The cat often urinates in small portions. Cystitis - the cat often pees. Treatment of urolithiasis in cats

The excretion of urine is a completely normal physiological process. The organism of many mammals is arranged quite imperfectly, since together with it we lose a lot of water, but in most cases there is nothing fatal in this. But what if there is too much urine? And this is how polyuria manifests itself in cats!

You probably understood that this is the name of the phenomenon in which a cat urinates a lot and constantly, and the volumes of urine excreted are very large. Polyuria does not appear without polydipsia (increased thirst), so in many cases veterinarians have to figure out which pathology is the main one in this tandem. Symptoms of polyuria are simple and clear: the animal urinates frequently and a lot, and also shows an increased interest in drinking water. Since most cats live exclusively indoors, they all visit the litter box. So it’s easy to notice something is wrong: if the filler in the cat’s toilet has to be changed almost a couple of times a day, something is probably wrong with the cat’s health.

In addition, the constant excretion of urine contributes to the violation of water-salt metabolism, the general condition of the animal may noticeably worsen. The hair in the "rear regions" is constantly moistened, the cat has a sharp and unpleasant smell, he constantly licks himself.

Important! You must understand that the situations: "Wee often, but little by little" and "Wee relatively infrequently, but very much" are completely different and indicate diametrically opposite problems! If you suspect something is wrong, be sure to keep an eye on your pet!

Read also: Immunodeficiency in cats (FIV): what is it, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

The average normal urine output per cat is in the range of 28 ml/kg per day. Roughly speaking, one four-kilogram cat excretes something about half a teacup of urine per day. Of course, you don’t need to run after your pet with a beaker: if he suddenly starts to “prescribe” two glasses each, it will always be noticeable. If you cannot leave the litter box empty (to make it easier to determine the volume), simply record the amount of water your cat is drinking. In the case when he drinks a full bowl in a day, something is wrong with him.

The main causes, therapy

In any case, the constant urge to urinate, as well as profuse urination, indicate the presence of some serious problems that are best addressed to veterinarians immediately. In some cases, an increase in fluid intake and urine output can be physiological and short-lived: for example, if your cat has eaten a lot of dry food and is simply thirsty. Of course, the duration of the phenomenon in this case is not more than a day. Since the veterinarian will treat not the polyuria itself, but the disease that caused it, he needs to identify it.

Polyuria can be caused by glycosuria (high blood glucose). This condition occurs when

Frequent urination in a cat is scientifically called pollakiuria. The phenomenon may be the norm for a certain state of the animal and be physiological, or appear due to a disease, and then impaired urination will be classified as pathological. If frequent urge to urinate occurs for natural reasons, then the owner should not worry and the pet does not need treatment. When the violation is pathological, then a visit to the veterinarian is urgent. After the correct treatment is carried out, the problem is usually removed completely.

Causes of the problem

Causes of urination in cats, when it occurs unnaturally often, are due to the fact that the walls of the bladder become overly sensitive, and therefore even the slightest filling leads to an acute urge to urinate. Many reasons can cause irritation. They are also capable of provoking frequent visits to the tray and disorders leading to weakness of the sphincter of the bladder, which is why the animal simply cannot keep fluid inside.

As the main veterinarians name several reasons why urination is disturbed in cats.

  1. Age changes. With age, the muscles in the body of the animal begin to weaken, which is why problems arise with them, including with the sphincter of the bladder. It loses the ability to close properly and keep urine inside the bladder for a long time. Because of this, almost constantly experiencing the urge to urinate, the cat often sits down to pee. He is forced to go to the toilet in order to get rid of even small portions of physiological fluid. Treatment in such a situation is usually not effective, as the tissues of old cats cannot recover and begin to hold urine again.
  2. freezing. A cat, like a person, can freeze, which will cause inflammation of the bladder cystitis. With prolonged exposure to cold, the animal experiences a violation of blood circulation in the bladder. Under this condition, the cat suffers from a drop in local immunity, and it develops inflammation of the walls of the organ. As a result, urination becomes frequent and painful.
  3. Urolithiasis disease. When a cat encounters pathology, the animal constantly irritates the walls of the bladder with stones and sand. The disease causes frequent urination in a cat, in which it is not uncommon, in addition to urine, blood is also released, as well as small stones and sand.
  4. stressful state. A cat from stress may begin to itch a lot, behave atypically, or often visit the tray. It all depends on how his body reacted to unexpected changes in life or other events that provoked stress. To relieve the problem, it is shown to drink the pet with sedatives. They are prescribed by a veterinarian.
  5. Single use of large portions of water. Such a phenomenon is possible if the cat ate salted fish or spent a long time in the heat, and then drank almost a whole drinker at a time. Perhaps excessive consumption of water by animals and for some other reason. In such a situation, the kidneys will work at maximum load all day, so the pet will empty the bladder into the tray all day. In this case, disturbed urination normalizes itself and quickly enough.
  6. Prostatitis. An old cat may well suffer from such a disease. Due to inflammation of the prostate gland, the urge to urinate becomes frequent. At the same time, the portions of urine excreted are scanty and often mixed with blood.
  7. The use of certain drugs. Certain medications can cause frequent urination as a side effect. In such a situation, the cat restores the normal mode of visiting the tray only a few days after the end of therapy.

If the cat began to urinate very often, it is worth visiting the veterinarian to determine the exact cause of this phenomenon. Impaired urination is not always a symptom of a pet's illness, but it is necessary to make sure that this is the case, otherwise you may be late with treatment.

The norm for cats is 2 ... 3 visits to the tray per day. If a pet pees once a day, they talk about oliguria. Complete cessation of the outflow of urine - anuria is considered a deadly condition. But, and frequent attempts to empty the bladder indicates a health problem. A threatening sign is the dryness of the tray after a cat visits it. The intention of the pet to urinate anywhere is an attempt to attract the attention of the owner, telling him about his illness.


The reasons why a cat has pollakiuria have been established:

  • Cystitis.
  • Urolithiasis disease.
  • Diabetes.
  • Urinary incontinence.
  • Stress.
  • Territory marking.


Inflammation of the urinary bladder mainly affects males due to the anatomical specifics of the structure of the urinary tract. Walking in a small way is very painful. The cat urinates in the wrong places, meows plaintively, squeezing urine droplets. The disease is permanent, affects animals older than a year, occurs for the following reasons:

  • Hypothermia.
  • Unbalanced nutrition.
  • Infections of the genitals and urinary canal.

Cats suffering from urolithiasis and obesity are predisposed.

Urolithiasis disease

Pathology occurs as a result of partial or complete blockage of the urinary tract by uroliths. The disease is characterized by pollakiuria, as well as stranguria - the painful flow of urine. Animals of all ages suffer, but more often old neutered cats. The cat often walks in a small way, and not always successfully. The causes of urotiliasis have been established:

  • Perversion of the exchange of urinary salts, as well as moisture as a result of a lack of drinking or its inadequate quality.
  • Amino acid imbalance in the diet with excessive protein intake.
  • hereditary predisposition.
  • Hormonal disorders.
  • Infections of the urogenital canals.
  • Adynamia.


Chronic disease is caused by the inability of textures to absorb glucose. To reduce its concentration in the blood, the cat tries to drink more water, which is manifested by thirst. Suffer, mainly elderly obese males.

Unlike urotiliasis or cystitis, frequent urination is profuse and painless.

Urinary incontinence

Incontinence is a veterinary and psychological problem for the cat. She becomes shy, understands that she creates inconvenience for the owner with constantly dripping urine, irrigating rugs and furniture, suffers from this. Mostly large old cats get sick. Urinary incontinence manifests itself in the form of constant leakage or sudden urges, in which the animal cannot resist, urinates and is embarrassed.


The joy of meeting with the long-awaited owner or fright at the sight of an unexpectedly encountered dog is accompanied by an involuntary release of the bladder. Psychological problems can arise when changing the place of rest, food, the appearance of a new neighbor, excessive contamination of the tray.

Territory marking

A behavioral reaction that claims to increase its importance in the pride hierarchy. It manifests itself if there are other cats nearby - in the yard or apartment. During estrus, the female leaves marks so that the sexual partner can find her.


To determine the causes of pollakiuria, an anamnesis is collected, clinical symptoms are considered, and laboratory tests of urine and blood are performed. An important diagnostic test is a change in the visual parameters of urine - transparency, color, the presence of sediment, and an unpleasant odor. Pay attention to the frequency of trips to the tray and the abundance of excreta. It is important to monitor your water intake. Thirst in the heat is a normal phenomenon, accompanied by an increase in small hikes. If a cat drinks a lot under comfortable environmental conditions, diabetes is suspected.


Therapeutic procedures in the treatment of pollakiuria of various etiologies are prescribed after the diagnosis is established. There are common points in eliminating the causes and signs of pathology.

In many situations, antispasmodics, drugs that relieve inflammation, prevent the reproduction of conditionally pathogenic microbes, diuretics are used. If it is necessary to restore the outflow of urine, catheterization is used, or surgical correction of obstruction of the urinary passages.

Restoring urine outflow with a catheter

In the treatment of diseases associated with frequent trips of a cat in a small way, a mandatory procedure is diet therapy. A balanced therapeutic diet prescribed by a veterinarian helps dissolve urinary stones and prevents the formation of new ones. A therapeutic diet is mandatory in the treatment of diseases of the urogenital system of various etiologies. Phytopreparation "Cat Erwin" has a stone-destroying effect

It is rarely possible to completely eliminate incontinence, so you have to cover carpets and sofas with oilcloths, put several trays, put on a diaper for your pet.

In the treatment of diabetes, insulin therapy may be required. The water-salt balance is restored by drip infusion of polyionic drugs. A prerequisite for recovery or maintaining the quality of life at a satisfactory level is a change in lifestyle. The fellinologist must be ready to use lifelong medicines and feeds, to provide the pet with dosed physical activity.

Stop-Stress is used to reduce the negative impact of stress. The fight against marking the territory is carried out by means of a phytohormonal sedative Kot Bayun.


Preventive measures against the occurrence of diseases accompanied by pollakiuria are as follows:

  • For drinking use filtered or bottled water.
  • Prevent the development of obesity with the help of active games and a balanced diet, mainly high quality ready-made feed.
  • Protect your pet from hypothermia and drafts.
  • Conduct regular preventive examinations.

Not all diseases accompanied by pathologies of the urinary system are completely curable. But, constant monitoring of the pet's condition and the implementation of preventive instructions allows you to get satisfaction from communicating with your pet.

Cystitis (Cystitis) - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder, as a result of the presence in the bladder of an infection or mechanical damage to the mucous membrane of urinary stones.

In cats, cystitis often occurs simultaneously with inflammation of the mucous membrane of the urethra - urethritis.

It occurs in all breeds of cats, regardless of their age. In cats, cystitis is more common, which is associated with anatomical features. If in cats the urethra is short, straight and wide, which does not interfere with the free passage of salt crystals with urine, then in cats the urethra is longer, has two bends, plus a narrowing in the penis and prostate area. Therefore, in cats, mucous and salt plugs often occur in it, leading to the cessation of urine output from the bladder.

Etiology. Most often, this disease occurs as a result of prolonged hypothermia. It usually happens with those cats who like to sleep on the windowsill with an open window or at the door (in places where there is active air movement).

The cause of cystitis, which is difficult to treat, can be such widespread infectious diseases in cats as rhinotracheitis. These infectious diseases are chronic and have a carrier form.

Mechanical damage to the urethra.

Incorrect feeding of the cat - lack of water in the dry feeding of the cat, overeating, imbalance in natural feeding, leading to an increase in salts in the urine. As a result, the kidneys cannot cope with the filtration process and the elimination of toxins, swelling of the urethra occurs and the outflow of urine is disturbed, a precipitate of salts and mucus forms in the urine, blockage of the urethra occurs, and urolithiasis appears.

Predisposing factors contribute to cystitis in cats:

  • circulatory disorders (stagnation, tide) as a result of an injury;
  • the presence of inflammatory processes in organs close to the bladder
  • excretion by the kidneys of substances (drugs) that irritate the mucous membrane of the bladder.

Pathogenesis. The products of inflammation of the walls of the bladder lead to a change in the composition of urine, in which pus, bladder epithelium, erythrocytes and pieces of necrotic tissue appear. As a result of the entry of microorganisms into the bladder in a descending or ascending way, the urine rots. The cat reacts to the inflammation of the bladder with an increase in body temperature, there is an increase in the neuroreflex excitability of the inflamed mucous membrane, leading to frequent contraction of the bladder, as a result of which the cat has frequent urination in small doses (sometimes drops). Absorbed products of inflammation lead to a shift in the metabolic processes of the body, intoxication. In the blood there is an increase in the number of leukocytes, especially neutrophils.

Clinical picture. The cat has frequent urge to urinate (the cat often sits on the litter box or elsewhere). Sometimes after visiting the tray, the cat crawls out of it on bent legs. We note frequent urination in small portions (sometimes a few drops). When urinating, the cat experiences anxiety and soreness. At the end of the act, the cat sometimes makes plaintive sounds. The smell from urine becomes sharp ammoniac or purulent. Mucus, crystals, blood, pus appear in the urine. Sometimes there is no urination. Due to pain in the abdomen, the cat very carefully rolls over from one side to the other. The cat begins to refuse food, thirst appears, drinks a lot, becomes lethargic, apathetic. There is an unreasonable increase in body temperature (above 39 ° C). The abdomen on palpation is very painful, tense and tight, does not allow touching the abdomen.

In severe cases, the cat will vomit, have swollen limbs, collapse, and become coma.

Chronic cystitis is the result of acute untreated cystitis, with kidney diseases (pyelonephritis, pyelonephrosis, infected hydronephrosis, bladder tumors, bladder stones, prostate neoplasms, urethral stricture, etc.). Chronic cystitis in cats is manifested by the presence of blood in the urine. In chronic cystitis, hypertrophy of the muscle layer develops, as a result of which the bladder is not completely emptied of urine. In the bladder, pathogenic microorganisms accumulate, leading to another attack of cystitis.

In a laboratory study of urine, depending on the severity of the inflammatory process, protein, mucus, epithelium, leukocytes, erythrocytes, pus, blood, salt crystals may be present in the urine.

During bacteriological examination, pathogenic microflora is isolated (E. coli, cocci, streptococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, chlamydia, etc.).

Diagnosis on cystitis is put on the basis of anamnesis, clinical signs of the disease, the results of a laboratory study of urine, clinical and biochemical blood tests, the results of a cytoscopy, the results of a survey ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity, the results of an x-ray examination of the abdominal cavity. If cystitis of infectious etiology is suspected, appropriate laboratory tests are carried out. In severe cases of cystitis in a cat, the clinic veterinarian sometimes has to resort to double contrast cystography or excretory urography.

Treatment. In each case, the veterinarian of the clinic prescribes treatment depending on the type of cystitis, general condition, the presence or absence of obstruction of the urethra or ureters in the sick cat.

In a cat, in order to reduce the load on the kidneys and stop the increase in urine concentration, we remove the food, provide plenty of fluids, as the liquid “washes” the bladder. If there is no blockage of the urethra, then to speed up the release of inflammation products from the bladder, we give decoctions of herbs that have a slight diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect (lingonberry leaf, corn stigmas, bear's eye, bearberry leaves, horsetail).

The cat is provided with comfortable conditions and complete peace.

After the cat managed to restore the outflow of urine, we resort to washing the bladder and urethra with antiseptic solutions (potassium permanganate, boric acid, furacillin, ichthyol, etc.) or saline (0.9% sodium chloride) in order to get rid of the accumulated mucus, fine sand, blood clots and other cellular elements.

If a urethral obstruction is found during a diagnostic examination in a sick cat, then they resort to retrograde urohydropulsation, bladder catheterization, followed by fixation of the urinary catheter for a period of 5-7 days, urotomy or uretostomy.

After the restoration of the outflow of urine, the veterinary specialist of the clinic conducts symptomatic therapy, which includes the removal of the inflammatory process and intoxication of the body, pain relief, as well as the restoration of the disturbed water and electrolyte balance in the body of a sick cat.

To relieve intoxication in a sick cat, a dropper is used or 20 ml of Ringer's solution is injected subcutaneously between the shoulder blades.

In case of bacterial acute cystitis, after preliminary titration of the pathogenic microorganism to antibiotics, antibacterial drugs are prescribed (baytril, ciftrioxone, cefatoxime, cobactan, cefkin, etc.), sulfanilamide preparations (furagin, furadonin, furasemide, biseptol for children). Apply according to instructions. The course of treatment is long, sometimes up to a month.

To eliminate the side effects of antibacterial drugs on the body of an animal, enterosorbents, probiotics, etc. are prescribed.

For colic and spasms, injections of antispasmodic drugs are used - analgin, cystone, no-shpa, papaverine, baralgin, traumatin. With bleeding - dicynone. Homeopathic preparations - "Kanteren", "Cat Ervin". Immunocorrectors - gamavit, anandin, vestin, roncoleukin, immunofan, ribotan, fosprinil, etc.

Additionally, at the discretion of the attending physician, the standard treatment regimen for cystitis used can be supplemented with a therapeutic diet, giving special feeds that prevent urological disorders in cats (Royal Canin Urinary S / o therapeutic food), giving the cat antidepressants and sedatives.

A good effect is the use of Stop cystitis for cats, which contains components that help relieve inflammation, spasm and have antimicrobial and diuretic effects.

If cystitis in a cat was the result of urolithiasis, nephritis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, metabolism, etc., then it is necessary to begin treatment of the underlying disease that caused cystitis in the cat.

Kittens are vaccinated at 9-12 weeks of age. 10-14 days before vaccination, the owner must deworm his pet.

If a cat has chronic cystitis, then in a small amount of a decoction of diuretic herbs we give homeopathic preparations (Kantaren), Erwin Cat, etc. It is recommended to transfer the cat to a diet with special feeds (Royal Canin Urinary). Compliance with the above recommendations will cause your cat to have an increased filtration rate in the kidneys, will lead to a decrease in the concentration of salts in the urine and an acceleration of its outflow from the bladder.