Soft hair curlers how to use. Features of use at home. There are two ways to create a hairstyle

Papillottes are hair curlers that are convenient to use to create beautiful hairstyles for all occasions. You can either buy them in the store or make them yourself from improvised materials. At first, you will have to learn a little to find the best shape of curls, but over time, using curlers of this kind becomes easier.

What are hair curlers?

Papillottes (hair curlers, how to use which will be described later in the article) are devices with which you can quickly make a beautiful hairstyle for any occasion.

Papillots are sometimes called "boomerangs". They began to be used several centuries ago by court ladies for curling their hair. At that time, girls used long plaits, on which they wrapped their hair and left it all night.

Today, papillots are called tubes of different colors, made of foam rubber of different quality, velor or rubber, which are easily bent and changed shape. They are based on a wire that helps to twist the papillots so that the curl holds and does not fall apart.

There are many varieties of papillots, they are made from different materials, with which it is comfortable to sleep and it is impossible to injure the scalp.

How are they used

They are used to create curly curls. Curlers are chosen based on the shape of the face. With their help, create beautiful large and small curls.

The choice between them is made on the following basis:

  • owners of soft features and a rhombic (oval) face are suitable for long curls or short curls;
  • if a girl has a square-shaped face, sharp features, then she is not recommended to wind her short hair. Such curls visually make them heavier and create rough features, emphasize the chin. Short hair can be curled in small curls.

For owners of thin hair, papillottes help create additional volume.


Papillots have the following advantages:

  • they are available for every girl. If there is no money to buy branded curlers, they can be made independently from simple and affordable means;
  • they save time on styling in the morning - so that the curls are beautiful and last for a long time, curlers are wound in the evening. Take them off in the morning and get voluminous curls;
  • such curlers do not damage the hair structure, do not burn them, do not spoil them;
  • curls after papillots are symmetrical and natural;
  • the process of winding curls takes less time than the same with a curling iron: you will have to spend about 20-30 minutes before going to bed to create curls.

Safety and ease of use make papillots popular among many girls and women.


The disadvantages of this method of winding hair:

These are minor flaws that do not interfere with the use of this type of curler to create beautiful hairstyles. Papillottes - hair curlers, how to use which on different hair will be described in the following sections, exist in several forms.


In the store you can buy papillots of two types.

They differ in material and appearance:

For complete hair safety and comfort, it is recommended to choose the second type of curlers. But for training and primary use, in order to understand whether this type of hair curl is suitable, you can use the first type. And after successful experiments, buying papillots is more expensive.

How to choose the right papillots?

When choosing curlers in such a store, you need to pay attention to their following features:

  • on the quality and strength of the material from which the papillots are made. High-quality papillots have a dense material, they bend, and the inner wire does not pierce the coating when bent;
  • how strong the base of the papillot is: the inner wire should not break through the fabric that the curler is covered with;
  • flexibility - the papilot should bend well, the quality of fixing the curls depends on it.

There are curlers of different diameters. Each of them is designed for curls of a certain shape and optimal hair length.

The table will help you choose the appropriate diameter:

Papillot diameter (mm) Optimal hair length What curl will turn out
14 ShortElastic small curl
MediumSpiral curls
Longsmall curls
16 Shortbig curls
MediumElastic large curls
LongSpiral curls
20 Shortbody waves
Mediumbig curls
LongElastic voluminous curls
22 ShortNot suitable for this type of hair
MediumLarge curls
Longbody waves

The information in the table helps to compare the length of the hair and the volume of the curler, in order to approximately represent the result after curling in this way. You can experiment on your own with papillots of different diameters to find the best option for your appearance.

How to make papillots with your own hands?

At home, curlers for curling can be made from the following materials:

Homemade papillots are suitable for single use. They are used to experiment with curls before buying real curlers to evaluate the resulting curls and how this hairstyle suits the shape of the face and hair length.

How to curl your hair correctly?

Wash and dry your hair well before curling. If possible, you can let them dry naturally, without heating.

The procedure for winding curls includes the following steps:

  1. Comb thoroughly dried hair.
  2. Select one strand near the forehead with your fingers, comb it. In the other hand, take a papillot and wind a strand around it, starting from the middle of the curler. The "springiness" of future curls depends on the distance between the curls.
  3. Fix the twisted strand on the hairpin: with a hairpin if it is homemade curlers or twist it so that the hair does not fall apart.
  4. Do the same with the rest of your hair.

The head can be sprinkled lightly with hairspray. Keep curlers should be all night.

If you wrap your head with a scarf, it will be more comfortable to sleep.

In the morning, the curls are gently unwound. Depending on the desired hairstyle, they can be combed (then the hair will be fluffy) or styled with foam in the desired shape.

Additional materials and tools

Additionally, for a hairstyle that is created using papillots, you may need:

To dry long and thick hair, you need a hair dryer. It is used if there is no time for them to dry naturally. For high-quality combing, you also need a soft comb made of natural materials.

Hair curlers, which are described in the article, should be used with various additional cosmetics to make curls more resistant to wind, rain, snow, air.

By choosing the right cosmetics, you can learn how to make a hairstyle that will last all day. On thin hair, curls can last 1-2 days: on the first day they look like elastic curls, on the second - in waves.

Many girls prefer this type of hairstyle, it saves time and money. The rest of the curls can also be braided into a ponytail, which, after the curls, turns out to be fluffy and thick.

Auxiliary means for fixing strands

To fix the strands before and after winding, use the following cosmetics:

Using any means, the main thing is not to overdo it. Too much mousse or hairspray will make your hair stiff and rob it of shine. It should be remembered that their main goal is to help with styling, the secret of a beautiful hairstyle is in technology, and not in cosmetic gels and mousses.

Instructions for use on short curls

Papillottes are hair curlers, which owners of different hair lengths need to know how to use. Use curlers of different diameters to get the desired curls and not be disappointed in the morning in the resulting hairstyle.

Curls are wound on short hair in this way:

In the morning, it is not recommended to comb the resulting curls - the hair will become fluffy, it will be difficult to style them. And thick curls can unwind. It is best to style short curly hair with foam and secure with hairpins.

Strands on medium length

The medium length is ideal for winding with curlers. You can make large curls if you wind them in several turns, or small ones if you wind them tightly. The type of curls is chosen in accordance with the characteristics of facial features.

The head must be washed and dried. Depending on the thickness of the hair, you should use a styling mousse or styling gel. If they lack volume, products can be applied to the root zone and dried with a hair dryer using a large round comb. The curls are curled into curls, starting from the forehead, moving gradually towards the back of the head.

How to curl long hair

Hair curlers, how to use which you need to know to create a spectacular hairstyle, are used on a washed head. Very long thick hair is washed a day before winding. Immediately before curling, the curls can be sprinkled with styling fluid.

You can create a hairstyle in two ways:

Long hair requires more time to curl and curl. They need to be wound a few hours before bedtime. If they are very thick and heavy, you will need a lot of papillots. In this case, it is more advisable to use a curling iron for curling.

Curler storage rules

Hair curlers (how to use them correctly was described above) also need to be stored properly so that they do not deteriorate. You can extend their life by many months if you follow simple tips.

In order for curlers to last longer, they must be stored in accordance with the following rules:

Before each subsequent use, the curlers should be checked for integrity: the wire should not break through the outer coating. If this happens, it is worth getting rid of them, otherwise the use of such items may scratch the scalp.

To create a spectacular and beautiful hairstyle, stylists recommend following these rules:

  • Do not curl wet hair. They need to be dried with a hair dryer and combed well. Wet hair will not dry until the morning, and the shape of the curls will not be symmetrical. It is permissible to slightly moisten only long and very thick hair;
  • to prolong the life of curls, before curling, each of them can be sprinkled with styling agent or put a little mousse on them with your hands; the strand must be combed well before winding so that there are no tangled hairs;
  • you need to start making curls near the forehead, gradually moving to the temple area. The latest wind the hair at the back of the head.

Using hairpins is like using the services of salons, but much easier and cheaper. Following these recommendations, you can make beautiful curls with hair curlers that will last all day. To create such a hairstyle, you will first have to experiment a little with different types of curlers, but each time it will be easier and easier to create curls.

Article formatting: Vladimir the Great

Video about hair curlers

How to wind your hair with papillottes:

Papillots: how to use?

Papillots are the progenitors of all modern curlers. For curling hair, papillots were also used by our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers. Yes, yes, you heard right, it was great-grandfathers - in the nineteenth century, when curls were especially fashionable, representatives of the stronger sex also wound their hair on papillots. Let's take a closer look at what papillots are and how to use them.

What are papillots

Papillottes are small soft tubes used to curl hair. Initially, papillots were made of paper. To fix the papillot on the hair, its edges were bent and twisted together. But such papillots were not always securely fastened, since the paper tips broke off easily, so their design was slightly modified. In improved papilots, a strip of paper was wrapped around a woven ribbon, the ends of which were tied with a small bow. They were replaced by factory-made papillots made of polyurethane or foam rubber.

The advantages of papillots over other hair curlers

  • Papillots, unlike curling irons and hair dryers, do not burn hair, so you can use them daily;
  • Papillots, unlike a perm, do not violate the structure of the hair;
  • Curlers differ from solid curlers in that they allow you to get more natural curls, without bends and kinks. In addition, the papillots are soft, so it is quite possible to sleep with them.

How to use papillots

  • In principle, hair of any length can be wound on papillots, although the best results are obtained on long and medium length hair;
  • For a complete curl of hair, hairdressers are advised to purchase (or make) two dozen papillots, although a dozen papillots are enough to twist only the ends of the strands;
  • You can wind strands on papillots to the very roots or only to the middle of the hair - it all depends on what kind of hairstyle you want to get as a result of their use;
  • Papillots need to be wound only on freshly washed hair, curls will not hold on dirty hair.


  1. Wash your hair and dry it. Do not wind wet hair on hairpins - in a tightly twisted state, they simply will not dry. Some manufacturers in the instructions for papillots advise winding completely dry hair on them, but you still shouldn’t do this, since dry hair “remembers” the shape very poorly. The best option for curling is slightly damp hair.
  2. Comb your wet hair thoroughly, if your hair is very “naughty”, apply a little styling product (mousse or gel) to it and distribute it with a comb along the entire length of the hair.
  3. Divide your hair into several large strands, use hairdressing hair clips to separate them.
  4. Then, with a comb, separate smaller strands from them and wind them alternately on papillots. It is more convenient to do this starting from the forehead, then you should wind the temporal and occipital strands and strands at the crown.
  5. Press the tip of each strand with your fingers to the surface of the hair clipper, pull the hair strand and slowly rotate the hair clipper with both hands, tightly winding the hair around it to the length you need. At the same time, make sure that the tip of the strand does not break out from under the coils of hair. When the hair is wrapped around the hairpin, fix it on the hair - tie the ribbon tightly with a bow or twist the flexible plastic ends together.
  6. For a quality curl, keep the curlers on your hair for at least four hours, but if you are going to sleep with them, put a hairnet on your head or tie a thin scarf.

We tried to tell you in detail how to use papillots, but if you have any questions, read our articles.

I have been familiar with papillots for a long time, but I made friends only now.

Once my friend came to visit with chic and natural curls. I asked what she was twisting them for, and she said: "On curlers - papillots"

I decided to borrow them from her and also try it on myself, since there is something to twist)))

After the first acquaintance, friendship with them did not work out and I decided not to buy such ones for myself, I only confused my hair and pulled it out.

But, as it turned out, they also need to be wound correctly.

2. Method.

Slightly different from the first, here is such a method, as if you were winding your hair on curlers. We take a strand of hair, we begin to wind the hair from the very bottom and up to the roots. We keep it on the hair for 1-2 hours, the longer you keep it, the longer the hairstyle will last.

3. Way.

We wind only the lower part of the hair, starting from the middle and in the same vertical position as shown in Method 1.


  • low price, bought for 41 rubles
  • does not damage hair
  • beautiful and natural waves
  • quick hairstyle

I have a triple wave curling iron, they look almost the same, but the very fact that the hair does not deteriorate so much from the curls says a lot and makes you think, especially for those who are trying to grow long hair, but at the same time do not want to constantly go with the same hairstyle.

Beautiful flowing curls are the dream of most girls. And there are different ways to create them. One of the oldest is curling.

Now some girls believe that this method is outdated, and prefer to use curling irons or visit beauty salons to create a perm.

However curlers are a safe way to create curls without damaging the hair structure. But this requires a long amount of time and it is not very comfortable to sleep on them. However, now there are many varieties of them, and each girl will be able to choose the right option for herself.

Types of curlers

You can choose them depending on the material, their diameter in order to create the perfect curls. But no matter which one you choose, styling with them is easy at home.


Using these curlers can be a real adventure for your hair. Because they are made from scrap materials.

Most often used for this purpose pieces of cloth and paper. How to make hair curlers?

  1. Hair is wrapped around paper strips.
  2. Secure the papillottes with pieces of fabric.

The size of the curls will depend on how wide you make the paper strips. Hair will need to be untwisted carefully so as not to damage the strands. Treat the resulting curls with styling products.

Boomerang curlers: how to use

Boomerang curlers in their shape resemble a long roller made of foam rubber or rubberized material with a thin wire inside the curler. Boomerangs bend well and therefore hold the strands well in the desired position.

Curls created with the help of such flexible curlers retain their original appearance for a long time. Using them is simple: wrap the strands around the product and connect the ends of the boomerang.

The thickness and density of curls depends on the number of boomerang curlers used. But their main advantage is that they are soft and they are nice to sleep in. Therefore, many girls prefer this option because of the pleasant material and the durability of curls.

Important! It is better to choose soft curlers made from rubberized foam because it is more durable and the smooth finish minimizes the risk of tangles.

Magic curlers

Girls want their curls not to lose their shape for a long time, to look natural, while the hair structure should not be injured. All of these criteria correspond to magic curlers (magic leverage). This product has recently appeared on the market and immediately won the sympathy of girls and women.

These are spirals of bright colors, for the manufacture of which thin silicone is used. There is no wire frame inside it. Also in the set there is a special hook with which you pick up the strand and thread it through. Magic curlers differ in diameter and length. This allows you to create beautiful curls on hair of any length.

Advantages of magic curlers:

  • ease of use;
  • hair injury during wrapping is minimal;
  • reliable fixation;
  • do not leave any creases - curls look natural;
  • curls retain their shape for a long time.

But do not think that this magical device does not injure the hair at all. Due to stretching and threading the strands through the hook, they still get a negative impact.

But compared to other types of curlers, they are one of the first places for safe use. Sleeping with them is uncomfortable, because the spirals are in limbo. But all this is offset by the listed advantages.

Velcro curlers

Almost every girl has Velcro curlers. They are easy to use and compact. It is easy to create a voluminous hairstyle with their help, curls are obtained without creases.

These are cylinders with a “spiky” surface, thanks to which clamps are not required for their fixation.

Important! This type of curler is suitable only for owners of healthy hair of short and medium length.

Because long hair can get very tangled - accordingly, no beautiful styling will work. Also Velcro don't leave overnight- due to the lack of a clamp (if you need curls without creases), they can unwind.

With the help of such curlers, a girl can create volume styling in a short time, and owners of curly hair will be able to make their curls more even and manageable.

Therefore, if you have healthy curls of a suitable length and you need to make a beautiful styling in a short time, then you should take a closer look at Velcro curlers.

Electric curlers

Electric curlers are a modern and practical way to create beautiful curls. Heating occurs due to electric current. A heating element is built into a special housing. The curler has a metal side that conducts heat inward in order to melt the wax.

Electric curlers come in different diameters, which allows you to create curls of different sizes.

What are the best electric curlers?

  1. Ceramics is the most expensive material for electric curlers. The high cost is due to the fact that ceramics prevent overheating. Therefore, they are also called sparing.
  2. Ion coating helps prevent tangling of hair.
  3. The velor covering ensures stable fixation of the electric curler in the desired position.

Important! It is best to use products to create curls with a velvet finish. They are able to retain heat longer and do not dry out the hair.

Electric curlers are a great opportunity to create curls using modern technology.

This is another type of curlers that using heat to create curls. The difference from electric ones is that they need to be lowered into boiling water or hot water.

Inside they have a wax rod, which heats up simultaneously with the heating of the curlers.

When the wax cools, it begins to give off heat to the hair, thus creating curls.

How to wind hair on thermal curlers? Nothing complicated: the stages of curling are the same as when using conventional products.

An equally important question: how long to keep thermal curlers on your hair? On average, 15-20 minutes, you need to remove them when they are completely cool to get beautiful curls.

Important! You need to perm on hot curlers on dry strands.


Curlers with a velvet or velor coating deserve special love.

Made from this soft material, they do not injure or tangle the hair in the least, making them the safest to use.

And a large number of through holes allows you to securely fix the strands in the desired position with chopsticks.


This is one of the oldest varieties of curlers. In their appearance, they resemble Velcro, only made of metal.

They consist of two parts: a metal body and a rubber clip to fix the hair.

But removing such curlers is not easy: for this you need a special stick, which can be bought separately or together with curlers.

If you decide to create curls with metal curlers, then you will need a lot of time.

Wet hair should be wound on these products. Strands can dry for a long time, so they are more often used in salons where it is possible to dry your hair with a professional hair dryer.

Attention! At home, refrain from using a hair dryer to quickly dry your hair. Hot air heats up the metal sheath faster, which causes the strands to heat up more.

Therefore, it is better to let the hair dry naturally or use such curlers in beauty salons.

These curlers are hollow cylinders with spikes, thanks to which the twisted strands do not move. The kit also includes fasteners - plastic nets, in the form of a semicircle (or just an elastic band), which are worn over the curlers. The curls made with their help retain their shape for quite a long time.

The significant disadvantage is that you can't sleep in them. Also, creases remain from the clamps, because of which the curls do not seem natural. It is necessary to remove such curlers carefully, making sure that the hair does not get tangled on the spikes and protrusions.

Additional hair curlers

In addition to curlers, there are other devices for creating perfect curls. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages that must be considered when choosing them.

  1. Curling iron.
  2. Creating volume with a hair dryer and a round brush.

How to curl hair with curlers

There are different curling methods for strands of any length. In addition to the curlers themselves, you will need a comb, a styling tool.

Horizontal laying

  • metal;
  • plastic;
  • Thermo curlers.

Important! Styling on thermal curlers and electric curlers is performed on dry hair!

Below is a step-by-step instruction for performing a horizontal curl.

  1. Apply styling product to freshly washed strands.
  2. Hair should be divided into several parts: parietal and two side.
  3. Curling should start from the parietal part. Take a strand at the crown.
  4. Position it vertically so that it is perpendicular to the crown, comb.
  5. Start winding the strands in the direction from the forehead to the crown.
  6. The strands should be twisted with the same force to the very roots - so, there will be no creases on the resulting curls.
  7. Wind the middle part from the forehead to the neck so that there is one line of curlers.
  8. Next, proceed to the strands of the temporal part.
  9. When all the hair is curled in curlers, dry it with a hair dryer if you used a styling product.
  10. Proceed to unwind the strands after complete cooling from blow-drying.
  11. You need to unwind your hair in the direction from the bottom up. You need to start combing curls from the ends, gradually rising to the roots.

vertical waving

With this technique, the strands start to wind from the lower hairline near the neck.

  1. Make a ponytail at the top.
  2. With a horizontal line, separate the wide strand at the back of the head.
  3. Divide it into narrow strands.
  4. Wind them on curlers in a vertical direction.
  5. Rows of curlers should be horizontal. The remaining steps are similar to horizontal curling.


Spiral curlers, magic curlers or papillottes are suitable for this technique.

  1. Divide your hair into four wide strands: parietal, occipital and temporal.
  2. Additionally, divide them into thinner ones.
  3. Twist the strands in a spiral.

General rules for curling curlers

To make the curls beautiful, you need to follow simple recommendations.

  1. Curling on wet hair is more resistant, so moisturize it before curling. It is not necessary to moisten the strands if you use thermal curlers and electric ones.
  2. The thinner the hair, the thinner you need to take strands for winding.
  3. Do not leave curlers for longer than an hour - this harms the structure of the hair.
  4. Untwist the strands only after they are completely dry, sorting out the curls with your hands. You just need to do it carefully.
  5. Do not pull the strands too tight while curling.

Some hairdressers believe that curlers should not be wound on wet hair, but everyone agrees that freshly washed hair should be curled. Most professionals use styling products before wrapping, as in this video:

How to wind hair of different lengths

To make the curls seem natural, you need to use products with different diameters. To make curls perfect, you need to take into account the length of the hair when curling.

  1. What curlers are needed for long curls? Spirals are perfect. If you use cylindrical curlers, then you will need additional clamps for fixing. It is better to do a spiral curl.
  2. Which curlers are better for medium hair? For this length, almost all types of curlers are suitable. It is better to choose products of medium diameter. Curling should be done vertically.
  3. For short length Velcro curlers, curlers and boomerangs are suitable for hair. Products should choose a small diameter. Curls at this length will not work. Curlers for short hair help to add volume to the haircut. Curling is done horizontally.

Knowing the intricacies of curling hair on curlers, you can create beautiful and spectacular curls.

There are many ways to style curls and curls. But how to cope with this task without subjecting the hair to daily stress? The simplest solution is to use a special type of curlers: curlers, or boomerangs.

The history of papillots dates back at least three centuries - young ladies used them to wind curls in the 18th and 19th centuries. True, then long thin bundles of fabric or paper were used for these purposes. Now in the store you can buy modern, very comfortable boomerangs, which are much easier to handle.

What are

Papillots are curlers that are produced in the form of thin cones (sticks) made of soft materials. The most common and inexpensive are foam rubber, they are also made of rubber of varying degrees of density. Inside the product is a wire core. Thanks to her, the curlers easily bend to the sides, taking the shape of future curls. Boomerangs are different in thickness - depending on what density and length of curls it is desirable to obtain.


Previously, women used curling irons, thermal curlers, and a hot hair dryer to create curls. The hairdresser's perm was also popular.

But all this is extremely harmful to the hair - they become thinner, split, fall out. Therefore, now more girls are returning to the most gentle ways to add volume to their hair, including curls.

The popularity of these curlers is easily explained - they are inexpensive, affordable - they are sold even in supermarkets. The material (foam rubber or rubber) allows you to twist curls without kinks and sharp bends. This gives a beautiful, even curl, prevents further thinning of the hair and its fragility.

The advantages of boomerangs include the fact that they are easy to use - even a schoolgirl, who for the first time independently makes curls for herself for a holiday, can handle it.

Reference. You can sleep in foam rubber papillots - they do not interfere, do not pull hair, do not put pressure on the skin. In the morning, just pull out the sticks, lightly smooth the curls - and a beautiful hairstyle is ready.

The combination of tubes of different thicknesses will help create an unusual effect - a cascade or waves, as well as give the head a slightly "tousled" fashionable look.

In addition, unlike a curling iron or a curling iron with a hot hairdryer, papillots can be used fearlessly at least every day - they are absolutely not harmless.

Types of papillots

Hair curlers are sold in supermarkets, cosmetics departments, as well as chains selling household chemicals.

They differ in length, the material from which they are made, and the thickness of the tube. There are also neutral color curlers (gray, beige) or bright colors.

The most common, while inexpensive - foam rubber. There are also papillots covered with soft velour, and rubber ones.

The softest ones are velor, but they are short-lived - the surface of the curler begins to crack and peel off after 10-15 applications.

Foam rubber or rubber are more practical, can serve for years. Rubber ones are convenient because they can be washed.

Unlike most curlers, curlers do not need elastic bands - the strands are attached by bending the wand itself.

Boomerangs can be short in size (10-15 cm) and long - up to 30 cm. There are also tubes of different diameters - 1 cm, 2 and 3.

The package most often sells papillots of the same diameter and length, but different in color - they look very elegant on the hair, cheer up.

Who suits

With the help of papillots, you can make curls and curls for girls with hair of different lengths, densities and types. To curl curls, you need to choose the right type of curler for the styling that suits your face type.

  • Ladies with delicate rounded features and an oval-shaped face are suitable for curls of any length - both long and very short.
  • Faces with a square or triangular shape require long soft curls or asymmetrical, but not short strands to soften the features.
  • Very short hair looks good with small curls or with a wave.

Dense hair lends itself well to styling without fixation - they can be wound on hairpins at night, and in the morning just disassemble the strands with your hands and lightly sprinkle with varnish.

Thin soft curls need pre-treatment with foam or other styling product, otherwise moisture or wind will not leave a trace of them within a couple of hours after leaving the house.

Hair curling technique

The beauty of papillots lies precisely in their versatility and ease of use. But still, boomerangs, like any curlers, have features in the application, which should be taken into account so that the result is inspiring.

Before winding the strands, the hair must be washed well with a conditioner or balm, then dried with a soft towel.

Common mistakes when winding:

  • Too wet strands. In this case, the curls may not hold.
  • Winding on dry hair - as a result, a slightly noticeable wave may turn out, but it will disappear immediately, as soon as after going outside.

To give perfect curls, you need to “catch” exactly the moisture content of the hair, which is optimal - not wet, but not completely dry.

The maximum effect can be achieved by winding the curls before going to bed. During the night they will completely dry out, fixing in curls or a wave, and in the morning it remains only to disassemble the strands with your hands - the hairstyle will come out wonderful.

Reference. It is not recommended to comb the resulting curls with either a large or a small comb - it will turn the curls into a fluffy untidy hat. After removing the papillots, you need to carefully separate the strands with your hands, slightly “beat” the curls at the roots with your fingers, then fix with varnish. The effect will be luxurious.


For owners of long (below the shoulders) hair, it is easiest to make curls with the help of curls.

To create the perfect result you need:

  • buy thin long boomerangs;
  • divide slightly damp hair into almost transparent strands;
  • gently, stepping back from the root of 10 centimeters, wind the strands on the sticks;
  • if the strands dry out during work, you need to spray your head from a small spray bottle with plain water.

After complete drying, gently unwind the curlers, slightly beat the curls at the roots. You don't need to use a comb.

If the goal is not curls, but a light wave, then you can make them by winding boomerangs on dry strands. At the same time, do not remove the curlers for at least 2-3 hours.

You will get a slightly noticeable wave effect on the curls.


Medium, unlike long ones, need to be wound from the very roots - so that the curls are even and natural. For a perfect result, you will need a round brush with fine bristles - she will need to hold each strand from above in order to gently wrap it around the stick.

Curl curl secrets:

  • The strands are wound from top to bottom - if you do the opposite, then when you remove the curlers from your head, the curls will get confused and fluffy;
  • sticks are brought to the very roots;
  • so that the curls hold well - the ends of thin and long boomerangs can be twisted together;
  • before starting work, make an even parting, gently sprinkle your head with water from a spray bottle;
  • so that the curls are even - take turns winding the strands from different sides of the head.

Another secret to creating beautiful curls is to use hairpins of different diameters and strands of different widths. Curls will turn out to be of different sizes, while they will look natural.


It is more difficult to work on short hair, but with some skill, chic curls can be done in a couple of hours.

Curling is done only on slightly damp strands - there will be no effect on dry ones.

A round brush will also be needed - without it, it will not be possible to divide the strands into even ones and twist them neatly.

How to use curlers on a short haircut:

  • hair is divided into two halves (can be asymmetrical);
  • slightly damp curls are twisted with a comb;
  • then from the roots they are “wrapped” with large strands on sticks;
  • the ends of the boomerangs are tightly fixed;
  • from above, ready-made “lambs” can be gently sprinkled with water, as the strands dry out quickly during operation.

After a couple of hours or in the morning, carefully, without confusing the hair, remove the curlers, separate the strands with your fingers, lightly fix them with varnish on top.

After use, either soak the papillots in water overnight, or, in the case of rubber ones, gently rinse in soapy water and dry. If this is not done, the products will crack in a couple of months, become covered with a dirty film and it will be impossible to use them.

The boomerangs themselves are perhaps one of the most convenient, fastest ways to create a spectacular hairstyle without harming the hair and family budget. The main thing is to follow simple rules: wind the papillots on wet strands, do not comb the finished curls, for a longer effect, fix the result with varnish or foam. Keep the curlers away from the battery and sunlight - this way they will retain their functionality for at least a couple of years.