Motivational poems, uplifting poems, positive poems. Poems for a girl to cheer up

The theme of a smile and a good mood is popular not only in films and music. It is relevant in everyday life, because a lot changes from a smile.

Psychologists about mood

First, a few serious words in this generally light and fun article. Soul specialists - traditional, Vedic, alternative psychologists - unanimously repeat the importance of a good mood in a person's life.

In psychology, there is even a whole trend called "felicitism", in other words, the science of happiness. Attempts to measure happiness, describe it, find its recipes lead to nothing but another confirmation of how important it is to be happy.

In the well-known song from childhood, it was very correctly said that "a smile will make everyone brighter" - and indeed, happiness is outwardly projected by a smile, and it attracts others to its owner.

Effect of mood on health

It is not at all necessary to cite data from a controversial alternative psychology about the connection between thought forms and diseases in order to prove the importance of a good mood. Suffice it to recall one good neuropathologist from the district clinic, who always advises patients to keep their spirits up and believe in the best so that the treatment will help.

There is also scientific data on the relationship between professional activity and typical diseases, for example, executives are more likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases, workers - from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, teachers - from mental and nervous disorders. At first glance, such relationships are logical based on the lifestyle of representatives of these areas, however, stress also plays a significant role here, and negativity plays a role for everyone in its own way.

Yes, and their own observations can not be put anywhere: optimistic and benevolent people get sick much less and generally feel better.

How to lift your mood?

Concluding the serious part of the essay, there are several ways to improve your mood:

  • communicate with a pleasant and easy person;
  • watch your favorite comedy or funny videos about animals;
  • play with the kids - funny and lively;
  • read a joke or funny rhymes;
  • listen to a satirist.

It is noticeable that the word plays a leading role in raising the mood, isn't it?

10 facts about a smile

The components of a good mood are not only words, but also a sincere, joyful facial expression. Here are some interesting facts about smiling:

  • she is contagious;
  • inspires confidence;
  • attracts others;
  • women have a "built-in" smile, men have humorous stories;
  • a smile evokes sympathy;
  • laughter through tears - in physiology they are identical;
  • laughter is a strong endorphin;
  • laughing together is more fun;
  • a real smile is expressed not by the mouth, but by the eyes;
  • satellites - "crow's feet".

Good mood in movies and cartoons

Salt comedies - words to cheer up. Already the end of the film, and the audience is still laughing and repeating their favorite phrases. Let's remember some pearls:

  • "For you to do explanatory work among me."
  • "Where is our prosecutor? Where Napoleon used to lie."
  • "I need to take a bath, have a cup of coffee."
  • "Semyon Semenych..."
  • "Why did you lie down? - We fell."
  • "I have tongue-tied since childhood: I think as I think, but I speak as I speak."
  • "I am a speech pathologist for the correction of speech effects."

Who doesn't know these famous smile-inducing phrases?

Humor happens for different ages: they also live in cartoons to cheer up:

  • "I already get tired at work, I barely have the strength to watch TV."
  • "Working together - for my benefit - it unites."
  • "We have not been to any Tahiti, we are well fed here."
  • "Well, you come in, if sho."

It is enough to read - and a smile spreads on your face - a positive to cheer you up!

Positive for corporate

Corporate events are newfangled inventions of restless HRs for additional motivation of sad employees. The holiday should be fun, and the corporate one is no exception.

Entire scenarios of the event are created, roles, words are distributed, costumes are selected and, of course, funny rhymes - how could it be without them?

Here are some of the famous ones:

Horses die from work,

Well, I'm an immortal pony!

Words to the boss:

If work goes well
And profitability is growing
This means our boss -
Doing things right.

Or a postcard from the head of a subordinate:

You work for seven;

You are never late;

You always smile at everyone;

You don't complain about anything;

You don't gossip about anyone.

A cool rhyme to cheer up the boss, and the whole team:

We're not sneaky at all.
But we want to sneak up:
Our leader is strong -
It's a sin not to praise him!

Funny poem to lift your spirits

There is a talent - to compose funny. Not only Ilf and Petrov are masters, but in our time there are such specialists. Appreciate the depth of thought and smile:

If I were not constantly

So modest and honest and strange and boo

Then I would oh would, I would oh would,

i would uh.

And just an optimistic little rhyme:

If life deceives you -
Don't be sad, don't be angry
On the day of despondency - humble yourself:
The day of fun, believe me, will come!
The heart lives in the future.
Real sad? - everything is instant, everything will pass,
Whatever passes will be nice!

Mood uplifter

Funny is all around us. One of the most famous ethnographers of the humor around us was Mikhail Zadornov - the surname was deliberately invented. He manages to see and hear the funny, as they say, "on the spot".

For example, the declaration:

"Need 2 workers who want to work instead of 2 who didn't want to work".

Line from the catering receipt: "Herring with bast".

There are funny things in politics too. This is how the newspapers went crazy a few years ago: "Elections 2008: save the country! Hide your grandmother's passport!"

Schoolchildren have a special talent for making people laugh: what they write in their notebooks cheers up not only teachers, but also all visitors to Internet pages.

Note in the diary: "I climbed the wall to the 4th floor during recess!"

Checking the work in the notebook: "Where is exercise 43? What are you thinking about, Andrey?" Answer: "About the girls."

Diary entry 12/21/2012: "The whole lesson was waiting for the end of the world."

The kids are wondering

Girls and boys.

How to attract a girl?

Psychologists say that women really appreciate a man: building a hierarchy of important qualities, they attribute him to the top five most desirable features.

A poem to cheer up a girl is the best way to please her. The female sex loves compliments no less than men, and from laudatory odes in their honor, the mood will definitely improve.

You can send her a little rhyme-SMS, or you can issue a stylish postcard with heartfelt words in her honor. And the girls are very fond of when they are addressed by name and address nominal congratulations.

You can send a quatrain rhyme to your mobile phone:

Don't be sad, but smile
And in nothing
Everything will be fine - I know!
I miss you so much!

Which of the girls refuses to receive such an SMS in the morning?

Or here's a cool rhyme to cheer up:

I don't have breakfast in the morning because I think about you. I don’t have lunch during the day - I think about you. I don't have dinner in the evening - I think about you. I don’t sleep at night - I WANT TO EAT!

Make sure that a rhyme to cheer up a girl is a great tool!

funny ditties

Of course, humor is different at every age: what is funny to a schoolboy will only make an adult smile, and vice versa. However, there is a cool rhyme to cheer up, which will “smile” anyone, and ditties are especially popular among the laughing ones:

Egor answered the lesson -
The teacher fainted!
From his ignorance
The teacher is unconscious.

On the computer in the game
Finished playing Denis in the morning.
At school at the blackboard Denis,
Like a computer, it freezes itself.

Short poems are popular to cheer up not only school subjects, but also industrial ones:

Oh, work, you, work,
Oh, I'm worn out:
I'm stuck in my office
Like a scarecrow in the garden!

Eh, work, you, work,
Best friend:
All day long we are inseparable
Like a horse and a girth!

Smile: funny stories

But the funniest stories are always stories from life: kids are weird, adults are weird. People will laugh not only short poems to cheer up, but also prose: stories about glamorous blondes sitting behind the wheel are especially chic. Here is one of the stories told by an eyewitness.

Once he was waiting at the tire shop for his horse to be repaired, and at that time a red Lexus drove up to the workshop with a glamorous girl from the now popular breed behind the wheel.

The guys at the service station were comedians and after the repair they half-jokingly ask how to pump up the wheels. The girl, without batting an eye, asked again: "What is there?"

The guys looked at each other: "Air with different tastes: there is peach, strawberry."

The entire service station is already giggling, pricking up its ears, and the conversation continues. The girl calmly specifies the price, and the master just as calmly issues an invoice for 800 rubles for 4 wheels. She seems to be happy with the price, because she orders air with strawberries.

Witnesses to this vivid conversation can hardly restrain their laughter and, unable to stand it, burst into laughter: you don’t see such a hilarious picture every day. The girl, not at all embarrassed and without a shadow of a smile, waits until her wheels are pumped with sweet berries, counts out the money and safely sets off. People don't just laugh, they cry.

The story had a continuation, when a couple of days later the already familiar red Lexus stopped near the workshop, from which a rather serious uncle emerged. When he asked who pumped the wheels on this car a couple of days ago, everyone became quiet and pressed against the wall: here he came, the hour of reckoning, now the showdown will begin. But there was nowhere to go, and the owner of the establishment stepped forward, confirming that the tires on the car were inflated here.

The man nevertheless specified how the wheels were pumped up on his wife’s car, and when the completely embarrassed guys confirmed that with strawberry air, he did what no one expected - pulled out a wad of money and handed a thousand rubles to the owner of the service station.

As it turned out, the husband was not at all angry, but, on the contrary, had been neighing for several days and amused all his acquaintances with his wife's adventure. And when there was no more strength left to laugh, he decided to come, thank for the entertainment and encourage financially resourceful masters.

And here is another little story from the auto series: Sergei Viktorovich parked so badly that they wrote to him in the car: “Fool” ”.

They are quite popular and Observant people noticed the following pattern:

If the husband answers his wife "no", then the question was something like: "How long will you watch your football?" If the husband answers his wife: "As you wish," then the question was something like: "Can I get orange highlighting?" If the husband answers the wife "yes", she probably asked: "Are you listening to me?!"

And finally, a few well-aimed statements by Zadornov:

  • Only our man, crossing the road at a red light, can be knocked down by a pedestrian running towards him.
  • Do not dig a hole for your neighbor, otherwise he will use it as a trench.

When a tear drips from pain ...
When the heart beats with fear...
When the soul hides from the light...
When all life is torn from grief ...
You sit quietly in silence ...
Close your eyes, and realizing that you are tired ...
Tell yourself alone...
I will be happy! Through thick and thin!!!

Create a postcard


Don't cling to the past
Don't live offended
Remember the good
Don't envy anyone.
Everything that heaven sent to you,
Take it for granted
Everything that is done is for the better.
No matter how difficult it is
Do not grumble at fate
Every moment be happy
And don't judge others
For their weaknesses are frequent.
Fight for your loved ones
God-given powers
Don't skimp on words
Be gentle with the darlings.
How easy it is to live happily!
Admire the sunsets
And fall in love with all the passion
Into your striped life...

Create a postcard


Damn it, what a beauty!
Get up in the morning, wash your face!
And hoping for the best
it's easy to step into a new day!
To drink coffee! Dress up!
Apply some makeup!
And don't whine! And don't get angry!
Bloom with joy!
Not playing hide and seek with someone,
not cunning, not melting ...
To tell everyone that EVERYTHING IS OK!!!

Create a postcard


How often in life we ​​are taken to condemn,
How often in vain they climb into our souls
How rarely will they disinterestedly help,
How rarely will we be heard in truth.

How often do we want to fall
Fall yourself! And don't resist
And maybe not even breathe at all.
Can you stand up and try again?

How often life does not hesitate to hit us in the face,
How often do people accidentally stab in the back.
You don't have to be afraid of anything!
And be kind! At least half.

And in life you will meet different people!
And they will play different roles with you.
Just don't stop believing! Do not dare!
After all, in war they prepare for victory. Not for pain!

And most importantly, be human!
And despite everything, manage to stay with them!
And yes! This path will not be easy!
But know! Happy is he who is not ready to give up!

Create a postcard


Don't let your soul be lazy!
So as not to crush water in a mortar,
The soul must work
And day and night, and day and night!

Drive her from house to house
Drag from stage to stage
Through the wasteland, through the windbreak,
Through the snowdrift, through the bump!

Don't let her sleep in bed
By the light of the morning star
Keep a lazy man in a black body
And don't take the reins off her!

If you want to give her an indulgence,
Releasing from work
She's the last shirt
Will rip you off without pity.

And you grab her by the shoulders
Teach and torment until dark
To live with you like a human
She re-learned.

She is a slave and a queen
She is a worker and a daughter,
She has to work
And day and night, and day and night!

1958 Nikolai Zabolotsky


Create a postcard


I love positive people in life.
They have their own, special radiance
And no matter how many dark days there were in their lives,
Only light has influence there.
They know how to radiate goodness,
They warm a part of the World with their warmth.
Alas, not all of us are given this,
But under their warmth, our souls melt.
I want so much that each of us,
I got a small grain of happiness,
What would instead of bitter and cold phrases,
Smiles settled on our faces!

Create a postcard


I allow myself to be happy!
I allow myself to be rich!
I allow myself to be beautiful!
And with a huge indiscreet salary!
I allow you to sing in the morning from Happiness!
And at night get drunk from Bliss!
I allow Love NOT to end!
For Beloved Be PERFECTION!!

Create a postcard


Control yourself among the confused crowd,
Cursing you for the confusion of all,
Believe in yourself, against the universe,
And unbelieving let go of their sin;

Let the hour not strike, wait without getting tired,
Let liars lie, do not condescend to them;
Know how to forgive and do not seem to forgive,
More generous and wiser than others.

Know how to dream without becoming a slave to dreams,
And to think, thoughts are not deified;
Meet success and reproach equally,
Not forgetting that their voice is false;

Stay quiet when it's your word
Cripples a rogue to catch fools,
When all life is destroyed, and again
You have to recreate everything from the basics.

Know how to put, in joyful hope,
On the map everything that has accumulated with difficulty,
Lose everything and become a beggar, as before,
And never regret it;

Know how to force the heart, nerves, body
To serve you when in your chest
For a long time everything is empty, everything burned down.
And only Will says: "Go!"

Remain simple, conversing with kings,
Stay honest when speaking to the crowd;
Be direct and firm with enemies and with friends,
Let everyone, in their hour, reckon with you;

Fill every moment with meaning
Hours and days inexorable run, -
Then you will take the whole world as a possession,
Then, my son, you will be a Man!

If you're sad, turn on the music
And dance around the apartment!
And dance to those magical sounds
It will save you from the blues, melancholy and boredom!

We will replace a joyless mood with a joyful one!
If you don't want potatoes - so cook dumplings!
I do not want to jump like a bunny along the path,
Then imagine that you are a heron and stand on your left leg!
If you don't want to cook food, don't cook
Don't want to get sick - go away pain!
If you don't want to watch, close your eyes!
If you don't want to sing, then read fairy tales to us!
If you want to cry, we will make you laugh in an instant!
If you want to be sad - we will not allow you !!!

Every woman with her husband
Still need a lover
To replace her husband
Could love on the day shift.

When you take off and fall down
Hold on to my hand.
Don't you dare be afraid to take a step!-
Then you will understand who is friend, who is enemy.
And if trouble suddenly comes,
Don't ever be discouraged.
I ask you not to suffer
And don't tear your heart into pieces.
And know: go ahead, there,
Where only your star shines:
Dance, play, walk, dream
Live, learn, love, fly!
And if it gets hard all of a sudden
You remember that there is a friend nearby!

Three maidens by the window
They drank vodka, juice and rum.
Only one girl could
No problem to enter the room.

Prepared food -
It will be a great evening!
I'm waiting for a guest today
Looks like he agrees.
We met yesterday
Internet chat.
Work hard like a bee
Since dawn.
The table was set: goose, salad,
Salo, two herrings,
Cake, Uzbek grapes
And a bottle of vodka.
Waiting, sat down at the table,
Got the mirror...
I looked, I understood
Too little vodka.

Give smiles! Welcome with warmth!
Always fill your home with love!
And there will be smiles, warmth and love
Back to come back to you again and again!
And happiness will be for years to come!
Nothing will ruin your Weather Life!

Don't be sad, don't be sad,
Mood on the way!
Rushing, not sparing the legs,
To please you!

On a kamaz, on a moped,
On a deer, on a bear,
Pretending to be a pilot
Arriving by plane

It will not slow down its agility,
Will make you laugh
Sing, dance and smile
To enjoy life!

There is a simple axiom -
Don't stay at home girls.
For that you need asses
To turn back and forth.

Let's talk good!!! Let it be like in a fairy tale:
Smiles and joy all around!
Let everything bloom and the world will shine!
Let's sing about good things!!!
Let the cheerful wind pick up the song,
And let the sun sing to us!
Let the dream become a joyful reality,
And the sadness will quickly go away !!!

Where was I at night?
What's up with the head?
Mom, I didn't conceive
I say - started ...

I'm not married... yet
But I'm not upset
At least thirty already ... slightly,
Life - enjoy!

I don't exchange
To longing and pity,
I proudly carry myself
Radiating joy.

I believe that fate is given
Everything I wish
And love your wine
I'll sip - I know!

Destined to be loved
And burn with passion
Impossible to be late
Me towards happiness!

With another parting,
I'll pay a little
Remember baby, I'm not a schmuck
I am Sentimental macho...

In some shorts, the husband went out onto the balcony.
So thin, the ribs are all out:
“Cover up the skeleton, what a style!
- The wife, seeing, shouted to her husband.
- "You, swallow, do not sing songs to me.
Let everyone see, let the whole district know,
How hard it is for me to live with you,
And how do you feed a faithful spouse !!!
- "You shut up and stop your ambition.
See how boldly you speak in public.
You better take off your panties
And everyone will understand - for what you are starving!

Not in the mood? More like nature!
There is beauty at any time of the year!
Kohl summer, right by the river
We will make a fire, fry barbecue,
Let's catch a fish, a pike, a perch!
And the mood will scream: "Hurrah!"
Nature comes alive in spring
And with her the mood blooms!
In winter, white snow falls like a carpet
And the mood is spinning with snowflakes!
Will give autumn leaves bright colors,
And the mood will be like in a fairy tale!

Who hung up his nose?
Who is not in the mood?
I'll start again now
Angelic singing!

Come on and let that bear me
Passed through the ears
I don't aspire today
To resounding success!

I want a close friend
Just smiled
To life at last
Joyful is back!

Let the blues come to you
Who doesn't happen to?
I know for sure that she
The song is dispersed!

A hungry husband in an unwashed shirt
Brewed in the kitchen "Doshirak" ...
Realizing a terrible mistake, Whispered:
“What a fool I am!
I wanted the best, it turned out - as usual ...
Damn, apparently, pulled to show his wife
With my own hand, personally,
How to access the damned Internet!”

Madam, I am purely enchanted,
I am a slave, in nature, of your eyes.
There is no market, I am bewitched,
I like specifically your image.
I don't understand what the fuck
What the hell happened to me...
In my soul, blah, change
Specifically stirred up everything!
I fucking hit, I have no salvation -
Tore off the tower, blood boils ...
I entered the topic - there is no doubt
I got hit by love!

All! I am no longer a walker for women!
I wasn't looking forward to the end!
I'll calm down! I would fucking live a bit ...
I will buy a fox fur coat for my wife ...
In the spring we will rush to her parents in Baku ...
I will love her alone to the grave ...
How many stupid things came to the head,
While flying from the balcony to the snowdrift!

You just have to BELIEVE
You just have to LIVE
MEASURE a hundred times
And one CUT,
Don't hold a grudge
Do not store SORRY
Throw out of LIFE
Only then VICTORY!
Only then BREAK!
Brand new

Who with uneven steps
Runs up to our mom?
Who tries to go
Hitting along the way
Stools, piano,
Curtains and a basket?
Who could it be?

Who looks like a bully?
Who grabbed the dog by the tail?
Like a real polisher,
Did you rub the floor with your knees?
Who tries to take a bath
Bring your pajamas?
Who could it be?
This, after the restaurant,
Dad is learning to walk!

I want a ray of sunshine furtively
Slipped on your cheek to scarlet lips -
He is the sweetest kiss from me
I would give you, and through the hair

Gently stroked to smile
You couldn't let go
You agree, it would be a stupid mistake
On this beautiful morning, be sad!

I smeared cucumber on my face
And she hung an egg on her eyebrows.
Sour cream in the mouth, on the forehead, on the chest, on the pelvis,
Strawberries, honey with nuts under the eye.
A little piercing on the nostrils, arms, legs -
A neighbor came in and collapsed on the threshold ...
Well, what's so terrible, to take and die?
Such beauty - SHUT OFF!

I wish, my friend, a carefree life,
Do not know potholes, potholes, pits!
Be a high flying bird
To the envy of small sparrows!

Soup is very easy to make.
First you need to take:
Meat (but bones will do)
And about five potatoes,

Salt and pepper, two carrots,
Definitely take one
Luca medium head,
And then ... call your wife.

I found the mood for myself to be lucky:
Yesterday everything was fine, but today - better!
I repeat it a hundred times, the clouds will disperse:
Today everything is so GOOD, and tomorrow will be BETTER!
And let life plunge into shock, I conjure more:

Why are you sad my friend?
Take a quick look around!
Nothing bad will happen
Most importantly, smile with your heart!

And no matter what's going on around -
Is it snow, sun, or maybe darkness...
Let the mood soar like a bird!
And in the soul so that the rainbow rises!

So what happened?
And fuck you understand...
Bottles, I remember, handed over beer ...
My wife cooked fat borscht...
And for the second - chops ...
And I, eating from the stomach,
“Thank you, Lena, delicious!”
And then ... further - darkness
And the echo of a mournful crunch.
The doctor says I'm weak
I lie for a month, like a log ...
But it's his own fault:
The wife is Tanya, not Lena!


This world is up to you and me,
We'll get everything we want
We will have in life: and Paris,
And Miami, and coffee in bed.

There will be princes on white horses
Our peace with you to disturb,
Our enemies will be from malice
And only squeak with envy.

We are full of optimism
And with a smile we go through life,
Our happiness is already very close
We will find him very soon.

I'll tell you, I won't say anything
I always want it.
I want at least in the field, even in the den,
I want at least in the tundra, even in a den.
I want it everywhere and wherever it is necessary.
Let the sun shine, let the rain fall.
I want when I go to bed
And in the morning before you get up.
On the bedside table and on the sofa
Squatting and upside down
On land, in the air, in water.
In Moscow I want and in Kostroma.
And in the cold and in the summer heat ...
I always want to chat with you!

From passion, the man's blood boiled ... ..
And a woman with a smile on her lips...
Said she would let herself
Kiss, but only in 2 places.

Oh, men - holy simplicity!
He moved closer to the woman
And he asked to quickly name the places.
She said: ... in Rome and in Paris.

A girl lies in a snowdrift, laughs,
Her hysteria brings to ecstasy.
So what, stupid, is not available?
Yes, she just got drunk, an infection!

Everything will be: both smiles and flowers,
And surely all dreams will come true
And our life, as in a fairy tale, will blossom,
The soul in the chest, as in childhood, will sing.

And old friends will support us
And new ones will be found in a good hour.
Fate, smiling at us, winks,
Good luck will immediately come to visit us.

I'm a GIRL and that means I'm beautiful
Sweet, gentle, beautiful and smart
I'm a GIRL and that means I'm like a lioness
Strong, fast, dangerous and cunning
I'm a GIRL and that means I'm like a bird
Inimitable, deceptive, pure
I am a GIRL that cannot be compared
All unearthly and earthly beauty
I am a GIRL and should be proud of me
After all, you are a poet, an artist anywhere
I am a GIRL I should strive for
'Cause I'm a tempting alluring star
I am a GIRL you can fall in love with me
The fire of love giving, happiness and warmth
I'm a GIRL and I can't sleep at night
You only see me in your dream
I am the GIRL you dream about
I am a dream, I am an ideal, I am a Queen!!!

One day, apparently half asleep,
A mouse got into a beer keg
And in the beer began to drown.
- Tonu! Save someone!
I'm dying in Zhiguli beer,
Oh, how simple my death is,
I would be 100 times happier
Die in the paws of a cat!?
“Well, well,” said the cat from the window.
- I can pull you out, but
You will become food!
-Hurry up, I'm going to the bottom,
A hundred times dearer to me is death in the wild!
And the mouse from death in alcohol
Luckily she was saved.
But finding himself in terrible paws,
Trembling to the tip of the tail
Beer spreading the smell,
The mouse eluded the cat.
-Where is your word?! Your Honor?!
You promised to let me eat you.
-Oh, what are you? - the mouse squeaked,
I promised it drunk!
Morality is knocking right at the door
Don't trust a drunk woman!

Everything is fine, tell yourself in the morning
And the day will succeed, be sure of this.
And if you start to become limp in vain,
You turn a good day into a loss.
Try to see the miracle in the little things:
Living leaf, butterfly, flower.
Throw away the seed of doubt
And do not keep such goodness.
Meet the sunrises, see off the sunsets,
Don't be afraid to love and know how to forgive
And do not turn your life into losses,
Know how to appreciate the acquisitions in it.

Taken here:
best humor and funny jokes

You do not know what to text a guy to cheer him up?

Suggest! Memorize or rewrite!

SMS for good mood

  1. What's going on with your phone? I dial your number, and they tell me: “The subscriber is not available because he is having sex. Please wait your turn!"
  2. See you soon, my beloved prince! I've stocked up on oats, so tomorrow (you and your horse) don't be late!
  3. Your shoulder is my favorite pillow! It's convenient to whisper gentle words in your ear! You are the best person!
  4. Cute! Do you know that by pressing the buttons of a mobile phone, you kill thousands of different microbes? Show mercy! Get your fingers off the buttons!
  5. You remind me so much of a cactus.... The same unshaven and always growing near the screen of a computer (laptop)!
  6. I don't like weekends so much! As soon as I start to tune in to “gatherings” by the fireplace (in a rocking chair, with a cup of coffee) .... I begin to remember that I have neither one nor the other, nor the third!
  7. I'm happy you got my message! And I became even happier when I imagined that you had read it in its entirety. Along with this SMS, I send you a piece of my heart. It will definitely warm you even in the most terrible cold!
  8. Greetings! I am a text message ordered to give you two billion of the most romantic kisses!
  9. My days were illuminated by the moonlight of your eyes .... I dream of being with you and always, and now (every hour).
  10. I will send you a message. Let it tell you for me how madly I love you. Only time will prove my feelings.
  11. Hello my dear! Awoke? Get the message soon! You forgive all insults, do not sulk! Get dressed, put on shoes and call me ....
  12. SMS are bridges (between me and you). Short messages guard all love. Receive my news and keep it in your soul. Feelings are fragile branches. Don't break them, dear!
  13. Hello! Now a Doctor named Love is writing to you to prescribe a hot and fiery kiss.
  14. I look at the night sky, completely studded with stars…. And mentally I whisper words about unearthly feelings for you. I want all my love to be heard by your heart. Let me kiss the tips of your white wings, you are my dear angel!
  15. Did you know that I'm a psychic? I just know that tomorrow I will miss you much more than yesterday .... My intuition agrees with me!
  16. Only you alone have always been my paradise! Life without you is like hell. Ready to scream to the whole world about how much I love you! Message me if you want to hear it....
  17. We have been friends for a long time... Become a husband! I will be the best wife, my dear angel!
  18. My dear man! I dream that you will turn into a teddy bear so that I can take you to my bed every night!
  19. Don't worry! I will not freeze even when everything around is covered with a thick crust of ice! I am warmed by your true love ....
  20. All her life she lived like a small animal - unhappy and downtrodden. You turned me into a flower with your feelings .... Beautiful, bright and open.
  21. The restaurant is located in Sochi. A male customer shouts indignantly at the waitress:

Are you out of your mind?! I didn't order anything... Except for a few skewers! Why "surfaced" such an account?

Man, the kebabs are cooked on the Olympic fire!

Beautiful poems to cheer up

To you baby, I have a sea of ​​​​feelings!

And if you want, I'll tell you honestly:

I love you, I respect you a lot.

I value you very much!

May day will come to our city again,

To awaken everything from sleep.

But still…. In the heat and in the cold

I'm only full of you!

I dial the best number

And send sms...

“You are my dear, beloved guy!

You are the ideal of my miracles!

SMS exercises for a good mood

It's very possible that the guy read it somewhere. Surprise him with different SMS content. Write, for example, in detail how to do mood lifting exercises. He will be amused both by the text itself and by “transferring” it into practice.

Lie down on your back. Put your hands under your head. Bend your legs (knees). Raise your feet and press your knees to your chest. Return to your original position. Reach your forehead to your knees, lowering your chin to your chest. Do your best to keep your shoulder blades and shoulders (off the floor). Repeat the full cycle about twelve times.

Place your feet hip-width apart. Position your arms above your head. Straighten the pelvic region so that it is "pushed" slightly forward. Keep in tension the abdomen and buttocks. Make inclinations (in both directions). Do not relax. Stand with your back to the wall if you feel you need support. Do twenty-three repetitions in each direction.

Quickly get on all fours. Make sure that the pelvis and back form a straight line. Do “push-ups” from the floor without raising your pelvis a millimeter. Repeat the exercise until tired. If you get tired, run to rest on your favorite sofa (on your favorite folding bed).

Write everything to the guy in SMS (word for word). He will laugh just because he considers you a real comedian or connoisseur of humor. After all, not every girl will type such long messages to cheer up her beloved. You will do something heroic! And you will amuse the guy, and show concern for him.

Did he not appreciate it? Don't be offended by the person! Come up with something else to prove that you can be original. To do this, you need to "connect" your imagination and not lose heart. Remember that guys feel bad mood. So no need to distribute it! Send positivity in every message! The guy will definitely save everything that you write on the phone. Send him messages! He will be very happy to receive them. Save some of them as "drafts" to send later.

Doesn't answer? And don't expect an answer! Learn to do good deeds disinterestedly, but with great pleasure...

Bad mood, trouble or other problems sometimes happen to every person. At such times, the help and support of a loved one is very important. It would be a mistake to think that only girls need support, our beloved men also need to be sure that they are loved, appreciated and taken care of. A small SMS message with words of support and love will be a reason to smile even on the most cloudy day. Reading it, the girl will definitely be sure that she has reliable support and protection, and the young man that he has a wonderful rear. It is worth finding just one minute to write a few tender words. We need to support each other, talk about our love more often, then no adversity will be fearless.

Trouble? Call!
Your lucky ticket is waiting for you!
Wait, wait, don't cry
Let me go and put on... a vest

Don't be sad about what isn't worth it
Don't look so sad out the window
I'll finish my business now
And we'll go to the cinema with you!

Well, is it worth it? What revenge...
Parents are what...
Make peace, stop loading.
We will solve the housing issue!

I console you, my dear, I am again for you,
Come on, a proven trick:
Fall into my arms
And you will forget about everything.

Trouble getting in the way?
Well, why do you need me?
My role is very big:
To have a drink with someone!

Relax, take it easy
Spit on everything and do not be loaded
Our ancestors are people too
Come and make up.

To console, there must be talent,
I suggest that, mind you:
You can write out - you can cry,
Personally, I - for the first option!

Don't worry, love!
Yes, to hell with her illness,
You will lie down for a while, rest,
With us you are strong
And get over your laziness :)
And soon you'll be on the mend!

Wipe your tears and straighten your shoulders
We will fly with you towards happiness.
And leave all your troubles behind
Only joy lies ahead
And behind all bad weather.

Has sadness settled in your soul again?
Hopelessness presses on the forehead?
Resist that she doesn't eat you.
If anything - call me - I have wine.

Why are you sitting with your eyebrows furrowed?
Hurry up on everything!
We will have everything in openwork
Smile soon! OK?

The sun is in the sky, the birds are singing
Don't be sad, don't be!
I hit the head with a brick
The one who suddenly upsets you!

Nose up, tail down!
Keep the balance!
We send "nah" neurosis
Let us have fun!

You wipe away your tears,
You hide sadness in the pupils of sad eyes.
List things on paper
What makes us sad.
And then take this paper
And break into small pieces.
I programmed you for happiness.
Wait with hope - happiness will be for sure

Who let the seal into your house?
Don't be sad. We will crush everyone!
And let the pieces go to the wind
Or will we be sad together?
No, this will not happen!
We will fight with sadness!

smile! Not everything is so serious!
Let's laugh like horses!
Let the tears dry from your eyes!
There are so many good things in the world!

Forget about the bad
Be an optimist!
It will be a fabulous night
Everything will be fine, period!