Why alkaline urine. Urine acidity and dietary habits

It's no secret that for an accurate diagnosis of almost any disease, a laboratory study of body fluids is necessary. And urine gives a fairly clear picture of the state of the excretory system. Its pH can help in the diagnosis of inflammatory and infectious diseases.

What is urine pH?

The human excretory system is responsible not only for removing excess fluid and toxins from the body, but also ensures a normal acid-base balance. It is this criterion that allows you to determine urine.

PH is the so-called pH indicator, which shows the amount of hydrogen ions in a solution (in this case, the solution is a urine sample). Such an analysis allows you to determine the physical properties of urine, as well as to assess the balance of alkalis and acids that it contains. The results of such studies are extremely important for diagnosis.

What does this indicator depend on?

In fact, there are many factors that can affect the chemical. In particular, pH largely depends on human nutrition. In people who eat the so-called "heavy food" containing proteins, sulfur and phosphorus, the urine reaction is acidic (less than 5). If the human diet includes mainly vegetable and dairy products, then the urine reaction will be alkaline (more than 7).

In addition, there are other factors that change urine. PH can fluctuate depending on the characteristics of metabolism. The chemical composition is affected by any inflammatory diseases of the excretory system. The process of digestion is also important, in particular, a decrease or increase in the acidity of the stomach. Some medications can affect the pH.

It should be noted that the optimal level of hydrogen ions contributes to the normal sanitation of the bladder, and also inhibits the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms, thereby reducing the likelihood of developing an infectious disease.

When is a urine test ordered?

Urine is by far the most common sample for research. PH helps to determine the presence of a mass of diseases. That is why such tests are prescribed to all patients with suspected infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system, as well as with a number of other disorders, including metabolic disorders.

It is also prescribed for annual preventive medical examinations. Sometimes such studies help diagnose the disease even before the onset of external symptoms.

How to pass urine?

In order for the analyzes to be as truthful as possible, it is worth following some rules. The most informative are morning urine samples. The day before, it is not recommended to eat food that can change the physical properties of the liquid, in particular carrots and beets. In addition, diuretics or decoctions should not be taken, as this may affect the chemical composition of the urine.

Before taking samples, be sure to wash the genitals - otherwise, there will be too many epithelial cells in the samples, which will make laboratory research difficult. It is advisable to collect median urine.

Another important point is that you should not conduct such a study for women during menstruation, since menstruation can distort the test results. Only compliance with these rules will help to conduct a urine test as accurately as possible - the pH will correspond to reality.

How is urine pH determined in the laboratory?

The easiest way to study the acid-base balance is to use special indicators. Most often, the determination of the pH of urine is carried out using litmus paper, which changes its color depending on the reaction of the solution. Each color corresponds to a specific pH value. This method allows you to determine the indicator with an accuracy of 0.5.

There are other, more accurate ways in which urine is examined. PH can be determined using an ionometer (pH meter). This method is more convenient and is characterized by higher accuracy (up to 0.01 units).

Since the pH can change throughout the day, for greater accuracy, some patients are advised to measure the pH seven days in a row.

What is the normal pH of urine?

Depending on the results of the study, doctors make assumptions about the form and severity of the disease. But what is the normal pH of urine? Again, this figure depends on the diet, medications taken, and the age of the patient.

In a healthy person, the reaction of urine ranges from slightly acidic to neutral. Depending on the characteristics of the diet, this figure can be 4.5 - 8.0.

The normal pH of urine in newborns is lower and ranges from 4.5 to 5.9. In premature babies, this figure drops even lower - 4.8 - 5.4.

What does high urine pH indicate?

Many people are interested in questions about the cases in which alkalization of urine occurs. As already mentioned, a similar phenomenon is observed when eating vegetable and dairy products. Increased acidity of the stomach and frequent vomiting leads to the same result, which leads to the loss of water and chlorine by the body.

On the other hand, there are many diseases in which urine changes. PH rises with many infectious lesions of the excretory system. In particular, this happens with cystitis, pyelonephritis and other diseases. Some bacteria are known to cause the breakdown of nitrogen-containing compounds to ammonia, which in turn increases the alkalinity of urine.

The same picture is observed in chronic renal failure. An increase in pH can be caused by taking certain medications, in particular bicarbonates, adrenaline, and nicotinamide. The same happens against the background of hyperfunction, hypoaldosternism and hyperkalemia.

Why does pH decrease (urine acidification) occur?

A decrease in pH and acidification of urine occurs with some infectious diseases of the excretory system, in particular those caused by the activity of tuberculosis microbacteria and E. coli.

The reason may be the increased formation of acids in the body. This happens with prolonged fasting, alcohol abuse, sepsis, shock, intense physical exertion, and diabetes.

Naturally, such a change can be caused by taking medications - methionine, ascorbic acid, corticotropin, calcium and ammonium chloride, arginine hydrochloride.

Acidification of urine can be caused by a decrease in the level of bicarbonates in the blood buffer system, which is observed with severe diarrhea, ureterosigmostomy. Primary and secondary hyperaldosteronism, nephrotic syndrome, hypokalemia, multiple myeloma, cystinosis, poisoning with heavy metal salts - all these disorders lead to a decrease in pH.

Naturally, a urine test alone is not enough to make an accurate diagnosis. Moreover, not only urine pH is taken into account, but also the presence of proteins, salts, formed blood cells, etc. in it. Urinalysis is only part of the diagnostic process, which allows you to evaluate the functioning of the excretory system.

The acidity of urine in a professional language is called pH - the most important indicator, with the help of which the content and activity of hydrogen ions is determined. After analyzing the acidity, it is easy to identify the physical properties of urine, as well as the balance of alkalis and acids. If this indicator is strongly deviated from the norm, this means that pathological processes occur in the human body, and if not treated in time, they can adversely affect health and cause chronic diseases. What should be the pH of urine?

Properties of urine

Urine is a biological fluid produced during human life, along with it, metabolic decay products and toxins are excreted from the body. It is formed by filtering blood plasma and consists of 97% water, the remaining percentages are salts and products of nitrogenous origin.

Urine is produced by the kidneys, these organs retain useful substances and trace elements in the body, remove all unnecessary. It depends on the process how correct the metabolism will be. If the amount of substances with acidic properties predominates in the urine, then the urine is acidic. Its pH level is below 7.

If substances with alkaline properties prevail, the pH level will be greater than 7. The neutral acidity of urine is 7 pH, in which case the acidic and alkaline properties will be approximately the same.

It shows how correctly the body processes the incoming minerals and trace elements, whether it is able to independently neutralize the acid accumulated in the tissues.

Factors Contributing to Changes in Urine Acidity

Experts say that the acidity of urine changes for the following reasons:

  • specific metabolism;
  • the appearance of diseases of the genitourinary system, entailing an inflammatory process;
  • eating certain foods;
  • pathogenic processes in the body that contribute to acidification or the accumulation of alkalis in the blood;
  • individual features of the kidneys;
  • excessive fluid intake.

The pH value of urine is the most important indicator of the health of the body. If the level of acidity changes, the patient needs to sign up for a comprehensive diagnosis so that the doctor can identify the primary source of the disease and prescribe competent treatment.

Normal performance

In the body of women and men, the acidity value (activity and characteristic of hydrogen particles) cannot fall below 0.86 pH. The activity of the particles depends on various factors, they are influenced by the human diet and the metabolic processes occurring in the body.

The rate of acidity of urine must be in the range of 5 to 7 pH, this value is considered optimal. If the value deviates by 0.5 pH, you should not worry, since such fluctuations are insignificant and short-lived.

Doctors say that at night, when human activity is minimal, the pH of the urine drops to 4.9. On an empty stomach and in the morning, the acidity of the liquid varies from 6 to 6.4 pH. If during these periods the indicators do not deviate from the norm, this indicates the normal functioning of the body, there is no reason for concern.

What causes acidic urine

The only thing that can provoke such changes is the dysfunction of certain organs and the appearance of serious diseases. Acidity is exceeded due to the following factors:

  • hobby, containing a lot of protein, fats and acids (white bread is considered harmful);
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • treatment with drugs that contain sodium chloride;
  • inflammation of the urinary organs can also be the reason that the acidity of the fluid will not be normal. A common disease that causes inflammation is cystitis;
  • the intake of an excessive amount of acids into the body (when taking certain medications and nutritional supplements).

Increased acidity of urine in humans is caused by the following factors:

  • excessive consumption of alcoholic products.
  • fasting diets.
  • stressful situations and shock.
  • increased physical activity.

It is impossible to independently identify what caused the acid reaction of urine. The only way to determine the primary source of pathology is to pass the necessary tests from an experienced specialist.

Alkaline norm

An increase in acidity in the urine is associated with dietary characteristics or the appearance of an infection. When the diet changes or after the infection is eliminated, the acidity level normalizes on its own. Alkaline urine reaction is provoked by:

  • diseases accompanied by vomiting (the body loses a large amount of water and chlorine);
  • infection of the urethra;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • excessive consumption of alkaline mineral water;
  • treatment with bicarbonates and adrenaline;
  • hematuria;
  • vegetarianism.

What is dangerous acidity

If the acidity of urine is not normal, in the absence of timely treatment, pathological processes will begin to develop in the body:

  • Increase in blood viscosity. With alkaline urine, red blood cells lose their original elasticity and become immobile. Such an unfavorable environment increases the likelihood of blood clots forming.
  • The formation of kidney stones - since the breakdown of salts will be slower, the chance of sand and stones will increase.
  • Deterioration of metabolism - if the activity of enzymes is impaired, the breakdown and removal of processed substances will slow down, this will lead to increased toxicity and accumulation of toxins in the body. A person may develop certain complications.
  • Reproduction of pathogenic bacteria: changing the pH of urine and increasing acidity is an excellent breeding ground for most types of harmful microbes.

How to lower the acidity of urine?

If the acidity of the urine is not normal, the best way to regulate it is to follow a special diet. The patient in this situation will need to consume more foods with zero or negative acid formation.

The doctor and test strips will help you choose the right products, they will need to be used daily. Regardless of the individual characteristics of the body, patients who are faced with this problem are recommended to use the following products:

  • dairy products;
  • bananas, apples, pineapple, oranges, melons;
  • fruit juices (natural);

  • cucumbers, potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, carrots;
  • vegetable oil;
  • mushrooms;
  • coffee;
  • beer, white and red wine.

If the patient feels normal when the pH of the urine deviates, this is not a cause for concern, since the pathology is caused precisely by the peculiarities of nutrition. Alkaline urine does not cause discomfort in the patient, well-being is not tied to the acidity of urine, the norm determines the health of the body. But if, when the indicator changes, a person feels certain ailments, it is urgent to sign up for a consultation with a doctor.

One of the indicators that is obtained during laboratory diagnostics is acidic urine. This indicator allows you to characterize the reaction of urine. In case of disturbance of metabolic processes, there is a significant variation in the ratio of compounds with acidic or, conversely, alkaline features. The pH of urine, which is deviated from the norm, indicates the presence of various kinds of pathological processes.

The acidity of urine is the ratio of positively charged hydrogen ions (H+) and, conversely, negatively charged hydroxide ions (OH-), which are contained in it. In the process of metabolism, compounds enter the urine, when exposed to water, they decompose into components that can shift the pH to the acidic or alkaline side. When the results of a biochemical analysis indicate increased acidity of urine, the patient needs to undergo a set of diagnostic measures that will be aimed at establishing the cause that caused this problem.

Urine with a low pH often signals a malfunction of such a very important organ as the kidneys. Acidic urine can contribute to the development of salt diathesis in the urine, while accelerating the crystallization of mineral salts. As a result, calculi will actively form in the calyces and renal pelvis, which will not only lead to disruption of the functioning of the organ, but will also have a negative impact on the organs of other systems and systems necessary for the full functionality of the whole organism.

Normally, the acidity level is in the range from 5 to 7. If the pH is below 4.5, this indicates acidic urine, and with an increased balance of alkalis and acids of more than 7.5, the urine will, on the contrary, be alkaline.

When diagnosing oxidized urine in a person, it is recommended that he pass the same analysis again after a few days. This is justified by the fact that some food products that we eat very often can oxidize or, conversely, alkalize urine. In order for the result of the analysis to be as correct and effective as possible, a person must adhere to the diet that the doctor will make for him.

Reasons for changes in urine pH

A change in the pH of urine is one of the main signs that indicates to a person the presence of pathology in his body, resulting from a failure of metabolic processes. In addition, a change in the pH of urine can be triggered by excessive intake of certain foods that contribute to the oxidation of urine, as well as a violation of the drinking regimen. Fluid deficiency causes an increase in the concentration of urine, while slowing down the processes of hydrolysis. Specialists from the field of urology and gastroenterology, before prescribing any therapy, try to correct the acidity of urine as quickly as possible with the help of a special diet. The diet in this case must necessarily include products that, after splitting, oxidize or alkalize urine, namely:

  • proteins and fats contribute to a shift in the pH of urine to the acid side;
  • carbohydrates alkalize urine.

Oxidation of urine can occur when a large amount of organic acids or mineral compounds with similar chemical effects accumulate. In people suffering from diabetes, in addition to an increased concentration of glucose in the blood, ketone bodies will be detected in urine. These organic compounds contribute to a shift in the pH of urine to the acid side. These changes may indicate a malfunction of the organs that make up the endocrine system.

The diagnostic value of urine pH is very difficult to overestimate. A change in the acidity of urine makes it possible to diagnose the presence of pathology at an early stage and prevent its active progression with the help of specially selected therapy.

What effect does acidic urine have on the processes occurring in the body:

  1. The indicator of urine acidity affects the growth and reproduction of harmful microorganisms, as well as their subsequent spread to all organs of the genitourinary system. An increase in the acidity level of urine provokes the activation of E. coli, and it begins to move as quickly as possible to the kidneys and ureter. In this regard, the indicator of urine acidity allows you to very quickly diagnose the causative agent of such inflammatory diseases of the bladder, urethra and kidneys.
  2. The dissolution of organic and inorganic compounds occurs exclusively in a certain environment. Hydrolysis of urea occurs only if the urine pH exceeds 7. With a lower value, urea precipitates. An acidic environment will contribute to the most rapid and active dissolution of phosphoric and oxalic acid salts. These properties of mineral components are the basis for the appearance of stones in the kidneys and urea. The acid in the urine will have a positive effect on the formation of urates.
  3. Before carrying out therapy associated with taking antibacterial drugs, specialists carefully study the indicator of urine acidity. Since some medications with antibacterial effects are not able to have a therapeutic effect in acidic urine.

Causes of pH shift to the acid side

Oxidation of urine can be triggered not only by pathological factors, but also by natural ones. In order to increase immunity, a large number of people take various supplements, while not paying attention to their chemical nature and ability to increase accumulation in tissues. The composition of these additives contains concentrates that contribute to the shift of urine to a slightly acidic side. A change in urine pH can occur when foods high in acids, lipids, and proteins predominate in the diet. This factor is physiological.

The negative reasons for the pH shift to the acid side include the following:

  • ailments of the renal structures, which can be both congenital and acquired;
  • the use during therapy of a huge amount of sodium chloride solution, which is administered intravenously;
  • infection in the organs of the urinary system, as a result of which a rather extensive inflammation develops;
  • a malfunction in the functioning of the organs of the immune system, leading to the appearance of allergies and acute respiratory ailments in the baby;
  • taking medications, during the decay of which the formation of substances with acidic properties occurs.

Experts also argue that one of the factors as a result of which urine oxidation can occur is uric acid diathesis. For this pathology, a violation of the functioning of the renal tubules and a failure in the metabolic processes are characteristic. Excessive intake of protein in tissues leads to increased deposition of urea. In this regard, people who eat monotonously or sit on a mono-diet often have a huge amount of salts in their urine, which contribute to the acidification of urine.

Acidification of urine can occur in the following cases, namely:

  • ailments of the endocrine system, which are characterized by a failure in metabolic processes;
  • abuse of alcoholic alcoholic beverages;
  • damage contributing to the development of a shock state;
  • lifting heavy objects and various weights;
  • the use of vegetable and dairy products with a complete rejection of meat.

Some of the above causes can be eliminated very easily, with the normalization of nutrition and physical activity, but some causes require the selection of appropriate therapy.

Therapy Methods

In the case of a low pH level, based on the cause that provoked the appearance of this pathological condition, specialists prescribe a complex of medications. The purpose of these drugs is not only the normalization of the acidity of urine, but also the elimination of the main factor in the manifestation of the disease. In addition, you should adhere to a specially formulated diet. The diet will also allow you to normalize the balance between the acidic and alkaline environment, while contributing to the normalization of the functioning of the organs that are responsible for the formation, accumulation and excretion of urine from the human body. The essence of the diet is to enrich the diet with alkaline provisions and reduce the consumption of food that oxidizes urine. You should abandon the use of citrus fruits, their place in the diet should prevail:

  • vegetables;
  • beans;
  • cereal cereals;

In limited quantities, meat and dairy products should be consumed, as they contribute to the acidification of urine. Very often this problem is faced by people who are overweight. The diet of such people is aimed not only at normalizing the pH of urine, but also at getting rid of excess weight. In addition, such a diet will have a positive impact on the overall performance of all organs and systems as a whole. During therapy, special attention should be paid to the diet. Doctors recommend drinking 1.5 to 2 liters of fluid daily.

When diagnosing increased acidity of urine, one should not engage in self-therapy. This can lead to unpredictable consequences. Remember, in order to eliminate the problem as soon as possible, a qualified specialist should be engaged in the selection and appointment of therapy.

More than a hundred years ago, the scientist R. Berg proved that an alkaline internal environment is necessary for the optimal functioning of the body, which is provided by appropriate nutrition. Subsequent studies have confirmed that the participation in the metabolism of a large amount of acids leads to a disease state in humans. Therefore, the acidic environment in the urine determined as a result of analyzes indicates malnutrition, which can lead to the development of a number of diseases.

Causes of acidic urine

The kidneys, maintaining the acid-base balance in the body, remove excess acids. Determining the pH of urine, the norm of which should be in the range of 5 - 7 pH units, is one of the important parameters of the functionality of the excretory system of the body. It is at such indicators that the salts are in a dissolved state, which prevents their transformation into kidney stones. Acidic urine means that substances with acidic properties predominate in the biological fluid and it is necessary, at a minimum, to change the diet.

If, as a result of the tests, it is established that the patient has acidic urine, the reasons for this condition, unfortunately, may lie not only in malnutrition, but also in the presence of a number of diseases, namely:

  • acute or chronic renal failure, which requires immediate treatment by a specialist;
  • acute or chronic glomerulonephritis;
  • fever accompanied by high fever;
  • kidney tuberculosis;
  • urolithiasis with the formation of urates
  • .

In addition, acidic urine detected during the examination - the reasons may have the following:

  • a diet rich in acids and proteins;
  • diabetes mellitus, prolonged fasting, alcohol abuse;
  • state of shock, great physical exertion;
  • primary and secondary hyperaldosteronism (the work of the adrenal cortex, accompanied by increased secretion of aldosterone);
  • hypokalemia or pancreatic fistula.

Most often, the acidic environment in the urine leads to the formation of urate, which requires both drug treatment and dietary changes.

What determines the pH of urine?

A pattern has long been established that explains why urate stones form with acidic urine, and conglomerates called phosphates are determined in the urinary system with an alkaline urine reaction. Therefore, when prescribing litholytic drugs (dissolving kidney stones), the doctor always takes into account whether the patient's urine is acidic or alkaline or neutral.

Medical practice shows that by changing the diet, dieting, urine from alkaline to acidic can be converted and vice versa. Thus, the cause of the formation of kidney stones is also eliminated.

A competent urologist will always, along with taking medications, strongly recommend making changes to the diet, eliminating or adding certain foods. With long-term treatment of urolithiasis, it is necessary for the patient to independently control the pH of urine using special test strips, which makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of therapy.

pH (acidity) of urine

urine pH(urine reaction, urine acidity) - a pH indicator that shows the amount of hydrogen ions in human urine. Urine pH allows you to establish the physical properties of urine, to assess the balance of acids and alkalis. Urine pH indicators are extremely important for assessing the general condition of the body, diagnosing diseases.

Determination of acidity is a mandatory diagnostic test when conducting a general urine test. The reaction or acidity of urine is a physical quantity that determines the amount of hydrogen ions. It can be measured both qualitatively (acidic, neutral, alkaline), and quantitatively - using pH.

In relation to urine, the pH values ​​​​are as follows:

  • 5.5 - 6.4 - sour;
  • 6.5 - 7.5 - neutral;
  • more than 7.5 - alkaline.

Urine reaction should be evaluated immediately after delivery to the laboratory. When standing, the components of the urine undergo bacterial decomposition. First of all, it is urea, which decomposes to ammonia, and it, dissolving in water, forms an alkali. Determination of the pH of urine is carried out using special test strips.

Absolutely healthy people (are there still such people?) have acidic urine. However, a shift in its pH to the neutral or alkaline side is not a pathology. The fact is that a huge number of factors affect the acidity of urine: diet, physical activity, various diseases, and not only kidney ones. If in your analysis today the environment is acidic, tomorrow it is neutral, the day after tomorrow it is acidic again, then there is nothing wrong with that. Problems begin if the urine is chronically "not acidic."

Under what pathological conditions can a shift in urine pH to the alkaline side be observed?

  • Hyperventilation of the lungs (shortness of breath).
  • Loss of acids on vomiting.
  • Acute or chronic urinary tract infections.
  • Chronic intoxications, including cancer.

Why is a chronic shift in the reaction of urine to neutral or alkaline dangerous?

1. Formation of stones in the urinary system.

In acidic urine, only urate stones, which are formed from uric acid, can occur. As a rule, those appear with gout and make up about 5% of the total number of stones. Other uroliths (urinary stones) require either a neutral or alkaline environment. The most dangerous are calcium phosphates and carbonates.

2. Increased risk of urinary infections.

In acidic urine, bacteria do not live well, but if the urine is neutral or alkaline, then the bacteria multiply very remarkably there.

How to influence the acidity of urine?

At the beginning I will tell what not to do.

1. Drink a lot of soda.

Since the 1930s, doctors have known Burnett's syndrome. Otherwise, it is called the "milk-soda" syndrome. The use of large amounts of calcium (milk, dairy products, antacids - drugs that reduce acidity in the stomach: Almagel, Phosphalugel, Rennie, etc.) leads to mild alkalosis (shift of blood pH to the alkaline side), and, as a result, alkalization of urine. In mild cases, this only increases the risk of kidney stones. But there are citizens who begin to drink milk or antacids with soda, aggravating alkalosis. As a result, calcium in the blood takes off so that it begins to pose a threat to life, causing arrhythmias, muscle weakness, impaired kidney function, irreversible loss of vision, etc.

To summarize: all excess soda is excreted from the body with urine, making it neutral or alkaline.

2. Take a lot of ascorbic acid.

The logic of this action is clear, but there is a problem. Vitamin C is not filtered into the urine, all of its absorbed amount goes into metabolic processes with the formation of alkaline products, and they are filtered into the urine. Thus, a large amount of ascorbic acid leads to a shift in the pH of urine to the alkaline side.

Now about that how to make urine sour. To clarify, these recommendations apply only to people with chronically low urine pH. For preventive purposes, the described methods are not used.

1. Diet.

Food products can be divided into the following groups:

  • sources of acids - meat and fish, asparagus, cereals, cheese, eggs, alcohol and natural coffee;
  • base absorbers - products for the processing of which alkalis are spent: sugar, and any (white and brown), as well as products containing it (ice cream, marmalade, jam, chocolate, sweets, confectionery), white flour products (white bread, pasta ), solid fats;
  • alkali suppliers - potatoes and other root vegetables, lettuce, tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, herbal tea, fresh herbs, fruits;
  • neutral foods - vegetable oil, legumes, nuts.

To acidify urine, you need to shift the balance of food to the acid side.

2. Phosphoric acid.

We are talking about the additive E338, which is present as a preservative in Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola and other drinks containing "-cola" in the name. This supplement is not metabolized and is filtered into the urine unchanged, making it acidic.

Orthophosphoric acid also has side effects. It damages tooth enamel, binds calcium in the blood, washing it out of the bones, and Coca-Cola itself contains too much sugar and caffeine, which is unsafe for certain diseases.

instead of a conclusion.

Restoring the pH of urine should not be overdone. An excess of acids in the body (acidosis) can adversely affect the metabolism of vitamins, the functioning of the immune system, etc. In addition, too low a urine pH (below 5.5) is dangerous for the precipitation of uric acid crystals, which can become stones. Remember - everything is good in moderation.

pH V urine - a common mistake in patients in the pronunciation of the term. "pH" is not a substance or component of urine. pH is a measure of the activity of hydrogen ions, a unit of measure. Accordingly, it is correct to say pH (or acidity) urine.

Metabolism is a set of chemical reactions that occur in the human body to sustain life. Thanks to the metabolism, the body gets the opportunity to develop, maintain its structures and respond to environmental influences. For a normal human metabolism, it is required that the acid-base balance ( ABR) be maintained within certain limits. The kidneys play an important role in the regulation of acid-base balance.

The most important function of the kidneys is the excretion of "unnecessary" substances from the body, the retention of substances necessary to ensure the exchange of glucose, water, amino acids and electrolytes, and the maintenance of acid-base balance (ABR) in the body. The renal tubules absorb hydrocarbons from primary urine and secrete hydrogen ions through the conversion of dihydrogen phosphate to monohydrogen phosphate or the formation of ammonium ions.

Urine excreted by the kidneys contains substances that have acid-base properties. If the substances are acidic, the urine is acidic (pH less than 7), if the substances are basic (alkaline), the urine is alkaline (pH above 7). If the substances in the urine are balanced, the urine has a neutral acidity (pH = 7).

Urine pH shows, in particular, how efficiently the body absorbs the minerals that regulate acid levels: calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium. These minerals are called "acid dampeners". With increased acidity, the body must neutralize the acid that accumulates in the tissues, for which it begins to borrow minerals from various organs and bones. With a systematically increased level of acidity, the bones become brittle. This is usually the result of eating too much meat and not eating vegetables: the body takes calcium from its own bones and, with its help, regulates the pH level.

Urine pH is an important characteristic, which, together with other indicators, allows for a reliable diagnosis of the current state of the patient's body.

When the pH of urine shifts in one direction or another, salts precipitate out:

  • at a urine pH below 5.5, urate stones form - an acidic environment contributes to the dissolution of phosphates;
  • at a urine pH of 5.5 to 6.0, oxalate stones are formed;
  • at a urine pH above 7.0, phosphate stones are formed - an alkaline environment contributes to the dissolution of urates.

These indicators should be taken into account in the treatment of urolithiasis.

Uric acid stones almost never occur at urine pH greater than 5.5, and phosphate stones never formed if urine Not alkaline.

The fluctuation of urine pH levels depends on a number of factors:

  • inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract;
  • acidity of the stomach;
  • metabolism (metabolism);
  • pathological processes occurring in the human body, accompanied by alkalosis (alkalinization of the blood), acidosis (acidification of the blood);
  • food intake;
  • functional activity of the tubules of the kidneys;
  • the amount of fluid you drink.

Systematic deviation from the normal pH to the acid side in medicine is called acidosis, to the alkaline - alkalosis. Since diabetes mellitus, the most common endocrine disease on the planet (often occurring almost asymptomatically for a long time) is always accompanied by acidosis, special attention will be paid to diabetes mellitus in this article.

The pH of urine affects the activity and reproduction of bacteria, as a result, the effectiveness of antibacterial treatment: in an acidic environment, the pathogenicity of Escherichia coli increases, as the rate of its reproduction increases.

Medicines nitrofurans and tetracycline preparations are more effective in acidic urine pH, antibiotics penicillin, aminoglycosides (kanamycin, gentamicin) and erythromycin from the macrolide group are most effective in alkaline urine.

In bacterial infections of the urinary system of the human body, the pH level can change in both directions, depending on the nature of the end products of bacterial metabolism.


Urine ( urine) - a biological fluid, a product of human vital activity, with which metabolic products are excreted from the body. Urine is formed by filtering blood plasma in the capillary glomeruli of the kidneys, nephrons. Urine is 97% water, the rest is nitrogenous breakdown products of protein substances (hippuric and uric acids, xanthine, urea, creatinine, indican, urobilin) ​​and salt (mainly sulfates, chlorides and phosphate).

The consequence of hyperglycemia is usually an increase in the level of glucose in the urine.

The danger of diabetes mellitus (especially type 2) is that the disease is almost asymptomatic for a long time: the patient may not be aware of its existence until the moment when the body already there were no irreversible changes that could have been prevented by timely diagnosis and therapy.

Urine is universal indicator, indicating a particular failure in the functioning of organs. The cause of acidic urine can be both an unbalanced diet and diabetes mellitus, in which there is an increased acidity of the urine (the pH value shifts to around 5).


pH, pH indicator (from the Latin phrase pondus hydrogenii– “hydrogen weight” or potentia Hydrogenii, English power Hydrogen - "power of hydrogen") is a measure of the activity of hydrogen ions in a solution, quantitatively expressing its acidity. The concept of pH was introduced in 1909 by the Danish biochemist, Professor Søren Peter Lauritz Sørensen. The most common mistake in the Russian language for the correct pronunciation of pH (“pe ash”) is pH (“er eN”).

pH is equal in modulus and opposite in sign to the base 10 logarithm of hydrogen ion activity, expressed in moles per liter (mol/litre).

pH \u003d - lg (H +).

Inorganic substances - acids, salts and alkalis, in solutions are separated into their constituent ions. Positively charged H + ions form an acidic environment, negatively charged OH − ions form an alkaline one. In significantly dilute solutions, acidic and alkaline properties depend on the concentrations of H + and OH − ions, the activity of which is related to each other. In pure water with a temperature of 25 ° C, the concentrations of hydrogen ions () and hydroxide ions () are the same and amount to 10-7 mol / liter, which directly follows from the definition of the ion product of water, which is equal to and is 10-14 mol² / l² ( at temperature = 25 °C). Thus, the generally accepted minimum value of pH = 0, maximum = 14 (although, in exceptional cases, in technical industries, pH can be either minus or greater than 14).

Accordingly, solutions and liquids (as well as the media in which they are present), with respect to their acidity, are considered:

  • acidic at levels from 0 to 7.0;
  • neutral at level = 7.0;
  • alkaline at levels from 7.0 to 14.0.

In the human body, the acidity value cannot be less than pH 0.86.


Acidity (from Latin aciditas) - characteristic activity of hydrogen ions in solutions and liquids:

  • If the acidity of any medium or liquid is below 7.0, this means an increase in acidity, a decrease in alkalinity;
  • If the acidity of any medium or liquid is above 7.0, this means a decrease in acidity, an increase in alkalinity;
  • If the acidity of any medium or liquid is at = 7.0, this means that the reaction is neutral.

In medicine, the pH of biological fluids (in particular: urine, blood, gastric juice) is diagnostically important parameter characterizing the state of health of the patient.

  • renal tubular acidosis - according to ICD-10 - N25.8, a rickets-like disease (primary tubulopathy), characterized by persistent metabolic acidosis, low bicarbonate levels and an increased concentration of chlorine in the blood serum. The reaction of urine is acidic;
  • urinary tract infections - infections of the lower (urethritis, cystitis) and upper urinary tract (pyelonephritis, abscess and carbuncle of the kidney, apostematous pyelonephritis). The reaction of urine is both acidic and alkaline (sharply alkaline);
  • De Toni syndrome - Debret - Fanconi - according to ICD-10 - E72.0, a rickets-like disease manifested by damage to the proximal renal tubules with impaired tubular reabsorption of glucose, bicarbonate, phosphate and amino acids. The reaction of urine is alkaline;
  • metabolic acidosis - according to ICD-10 - E87.2, P74.0 - a violation of the acid-base state, manifested by low blood pH and low plasma bicarbonate concentration due to loss of bicarbonate or accumulation of other acids (except carbonic). The reaction of urine is acidic (with proximal tubular acidosis - alkaline);
  • metabolic alkalosis - according to ICD-10 - E87.3 - a violation of the acid-base state of the body, characterized by an absolute or relative excess of bases, an increase in the pH of the blood, other tissues of the body, due to the accumulation of alkaline substances. Metabolic alkalosis occurs in some pathological conditions accompanied by disturbances in electrolyte metabolism, in particular, with hemolysis; in the postoperative period; in children suffering from rickets and / or hereditary dysregulation of electrolyte metabolism. The reaction of urine is alkaline;
  • respiratory acidosis, respiratory acidosis - a condition in which the pH of the blood shifts to the acid side, due to an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in it (due to insufficient lung function or respiratory disorders). The reaction of urine is acidic;
  • respiratory alkalosis, respiratory alkalosis - a condition in which the pH of the blood shifts to the alkaline side, due to a decrease in the concentration of carbon dioxide in it (due to rapid or deep breathing, hyperventilation). Respiratory alkalosis can be caused by stress, anxiety, pain, liver cirrhosis, fever, overdose of acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin). The reaction of urine is alkaline;
  • drug monitoring;
  • prevention of renal calculosis (nephrolithiasis, nephrolithiasis).

Clinical interpretation of urine pH results is only relevant when there is a correlation with other information about the patient's health; or when an accurate diagnosis has already been established, and the results of a urine test allow conclusions to be drawn about the course of the disease.

The level of acidity in urine is of clinical significance only in combination with other symptoms and laboratory parameters.

There are four main methods for determining the pH of urine at home, the study is being conducted in vitro :

  1. litmus paper;
  2. Magarshak method;
  3. bromthymol blue indicator;
  4. visual indicator test strips.

Also, to determine the acidity, you can use the services of clinical laboratories, where the study will be carried out as part of a general (clinical) analysis.

Laboratory (general, clinical, OAM) urinalysis is a set of laboratory tests of urine conducted for diagnostic purposes. The advantage of laboratory analysis of urine over other diagnostic methods is not only the assessment of the biochemical and physico-chemical properties of urine, but also the microscopy of the sediment (using a microscope). The disadvantage of the method is the relative high cost, the impossibility of obtaining the result promptly, the need to deliver the sample in a special container.

Determination by litmus paper

Litmus, litmus paper, litmus indicator - an acid-base indicator, the reagent of which is a dye of natural origin based on azolithine and erythrolithine. The reaction of urine is determined using blue and red litmus paper.

During the analysis, both pieces of paper are immersed in the test sample, the urine reaction is stated by color:

  • If the blue paper turns red, and the red does not change color, then the reaction is acidic;
  • If the red paper turns blue, and the blue does not change color, then the reaction is alkaline;
  • If both papers have not changed color, then the reaction is neutral;
  • If both litmus papers change color, then the reaction is amphoteric.

Determine the specific pH value of urine with litmus impossible, more accurate is the determination of urine acidity using liquid indicators (the most reliable results can be obtained using only a pH test strip).

Magarshak method in determining the acidity of urine

The method (method) of Magarshak for determining the acidity of urine consists in its colorimetry after the addition of an indicator, which is a mixture of neutral red and methylene blue.

To use the Magarshak method, an indicator should be prepared: to two volumes of a 0.1% alcoholic solution of neutral red, add one volume of a 0.1% alcoholic solution of methylene blue.

The procedure for determining acidity: 1 drop of indicator is added to a container containing 1-2 ml of urine, after which the sample is mixed.

The interpretation of the results obtained by the Magarshak method is carried out according to the table below.

Approximate pH value

intense purple


Light purple

gray purple

Dark grey


light green

Determination of urine reaction with bromthymol blue

To determine the reaction of urine with bromthymol blue indicator, a reagent should be prepared: dissolve 0.1 g of the pounded indicator in 20 ml of warm ethyl alcohol, after cooling to room temperature, bring with clean water to a volume of 100 ml.

The procedure for determining acidity: 1 drop of bromthymol blue is added to a container containing 2-3 ml of urine. The border of transitional tones of the indicator will be in the pH range from 6.0 to 7.6.

The resulting color of the test sample

Urine reaction



slightly alkaline

Green, blue


The advantage of determining the reaction of urine with the bromthymol blue indicator is the low cost, speed and simplicity of the study; the disadvantage is the inability to distinguish urine with normal acidity from pathologically acidic, the study gives only approximate concept of acid or alkaline reaction.

Urine pH Test Strips

To determine the acidity of urine, you can buy a pH test strip - the most simple and affordable tool designed to independent urinalysis for acidity at home. In addition, pH test strips are used in medical centers, clinical diagnostic laboratories, hospitals (clinics), medical institutions. To conduct research and decipher the result of pH analysis - possession of special medical knowledge not required. The most common form of release of test strips in pharmacies is packaging in the form of a tube (pencil case) No. 50 (50 test strips, which, with periodical self-control of the patient approximately corresponds to the monthly requirement. At systematic self-control, at least three times a day, this package is enough, approximately, for two weeks).

Most visual pH test strips are designed to determine the reaction of urine in the pH range from 5 to 9. A mixture of two dyes, bromthymol blue and methyl red, is used as a reagent for the indicator zone. As the reaction proceeds, the acid-base indicator of the test strip turns from orange through yellow and green to blue, depending on the reaction of the urine. The pH value is determined either visually (according to the supplied color chart) or photometrically using a laboratory urinary analyzer (photometrically).

The procedure for determining the acidity of urine with test strips:

  1. Remove the test strip from the case (tube);
  2. Immerse the strip in the test sample;
  3. Remove the test strip, remove excess urine by gently tapping on the container;
  4. After 45 seconds, compare the colored indicator with the color scale.

Buy Bioscan pH (Bioscan pH No. 50/No. 100) - Russian strips for pH analysis in urine from Bioscan.

pH strips with two indicators:

  • Albufan test strips (Albufan No. 50, AlbuPhan) - European test strips from the company Erba, designed to assess the reaction of urine and the extent of proteinuria (proteins in the urine).

pH strips with three or more indicators:

  • Pentafan / Pentafan Laura (PentaPhan / Laura) test strips for urine analysis for reaction, ketones (acetone), total protein (albumins and globulins), sugar (glucose) and occult blood (erythrocytes and hemoglobin) from Erb Lahem, Czech Republic;
  • Bioscan Penta (Bioscan Penta No. 50 / No. 100) strips with five indicators from the Russian company Bioscan, allowing you to conduct urine tests for reaction, glucose (sugar), total protein (albumins, globulins), occult blood (erythrocytes and hemoglobin) and ketones;
  • uripolian- strips from Biosensor AN with ten indicators, allowing you to analyze urine according to the following characteristics - reaction, ketones (acetone), glucose (sugar), occult blood (erythrocytes, hemoglobin), bilirubin, urobilinogen, density (specific gravity), leukocytes, ascorbic acid, total protein (albumins and globulins).

Self-diagnosis with test strips is not a substitute for regular health assessments by a qualified healthcare professional, physician.

An indication for the appointment of a laboratory pH analysis of urine is often urolithiasis. Urine pH analysis provides an opportunity to determine the likelihood and nature of stone formation:

  • with acidity below 5.5, uric acid (urate) stones are more likely to form;
  • with an acidity of 5.5 - 6.0 - oxalate stones;
  • with an acidity of 7.0 - 7.8 - phosphate stones.

A pH of 9 indicates that the urine sample has not been stored correctly.

Laboratory pH analysis of urine is prescribed by medical specialists to monitor the state of the body while following a specific diet, which includes the use of foods with low and high content of potassium, phosphates, sodium.

pH analysis of urine is indicated for kidney disease, endocrine pathology, diuretic therapy.

When conducting a laboratory study of urine, fresh, no older than two hours urine (usually daily urine) is examined, collected in a special container. The pH level is determined by the indicator method: bromthymol blue and methyl red. The accuracy of measurement by the method of indicators allows you to get a result with an accuracy of up to 0.5 units. The use of an electronic laboratory ionometer (pH meter) allows you to get a result with an accuracy of 0.001 units.

Before conducting a pH analysis of urine, you should not eat food that can change the physical properties of urine - beets and carrots. It is unacceptable to take diuretics that affect the chemical composition of urine.

The price of a laboratory urinalysis ranges from 350 rubles to 2500 rubles, depending on the set of studies, the chosen laboratory, and its location. As of June 2016, 725 laboratories in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities of the country accept urine for analysis in Russia. The price of analyzes indicated above does not include laboratory discount programs.

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