Round rug made of knitted yarn. Crochet floor rug for beginners: diagram, description, master class, photo. How to crochet a beautiful rug round, square, oval, rectangular, openwork, star, Japanese crochet with your own hands

Crochet Knitted Rugs: Ideas and Patterns for Them

Knitted rugs - sounds amazing, but the products are very funny and attractive. So, for example, the independent embodiment of a knitted product on the floor helps to solve the problem with the lack of a rug suitable for the design of the room. Such knitted products look advantageous and cozy in bathrooms and children's rooms. Moreover, the benefits of knitting a floor mat also include the ability to get rid of old things - T-shirts, knitted dresses and just pieces of already useless fabric. Old curtains in skillful hands can quickly turn into cozy rugs with curly motifs.

If you have a burning desire to knit a rug, then you should know that a denser fabric is obtained using a crochet hook. To learn how to crochet rugs on your own, we offer complete instructions for some models for beginner needlewomen and experienced craftswomen. Explore, imagine, embody!

A few recommendations from experts in their field in choosing yarn should be given. In order for the product to serve for a long time and retain its original appearance, synthetic types of yarn should be preferred - this is the famous acrylic, but you can also use natural cotton (although it will not keep warm).

It is also necessary to clarify that it is better to use thicker threads for crocheting rugs - this will allow you to realize a thicker fabric that is not inferior in terms of heat preservation to standard fleecy products. For a thick thread, hooks with No. 5-8 are suitable. It is easy to determine the size of the canvas - it is recommended to knit a sample with a 10x10 cm square from the selected yarn, iron it or wash and dry it. At the finished sample, the obtained dimensions are measured and the required number of loops for further knitting is determined.

For knitting, you can use any napkin pattern - a manifestation of fantasy will make an excellent design option out of a simple model.

Models for beginners

If earlier your crochet was limited to simple scarves or snoods, then you are advised to start implementing a more useful thing with a simple model. There are several models of simple crochet rugs with diagrams and descriptions.

Square or rectangle

To begin with, it is recommended to use a simple rug shape - a square or rectangle. They can be knitted in a single fabric or using the technique of knitting with motifs - the assembly of motifs determines the final result and design. The following selection of rugs and schemes for their implementation is given:

A simple rectangular rug knitted with single crochets in alternating colors. At the end, the fabric is simply tied with a row of single crochets, tassels are made from the same threads that were used when knitting. Photo simple crochet rug

In a similar way, a path from the remnants of yarn is connected - both melange and plain threads are used here. The paths look attractive in the hallways - immediately at the entrance, that homely and somewhat “rustic” comfort is created. Photo of a simple crocheted rug

Rectangular crochet rugs can be created from simple squares of different colors, which are then simply sewn together with a needle. This is also an excellent product model for beginners, which even experienced craftswomen can use in case of operational knitting. Photo rug crocheted and separate squares

Rug crocheted with a crochet stitch. Individuality and attractiveness is represented by a change of color in a diagonal and "ladder" sequence. Such products fit perfectly into children's rooms. Photo rug crocheted with a zigzag color change

Rugs with motifs in the technique of "grandmother's square" - these simple squares with the replacement of threads of different colors turn into unique and designer things with the manifestation of imagination. To embody the crochet rugs in the presented technique, the following is a knitting pattern.

For beginners, there are a huge number of models of rectangular or square products - it is only important to choose a model in accordance with the design of the room.

Round rugs

Crochet round rugs look great in bedrooms near the beds. You can also implement a design model for the kitchen - this is convenient in order to maintain cleanliness in the room (you can regularly wash products without fear of fading and damage). Round rugs can be divided into two types - solid and openwork.

Solid rugs of a round shape are knitting a circle with a simpler pattern, as a result of which the canvas turns out to be solid and rational for its intended use. Two subspecies can also be distinguished here - knitting with simple double crochets or knitting cones. There are two completely different options.

Simple canvases with double crochets are represented by the following selection of products and patterns with a description. Photo simple round crochet rugs Photo diagram of simple round crochet rugs Photo diagram of simple round crochet rugs Photo diagram of simple round crochet rugs

Rugs with bumps are more suitable for children's rooms, as well as living rooms, as they are textured and retain heat longer. The following selection of patterns is offered. Photo of round rugs with bumps Photo of round rugs with bumps Photo of a pattern for crocheting round rugs with bumps

Now we should talk about openwork rugs, which look more like a profitable design solution. They are easy to implement if you have previously knitted lace napkins and other similar products. For knitting rugs, use the following patterns. Photo of round openwork crochet rugs Photo of round openwork crochet rugs Photo of scheme for openwork crochet rugs Photo of scheme for openwork crochet rugs Photo of scheme for openwork crochet rugs Photo of scheme for openwork crochet rugs Photo of scheme for openwork crochet rugs

Oval rugs

Crocheted oval rugs are knitted into elongated rooms, as well as into living rooms where coverage is needed in the recreation area. For knitting, you can use the following selection of patterns.

Japanese crochet rug

Japanese rugs only look complicated on the outside, but upon careful analysis of the crochet technique, it turns out that this is the usual knitting of hollow circles that are connected in a certain sequence. For a simpler option, it is enough to use a model of 4 circles, which were later “filled” with a canvas of double crochets.

For experienced craftsmen

Experienced craftswomen can choose to crochet more complex patterns and variations, where most techniques use columns that are difficult to knit. Also noteworthy is the compatibility of complex patterns - pineapples are connected with cones, and cones with floral motifs, and so on. But you should still present several models for self-crocheting rugs.

Rug based on the napkin "Grand"

You can easily make carpets from crocheted napkin patterns, and here, if necessary, you can increase the size of the future canvas by combining or “wedging” several rows with certain patterns. So the “Pineapple Song” napkin inspired experienced craftswomen to knit on the basis of the existing rug pattern, called “Grand”. The new model fits perfectly into Provence, Rococo, Baroque, Classicism, more luxurious Gothic or Empire style interior design. There is nothing complicated in knitting it - the main thing is to use the following diagrams with a description:

Dial 8 air loops and close the chain into a ring. Next, continue knitting according to pattern 1. If necessary, you can increase the diameter by repeating the last few rows. Photo pattern for crocheting a rug grand

At the end of the work, go to pattern 3 - this will allow you to finish the carpet smoothly and textured. Photo pattern for crocheting a rug grand

For edging, scheme 4 is used, consisting of air loops and pico.

The presented model is recommended for self-fulfillment in white, but if necessary, more attractive shades of the thread that are suitable for the color scheme of the room are taken into account. The finished rug is simply soaked in cool water and laid out on fabric - you can immediately on the floor until it dries completely.

Simple but attractive blue lace

An openwork rug can be knitted using a simpler pattern - here it is only important to correctly position the petals from ordinary double crochets. So, it is proposed to use the scheme below, which will help to embody a completely attractive and versatile crochet rug model - change the shade and you will get a completely different version of the canvas.

Rugs from packages

Children's variations

Children prefer their own rooms with the appropriate furnishings - everything should be bright and fabulous. Therefore, the task of parents is to take into account every little thing. If earlier you did not take care of purchasing furniture or textile items for the children's room with appropriate prints, then today you can easily fix the situation:

First, get curtains with a children's pattern in the child's room.

Secondly, replace the existing dark blanket on the bed with a bright children's version.

Third, tie the rug! But not simple, but special - in the form of any animal.

Recently, it has become fashionable to make decor with your own hands. Such works are always exclusive, fit perfectly into the interior, and also create a cozy atmosphere. Crocheting rugs for the floor is not only a pleasant activity, but also the creation of chic products for your home. These rugs are very pretty and easy to make. They can be made not from yarn, but from scraps of fabric, ropes, or even ordinary bags.

Simple crochet knitted rugs for beginner needlewomen

Girls who are just learning to knit can already create their first masterpiece. To do this, prepare a thick yarn, such as wool blend, acrylic or cotton, and a hook with the appropriate number.

A rectangular product for the floor can be connected using the following scheme:
1st row. We make columns with a crochet on a chain. Their length should correspond to the length of the rug. Next, the product must be turned to the wrong side.
2nd row. We carry out columns without a crochet under the front wall of the loop. Turn the canvas over again.
The 3rd row should be knitted under both walls of the loop with and without a crochet.
We perform the 4th row in the same way as the 2nd.
The 5th row is knitted with double crochets under the back wall of the loop.
Further, the pattern is repeated from the 2nd to the 5th row.

A round floor rug can be crocheted using the following pattern. Knitting consists of columns under the back wall of the loop.

Openwork rug (55 cm): video master class

Round rugs made of crochet fabric or "grandmother's rug"

To create this product, we need old knitwear or linen items. The color scheme can be very diverse. For example, different tones of the same color or several bright colors. Before starting work, we need to make yarn. To do this, we cut things into strips about 3 cm wide. The strips need to be sewn together or tied, and then rolled into a ball. The hook must be taken twice as thick as the thread itself. The scheme of this rug is suitable for both experienced needlewomen and beginners.

First you need to dial 3 air loops and connect them in a circle. Then knit 6 single crochets into these loops. After that, the circle must be divided into 6 parts and in each row add 6 single crochets. You get the 1st row - 6 columns, the 2nd row - 12 columns, the 3rd row - 24 columns, etc. To make the rug embossed, the posts need to be knitted through the back wall of the loop. Below is a diagram of the relief knitting method.

The finished rug can be laid on the floor.

Openwork oval rug: video master class

Crochet a round Japanese-style floor rug for beginners

This type of rug is easy to perform and excellent results. The yarn should be taken not very thick and crocheted No. 6-8. It is better to choose a brighter color scheme. First you need to tie the round part of the product. To do this, we collect a chain of 6 air loops, and then close it in a ring.

Then we knit 7 columns with 2 crochets, each of which begins with 3 air loops for lifting. The 2nd row should consist of 5 unfinished columns with two crochets knitted together, between which you need to make 3 air loops. The number of air loops can be adjusted depending on the thickness of the thread. In the 3rd and 4th rows, we knit 2 columns each of four unfinished columns with two crochets, knitted together under the air loops of the previous row. 5th row - a chain of air loops, which must be attached to the previous row with a half-column.

Next, we need to tie rings of arbitrary size. We collect air loops in a chain and close the ring with a half-column. The diameter of the ring is equal to the length of the chain. Then we tie the ring with a column with two crochets. The first ring is ready. Immediately we begin to knit the second. To do this, we need to dial a chain of air loops, thread it into the first ring, and only then connect the first and last loops with a half-column. The diagrams below show this clearly. The next ring will be threaded into the second round, and so on. The last ring must be connected to the penultimate and to the first. Rings can be sewn to the circle or attached while knitting.

Ring connection diagram

Children's square rug: video master class

Rug crocheted from plastic bags

This unusual use of simple packages has become a real discovery for housewives. Cloths from bags are usually placed on the floor of the bathroom, kitchen or toilet, because they are moisture resistant. If water gets in, just shake it off and dry the product. Knitting such a rug is very simple and it will not be a problem even for beginners. So, you need to take about 4 dozen garbage bags and cut them into strips about 3 cm wide. The strips must be sewn together or glued with a warm iron, ironing through the fabric. Roll the finished thread into a ball. Knitting must be done with crochet No. 4.
We collect 12 air loops and 3 lifting air loops. From the 4th loop from the edge of the chain, knit 5 columns with a crochet. Then from each air loop, knit 1 double crochet 10 times. Turn the product and tie the other side in the same way, thereby forming an oval. The row should be closed with a connecting column. The second and subsequent rows must be knitted according to the scheme. The result is an oval shape. Its central part will be straight, and the edges will expand and round off, because they made increases in semicircles.

Asterisk: video master class

Floor mat on sirloin mesh for beginners

Floor round rugs, knitted by hand and made from threads harvested also by hand, are probably familiar to everyone. Many people call them “Grandmothers, or village rugs” and they are perceived exclusively with memories of childhood, when in the summer you came to visit your grandmother for a vacation in the village. Such round minke whales are not only a reminder of childhood, but there is also a unique, stylish home interior decoration. The quality of domestic "village rugs" is highly appreciated by those who use them. After all, they are environmentally friendly, anti-allergenic and completely safe for children, and they do not lose their shape and color after washing even in a washing machine. These rustic rugs, knitted from rags, can be used as entrance mat, bedside rug, a rug for a toilet or a bathroom, a rug for a sauna and a bath. Such rugs are not produced automatically in production. This is handmade - color, shape and size, rug is limited only by your imagination. Let's try together now knit a simple round rug, and at the same time get rid of several old rags.

For making a knitted rug you will need: a hook and fabric, cut into one strip. The optimal width of the strip is 3 cm. In the future, this strip will be called a thread.

To begin with, we will make a loop from the thread.

We pass the hook through the loop, the long end of the thread hangs on the index finger.

Crochet the thread hanging on the finger.

And pull the hooked thread through the loop.

It turns out such a picture. We perform this operation several times.

And it turns out here is such a pigtail.

We pass the hook into the initial loop. We hook the thread from below and stretch it through two loops.

It turned out the basis of our rug.

We make the so-called "air loop". We hook the thread from below and stretch it through the loop.

It turns out such a picture. Next, pull the hook through the loop. If the loop is not visible, then it can be groped with a hook.

Bath mat. Here's one. Well, how impressive? If so, then we need to carefully look around at home in search of something unnecessary. For example, such an old bedspread.

And all other actions should be intuitive for you, because almost all of us in our lives had bright round rugs knitted by grandmothers from old rags. True, those rugs were crocheted, but in our case we need knitting needles. Big! Size 19, no less. And yet, notice how color can affect the appearance of the finished product. This rug wins great precisely due to its monochromatic coloring. That is why the knitted pattern is visible in all its luxurious splendor.
The most important thing is to prepare a sufficient number of strips. Mark and cut the edge of the fabric

We connect the strips in any way possible

Can you stitch them

Can be tied in knots. And the canvas itself literally in the shortest possible time

Here's what the end result should be. Of course, such a rug is not for centuries, but it will not be so difficult to replace it with a new one, because the whole process of creating this beauty is already clear to us, right? So let's make a new one!

You can always experiment with color and shape, adjusting them to your needs and based on the availability of old bedding. For example, this rug for a black and white bathroom required half a duvet cover and two pillowcases in a contrasting color.

Floor covering for the house can be not only bought, but made with love with your own hands. Many needlewomen can sew a patchwork rug with their own hands in just a few hours if they use a little trick in its manufacture.

How to make patchwork rugs with your own hands

There are many techniques for making a do-it-yourself fabric rug. Each allows you to fantasize and be creative on the topic of flooring. At special classes and master classes, they teach how to create voluminous or flat rugs, pleasant to the touch or the simplest, “rustic”. When choosing any technique, it is important to prepare a lot of scraps of fabric, for which old things, unnecessary yarn, or even T-shirts and T-shirts bought at the lowest price will come in handy.

Basic techniques for making rugs:

  • Knitting - natural yarn or narrow strips of fabric are prepared here, which are knitted according to the classical pattern.
  • Patchwork is the creation of a mosaic of different shreds that are sewn together into one whole.
  • Weaving is similar to knitting, only knitting needles with a hook are not used here, but there is a base on which threads or shreds are superimposed.
  • Stitching - either pigtails from shreds are used, or balls with synthetic winterizer inside - this is how the volume is obtained.

Do-it-yourself knitted patchwork rug

To make a do-it-yourself rug from strips of fabric in a knitted style, follow the instructions:

  1. Prepare the material for work - you can take old T-shirts, T-shirts, from which the bottom seams are cut off.
  2. The material is cut with scissors into narrow long strips. Cutting goes in a spiral or like this: stripes are cut in a folded product (slightly short of the seam), then the thing is opened and cut into one continuous tape.
  3. It can be used for knitting needles, but it is more convenient to do it with a crochet.
  4. The rug is knitted from the simplest air loops with single crochets - you get a rectangular shape of the product.
  5. If you take 5 loops, close into a ring, and add loops on each row, you get a round shape.
  6. For a change, you can mix colors - the rug will turn out bright, intricate.

Do-it-yourself carpets in patchwork technique

Beautiful and original are "patchwork" products. Do-it-yourself patchwork-style rugs from scraps of fabric are easy to make. To make them, follow the instructions:

  1. Prepare the material - scraps of fabric, shreds, themed pieces with prints specially bought in stores or on the Internet.
  2. Wash new fabrics, steam them, and starch and iron old scraps.
  3. Dense fabrics are perfect for rugs - tweed, gabardine, drape.
  4. For a longer product life, take a lining - it can be foam rubber, synthetic winterizer, batting or a dense carpet base.
  5. Bring all pieces of fabric to the same size and shape, for this use a template, seam allowances for dense materials are not needed.
  6. Take the base, stitch all the pieces of fabric on it in a chaotic manner or following certain patterns and images. Patterns for patchwork can be found in specialized magazines or on the Internet.
  7. Once you've mastered simple sewing, you can try making rugs with curved lines or intricate patterns.
  8. A variety of patchwork is a knitted type, in which the patches are not sewn together, but are tied together.
  9. To obtain a soft voluminous rug, you can use the quilting technique, in which 2 canvases are sewn together, and a synthetic winterizer is laid between them.

How to weave a patchwork rug without a hook

If you are not a master of crocheting, then you have the opportunity to weave rugs from scraps of fabric with your own hands without it, using a little trick. How to do it:

  1. Take a special large photo frame or make a base for a future product according to the desired dimensions from wood.
  2. On two opposite sides, stuff the carnations in 2.5 cm increments.
  3. For threads, use all the same old T-shirts or T-shirts, knitted ones are better.
  4. Pull the threads over the studs - this will be the base.
  5. Take the working thread - let it be contrasting, skip it alternating under the warp and above it.
  6. Continue to weave the threads, include different colors.
  7. To get a fringe, you can tie the threads to each other and not cut the ends, for smooth weaving, it is better to cut them.
  8. Periodically, weaving will need to be pulled up to the first row to get the desired density.
  9. When finished weaving, remove unnecessary details on the wrong side, remove the finished product.
  10. You can decorate the rug if you wish.

Volumetric patchwork rugs

Making voluminous rugs from scraps of fabric with your own hands will take more time and fabric, but it's worth it. The coating is original, fun and very popular with children. There are several varieties of manufacturing volume rugs:

  1. Pompom base - for it, take square pieces of fabric, form balls of them with filler in the form of a padding polyester, sew them together.
  2. Grandma's rug - pigtails are woven for it, which then need to be sewn together in a spiral or in any other order with a thick, strong thread.
  3. Cut thick knit fabric (sweaters) into strips and let them spin on their own - to speed up the process, you can wash the strips in the washing machine with water only. The twisted strips are sewn together to form a voluminous rug.
  4. You can knit a long ribbon of yarn 10 cm wide and several meters long, in each row knit the last loop as a purl so that the fabric is twisted. Then lay the material in the desired order (spiral, circle) and sew together.
  5. It is possible to immediately knit a spiral - for this you need to grab and knit the extreme loop of the finished fabric.
  6. To create a do-it-yourself rug in the form of grass, you need to prepare the base - a rigid mesh, which is sold in hardware stores. It is better to take with large cells, wherever the hook goes. We prepare the fabric - knitted stripes or cotton. It is better to start weaving from the center - you need to place the strip under the mesh and pull both ends to the front surface with a hook, then tie a tight knot on the cell wall with a brace. After filling in all the cells, you will receive a fluffy rug.