Healing and magical properties of precious stones. The use of precious and semi-precious stones What use has a person found for precious stones

wiki>s are just those fixed sparkling stars whose calling is to adorn the necks and fingers of rich beauties. However, this opinion is erroneous. These and other stones work day and night in many areas of human life, including even the most difficult technical industries.

If gems were given prizes for helping humanity, the first prize would undoubtedly go to wiki>. This mineral has a huge number of varieties, some of which are very familiar to us. This mineral has the highest hardness, reaching 9 on the Mohs scale. Due to this, for example, it finds application as bearings for moving parts in high-precision instruments. Of course, it is worth noting that natural stone is not used in this area, it has long been replaced by artificial stone. This happened not so much because of the lower cost, but because of the special technical characteristics. Opaque wiki> and its dirty varieties are known to us as emery. These stone chips are commonly used for pointing and polishing softer stones, metalwork and woodwork. A dull, almost opaque wiki> from India, when ground into a grinding material, is also known as wiki spar.

Exceptional hardness, high strength, combined with high abrasive properties of wiki>a crystals, allows them to be used as a material for the manufacture of cutters, dies, drill bits and other abrasive and cutting tools. It will be interesting to note that wiki>, as an abrasive, is more effective on materials that are harder and less ductile than materials that are less hard and more ductile. The most important areas of application for wikis are as follows. Processing of tools and machine parts made of cermet hard alloys, drilling of geological and operational wells in hard rocks, as well as processing of products made of highly hard and heat-resistant materials such as ceramics, wiki>, wiki>, glass and others.

In addition, wiki>s are used to process superhard facing materials such as granite or marble. There are also cases use of wiki> tools in medicine. The turning of machine parts from light and non-ferrous metals and alloys, plastics, etc. has become widespread in industry. With the help of wikis, copper, tungsten and other wires are made. The development of electronic technology required the use of hard ceramic materials capable of withstanding high temperatures and pressures. Such materials are processed only with the help of wiki> s, which provide processing accuracy up to 0.00001 mm. Such devices use stones ranging in size from 0.65 to 0.065 mm.

Man has been studying for centuries that variety of materials and forms that we call natural wealth. Some of this leaves him indifferent, but something firmly penetrates into life and serves faithfully. People learned to skillfully obtain some of the materials on their own, and some did not succumb to science. It remains only to wish that the hardness that the stones show us is an example of the firmness of the spirit, and the beauty that is subject to them, becomes for us an example of the beauty of thoughts and actions. May each of us be able to be steadfast and gentle, strong and beautiful at the same time.

Vedic Astrology is a completely new science for the Western layman. But it is also very good, as it gives a great scope for research and bringing this "new" into our lives.

The wearing of precious stones, in our lives, is usually perceived as an opportunity to assert oneself, decorate or, at best, be used as talismans, although the authority of choosing an individual talisman often leaves much to be desired. But the ancient primordial science of gemology, described over 5,000 years ago, shows other benefits of wearing gemstones. Precious stones can be used: as talismans to improve one's fortune, to protect one's home, to be able to prevent accidents, to increase good luck and wealth, etc.
Apart from this, gemstones are also widely used for astrological medical therapy. To some, this may seem ridiculous, especially to full adherents of modern medicine. But the reality remains a fact - stones are treated and treated quite successfully, even the most serious diseases that are not treatable by modern medicine.

I will give some examples of the influence of precious stones. These stories listed below are real examples from people's lives. They show how planetary energies can be adjusted with gemstones to counteract the undesirable influences of malefic planets in individual horoscopes, strengthening strong planets and in some cases weak planets as well. Often, when people suffer from chronic, physical or mental illnesses that modern doctors or medicines are unable to cure, the main cause may be an acute shortage, excess, or imbalance of planetary energies in the person's aura. Any qualified sidereal astrologer who knows the art of "how to invoke planetary luck with gemstones" will be able to assist a person in choosing the gemstone that is best for him.

Story 1:

A few years ago, a prominent Bombay businessman suddenly contracted a chronic fever with a very high temperature that continued day and night. The best doctors in the city came to him to diagnose and cure him, but it was all in vain. They tried Western and traditional Indian treatments, but his health got worse day by day until he became partially paralyzed and permanently bedridden. After all medical attempts had failed, a famous sidereal astrologer was brought in to examine him. While charting the patient's natal horoscope, the astrologer saw that the patient had just entered the major planetary period of the Sun planet of his life, and also, he happened to notice a large red ruby ​​ring on the finger of his right hand. The astrologer told the patient that his natal chart showed the Sun in exaltation, and that he had just entered the major period of the Sun, and the ruby ​​on his hand increased the energy of the Sun. The hot, radiant energy of the Sun, transmitted into the human body by the flawless ruby ​​on his hand, brought him to a steady fever. The patient removed the ring and fully recovered his health, without the help of any drug therapy.

Story 2:

In India, in the city of Kanpur, there lived a university scholar who suffered from painful boils all over his face. He tried various methods of treatment, but nothing alleviated his misfortune. Subsequently, a careful study of his horoscope showed that his body was receiving the negative energy of an unfavorably placed Mars in his horoscope. In addition, Mars governs fire, the face and is usually associated with boils. He was advised to strengthen the influence of the moon by wearing pearls set in silver, and although he felt skeptical about this kind of traditional astro-therapy, he, being skeptical, decided to still try gemstone astro-therapy, as this was his last hope. . Within one month of wearing pearls in silver, his illness gradually began to subside, the boils on his face disappeared, and he fully regained his health.

Story 3:

Another story told by a Western sidereal astrologer. The story of Ms. Chow Tung from Taiwan: "In June, 1992, when we were living in Thailand, my husband bought me a gemstone talisman to protect me from accidents and invisible negative forces. It was a beautiful Moonstone, in a ring of white two months later, in August, I returned to Taiwan alone to visit my family.My three sisters remarked on the beauty of my new ring.One evening, a week later, one of my sisters noticed a large crack in the middle of my Moonstone and this "Caught my attention. Fully convinced that a crack appeared in the stone, for some unknown reason, we all went to bed and forgot about it. The next morning, we wanted to take a closer look at the cracked Moonstone in the sunlight, but when I looked at my ring, then the stone was not there! Anyway, it disappeared from my ring. We searched the bed, the floor, the whole house, but found no sign of the stone. That same morning, my friend came to me to take me with old friends to go shopping on your car. After about 15 minutes, I suddenly remembered that I had to stop at the airline office to buy tickets back to Thailand and asked my friend to stop there. He offered to wait, but I did not want to disturb him and my friends, and told them to go without me, that I would meet them later for breakfast. They drove on without me, and a few minutes later got into a serious car accident, they were all very badly injured and hospitalized. My friend lay motionless in the hospital for six months and almost lost his leg. When I heard about the accident on the same day, I immediately thought of a crack in my ring and its subsequent disappearance the night before the accident, I heard similar stories about planetary talismans "rejecting" bad luck and preventing unforeseen disasters. When I returned to Thailand a few weeks later and told my husband what had happened, the first thing he did was pick up the phone and order another talisman ring for me!"

Story 4:

One married woman, in India, left her husband because she felt that he no longer loved her. After moving to her parents' house, she went to a famous astrologer to discuss her marital problem. After drawing up her horoscope and reviewing it, the astrologer told her that the situation was entirely dependent on the weak position of Jupiter in her horoscope. In order to strengthen Jupiter and draw the auspicious energy of this planet into her body, he advised her to buy and wear a flawless yellow sapphire, but no more than three carats in weight. Her parents immediately purchased this gem for her and set it in a gold ring. Wearing this ring, she returned to her husband's house, and through the power of Jupiter, attracted by her new ring, she restored her husband's love and affection, and subsequently bore him two beautiful children.

Story 5:

Another example is from India, where the power of gemstones is taken for granted. It is believed that belief in planetary hemology can protect a person from premature death. In Uttar Pradesh, India, there was a gentleman who used to wear a good quality emerald based on the advice of his personal astrologer. One day, while buying an airline ticket to Bombay, he noticed a small crack in the emerald. Taking this fact as a bad omen, he immediately canceled his flight booking and the plane left without him. The plane crashed and all the people on board died!

Story 6:

One American, because of his activities in the black market, was very afraid of the government. To ward off this danger, he bought himself a flawless gemstone, a cat's eye weighing over 3 carats. Approximately six months later, he was caught by the police at the scene of the crime. After that, he began to cooperate with the government and, ultimately, it all ended in a probationary period for him. Then he was allowed to move far from his home, where he was freed from reprisals. The cat's eye, by projecting the energy of the planet Ketu, helped him overcome his negative karma of government punishment and also saved him from the danger of hidden enemies, whom he feared as a result of his cooperation. The study of his sidereal horoscope showed that the position of Ketu (the deity controlling the cat's eye gemstone) was strongly negative. The increase in the energy of the planet Ketu proved to be harmful almost immediately. It was an excellent quality gem that he must have kept to this day.

Story 7:

One day, a nightclub owner came to an astrological showroom of talismans and gems in Bangkok. While waiting for her horoscope, she saw a Martian bracelet with a large red coral. She immediately put on the bracelet and left the store, saying that she would return to pay for the purchase. But less than 10 minutes later, she returned the bracelet, explaining that she had just had a big fight with her friend, who objected to her wearing red coral. After looking at her horoscope, everyone saw that Mars was in Leo, a very strong fiery position, indicating (among other things) romantic conflicts. The increase in Mars energy by wearing the big red coral immediately had a powerful effect on her connection, which was obviously deep.

Story from the Puranas:

The ancient Sanskrit scriptures known as the Puranas contain a famous story describing the power of blue sapphires. Once, the famous king Dushyanta was hunting in the forest and accidentally met the beautiful girl Shakuntala there, who captivated him with her beauty. She was the daughter of a powerful sage living as an ascetic yogi in the wilderness. Wanting to marry her, the king gave her a beautiful blue sapphire ring to seal his engagement. He then told the girl that she could come to his palace any time she felt ready for married life. A few months later, she was standing on the bank of a river fetching water for her father. Suddenly, a sapphire ring slipped from her finger and fell into the river, where a fish swallowed it. When Shakuntala came to visit the king to accept his marriage proposal, the king did not recognize her and could not remember his promise. Very upset, she returned to her father's hut in the forest. After some time, the fish that swallowed the ring was caught by fishermen, and a precious sapphire was found in its stomach. Thinking that it must be something important, the fisherman took the ring to the king. The king, looking at the stone, immediately remembered Shakuntala and his marriage proposal. He sent messengers for her, and soon they got married and lived a long happy life, thanks to the precious stone that helped their destiny come true.

Another of the most famous stories in the Puranas is:

(She is described in Canto 10 of the Great Maha Bhagavata Purana: Book 10, Chapter VII.)

More than 5,000 years ago, at the end of the dvapara yuga or "Copper Age", Lord Krishna appeared on this earth. During the last part of His sojourn on this planet, Krishna was involved in a dispute over a wonderful ruby ​​known as Syamantaka. King Satrajit, who was a follower of Surya (the sun god), worshiped him for many years and, as a reward for his devotion, received from him a blessing and a gift - an unusual ruby. This ruby, known as Syamantaka, had the ability to produce eighty-five kilograms of gold daily for its wearer. The brilliance of this stone was so strong that people mistook King Satrajit for the god of the Sun, wherever he wore the gem. One day Satrajit went to see Lord Krishna in His kingdom of Dvaraka. Krishna, seeing Satrajit's inflated ego and attachment to the precious stone, decided to rid him of this unnecessary attachment and asked him for this precious stone. When Satrajit refused, Krishna relented and said nothing more about it. But the inhabitants of Dvaraka were surprised by Satrajit's act, and soon the news spread throughout the kingdom. Later, Satrajit's brother Prasena borrowed the gem and went to the forest to hunt. On the hunt, Prasena was attacked by a big tiger and killed him, in turn, the great Jambavan, King Medvedev, attacked the tiger and also killed him, taking the Syamantaka stone to his cave, and gave it to his little son to play with. Soon the news of the disappearance of the jewel turned into an ugly rumor that perhaps Krishna was the cause of the theft. In order to refute the false rumors about Himself, Lord Krishna went in search of the precious stone, accompanied by a large group of followers. After some time they found the dead bodies of Prasena and the tiger. Eventually they came to the Jambavana cave and Krishna entered the cave alone, leaving his companions at the entrance. Seeing Krishna, but not knowing His greatness, Jambavan attacked Him. Their struggle continued uninterruptedly for 14 days and 14 nights. After such a long fight, Jambavan felt that he was losing, while Krishna did not show any signs of weakness and moreover, he became even stronger. In this position, Jambavan realized what kind of person was in front of him and offered Krishna the jewel and his daughter as an apology. When Krishna returned with a glorious victory to Dvaraka, the truth became known and the Lord returned the Syamantaka jewel to King Satrajit. The legend of the precious stone does not end there, it goes on and on, but the most unforgettable part of the story is connected directly with Lord Shri Krishna.

This is only a small part of the amazing cases associated with the powerful therapeutic power of gems, which can affect human health and longevity by improving, attracting and enhancing various types of planetary energies. In conclusion, it can be said that gems for planets that are malefic in the horoscope and also gems for planets that are of a hard nature like Saturn, Mars, Rahu and Ketu can be used predominantly to pacify these planets through the recitation of mantras and the performance of sacrifices. . Used as a means of graha puja or invoking the well being of the planets, gemstones help enhance the effects of these treatments. But people may experience nothing but disappointment when using gems that represent a harmful planetary influence on their lives. Therefore, in order to appease the planets using gems, one must follow all aspects of these rituals correctly. Otherwise, it is better to avoid gems that can have a harmful effect on your life. One of the more arcane aspects of "Planetary Gemology" is the planetary deities who control the gems. These are the graha devas, they belong to the cosmic hierarchy and their influence manifests, depending on the rashi (sign) and bhava (house) they occupy in the horoscope, the main planetary period (approximate influence of 60%) and their sub-period (approximate influence of 30 %). There are many other points that also need to be taken into account: periods of the Sun (30 days), lunar periods, aspects, owners of own signs, transits, and many other subtle points that give an understanding of the horoscope as a whole. In the East, the understanding and belief in the influence of the graha-devas or "cosmic hierarchy" is deeply rooted in the ancient Vedic tradition. Where the use of gems as a way of invoking the ruling deity of the gem planet is still common to this day. This most esoteric aspect of "gem therapy" is not for those who do not believe in karma or rebirth.

Precious metals and stones are two unique groups of investment items. In this article, we will give you various classifications of precious metals and stones, as well as describe the main areas of their application and, accordingly, investment opportunities for these areas.

Precious metals are a group of metals that are not susceptible to corrosion and oxidation. It is this feature that is distinctive for precious metals.

TO major precious metals include:

  1. Gold.
  2. Silver.
  3. Platinum.
  4. Precious metals of the platinum group (palladium, rhodium, osmium, ruthenium, iridium).

The popularity of precious metals is due to the relatively small amount of their world reserves and the uniqueness that they themselves possess and that they endow products made from such precious metals.

Gemstones are traditionally understood as those unique minerals that have a beautiful appearance. The latter, as a rule, is attached to precious stones after processing by polishing or cutting. At the same time, a distinctive feature of precious stones is also their rarity, uniqueness, which causes their high cost.

gems use for such purposes:

  • giving more beauty to jewelry;
  • collecting;
  • increasing their capital (in the case when precious stones act in the form of bank assets).

On the territory of the Russian Federation, all stones that are used in jewelry production are divided into three types:

  • jewelry (precious) stones;
  • ornamental stones;
  • jewelry stones.

TO jewelry (precious) stones relate:

  • aquamarine;
  • alexandrite;
  • diamond;
  • amethyst;
  • andalusite;
  • beryl;
  • heliodor;
  • rhinestone;
  • pomegranate;
  • emerald;
  • emerald crystals;
  • morganite;
  • faceted ruby;
  • opal;
  • rhodolite;
  • ruby;
  • sapphire;
  • tanzanite;
  • taffeite;
  • topaz;
  • chrysoberyl;
  • chrysolite;
  • zircon and others.

It is important! In accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, those unique amber formations, the list of which is established by the Government of the Russian Federation in the appropriate manner, are also equated to precious stones.

Applications of metals

The list of areas of application of precious metals cannot be given in full, we will try to mention here only the main ones:

  • industry;
  • jewelry production;
  • dentistry;
  • pharmacology;
  • medicine;
  • automotive industry;
  • financial investment.

Given the diversity of these areas, which you have noted, we would like to characterize features of precious metals as a financial instrument A:

  1. Some precious metals were used in the form of "hard" currency for a long period of time before the appearance of paper money on the world financial market. So, for example, gold for a long time acted as a universal currency for any country, when the value of money was measured not by the nationality of a particular coin, but by the features of its composition and weight.
  2. Despite the fact that today the system of backing the currency with gold is not used, and many coins made of precious metals (with the exception of collection samples) have been withdrawn from circulation, many Central banks of individual countries still prefer to keep part of their funds in the form of a certain amount of precious metals. , which, of course, allows precious metals to remain one of the most common commodities used in exchange transactions between banks in different countries. At the same time, precious metals remain one of the most important instruments of exchange trading.
  3. Today, the relevance of all precious metals is maintained at a high level, despite price fluctuations in the market, as well as minor changes in the dynamics of global supply and demand for precious metals.

Scope of stones

Today, gemstones are usually used as jewelry. They certainly make our life much happier and brighter. Their extraordinary brilliance, variety of shades, amazing radiance, breathtaking play of colors - all this determines the inexhaustible popularity and variety of uses for precious stones.

Today, thanks to a lot of research, it became known that the deposits of precious stones are the bowels of the Earth. Gems are mined:

  • in India - diamonds;
  • in Sri Lanka - all precious stones except for diamonds;
  • on the Baltic coast - amber;
  • in Hungary - opal;
  • in the Czech Republic - pyrope;
  • in Ukraine - topaz and beryl;
  • in Brazil - topaz, diamonds, amethyst and aquamarine;
  • in Colombia, emeralds;
  • on the island of Chile - lapis lazuli.

Mined gemstones are used in various spheres of life.

So, diamond is often used in jewelry. But here it is important to distinguish between such concepts as a diamond and a diamond. They are usually considered as separate minerals.

In reality, a diamond is a transparent cut diamond that has been subjected to jewelry processing.

Did you know that diamond is often called the king of stones?

- a precious stone, which is classified as a stone of the first order. Diamond is a mineral that has the unique property of glowing in the dark and also has unique optical properties.

In the modern world of jewelry, products made from diamonds, that is, diamonds that have been specially cut, have become widespread. But, even despite their popularity, only 20% of such diamonds are used in the jewelry industry.

It is another gemstone that is often used in the modern jewelry industry.

By nature, emerald is a green stone. Its color is due to the presence of chromium impurities in it. Scientists claim that typical emeralds contain:

  • 0.14% chromium;
  • 0.12% iron;
  • 0.05% vanadium.

In addition to other diverse applications, emeralds are used in particular in the jewelry industry.

Often in the literature you can find references to the healing properties of emeralds. So, for example, there is an assumption that the emerald is endowed with the ability to drive away bad dreams, save from insomnia, strengthen the heart, expel evil spirits.

It is important! In order to protect its owner from the evil eye and other dangers, the emerald must be set in gold.

Meanwhile, emerald is also used in quantum electronics.

The name of such a precious stone as ruby came into our speech from the Latin language, which in the original language meant "red". An analogue of the name of the ruby, which was used in Ancient Rus', was the term "yahont".

The color of this gem is not the same. Its color varies from rich pink to red with an admixture of purple hues.

This is interesting! Ruby was highly valued by the inhabitants of the Roman Empire, who treated it more respectfully than a diamond.

To immediate modern areas of application of rubies relate:

  1. Making expensive jewelry.
  2. Instrumentation.
  3. Laser technologies.

Scope of application of sapphires:

  1. Alternative medicine.
  2. Jewelry production.
  3. Dentistry.
  4. Industry.
  5. Radioelectronics.

In general, the main common to all precious metals scope is the jewelry industry. Many gemstones are used as inlay elements in gold, silver, platinum and palladium jewelry. At the same time, an important aspect of such inlay is the compatibility of a particular gemstone with individual precious metals, which must be taken into account. Jewelry industry experts are aware of this compatibility.

Forms of investment

Our regular readers are of course aware of traditional and non-traditional forms of investing in precious metals, so in this section we will only cover forms of investing in precious stones.

Among the possible forms of investment in precious stones today are the following:

  1. Investments in the extraction of precious stones.
  2. Purchase of jewelry inlaid with precious stones.
  3. Buying uncut gems.

Investments in mining of precious stones can be done by directing cash flows into shares of companies that already carry out such activities, or you can organize a mining activity yourself (through the formation of a company or the implementation of artisanal mining of precious stones).

Buying jewelry inlaid with precious stones, is the simplest way to invest in precious stones, which is a cumulative way that includes investments in precious metals and precious stones. This method is not characterized by a high level of profitability.

Buying uncut gems can be carried out by acquiring such stones from private dealers or from other entities.

In general, varieties of precious metals and stones offer a wide range of investment opportunities in these areas.

If you perceive a stone as something cold and useless, you are deeply mistaken. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of stones in human life, and it would be an unforgivable mistake not to use this miracle given to us by mother nature for its intended purpose. The stones are endowed with powerful energy: even just standing, leaning against a boulder, or rolling a few pebbles between your fingers, you can feel a surge of strength.

Why do people need stones and their significance for treating a person

The stones represent the power of mother Earth, who takes care of us, generously sharing the energy of nature, helping to restore health.

The stones survived the most powerful cataclysms that took place billions of years ago, they absorb the energy of the Sun, store information that we are unlikely to ever be able to decipher.

The value of stones for a person at all times in the development of civilization was extremely high. Take, for example, the archaeological fact that if it were not for the stones that filled the graves of ancient people, modern scientists would not have been able to find traces of the vital activity of the most ancient ancestors of modern man.

In search of the origins of the tradition of stone treatment and their meaning, one should rather look to the East and look for information in the depths of time. Thus, we find out that about three thousand years ago (or even more), Chinese healers used warm stones to relax and strengthen muscles. At the same time, there is no mention of cold stones or contrast procedures. Naturally, in other parts of the world, no one knew about the new progressive Chinese healing technique.

The role of stones in human life and in aesthetic terms is great. Take at least such an amazing thing as stones. This is a space that is complexly organized in terms of composition, which sets you up for reflection, reflection, calms your nerves, makes it possible to focus on the main thing and discard unnecessary thoughts. A rock garden can be arranged both in a summer cottage and in a small container on a windowsill. The main thing is to observe one rule: the number of stones of different shapes and sizes should be odd and they should be arranged avoiding symmetry.

In a variety of pagan beliefs, the stone plays a special role. Stones were worshiped, they were used in various rituals, amulets, talismans and fetishes were made from them.

The value of stones in nature and human life is so high that it is simply impossible to overestimate it. To this day, the inhabitants of the Hawaiian Islands are treated with stones wrapped in leaves.

Why else do people need stones and how can they be used? Stones are used in baths and saunas, as they retain heat for a long time. The same quality of natural material helps cowboys who herd cattle in the Texas prairies not to freeze during long nights - they put heated stones in sleeping bags. There is an interesting tradition among the Japanese, who tie warm stones to their belts so as not to feel hungry for longer.

Gradually, the stone leaves a person's life - houses are built of concrete and glass, streets and roads are covered with asphalt. And even in the production of plumbing, interior decoration, and jewelry, artificial stones are used that do not have the same magical power as a stone.

But it's so nice to pick up a warmed smooth naked, hold it in your palms, put it on your cheek. It contains the warmth and cold of our planet, which, like a mother, takes care of each of us.

So you are expecting a baby. There can be many pleasant aspects in this situation, unpleasant consequences, purely physical, too, for example, toxicosis during pregnancy. But, fortunately, it can and should be fought against, especially if you understand how, what will be the most effective in this situation, what will really help. Our site has prepared simple recommendations for you.

Experienced specialists, and even certified doctors state: it is difficult to find funds that would help deal with toxicity better than the old, good, proven folk remedies. Why? Yes, everything is very simple: the female body is the source of the genetic memory of the family, it stores the memory of past pregnancies of mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers. Relatively speaking, the body itself knows how best to help itself, you just need to listen to it more often and interfere less on this good path.

The way you lead a classic 40 weeks of life, how well you eat, what you do, directly affects the mental and physical health of your child, the overall life expectancy and its quality. Yes, and from a purely practical point of view, it is much cheaper and easier to take care of yourself forty weeks before giving birth than to spend half your life on medicines, doctors and feel guilty in front of your own child for being born like that. To track the development of the child during this period, it is necessary to keep a pregnancy calendar.

How to relieve the symptoms of toxicosis

Constant nausea, unexpected allergies to various foods - this is one of the brightest, first signs of pregnancy. Cope with toxemia during pregnancy- not a simple matter. For many women, it never goes away, but the symptoms of toxicosis can be greatly alleviated if you know how. Toxicosisduring pregnancy it can be different - for example, early - when your head starts to feel dizzy at the sight of your usual dishes, but at the same time it can pull on pickles with jam with brutal force.

In many ways so strong toxicosis during pregnancy we owe it to the wrong way of life, the harsh rhythm of work, as well as the unfavorable ecology that surrounds us. Do you want proof? And you look at how women who live in villages, and who are not close to the city, behave and feel - many of them work on an equal footing with the rest throughout their pregnancy and do not know grief.

Firstly, if you have such an opportunity, it is better for you to change your lifestyle, leave work, live in the country, relax as much as possible, eat, drink, watch movies that calm you down, eat only natural products. But what if you can't afford it all? Traditional medicine advises: walk at least a few hours a day, at least half an hour in the fresh air, in the park.

In the morning, do not get out of bed very abruptly - lie down a little, stretch, smile at the sun, eat nuts that need to be prepared in the evening and put at the head. This will help your baby. Do not force yourself to eat densely, especially if you do not feel like it at all. Remember, at the beginning of the article it was said that the body itself knows what is best for it?

Cope with toxicosis with proper nutrition

Do not forget about proper, balanced nutrition. Eat foods that are rich in vitamins and proteins, such as grains, legumes, seeds, seafood, and fish, preferably fresh. Macrobiotics can help you with this - the nutrition system according to the theory of Georges Osawa. Dairy products are needed by both your body and your child's body - without calcium, your teeth will begin to fall out, problems with the kidneys and the cardiovascular system will inevitably follow, symptoms toxicity during pregnancy become more pronounced. If you can't eat a lot - eat as much as you can, but only the most useful.

Sucking on lemon or tangerine slices helps some pregnant women deal with toxicity, although for others it can enhance it, so be careful, try a little at first, then listen to your feelings. A cracker, lightly salted cucumber or sauerkraut can help. If after eating you have nowhere to rush, allow yourself to wallow a little, especially in the last stages of pregnancy. Some discomfort can be removed by breathing exercises, as well as a number of exercises for the eyes. Chamomile tea compresses will help relieve signs of fatigue on the face. Some people find it very helpful to take prenatal vitamins at night. In a word, there is no universal recipe for how to help yourself in such a situation, but if you believe that everything will work out, then you will definitely deal with toxicity!