Original congratulations to boys dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day. Congratulations to the boys on Defender of the Fatherland Day. Jack of all trades


Dear friends, today we have gathered here to celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day. It was on February 23, 1918 that the law was signed on the creation of special army troops in our country to protect our Motherland from enemy attacks. Always, at all times, the Russian army was famous for its soldiers. Now you are still children, but time flies quickly, and in a few years our boys will also become soldiers.

1 girl:

Today we sincerely congratulate you

Happy holiday to all Russian soldiers!

Even though you are still boys, we wish you all

I wish you success, health, and awards!

2nd girl:

Happy Defender's Day

Today we are all men.

We love and respect them all

For their courage and rank.

Scene “Three Girls”

three Maidens.

wigs with long braids or kokoshniks made of cardboard, long skirts.

Leading: Three girls under the window were daydreaming in the evening...
1st Maiden: I wish I could get married soon, I'm really tired of girls!
2nd Maiden: I wouldn’t marry just anyone!
3rd Maiden: I would marry a businessman, Like a stone wall! Mom would love a son-in-law, but where can I get one like that?
1st Maiden: Well, I would probably marry a sailor! And while he was swimming in the sea, I would live without knowing grief!
2nd Maiden: There are no sailors these days, It’s just a rarity! I wish I could marry the military - strong, extraordinary! I would be happy with a guy as strong as a rock.
3rd Maiden: We, girls, were daydreaming... All the guys were crushing, They could lie on the sofa and admire football!
Leading: Oh, these young people, all of you can’t bear to get married! May I get into the conversation? I know where the guys are! Not one, not two, not three...
Girls (in unison): Where is this?! Speak!!!
Leading (points to the men sitting in the hall): Look here: The guys are here! Not warriors - so what? Everyone is stately and good-looking! One person per sister...
1st Maiden (runs up to one of the men): Chur, I'll take it!
2nd Maiden (runs up to another): I liked this one!
Zya Maiden (to the third): This one smiled at me!
(Girls together): All the guys are good, it’s a real holiday for the soul!
Leading: Girls, you are almost right - today is a holiday, and this is a holiday of our wonderful men! Strong, brave, persistent and self-confident. Therefore, let's congratulate them from the bottom of our hearts (and the way to the hearts of men is - you know - through their stomachs!)

The girls bring out sweets and divide them among the boys in the hall.

3rd girl:

Congratulations to you today
Happy Defenders of the Country Day,
From the bottom of our hearts we wish you
Strength of spirit, guys!
And let it grow stronger
Strength in a young body,
So that you protect us
Both today and later.

Watch the video“Dedicated to our boys...”

Song to the melody of "A Soldier's Day Off"performed by girls

Our dear men
Happy holiday again
We are on this February day
We are glad to congratulate you!
And brand new for you
Expensive suit!
And at least look at your shoes,
And expensive perfume
And expensive perfume!
Chorus: We confess from the bottom of our hearts,
Why we admire you!
We are under your protection
Life is so easy!
We wish you prosperity,
Good luck in your endeavors,
And up the career ladder
Rise high!

- Presentation of certificates with gifts according to nominations!

To the tallest (Ilya)

Taller than dad, taller than mom

The uncle-son has grown up.

You're the tallest in your class!

How do you come to class?

Secretly the girls sigh:

“I wish I could invite you to the cinema...”

And sometimes they don’t notice

That the lesson has been going on for a long time.

Jack of all trades (Lesha)

Handle the tool

You can do it from a young age.

It might break down in class

Desk, chair, window, parquet...

Once it happened, during recess

Someone dropped the board.

Masterfully back into the wall

You hammered in a rusty nail.

To the most cheerful (Maxim)

You are the funniest one in the class,

Master of jokes and witticisms.

You always have it in stock

There is a fresh joke.

Don't be afraid in class

Anger the teachers.

Then suddenly you sit down on the button,

You'll stick with glue...

The most stylish (Nikita)

The most fashionable, the most stylish,

Well, of course it's you!

You have a cool mobile phone

And other show-offs.

To the car enthusiast (Dima)

You weren't born wearing a shirt,

And in the car, it’s clear to everyone.

Your dad boasted yesterday:

“Why do we need a car service?

He knows everything about cars

Where to buy and how to repair.

In the best auto stores

Can be a consultant.

The most important thing music connoisseur (Yura)

You don't even have to try

To ask you something.

Impossible to reach

If you don’t hear, what can you do?

It's playing in your ears

Rap, hard rock, metal...

Music doesn't bother you

Listen to new material.

To the smartest (Denis)

The smartest boy in school is

Surely it's you.

You don't play football

In the yard until dark.

You only get A's

Every day, and not just one.

You solve all the tests

No mistakes. Why?

To the most mischievous (Sasha Z)

Called a bully

Adults sometimes piss you off.

They don't understand anything

You are almost our hero.

Ran down the corridor

So I was looking for chalk for the lesson.

I accidentally tore off the curtain

I just wanted to ventilate the class.

The most athletic (Rinat)

You are very sporty here.

Karate, hockey, football...

And on skis, by the way,

I went around everyone today.

Physical education, do you think -

Required subject.

You never miss.

If suddenly there is no lesson,

To the most optimistic (Sasha R)

Never lose heart

You on various trifles.

If you get a pair,

You tell the students:

You don't upset mom.

With a deuce, a page from the diary,

As usual, you pull it out.

There are still sheets...

4 girl:

Every boy is ours at some point
He will become a valiant soldier.
He will be courageous and brave,
Agile, strong and skillful!
And trust us then
There will never be wars!


“Dedicated to our boys! »

Prepared by: Kuznetsova A.S.,

7th grade

Date of publication: 02/27/18

February 23 is a holiday not only for those who served, but for all men, including future defenders of the Fatherland. Our boys, even at a young age, have the qualities of real men. Congratulate your boys, sons, classmates on Defender of the Fatherland Day.

My dear classmate,
I congratulate you
On this excellent holiday -
Twenty third of February!

May you be lucky, my friend,
Let there be joy in life,
So that you find everything you are looking for,
Lost melancholy and sadness!

You are still a cheerful boy,
Your world is created from films and books,
In your home, yard, within the walls of the school -
You are a frivolous mischief maker.

But you grow, you get smarter, you mature,
Every day you are stronger and stronger,
When you grow up, you will know for sure:
We will perish without your protection!

There is a beautiful date in February:
Defender's Day sounds great!
Congratulations to you as a soldier,
What will someday protect us!

Happy Defender of the Fatherland,
Strong, noble friend!
The time will come - humanity
You will save from dirty hands.
For your sister, friend, mother
Soon you will stand as a solid mountain:
Orders, medals, certificates
They will be only for you, hero!
In the meantime, brains and biceps
At school, in the section, download!
But don’t forget about us girls!

Happy twenty-third of February!
You're a good guy
On other guys completely,
Not similar at all!

Be healthy, don't get sick,
And study well!
I wish you hobbies
A lot in personal life!

Many joyful moments
Lots of happiness and laughter!
And pleasant impressions,
And also – success!

Our little, but the most important man in the house, accept congratulations on February 23 - the day of defenders of your country! Remain as brave and fair, smart and honest as you are now. You will certainly grow into a real man, support and protection for your family and friends. Happy holiday, dear!

Many school years will pass,
And you’ll finish reading your childhood fairy tale -
Will you wear a bulletproof vest?
Vest, boots and helmet.
If you have to defend the country -
Your sister, friend, mother, -
You will have an answer to the enemy -
You can become a hero right away!
In battle with the enemy, be a giant -
Don’t forget about the military glory of your ancestors!

You are the future guardian of the Fatherland,
The future of the country is in your hands.
Honorary title of Defender-Winner,
To which men are all faithful.

Today we have a very important holiday.
No wonder on the twenty-third of February
Any boy looks brave
It’s as if all the seas are knee-deep.

I wish you to grow up to be a hero,
Lead your way through life with confidence.
So that the world around is beautiful and calm,
And find more happiness in it.

Until this glorious date
Over the right shoulder
You didn’t carry a machine gun,
Classmate, so what?

God divided people into pairs,
You are destined to
Be a fighter, and even a "guy"
In English it will be "fight".

The fight itself is called a fight,
The handle is “pen”, the dog is “dog”.
So, boy, pour it,
So that the enemy, the dog, dies!

How many years have you and I studied?
In the same class, at the same desk,
Over the years of study we became friends,
Please accept congratulations on your holiday!

Congratulations to you guys on February 23rd,
We wish you to study with straight A's,
To become worthy people many years later,
And remember, we love and respect you.

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day,
The young boy is a student!
You will grow older - for the country someday
You will rise to death, formidable and great.
Just so that any enemy at sea,
Break in the air and on the ground,
You have to do well in school
Love the great motherland!
For girls to live without fear,
Boys should serve in the army!

There are often cases in history when, under the influence of various government processes, everyone’s favorite holidays change their names, and the dates of their celebration continue to live in the minds of the people. For example, Defender of the Fatherland Day, which we celebrate on February 23, was originally the birthday of the Red Army. After the end of the Great Patriotic War, February 23 was renamed the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy. And after the collapse of the Union, February 23 became Defender of the Fatherland Day and, in addition to military, acquired an even greater social status. Today, on this day, it is customary to congratulate not only the brave soldiers who dedicated themselves to serving in the ranks of the Russian army, but also all men, including boys. Moreover, congratulating boys on a real men's holiday is an important tradition that allows them to instill a sense of duty and responsibility for the weak from childhood. In our article today you will find cool poems from February 23rd for boys from girls, which are perfect for congratulations both in grades 3-4 and in high school. We tried to select the best, funniest, original congratulations with names and short congratulations in verse on Defender of the Fatherland Day for boys.

Congratulations in short verses for boys on February 23, 2017 from girls in grades 3-4

Even in kindergarten, when preparing holiday cards and funny crafts for February 23rd for dads and grandfathers, girls begin to congratulate their same-age boys on this holiday. In elementary school, somewhere around the 3rd-4th grade, congratulations for boys in short poems from girls become more conscious. At this age, children already have a formed idea of ​​who a protector is and what important role male courage, strength and sense of duty play in our society. Therefore, congratulations in short verses to boys on February 23, 2017 from girls in grades 3-4, which you will find below, are full of words of admiration, gratitude and the best wishes for future brave defenders of the Motherland.

Congratulations on men's day

And I wish you happiness

Let them pass by

Troubles and bad weather.

I congratulate you

And with all my heart I wish

Happiness without end and edge,

Sun in the blue sky,

So that luck comes to the house,

So that everything is perfect

And today, and then!

Twenty third of February

After all, it was not invented in vain -

So that the defenders can

Wish you peace and love,

Happiness, faith and good luck,

Joy, goodness to boot.

Never give up -

Persevere, try hard.

And let the problems

Never disturb. Congratulations, I, you,

Happy men's holiday,

I really want you to

Always remained like this

Reliable, kind, sweet,

Smart, good, beautiful.

On this Defenders Day

Boys - hurray!

We wish them good luck,

Joy, goodness!

Be very strong -

Both soul and body.

Remember that the main thing is

Not words, but deeds!

Funny short poems for congratulations on February 23, 2017 to boys from girls

Funny short poems for February 23 are one of the most popular congratulations for boys, which girls choose as part of school events. The preference for this particular type of congratulations is easy to explain: such poems have easy rhyme and small size, thanks to which they are quickly remembered. And their funny and humorous wishes always lift your spirits and bring smiles. You will find just such funny short poems for February 23, 2017 for congratulating boys from girls in the selection below.

Even if you are still just children,

There are only games on my mind,

Phones and tablets,

Cookies and candies.

Small, but masculine.

The years will fly by quickly,

You won't encounter bad weather.

Be tempered in spirit,

And strong and with a brave heart,

You should be proud

For sisters and moms and dads!

Make plans and dream

And there is time - you play!

And let all your plans come true,

Happy 23rd, boys!

Boys, congratulations

Happy holiday to all of you!

We wish you cheerfulness.

You are super-duper-class!

We wish you from the bottom of our hearts

Become a shining example,

Be able to be friends and trust,

Still be able to forgive!

Cool and funny poems with names for February 23 for boys from girls

In addition to simple congratulations in verse on February 23 for boys, girls often prepare memorable gifts, comic wall newspapers and small amateur performances. In this way they try to congratulate their young defenders in an original way and emphasize the importance of this holiday. But despite such serious tasks, the celebration of February 23 in schools is not complete without jokes and original congratulations. For example, cool and funny poems with names for February 23rd for boys from girls will help make congratulations more personal. As a rule, personalized poems are written based on the meaning of the name and the character traits inherent in it. Therefore, often such cool and funny poems with names for February 23rd for boys, which girls prepare, quite accurately coincide with the characters of the heroes of the occasion. Check this statement for yourself using the personalized wishes below.


Your name means

That you are a protector of people,

Well, everyone knows this -

There is no more important task.

Protect the country and citizens,

When the need arises,

Every man should

This is not nonsense.

Alexander, congratulations

You are brave, I know it

You can't be defeated!


Andrey means “brave”, and this is not in vain,

That's exactly how I would describe you.

You are also powerful, good and bright,

So, on the holiday of men, accept gifts.

I dedicate these poems to you,

I wish you good luck and happiness in your destiny.

May there be luck, smiles and joy.


Your name confirms:

You are a winner in everything

Your strong character knows

Who has known you for a long time.

And of course, on a glorious holiday,

Victor, I congratulate you,

Men's Day is not in vain.

I wish you a lot from my heart

Happiness, joy, miracles,

The road will be bright

The sun is bright from the sky!


The sun is shining cheerfully

It shines joyfully through the window.

Congratulations on the 23rd,

The time for celebration has come.

You are a strong, brave boy,

Everything is within your reach,

Can do anything in the world -

That's what I want to say.

And I will also say, of course:

Happy Defender's Day, Ivan!

Be confident, successful,

So that your pocket is full!

Poems for boys from girls on February 23rd are a wonderful tradition that should be supported not only in grades 3-4, but throughout all school years. Largely thanks to such cool names, short, funny congratulations with good wishes on February 23, boys from childhood develop an awareness of themselves as protectors. And it is precisely this understanding that should be the basis not only of love for the Motherland, but also in the perception of oneself as a real man, a brave warrior and a brave defender of all the weak.

Today is a difficult day
On a piece of calendar.
The men's holiday has come to us -
February 23!
Congratulations to all the boys:
Don't get sick and don't get bored,
We wish you to live together,
And don't offend girls.

To become a brave defender,
You need to listen to your mother and father.
Read about everything useful, important,
Eat the porridge steadily, until the end.
It's menacing in the girls' yard
Protect from other boys.
Forget about weaknesses and tears,
And always forgive everyone’s offenses.

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day,
The young boy is a student!
You will grow older - for the country someday
You will rise to death, formidable and great.
Just so that any enemy at sea,
Break in the air and on the ground,
You have to do well in school
Love the great motherland!
For girls to live without fear,
Boys should serve in the army!

You are still a boy, but already a hero,
I congratulate you on the holiday of men,
I believe that I will be proud of you,
I wish you to be strong and brave.
Grow up healthy, study well
And strive for the heights, achieve your goals,
If it gets difficult, just smile
Victory awaits you, believe and don’t give up.
Peace to you, sunshine and bright eyes,
And there are bright successes and many surprises,
Let every day and hour be happy,
And may your path lead to success.

Every boy can become a soldier
Fly across the sky, sail across the sea,
Guard the border with a machine gun,
To protect your Fatherland.
But first on the football field
He will protect the gate with himself.
And for a friend in the yard and school
He will face an unequal, difficult battle.
Don't let other people's dogs near the kitten -
More difficult than playing war.
If you didn't protect your little sister,
How will you protect your country?

We congratulate you today
Good boys.
Dreams come true
Happy beautiful days!
From February 23,
Dear boys.
May devastation and war
They will only be in books!
Be brave with us
Play sports.
Everything will work out for you,
Just don't be arrogant!

Grow up boys quickly
To become defenders of your country!
Soon you will have our peace
Save us so we can see the sun!
We congratulate you in February
With this bright date on the calendar!

Today we all gathered
To congratulate the dear boys,
On our school writing board,
Let's write a verse congratulating them:
Today is Defender of the Country Day,
And we know, and we say honestly,
We must appreciate all of you boys!
And on this day we give thanks for everything!

Our boys are cool - both strong and brave,
And every time in class they are smart and skillful!
We sincerely congratulate you on February 23rd.
We wish you to study and behave well!
May everything be ok in your studies, sports - everywhere,
So that you never get sick with the flu or a cold,
So that you don’t have to fight, but only create and build.
People should fight for peace and happiness on earth!

Happy holiday, boys,
Serious and masculine -
Defenders of the Fatherland
We want to congratulate you.
We wish you to study
Always with the highest score -
Will be useful in the service
Your competent fuse.

Still be friends with sports
And pump up the muscles -
It will be useful in the service
To protect the weak.
And courage, bravery,
So that fear is unknown -
Will be useful in the service
Control yourself!

Congratulations to you boys
Happy Defender's Day!
We notice more and more
How brave you are, how brave.
Let strength and courage grow stronger,
Don't meet any obstacles
Let life give only good things.
Be cheerful, everyone, happy.
Behave yourself
So that they can respect you.
You appreciate your mothers for this,
That they were able to raise you.

Congratulations to the boys on Defender of the Fatherland Day

We congratulate the boys.
Happy Fatherland Defenders Day.
We wish you good luck,
May you always be lucky in life.
After all, you are all our heroes,
It's always fun with you.
May you always be fearless
Never be sad.

Today is a holiday for the guys,
Their fathers and grandfathers, soldiers.
Congratulations to our boys,
We always want to be brave.
Don't let obstacles scare you,
Let your strength not leave you,
May everyone's dreams come true.
Health, happiness, kindness!

You boys are naughty
Very daring, crazy.
But every time you
They are ready to protect us.
And although you are tomboys,
Overall, well done!
You will grow up soon
You will become a support for all of us.
From February 23
Congratulations, hurray!

We congratulate the boys
Happy Defenders' Day!
From our hearts we wish you:
Be loyal to your homeland.
And on your glorious holiday
We guys ask you,
So that protection and security
You were always there for us.
We will love you,
Respect, idolize!
Congratulations, friends,
Happy February 23rd!

You are still a cheerful boy,
Your world is created from films and books,
In your home, yard, within the walls of the school -
You are a frivolous mischief maker.
But you grow, you get smarter, you mature,
Every day you are stronger and stronger,
When you grow up, you will know for sure:
We will perish without your protection!
There is a beautiful date in February:
Defender's Day sounds great!
Congratulations to you as a soldier,
What will someday protect us!

When the boys grow up,
They usually dream of becoming
Big businessmen
Well, or Supermen.
But you are one of those who are now
Worth celebrating with us
Day February 23rd,
And congratulations are not in vain
We will give you a happy holiday,
And we thank you from the bottom of our hearts,
For the courage with which you
Bring the girls flowers
You protect from hooligans -
You walk close to the house.
Grow up, get A's,
Be healthy and don't be bored!

Every boy knows
On a big planet:
National Defender's Day -
Best day ever!
Girls give gifts
Pies are being baked
Moms, dads on this holiday
They give us money!
That's why it's a February day
We really love:
For gifts, surprises...
Really, guys?

You boys know
Important holiday! All things
Hurry up and quit!
We'll do the work for you now
We will do it!
You forget about your worries
And go for a walk!
It's time to relax!
Because all year round
You have a thousand troubles!

Happy holiday, our dear boy!
Happy day of men and defenders of the country!
It’s nonsense that you’re still too young,
Years are not important to us for congratulations!
We wish you a lot of happiness,
May you live and grow up joyfully.
And with a bold act overnight,
Became a brave and courageous hero!

Dear boys!
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart.
You are protectors, I know
Even if they are just kids.
You will definitely grow up
You are still mature.
And substitute, of course,
Your strong shoulder.
In the meantime, have fun, children.
Relax without worries.
It's time to defend Russia
A little later will do.

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day,
Boys, all of you,
Be brave in life
Protect us
In turn, we are ready
to protect you,
And we give our word -
Let's help,
We wish you health
Joy, goodness,
Congratulations on the 23rd,
Happy holiday, hurray!

Congratulations to the boys on February 23

The twenty-third of February is a happy day,
We congratulate all the boys in the morning,
We wish you happiness and joy.
Be obedient and strong.
Be lucky, stylish,
Brave, sympathetic, kind
And, of course, be modest.

May our dear boys
What books do they read about war?
They sleep sweetly under the peaceful sky,
Don't let bombs fly in the sky
And rockets don't explode
In different parts of the planet,
We wish you many years
May you preserve peace throughout the entire world!

Dear boys,
Become a war hero
Easily achievable for you
Without trouble and war.
But you dream of battles,
And victories in battle,
So that along the razor blade,
At the edge of fate.
You are a special breed
Peace does not attract you,
To you - the defender of the Motherland,
To be honored and honored!

Hey guys, boys, boys,
We want to congratulate you today
Happy holiday. Do you hear, boys?
We want to wish you good luck.
So that your wishes come true,
So that the earth would bloom under your feet.
Happy Defender's Day to you, our boys!
Happy Twenty-third of February to all of you!

Defender's Day is a holiday
It is for you, dear boys!
Grow up, study hard,
And read good books!
Temper yourself and gain strength,
To become strong and courageous,
We believe in you, because you are our replacement,
To defend the Motherland!

For years you are still just boys,
But soon the time will come for you,
Stand up for the defense of the Motherland, family, sisters, brothers,
Thank you for this and Hurray!
We congratulate you on the men's holiday,
We want you to grow up, giving us protection,
We sincerely wish you good health,
And happiness and good luck! Happy February 23rd!

Happy February 23, boys, congratulations!
We wish you heroic strength from the bottom of our hearts!
What do we need Supermen, Spider-Man,
After all, our heroes are you guys!
With you we are not afraid of any hooligans
And with all our hearts we are proud of you!
May everything in your life be just great
And someday, and tomorrow, and now!

On the twenty third of February
It’s not in vain that we gathered here:
We honor our boys,
We want more porridge,
To grow strong
Save our homeland
If the enemy comes to the border.
And also - study at "OTL"!

Boys from February 23rd today
Everyone wants to congratulate you girls!
You will become stronger and nobler,
After all, guys will grow up to be men!
Let your courage be an example!
And let the whole country be proud of you!
So that courage ignites in the hearts,
After all, the power was not given to you in vain!

Sometimes bullies, sometimes bullies,
And they can’t spend a day without a fight,
Trousers are torn, books are torn...
But this is all temporary! Our boys
They will grow a little, and even mature,
They will be presented with a banner and given a sword belt.
They will defend the Fatherland,
Stand tirelessly to guard the borders.
Therefore, our future men
There are many good reasons to congratulate!

You have a lot of courage,
And you are all heroes in strength,
Today we will congratulate you,
After all, you could become our pride!
Boys, good luck with everything,
Rather, grow up to become men,
To work in learning day after day,
Be strong, protect the girls!

February is sweeping, but we do not lose heart,
We will hasten to congratulate the boys,
We love and respect you all very much,
For us, you are all number one defenders,
And we believe that when you grow up,
You will make men one hundred percent,
And all the wishes that are written in the notebook,
They will come true, you just need to believe in it!

Defender of the Fatherland Day is approaching, and many parents, school teachers and kindergarten teachers are thinking about how to choose the best congratulations for boys on February 23. According to tradition, all men, young and old, are congratulated on this holiday. In addition to the routine wishes of goodness and happiness, schoolchildren and children from kindergartens are given competitions, quizzes, and a “fashion show” from classmates and classmates. When preparing an event for Men's Day, you need to take into account both the age of the guys and the size of the hall or auditorium where the performance is planned. After a concert or competition, the boys are always given postcards with funny poems or good luck and good wishes in prose.

Congratulations to boys from girls at school on February 23rd

The format and duration of congratulations to boys at school on February 23 depends on the age of the children and their hobbies. Of course, if you want to please children aged 7-11, it is better for them to organize a matinee, where girls from their classmates will show their performances and demonstrate their talents and skills. For teenage schoolchildren, you can organize sports competitions and events where you need to show your dexterity and physical fitness.

Dear boys, congratulations on February 23! We wish you to achieve the highest results in all your affairs and endeavors. Let dignity and courage be your beginning. Health, strength, vitality and many victories! Happy holiday!

Our dear boys! You are the ones who are our support and protection from all life’s adversities. I wish you all the best, good luck and success in your business and career. Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day, dear classmates!

Ideas for congratulating boys from girls at school - Competitions for February 23

For a long time now, on February 23, we congratulate not only people performing military service, but also ordinary men. Our little schoolchildren are not left unattended either. All schools organize competitions, relay races, contests and fun quizzes, during which they find out which of the boys in the class is the most courageous, dexterous, and fearless. As the boys themselves note, most of all they like competitions for dexterity and intelligence.

To the most avid football player

Everyone in our school knows

You are an ace in football!

If our class performs,

It's unlikely they'll beat us.

If you get the ball,

The blow hit the target exactly.

Every time you score

A beautiful goal for the goalkeeper.

Do you know everything about football?

Who played, when and with whom...

And you go out as if on a field,

There's no time for theorems here.

Jack of all trades

Handle the tool

You can do it from a young age.

It might break down in class

desk, chair, window, parquet...

Once it happened, during recess

Someone dropped the board.

Masterfully back into the wall

You hammered in a rusty nail.

I wish I could learn

Solve equations.

The mathematician will be surprised

And he’ll put five in the magazine!

To the chief programmer

A terrible virus has tormented the network,

And the computer suddenly froze...

We have one for this case

Your own skilled programmer.

He understands the settings

And he writes programs himself.

A new hacker is growing up

Recognize and delete.

If you get the flu,

It is better not to log into Yandex.

Competition “Dig a trench” on February 23 for boys and girls

The “Dig a Trench” competition is usually held for junior and middle school boys; high school students will not be interested in such a competition. To carry it out you will need cardboard boxes, spoons and finely chopped paper. The trench box is filled with paper scraps, after which the boys are given the task of removing the paper from the box as quickly as possible, using a spoon as a spatula.

Competition for February 23 “Saboteur caught!” - cheerful congratulations to schoolchildren from classmates

Competition “Saboteur Caught!” held for middle and high school boys. To conduct it, the children are divided into two teams. One representative is invited from each team. Schoolchildren - “opponents” stand opposite each other and remember the opponent’s appearance in the smallest detail. After that, they turn their backs to each other, and the presenter begins to ask questions about the appearance of each of their boys. The boy who gives the most correct answers wins.

All week we decided

What to give to boys.

They argued without stopping, They couldn’t decide.

Maybe they should buy tablets? Or maybe an iPad?

They probably really need a Camera.

No, of course it's too much

Expensive for us. What to do?

And helped us

Grandmother's order:

“I don’t care about your gift,

Dear your love."

So, it’s about our feelings - We repeat again.

Friendship cannot be hidden in a wallet, Loyalty cannot be sold.

And now we know exactly how to congratulate you!

Interesting congratulations to boys on February 23 in kindergarten

Despite the fact that Defender of the Fatherland Day is considered a holiday for real men, February 23 cannot be ignored by boys in kindergarten. Of course, the format of their congratulations will always differ from congratulatory events in honor of older men. However, the essence of congratulatory events will always remain the same - to please even the smallest male representatives on their day.

Ideas for original congratulations and surprises for boys in kindergarten on February 23

Of course, there is nothing easier than inviting all the kindergarten boys to a big holiday concert on the occasion of February 23rd. Despite their young age, the boys understand perfectly well when and why they are congratulated on the holiday of real men. However, on Defender of the Fatherland Day, it is best for kids in kindergarten to spend time with their peers, competing with them in agility, the ability to simply outrun each other, and win in an intellectual battle.

Happy 23rd

All defenders of the country.

Even children understand

How the Motherland needs you.

Grandfathers, uncles and daddies,

We wish for you,

So that wars will pass you by,

So that you love us.

So that we don’t go to fight,

So that wars don't happen,

To be led by the hand

To kindergarten and for a walk.

I want to congratulate everyone!

We can be proud of you

I'll be like you! You are an example of courage, strength,

You are not afraid of obstacles!

Our glorious men

You are a support for the country!

There is a special holiday in the year -

Twenty third of February -

The day when men are given

Very important words.

We believe, we know, we love, we remember,

We honor, we are proud and we want

To be like you and with you

We will defend the Fatherland.

Fun holiday “I can do better than dad” on February 23 in kindergarten

Create a solemn, cheerful atmosphere of a real holiday in kindergarten by inviting both children and their fathers to participate in it. The cheerful holiday “I can do better than dad” on February 23, held in kindergarten, will be remembered by your children for a long time, especially if you plan to please both the kids and their fathers on the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day. Just invite dads to take part in simple competitions where everyone fights for themselves. Invite dads and their children to take part in short runs, long jumps, ball throwing and other fun activities.

Unusual congratulations to schoolchildren on the holiday of February 23 - Funny jokes for boys in their classmates

If the girls of the class really want to congratulate their boys on February 23 in an unusual way, our examples will help them do this. They say that the coolest congratulations are always impromptu? We are not entirely sure about this and would like to wish you to prepare for a real celebration.

Ideas for congratulating schoolchildren and classmates on February 23

You can congratulate schoolchildren on February 23 in different ways: give them comic poems in honor of All Men's Day, organize funny competitions for them or hold competitions where only male representatives will take part, or show concert performances of all classmates. The girls of the class can dress up as their classmates and give them cool performances, or the boys can simply be given tickets to events - a film premiere or a match.

Congratulations on February 23, men's holiday! After all, this day is celebrated not only by adult men, but also by boys - future men and defenders of the country! I wish you to grow up strong, resilient and self-confident, smart and generous! Because only real boys have a great future ahead of them!

You are strong, smart, funny and brave, and for that I respect you. And on this winter, frosty, but sunny day, I congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day. May all your goals be easily achieved, your wishes come true, and may you be surrounded only by worthy people, just like you!

May our dear boys

What books do they read about war?

They sleep sweetly under the peaceful sky,

Don't let bombs fly in the sky

And rockets don't explode

In different parts of the planet,

We wish you many years

May you preserve peace throughout the entire world!

Cool congratulations on February 23 to boys from classmates

In addition to organizing an event and holiday on the occasion of February 23, boys can organize the coolest congratulations from the girls. What will it be? Depends on the imagination of the girls themselves. Perhaps some of their classmates will want to please them with a big, big cake baked at home, while others will prepare gifts for them in the form of mugs with an inscription and a photograph of the schoolchildren. Whatever gifts you decide to give to the guys on Defender of the Fatherland Day, the main thing will always be your attention and care for the boys.

Examples of cool congratulations to boys on February 23

You can congratulate boys on February 23 in completely different ways: organize special parties, hold concerts in honor of Men's Day, and give them unusual souvenirs. Whatever you choose, your main goal will always be to please young people on their holiday, surprise them with unexpected surprises, and give them long-awaited gifts. For example, if you congratulate boys from the sports section, on Defender of the Fatherland Day they can be given bowling or shooting range passes and sports equipment. In the case of congratulations to children from school or group, you can limit yourself to real “male” gifts - folding leathers, sports equipment, a thermos, etc.

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day,

The young boy is a student!

You will grow older - for the country someday

You will rise to death, formidable and great.

Just so that any enemy at sea,

Break in the air and on the ground,

You have to do well in school

Love the great motherland!

For girls to live without fear,

Boys should serve in the army!

The twenty-third of February is a wonderful day,

Taking this moment, congratulations!

Be strong, be brave every day,

I want to be a real man!

You are the defenders of the country!

We are very proud of you!

We are never afraid with you.

Happy holiday, dear friends!

Regardless of what kind of congratulations girls at school or kindergarten prepare for boys on February 23, it should appeal to all the children without exception. It is better to start preparing wishes for Defender of the Fatherland Day a week or two before the day of all men - this way everyone will have enough time to prepare cool performances, various events for children, surprises for schoolchildren and kids.