On a white sole. Secrets of shining white soles in old sneakers

Sneakers or sneakers with snow-white soles allow you to look stylish and modern. But over time, the sole begins to turn yellow, covered with black stripes and spots. It is possible to return your favorite shoes to their former whiteness at home. There are many proven methods using improvised means. If you regularly clean the soles, then after a while you will not have to scrub off the stubborn dirt.

Before you start cleaning, you should learn how to properly care for shoes with white soles and how to clean them:

  1. First you need to remove dirt and dust from the sole. This can be done with water, a sponge and liquid soap. After washing, the surface should be wiped dry. Sometimes this is enough to make the sole shine white again. If yellow or gray spots remain, then you will have to use more aggressive means.
  2. The most effective tool in the fight against dirt on a white sole is an unnecessary toothbrush. It is able to penetrate the porous structure of the material and clean hard-to-reach places.
  3. If acetone or another solvent is used for cleaning, wipe the surface with a white cloth. Otherwise, the substance will wash out the dyes from a rag of a different color, and color stains will remain on the white sole.
  4. Rinse the sole preferably with warm water. Temperatures that are too high or too low can damage the material.

Methods for cleaning white soles

The soles of sneakers and sneakers are usually made of wear-resistant rubber or synthetic materials (polyurethane, phylon, and others).

These materials are strong and elastic, but over time they inevitably become covered with a gray or yellow coating. In addition, the porous surface contributes to the deep penetration of dirt into the material.

But do not rush to throw away your favorite pair of shoes. At home, even stubborn dirt can be cleaned.


Effectively removes dirt from a white rubber surface with a regular eraser. It must be perfectly clean. You will need to rub the dirt with an eraser, and then shake off the crumbs. If the area to be cleaned is large enough, then you will have to be patient, since it is recommended to use the eraser slowly and carefully.

Instead of an eraser, you can, which is sold in hardware stores. It should be wetted and washed off the dirt, periodically rinsing the sponge with running water. According to the reviews of the hostesses, pollution disappears literally before our eyes.

washing powder

Washing powder will help clean the white sole. For this you need:

  1. Dilute the powder in water. Its concentration should be twice as high as when washing clothes.
  2. Pour the resulting solution into a container that can accommodate sneakers or sneakers, so that it covers only the sole.
  3. Put the shoes in a container with a solution.
  4. Leave for 30 minutes.
  5. Scrub the surface with an old toothbrush.
  6. Wash off dirt and powder with running water, trying to wet only the sole.

This method is suitable for cleaning high-quality shoes. The sole of cheap models may peel off after soaking.

Dishwashing liquid

Dishwashing liquid is able to cope with fresh dirt. Pour warm water into the container and add a few drops of dishwashing detergent. Then, using an unnecessary toothbrush, apply the solution to the surface to be cleaned and rub the dirt.

When there is no trace of dirt left, gently wash the sole with running water.

Hydrogen peroxide

Peroxide is known for its bleaching properties. With it, you can wipe off yellow and gray spots from a white surface.

It is necessary to moisten a cotton pad with hydrogen peroxide and wipe the sole several times. Leave on for 10-15 minutes and wipe off any residue with a damp cloth.

Chlorhexidine can also be used as it has similar properties.

If traces of dirt remain, then you can bleach them with soda. To do this, pour a little ordinary baking soda on a damp cloth and rub the rubber coating.


You can remove yellowness with toothpaste. To do this, you need to squeeze out toothpaste or pour tooth powder on an old toothbrush slightly moistened with water. Wipe the surface with a brush, paying particular attention to contaminated areas. Then wipe off the remaining paste with a damp cloth.

To clean yellowed soles, you can use only white paste. Colored paste with splashes can ruin the coating.

Boric acid

Another helper in the fight against pollution on a white surface is boric acid. Required:

  • dissolve 100 g of table salt in 3 liters of boiling water and wait for the salt to dissolve;
  • cool the solution to room temperature;
  • add 160 ml of boric acid to the resulting mixture;
  • moisten a white rag with the prepared solution and wipe the contaminated areas;
  • rinse the sole with running water and wipe dry.

You can also pour the solution into a large container and put sneakers or sneakers there so that only the sole is in the liquid. After 15 minutes, remove the shoes and rinse the surface.

All manipulations with boric acid should be carried out in a ventilated area, using a protective mask and rubber gloves.

Lemon acid

Citric acid, like peroxide, has bleaching properties.

Cleaning steps:

  • wet the sole;
  • sprinkle the surface to be cleaned with citric acid in powder;
  • rub dirt with a sponge or brush;
  • wait 5-10 minutes depending on the contamination;
  • shake off the citric acid in the sink and wash the sole with running water.

If you don't have citric acid on hand, you can use lemon juice. You will need to squeeze the juice of 1 lemon and moisten a cotton pad with it. Then wipe the surface and leave for 10-15 minutes. After that, rinse the lemon juice thoroughly with water and wipe the sole with a dry cloth.


Table vinegar is also able to wash dirt from the once snow-white soles of sneakers, sneakers or sandals.

To do this, you need to dilute table vinegar in water in a ratio of 1 to 3. Moisten a rag with the resulting solution and rub the contaminated areas. Old stains can be rubbed with an old toothbrush. Then rinse the surface with warm water and wipe dry.


The most effective but aggressive sole cleaner is acetone or nail polish remover. It should be used only if other methods have not worked.

Acetone works well on black streaks, grass marks and oil marks. When cleaning, you can only use a white cloth, as a colored one can stain the white coating.

It is necessary to moisten a cotton pad with acetone and wipe the rubber coating. In this case, the fabric upper of the shoe should not be touched. Then rinse the substance thoroughly and wipe the surface with a dry towel.

How to remove resin from the sole?

In the spring, with the advent of heat on a white sole, you can find the resin of poplar or linden. This sticky substance is secreted by the buds of trees before the leaves appear. Resin is not easy to get rid of, but there are several proven ways:

  1. mechanical impact. First you need to try to clean off the resin with a stick or a blunt knife. This must be done carefully, moving from the periphery to the center, so as not to increase the area of ​​​​contamination.
  2. Kerosene. You can apply purified kerosene to a rag and rub the tar stain until it disappears completely. If a yellow mark remains on a white sole, then wipe it with hydrogen peroxide.
  3. Ant alcohol. This tool is sold in a pharmacy and is inexpensive. They need to moisten a soft cloth and treat the contaminated areas. Then thoroughly rinse the alcohol with water and dry the sole.

Substances that can be found in almost any housewife will help restore the sole to its former whiteness. It is important to clean regularly, and then you will not have to spend a lot of time removing stubborn dirt.

White sneakers or sneakers are not only fashionable and stylish, but also very comfortable. A wide range of sports shoes offered by sellers allows you to combine them with suits designed for training, as well as with other clothes.

But very often a problem arises when the sole of the shoe becomes very dirty, turns yellow or gray. In this case, the question becomes relevant, how to quickly and efficiently clean the white sole of sneakers or sneakers.

Modern rubber, which is used to make shoes, has one positive property - increased wear resistance. Manufacturers, for whom the quality of the goods does not play a significant role, take the liberty of replacing a good material with synthetics with poor physical properties. This is done in order to give the shoe additional elasticity and flexibility.

Factories add various components to the composition of the base for the manufacture of rubber soles, thus trying to extend the life of the product.

But over time, as well as under the influence of environmental factors, the initial characteristics of the material begin to weaken. First of all, this affects the color of the sole. It acquires an unpleasant dirty yellow tint.

The effectiveness of cleaning shoes depends, first of all, on the material from which it is made.

If the structure is porous, then the dirt will eat in better and you will have to try to return the sneakers or sneakers to their original appearance.

Also important is the relief of the sole. A smooth surface will be washed many times faster than if there are "holes", "channels" or "hollows" on it.

You can restore the perfect whiteness of the soles of those shoes that have not been worn daily for several months. Regular cleaning is the key to success.

The most effective will be a trip to the dry cleaners. Specialists with the help of professional tools will turn a pair into a new one in a matter of hours. But not everyone can afford such services, and not everyone wants to spend time looking for a reliable institution. Then you can try to wash your shoes from dirt and yellowness at home using available products.

Machine wash

This is the surest way.

Shoes can also be washed by hand, but the result will be less impressive, and more time will have to be spent.

Modern units have many modes, among which you can choose the most suitable and accurate.

Before you send the shoes to the drum, it will not be superfluous to read the information on the label. As a rule, manufacturers indicate the optimum temperature at which the product can be washed. It is important to follow all the recommendations, otherwise the couple will be hopelessly ruined.

As a rule, you should select the delicate mode without spinning. Pour the minimum amount of powder, since only the surface of the product needs to be cleaned.

If completely white shoes are washed, then you can pour in or pour a little bleach with the powder. For colored sneakers, use one regular laundry detergent.

Drying shoes is no less careful. Place a couple on bedding paper or newspaper away from heat sources - radiators and batteries - otherwise the material will simply dry out. The best option would be a window sill with bright sunlight, or a place on the street.

You can dry your sneakers with a fan. To do this, place a pair opposite the blades at a distance of about 50 cm and leave in this position for three to four hours. The tongue should be wrung out before drying begins. Also, for a faster result, you can stuff your shoes with newspaper or blotting paper.

Under no circumstances should the fan be replaced with a . Too much hot air will melt the glue on the shoes.

Washing in a typewriter is one of the first steps in care. This procedure will clean the shoes of accumulated dust and dirt. After it, you can arm yourself with improvised means and proceed to clean up stubborn and stronger contaminants.

This method is used infrequently due to the fact that it requires a lot of time.

But it's cheap and will replace the whole artillery of detergents and cleaners, saving money.

  • You will need one medium size eraser. You can buy more - just in case.
  • Use the eraser to rub the surface with measured movements from side to side.
  • If there is a relief pattern on the sole, the eraser can be cut, as smaller pieces will penetrate the grooves better.

Such cleaning should be carried out with gloves, since the rubber from the school “eraser” will make the skin of the hands dry. After this method, there will be a lot of dirt and pellets from the eraser, so it is better to cover the work surface with newspapers.

Melamine sponge

It can be purchased in the household department of any store. The method is very simple - moisten the sponge in water and wipe the surface. Where pollution is strongest, make an effort. The only drawback of this method is the high cost of the sponge.

Dishwashing liquid

This method will help out a lot if the shoes are only dirty.

Pour warm water into a deep bowl and add a few drops of dishwashing detergent. Then take an old toothbrush, dip it in the solution and quickly rub the liquid into the surface of the sole.

If the dirt remains, then you can try the crystals of washing powder. They are also rubbed into the sole with a brush. After that, rinse the steam well in clean water.

Perhaps there is no more effective method than using these tools.

The cleaning method is simple: squeeze white toothpaste from the tube onto the toothbrush or pour tooth powder on the bristles slightly moistened with water, then rub the products into the surface of the sole. You will have to try to wipe off the pollution, but the result is worth it.

Then moisten a soft cloth with water and wipe off the remnants of the saviors.

How to clean the white soles of sneakers and sneakers in other ways?

You can wash the surface of the sole with aggressive means, if more gentle methods did not save the situation.

Nail polish remover

This tool is best used in cases where other methods have been powerless against pollution or when shoes have not been cleaned for a long time.

Soak a soft cloth well with acetone and wipe all dirty areas with it. Then rinse the sole well under running water.

This approach will help to well rid the sole of stains that have appeared as a result of the interaction of rubber with grass, fuel oil and simple dirt. Also, acetone will wash off the black marks on the sole.

Before starting work, test on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe shoe. Put a drop of the product on the surface and observe the reaction of the material. Only use a white cloth as the acetone can dissolve other shades and stain the sole.

Stain removers or bleaches

In every home, most likely, there is an oxygen bleach or stain remover. They can also be used to clean the white soles of sports shoes or boots. To prepare the solution, add the product to the water in a larger amount than with conventional soaking, making it more concentrated.

Lower the pair into a basin with liquid so that the water covers only the sole. Leave in this state for 1-1.5 hours. After that, rinse well with water.

Liquid bleach can still be applied to the sole of the pair with a sponge soaked in it.

Work with such means only in gloves. Otherwise, then you will have to decide how to return your hands to their former attractiveness.

Cleanser - Acid

Acid - citric or acetic - will also help bring shoes to a fresh look.

Vinegar diluted in water in a ratio of 1:3.

Dip a cloth in the resulting solution and wipe all dirt with it. Wash off the remnants of the product with warm water.

Lemon acid

It will help to perfectly wash the dirt from the white sole. Crystals of "lemon" should be applied to a damp toothbrush and rub the sole with it.

With the right approach, the shoes will become snow-white.

  • Start bleaching the soles of your shoes only after all dirt has been removed. Initially, use more gentle methods. Only in cases where they did not save the situation, go to hard methods.
  • Rinse sports shoes only with warm water. Liquid that is too hot or too cold will ruin it.
  • Use bleach that is free of chlorine and alcohol. From interaction with it, the surface of the sole may turn yellow, and then it will not be possible to wash it.
  • The best effect can be achieved if the fabric is replaced with a toothbrush. Its villi are more maneuverable and will be able to penetrate into all hard-to-reach places.
  • The end result will depend on how quickly you can remove the dirt.
  • A thin screwdriver will help to clear the deep relief. Its tip will penetrate deeper places better.
  • To keep your shoes clean longer, avoid wearing them in wet, rainy weather.
  • Take care of your sneakers as often as possible, then you won’t have to waste time on unpleasant procedures.

If all methods were powerless against pollution, then the sole can simply be painted with special acrylic paint, or white paint intended for fabrics.

There are many ways to help clean the soles of shoes at home. But any care should be timely, then it will be possible to wear a pair for a long time and with pleasure.

Sneakers with a white sole complete a sporty look, emphasize the style of the owner, but only if they look well-groomed. Modern fashionistas wear similar shoes with all sorts of clothes, ranging from elongated coats to loose hoodies and shirts. After a certain period of time, the sole of the sneaker wears out, turns gray or yellow, and black stripes appear on it. Hence the need to clean the wardrobe item in all possible ways. Consider important aspects and highlight effective methods.

  1. Before bleaching the sole, remove dust and dirt from the surface. To do this, wet the product with a sponge and liquid soap. After all the manipulations, wipe the bottom with a dry cloth, evaluate the result. Use aggressive products only if you find yellow/gray stains and other stubborn stains on the soles.
  2. It is important to remember forever that the treatment of a white rubber sole with chlorine-containing preparations in its pure form strictly leads to the formation of yellowness. Subsequently, the lower part of the shoe loses its former appearance, begins to dry out and crack. It becomes almost impossible to return the whiteness, in most cases shoes can only be thrown away.
  3. An effective tool for cleaning the soles of sneakers is a toothbrush. It penetrates the porous structure of the base, small creases and bends. Try not to carry out the procedure with a foam sponge, it is ineffective.
  4. If you choose a solvent (acetone, nail polish remover, etc.) as a cleaning compound, apply it only to a white cloth. Such an aggressive composition corrodes not only dirt and dust on the sole, but also leaches the pigment from the fabric that is being processed. Therefore, in order not to transfer the shade to the shoes, follow this recommendation.

Effective ways to clean white soles

Before proceeding with the treatment, test on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe shoe. Apply a small amount of the selected product to the sole of the product, wait a certain period (indicated in the instructions), evaluate the result. If, apart from intensive whitening, you do not notice anything else, feel free to start cleaning.

Hydrogen peroxide
The composition has an excellent whitening effect. Purchase a hydrogen peroxide solution or Chlorhexidine from the pharmacy. The concentration of both drugs should not exceed 6%. Wash the sole with hot water, wipe dry, then soak a cosmetic swab in peroxide / Chlorhexidine. The cotton pad should be so wet that the liquid flows over it. Wipe the sole several times, wait 10-15 minutes. After the time has elapsed, go over the surface with a damp cloth to collect any remaining dirt.

Dishwashing liquid
If the sole is dirty with dust, you can clean it with a thick dishwashing gel. Apply a large amount of the compound to the bottom rim of the shoe, lather with your hands or with a sponge. Take a hard toothbrush, start scrubbing the surface intensively. After the product acquires a characteristic gray tint, rinse off. Carry out the procedure again if necessary.

Professional bleach
You can clean the sole with an acid bleach or stain remover. The most effective of them are considered "Vanish", "Sarma", "Eared nannies", "Boss". An important feature is considered to be that for the treatment of sneakers it is necessary to prepare a solution whose concentration is 2-2.5 times higher than the norm. That is, if the manufacturer recommends diluting the composition with water as 1:5 on the back of the bottle, you should prepare a 1:2 solution.

As for the treatment itself: mix bleach / stain remover with water in the right quantities, then pour the composition into a basin. Place the sneakers in the container so that only the sole is covered. Cover the bowl with cling film, wait 45-60 minutes. After the expiration of the period, rub the surface to be treated with a toothbrush, rinse off excess composition.

baking soda and tooth powder

Treat the sole with a bar of laundry soap, rub with a brush, rinse. Mix equal amounts of whitening tooth powder and baking soda, dilute the mixture with water to form a paste. Spread the composition over the surface of the sole, cover the top with cling film or a plastic bag. Leave the mixture to soak the material for 40 minutes, at the end of this time, rub with a brush and remove with water. If the result did not impress you, moisten a cosmetic swab in turpentine, remove stains and impurities “under the finish”.

Boric acid
Pour 3 liters of boiling water over 100 gr. crushed table salt, stir, wait for the granules to dissolve. When the composition becomes homogeneous, cool it to room temperature, pour in 160 ml. boric acid solution (alcohol infusion). Wear a protective mask, gloves, goggles, and clean in a well-ventilated area. Soak a white cloth in the composition, rub gently. Remove excess with a dry cloth.

If there is no time to engage in mechanical cleaning, pour a little of the prepared solution into a wide container. Put your sneakers there so that the sole is completely covered. Wait a quarter of an hour, after the expiration of the time, take out the shoes and wipe them with a clean cloth.

School eraser

Whiten the soles of sneakers with a regular school pencil eraser. It is important that the tool is perfectly clean, without marks from a ballpoint pen, felt-tip pen, etc. Otherwise, an extraneous shade will appear on the sole. Take the eraser in your hands, turn it at an angle to the area to be treated, start rubbing slowly. Do not try to remove everything at once, clean locally, in small areas. At the end of the manipulation, shake off the excess, apply white shoe polish to the sole.

Lemon acid
Due to its high concentration, the product is loved for its whitening properties. Dilute 2-3 sachets of 100 ml citric acid powder. filtered water, wait for the granules to dissolve. Put on gloves, moisten a gauze cloth or a bandage folded in several layers in the solution. Wipe the soles of the sneakers, rinse.

If you do not have the opportunity to process a loose mixture, use lemon juice. Squeeze out the liquid from 1 citrus fruit, dip a cosmetic swab into it, wring it out a little. Treat the contaminated area, wait 10-15 minutes and rinse with water. In the latter case, the effectiveness of the composition is reduced by 20-25%, for this reason it is better to prepare a solution based on citric acid.

The white sole requires careful care and attention to detail. Try wet cleaning with liquid soap. Did not help? Use hydrogen peroxide, school eraser, dishwashing liquid, boric acid, professional bleach, tooth powder, or baking soda.

Video: how to wash the white soles of shoes

I could not get enough of a new purchase - white sneakers. They harmonized perfectly with my tracksuit, favorite jeans and even with a summer dress, so I practically didn’t take them off. But after a few weeks, ugly black stripes appeared on the sole, it turned from snow-white to yellow. And the most annoying thing is that the rubber surface did not agree to become white again during the washing of the shoes themselves! How to clean a white sole, thereby returning yourself to a good mood, and to sneakers an attractive look? However, she can be capricious both on sneakers and sandals. Well, let's look at a few ways.

Whitening laundry detergent

This method is suitable if the shoe is new and the sole is not very worn.

Make a concentrated solution: dissolve the powder, taking it twice as much as usual. Place dirty shoes in the solution so that the water covers only the desired part. Leave for half an hour, then brush over the surface. All the dirt should go away, and the sneakers should bleach. Rinse with soapy water, dry.

Baking soda

Pour soda on a damp cloth, wipe the rubber part. Rub with pressure so that the soda penetrates into all the cracks. The dullness must go. Rinse the sneakers from the remnants of soda, wipe dry.


To completely wash off the yellowness, prepare a whitening toothpaste. Find an old toothbrush. Wet it first and then squeeze some paste on it. By the way, tooth powder is also perfect, if there is one in the bins.

You will have to make a little effort to wash off the dirt and restore whiteness. But do not give up and rub until you get the desired result!

After all the work, find the strength to rinse the surface from the remnants of the paste or powder.

Do you want to clean the pimply soles of sandals with high quality? Use a brush with hard bristles. After using it, do not throw it away, because in a couple of weeks you will have to scrub your favorite shoes again.

Nail polish remover, acetone

Such a solvent will perfectly help to clean the white sole from both black stripes and yellowness. Just do not be too lazy to test the liquid on an inconspicuous area, especially if you have chosen a stronger solvent - acetone. Drop a little money on the selected place, look at the result. Acetone can destroy the structure of the material from which the sole is made. Did anything special happen to the material? Then act!

Moisten a cotton pad with liquid, a light cloth (preferably cotton), wipe the surface with it. After treatment, be sure to rinse off the remaining acetone with warm water. Soak the remaining moisture with a napkin, grease with cream.

acid treatment

  1. As you know, in everyday life with acid it is almost always possible to wash various contaminants. You will need table vinegar in this case. In three parts of water, dilute one part of vinegar, the water should be warm. Wet a cloth in the solution, wipe the dirt. Right before our eyes, the dullness and yellowness go away.
  2. If you are going to use citric acid, then it is not necessary to dissolve it in water. Just pour it on a damp cloth, wipe the desired places. Instead of a cloth, you can use the already known toothbrush. Were you able to bleach? And now you need to wash off the remaining acid with plain water.

Bleaches and stain removers

You probably have a modern oxygen bleach or stain remover. You can clean the surface with it. Just make the solution more concentrated than recommended in the instructions. Add 2 times more bleach to warm water, dissolve thoroughly. Dip the shoes into the solution so that it completely covers the rubber part.

If the bleach is liquid, simply apply it to the contaminated part of the sneakers without dissolving it in water. Let them stand like this for several hours. Then the remaining dirt (if any) can be washed off with a foam sponge. After water procedures, it remains to wipe the already white sole of your favorite sneakers with a damp cloth.


Black stripes can be cleaned with an ordinary school eraser - white and perfectly clean (without traces of a ballpoint pen). Walk it over the places of pollution, wipe the rubber part with a soft cloth, then apply a white (colorless) cream. This method is perfect if you notice pollution right before going outside. A few hand movements - and your sole is white again!

And if you are afraid (or too lazy?) to do something on your own, contact a dry cleaner. But will you have enough strength and means to constantly run there to bring your favorite sneakers or sneakers to life?

  • Bleach the sole after you have washed it from the main dirt and dust. And only if the yellowness, dullness, spots have not disappeared after the main cleaning, use the "heavy artillery".
  • It is impossible to clean the sole with chlorine-containing bleaches: in most cases, a persistent yellowness appears, which can no longer be bleached.
  • When cleaning sneakers with solvents, choose a white cloth. Acetone often dissolves the dye of the fabric itself, which can migrate to the surface of the shoe itself during processing.
  • For best results, use an old toothbrush instead of a cloth. It easily penetrates even the smallest recesses and cleans hard-to-reach places.
  • Try to carefully wear shoes, then you will have to clean the sole less often.

Again, I am not overjoyed with my sneakers, which are no longer new, but they look great!

Are your sneakers looking bad and the white soles have turned gray or yellow? Decided to buy a new pair? Do not hurry! Now we will tell you how you can give a second life to your shoes without spending a lot of money on it.

Sole preparation for whitening

Before you start whitening the soles of your sneakers, you need to prepare your shoes first:

  • Take out the insoles, laces, rinse them with warm water and lather with detergents. Leave for 40 minutes, then rinse them by hand or send them to the washing machine with the addition of washing powder and conditioner.
  • Clean the sneakers of coarse dirt with a soft brush.
  • Check the sole for stuck blades of grass, pebbles and small debris. Carefully clean the protector with a stiff brush.
  • If you have leather sneakers, then wipe them with a damp cloth, and you can use a dry cloth.
  • If the shoes are heavily soiled, then the easiest way is to wash them under running hot water with soapy water. Leave the shoes to dry, but never dry the shoes with heaters. If the house has shoes from, how to care for it is covered here.

There are a huge number of methods for cleaning and whitening sneakers, their effectiveness depends on the thoroughness of processing, the materials from which the shoes are made, the porosity and rigidity of the sole, and the depth of its pattern.

The most popular are methods using household chemicals, solvents, alcohol and acid, processing with improvised means, paint and professional dry cleaning. Let's take a closer look at each method.

To whiten the sole of a sneaker or sneaker, you can use improvised means:

Stories from our readers!
"This cleaner was given by my sister when she found out that I was going to clean the brazier and the wrought-iron gazebo in the country. I was delighted! I did not expect such an effect. I ordered the same for myself.

At home I cleaned the oven, microwave, refrigerator, ceramic tiles. The tool allows you to get rid of even wine stains on carpets and upholstered furniture. I advise."

  • Washing powder. There are two ways to clean the sole with laundry detergent.

First way: pour the product onto a wet sole, rub thoroughly with a sponge or brush, rinse with plenty of water.

Second way: dissolve a large amount of powder in water, immerse only the sole of the sneaker in the resulting solution for 30-50 minutes, then clean the surface with a brush or sponge and rinse with water.

  • Bleach or stain remover. The algorithm of action is similar to the second method of using washing powder. Only the solution is prepared in a ratio of 1:2 concentrate to water.

Also, only the sole should be immersed. Soaking time is not more than 25 minutes, because bleach can damage the structure of the rubber. Frequent use of this method is not recommended.

  • Dishwashing liquid and hydrogen peroxide. Mix 4-5 liters of warm water and 300 ml of dish detergent, put the sneakers into the mixture, cover with a plastic bag for 50-60 minutes, then rinse the shoes in the shower and dry with a towel or napkin.

At the end of the procedure, rinse in plenty of water or send to the washing machine for a gentle cycle without spinning.

  • Toothpaste. Stir the toothpaste with a small amount of water until the consistency of thick sour cream is formed, apply on the sole for 15-20 minutes, rub thoroughly with a brush.

Then rinse with plenty of water. Repeat the method several times if necessary.

  • Laundry soap. Rub the soles of your sneakers with soap and start scrubbing your shoes thoroughly with a stiff brush. The procedures will have to be repeated several times. When finished, rinse the sneakers with warm water.

Sole cleaning for light soiling

  • Eraser. It will take a few erasers, your diligence and patience. Thoroughly rub the shoes from large sole patterns to small ones.
  • . Clean the shoes with a damp sponge, replace with a new one as they wear out. The advantage of this method is the absence of detergents and chemicals.
  • Washing machine. Prepare a solution consisting of 2 tablespoons of bleach powder and the same amount of vinegar. Put the sneakers in the washing machine, add the mixture and set to wash on a gentle wash without spinning.

Fighting old yellowness on the sole

Any of the above methods will quite help to get rid of yellowness on the soles of white sneakers, but the following will be especially effective:

  • Citric acid or lemon. Dissolve in 500 ml. water about 70 gr. citric acid. Moisten the sole of the sneaker with the solution, leave for 10 minutes and rinse with clean water.

If necessary, repeat several times in a row. This method removes the yellowness that has appeared from time to time. If there is no citric acid, then you can use an ordinary lemon. Wipe the sole with the pulp, leave for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.

  • Nail polish remover or acetone. Wet the napkin with the product, wipe the sole with it, without going beyond the edges. Rinse the sneakers with water.
  • If the yellowness cannot be completely removed, then you can use modern means. Now on sale there is a special white paint for white shoe soles.

The sequence of actions when painting is extremely simple: wash the sneakers thoroughly, dry, degrease, apply paint and wait a few days until completely dry. If it is not possible to purchase such paint, then you can paint the sole with acrylic.

  • Dry cleaning. If none of these methods suits you, then only professional dry cleaning will save your sneakers. This is expensive, but it will cost significantly less than buying new ones, and your sneakers will return to their original whiteness.
  • Before starting the sole cleaning procedure, protect the rest of the shoe from exposure. It is most convenient to stick masking tape in several layers and rows along the edge of the soles.
  • Before completely applying the mixture or solution to the entire surface of the sole, test a few drops on a small area to see what the reaction is. It is possible that some method of purification may not suit you.
  • Be sure to protect your hands, put on rubber gloves before the procedure.
  • The ideal cleansing tools would be: napkins, thick cloth, hard sponges, and an ordinary old toothbrush is especially good. Choose a white cloth, colored can leave a mark when cleaning.
  • After the procedure, lubricate and polish the sole with a special colorless shoe polish., it will prevent re-contamination. Create a habit of using shoe polish after every shoe shine.
  • Beware of bleaches containing alcohol. They can backfire, and the sole will turn even yellower.
  • If you prefer to machine wash, then it is best to use a special bag for shoes, this will protect the sneakers from wear and tear. If there is no such bag, then put them in an old pillowcase.
  • Washing will be more effective if you first rub the shoes with washing powder and leave them for 5-10 minutes.
  • To maintain the shape of shoes, after washing or washing, put napkins or toilet paper inside until completely dry. In no case do not put newspapers in, its paint can remain on your insoles and the inside of the sneaker.
  • To clean sneakers, it is best to choose a toothpaste with a whitening effect without dyes and color streaks. Sneakers also need bleaching. illuminated here.

All of these methods and recommendations are of course good. But maybe just avoid situations in order to apply them? Everything is very simple. After the street, wipe the sneakers with a damp cloth or sponge, use creams, sprays and shoe foams.

If you notice stains or heavy soiling, clean them immediately with a stiff brush or machine wash without leaving for later. And your shoes will delight you with their beauty and whiteness for a long time!