Magic spell for cloudy eyes. From glaucoma at dawn. Restore vision with milk spell

Conspiracy of inflammation of the optic nerve

Find a knot in the tree. For men, the tree must be masculine, and for women, feminine: birch, pine, rowan, alder, etc. except aspen.

In general, if there are no special instructions in further work on aspen, then do not work with aspen. There are methods when only aspen is needed, then it’s a different matter.

So, you found a twig in your tree.

Make an “o” shape with your fingers around the knot and read the spell. After that, you hammer a small nail into it, the size of the knuckle of your finger, and leave.

Three days later you come back and pull out the nail. And then you bury it near the tree.

Conspiracy text:

Your roots are below, your head is above,

the disease was in the pupil, and now it’s on your bitch.

I take it off myself and drive it into you.

It's good to apply eye lotions from cabbage juice, with cool whole milk, lie down without talking to anyone, turning off the TV and radio.

You should know that if you treat the eyes and do not give the person rest and do not exclude any worries, it will be difficult to treat. Relatives of a sick person should remember this.

Conspiracy if the eyelid twitches

If your eyelid twitches, brew three geranium leaves in a glass of water and drink this glass three times during the day.

You can speak to a twitching eyelid like this. Hold the eyelid with the little finger of the left hand and read:

A dead horse won't gallop. Amen. Amen. Amen

Strong conspiracy against eye disease

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, from the cross of Jesus,

from the first post to the last post,

from my word, from holy help.

Snag, do you see? - Does not see!

Stone, do you see? - Does not see!

A swamp hummock, you see. - Does not see!

Then my blindness will not offend them.

Go, blindness, to a forest snag,

on a water hummock, on a one-eyed monster,

three-eyed reflection.

Crooked, blind, not mine, but someone else’s.

My mouth, lock, tongue, key. Amen.

Eating snake and fish meat is good for eye health. It even treats complex eye diseases.

If possible, eat blueberries, even frozen ones are fine.

Treat with fresh carrot juice. At least for a month.

Every other day, a glass of juice. If your facial skin turns yellowish, it will pass quickly, but you will be healthy. The eyes will have a beautiful shine, and vision will significantly improve.

You should also know that whoever puts nickels on the eyes of a dead person will lose his sight early.

To have good vision, need it in the morning for Easter wash your eyes under the icon and say:

Just as people look at an icon, my eyes would look good, eye to eyelid. Amen.

Conspiracy to get rid of strabismus

On the full moon At night, bring the patient to the window in winter, and in summer, take him outside, ask him to look at the moon and read:

“The month will be born, it will become round, it will correct itself and get better, so that the eyes of the slave (name) will look correctly. Amen".

Your eyes will soon stop squinting.

Spell if your eyelids are rolled up

To help such a patient, you need to tear off the bark of an annual oak tree with your bare hands. The bark should be peeled after sunset.

You need to leave and come in silence, without talking to anyone, without saying hello, without saying goodbye.

Let the patient carry water to steam the bark with his palms from a bucket into an iron bowl, and at this time you say:

“Go one, go two, go three. Just as an icon looks directly at people, so look at people. Amen"

Then throw the bark into the water and sit the patient with his back to the stove and, while the water with the bark boils, read first

"Our Father" and then "Hail Mary" and "Alive in Help". And when the broth begins to boil, say:

“As the oak is strong, so the eyes of God’s servant (name) will be strong. Amen".

When the water has cooled, let the patient pour it into his palms and keep his eyes in this decoction.

This treatment is paid in white chicken.


For cataracts It is good to drink the infusion prepared in the evening so that you can drink it before bed.

Walnut leaves (dry) - 3 tbsp. spoons.

Rosehip root - 1 teaspoon.

Rosehip flowers - 2 teaspoons.

A piece of aloe root.

Brew in a half-liter mug, strain and drink at night.

Do it 12 times every three days.

Second recipe:

Brew a handful of rosehip flowers, a handful of chamomile flowers, throw in chopped burdock (1 leaf), cover the pan with a clean lid so that steam drops form on the inside of the lid from the boiling of the mixture.

Put this steam in your eyes. Do it twice a week.

Third recipe:

Take a string, make a loop, as if you are going to make a knot. There is a hole in the loop. Bring the loop to your eye and look through it.

Using both hands, tighten the knot on the string, saying at the same time :

I tied the thing that was bothering my eye into a knot. Amen.

If both eyes hurt, then do not make two nodules in one day. Do this on the second day. They do exactly the same. The day must be even if you are treating two eyes.

If one eye is sick and, therefore, there will be one nodule, then do the tie on an odd day.

The rope is buried in the ground. The rope rots and the eye is freed from the disease.

Natalya Ivanovna Stepanova

of blessed memory dear

Novoselova Anna Ivanovna

May she rest in heaven.

To my students

You have known me from these textbooks for several years now. In your letters you call me “teacher”. And I answer your questions and explain what your mistakes are.

I have smart, intelligent students. And there are a lot of them. Some have already become masters, and some have just begun to study the mastery of secret knowledge.

One of you wrote to me like this: “My dear teacher, I was incredibly lucky that one fine day I saw and bought an extraordinary miracle for some rubles. I devoured the first book overnight and already on the second day I was rushing around looking for the continuation of your teaching. I started trying, everything worked out for me. There was no end to the joy when I found your next book. I can do a lot thanks to you.

The data provided by nature plus your school - and as a result, I have already helped many people maintain life and happiness in their families.

My dears, I have never seen your faces, I don’t know how you laugh and how you sad. I can't be with you when you feel bad. But I believe that my teaching and my books will help you in difficult times. I want you to be happy, and that’s why I waste my irrevocable time so wastefully.

Let me remind you that I answer all your letters. Just don’t forget to include reply envelopes in them. This is especially true for the former republics of the USSR. Often you put an envelope with your stamps, and then my answers are returned to me. The envelope for the answer must be Russian.

You often complain that it is difficult to reach me by phone. I think that if you wanted to, you could still get through by phone in the end.

Yours, Natalya Ivanovna Stepanova.


my mother

(nee Stepanova).

Thank you to everyone who helped the publication of your priceless gift to people – your students.”

Reading such letters, I no longer doubt that I am not wasting my only life, of which many days and hours are spent reading your letters and answering them. You can't even imagine how much time it takes.

I promise to answer all letters, but one at a time. Ask questions, just read the book carefully first, because many of you are asking what is in it.

I wish you success in your studies and health.

I will try to ensure that my dear readers enjoy reading “Magic and Life”, this wonderful and very beautiful newspaper. In it you will find invaluable advice from healers of my kind.


Archive of the Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle » Archive of Healthy Lifestyle for 2004 » Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle No. 2 2004 »

Winds from the East

We continue to publish materials from our correspondent Grigory Malaya, brought from a business trip to Mongolia. Probably, some of our readers treat both these materials and the “Winds from the East” section itself with a certain distrust. Like, all these tips and recipes are for those. who lives in the East. What do we have to do with this?

It is unlikely that such a point of view is legitimate. People's experience, no matter what nation it belongs to, is priceless. So, without a doubt, include it in your arsenal of remedies.

In Mongolian folk medicine, many diseases that seem very difficult to us are considered quite simple, and their treatment does not require clinical conditions. This can cause understandable mistrust, which, I think, is removed at least by the fact that these recommendations were given to me by professional doctors with experience in clinical practice.

The chief physician of the Daalam outpatient clinic, Yanzhmaa, reported on how children's enuresis - bedwetting - is treated in Mongolian families. A piece of black cloth is immersed in ghee heated to a pleasant temperature, soaked and placed as a compress on the lower abdomen. Keep it for 15 minutes before going to bed. So - every evening. Within a few days, the frequency of incidents associated with urinary incontinence will decrease, and soon a complete cure will occur.

Common hiccups can be a big problem for humans. If it drags on (sometimes for several - even up to five - days), the person becomes very tired, his nervous system is overworked. Visiting a clinic does not always quickly lead to success. Often doctors themselves are at a loss, not knowing how to help the patient. Usually he is given sedatives. It would be good if there is a specialist who knows acupuncture.

Meanwhile, there are several simple folk ways to get rid of hiccups.

One of them is a little unpleasant, but reliable. One or two tablespoons of mustard are mixed with one teaspoon of vinegar and this hot mixture is smeared on a third of the hiccupping person’s tongue. After 2-4 minutes the hiccups stop. After that, all that remains is to rinse your mouth with water.

Another way. As soon as the hiccups begin, bring the tips of your little finger and thumb together to form a ring. Do this on both hands. Play with your fingers, bringing them together and spreading them out again, several times. You will be surprised, but the hiccups will stop.

Third way. Pour water into a glass and drink it in an unusual way. Do not tilt the glass towards you, but keep it upright. Now stretch your neck so that your chin rests on the front edge of the glass and your lips cover the far edge. According to the experience of those who have tried it, one or two sips are enough.

Colds, including chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract and lungs, can be treated in a bathhouse, or more precisely, in a steam room. To do this, in addition to regular steaming, you should help the body get rid of the maximum amount of moisture. You need to do the following procedure before leaving the steam room. Cover the entire body with a mixture of honey, table salt and finely ground (in a coffee grinder) herbal mixture, which includes mint, plantain, coltsfoot. The weight ratios of the components are as follows: 3 parts honey and 3 parts salt to 1 part herbal mixture. Having coated yourself, you should sit on a pre-spread bedding (preferably a terry towel), since so much moisture will come out of you that the bedding will become wet before your eyes. After sitting for 10-15 minutes (depending on the temperature in the steam room and individual tolerance), go to the sauna section and stay with the coating for another 10-15 minutes in a less heated atmosphere. Only after this can you take a shower. It should be noted that this procedure provides deep internal heating of the body, so you need to cool down after the bath longer than usual, and dress warmer on the way home from the bathhouse than you are used to.

Recently, kumis - mare's milk - has appeared on sale in many Moscow supermarkets (and in Bashkiria and the Central Asian republics it has always been easy to get). This drink not only tastes good and is good for health, but is a real cure for atherosclerosis, hypertension, chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system, lungs and bronchi, and during a flu epidemic.

As the master of traditional medicine, doctor of the Mongolian-Korean Center for Tibetan Medicine Phun-sok Tsering advises, kumiss should be drunk in cold weather - one liter per day. At one time, after eating, it is advisable to drink 200 ml of kumiss. If you drink it regularly from autumn to spring for 2-4 years, a therapeutic effect will be achieved. It should be taken into account that kumiss treatment excludes the consumption of fatty, spicy and fried foods, as well as alcohol, including beer.

To treat chronic liver diseases, including cirrhosis, drink horse milk (it becomes kumiss after fermentation) - 50 ml 2-3 times a day for 21 days.

The master of traditional medicine, vice-rector of the Otochmanramba University at Manbadatsan, Professor Odontsetseg, told me about the home treatment of some eye diseases, such complex ones as cataracts and myopia. This treatment is carried out together with the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis, which affects the vast majority of people with mental work and almost everyone who sits at a computer. These eye diseases are caused both by excessive strain on the organs of vision and as a consequence of cervical osteochondrosis.

So, mix unrefined coarse table salt (you can buy it at the market) and unrefined olive oil (if you don’t have olive oil, sunflower oil will do, but it should also be unrefined to retain the smell of the seeds). Mix 2 tablespoons of oil with 1 teaspoon of salt until a homogeneous mass is formed and apply it to the patient’s cervical vertebrae, vigorously massaging them with your hands. The massage should last 20 minutes, after which the remaining salt is washed off with a damp cloth. After the first treatment session, the patient should feel both relief in the cervical spine and improved vision. 3-5 days of such procedures lead to a radical improvement in vision.

Grigory Malay. Ulaanbaatar - Moscow.

CATARACT, CATARACT TREATMENT. (From the newspaper "Vestnik ZOZH").

Bulletin “Healthy Lifestyle” - “Healthy Lifestyle”, 1999 No. 16 (148)


I have been meaning to write to you for a long time, because I see many letters in the newsletter asking for help with advice in the treatment of cataracts. And then it coincided with my affairs. I was also diagnosed with cataracts. I became interested in various treatment methods and came across a number of interesting articles in old newspapers and magazines. In one of the issues of the Trud newspaper in the early 90s, for example, I read about the experience of American ophthalmologists who treated cataracts by daily applying cotton swabs to their eyes, moistened alternately with hot and cold water.

Moreover, the water should be as hot as the eye can tolerate, but do not cause a burn. This procedure trains the vessels that feed the eye muscles, retina, iris, and improves metabolic processes in the eye. Instead of tampons, you can use an ordinary shower - expose your eyes alternately to a cold stream, then to a hot stream. In addition to heat and cold, special gymnastics for the eyes is recommended: rotating the eyeballs clockwise and counterclockwise, up and down, left and right.

After reading Patricia Bragg's book, Improving Vision, I realized that there were many inaccuracies in the newspaper article. I would like to supplement what has been written, especially since many readers of the newsletter do not have any literature other than “Healthy Lifestyle”, and also talk about their experience in treating cataracts.

Patricia Bragg advises taking not cotton wool, but cloth, 2 pieces - one for cold water, the other for hot water. Cold water should be ice-cold and keep the tampons for 1 minute. Apply tampons with hot water for 2 minutes. Since at this time my eyes are closed and there is no way to look at my watch, I, for example, simply count to 60 and 120, respectively. This procedure, in my opinion, is convenient to carry out in the kitchen next to the sink, since hot water cools quickly. The cold one lasts until the end of the procedure (I add ice or snow from the refrigerator to it).

I couldn’t find anywhere how many times tampons should be applied in one procedure. I started with 5 times and gradually increased to 10: that is, apply a cold tampon 10 times and a hot one 10 times.

Include in your diet foods containing vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B6, B12. Visual acuity depends on vitamin A, which is abundant in carrots - eat as much of it as possible in any form: raw, baked, steamed.

That, in fact, is all I would like to write. If you carry out these procedures, then improvement, to a greater or lesser extent, will certainly come. I personally, in addition to tampons and gymnastics, instill water into my eyes, diluted 1:1 with honey and eye balm purchased at the pharmacy. I will be glad if someone takes my advice into service.

Address: 617740, Tchaikovsky, Perm region. Primorsky bro. 53, apt. 14, Anufrieva Zoya Alexandrovna

Tincture to restore vision

". I offer a very good recipe from eye diseases. It helps to completely cure eye diseases such as glaucoma, cataracts, tearing, myopia, farsightedness, etc.

The recipe is simple and universal, tested on myself when my eyesight began to deteriorate (I undergo a medical examination every year, I work on the railway). And he also helped my 62-year-old mother. Two years ago (unfortunately, too late) I noticed that her right eye was completely covered with a white cataract, a film, and her left eye could hardly see either. The doctors said it was a cataract. I myself read a lot of newspapers about health, I collect all the folk recipes. I immediately made her a tincture of calamus root and calendula (sold at the pharmacy). And she started drinking. Over the course of a year, I drank about 3 bottles of 0.5 liters each. The result is excellent: the white cataract on the right eye has completely disappeared, but since this eye is dead, he, of course, did not see. And the left one has received his sight and sees well. Her hands also became warm, otherwise they were icy, and her ears began to hear better. This tincture also cleanses blood vessels. And most importantly, the eye is healed, it sees completely and well. This recipe doesn’t require a lot of money and is available to everyone, just don’t be lazy. Get treatment for your health.

Here is the recipe itself. You need to take a handful of calamus and a handful of calendula and pour in 0.5 liters of vodka, leave for 12 days in a dark place, shake, no need to strain. Drink 1 tsp. 3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals. You need to drink 4 bottles per course over the course of a year. You can infuse everything at once: the longer it sits, the stronger the tincture, the better. And don't strain it. 1 bottle lasts for 2 months. The break between courses of treatment is 1 month. You can infuse it in a liter jar and then pour it.”

Sharafutdinova Z.A.


Galina Antonovna Zakrasova:

“I am struggling with cataracts, and this recipe helps me:

You need to take potato sprouts, wash them, cut them and dry them. Pour vodka over dry sprouts at the rate of 1 tablespoon of sprouts per 1 glass of vodka. Leave for 14 days, strain. Drink 1 dess. spoon 3 times a day before meals.

2-3 months after treatment, sticky, thick tears will appear. This film dissolves. If necessary, treatment can be repeated.

1 course - 1 glass of tincture.

The good thing about this recipe is that you don’t have to put it in your eyes.

It's not very pleasant to drink, but it's possible. But the result is excellent, but only for the initial stage of cataract.”


Conspiracy for glaucoma, cataracts

Eye diseases can be treated well with fish, although it is quite troublesome. To get rid of glaucoma and cataracts, catch any fish weighing at least 600 g in the river.

Then, holding it in your hands, look into the eye of the fish that is sick and read the spell for each three times:

“The fish lives on the sea, on the ocean, its eyes do not blink, they do not know illness. As my eyes are reflected in her eyes, they are freed from illnesses. Just as this hour and day are clear, so my eyes will become clean and clear.”

After reading the spell, throw the fish away from you (into the water) with the words:

“Go into the depths of the sea, take blindness, sickness and all kinds of sadness from my eyes. Amen."

Leave without looking back or talking until you cross the threshold of your home.


Bulletin of healthy lifestyle 2003 05

It turns out that doctors diagnose, and “healthy lifestyle” treats. Last fall, the initial stage of cataracts was discovered. Treatment was prescribed. Prescribed eye drops. But I began to read “Healthy Lifestyle” and in the 17th issue of 2002 I discovered a recipe by Svetlana Ilyinichna Soboleva from Tolyatti using honey-apple drops. When, after three months of treatment with apple-honey drops, I came to check my eyesight at the ophthalmologist, the doctor determined that now I can’t distinguish only the bottom two lines of the table, and, not knowing what means I was treating, I said: “Gaufon drops are helping you well. Stay the course."

My vision really improved noticeably, but not from the drops mentioned above, but from honey-apple juice. I cut the top off a fresh apple, cut out the core, poured honey into the hole and covered the hole with the top. Two days later the medicine was ready, I poured it into a bottle and dripped 2 drops into each eye morning and evening

In addition to honey-apple drops, I used honey-protein drops, which I prepared as follows. She took a fresh egg (straight from under the chicken) with a dark shell and left it on the table for two days. Then hard-boiled for 30 minutes, cooled, and carefully peeled without damaging the protein. Next, I cut it in half and removed the yolk. She placed both halves of the squirrel in a saucer with the dimples facing up and poured honey over them. A day later, the resulting water was poured into a bottle and stored in the refrigerator. I used honey-apple and honey-protein drops alternately for a month, instilling 1-2 drops 2 times a day.

Address: Kuzina Svetlana Alexandrovna, 357800, Stavropol Territory, Georgievsk, st. Gagarina, 34/40.


Archive of the Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle » Archive of Healthy Lifestyle for 2007 » Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle No. 6 2007 » House Doctor

I will share the recipes of my grandmother-healer. This is how she treated cataracts.

She baked rye bread and, while it was hot, cut a hole on top of it and “screwed” a glass into it upside down. The inside of the glass fogged up, drops formed, which the grandmother dropped, one or two at a time, into the sore eye every day. The cataract gradually disappeared.

For eczema and various skin diseases, my grandmother washed birch leaves with cold water and dried them in the shade. In a glass bowl I placed a 1 cm layer of butter, and on top there was a 1 cm layer of birch leaves. Then again a layer of oil, a layer of leaves and again oil. I covered the dish with a lid and covered the cracks with batter. I put it in a water bath for a day in this mode: it warms up for 2 hours, cools down for 2 hours. Then I squeezed the composition into the jar through cheesecloth and closed the lid. Kept it in the refrigerator. I treated the sore spots with ointment. Grandmother said that birch leaves are especially healing if collected before Peter's Day (mid-June).

Address: Irina Grigorieva, 654041 Kemerovo region. Novokuznetsk, PO Box 9043.

Cataract. Laundry soap helped avoid surgery and washed off the “slipper.” A WISE PERSON DOES NOT CURE A DISEASE. HE AVOIDS HER. (From the newspaper "Vestnik ZOZH")

Archive of the Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle » Archive of Healthy Lifestyle for 2007 » Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle No. 16 2007 » House Doctor

In the Healthy Lifestyle newsletter (No. 12, 2007), my request was published for those who know how to cure cataracts without surgery to respond. I received many letters with recipes that I tested on myself. But one thing caught my attention. I'll explain why.

When I was 8-10 years old (I'm 78 now), we walked around barefoot, and our feet were often sore. If an abscess formed, they ran to their grandmother. She took a rag, soaped it with laundry soap and applied it to the abscess. By morning the wound was clean and healed after 2-3 days. So, in the letter that interested me, it is about laundry soap. I am sending a letter.

“Dear Olga Kuzminichna!

How I would like to help you! Therefore, I will tell you in detail what I learned myself several years ago. At the bus station, we talked with my fellow countrywoman, a retired mathematics teacher (she was about 60 years old at the time), about unconventional methods of treatment. I told her that it had been three years since I took off my glasses and forgot about them, although I had been wearing them constantly for 38 years. And she, since we were talking about vision, told how she avoided cataract surgery.

The doctor told her that the operation would have to be done in 1.5-2 years. Then my friend remembered an old recipe. Every morning, before washing, she washed her eyes with a gauze swab moistened with water and soapy laundry soap. She said that the gauze swab was always lying next to the soap. Of course, the laundry soap was very corrosive to the eyes, they became red. But my travel companion immediately washed them with clean water. And when, a year and a half later, she came to the ophthalmologist, it turned out that the operation was not needed!

And two years ago I also had to use laundry soap. On the night of May 9, my blood pressure jumped sharply and a hemorrhage occurred in my left eye. Imagine my state when in the morning (and this was at the dacha) I discovered that half of the field of vision of my left eye was covered with a black spot in the shape of a “high-heeled shoe.” On weekends and holidays, you understand, you cannot get to the ophthalmologist. This is where I remembered laundry soap. And she began to wash her eyes. A month later the spot disappeared, but I continued this procedure for another six months.

My explanation for this phenomenon is this: apparently, soap disinfects the mucous membrane of the eye and improves blood supply to the eyeball. If my recipe helps you, I will be glad. Be patient and good luck to you.

Guseva Nina Nikolaevna, Vologda region. Cherepovets.

Address: Olga Kuzminichna Shevtsova, 397600 Voronezh region. Kalach, st. K. Marksa, no. 33.

My recipe for cataracts. (From the newspaper "Doctor Nostradamus").

From a letter to the editor:

I am writing for those who suffer from cataracts! I read in the newspaper about fresh blueberry juice and fir resin, which relieve this disease. But in our area there are none. Then I decided to try using dry blueberries for treatment. The result is excellent!

Here's my recipe. half a glass of dried blueberries should be filled with water, preferably distilled (the volume of water should be equal to the volume of dry berries). After this, close the lid and let it sit for 10-15 days in a dark place. Then pour the infused juice into an enamel mug. Bring to a boil and simmer over low heat until the juice volume is reduced to 1/3. Cool, filter.

It is necessary to instill 2-3 times a day, 2-3 drops. At the moment of instillation, you will feel a burning sensation that will last 10-15 seconds and then go away. The course of treatment is 15 days. 2 days break and another 15 days.

You will notice the result in a month. Be healthy!

L. Sulima, newspaper "Doctor Nostradamus"

Do you have cataracts?

So know: apples stop cataracts. To do this, cut out the middle of the apple and fill it with honey, pierce the bottom of the apple and place it on a glass, into which the mixture flows overnight. 2-3 drops should be placed patiently in the corner of the eye near the nose 2-3 times a day.

I. Gonta, newspaper “Doctor Nostradamus”

Aloe for cataracts

The plant must be at least 3 years old. break a couple of leaves, wrap in paper, put in the refrigerator for 7-10 days. After this, squeeze the juice into a saucer, filter through three layers of gauze, and pour into a bottle. The first month, add a grain (about the size of a wheat grain) of mumiyo. Place 1 drop in both eyes once a day. and from the second month, use only pure aloe juice. At the same time, brew 2-3 onion scales into tea.

Get rid of cataracts forever

Special compresses can help with cataracts.

To begin with, sew two bags from baikhovo fabric. It is possible from the other, but the other may retain moisture less well. The dimensions of the bags are approximately 5x5 cm.

Place 3 tablespoons of dill seeds into each bag. Take so that the seeds are in a heaped spoon. Tie the bags, put them in an enamel mug, and fill them with water.

Now put it all on the fire and bring to a boil. Keep boiling for 2 minutes. Now remove from heat, remove the bags, place on a saucer and let cool.

Apply warm bags to closed eyes and hold for 12-15 minutes.

Carry out the procedure at night. One bag can be used twice, then you need to remove the old ones and add new seeds.

Usually 1 month is enough - and the cataract disappears!

Treatment of cataracts with folk remedies

Treatment of cataracts with resin

The resin should be fir or pine, but not spruce. The product is collected from a tree trunk. To do this, they pass by hand and determine by touch the cortical areas, which are particularly elastic and resilient. Here you need to make cuts and collect the protruding liquid in a pre-prepared container. This juice is the resin.

The resulting liquid is mixed with vegetable oil. The most effective use of sea buckthorn oil. but peeled sunflower oil will also work. To prepare the composition, take 3 parts vegetable oil and 1 part resin, stir thoroughly. Used as eye drops. Dosage – 1 drop in each eye once a day. The course of treatment is 30-40 days.

To treat cataracts by using resin, you should remember that it is used only in fresh form. Long-term storage leads to loss of beneficial properties of juice. In addition, the resulting composition causes a burning sensation that must be endured.

The greatest effect of treatment with oleoresin is achieved in the early stages of cataract development.

Treatment of cataracts with bile

Bile is an equally popular folk remedy in the treatment of cataracts. The use of bile for this disease is described in the chronicles of healers.

The well-known healer Porfiry Ivanov gives his recipe using bile. He claims that instilling 1 drop of bile into each eye daily completely eliminates cataracts. One condition is that bile is taken only from live pike. The drug is instilled before bedtime. The course consists of 10 procedures with an interval of one day, a break of 10 days and repetition. If it was not possible to immediately repeat the course, then treatment should be resumed no earlier than after 2 months.

Bile causes discomfort, expressed by pain and burning, but this period must be endured.

Collections of medicinal herbs

In folk medicine, there are many recipes for the treatment of cataracts. They are based on collections of medicinal herbs.

Recipe 1

Collection based on horsetail grass is quite common. To prepare it, take 30 grams of dried and crushed grass. Strengthening the therapeutic effect is achieved by including stinging nettle (10 grams), knotweed herb (15-20 grams are enough). Horsetail should be dried and finely chopped, and nettles should be taken fresh and young.

Preparation: mix all ingredients and take 10 grams of the resulting mixture. Pour boiling water (1 cup), reduce heat to low and cook for 3 minutes. Then the mixture must be cooled and strained.

Application: the infusion is consumed before meals, 100 ml at a time. The course is 14-21 days.

White magic catalog

for insomnia:“Dawn, lightning, red maiden, mother and queen herself; The month is bright, the stars are clear, take from me insomnia, sleeplessness, half-night sleepiness, come to me in the middle of the night, even as a red maiden, even as a queen mother, and take away from me the cursed power and give me Savior’s hand, the Mother of God’s castle. My angel, my archangel, save my soul, strengthen my heart, enemy Satan, abandon me. I am baptized with the cross, I protect myself with the cross, I call on the angel with the cross, I drive away the evil one with the cross. In the name of the father and son and the holy spirit, amen. I know the holy signs."

for bruises:“I’ll pray to the Lord God. Lord, God, - I am in words, God is with help. Christ walked across the aspen bridge - the bridge broke. A grandmother came from the sea, collected bones, put them in a pile, persuaded dislocations and blows. From red meat, from a white body, from a yellow bone from (name) hand. Help me, God. Amen."

from dislocation:“God was riding across the Viburnum bridge, the bridge shook, the horse stumbled and suffered a dislocation.” (Repeat 3 times).

for pain in the hands: Throw your old gloves or mittens far, far to the south and say: “My evil illness flies away, flies away and will not return. The insidious one dies where my gloves flew away, my mittens - mittens.

conspiracy against eye diseases (except cataracts). And ochushko kokhano (3 times), from the servant of God. (name) eyes kohana (3 times), pure, immaculate, newborn, baptized and prayerful. Swim out, splinter, and don’t stab. (name) eyes, swim out, be sad, and not be in pain. (name) eyes, u. the eye is pure and immaculate, newborn, baptized and prayerful. Holy Great Martyr Barbara, Holy Eudokia, Holy Catherine, Holy Mother of God of Tikhvin, look, Lord, at the servant of God. Newborn, baptized and praying. Glory to the father and son and the holy spirit. Amen. (Read the plot 3 times and spit over your left shoulder each time).

from bleeding from wounds: I will get up, blessing myself, I will lie down, cross myself, and I will lie down in an open field, in a green one. I will be blessed, I will cross myself along the sea, I will look at the eastern side: three corvids, three brothers, are flying from the right on the eastern side, three are carrying golden keys, three are carrying golden locks. They locked, they closed waters and rivers, and blue seas, springs and springs; They locked, they closed the bloody wounds, the hot blood. Just as rain does not fall from the blue sky, so the servant of God (name) would not bleed. Amen!

stopping bleeding from cuts:“The first time, a good hour, a girl was walking across the bridge, she lost her cane, I picked up that cane, the blood of God’s servant (name) subsided. Amen. Another time, good hour (repeat everything). Third time, good hour (repeat again).

from heat and temperature:

“The red maiden stands on the shostka, sorting out spoons, washing, grinding and blowing, the shooting and heat of God’s servant (name) consoles and drives away. In the name of father and son and holy spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen."

“Bishikha, bishikha, you shouldn’t be here. You can't stand here. Do not twist the red blood. Go to the dark forest. The Lord himself whistles, God's servants dry up the hveora. Amen.".

How to recognize cataracts and determine its cause?

Cataract is an eye disease that leads to complete loss of vision. The most common cause of the disease is natural aging of the body. But in some cases, the disease can occur even in infants, children and young people. Eye cataracts are much more likely to occur in people suffering from any serious disease or disorder - diabetes, severe heredity, or if an eye injury has occurred.

Description of the disease

Cataract is a clouding of the lens of the human eye. The lens acts as a kind of lens: it transmits and distorts light rays, refracting them into spectral colors.

If the lens of our eye is healthy and transparent, then it copes with its task perfectly - and we see everything perfectly - clearly, clearly, in the right colors.

But if it begins to become cloudy, then the picture for a person turns out to be distorted - cloudy, blurry, colors change or fade. These are already obvious symptoms of cataracts.

On average, six years pass from initial clouding to complete blindness.

Sometimes cataracts can take longer to develop - sometimes people live for 15 years with mild signs of the disease and consult a doctor only when it becomes unbearable. In such cases, the clinic can do little to help - after all, advanced cataracts with significant damage to the lens lead to irreversible consequences.

Types of cataracts

There are two main types of cataracts:

  1. congenital;
  2. acquired.

From the author

My dears, finally I am with you again, and I am happy in the knowledge that after reading my book, you will become more experienced in matters of witchcraft, gain new knowledge, and knowledge is a great power, especially if it is the power of magic! You and your children will live happily ever after, since everything I teach you will give you the opportunity to always remain healthy and invulnerable to enemies.

In this book you will find wise advice, powerful spells, as they said in the old days, powerful (strong) conspiracies, secret whispers and quick-help words. You will learn about the “Eighth Dream of the Virgin Mary,” which means you will become the owner of an all-powerful prayer, which, according to the legend of our ancestors, was blessed by Jesus Christ Himself. It has been known since ancient times that those who know the “Eighth Dream of the Virgin Mary” will live in peace and tranquility, happily avoiding all kinds of troubles and misfortunes, successfully defending themselves from enemies and enemies. About the “Eighth Dream of the Mother of God” they say: “Whoever has and reads the eighth “Dream of the Most Holy Theotokos” will be visited in his last hour of life on earth by the Angel of Death and will carry him in her arms and will ask and pray to God for him!”

From this book you will also learn why and for what purpose they pour sawdust under their feet, how to take away its witchcraft power from a fern, what can happen to a bride if a widow puts on her veil, and whether it is possible to decide for yourself what kind of death to die. I will also tell you about a method that, by resorting to it, will ensure you good luck and luck for a whole month. With the help of the book, you will learn how to correctly reduce your illness to a black goat, as well as how you can remove the gifted illness from yourself. The ability to force a cunning person to keep his word to you will also be useful in life.

In addition, you will get acquainted with various ancient rituals with the help of which you can become a physically strong and wealthy person.

In general, the entire book was compiled according to your, my dear readers and students, letters and taking into account your wishes and requests.

Without exaggeration, the knowledge that I share with you can be called unique, because only a few have discovered the secrets of magic. My family diligently preserved and increased knowledge, many of which go back to ancient teachings.

From the next, twenty-seventh book, you will learn about the immortal Kabbalistic keys, which endow a person with almost inexhaustible vitality and a sharp mind, awaken in him intuition and the ability to clairvoyance.

Be sure to write to me about what you would like to know, ask if something in my books is not clear to you. To the best of my ability, I will try never to refuse you help and advice, I will support you, heal you and protect you from your enemies. All my life I lived for you, my dears, I never spared my strength or time. By passing on my knowledge, I thereby want to make you understand, my dear readers and students, how much I love you, how sorry I am, how I want to give you hope for the best. I really hope that my books will help not only you, but also your children and grandchildren, which means that the invaluable knowledge and experience of many generations of my healer family, preserved for centuries, will not be lost. Sometimes fate brings such surprises that even an atheist to the core overnight becomes a deeply religious person. Here, for example, is what happened to my fellow countryman Alexei Sergeevich Anokhin. I wrote down his story verbatim and now I want to tell you, my dear readers and students, his story.

“I was nineteen years old when I was returning from a Komsomol construction site at BAM. My train was delayed for two hours, and I missed the last bus, which rarely went to our village anyway. I had little choice: either I stayed on the platform until the morning, or I had to walk almost twenty kilometers. I couldn’t wait to get home, because I hadn’t been there for two whole years. In short, I decided to get there on foot. I walked the first seven kilometers normally, but when I walked another three, I realized that I had developed calluses. It was painful to step on, and I decided to sit down and rest. Taking off my shoes, I sat down on the grass under a tree by the road, I felt tired and dozed off. When I woke up, I saw an old woman sitting next to me and looking at me carefully. For a moment it seemed to me that we knew each other. She nodded in response, and then, after a short silence, asked:

– You’re from Laptevka, aren’t you?

I answered in the affirmative and she continued:

- I don’t remember you. Whose will you be?

I answered her question again. The old woman with her chatter irritated me more and more: I wanted to go to the toilet, but in her presence it was inconvenient to get up and go into the bushes.

The old woman seemed to hear my thoughts and, waving her wrinkled hand, said:

- Go, my dear, don’t be shy, it’s an everyday matter...

I didn't like what she said, but I really really wanted to go to the toilet, so I got up and walked further into the bushes. A little later I returned for my things and saw that in my absence the stranger had spread a handkerchief on the ground and laid out a treat on it: boiled eggs, huge red tomatoes, cucumbers and homemade pies. Everything looked so delicious that I involuntarily swallowed my saliva.

“Sit down and eat,” said the old woman, and I gladly sat down on the grass and began to eat.

Now, out of politeness, I kept up a conversation with the old woman. I asked where she lived, and she answered somewhat evasively:

“I used to live in the same village as you, but it wasn’t called that then.”

-Have you moved? – I asked.

– Yes, it just so happened, she moved not far from here.

-Have you been in Laptevka for a long time? – I asked again.

- How can I say, for me now is the time for this and that, I somehow don’t watch him. I don’t go to visit, more and more fellow countrymen come to visit me, now we are waiting for your neighbor Maleev Pankrat, and then in a couple of days his wife will come to us. They are good people, I’m always glad to see them, and your older brother will also come to us in a year. You know, tea, he drinks moonshine all the time, well, it’s okay, as soon as he moves, he’ll settle down.

But I no longer listened to the grandmother’s chatter, as I imagined the sound of cart wheels. I jumped to my feet, hoping to intercept the cart and ride it home.

Seeing the dust rising from the horse’s hooves, I turned to my new acquaintance to say goodbye, and was surprised to see that neither the grandmother nor her knapsack with food was there. There were not even crumbs or shells from the eggs, of which I ate about five!

Not understanding anything, I shouted:

- Hey, grandma, where are you?

But no one answered me - I stood on the road alone and watched as a cart approached me, on which our village accountant Andrei Zapashny was riding. We exchanged cheerful greetings, and I settled down on the straw. On the way we started talking, and then I learned the news - our neighbor Pankrat Maleev had died. He died quietly, in his sleep, his relatives woke up, and he was already cold. As soon as I heard this news, the old woman’s words immediately popped into my head: they say, today I’m waiting for your neighbor, Maleev Pankrat, to visit, and in a couple of days, his wife. I didn’t like the fact that her words came true, and the strange disappearance of the old woman gave me unpleasant thoughts. Besides, I felt sorry for the neighbor’s grandfather, who, when I was still a boy, made me whistles and boats.

Finally, I arrived home, my mother was happy and fussing around the table, and I sadly noticed how much she had given up, feeling guilty about this (I knew how hard she was going through the two-year separation). And a day later I learned the news from my mother - Katerina Maleeva, Pankrat’s wife, had died.

“Son,” said the mother, “but Katerina also tidied up, apparently it took her heart.” I promised that you would help them dig a grave, don’t be angry, but they have absolutely no one to help.

An hour later, me and two other guys were at the cemetery to dig a grave for Baba Katya next to her husband. They approached the grave, began to work, I raised my head to shake off the sweat... And then the hair on my head began to move in horror. The same old woman with whom I had dinner in the field was looking right at me from an old tombstone from a peeling photograph. She was wearing the same striped sweater, her hair was also parted in the middle. Judging by the dates on the tombstone, she died a year before I was born, so I didn’t recognize her. Only now did I understand why it seemed to me then that I had seen her somewhere. I could see her here, in the cemetery, when the kids and I were climbing for candy on our parents’ days. The horror that I experienced cannot be expressed in words - I spoke with the deceased, I ate her food! And then I remembered that the old woman was talking about my brother, who really was an alcoholic and neither his wife nor his mother could do anything about him.

I never told anyone what happened to me, not even my mother, but after reading your book by chance, I decided to tell you about this incident, which struck me to the core. Since that day, I look at the world differently, began to believe in God, stopped drinking alcohol and try to do more good. I’m thinking, it’s not for nothing that the old woman came to me from the other world - maybe the Lord sent her to protect me from the life that many of my friends lead. I don’t know why I was so lucky, why the Lord marked me, but I know for sure that often we do not live as we should, and death is something different, not how we imagine it. Concluding my story, I want to say that my brother died of delirium tremens, and now I am alone with my mother and will never upset her again. If possible, pray for her so that she lives a very long time and remains in perfect health, I won’t be able to: I don’t know the right prayers.”

This is what happened, and I believe that the story told to me is the pure truth. Why? Yes, because I know of other cases that may seem unreal to a person not versed in magic. But believe me, nothing happens in this world without God's permission!

Magic for health

Conspiracies for recovery

Conspiracy for health

“Dear Natalya Ivanovna, I am already sixty-eight years old, and I understand that at this age a person gets sick and becomes weak. In my mind I understand everything, but in my soul I cannot come to terms with bodily weakness. I have always lived an active life, I loved, and even now I love working in the garden... So, I would redo everything with my eyes, but I don’t have the strength: I’ll mark time and sit down. I ask you to teach me a spell that will give me at least a little strength. Thank you in advance. With great respect, Zinovieva Alevtina, Kuban.”

Get up early, before dawn. Go outside, face east, where the sun rises, and say:

Zarya-lightning, red maiden,

I ask you for good health.

Blind a strong man.

Make my bones tanner, my sides be numb,

Never whine or get sick.

To this day, to this hour, to this very minute.

Conspiracy for an unknown illness

If a person has been sick for a long time, and doctors cannot make a diagnosis, you can try to read a special spell for him against an unknown illness (after which the disease should recede). So, the healer asks the patient to sit on a stool facing east. After that, he walks around him, holding a burning candle in his hands and reading the following plot:

I (name of the healer) ask the Lord God,

I persuade the Mother of God to help,

I speak to the servant of God (name of the patient):

From twisted, from twisted,

Cardiac and transverse,

From twelve fireweeds,

From twelve shakes,

For rubella, prurigo, jaundice,

From pricks and scraps,

From twitching and blinking,

How did all these ailments come to the servant of God (name),

They would have left him the same way.

My word is strong, stronger than damask steel, harder to lay down.

Not for a day, not for an hour,

And now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Another conspiracy for an unknown illness

If doctors cannot diagnose a person in any way and, therefore, help him recover, then resort to the help of such an ancient and powerful ritual. On Wednesday, go to the river as early as possible to be there first. Fill one container with water downstream and the other against the current. Immediately pour all the water into one container and say:

Mother River, give me some water for my health,

For ease, for all sorts of things.

Take this water to the sick person's house and pour it on the sick person. (Remember that you cannot talk to anyone on the way or even say hello.) After such a ritual, the patient should recover.

Potion that is brewed on Elijah's day

Pluck the grass from under the three bushes where the bird was sitting. (Be careful and do not pick anything poisonous. If you are not confident in your abilities, consult with the master!) Then silently, without talking to anyone on the way back, return home. Put water on the fire and put the plucked grass into it. Mix the potion with a knife, saying:

Grass of Ilyin's day,

Taken from three places, crumpled with my left hand.

I twist with a knife, I say a spell,

I take and lock away the power of this day

For treatment, for getting rid of bodily ailments.

My word is strong and molding.

Conspiracy for twelve diseases

This conspiracy helps in the treatment of many diseases, even chronic diseases. They read the plot during an exacerbation of the disease or at its very beginning. To do this, close and open the curtains on the windows three times, then cross yourself and say:

Lord, bless, Lord, help.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

On the river under the splash, under the oak tree under the gravy,

The holy righteous Simeon sits,

Sits, reads the Gospel,

He puts down crosses and bows.

Looks: they are coming to him under the oak-gravy

Thirteen daughters of Herod.

The young women bow to him,

Damned devils, and they say:

- What kind of river is this?

What kind of oak gravy is this?

And why are you sitting here, holy elder,

Are you looking at us, thirteen devils?

Elder Simeon does not answer them,

The devil himself asks:

-Where are you, daughters of Herod, going?

Maeta, Blindness, Deafness, Chubby,

Chilling, Yellowing, Lomeya, Kriveya,

Nelyubey, Aslabey, Tryasovitsa, Ognevitsa and Besovitsa.

- Oh, you Herodian youths,

You shameless devils

Why do you need to go to people?

And what do you want to bring to them?

And again they say:

- We are in such a hurry that our heels are burning,

We are going to torture people, to torment them,

Drink their blood.

I, Blinding, will bring blindness;

I, Deaf One, will bring deafness;

I, Yellowing, will make people gall;

I, Fire, will burn both inside and outside;

I’ll send a chill down your skin and inside;

I, Lomeya, will break my head and bones,

People will suffer from my tricks;

I, Kriveya, will bring the crookedness,

I won’t normally show white light to people.

Tryasovitsa says:

- I will shake people

Until I can kill them. Unloving:

- And I will cause dislike,

Evil and hatred will enter people's blood!

And the twelfth, Aslabea, swore to give weakness,

And the thirteenth, Besovitsa, vowed to take away her mind.

And Saint Simeon said these words:

- Strength has been given to me from the Lord Jesus Christ,

In my hands the cross is church beauty,

To the angels of the devil, to his servants,

Deliverance for Orthodox Christians -

And I will give to the sick servant of God (name)!

I invoke Michael the Archangel,

I trust in Archangel Gabriel,

For all four holy evangelists:

On Luke, Mark, Matthew

And to Saint John the Theologian.

King Immanuel suffered from seventy-seven ailments,

And he beat them with this prayer,

He drove Bela away from his body.

How to relieve severe pain

All my pains and ailments.

Conspiracy against infectious disease

“Natalya Ivanovna, I went on vacation abroad and brought my illness with me. They still can't cure me completely. From time to time they put me in an infectious diseases hospital, perform procedures, give injections and release me. There are many patients like me in the infectious diseases department. The doctors don’t leave my loved ones alone, like the people who were in contact with me. I now have my own dishes, my own towel, I sleep in a separate room, I boil my own laundry. I'm scared, Natalya Ivanovna. It’s so creepy to realize that there’s some kind of disgusting infection inside you...”

People have long suffered from all kinds of infectious diseases, the plague alone is worth it. And even then, healers knew how to stop the mortal plague with prayers and herbs. My grandmother taught me conspiracies and prayers that not only contribute to a person’s speedy recovery, but also protect him from infection. My grandmother also taught me conspiracies for unknown diseases, which I already talked about in previously published books. I must say that after the publication of these conspiracies, I received many letters of gratitude, in which readers happily talked about how they were finally able to get rid of the ailments that had tormented them for many years.

The spell against a contagious disease is read nine times in a row at sunset, facing the setting sun. The spell words are:

The Lord gave three lightnings,

Three blessed sisters:

Morning dawn Maria, evening Maremyana

And the third is midnight Ulyana.

Those three sisters have a stove,

Lattice oven.

Smoke pours out of that stove, onto the apple tree,

And there are twigs on that apple tree,

And there are apples on those branches.

Eve took one apple

She picked it and gave it to her husband Adam.

The Lord himself cleaned up.

Conspiracy for a long-lasting illness

“Dear Natalya Ivanovna, yesterday my friend brought me your books. I stayed up all night, read them and prayed.

The fact is that for three years now I have been lying down without getting up. My legs are intact, my arms too, but I have no strength to walk. The doctors gave me a disability and forgot about me, and I’m only thirty-seven years old.

My husband is young and handsome, but I can’t even get up to feed him.

This happened to me after a scandal with a neighbor. Ever since she cursed me, I have been sick. I used to be cheerful and thrifty, I used to make fifty jars of compotes alone every fall. I made all sorts of salads and pickles, sewed well, and now... Now I'm a pathetic invalid.

One day my mother came from church and said that she was talking about me with an old woman. My mother complained that I was lying flat, the doctors refused to help, and my husband was already starting to get tired of this and would probably leave me soon. And this old woman told my mother that in my case - if a person neither lives nor dies - you can try to trace the disease to an animal: a dog or a cow. Then the animal will die, and the patient will recover. But the old woman herself did not undertake to perform this ceremony - she does not know how.

When I read your books, I began to have hope, so I decided to write to you. I write lying down, my hands don’t work very well, and I’m afraid that you won’t understand my writing.

Dear Natalya Ivanovna, I would fly like a bird to you, but I can’t - my legs can’t walk, I don’t have the strength to get up, and the road is probably expensive. My husband stopped bringing money home; he already has another woman. And my mother and I survive from pension to pension: she receives due to old age, I receive due to disability.

I kindly ask you to teach me the ritual of transferring the disease to animals. True, we don’t have cows, since we live in the city, but we do have a dog, a male. I just don’t know, maybe I need a bitch?

Mom promised to buy me all your books, because after reading them, I had hope! Sincerely. Elina."

When it comes to transferring a disease, the main goal of a magical ritual is to make a substitution. That is, the master, reading a special conspiracy, transfers the disease from a person to a pre-selected victim. Animals are usually chosen as victims. After the ritual of transferring the disease, the animal usually dies, and the patient recovers.

It must be taken into account that after such a ritual the master always receives a backlash: he loses strength and falls ill. It happens that the force of the return blow is such that the master dies. Fortunately, this happens very rarely.

I am sure many of you would like to ask the question: what is the difference in this case between a cow and a dog and how does the choice of victim affect the final result?

Based on my work experience and remembering how my grandmother worked, I can say the following.

I came to the conclusion that by choosing a cow as a sacrifice, the master speeds up the effect of the conspiracy and increases his chances of success. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the body of a cow is much larger than that of a dog, and it also has horns, and this is very important: in the old days it was believed that all horned animals were in one way or another connected with an unclean spirit, in other words, the devil. That is why in ancient times horned animals were sacrificed to the spirits: cows, bulls, goats, goats, etc. By placing the horned head on the altar, the priest or magician seemed to say to the spirits: “We honor and respect you, you are powerful and much stronger than the spirits.” unclean, horned, that’s why we turn to you with a humble request to help us.” So, with the help of such a sacrifice, people begged for the favor of the Higher Powers and freed themselves from the influence of evil spirits.

In my opinion, if a person is seriously ill and the ritual of transferring the disease is his last chance, then it is necessary to take either a bull or a cow as a sacrifice. Of course, these animals are expensive, but human life is completely priceless - think about it.

There will be people who will say that such behavior of the master is immoral: they say, animals should not be sacrificed. But no one says that animals should be tortured simply for pleasure. After all, throughout its history, humanity ate meat, dressed in animal skins, and no one considered it immoral, because it was about preserving human lives. The same thing happens in this case. Neither cows nor dogs, no matter how well we treat them, can still not be compared with people. Just imagine, a person suffers from a serious illness, suffers himself and torments his loved ones. But his suffering is not only physical, but also spiritual. Leaving this world ahead of schedule, a person really does not want to part with life: he feels that he has not done everything yet, has not said everything yet, he does not want to leave his children, he is afraid to leave them to their fate.

It is possible that someone will still disagree with me, well, then so be it. And although I myself love animals very much, for me personally there is nothing more valuable than human life.

In preparation for this ritual, you will have to solve one more problem. If you yourself cannot or for one reason or another do not want to buy a cow, then you will most likely go to the village and transfer the disease to the cattle, which already have owners. The animal will die, and its owners, I assure you, will have a hard time experiencing this loss. Firstly, a cow is very expensive (I already said this). Secondly, you need to spend a lot of time and effort to raise an animal, so your action will bring considerable grief. And you, if you’ve read my previous books, should know that other people’s grief and tears have never brought anyone any good. “Well, just think,” some will say, “they themselves said that there is nothing more valuable than human life.” That’s how it is, but that’s why a master of white magic is a master of white magic: to work as honestly as possible and try not to harm anyone. Remember, you can deceive people, you can even deceive yourself, but you cannot deceive spirits, you cannot go against the laws of the Universe and remain unpunished. The grief of the owners of the killed cow will fall heavily on the shoulders of not only the dishonest master, but also the patient, and this, in turn, will certainly affect the result: the unfortunate person risks not recovering at all, and you will only waste your time. Therefore, you will have to pay anyway. Persuade the owners of the cow you have chosen to sell it to you. You cannot talk about why exactly you needed the animal, and that is why, in order to avoid unnecessary questions, it is best to buy the animal before the ceremony.

Does it happen that an animal does not die? It happens, of course. This usually happens if the master made a mistake or something went wrong during the ceremony. The following can have a negative impact on the final result: the owners were too sorry for the sold cattle, the master regretted the money spent and thought about it all the time, the patient or his ancestors sinned too much and these sins remained unrepentant. And of course, this can happen because the spirits to whom the master turns during the ritual did not heed his pleas and did not accept the proposed sacrifice.

The ceremony itself is carried out as follows. A week before the ceremony, the master must refuse meat food. All this time he must read prayers and keep his body and soul clean. You will also need a new white hoodie, which you need to sew yourself.

Having chosen a place to perform the ceremony, consecrate it by reciting the following spell:

God Eternal, Wise,

Strong and Almighty,

Visit this place and consecrate it

With your presence.

Purity, chastity

And fulfillment of the highest Law

May they reign here.

And like the smoke of incense ascends to You,

So let him come to this humble place

Your majestic grace.

Your blessing

May he strengthen and increase the strength of him

Who will kneel and work

And glorify Your name. Amen.

Make sure that no one walks around the consecrated place before the ceremony begins. After this, you need to speak food, which you will then give to the sacrificial animal. The following spell is read over the animal's food:

In the name of the Tetragrammaton!

And let my every word

It will be heard by the Creator.

God Eternal and Almighty,

God, Merciful and Just,

Autocrat of earth, water and sky,

Purify and sanctify this sacrifice with Your valor

In the name of Your servant (name).

Do what you want, not us.

Not to me, not to me, but to Your name.

And let Your will be done in everything and always.

In Your Sovereign power

Decide the fate of Your servant (name).

And let the one you have chosen die,

And let him live as You want.

After reading the spell, feed the animal with the enchanted food: if you are sacrificing a cow, then with grass or hay, if you are sacrificing a chicken, with grain, etc.

If you do everything correctly, do not make mistakes and the spirits accept your sacrifice, then the patient will definitely be cured.

Spell against serious illness

If a person is seriously ill and you have already tried all possible methods, but he is not getting better, resort to using this spell.

Hold the cross in your left hand, extend your right over the patient’s body and read the spell in a low voice, without stammering, making mistakes or interrupting. They read it only from memory, so if you are not confident in yourself, then it is better to invite a master. The words of the spell are as follows:

I conjure you, O mighty Magoa,

In the name of God, in the name of the Creator,

Whose holy power is without any boundaries

And without any end,

Whose name is heard and known in all languages.

In the name of almighty God

I conjure and command you.

Listen to me, O spirit of the eastern side of Magoa,

Hear me immediately

Abn, Abdu, Eka, Eki, Ekoa!

Wow! Wow! Wow! Amen.

How to save a dying person

On a full moon, take the rope on which the man hanged himself and the knife with which this rope was cut. Go to the bridge, stand in the middle and cut the rope into two parts with a knife, while saying:

How my foot stands on the bridge firmly and firmly,

So my word will be firm and molding,

Harder than diamond stone, more moldable than pine sulfur,

Faster than lightning.

The servants of the devil descend into hell,

They gather upstairs for souls.

Unhook and unstick yourself, dark forces,

From the servant of God (name).

My words are strong and firm,

And until end meets end on a loop,

Let the servant of God (name) not go to the next world.

I, the servant of God (name), have been bargaining for nine years,

Not thirteen, not six, not three,

Water, take one loop on both banks.

Key, lock, tongue.

Having said this, leave one piece of rope on one side of the river and the other on the other. This rite gives the dying person nine more years of life, and is performed only once for one person.

How to find out whether a patient will die or not

Competent and experienced masters know the rituals, after performing which one can always say with confidence whether the patient will survive or die. But in addition to complex rituals, there are also simple ones that also accurately predict the future. For example, you can resort to the help of ordinary nettle. This herb is part of the divine elixir of life and always accurately predicts whether a person will live or die.

To do this, pick fresh nettles with your left hand and put them in the patient’s urine, saying:

Ozhiga, ojiga, you were born in the fifth house,

Mercury is your father.

You burn, you cleanse, you help,

You know the kingdom of the living and the dead.

Tell me whether the servant of God (name) will live. Amen.

After 24 hours, look what happened to the nettles. If it has dried out and shrunk, losing color, then the patient will soon leave this world. If the color of the nettle has not changed and it remains the same green and fresh, then the patient will live and will soon recover.

Signs associated with the death of a person

If the patient hears or sees a bird knocking on the window with its beak, he will no longer rise.

If a person is sick and picks off non-existent specks with his hands, then they say about him “picking off”, that is, he will soon die.

If the patient lies all the time facing the wall, then he will not stay long in this world.

A patient who sleeps all the time will soon move away.

When a patient, bedridden for a long time, suddenly sits up and asks for something to drink or eat, he will soon die.

Your own or neighbors' dogs howl - towards the deceased.

If a rooster or chicken jumps on the table, expect a dead man.

If the hen crows like a rooster, trouble is on the porch. (This bird's head must be cut off immediately to avoid misfortune.)

If the patient says that he sees the dead, then he will soon die.

The patient who speaks to the deceased or calls them in a dream will soon die.

If the patient cries or speaks at length, he is about to die.

The patient will ask for an apple - he will soon leave.

If the patient says that in a dream he walks through a strange village, eats at the same table with deceased relatives, sails in a boat on dark water, or hides in firewood, then he will soon leave this world.

If a patient’s nose is pointed and elongated and he runs his hands over the blanket, then he will not stay in this world for long.

If nothing helps the patient

Take scraps (any) left over after Easter: shells from painted and blessed eggs, bones and leftover food from breaking the fast after the all-night vigil, peels from onions used to dye eggs. You will also need the patient's sweaty clothes. Take all this to a deserted place and burn it. Collect coals, ashes and firebrands and bury them in the four corners of your garden or yard.

The evening you do all this, you cannot talk to anyone or do any homework. In addition, the whole family should read the akathist and “Our Father” at this time.

Usually after this, the dying person begins to feel relief and gradually gets better.

Of course, few people keep Easter leftovers. In this case, you need to seek help from a healer, who will definitely have them.

If you turn to a healer for help, then give him a new towel and three rubles for the scraps. (Keep in mind that leftovers from bolshaki, i.e., major church holidays, as well as icons, are not given for free.) If after the ritual the Lord has mercy on the sick person and the unfortunate person recovers, then you should never tell anyone about that How did you manage to get him to his feet?

Earth treatment

A sorcerer can use the earth to destroy a person, and a healer can bring him back to life. I have already told you that earth brought from a cemetery and used during a special ceremony can destroy a person overnight. If, for example, you dig up a person’s footprint from the ground, dry it, and then bury it after reading a special spell, then the unfortunate person will lose his strength and health.

In the old days, when taking an oath, a person ate a little earth, and everyone knew that if he did not keep his word, he would then suffer and suffer for the rest of his life.

But I’ll tell you now how you can treat with earth. For example, if a person is terminally ill and the doctors say that he has no chance of survival, do the following.

Find three women: one widow, one old maid (vekova) and one maiden (an unmarried girl who has never known a man before). Explain to them that they can help bring a person back to life. To do this, all three of them must go into the field and dig a shallow hole there. Then each of them needs to pour sand into their hole and level it, saying:

When our sand rises in the field,

Then only to the servant of God (name)

Death will come. Amen.

The dug up soil must be tied into a bundle and brought home to the patient in his bosom. They leave the field in silence, don’t talk to anyone until the patient’s home and don’t look back.

You will see for yourself how great the power of the earth and the spell that is read over it is, and if the patient has not sinned too much in his life, then he will definitely recover.

How can you restore strength to a person using the earth?

If a person is seriously ill, then he must go to the field, find a lonely growing tree there and, standing under it, take off his underwear (T-shirt, combination, etc.). He needs to hang his underwear on a branch, and then walk around this tree three times, each time putting the sign of the cross on himself and reading the following conspiracy:

I walk three times, I pray three times,

I cross myself with my finger, I heal myself with earth.

The mother of cheese is the earth,

Jesus Christ walked on you

He treated people.

Heal me too, God’s servant (name). Amen.

After this, you need to eat a little, just a little, of the earth taken from under your feet. You cannot tell anyone about the ceremony, even if people start asking what happened and how the person managed to recover.

Another very powerful way to heal with earth

At dawn, take a handful of earth into your right hand, stand facing east (towards the sunrise) and, looking at the pinkish sky, read the following spell three times in a row:

At dawn I clothe myself with Marya,

I wash myself with morning dew,

I wipe myself with the earth-nurse.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

After this, wipe yourself with earth and immediately wash your body with spring water that has stood overnight in the open air.

This ritual is performed three times in a row, after which the person seems to be reborn: he will be strong and healthy, and no ailments will be able to get the better of him.

How to get rid of illness

Go to a plowed field, urinate and say:

How did this urine get into the middle?

That way all the illness would go away from me

From this hour, from God's order.

How to throw illness into the wind

When a strong wind rises outside, go out into the yard and read the following plot:

Far away ailments, far away pains,

You are all counted,

You are all counted.

The East does not accept you,

The West curses you

The south doesn't allow you to come here,

The North will freeze you and throw you onto the ice floe.

Go away, my ailments and pains,

On the windy wind, on its strong hump,

Transfer of disease to blackbuck

Dry the patient with a new towel and throw it under the goat's hooves. When the goat begins to trample the towel, say the following conspiracy words forty times in a row:

Come down from the servant of God (name), sickness,

Attack the goat.

After this, the patient should soon recover, and the goat should die.

Transfer of disease to the wind

For this ritual it is necessary that there is a strong wind outside. When the weather is suitable, have the patient stand facing the wind and shout out the spell words. The plot is as follows:

Sit down, my illness, into the wind, go for a ride,

Never come back to me.

There are no relatives and no strangers.

There, in a dry forest, they settled,

Get away from me (name).

The key to my words, the lock to my deeds.

Conspiracy against fainting

If a person often faints, then you need, without warning him in advance, to take and sprinkle the charmed water from the patient’s mouth. The spell that is read over the water is as follows:

Three walked, two carried, one carried nothing,

Besides my holy word:

I forbid you, servant of God (name), to get sick,

Your baptized body must suffer.

You, yellow bone, no pain,

You, brother-in-law's liver, don't itch,

Zealous heart, don’t

You, brain in your little head, don’t be tormented.

How did your mother give you birth?

Sickness, pain in your body will prohibit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

What to do if you are sick

As soon as you feel unwell, immediately read a special spell so as not to get sick later. His words are:

There is a new month in the sky,

He has a golden horn,

Reflected in the sea, swam without water,

I was not afraid of any illness.

So I am not afraid, but I pray to Eve and Adam:

- My ancestors, were you sick?

“We weren’t sick and didn’t grieve.”

So that I don't get sick either

No arm, no leg, no body.

Go, my prayer, to Heaven.

Spell for chills and fever

Sometimes, due to a cold or severe stress, a person begins to feel chills. The plot that I will give below will help cope with fever or chills of any etiology. This plot is read nine times in a row. The spell words are:

King Herod has twelve children,

Twelve daughters

And in all there were twelve sisters among them:

They are all shaggy, hairy, beltless.

They walked, stumbled, quarreled among themselves,

Every three steps they fought,

Yes, and we met Saint Paul.

Saint Paul invited them and asked:

-Whose daughters are you? They answer:

– We are Herod’s daughters, we make sure that

So that all people get sick,

So that people are hit, stabbed and not released from their illness.

A very good cough spell

In the morning dawns read the following plot:

There are two sisters living in God's heaven:

The eldest dawn is Ulyana, the youngest is Maremyana.

I will go out into the open field and bow to the two dawn sisters.

Morning dawn Ulyana, evening dawn Maremyana,

Take, sister dawns, my wave,

Take the choking and coughing out of me,

Pies with porridge are baked.

There will be coughing and suffocation,

Conspiracy for fever

If a person has a high fever and the temperature, despite all the efforts made, does not subside, then read a special spell over water, which the patient must then drink. I assure you that the temperature will soon return to normal. The plot is as follows:

In an open field, in a wide expanse,

The stone is flammable,

And on this stone a big woman sits,

In her white hands there is trouble - a hot frying pan.

The white frying pan does not burn her hands,

She's not hot, she's not cold, and she's not getting chills.

So that she gets well soon and gets up.

The Lord God will tell you and order the illness to go away.

Conspiracy for a sore throat

Take a knife in your left hand and, bringing it to the patient’s throat, carefully draw crosses in the air, saying:

I speak to the servant of God (name)

Twelve months of sorrow

Twelve months of illness.

January – no sore throat, February – no sore throat,

And March - no pain in the throat, April - no pain in the throat,

And May - no pain in the throat, June - no pain in the throat,

July – no sore throat, and August – no sore throat,

September - no pain in the throat, October - no pain in the throat,

November - sore throat, December - sore throat heal.

You, sickness, get rid of it, you, pain, get rid of it,

You, sickness, move away from the servant of God (name).

To quickly clear pus from a sore throat, use the following recipe:

Elder flowers – 1 teaspoon Salvia officinalis – 1 teaspoon Calendula – 1 teaspoon Chamomile – 1 teaspoon Cool boiling water – 300 g

Mix all ingredients and add to infusion 1 teaspoon salt. Gargle with the resulting infusion every half hour.

Conspiracy for a lethargic person

I am sixty-five years old, I have a son, Stepan. My son was always cheerful, talkative and had never sat idle before. If he had a free minute, he immediately asked himself: “What should I do?” - and instantly found a job. All the neighbors came to him for help: someone to hem their felt boots, someone to fix their iron. He is a carpenter, a joiner, and a mechanic.

But lately it’s as if my Stepochka has been replaced: he doesn’t want to do anything, but just sits around and is silent. I always loved to eat, but now every time I have to persuade him to have lunch. I’ll ask him: “Son, maybe something hurts you?” And he just shakes his head in response and sits silently again. One word, my son has become great. I really think it’s a sin, maybe someone put the evil eye on him or caused some damage.

I bought your book, read it, and really liked it. However, I did not find a conspiracy in it that could help my Styopa. I beg you very much, do not put my letter aside, please answer me.

Katerina, my neighbor, says that I am writing a letter in vain, that no one will read illiterate letters. But don’t be angry with me, Natalya Ivanovna, I’m a simple woman, no one taught me to write letters, so forgive me if something is wrong. Natalya Ivanovna, I really love people, the world around me, but more than anyone, even more than my own life, I love my son. I beg you, tell me what to do, how to help him. Glafira Semyonovna."

Dear Glafira Semyonovna, I can advise you the following. Before sunrise, scoop up some well water, bring it home and read a special spell over it. Pour this water into a basin, and let your son wash himself in the enchanted water - all his lethargy will disappear as if by hand. The spell words are:

Good morning, God bless you.

The servant of God (name) will stand, blessing himself,

He will come out of all corners, crossing himself,

Heels on the ground, little hands on the water,

Eyes to Heaven. Amen.

He will go out into the open field,

In a field, a wide expanse.

From the field it will go to the ocean-sea.

There is a sulfur-flammable stone in the sea.

A pike swims briskly near a gray stone,

She's cheerful, she's not happy

She has copper cheeks, she has damask teeth.

She eats all pain and illness,

He gnaws out all the bad thoughts.

Jesus Christ himself is in the east, on the Throne.

I'll come closer, bow lower,

I will begin to ask Christ

Treat the servant of God (name):

From tricks, lessons, from bad damage,

From a simple-haired girl, from a rolling woman.

Go, you little lessons, to the empty forests,

On the White Sea sands.

You are well received there

Conspiracy to return lost powers

In the spring, when the fields are plowed, stand with your bare foot on the boundary, cross yourself and say:

How people throw seeds into this land,

How do these seeds germinate?

They grow, they fill with strength,

They bow down to the ground,

So that the strength comes

From the letter:

“Natalya Ivanovna, our dear sorceress, I decided to write to you, but I don’t know where to start. I am fifty two years old. It seems like I’m not old yet, but I don’t have any strength left - I walk a little and immediately get tired. I would redo everything with my eyes, but there is no urine - I’m like a squeezed lemon. I heard that there is a conspiracy that adds vitality to a person. Can I hope that

Will you publish this conspiracy in your next book? Thank you in advance, G.M. Banina.”

Place a bowl of water so that the moon is reflected in it. Then, with your left hand, draw circles on the surface of the water counterclockwise so that the reflection of the moon fluctuates. At the same time, read the following plot:

The month walks, the strength comes,

A month walks on the water under my hand,

And to me, God’s servant (name), strength comes.

The keys are on the horns, and the strength is in the legs.

For now, for eternity, for infinity.

So that the sick person does not take away his strength

“I live in America. I recently got a job, now I am a nurse, caring for sick people. Some of them are mentally ill. During attacks they curse me, without knowing what they are saying.

You know, after visiting some patients it becomes very difficult for me, as if they had sucked all the vitality out of me. I come home like a squeezed lemon. I kindly ask you to teach me a spell that would help me maintain strength and health in order to continue helping people who need me. Thank you in advance, Galina Skripko.”

The plot that will be given below must be read before and after work. The spell words are:

Lord, help, Lord, bless.

First time, good hour,

Not by the cross, but with the cross,

With God the Father,

With Guardian Angel,

With my savior.

I'm going where I can't drink my blood,

I saw you off on the road with the Angel,

She blessed with her motherly hand.

Save me, Lord, for all days, for all hours.

To prevent postoperative sutures from coming apart

This spell not only helps to heal postoperative stitches, but also promotes the healing of any serious wounds. It is read over water, which is then used to wash the patient. The words of the conspiracy are as follows:

On the sea, on the ocean, on the island of Kurgan itself,

White birch grows, branches down, roots up.

Under that white birch tree Mother of God

The silk threads are shaking,

He sews up bloody wounds.

And you, the wound on God’s servant (name), heal.

Edge of the body to the edge, I read a prayer.

How to speak to any wound

For three evenings in a row, read the following plot:

Jesus was born on Christmas night, at midnight.

God was betrayed, taken, tortured.

God died, God rose again,

Glory to him from earth to heaven.

God suffered and endured on the Cross,

And the Lord God commanded:

So that any wound in the body closes,

How to make the pus come out

Circle your little finger counterclockwise around the sore spot, reading the following plot:

Walk, moon, to the left, walk, sun, to the right.

There are seven blades of grass in my hand, seven pancakes of God,

I carve one, I cut the body with the other,

With the third blade of grass I expel the pus,

For the pus to come out of the wound

Come out, perform, cleanse yourself and grow up.

What kind of mother gave birth, baptized the church,

Be so pure.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Spell for an unhealed wound

If a person suffers from wounds that do not heal for a long time, then you need to take twelve earthworms and, holding them by the tips, move them over the wound in turn, each time reading the following plot:

How does a body dry up without food?

How does a worm dry without water?

So my illness would die,

Instead of saying “Amen,” you should spit over your left shoulder every time. At the end of the ritual, throw the worms into the stove ash pit. After this, the wounds heal quickly and the patient recovers.

Current page: 3 (book has 23 pages total) [available reading passage: 16 pages]

If your eyelid twitches

Brew three geranium leaves into a glass of water and drink this glass three times during the day.

You can speak to a twitching eyelid like this. Hold the eyelid with the little finger of the left hand and read:

A dead horse won't gallop.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

A very powerful spell for eye disease

In the name of the Father and Sat and the Holy Spirit,
From the Jesus cross,
From the first post to the last post,
From my word, from holy help.
Snag, do you see? - Does not see!
Stone, do you see? - Does not see!
Swamp hummock, see? - Does not see!
Then my blindness will not offend them.
Go, blindness, to a forest snag,
On a water hummock, on a one-eyed monster,
Three-eyed reflection.
Crooked, blind, not mine, but someone else’s.
My mouth, lock, tongue, key. Amen.

Eating snake and fish meat is good for eye health. It even treats complex eye diseases.

If possible, eat blueberries, even frozen ones are fine.

Treat with fresh carrot juice. At least for a month. Every other day, a glass of juice. If your facial skin turns yellowish, it will pass quickly, but you will be healthy. The eyes will have a beautiful shine, and vision will significantly improve.

You should also know that anyone who puts nickels on the eyes of a dead person will lose his sight early.

For good vision, you need to wash your eyes under the icon on Easter morning and say:

How people look at the icon,
So would my eyes be eyelid by eyelid
Looked good. Amen.

Protection against vision loss

If you notice that your vision has begun to deteriorate sharply, ask the youngest and most sinless blood relative to blow into your eyes and read three times without hesitation:

Eyes, you lead, you guard, you feed,
You open up to the sun in the morning,
At night during the month you close,
Serve faithfully
When you grieve, grieve with tears.
Be vigilant and strong,
Vostras are fast and long-lived.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Conspiracy for eyesores

Most often, a cataract appears after an eye injury. They talk about a thorn in the back of a piece of silver - small change. Part of this trifle is left at the cemetery, having found a grave there with the same name as the patient’s. The second part of the change is distributed to the poor. They do this on the full moon. Money speaks like this:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
How will this money leave my hands?
This will remove the thorn from my eyes.

Another way to get rid of a thorn

Find a rye ear left in the field after harvesting. Grind granulated sugar and salt into dust, then blow the prepared dust into the sick person’s eye (just a little) through a dried ear straw. When the person starts blinking, immediately say:

A tear will come, and with it the eyesore will go away.
A tear will sugar, the salt will wash away,
And the Lord will put the thorn in the eye to rest.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Stop vision deterioration

Find a fresh young fern, grind through a meat grinder (without roots) along with the fleshy stems. Knead a not very thick dough and place cakes from it on your eyes, changing them after ten minutes. Your eyes will become stronger, clean, clear and healthy. Vision will become noticeably sharper. The recipe is quite simple, but very good.

To improve vision

Fresh goat milk whey(1 part water to 1 part serum) drop into eyes. Cover your eyelids with a dark bandage and lie down for half an hour without rotating your eyeballs. Do this all week. Vision will noticeably improve as the lens gains the necessary strength.

How to get rid of strabismus

They look at the bridge of the nose of someone who has squint, and the patient should look at the candle light. Read:

Lord, save, preserve and have mercy.
The morning dew washes away, the water falls from the eyes.
Brown eye, green eye, blue eye,
The eye is black and the eye is crooked.
Son of God, have mercy on us
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

For strabismus

Light a candle, stand behind the patient’s back, and move the candle around the patient’s head; the patient should look in front of him and not follow the candle with his eyes.

Like a house - the eternal temple of God,
Strong and indestructible, we will not crush the heretics,
So let the head of the servant of God (name) be bright
She will be strong and unharmed.
Let his eyes not turn, let him not turn on,
And don’t squint, let them look straight at the light of God,
How the holy faces look on holy icons
On us, sinful people.
Angels of the Lord, I will speak to the servant of God (name)
From oblique disease, from his enemies,
From evil heretics.
Lips, teeth, eyes in a pigtail, tongue with a stake.
Forever and ever. Amen.
Heretic, make yourself heretical, cut your body,
Drink your blood, squint your eyes. Amen.

Put your eyes back in place

If your eyes are crossed, choose a full moon night, bring the patient to the window, if it is winter, and if it is summer, take him outside, order him to look at the Moon and read:

The month will be born, it will round out,
It will get better and get better,
So that the eyes of the slave (name)
It would look right. Amen.

Your eyes will soon stop squinting.

To keep your eyes from twitching

It is very unpleasant when the eye twitches. This is annoying and annoying. You need to wet your finger, press it against your eye and say three times:

Twitchy auntie, don’t talk, don’t jerk
Neither down nor up. Amen.

From yellow growths on the eyeballs

They place three candles at the icon of forty saints. They take forty aspen leaves, brew them at three o’clock in the morning during the waning month, stir with the tip of a knife counterclockwise and say, without moving their lips, three times:

Oh, are you not in pain, are you not in pain, are you not in tears,
You are not blood, you do not grow and do not rot.
Are you going to disappear from sight?
Not from oily speeches,
Not from oily conversations,
And from holy incantations.
Oh, enemy, die, body in the eye, dry up.
A runny nose does not burn or runny,
It doesn’t itch, it doesn’t hurt. Amen.

Inflammation of the cornea of ​​the eyes

Young apple tree shoots are required here. They are cut, washed thoroughly and juice is prepared from them. Then filter and apply compresses to the eyes. Surprisingly quickly the eyes gain strength and vision. You cannot use trees that you treat with pesticides.

Talk about a hernia in the eye socket

Oh, great saint of Christ, passion-bearer and merciful physician Panteleimon! Have mercy on me, a sinful slave, hear my groaning and cry, propitiate the heavenly, Supreme Physician of our souls and bodies, Christ our God, may he grant them healing from the illness that oppresses me. Accept the unworthy prayer of the most sinful man above all. Visit me with a gracious visit. Do not disdain my sinful sores, anoint them with the oil of your mercy and heal me, so that, healthy in soul and body, I can spend the rest of my days, by the grace of God, in repentance and pleasing God and be worthy of receiving the good end of my life.

Hey, servant of God! Pray to Christ God, that through your intercession he may grant health to my body and salvation to my soul. Amen.

If a person talks to himself, then let him look in the mirror, into his own eyes. But this is not always convenient, especially if you don’t rely on your memory and may read it wrong. There will be no harm from this, but no benefit either. Therefore, it will be better if you get help.

So, the patient sits on a chair and looks ahead. They do this after sunset. The ring finger is moved counterclockwise around the eye and read barely audibly:

The mole speaks, but not the one in the ground,
And the one from the earth.
Are you here, hernia?
- Here!
I'll roll you off the eyeball,
From clear eyes, from eyelashes,
From the ardent hands.
Just like a mole doesn't gnaw its paw,
Doesn't drink his own blood
So you, hernia, do not gnaw the servant of God (name).
Like a mole goes into the ground,
So you too will go into the ground like a hernia.
In the name of the Father and Sat and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

From barley

Spit on the barley and say over your shoulder:

Barley, barley, go under the stump, laziness sleeps there.
Lie down together, burn with fire. Amen.

* * *

Swampy, cold water,
Take thirty-three castles,
Thirty-three mountains
Thirty-three roads barley with slaves (name).
Close all the locks, all the keys,
Do not release slaves onto (name)’s body.
Century by century, from now to eternity. Amen.

* * *

Show the fig to the barley and say:

The barley was growing and mowing was approaching.
The barley was mowed, the sorceress was begged.
Grandfather witch, speak barley.
Go to the forest, to the grass,
For cold water from slave (name). Amen.

How to cure feigned blindness

Damage can take away your sight and hearing. Such a person needs to be treated in an empty room, where there is no acute illness in sight. Ask the patient how long he has been blind and what he remembers the last thing he saw with his eyes. Find out what sin he believes he is having this grief for and who he is thinking about. If he knows the gravity of his sin, let him repent. Tell him that you will prepare for his treatment for three days, do secret things and pray. He must also fast during these three days and spend time in prayer. Assure the patient that if he repents sincerely, you will cure him.

But this also happens. They brought a blind woman to me; she was 37 years old. She talked about how she got together with a man who left his wife and children for her. And that when her husband was not at home, her husband’s ex-wife came to her, cursed her and threw her photo on the floor, which she got from no one knows where. The eyes in the photo were gouged out, and the rival shouted: “May you go blind, bitch!” The patient claims that she began to quickly lose her vision and after three months she became completely blind. In response to my request to repent, she began shouting that the first thing she would do when she regained her sight was to burn out her opponent’s eyes with acid. Such people are very difficult to treat. Soul and body must be in humility and faith in God and his help.

Place the patient on a chair with a candle in his hand. Place a jar of holy water nearby, stand behind the patient, fold your little fingers, thumbs and middle fingers, lower the rest. Hold your hands above the patient's head and read.

Dawn Marya is coming,
Father sun rises
Because of the bitter mountains, because of the fast rivers
Salty tears, blind eyes.
The Lord will come with them,
It will bring light to the eyes.
Holy sisters, first aiders,
Remove the witchcraft spell
From the eyes of God's servant (name). Amen.

Then let the patient find a jar of water with his hand and lower the candle into it. You should wash your eyes with this water after each treatment. And so on for three days.

Ear diseases

Improve your hearing

They take a three-year-old gray cat, sit him on his lap, clasp his left ear with both hands and speak directly into his ear, not paying attention that the cat will jerk his head and try to escape.

You still need to have time to say these words in his ear:

I’ll take away your hearing, and you, gray cat, be deaf.

Get your hearing back

If a person is deaf in one ear, then whisper the spell into that ear. If you are deaf in both ears, then whisper in both ears - three dawns in the morning and three in the evening.

The mouse and the owl and the swamp snake hear,
Cat, and cat, and you a little.
So are you, as you were born,
What kind of hearing did I get baptized with?
From now on, you will hear my order.

* * *

Read on the waxing moon. For women - on Friday, for men - on Tuesday. They sit a deaf person in a corner with his face facing down and read into the ear that cannot hear. If both ears cannot hear, then read first into the right and then into the left.

I, servant of God, will get up early,
Shoulder to the Sun, back to the Moon.
I will baptize myself with my finger,
I will be blessed with an icon.
I'll call for help
Son of God Jesus Christ.
I will whisper and speak to the deaf
The servant of God (name)
I will banish her to okiyad.
Come out, deafness, from the ear,
And you, hearing, go into the ear.
I speak in chapel ears, in a wild head,
In the frontal, parietal, temporal,
Not by the Sun, not by month, not another time,
And so that now there is hearing in the ear,
And deafness is out of the ear.
The pike has copper eyes, iron teeth,
She will take away all the sorrows, illnesses, distortions,
Luma, scrofula, lumbago, deafness.
Go, deafness, to the damn servants,
On a wooden plow
To an empty furrow, to a deaf wood grouse,
On a deaf wood grouse.
Mind you, deafness, not me and not God’s servant (name).
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

So as not to shoot in the ear

Whisper these words in your ear:

An arrow flew from a well-aimed bow
The servant of God (name) has a lumbago in her ear.
Shot and shot, if there is no pain.
Every ailment from her threshold to the start, forest,
Into the stormy wind. Amen.

How to make deaf people speak

If a person has become hard of hearing, let the youngest in the family whisper in his ear:

Hearing - in the ear, hearing - in the ear.
Deafness - from the ear, deafness - from the ear.
Pus will go, hearing will come into the ear.
From the right ear, from the left ear.
Koch - out, Earwig - out,
Ears - deaf ears - out!
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

From an abscess in the ear

Whisper in your ear:

An ear for hearing, for God's word,
And not for the patient's abscess. Amen.


Weak gums

Bite a twig of a weeping willow, saying before and after this:

Cry, mother willow, not according to your roots,
And cry for my gums and teeth.
Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

For night toothache

Go to the window, bring your finger to the place where the tooth aches, preventing you from sleeping. And read nine times in a row:

The moon in the sky is covered with a cloud,
The sun is getting ready, dressing up at dawn,
There is a white flammable stone on the seabed.
When the month reaches this white flammable stone,
Only then does this tooth hurt me
It will happen again.
I count amini, and there are exactly five of them,
No one can take my tooth with pain,
And the sixth amen, hurry to relieve my pain.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

How to talk bad breath away

Bad breath isn't just caused by bad teeth. It occurs in people with liver disease. In addition, there is a special curse for disgust towards a person, which causes an unpleasant odor from the body and mouth.

The plot is read on the water at three o'clock in the morning. This water is sprinkled crosswise on the person who smells bad. After this, the smell completely disappears. They spell water like this:

Father Bear, you live in the forest,
You open your mouth and roar.
The stench lives in the mouth.
Go away, stink, get rid of the white body:
To the dark forest, to the forest demon,
To the brown grandfather, the shaggy bear
Into his mouth, there you, stink, abyss.
Now, forever and endlessly.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

If your teeth are loose

In addition to the rinses that you will be offered at the pharmacy, it is also good to put your teeth in place with a spell that is done on the new moon:

Son of God, Jesus Christ,
Have mercy on us now and forever
And forever and ever. Amen.
The mountain is not simple,
Not stone, not gold.
There is a holy church!
In that church the funeral service is held for the deceased,
The dead do not suffer pain,
They don't cry from toothache,
The devil's teeth don't shake them.
I put it in its place:
Not iron and not gold,
And the teeth are strong and boney.
The wind can't shake them,
You can't knock them out with your fist,
The Witcher cannot spoil them.
How strong is the glory of Christ,
This is how all my words will come true.

Speak to a sick tooth

Teeth usually speak in the first month. But if the patient is suffering, do this. Wash your hands first and then the door bracket with the same water and pour it over the threshold. Draw crosses on the cheek where the bad tooth is and say:

Zarya-lightning, red maiden, midnight office!
There is a hare in the field, a stone in the sea, and Limar at the bottom.
Cover, lightning, my teeth are mournful
With your veil from the damned Limar,
Behind your cover my teeth will survive.
Enemy Limar, get away from me,
And if you gnaw my teeth,
I will hide you in the abyss of the underworld.
My word is strong.

For the same

Moon you, month, silver horns,
Your golden legs, come down, month,
Take away my sorrow and pain,
Take your sorrow away to the clouds:
My sorrow is not small, not heavy,
And your strength is mighty.
I can't bear the grief!
Here's a tooth, here's two, here's three - all yours.
Take my sorrow. Amen.

From a pip on the tongue

Tap on the tongue for a rawhide thread,
Like a mouse-gnaw, like an old owl.
Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

Tongue bite

This spell is necessary for people prone to seizures. And also as a talisman for those who play sports. They read it once a year, biting an aspen twig with their teeth. The branch should have a spear at the end. Read the Angel for your day.

Teeth, my teeth,
Don't bite your lips
Don't bite your tongue.
Here's a spear for you.
Not now and not ever,
Not forever and ever. Amen.


For a sore throat

One birch, two birch, 3 birch, 4 birch,

5 birch, 6 birch, 7 birch, 8 birch,

9 birch with branches,

Slave (name) will swallow the leaves.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Speak to the water and give it a drink.

How to get rid of a cough

At your request, I offer several reliable and simple cough recipes.

* * *

Wash a medium-sized beetroot, peel and cut in half. Remove the center of the beets and pour sugar into the cavity. Place the pan with the beets in the oven. When the beets are baked, there will be beet syrup left in the pan. This syrup is delicious and will relieve your cough very quickly. It is especially suitable for treating children who do not like to take medications.

* * *

Buy a new needle, use it to hem the hem of a dress or shirt so that the stitch does not go forward, but back, that is, sew in the other direction. When tying the ends of the threads, say:

The thread broke and the illness subsided.
The stitch went backwards
And the slave’s cough went away.
In the name of the Father and Sat and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

For the same

When giving alms to a beggar, say to yourself (think):

How your mouth will eat and drink my alms,
This way my cough will go away.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

For a severe cold

The Lord walked, hurried,
But (name) blessed me.
Go there, sickness, cold,
Where is the place prepared for you,
The meeting is ready.
There you should be, there you should live,
And you won’t be in my body,
Do not dry my blood.
Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

For a lingering cough

If a person’s cough does not go away for a long time, then he needs to wash him with charmed water three evenings in a row. They spell water like this:

I will stand face to face in the evening dawn,
The holy icon is on the wall, the cross is on me.
Zoryushka Maremyana, you are red and rosy,
Take from me the coughing cough, the suffocation,
Carry it across the ocean-sea, into a wide expanse.
Everything will be taken there, everyone will be accepted.
There is something baked and cooked for the guests,
And my water is full of words.
Like the dawn Maremyana does not cough, does not sneeze,
He doesn’t inhale or suffer from various ailments,
So I wouldn’t be sick, I wouldn’t cough, I wouldn’t grieve.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Plot for pneumonia

They read the water, give it to drink and wash the patient. It is noticed that after this the sick person’s temperature drops, wheezing in the lungs disappears and the patient recovers very quickly.

The plot reads like this:

Jesus Christ, love Your servant's spirit.
You yourself saved, you save everyone,
You can recover from any illness.
Lord, come, take my lungs in your right hand,
Let them breathe freely and not painfully.
Lord, I’m not the one who helps the sick,
And I call on Your name to help the servant of God (name).
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Cure pulmonary ulcer

Take dried herbs that you picked from the road on the eve of Peter's Day (July 12) and stored for this occasion. The grass can be any, the first one that caught your eye. Brew it before sunset, while you cook it, read over it. Then cool and give to the patient.

I would be glad to grow, but they were torn off along the way.
I would be glad that slave (name) is not sick,
Yes, the Lord must command it.
Lord, command God’s servant (name) not to get sick
Not today, not tomorrow, not the day after tomorrow,
Not in a week, not in a year.
Let the servant of God (name)
The disease in the lungs will go away. Amen.

Help with persistent cough

They use new scissors to cut the water on the river, saying:

The lungs opened, the spirit rose,
The cough of the servant of God (name) has gone away.
And one, and two, and three (so up to 40 times).
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

For a runny nose

Doesn't burn, doesn't leak, doesn't itch, doesn't hurt.

For sore throat

Speak to water, drink and gargle:

Demyan, Kasyan, aim your bow.
Go, arrow, into pain,
Get off your throat (name), sickness.
Where the pain came from is where you would go.
Be, my words, strong, sculpting and arguing.
Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

When you lose your voice

Do it on Maundy Thursday. You need to go outside before sunrise, stand at the back of your house and shout protractedly three times in a row:

For weak lungs

The grandmother forced the patients to inflate balloons. At first, five balls a day, and then up to twelve.

There should be red geranium in the patient's house.

You should also drink a glass of milk boiled with dill (seeds) twice a week.

Strengthening composition for tuberculosis

Now, more than ever, there are many tuberculosis patients and many letters asking for advice and to pay as much attention as possible to this disease. I'll give you a good recipe.

Goose fat 100 g

Linden honey 150 g

Three-year-old aloe juice 10 tbsp. spoons

Cocoa powder 100 g

Peeled pine nuts, minced 2 cups

A piece of chalk the size of a child's little finger, crushed into powder

Mix all ingredients with a wooden spatula in an enamel saucepan over low heat, so that the mixture does not burn. The composition should warm up well, but not boil. Consume by stirring 1 tablespoon of the composition into 1 glass of hot milk. Drink at least 4 glasses a day.

Within a week the patient feels much better. Sometimes my grandmother replaced goose fat with lard. The composition should be stored in a glass jar in the cold.


How to speak to stye on the eye? This is the same case when medicine cannot help, it seems that one barley has gone away, and a new one springs up to replace it. Or it happens that there are no pharmaceuticals at hand, or you can’t get to the doctor. People suffer, suffer, looking for help. And the help nearby is you.

One of the folk remedies that works well for barley is heating it with a boiled hot egg or any other object heated over a fire. It must be applied to the eye for the stye to open.

Conspiracy words and simple and unpretentious prayers can help. They can be pronounced by any person, not necessarily proficient in the art of a magician, on any day of the week, preferably, of course, for the outgoing month. But if trouble happens at a different time, we won’t wait for the waning moon, we’ll start acting right away.

Spell for barley using a fig

This conspiracy for barley is effective and the very next day a person can wake up completely healthy. My mother once performed a ritual of healing me from stye a long time ago and it helped the very next day.

Before you pronounce the spell, remember that you need to read the main prayer of an Orthodox Christian. Then go out into the fresh air, if the patient is with you in the house, and immediately begin the healing ritual upon entering from the street.

Make a kukish (muzzle) on your right hand, point it at the sore eye and move it clockwise at a distance of 5-10 cm and say these words in a quiet voice:

Barley - barley, you're screwed,

What will you buy yourself? Buy yourself a mare,

The mare will die. The barley will dry up.

Buy yourself an ax and chop your head. Amen

Having finished the words, spit over your left shoulder and then three times into the sore eye, so that the saliva gets on the stye. There is no need for a lot of saliva, try not to frighten your patient. The effect of surprise is very strong and saliva itself has the ability to heal. But the most important thing is faith in them.

Another conspiracy for barley, good for children

Fold your fingers together and show it to the barley and say:

The barley was growing, and mowing was coming. They mowed the barley, they begged the sorcerer: Grandfather sorcerer, speak up, the servant of God (name) has barley. Go to the forest, to the grass, to the cold water from the servant of God (name). Amen

Conspiracy for barley from Natalia Stepanova

Another conspiracy, it is even simpler than those above:

Spit lightly on the barley and say the following words over your shoulder to the side:

Barley barley, go under the stump, laziness sleeps there, lie down together, burn with fire. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Conspiracy against barley with your index finger

Performed with the middle finger of the hand opposite the diseased eye (if the left eye, then with the finger of the right hand), circle the eye three times clockwise with the words:

“So that you don’t have a name like this ring finger.”

After this, spit over your left shoulder three times.

How to get rid of barley with a spell on a knot

I’ll add one more to the above, which work great and help:
Bring your finger very close to the barley and, twisting it clockwise, say:

In the name of the Father (spit aside)
and Son (spit aside)
and the Holy Spirit (spit aside). Amen.

Then find a knot on the door, board or shelf, you can go out into the yard and find a knot on a tree and repeat the words of the spell on it.

And even though at first glance the words of these conspiracies seem a little naive, they still work and bear fruit. Try it too if, God forbid, you encounter such a problem.

Yes, God help you and be healthy!

PS. We ask those who have used conspiracies to cure barley to leave feedback on whether the prayers helped you. And please rate the article.

When a person’s vision begins to deteriorate, he looks for ways to get rid of this problem without the intervention of doctors. Many people do not want to wear glasses or go on the operating table. Conspiracies for eye diseases, on what days to read them and how to save your eyesight... These questions are increasingly worrying people now, in the era of digital technology. It is especially unpleasant when a child loses his sight.

You can cure eye diseases using spells

Strong spells for strabismus

Blurred vision, veils over the eyes or squint can be corrected with the help of cherished words and a number of simple actions. A change in vision for the worse can be due to various reasons. Picking up a speck with dirty hands or catching the fur of small animals in the eye can all lead to irritation and pain.

Improvement may not come very soon, but a spell or ritual for vision will help speed up this process. The necessary hex will help get rid of wen, corneal edema, red veins (vampire eyes), and spots before the eyes. Strong prayers help get rid of corneal cysts, painful sensations and hernias on the eyelids.

Strabismus often affects children and adolescents who are fond of reading, but do it incorrectly. Placing a computer monitor or phone too close also entails squinting one or two eyes at one point. Adults also often suffer discomfort from this disease. Such a defect can be corrected by the right prayer or ritual if all instructions are followed correctly.

To cope with such a nuisance as strabismus, no matter whether it is congenital or acquired, get up at noon in the yard, in the fresh air. Turn your face to the east and say:

On the Okiyan sea, on the island of Buyan, there are two donkeys. They go everywhere together, plow together, go to bed together. Likewise, the eyes of the servant of God (name) would walk together, look together, and close together. Forever and ever, amen.

Afterwards you need to cross yourself three times and bow to the east. Then you can go about your business. In the evening, before going to bed, be sure to pray. You need to go to bed with bright thoughts about a speedy recovery.

The plot will help children get rid of strabismus

To help a loved one get rid of strabismus, read the following hex at night:

Elijah the prophet looked, stamped his foot, clapped his hands: “Come on, servant of God (name) eyes, look straight, don’t squint, keep up with each other everywhere.” The word is spoken - the deed is done. Amen.

Then let it blink quickly for a few seconds. Cover the person with a blanket and go to sleep yourself. It is important to cross the threshold with your left foot when leaving the room. This way you will protect yourself from the fact that the disease can pass on to you. Be sure to say a prayer before going to bed yourself. The spell for strabismus must be repeated three evenings in a row.

Strabismus diversion cannot be repeated earlier than three weeks later. Otherwise, the eyes may begin to fester or hernias will appear above them.

Rituals for myopia and farsightedness

Visual defects such as the inability to clearly distinguish distant or near objects greatly interfere with a full life. When a person does not want to wear glasses, no matter what the reason, he looks for any other way out. The correct conspiracy and faith in your own actions will help you get rid of blurred vision.

Late in the morning, take two sharp knives and place them in front of the person you are going to speak from myopia. The following words must be said:

Blacksmith-smith, sharpen the vigilance of the servant of God (name), so that he can see like a falcon a hundred miles around.

At this time, the person being charmed must put the knives to his eyes with the tip to his nose. Afterwards, the knives should be rinsed with running water and used further for their intended purpose. Just performing such a ritual is enough for a person’s vision to significantly improve. Sharp-sighted people understand the beauty of the world much closer and bring positive energy into it.

The following morning hex also helps to cope with myopia:

A blacksmith forges in a forge and sharpens damask knives. Blacksmith-smith, sharpen the vigilance of the servant of God (name), so that he can see like a falcon a hundred miles around. The word is the law. Amen.

Afterwards, cross the person being spoken to and sincerely wish him a speedy restoration of his vision and help in his illness. Wish this to yourself, silently, but firmly believe in healing.

Knives should be applied to the eyes with the tip to the nose

Farsightedness can be cured using the following spell, performed at dawn:

Ever-Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus Christ, touch the apple of God’s servant (name) with your fingers, command God’s servant (name) to see clearly, both near and far. Amen.

While reading this hex, place your fingers on the eyes of the one you are helping. The warmth of your fingers will help the eye sockets relax and more strongly perceive the upward flow of energy. This will lead to the fact that the hex will act much faster and will give the person relief very quickly.

Protection against vision loss

To save your deteriorating vision, take a glass of water and wait for the first evening stars to appear. Sit at the table and place a glass in front of you. Looking at the water say:

Healer Panteleimon, come to the servant of God (name), heal his eyes so that they can see well and not hurt. Forever and ever. Amen.

Then moisten your closed eyelids with water and pour the rest outside. Before going to bed, cross yourself and ask higher powers to support your conspiracy and give healing.

You can also help a loved one cope with deteriorating vision through a special spell for eye disease. It is designed to help cope with the fact that vision has suddenly become worse. To do this you will need:

  1. Meadow grass tied with red wool thread.
  2. An ordinary driftwood.
  3. White stone from the shore of a river or lake, smooth and clean. Color in this case is extremely important.

Meadow grasses need to be tied with red thread

At noon, place herbs, pebbles and driftwood on the table in front of the person being charmed. Read the plot next:

Blindness, blindness, go from God's servant (name) to a forest snag, to field grass, to an alatyr stone. But leave the eyes of God’s servant (name) alone, let them see for up to a hundred years and longer. Amen.

While pronouncing the cherished words, take turns touching the eyes of the person and the object you are talking about in prayer. After touching, drop objects to the floor. At the end of the prayer, burn the driftwood and herbs to ashes and bury them under a tree along with a pebble. These actions and the conspiracy of the eyes of an adult will help clear vision, remove the veil from the eyes and prolong vigilance for a long time.

Egg spell for vision loss

For this ritual, which must be done for a week at a time, you need the help of another person. First of all, you need to take white chicken eggs and wash them thoroughly. For each eye, one egg for 7 days, 14 pieces in total. The ritual is performed at night, just before bedtime.

You lie down and close your eyes, at this time your assistant must carefully break the egg from the blunt end and remove the film from there. It should be placed on the eyelid, wet side down. At this time, you need to cast a spell to improve vision:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. On the sea and ocean, on the island of Buyan, there is a golden house, a holy tower. The Gagan bird with an iron nose and copper claws lives in the mansion. You, Gagana bird, fly to this house where the servant of God (name) asks for help. Sit, Gagan bird, at his head, sit together and firmly, don’t let anyone in, drive away all the devils and peck out the disease from the servant of God (name). God help you and all the powers of heaven. Amen. Amen. Amen.

After this, you cannot open your eyes until the morning. In the morning, you first need to wash off the film from your eyes with running water and then open them. The spell helps against eye diseases and removes inflammation, which often leads to poor vision.

Egg films should be placed over the eyes at night.

Other ways to help your eyes

According to the advice of healer Natalya Stepanova, you need to wash your face in the morning in front of the icon, looking at it. Afterwards, do not wipe your face, letting it dry on its own. This will help restore vision and restore the beauty of clear and shiny eyes. Daily washing in this way will protect you from long-term and unpleasant retinal treatment.

If a man's eye twitches, sprinkle salt on the table, draw a cross on it with your finger, and then touch the closed eyelid with it. With this method you need to be very careful so that the salt does not get on the mucous membrane and cause irritation. An eye that twitches will need to be rinsed immediately with running water.

To ward off the strong negative slander from which your child suffers, kiss him on the eyes before bed. Mother's love can save you from many troubles if it is expressed correctly. Such a kiss will help save the baby’s eyes from diseases, close them from negativity, and not lead to treatment.

A good remedy for eye pain is to get a wax cast. To do this you need a clean white cloth and a church candle. Small squares are cut from fabric and wax is dripped onto them while the Lord’s Prayer is recited. Afterwards, these squares with still warm wax are applied to closed eyelids and sit there for several minutes.

In case of eyelid disease, as with barley, the eyes are warmed with boiled eggs. A strong magician is also able to use eggs to protect his vision against the evil influences of the environment. The mysteries of such witchcraft are not revealed to outsiders, but after such treatment people literally begin to see the light.

From a scientific point of view, a conspiracy to the eyes cannot remove the consequences of injury or birth defects. But restoration occurs, especially if you sincerely believe in the power of the conspiracy and follow every point of it without deviation. Remember that spells do not change the color of the eyes, will not remove the cat's pupil, and will hardly save you from drooping eyelids. But they will protect you well from bad influences and give you improved vision. If you combine the spell with traditional medicine, you can achieve faster healing.

Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Issue 05 Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

A very powerful spell for eye disease

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,

from the Jesus cross,

from the first post to the last post,

from my word, from holy help.

Snag, do you see? - Does not see!

Stone, do you see? - Does not see!

Swamp hummock, see? - Does not see!

Then my blindness will not offend them.

Go, blindness, to a forest snag,

on a water hummock, on a one-eyed monster,

three-eyed reflection.

Crooked, blind,

not mine, but someone else's.

My mouth, lock, tongue, key. Amen.

Eating snake and fish meat is good for eye health. It even treats complex eye diseases.

If possible, eat blueberries, even frozen ones are fine.

Treat with fresh carrot juice. At least for a month. Every other day, a glass of juice. If your facial skin turns yellowish, it will pass quickly, but you will be healthy. The eyes will have a beautiful shine, and vision will significantly improve.

You should also know that whoever puts nickels on the eyes of a dead person will lose his sight early.

For good vision, you need to wash your eyes under the icon on Easter morning and say:

How people look at the icon,

so would my eyes be eyelid by eyelid

looked good. Amen.

From the book Practical Magic of the Modern Witch. Rituals, rituals, prophecies author Mironova Daria

A very strong spell for sale Place any key in boiling water and boil it while reading the following spell: “Just as people cannot live without an iron lock, without an iron key, so they cannot live without (name of product). How can you people be without food and without

From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 31 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

A very strong protective spell against all troubles. Three holy angels descended from heaven and met the Lord God. The Lord said: “Whoever does not eat blood on Wednesday and Friday, does not drink wine, prays with zeal, with a pure soul, and makes bows, will have mercy and forgiveness, from all

From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 02 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

A conspiracy against polyps in the intestines (a very strong conspiracy) The following ancient conspiracy helps to cope with this illness: Just as Christ’s wound overgrown and left no trace, so you, disease, disappear without a trace from the servant of God (name). Go down to a dead field, onto gray moss, onto a dry stump. WITH

From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 16 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

A very strong spell for the family. Find 12 aspen logs. The length of these poles should be the same. Make a fire using these logs using a cross. When the fire flares up, you need to try to douse the fire in one fell swoop, saying to the water like this: The fire has lit the wood, And my hands

From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 17 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Cancer spell (very strong) Cut off the head of the rooster in one motion. Drain the blood from the rooster's body into a vessel and at night take this blood to the cemetery, where you pour it out in front of the gate. After that, swinging it properly, throw the bundle with the ransom over the fence. Then kiss

From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 09 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Love spell at dawn (very strong spell) Get up on Paraskeva Friday before others. Then, without washing your face, without combing your hair, without putting anything in your mouth, without talking to anyone, take off your shoes, kneel down and read a special spell three times in a row. After this, lie down again

From the book of 7000 conspiracies of a Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

A very strong spell against bedbugs. Catch a bedbug and burn it on the street, reading this

From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 21 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

A very strong spell for eye disease In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit from the Jesus Cross, from the first fast and the last fast, from my word from holy help. - Snag, do you see? - Does not see! - Stone, do you see? - Does not see! – A hummock, a swamp, do you see? - Does not see! –

From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 34 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Another very strong spell for boils: Step my foot, step forward, wave, my hand, wave. Sweep away from my body everything that has become attached to it, it hurts. Everything that has begun to rot and has matured. Just as my ring finger has no name, so there is no place for the boil-virium on my body. Not

From the book of 1777 new conspiracies of a Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

A very strong conspiracy against cancer On Wednesday, go to the bathhouse and stick a new knife into the threshold from below. At the same time, say this: Damask knife, cut the cancer in my chest, so that not I, but it withers and dies. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. After this, wash yourself three times and speak for the last time

From the author's book

From the hatred of her husband (a very strong conspiracy) From the letter: “Dear Natalya Ivanovna. It's so painful and hard for me! On October 25 I turned 57 years old. And my husband went on a spree with another woman who is 20 years younger than me. She is unmarried, but has a child from her first marriage. My husband is all this

From the author's book

A very strong spell against bedbugs. They burn a bedbug on the street and say: One bedbug burned, the second bedbug ordered to eat the third, and the third the fourth, the fourth ate the fifth, and the fifth the sixth, the sixth ate the seventh, and the seventh the eighth. The eighth eats the ninth, the ninth eats the tenth. Tenth

From the author's book

From the hatred of her husband (a very strong conspiracy) From the letter: “Dear Natalya Ivanovna. It's so painful and hard for me! On October 25 I turned 57 years old. And my husband went on a spree with another woman who is 20 years younger than me. She is unmarried, but has a child from her first marriage. My husband is all this

From the author's book

An ancient and very powerful spell against damage. From the letter: “Natalya Ivanovna, I am addressing you as the most fair and powerful master. Your address and your book were given to me in Ukraine, where I came to the monastery. Before that, I was in many monasteries, in Moscow with psychics,