Beautiful words to a beloved man in their own words, touching to tears, short, I miss you in prose, at a distance. Romantic words for a guy. SMS to a beloved man about love, to tears

If there is “that” man in your life, from time to time you can and should tell him how much he means to you. A declaration of love to your loved one will help you refresh your feelings or nourish them. After all, the representatives of the stronger sex are also very pleased to hear when a girl or woman confesses her love to them. Especially if she shows imagination and does it in the original form.

How exactly can you confess your love to a man?

You can tell a man that you like him in your own words - this is the most common way. But he has one drawback - you can get excited and the confession will turn out to be “crumpled”. Your feelings will remain unexpressed and, first of all, you yourself will begin to suffer from this. You need it? We think not.

Therefore, if you do not have oratorical talent, we advise you to do the following:

  • Write a "classic" letter with a declaration of love.
  • Send a short SMS declaration of love to your loved one.
  • Write a funny confession (suitable only for men with a good sense of humor!).
  • Write a confession note and attach it with a magnet to the refrigerator.
  • Hide a piece of paper with a confession in a lunch bag.
  • Compose a tender declaration of love in verse.

Recognition in the form of a letter can be sent by mail - it will be even more interesting and effective. Buy a beautiful envelope for this (for example, in vintage style). Or make an envelope yourself, seal it with wax or sealing wax (now you can buy anything in needlework stores, including unusual seals). But then you will have to throw a letter on your own - a declaration of love in the mailbox, put it in a man's favorite book or put it in a conspicuous place in the house - so that your significant other will notice it.

SMS is convenient because a declaration of love to a man can be sent at any time of the day and anywhere in the world. So to speak, a progressive option. Funny confessions are written in a joking manner. They can also be presented in a peculiar way: for example, baked in cookies. But keep in mind - your man must have a good sense of humor, otherwise such a message can have the opposite effect.

Advice! If a sense of humor is not your forte, but you want to write a funny declaration of love to your loved one just because you are embarrassed to say “normal” about your feelings - don't do it! Just such an explanation will look ridiculous, funny, and sometimes even vulgar.

A confession to a man that you like him, found on the refrigerator door or in a lunch box, will be an unexpected but very pleasant surprise.

Finally, poetry. Poetry is the best way to convey a deep feeling. Even if you do not have a poetic talent, try to confess your love to a man in your own words. After all, “white verses” (not in rhyme) also have many admirers. Maybe your favorite is one of them?

Below we give examples of confessions that you can either use "as is" or take as a basis and come up with something of your own.

How to tell your feelings to your beloved husband

Here are a few examples of how a loving wife can write a beautiful declaration of love to her husband:

  1. We've been together for a very long time. During this time, an insane passion was experienced, a sea of ​​tenderness, care and attention was given to each other. We managed to cope with corrosive jealousy and quarrels. I admit that now I love you differently than at the beginning of our relationship. It was passionate and blinding love - it was beautiful and sometimes frightened me with its strength.

    Now my feeling is not so violent, not so all-consuming. But it has become deeper, stronger and ... wiser. I love you completely and unconditionally. With all the advantages and disadvantages, habits and outlook on life. You have become a true family person to me. I am happy knowing that I am YOUR wife.

  2. You know we are so different. We have different tastes, different habits and different attitudes towards life. We have always been different - from the first day we met. But this did not prevent love: do you remember how a spark seemed to jump between us? I remember. I still remember how we walked together in the evening city, admired the sunset on the sea, how you gave me flowers and tried to read poems of your own composition. How he proposed to me. Now we are together, but we have not ceased to be different - perhaps this is what united us. We find in each other something that we need like air. And you know, I finally figured out what it is. Love. It has always been love, which attracted us like a magnet, taught us to find compromises. And today I want to tell you again - I love you. I love with all my heart, with all my soul. You are a man who painted my life with new colors, made it more multifaceted and interesting. You gave me love, you became my husband and turned me into the happiest woman. Thank you for this.
  3. My favorite! I believe in marriages that are made in heaven and you know why? Our marriage is just like that. We did not meet by chance - you yourself told me this more than once. I thank fate for every minute when you are near. You are the man I dreamed of. Your voice, your touch, the color of your eyes - it all drives me crazy. Any of our meetings makes my heart beat faster and experience the strongest feelings. My dear, I love you very much!

How to say that you like him?

Do not know how to come up with a declaration of love to your beloved man? Take a look at these and you are sure to find something that suits you!

  • You are my happiness, my love! It was you who taught me not to be afraid to open my soul to another person. And I am grateful to fate for sending you to me. I wouldn't settle for anyone else! I really like you. Love you…
  • Every morning I wake up with the thought that today I will see you. And so every morning for me is the beginning of a wonderful day, in which a sea of ​​​​your care, love and tenderness awaits me. I finally admitted to myself that I really like you. And now I want you to know it too.
  • My only one! I so want to do something to surprise and please you. But you yourself said that as long as you have me, you don’t need anything else. That's why I tell you - I love you! I love as much as a woman can love a man.
  • I feel how close we are, even if we are far apart. And I know you feel the same. Darling, I'm so happy that you appeared in my life. You are the Man I can always rely on. I don't just like you. I love you very much!

How to confess love to a guy

Here you can read and choose a beautiful declaration of love to the guy you like. They are not very long, so they can be used as an SMS message.

  1. I missed you madly. I get lonely as soon as you leave: I can't wait for the minute when I see you again. I want to feel your hugs, your love and tell you that our feelings are mutual!
  2. Do you know what my "most-most" dream is? Fall asleep and wake up next to me, feel your strength, your courage and your tenderness. Endless tenderness for me ...
  3. You are the guy who changed my life. You changed not only her, but also me - I never knew that I could be so tender, affectionate, loving. And so beautiful...
  4. I never thought that the phrase "I love you" could contain so much. That it sounds different every time. I didn't even think about it until the day I met you. I love!

Believe me, your boyfriend will be happy to read such words. Especially if he really likes you. And he will remember for a long time how his girlfriend confessed her love to him.

How to say a beautiful declaration of love aloud to a man

Of course, you can confess your feelings orally. But it must be done wisely. To get started, write a confession to the man in your own words on paper (not in electronic form, but on paper!). Consider every word. Then be sure to read aloud: what we write can be very beautiful, but spoken aloud will no longer have the desired effect. Correct the confession and learn it by heart.

You can say words of love during:

  • romantic dinner;
  • romantic breakfast for the weekend;
  • evening walk;
  • vacation, which you went together;
  • celebrating valentine's day.

You can make a confession over the phone if you are embarrassed to say it to his face. Such a conversation will make a lasting impression on him.

But only you yourself can know the best moment. After all, if a girl or woman truly loves, but at the same time “does not dissolve” in a man, she will always be able to very successfully find the appropriate moment when you can say “I love you!”. And they will believe her.

I love you more than life, I want to be only with you, I live with you, I will be happy only with you, you are the most beautiful, beautiful, charming girl in the world. I just adore you! You are my ray of sunshine, I realized that I can’t live without you ... I love you! I keep you very carefully in my heart ... every look of your beautiful eyes, every word that your angelic lips uttered, every second that we were there. You completely and completely filled my soul and heart with you ... and my heart can’t be without you ... I love you baby! The whole meaning of my life is you! I fall asleep and think of you! I wake up and think about you! I sleep at night and smile because I think of you. I am ready to scream anywhere and everywhere that I love you. I can't imagine myself without your smile, without your eyes, without your kisses, without your hands. You are my happiness! I love you! A strange coincidence… I have been looking for something for so long, choosing. But I didn't expect you, but you appeared on your own. And everything is like in a dream, no ... not in a dream, everything is like in a movie. But, really, I thought it only happens in the movies. A chance meeting, just all the circumstances in one day came together so that we could find each other. Perhaps this is fate. Probably, everything should have been exactly this way and nothing else. And I'm just happy that it all happened. And it becomes scary at the thought that if something had gone wrong that day, we would never have known each other. I want to confess that I love you very much from the very minute we met, I hope that this is mutual. I want to fall asleep in your arms to wake up from your warm breath. Sit with your legs tucked under you and watch you go about your business. Watch a movie with your chin on your chest. Inhale your scent, so fresh and warm, burying your nose in your neck. Take you by the hand, going out into the street. I want all this because I love you madly. I don’t want you to see my eyes, remember them the way they were when we first met - shiny, happy, and not the same as now - extinct ... Now there is too much pain, tears in them ... Remember how they were, and now they are empty, there is only gloom, darkness and fog in them ... I don't want you to see them. They will never be the same as before. And remember, I fell in love with you at first sight, and I will always love you, and look forward to meeting you. To love or fall in love is stupid, especially since the first love turned out to be unrequited, but no, I fell in love ... and so much, and so passionately that it seems to anyone and I have never experienced such a feeling ... My heart does not beat so loudly and strongly , as they say in novels, but it lets me know that you are the person for whom there has always been a place in my heart. And now it's filled. I love you so much! Yesterday at parting, you kissed me for the first time. It was so divine, it was a beginning that has no end. It was the beginning of my love for you. Infinite, tender, eternal, affectionate, passionate, burning, alluring, piercing, sleepless, merciless. Happiness, smile, anticipation, joy of meeting… thank you for that. I fell in love with you. My little, most beloved, I can’t live without you, I exist! I do not need expensive gifts, soft toys, chocolate, I only need you ... Sometimes, when I understand that we cannot be together, I want to die! But, waking up, every time in the morning, I understand: I live for you ... When you are standing next to me, I feel warm when you talk to me, no matter what, I feel hot when you kiss me on the cheek when you meet, I feel hot, but you don’t you leave a burn on the body, it forms in my heart! And it doesn’t hurt me at all ... I want to live for you, breathe for you, I want to be always with you. I love you more than life. Come on, love me. So stupid and so without a trace. I will drink your tenderness, drag you to the rooftops and stealthily kiss you in the crowd. I will kiss your hands with lips trembling with pleasure and breathe with you to the beat. I will set my heart to yours, and you will laugh when clouds and drops mix with your hair in the sky again. Come on then you love me. I will give you roses and go for snowdrops. I will bite your neck to sweet pain. I will be bitter and sweet. Cruel and kind. Can I wake you up with an unchanging smile?

I want to make you the happiest man on this earth!
I want to enjoy you every minute
and I want to give all my tenderness, warmth, care, affection ...
I love you!

R one of mine, I want to be with you always, and the reason for this is not your beauty, although it is undeniable, not your strength, although with you I feel protected and not your mind, which everyone admires. And the reason is in my heart, which does not beat when you are not, and in my soul, that without you it freezes and does not want to fly.

R one, from the moment you were around, I completely stopped paying attention to troubles, and all the problems that arise seem to be just vanity. You brought peace, confidence and a sense of security to my world and became a reliable guarantor of my peace of mind. You are my true hero and I admire you.

  • Your smile is like sunlight warming my day. Your words create a sweet melody in my head. I can’t do anything with myself, as soon as I fall in love with you more and more.
  • I think constantly only about you - that's all I can do. Everything else gets out of hand. You are the first and last thought in my heart, with this I fall asleep and wake up every day. No matter where I go or what I do, I always think of you.
  • You beat the rhythm in my heart, give birth to music in my laughter and tears in my eyes at our separation.
  • I decided to send this SMS to my beloved man as a reminder to him that he is always in my thoughts and my heart. It is a happiness for me to wait for you after a hard day's work, to feed you a delicious dinner, take care of you when you are sick, and support you in moments of triumph.
  • My soul blossoms when I remember the moment when I kissed an ordinary man, and then he turned into a handsome prince. You are the king of my heart, I love you.
  • Do you know why I shine every day with happiness? My day starts great - with a cup of coffee and your kisses. And it ends no less amazing - I fall asleep in your arms. I am overwhelmed with pride and desire to say that I am the wife of the best husband in the world!

T You seem to have stepped out of my dream, but does it really happen? After all, everyone around them says that ideal people do not exist, but you are ideal in everything. You are beautiful, you are tall, you are strong and brave, you are kind, caring and gentle. You are very smart, patient, romantic, purposeful and passionate. You are full of ideas and inspiration, light and energy. You can make my day and my life happy. Isn't this ideal?

WITH now, more than anything, I want to feel your hot palms. I want to feel their warmth, their tenderness. This is a phenomenon for me, how can such large, such courageous and strong hands be so affectionate, so gentle, like a feather, so caring. How can such a harsh person like you turn into the softest and most romantic, the most light and funny? I love you.

L I love you to the point of pain. To tears. Up to heavenly heights. To trembling in the voice and body .... I love! I want to thank you. For falling in love. I didn't think this would ever happen to me. Thank you! Thanks for the summer.... It was the most beautiful of all the previous ones. Every moment of summer with you is a ray of indescribable happiness. Why did you turn them into pieces?

IN it was so beautiful... You came to me…. With cake... To meet my mother. An idyll reigned, which I will never be able to forget. Do not even ask! How I loved the way you looked at me…. There was so much tenderness in him that I pinched myself. I felt like I was sleeping. It seemed…. Your affectionate touches of sight are divine and unique.

TO When I saw you, huge white wings suddenly grew behind me, and when I got to know you better, I was struck by the lightning of love. I was swirled in a hurricane of frantic feelings and emotions, everything was mixed up, and my life was no longer the same. Everything in it became brighter, more interesting, deeper. And it's all thanks to you. Thank you, my dear, for love, for attention, for tenderness. I love you.

I I am ready to give my life for your every look, for your every smile, for every turn of your head. I am grateful to fate for your laughter, for your words, for our feelings, for everything that is happening to us now. It's inexplicable, it's like magic, some kind of fairy tale. I love you so much that I can't believe myself.


D dear, my beloved, the only, gentle, dear! I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! To be happy or not to be? - Everything depends on you! Just open the doors of your heart and let your happiness in! And I will help you with this, if you want! Love you! Kiss!

L my beloved, my brave knight. hero of my dreams! Happy Birthday to you! I am sure that the heavens did not send you to earth in vain, and fate did not just push us together. You are special, so let everything in your life be special: work, friends, house, car, holidays, family, which I hope will consist of me and our children!

Z Why do I believe in miracles? Because the miracle is you! Beloved, plunge into my eyes, fill, with a glance, a niche of emptiness .... I won't get tired of saying "I love you". I will not get tired of repeating "I'm sorry." I will cover your life with love, so that in this life you rarely feel sad ....

IN about your look - my reflection. I know we'll be together forever. I love you. I adore you! And only about you, day and night, I dream .... I wish you were always by my side. I will carry all the feelings for you through the years .... (beautiful words about life and love in prose).

P rose. - When I say "I love you", you lower your eyes. Are you embarrassed to reciprocate? Do not be shy! I'm waiting for your reciprocity, living in words and in the heart. I really look forward to your "love". This word, for me, is a big and long-awaited holiday.

TO When you asked me about love, I couldn't answer, but it's not because I don't have feelings. Everything is the opposite. I love you too much, therefore, then I kept silent, I was overwhelmed with feelings, and I was embarrassed. But now I want to tell you these words: I love you, I love you. And I am very grateful to fate for giving me you, my dear man.

M oh good and dear, my only and wonderful man. You are the most gentle and dear, the most reliable and courageous, the strongest and most skillful, the most desired and unique, the kindest and most beloved. Be always for me the same perfect and irresistible.

I I love you very much. You are my protector, my support, my main man. My love for you is strong, like a hurricane at will and boundless, like the World Ocean. You are strong and courageous, kind and sensitive, smart and beautiful, responsible and caring, honest and fair - in a word - the best in the world!

TO When you are near, I am in seventh heaven with happiness. But as soon as you move away, I feel like I miss you. I really hope that we will not part for a long time, because without you I can no longer imagine my life.

M my feelings for you have become for me a reward for all the difficulties that have fallen to my lot. Everything that happened before our meeting happened only so that we could meet with you. Without you, I never lived, but simply existed, you gave me the opportunity to live and enjoy the world around me.

You know, you are an incredible person who, in a matter of seconds, managed to turn my world upside down, giving it a new meaning and new colors. It is pleasant to realize that from now on my soul belongs not only to me, but also to the one who has become such a special and unexpected gift from the Universe. I love you. I managed to understand this from the first second of our meeting. It happens, but I never even thought that this could happen to me, given all my mistakes of the past. So much time spent waiting for me was not in vain, as I managed to find my soul mate, who managed to open a new range of feelings for me.

Loving you is like basking in the cold,
Bathe in gentle caressing warmth.
Loving you is like stroking a delicate rose
Veins in every delicate petal.

Loving you is such happiness
That I don't know how to convey
Everything I feel. And every day is like a holiday.
It is a great pleasure to meet you.

My dear man, I want to tell you that with your appearance in my life, she has gained new meaning and inspiration, my heart has found hope and happiness, my soul soars in the clouds and dreams endlessly. It's all thanks to you, because I love you dearly and cherish every moment spent together.

I won't stop loving you
I will not hide the secret under deceit.
I will go through fire and mountains with you,
You don't need to talk.

Let many years pass
But I will keep my vow.
Every night I promise
Love and buy sweets for tea.

I dream of connecting my life with yours, because you are my long-awaited love, which happens only once. Our destinies intertwined long before we met. The universe has decided everything for us. And I will not stop thanking her for such a decision, because without you my life simply would not have meaning. You are my peace, my joy, my crazy desire to be better. I live with you, and before you it was an ordinary existence in gray and dull days. You are happiness and my pleasure. I adore you, admire you and drown in you. You are everything one can dream of.

This moonlit night
I'm writing a letter.
The strings of happiness are ringing
And my heart is warm.

Because I want to tell
Honestly, not melting
What's in the whole universe
It's better not to have you.

You are like a ray of sunshine
Among the gray clouds
Next to you
I always laugh.

filled with happiness
Thoughts and dreams
Everything around is changing
When you are near.

I catch your breath
And every breath I catch;
And, you know, I understand
That I love you!

You make my world richer and brighter
You fill everything with your energy,
You help to live, strive and dream,
Kindness, warmth to give and happiness to create!

Thank you for the feeling of magic
Let's keep it, multiply it,
After all, all we need is love, its flight,
Let her live forever in the two of us!

Can't live without love
Just float through life.
And she comes in an instant -
Two planets crazy junction.

And love came to me
Feelings all intertwined.
You are the cause of the spark
My dear man.

The garden in my soul blooms
The tree of happiness grows there.
You are the reason for change
Actions, thoughts and decisions.

I love you, there are no better words
And no one is more beautiful than you.
And it's more dangerous for me to be with you
Than to jump into the abyss from a height.

But I can't refuse
From those tender, sweet eyes.
I want to confess my love to you -
You are my most valuable diamond.

We didn't know how it goes
Thought we were living
But now we understand
What we call life.

It's you and me - we're together
It's you and me - always.
All others are irrelevant
Everything else is nonsense.

How would you like to confess?
Give you the whole world
inspired, inspired,
Enlightened by love.

How difficult it is for a man alone
Go through a world where everyone is strangers!
But you are with me - and only because
It's so easy for me, and my song flows

To you - a vision from my dream ...
You are both a dream, and a feat, and a reward ...
There is no peace. No people. There is me and you.
And I want to be with you forever.

I don't know how my life would have turned out if I hadn't met you. Yes, and not really, I probably want to know this, because with you every moment is filled with happiness. You managed to give the world that I dreamed of for so long, which I would never give to anyone. You allowed me to feel life, taught me to perceive in a different way, as it seemed to me before, ordinary things. You are all the best and brightest that could happen to me. Your love warms, inspires and gives me strength. I love you so much that even words can not describe all the feelings that I have for you. I want to live with you forever, I want to watch the happiness of our children and grandchildren, carefully holding your hand. I do not want to imagine at least a day without you, because parting with you even for a minute is like flour. You are the only one to whom I am ready to devote myself completely, without a trace, without demanding anything in return.

My dear man, I want to tell you something important. Since you came into my life, I have become more confident and a hundred times happier. You gave me wings of inspiration and hope for a brighter future. You help me overcome all difficulties and share with me every event of life. Thank you, dear. I love you and want to always remain a spark of love in your heart.

You gave me a real miracle, giving me the opportunity to enjoy such a wonderful feeling as love. You lit a fire in my heart, made it clear that I am not alone in this vast, simply limitless world. You are my inspiration, you are my joy. I like falling asleep with you and waking up, spending evenings hugging under a blanket, listening to the music of the rain coming outside the window. I like all our moments, because each of them is filled with happiness. You are not just my favorite, you are the best friend in the world with whom I can discuss any problem. I feel good with you. No, it's a little different... I'm incredibly comfortable with you! And I certainly will not agree to share this comfort with anyone!

My dear, my beautiful and brave, my brave and kind, my cheerful and unique, you are the best for me, you give me an incentive for every day, you take care of me and make me happy. I want to tell you that I love you and am very grateful to fate for our meeting with you.

I have long wanted to tell you, my love, that I can not imagine my life without you! You are the person with whom every minute, no matter where we are, turns into a fairy tale! I love you with all my heart, you have taken all the place in my heart and I am extremely happy about it! Thanks for making me happy!

My wonderful and gentle, my dear and the best, I love you and constantly thank my fate for our meeting. I want to say “thank you” to you too for turning my life into a real fairy tale, for giving me wings behind my back. I wish you to always remain as strong and courageous, my most beloved and wonderful person.

My sweet boy, I want to confess to you that you have become a dear and desirable person for me, you gave me unearthly feelings and a feeling of weightlessness, extraordinary joy and a desire to create. Without any doubt, and honestly, I boldly declare that I love you.

I want to say just three words to you, dear. These words are simple, but they mean a lot to me, they mean that it’s hard for me to breathe without you, that I feel very good and comfortable with you, that you are my inspiration, my joy and happiness. These three words - I love you!

My precious man, my most courageous man, I want to tell you that I love you immensely, disinterestedly and sincerely, and I hope for reciprocity!

My dear and beloved, you are for me like a hot sun on the sea, like an oasis in the desert, like a paradise island in the ocean, like a free wind in the steppe, like a clear falcon in the sky. You make me happy and give inspiration to life, I love you and sincerely appreciate the case when fate brought me to you.