Complication of pregnancy. early toxicosis. Pregnancy: increased salivation

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Increased salivation during pregnancy

Some women complain of high blood pressure, especially when they feel nauseous. Excessive salivation is called ptyalism or drooling and it won't affect your baby in any way, although it can be extremely annoying for you! Ptyalism is one of the so-called side effects of pregnancy!

Doctors don't know exactly what causes some women to salivate early in pregnancy, but it's thought that hormonal changes may be the culprit.

In addition, nausea can cause a woman to refrain from swallowing saliva, thereby causing a large amount of saliva to accumulate in her mouth. Ptyalism is more common among women suffering from early toxemia of pregnancy, especially accompanied by vomiting.

Under normal circumstances, your salivary glands produce about 1.5 liters of saliva per day, and because swallowing is constant and unconscious, you hardly notice saliva. Therefore, if you suddenly feel like you have a lot more saliva in your mouth, it may be due to the fact that you are simply swallowing less, and not the fact that it has become more produced!

Increased salivation during pregnancy may also be associated with heartburn, which is a common occurrence among pregnant women. The contents of the stomach are acid, and when this acid gets back up into the esophagus, it irritates it and causes a burning sensation. Acid sensors in the esophagus signal your salivary glands to produce saliva that has an increased concentration of bicarbonate, i.e. is an alkaline environment.

Every time you swallow, saliva bathes the walls of your esophagus and helps neutralize stomach acid. Therefore, getting rid of heartburn, you may well get rid of salivation!

Other irritants, such as cigarette smoke (even if someone else smokes), tooth decay, mouth and throat infections, certain medications, exposure to toxins such as mercury and pesticides, and certain medical problems can also cause increased salivation.

How to deal with increased salivation?

Be sure to let your doctor know if you suffer from nausea, heartburn, or vomiting so he can help you try to get rid of these problems, and perhaps the salivation will stop on its own.

If you smoke, increased salivation during pregnancy is another reason to quit. And if you haven't been to the dentist yet, it's time to do it!

For some women, drooling can be managed by:

  • brush your teeth and use mouthwash several times a day;
  • eat often, but little by little, and eat only balanced food and avoid foods with excessive starch content;
  • drink plenty of water (you can add lemon), and do it in frequent small sips;
  • suck on hard candies or chew sugar-free gum, but avoid sour candies and gums as they can stimulate saliva production.
  • if you can, just swallow the excess saliva. However, if swallowing it makes you feel sick, it's best to just spit it out.

For many women, this problem decreases or disappears by the end of the first trimester, along with the weakening of early toxicosis. However, in some women, this unpleasant phenomenon continues throughout pregnancy, as does nausea.

This, of course, may be small consolation for you if increased salivation during pregnancy has become a real problem, but in addition to neutralizing stomach acid, saliva performs many other important functions, including keeping the mouth moist and producing enzymes that aid in digestion. It also contains proteins with antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial properties that help protect your teeth and mouth.

I suck lemon. I just cut into slices and lick as needed. And at work it stands under the table and while traveling it's a great thing))) Sometimes people laugh looking at me, but I don't care. I think I can take the lemon out of my mouth and throw up on you if you want...

Nothing helps, there is a lump in the throat, drying, bread a little when it is already uncomfortable to spit, 4 months and drooling and toxicosis do not stop

Second pregnancy, 11 weeks. I already have no strength from this toxicosis, I constantly have to spit out saliva, otherwise I immediately feel sick (((and my mouth is constantly insipid, I don’t know what to eat and how to be. It seems that pregnancy is such a wonderful period, we are so happy. But I feel disgusting at the same time ( (((

After 3 months of pregnancy, she began to eat dryers all the time, she chewed them and didn’t need to spit, that’s how the pregnancy reached her and gave birth in the maternity hospital with dryers, as soon as she gave birth everything went away. I ate a pack of dryers a day and only without sugar, which are the simplest. Good luck.

I am 11 weeks old, toxicosis manifests itself from 2 weeks in strong salivation all the time I spit it into a glass, because if this is not done, then I immediately vomit. She vomits several times a day with mucus and saliva, consulted with a professor and other very good doctors, did 9 droppers, bought a pile of medicines allowed during pregnancy, but there was no effect, she spat all 9 months in the last pregnancy. It helps morally only positive in the family and at work))) if someone had this and something helped, write pzhl)))

I had nausea and salivation throughout my last pregnancy. It's been almost 6 years now, pregnancy 5 weeks horrifying again the same symptoms ... and God forbid again the whole pregnancy.

Hello. I have a 4th pregnancy, and all three previous pregnancies before the birth itself had a strong salivation, walked with a glass, chewed chewing gum, nothing helped

Help! Drooling during pregnancy

Am I the only stupid one?

Feelings on expected days X with B.

Hi all. I am very familiar with this problem. I gave birth to three children and bore them all with pain. When I lay on the conservation my doctor found the answer in the medical andcyclopedia. This is at the genetic level and is extremely rare. The body loses fluid at this time, and this is dangerous for the fetus. Saliva also contains a protein that serves as a building material for the fetus. So girls patience and only patience. Atropine will not help I have experienced. Everyone will treat you with understanding, at least the pine was like that. Skills even had scabs in the corners of the mouth, but the thought of the baby eliminated all inconveniences. With God, I endured everything and would have endured more, but for 45 years and there is no health. And you are young, be happy because this is the happiest time hanging children is not given to everyone!

So what did your dentist tell you then? Did you clean your saliva ducts?

Hello, I'm the same too

My doctor said wait until delivery

I wonder how the ducts clogged? Shouldn’t the saliva stop then? In general, if you wash it, then write how it went) otherwise I’m already at the peak of my patience, it exhausts me very much

I feel like I'm slowly going crazy

I'm afraid that it will stay like this forever

I congratulate you on your daughter

Alina y menya 22 nedeli i sluni vse ewe ne prohodyat

mne kazetcya eto nikogda ne zakonchitcya

spasatcya nechem mne vrach skazal chto eto yavlenie ne lechitcya nichem

vot i terplu y menya 2 bannih polotenza doma, v nih pluu

a na ylize na zemlu -ludi koso smotryat ((

y vas naverno toze devohka, obichno devochki stoko muchenii prinocyat)

With severe salivation, atropine 0.0005 g 2 times a day can be used.

I understand in part, sometimes it attacks, I often choke on them, and then I leaned over, so they hit my nose, horror, I tell my husband that I am a Baskerville dog

it was also full of saliva, but it’s true until the 14th week, but from the very beginning .. now they almost don’t overcome it, I coped, I just spit it out, either like that, or into a scarf.

I had. I went with packs of disposable handkerchiefs. and all those close to me were understanding. It’s not even ashamed, for granted. And I don’t give a damn about the rest))))

My dear devuli))) Today my husband left for the city on business and I asked him to buy me a cheeseburger and French fries in a poppy, the fact is that I have terrible toxicosis, I don’t eat anything at all.

Maybe someone faced such a problem during pregnancy. At about 10-11 weeks, along with toxicosis, severe heartburn and profuse salivation began. I have to spit saliva all the time, it is impossible to swallow, I practically do not go out into the street.

Toxicosis tortured. And when I think about Essentuki, I already salivate, but this is mineral water. I drink every day a bottle of 0.5, even then I feel less sick and heartburn disappears. Who knows, you can.

Girls, this question is of interest: how to prepare for a second pregnancy? The first one didn't feel so hot. From 6 to 20 weeks there was terrible toxicosis, vomiting, salivation and all that. I suffered so much, I did not want to live. Nowhere.

Darlings, toxicosis overcame terribly all weekend laying under the covers. Sick at any thought of food. From any picture on TV. getting out of bed is weak - immediately ripples in the eyes and dizziness, but from him.

When I was pregnant with my first daughter, I also remember this - saliva stood out sooo much and tasted disgusting. But I don't remember when it ended, for how long. Now everything is the same, this one infuriates.

In this cycle there was a terrible irritability, even Novopossit saw. The temperature keeps, the chest hurts for 1.5 weeks, it doesn’t feel sick (there was no toxicosis with 1 child either).

In general, such a problem! Delay 5 days. After half a year after giving birth, menstruation came for the first time! (now my daughter is almost 2.5 years old) There are no symptoms - my head is not spinning, I do not feel sick, I have chest.

Dear girls, I need your advice. From the beginning of the 7th week, toxicosis began. It hurts all the time, I can’t eat anything, this morning I also have heartburn. I'm going to die of hunger - from one half of the products.

Hello girls, please tell me - how did you cope with the experiences in the early stages of B.? This is my first pregnancy, before that for 4 years nothing worked - and then again - and a miracle :))) Now it’s on.

Some women complain of high blood pressure, especially when they feel nauseous. Excessive salivation is called ptyalism or drooling and it won't affect your baby in any way, although it can be extremely annoying for you! Ptyalism is one of the so-called!

Doctors don't know exactly what causes some women to salivate early in pregnancy, but it's thought that hormonal changes may be the culprit.

In addition, nausea can cause a woman to refrain from swallowing saliva, thereby causing a large amount of saliva to accumulate in her mouth. Ptyalism is more common among women suffering from early toxemia of pregnancy, especially accompanied by vomiting.

Under normal circumstances, your salivary glands produce about 1.5 liters of saliva per day, and because swallowing is constant and unconscious, you hardly notice saliva. Therefore, if you suddenly feel like you have a lot more saliva in your mouth, it may be due to the fact that you are simply swallowing less, and not the fact that it has become more produced!

The increase may also be due to heartburn, which is a common occurrence among pregnant women. The contents of the stomach are acid, and when this acid gets back up into the esophagus, it irritates it and causes a burning sensation. Acid sensors in the esophagus signal your salivary glands to produce saliva that has an increased concentration of bicarbonate, i.e. is an alkaline environment.

Every time you swallow, saliva bathes the walls of your esophagus and helps neutralize stomach acid. Therefore, you may well get rid of salivation!

Other irritants, such as cigarette smoke (even if someone else smokes), tooth decay, mouth and throat infections, certain medications, exposure to toxins such as mercury and pesticides, and certain medical problems can also cause increased salivation.

How to deal with increased salivation?

Be sure to let your doctor know if you suffer from nausea, heartburn, or vomiting so he can help you try to get rid of these problems, and perhaps the salivation will stop on its own.

High is another reason to quit. And if you haven't been to the dentist yet, it's time to do it!

For some women, drooling can be managed by:

  • brush your teeth and use mouthwash several times a day;
  • eat often, but little by little, and eat only balanced food and avoid foods with excessive starch content;
  • drink plenty of water (you can add lemon), and do it in frequent small sips;
  • suck on hard candies or chew sugar-free gum, but avoid sour candies and gums as they can stimulate saliva production.
  • if you can, just swallow the excess saliva. However, if swallowing it makes you feel sick, it's best to just spit it out.

For many women, this problem decreases or disappears by the end of the first trimester, along with the weakening of early toxicosis. However, in some women, this unpleasant phenomenon continues throughout pregnancy, as does nausea.

This, of course, can be little consolation for you if the increase has become a real problem, but in addition to neutralizing stomach acid, saliva performs many other important functions, including keeping the mouth moist and producing enzymes that help in digestion. It also contains proteins with antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial properties that help protect your teeth and mouth.

With the advent of a tiny man in the womb of a woman, a lot of changes begin to occur in the body of the expectant mother. Some transformations pass almost imperceptibly, and some of them cause considerable discomfort. Even if the condition does not pose a threat to the life of a woman, it can significantly disrupt the usual course of everyday life, which is also not very good. Such troubles include salivation, which often increases during pregnancy.

The causes of the phenomenon can be hidden both in the most “interesting situation” and those changes in taste preferences and the body’s work that it brings with it, and in violations on the part of the body. In the case of the latter, medical supervision and correction are often indispensable. The exact cause of the discomfort can only be established by the doctor based on the complaints of the expectant mother and, if necessary, additional tests and examinations.

Increased salivation as a sign of pregnancy

Many women planning the birth of a baby are especially attentive to their condition and often try to find signs of a possible “interesting situation” even before the onset of a delay in menstruation. Among the signs of a successful conception include an increase in salivation. To what extent is this “symptom” related to pregnancy? Hormonal changes that occur in the body of a future mother really affect the work of many glands. And the salivary glands are no exception. Therefore, in some pregnant women, the peculiarities of the position really provoke an increase in the amount of fluid in the mouth. In addition, factors such as:

  • Swelling and soreness of the chest.
  • Increased fatigue.
  • Frequent urge to urinate.
  • Dizziness, drowsiness.
  • Change in the perception of smells.

Of course, the main sign of pregnancy is not salivation or nausea, but a delay in the next menstruation. In addition, an elevated basal temperature (provided that the woman measured it throughout the cycle), 2 strips on a pregnancy test and the results of a blood test to determine the level of the hCG hormone will help confirm successful conception. Carrying out ultrasound diagnostics at such an early stage in most cases is not justified, since pregnancy often cannot be seen even during transvaginal ultrasound. This can serve as a reason for additional excitement that the expectant mother does not need at all. However, the appearance of sudden unreasonable salivation in the presence of disposing factors is the reason for a more attentive attitude towards oneself and the assumption of an interesting situation.

Causes of excessive salivation during pregnancy

Fortunately, not all expectant mothers suffer from an increase in saliva production. What reasons increase the likelihood of this kind of discomfort?

Salivation during pregnancy: heartburn

This disease is not uncommon among expectant mothers. The backflow of stomach acid into the esophagus provokes irritation of the latter, thereby causing a burning sensation. An alkali is needed to neutralize an acid. Saliva is alkaline, which is why esophageal receptors transmit a signal to the salivary glands. As a result, the woman swallows excess saliva, the acid is partially neutralized and relief occurs.

Salivation during pregnancy: toxicosis

Another no less private companion of women in position is toxicosis. Nausea or even vomiting that occurs in this case can be triggered by the slightest stimuli (for example, smells, changes in body position, harsh sounds), or they can occur without them at all. This condition leads to the fact that a woman tries to swallow saliva as little as possible, fearing an attack of vomiting. As a result, an increase in the volume of saliva in the oral cavity, as well as the occurrence of profuse salivation during pregnancy.

Salivation during pregnancy: a change in taste preferences

Passion for "sour" and "salty" often arises from the first weeks of waiting for the baby. As a result, irritation of the salivary glands occurs, the latter begin to function more actively, and soon the expectant mother can replace increased salivation.

Salivation during pregnancy: increased appetite

The expression "drooling" is not just a common phrase. In anticipation of a meal, not only the secretion of gastric juice for further digestion of food occurs, but also more active production of saliva. Therefore, women in a position who often want to eat may notice salivation.

Condition correction: how to reduce salivation during pregnancy

Despite the seeming frivolity of the problem, increased education and salivation can create a lot of inconvenience for the expectant mother. How can a woman with a peanut in her tummy deal with this trouble? Methods for correcting the condition largely depend on the reasons that provoked this inconvenience. If increased salivation has no medical reason, and pregnancy itself is the culprit, the most rational would be to correct the diet of the expectant mother.

  • Stick to the principles of fractional nutrition. Portions should be small, but the number of approaches should be increased. This tactic will reduce the manifestations of toxicosis, and hence the production of saliva will decrease.
  • Avoid foods and meals that are high in starch. The latter can provoke the appearance of a sensation of "coma in the throat", as a result - the appearance of nausea and an increase in salivation during pregnancy.
  • You should not additionally irritate your receptors by consuming sour, salty or spicy foods.
  • Increase your fluid intake. It will be good if you always have a small bottle of water with you. At the same time, in the course of quenching your thirst, try to drink in small sips, take your time. The only limitation may be a violation of the kidneys. If there is no such problem, do not deprive yourself of the pleasure of drinking a glass or two of warm water.
  • Oatmeal is recommended for breakfast. This product helps to normalize stomach acidity, helps to cope with heartburn and nausea, reducing salivation during early pregnancy.
  • It is better to refuse such a companion as chewing gum.
  • A categorical "no" the expectant mother should also say to smoking. Increased salivation is the least of the evils that this habit carries for the expectant mother and the baby that grows in her womb.
  • A slice of dried fruit or mint candy will help stop an attack of salivation. These assistants are desirable to have in the purse of every expectant mother.
  • Use mouthwashes that you need to treat your mouth after hygiene procedures. You can purchase ready-made pharmacy products, or you can prepare an herbal decoction for these purposes. To do this, take herbs such as sage, yarrow, mint.
  • If there is too much saliva, don't torture yourself by trying to swallow it all. Take a small tissue or handkerchief and gently spit out the excess liquid.

The homeopathic remedy Pulsatilla will help to alleviate the condition a little, however, in the first weeks of waiting for the little one, it is better to refuse even such a remedy. Further use of the drug should be agreed with the doctor. If a violation of the state caused deviations in the work of the body (often it is pregnancy that gives impetus to the exacerbation of various kinds of ailments), a medical correction is prescribed exclusively by a doctor. There should be no self-activity in this matter.

Strong salivation during pregnancy: other causes of discomfort

An increase in salivation is far from always a signal of the emergence of a new life in the female womb. Some disturbances in the functioning of the body are also accompanied by such an unpleasant condition as increased saliva production. Among them:

And although increased salivation during pregnancy does not pose a threat to the woman and the crumbs she bears, this condition can cause significant discomfort and overshadow the pleasant months of bearing a baby. In addition, an abundance of saliva can lead to a violation of the acidic environment of the stomach, which is also not very good. Attentive attitude to your health, as well as nutrition correction will help to normalize the condition and enjoy the expectation of the little one.

2015-12-08 , 6693

Long before the purchase, many girls feel that a new life has settled in their womb. They understand that they have already become a mother. Often suggests this intuition, guesses, change of habitual behavior and other signs.

About our upcoming pregnancy the body begins to signal almost from the moment of conception. Participants in a sociological survey told how and in what ways first symptoms pregnancy before missed period.

Early pregnancy symptoms

Every woman has the first heralds of pregnancy manifest themselves differently. For some, it is - for others - the desire to eat something salty or sour, for others there were no symptoms at all.

We are all different. Our bodies also react differently to pregnancy. But there is an average list most until the delay of menstruation.

From the gastrointestinal tract

morning sickness

The most common symptom the onset of pregnancy is nausea that begins immediately after waking up and does not go away throughout the day. This is due to violation neuroendocrine regulatory function.

Many women complained of nausea, which is literally exhausting, keeping them in constant tension.

Reaction to smells

This feature is due to the same crashing(or rearrangement) of neuroendocrine function. In some girls, the smells familiar before pregnancy caused acute hostility, disgust, or even provoked nausea.

However, there was another trend, when pungent odors (for example, the smell of varnish or paint) became a favorite among pregnant women.

Change in taste preferences

“I was drawn to salty ...” This is how pregnant women usually talk about themselves. But there is a lot of truth in this. Women "in position" often want to eat something sour, salty, spicy.

This body's natural call drown out the notorious nausea and toxicosis.

By the way, pregnant women often have a desire to eat something unusual: a raw onion, chalk, or something that has not been eaten before.

Alina, Krasnodar

I started to feel nauseous right away. Literally the next day after intercourse. In the morning, then, I get up, and then the nausea is strong. I immediately knew that I was pregnant. So I was sick until about 9 weeks.

Increased salivation

Increased salivation seen in early pregnancy. This process is associated with a strong irritation of the salivary center. This is also one of the processes of adaptation of the mother's body to a double load during pregnancy.

Also, the process of salivation is often accompanied by a significant decrease in body weight. A pregnant woman can lose a lot of weight: up to 3 kg per week.


Severe nausea, which was described above, can cause vomiting in early pregnancy. This is the so-called toxicosis.

This process is completely natural. So the body gets rid of toxins and rejects "unnecessary" substances. It's like a defensive reaction that has developed in the process of evolution.

However severe toxicosis- is cause for concern. During this period, a miscarriage may occur (if the mother's body begins to reject the fetus). In this case, you need to consult with the attending gynecologist and be sure to take all measures to eliminate or alleviate this condition.

From the point of view of psychosomatics


In the first weeks of pregnancy, women really want to. This condition is especially acute for employees of offices where it is necessary to comply with the work schedule. There is an irresistible feeling of fatigue, "brokenness", loss of strength, apathy, and sometimes depression.

Also, many women noticed that sleep becomes restless. I want to sleep in the early evening, and awakening occurs early in the morning. After that, it is almost impossible to fall asleep. Despite the fact that the duration of sleep was sufficient for proper rest, pregnant women feel sleepy.

Svetlana, Mariupol

My husband likes to have a cup of coffee in the morning. I noticed that it was this smell that really irritated me. And there was also such fatigue, drowsiness and malaise, as with acute respiratory infections.

Loss of energy and malaise

These signs are a consequence of restless sleep described above. Also in medicine there is a special term that characterizes such conditions - chronic fatigue syndrome.

Malaise very early weeks of pregnancy looks like a mild cold. Indeed, during this period, immunity is reduced so that the rejection of the fetus does not occur, and the mother's body is exposed to viruses more than ever.

Mood swings - apathy

These conditions are also characteristic of sleepy women. On the one hand, life goes on and seethes with emotions and new events. And on the other hand, the feeling of fatigue is catching up with melancholy. These two states change abruptly.

In this period it's important to protect yourself from unnecessary stress, eat well and organize time for rest. It is desirable to rest not only passively, but also actively. This will be the best cure for the blues. Sign up for yoga, prenatal fitness, go to the pool and walk more.

Mild memory impairment - forgetfulness

The so-called "girl's memory" begins to manifest itself just in the first 2-3 weeks of pregnancy. Women noticed that it was during this period that they most often forgot to do something, became distracted.

Doctors explain this state by a decrease in the level of hormones that are responsible for the work of mental processes. But the higher the gestational age, the higher the level of hormones, and the better the memory becomes.

Nina, Bishkek

I had severe fatigue. I got tired very quickly and wanted to sleep. The head was spinning. And there was also a strong appetite. I wanted to eat just before bed.

Scattered attention - lack of concentration

This is also a sign of an increase in progesterone levels, which suppresses psychosomatic processes. But after a few weeks, the level of estrogen rises, which stimulates the psyche and memory.

Headache and migraine

Women are more prone to headaches than men. And pregnant women suffer even more. This is due to chronic fatigue syndrome, toxicosis, hormonal changes in the body.

If the migraine is very severe and does not go away for several days, be sure to consult a doctor for treatment. Do not take analgesics and antispasmodics on your own. This may harm the unborn child.

From the genitourinary system

Increase in basal body temperature

Girls who constantly monitor and build personal graphs of changes noticed that during the period of conception they experienced temperature jumps with a very high amplitude. In gynecology, this phenomenon is called implantation retraction.

First, there is a sharp drop in temperature. In the second phase of the cycle, the level of progesterone, which is responsible for temperature regulation, decreases. And during pregnancy, its level rises sharply. As a result, the temperature rises.

Also during pregnancy, estrogen is produced in large quantities, which, on the contrary, lowers the temperature. The combination of these two factors leads to fluctuations in basal temperature.

By the way, a basal temperature above 37 degrees, which is stable for several days, is a sign of pregnancy. This figure will stay on the thermometer until the placenta is formed and begins to function.

Vika, Kharkov

I didn't take a pregnancy test at all. One day I just got really sick. My cycle is accurate, so when my period didn't come, I wasn't surprised. I already knew that soon I would become a mother.

The nausea was very strong, toxicosis did not let go of me for a long time. In the first 2-3 months of pregnancy, I lost a lot of weight. Still would! Everything I ate came right back out. Therefore, when the tummy began to appear, I looked like I was just eating tightly.

Vaginal discharge

The process of fertilization and attachment of the egg to the wall of the uterus is accompanied by a slight bleeding. It is also called implantation. This brown discharge by type of daub or in the form of a few drops (as before menstruation).

This is the earliest sign of a developing pregnancy. Approximately 1-2 weeks after conception, the embryo implants against the uterine wall, which causes a slight bleeding.

However, not everyone had brown discharge. Some women talked about having more yellows or pinks. In this case, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist to rule out abortion (with pink discharge) or cervical erosion (with yellow discharge).


Many pregnant women complained of thrush, which usually develops in the first trimester. This is due to the fact that the mother's immunity is reduced (for the safe implantation of the embryo), and the body is not able to resist viruses and fungi.

Heaviness in the lower abdomen

And fullness in the lower abdomen occurs due to the redistribution of blood flow. To provide the fetus with nutrients, blood flow to the pelvic organs increases.

That is why pregnant women literally feel their uterus, there is a feeling of "fullness" and heaviness. Intuitively, this is recognized as the birth of a new life.

Maria, St. Petersburg

Among the “mandatory” signs of pregnancy, I had nausea, dizziness, often ran to the toilet ... But the surest sign is the darkening of the areolas. In the first pregnancy, nausea began three days before the delay. But the second time everything was fine.

Frequent urination

This is also a consequence of increased blood flow to the pelvic organs. The amount of urination varies from woman to woman. On average, this is 1 time per hour. Some pregnant women said that trips to the toilet continued even at night.

However, this condition is temporary, it disappears immediately after the normalization of the hormonal background. Sometimes the urge is similar to the symptoms of cystitis.

Decreased libido

Sexual desire decreases during the period of hormonal changes. Then resumes again after the first trimester.

Other signs

Breast enlargement

Swelling, hypersensitivity - a sign of pregnancy, which is impossible not to notice. The chest may not hurt much, but it may even respond to the slightest touch.

Such pain is also observed when taking hormonal contraceptives.

Also areola(skin around nipples) enlarges and darkens. The nipples themselves are also enlarged.

Enlargement of hemorrhoids

As mentioned above, during pregnancy blood rushes to the pelvic organs to support the vital functions of the embryo. But this process also has a negative consequence - the development of hemorrhoids. Often this unpleasant disease develops in women who have already given birth, as well as in those who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

Lower back pain

Small "lumbago" and aching pain in the lower back and in the sacrum is also a sure sign of pregnancy. Many women compare this pain to that of menstruation.

Lowering blood pressure

Level blood pressure(BP) drops to about 90/60 mm. rt. Art. There have been cases of lower blood pressure if a woman had low blood pressure before pregnancy.

It is this symptom that affects weakness, fatigue, headaches, apathy.


Minor swelling of the hands and feet- not a cause for concern. In the first weeks of pregnancy, progesterone levels increase greatly. This hormone affects the retention of salts and fluids in the body, which causes swelling of the limbs.

Increased body temperature

Fluctuations in body temperature against the background of other characteristic signs also indicate pregnancy.

It has been noticed that pregnant women feel comfortable at low ambient temperatures, for example, at +10 degrees. But they can freeze at +22 and above.

Temperature increase due to increased blood circulation and lowering blood pressure in the first trimester of pregnancy. Also, pregnant women notice that during this period their face often turns red in the evening.

Elena, Yaroslavl

I didn't have any obvious symptoms. Unless my hands and feet are hot, but I’m usually a “chaffinch” and for me it was an indicator when it’s cold outside, and my hands are warm and my hands are hot, I measured the temperature of 37.2-37.3 and there was also a feeling of nausea when I leaned over to put on shoes . And then, if there are several days of delay, then I already did the test.

What signs of pregnancy have you noticed?

The first symptoms of pregnancy. Says the obstetrician-gynecologist.