled with success, achievements and discoveries!

Today, school penates will be noisy from dozens of students, their relatives and teachers. After all, today is the first day of September - the Day of Knowledge, which will very soon firmly enter and settle in the bright minds of students. I congratulate everyone on the start of the excursion around the school country, I wish you to study cheerfully and hardworkingly, and be sure to smile in the face of all troubles! Let useful skills and valuable information multiply in your smart minds, and the desire to learn new and unknown never disappears.

On the first day of September, we congratulate those gathered in the courtyard of our school! Today there is no place for sadness, but only joyful emotions and smiles on the faces of our guests - both those who are older and very young. We wish students to be reasonable and energetic so that they have enough strength for both study and entertainment! Let all subjects come easy, and only fives flaunt in the diaries!

What teachers want to hear

Although the first autumn day is not considered a professional holiday for educators, it still does not deprive any teacher of attention. Congratulations to each teacher, class teacher, educator or teacher in the light of this date will be very welcome.

Dear and beloved teachers! Here you are again at the starting straight annual distance according to the school curriculum. We want to wish you iron patience, stone health and bright sunny happiness! Let this autumn day set the rhythm and positive mood for the coming year! Give tirelessly your care and wisdom to our young generation, and we promise not to be lazy and not upset you with our pranks. Happy holiday!

Knowledge Day is a wonderful overture, from which the countdown of days begins, filled to capacity with lessons, notebooks, tasks and tests. It is you, dear teachers, who give us an incentive to absorb knowledge like a sponge, reveal our potential, develop our own opinion and look at the surrounding universe in a new way. Your mission is very honorable and difficult - to make a real adult out of a child and, frankly, you are doing great! We appreciate you very much and thank you from the bottom of our hearts! Happy Knowledge Day, our dear mentors!

We give impressions to children

You can cheer up your child, who does not want to exchange holidays for school days, at home. Moreover, who will refuse the opportunity to once again voice affectionate and love-filled words to their son or daughter, nephews, grandson or granddaughter?

Our dear daughter! The sultry summer came to an end, the leaves of the trees were covered with autumn gold. Again you have to wake up early in the morning and rush to the first lesson, again sit up late on your homework. But on the other hand, every day you become smarter, more well-read and more mature. We love you infinitely and will always support you with our shoulder to support you in times of difficulty. Happy September 1st, love! Learn with pleasure and the desired reward will not keep you waiting!

How to impress freshmen

A good parting word is necessary not only for kids, but also for every young person who, just the other day, has changed the familiar environment of his native school class to a university audience.

Dear freshmen! You have been celebrating Knowledge Day for many years, ever since the kids first crossed the threshold of the school, timidly holding their mother's hand.

Now you have to learn complex and responsible lessons and knowledge that will help you decide on your future place in life. We sincerely congratulate each of you on the first of September! Let the upcoming educational year help to realize all the plans! Although the study has become harder, but thanks to your young enthusiasm and enthusiasm, you will certainly succeed! We wish you to be purposeful, self-confident and always go to the end, realizing your dreams!

We accompany graduates on their way

One step away from adulthood, graduates, of course, want this day to be remembered in a special way. It will be just wonderful if warm memories remain from the congratulatory words of relatives and from representatives of the school team.

Dear high school students! We are all so pleased to see quite mature young people in front of us! 10 years flew by unnoticed, during which you gnawed at the granite of science, pored over books and tasks. You have only a year left, the last home stretch, at the end of which you will have the coveted certificate of secondary education. We want to congratulate you and all students of different classes on the day of knowledge! We wish you all to apply the acquired skills only for the benefit of society, your city, region, state. I hope that all the knowledge that you have received over the years, you will carry without loss and be sure to increase it! Inspiration to you, inexhaustible strength and kindness!

Everything for first graders

On the first of September - all attention is directed to first-graders, it is for these fervent and smart children that the most touching phrases and wishes are intended.

We are happy to congratulate our little guys, who are now standing next to moms and dads, in a brand new school uniform and with flowers in their tiny hands. Today they will enter their bright classroom, sit at their desks for the first time, and meet their first teacher. Now they have to pay attention not to games and entertainment, but to writing, alphabet, numbers and letters. We wish them to quickly get used to our new large family of students, and the school to become a second friendly home for everyone!

We are glad to see a new addition to our friendly school family! Just yesterday you were preschoolers and went to kindergarten, and today, with portfolios, hurry up to the lesson to study writing, counting and master other useful skills. Enjoy the holiday, and we wish you diligence, high marks, kind and wise mentors! Let your family be proud of you, and your faces will always be lit up with smiles!


Not a single performance at the school line is complete without gratitude to the parents who raised a new generation of schoolchildren. Every day they put a piece of their soul into their children, endow them with parental affection and love, and therefore deserve the most sincere words.

All of us, without exception, were little guys and showed off on the line in school jackets and dresses with aprons, and held asters and peonies in our hands. Parents, we want to wish you and your little wards to experience those pleasant feelings of awe and delight again. Let not only your children receive knowledge, but you too, because according to the proverb “Live for a century, learn for a century”.

Congratulations to parents on a new stage in the life of your child. Let the kid not give a reason for disappointment, bring excellent grades, show ingenuity and behave as it should, in order to always be the real pride of the family!

Short congratulations

A classmate, colleague or child can also be presented with a cute short congratulation or greeting that will correspond to the spirit of the holiday and will illuminate the faces of everyone to whom it is addressed with a smile.

This morning is festive and charming! After all, adults lead their offspring for the first time to first grade! Ahead of them is an amazing adventure lasting 11 unforgettable years! May these years be productive and full of positivity!

Happy Knowledge Day to all students! Let the path to the realm of science be simple, exciting and memorable!

Students and their parents! Today the gates of the temple of science will open before you. Let there be as few problems as possible and as many cognitive experiments, useful lessons and well-deserved awards as possible in the process of getting to know various miracles and discoveries!

On this I have to say goodbye to you, friends. The examples that I gave above are more than enough for you for almost all occasions. Thanks to them, September 1 can easily be turned into that most wonderful and magical memory that will live forever in the depths of the soul and warm in moments of bad weather.

I would be grateful for a subscription to my blog and reposts of publications on social networks. If you liked it, do not be lazy to share articles with friends and tell others about them. All the best and see you soon!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoreva

Let learning bring joy
Lots of knowledge and interest.
May wishes come true
To make progress in everything!

I want wise teachers
Good friends.
desire to learn,
Strive for something new.

Happy knowledge Day. Let the academic year be successful and prosperous, I wish you to get a lot of new knowledge and make many interesting discoveries. Great mood and great marks!

With the start of the school year
I hasten to congratulate you!
Let there be more fives
And to school with the word "I want!" ...

Congratulations on Knowledge Day!
We want you to learn
Easy without stopping
Only for five!

I wish you happiness and accomplishments
Success, laughter, achievements,
Health, joy in the family,
Warmth, joy in the soul,
Wins in dozens of competitions
And be able to do everything. Hooray! The Day of Knowledge!

I sincerely congratulate you on the day of knowledge,
Let learning be easy
And the lessons don't get boring
And in general, everything in life succeeds!

It is easy to let knowledge be given,
Every moment will be happy.
The sciences are quickly learned,
Read more smart books.

On the day of knowledge, I wish you heights,
Let the study go well
Merry changes to you
And always great reviews.

Everybody celebrates Knowledge Day
And see off the summer.
May your school year be
The whole is full of joyful worries.

New days and new knowledge,
New meetings and new faces,
New searches, daring,
Unread pages!

Congratulations on Knowledge Day
I wish you well
And study well
Strive for the best!

A merry bell rings
The day of knowledge calls to school,
Let it be successful, happy
Your new school year.

The Day of Knowledge! Let the sun shine
Inspires you to succeed.
Study very hard
Strive for excellent grades!

Studies! Studies! Studying again!
You know, this phrase is the key to success.
After all, knowledge is power, you need to strive for it!
So that you can achieve everything in life!

On the day of knowledge, I wish to know everything,
And surprise everyone with knowledge,
Worthy to learn, grow, develop,
Reach for the heights and never give up.

On Knowledge Day, I wish everyone good luck,
Success, happiness, courage, kindness.
Achieve academic heights for all the guys,
Teacher - patience and warmth!

I wish you wonderful discoveries
Knowledge of truths, happy events.
Success to achieve the best callings in the world.
Talent, skill, patience. The Day of Knowledge!

Solemnly Happy Knowledge Day
Congratulations today.
And in your endeavors
We wish you success!

Hooray! Congratulations on Knowledge Day.
I wish you success in life
Good health, warmth,
To have a positive life!

The school year has arrived.
To new knowledge! Forward!
Schoolboy, from September 1
We congratulate you!

Golden autumn leaf
The school year has begun.
New knowledge, achievements
And moving forward!

Since September 1, I hasten to congratulate
Wish you good luck and victories,
Direct energy towards knowledge.
Remember that learning is light!

Accept congratulations in SMS,
The road to school is waiting for you again.
I wish you success and various miracles!
With the start of the school year!

Congratulations on September 1
And I wish you many discoveries!
Friends, teachers are waiting for you,
A whole world of exciting events!

Knowledge Day is a holiday of books,
Flowers, friends, smiles, light!
Study hard, student -
This is the main thing today!

Those who are in school this year
Will definitely go
Seek more knowledge
And don't be lazy!

Again teachers with a smile
They will meet you in the usual class.
I wish that only dozens
prevailed in the general population.

May you be lucky with your teachers!
With the beginning of the year, worries will go into the distance,
And this is your academic new year
Knowledge will meet you at the doorstep!

We wish, we wish, we wish...
Well, what do you wish?
While you are still a student
We wish you to study for "five"!

SMS congratulations on September 1

Estimates of good, fun lessons,
Kind teachers, cool friends -
I wish you a little bit of everything
And most importantly - joy in your school.

We, noisy schoolchildren gang,
We give you hearts and flowers.
It takes courage to teach us
Tasks oh how not easy!

The bell will ring today
The student is in a hurry to study.
Flowers around, songs on the line,
Head forward, hurry to new successes!

September 1st on the calendar.
Today is Memorial Day, guys.
Studying with interest, more knowledge,
And good work with the school mom!

We wish you high marks for work,
Scholarships to last a month
So that there were not enough amenities.
And you were always praised.

For you it's a new life
And friends, and smiles, and faces
First grader, we wish you
Good and hard to study.

On a light cobweb, September flew to us,
Managed to notify about the beginning of studies with the first call,
With all my heart, son, I congratulate you,
I sincerely wish you great success in your studies.

On the threshold of the school teacher meets you,
The first call about the lesson reminds
Since September 1, congratulations from the bottom of our hearts,
Hard nut of knowledge confidently gnaw.

A satchel on my back and a bouquet in my hand,
All compliments today, son to you,
Sincere congratulations on September 1st.
Always be confident in yourself, we wish.

Summer sings a farewell song
Autumn September, the turn has already come,
Since September 1, accept congratulations,
Let study give you only inspiration.

Best SMS congratulations from September 1

The first bell calls you to school
And invites you to the first lesson,
Since September 1, student, congratulations,
Achieve the goal, we wish.

The maple leaf is spinning in the air
The school bell rings merrily
It's time to study again
Since September 1, you, student.

First day, September, school.
Congratulations on a happy day!
And let the academic year
It'll go great.

Congratulations on September 1st.
The classrooms smell of fresh paint.
It's time to reclaim them.
Summer is over, but life is always beautiful.

Bows in pigtails, and in the hands of bouquets,
Hello again, school, goodbye, summer.
May the school year fly by.
Knowledge and success, from September 1!

The call will collect again
To the lessons, to give change.
The first day in September has arrived
Congratulations School Universe!

First lesson and last call
Unforgettable, unique.
With the first number, with mischievous September,
Happy new date with your beloved school!

Sea of ​​​​impressions, mass of positive,
The meeting with the class will be bright and cheerful.
School time is gaining momentum
Happy New September 1st!

I send congratulations on September 1,
I wish you stunning success.
Let knowledge be as simple as twice two,
And the school happily welcomes students.

I want wise teachers
Good friends.
desire to learn,
Strive for something new.

Collection name: Short congratulations on the day of knowledge. I wish you inexhaustible strength and creative inspiration. Let the baggage of your knowledge be replenished confidently and boldly.

Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge! We wish you not to be upset if the first time you do not succeed in achieving what you want! Let there be very little homework this year so that there is more time for self-education, because this is a very important part of your life.

I wish you exciting journeys through the world of science, leadership abilities. Let every day be marked by even a small, but victory.

Congratulations to everyone who wants to study on the holiday, and we wish you not to lose precious inspiration! Let the school days not turn into an everyday routine, but become exciting and informative lessons! And remember that how strong your efforts will be will determine what kind of successful person you grow up to be.

So this day has come. September 1. I congratulate you on the start of the new school year. It will fly by very quickly, so try to remember the maximum number of moments. Let there be very little homework, but there are a lot of good marks.

I want to congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge and say that there is never too much knowledge. Do not hide your talents, reveal your potential and strive to conquer the peaks! Congratulations on the holiday to all who want to study!

We wish you to always achieve your goals throughout the academic year and not lose interest in everything new and unknown. Efforts to you, as well as diligence, patience, good luck!

On this day of knowledge, we wish you to constantly strive for new successes and achievements, and that the granite of science gnaw with ease.

The Day of Knowledge! We want to wish you always strive for new victories and important discoveries.

With the start of the new school year! We want to wish you incredible academic performance and maximum disclosure of potential.

I wish you high marks and creative flights. May every day be bright, successful, kind and memorable.

I wish you wide opportunities and expanses of fun. Let your head be full of ideas, let every day open up new goals and aspirations for you.

With the start of the new school year! We want to wish that this academic year we managed to get the maximum number of the highest marks.

On this wonderful Day of Knowledge, we wish you to always discover new frontiers of knowledge and horizons of success. And also we all want to wish you never stop believing in yourself.

I want to wish you many cool lessons, from which you will find something pleasant and useful for yourself. And may there always be a place for knowledge and wisdom in your life!

I wish you high erudition and endless optimism, great and bright happiness. Let this academic year be easy, interesting, kind and eventful.

Happy first of September! We want to wish wonderful friends and a variety of hobbies.

On this wonderful Day of Knowledge, we wish you vigorous activity in various fields and good health. Know that any difficulties can be solved if you apply diligence and diligence.

Happy first of September! We wish you rapid growth and self-development.

Happy first of September! We want to wish you never stop halfway to victory.

I wish you good luck for the entire academic year, I wish you a lot of interesting and fun things. Let every day give a smile, joy, optimism, your interest and a high mark.

I wish you only joy and great success, I wish you pleasant impressions and emotions. Let any subject be easily and perfectly given.

I wish you intellectual abilities and creative talents. May this day of knowledge give you inspiration and inspiration for new discoveries.

Happy new school year! I sincerely congratulate you and wish that this academic year will give you many opportunities to show your abilities and talents. I wish you a cheerful start to new success from the first days of sunny September. Most importantly, we wholeheartedly welcome and congratulate first-graders who take the first difficult step on the path to knowledge.

I wish you continued success, excellent mood and health for the whole year. May you always have enough time for excellent studies and a good mood with friends.

I wish you a successful school year without difficulties and laziness, I wish every day to be filled with interest and fun. May your desire for success and conquer new heights not fade away.

So this day has come. September 1. I want to wish you a successful and calm study, a lot of fives and as few triples and twos as possible, although you can’t do without them either. Let nothing stop you from achieving the highest level in school.

Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge! I would like to wish you a successful and easy study, which will not give you trouble. Just study for fun, enjoy every day, chat with friends.

Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge! Please accept our warmest and kindest congratulations on September 1! Just study for your own pleasure, and we will help you with those subjects that do not cause delight in your soul. Happy holiday to you today!

Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge! I would like to wish you a great mood throughout this year, although this is far from a year, but only a few months. Let your goal motivate you, let your dream lead you!

The Day of Knowledge! From September 1! Actively show your abilities, share your knowledge, make your school life diverse! And we also wish you to experience more joyful moments, because only at school is it so much fun.

Congratulations on the day of knowledge are short - I wish you only everything that will help your mood stay on top throughout this year. May this day be full of new emotions and acquaintances. You will not even have time to notice how quickly this school year will pass, and your favorite summer will come again.

I wish you high spirits. Let calls, breaks, additional tasks, communication with classmates and conversations with teachers please you! Golden, school years! Then you will still remember with pleasure about these days! Do not spare your strength for your education, grab the opportunity to show yourself, take risks, tear, dare!