Why dark stool during pregnancy? Reasons for concern. Green feces in adults and pregnant women: causes, treatment tactics

Black stool during pregnancy is not uncommon. Most women during this period show increased concern for their own health and for the condition of the unborn child. And the appearance of black feces can cause them anxiety.

1 Essence of the problem

Why can a pregnant woman have black feces? There are several reasons for this. Some of them are quite harmless, others require immediate medical attention.

Normal feces are stained brown by bile pigments. But depending on the changes in the body and the composition of the food, the color of the stool can change from white to black. Dark stools may occur after eating highly colored foods. But severe pathologies in the body can also manifest themselves in this way. Color change is important for diagnosis, since in many cases it is associated with developing diseases or pathologies.

2 Non-dangerous reasons

The most common cause of black stools during pregnancy is taking iron supplements.

Iron deficiency anemia has recently been diagnosed in almost 80% of young mothers. The desire to be slim, the lack of a daily routine and good nutrition lead to the fact that even before pregnancy, many girls have this condition. During childbearing, it progresses because the developing fetus consumes a certain amount of iron from the mother's body.

Anemia is a very serious pathology that can bring a lot of trouble to the body of a pregnant woman, and especially to an unborn baby. Therefore, when diagnosing this disease, treatment is mandatory. Iron in the human body is not synthesized, it enters the body only from the outside.

Since this trace element from synthetic preparations is not completely absorbed by the intestines (up to a maximum of 50%), the remains will be excreted with feces. It is iron-containing preparations that give the stool a black color and a specific smell. In some cases, there is also a change in consistency. Most often, the discrepancy between the color, smell and consistency of the usual feces was noted by pregnant women who used Sorbifer, Ferrum-Lek, Tardiferon.

Sometimes the body of a woman carrying a fetus, for some reason, does not absorb iron in the right amount. Then preparations with a microelement are prescribed together with ascorbic and folic acids. In this case, the appearance of black feces is also characteristic.

Very often, pregnant women are prescribed complex preparations containing vitamins and trace elements, such as Elevit or Vitrum. Most of them contain iron. Thus, taking multivitamins can also cause black stools. In this case, there is no cause for concern. The color will be restored within 2-3 days after stopping the intake of iron-containing medicines. The same thing happens when a pregnant woman takes activated charcoal or drugs containing bismuth (De-nol, Vikalin, Vikair).

Bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract can cause long-term use of certain drugs, such as Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Indomethacin, Nimesulide, Loksidol, Nise, etc.

3 Effect of food on stool color

The color of feces is greatly influenced by the composition of foods consumed. Black color can give:

  • all varieties of black grapes, sultanas;
  • black berries (blueberries, blackberries, black currants);
  • dark-colored fruits (prunes, chokeberry);
  • dishes containing the liver;
  • dishes containing animal blood (steak with blood, black pudding).

Many foods can make stools dark in color. This:

  • leafy greens in large quantities;
  • beet;
  • tomatoes;
  • pomegranate, kiwi;
  • strong coffee.

The dark color of feces comes from artificial colors found in processed foods and liquids (such as powdered drinks). When eating some fruits (for example, bananas), black blotches in the form of strings or small pieces may be present in the feces.

The natural causes of staining feces black when carrying a child include indigestion under the influence of the so-called pregnancy hormones. They are also “guilty” of increased excitability, suspiciousness, nervousness of the expectant mother.

4 Danger signs

In general, black feces during pregnancy is not dangerous in itself, if its occurrence is not accompanied by a deterioration in well-being. Sometimes the appearance of an unpleasant condition is accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • chills;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • hypotension, weakness;
  • dizziness, loss of consciousness;
  • increased sweating;
  • pallor of the skin.

In this case, you should immediately call an ambulance, as these may be symptoms of internal bleeding. It can be a consequence of exacerbation of pre-existing or acquired diseases during pregnancy. The black color of the feces in this case is given by blood oxidized by digestive enzymes, the source of which is in the upper sections of the gastrointestinal tract. With internal bleeding, when the biological fluid enters the digestive system, the feces not only change color, but also become liquid.

This may be bleeding from an exacerbated stomach or duodenal ulcer. In the first case, dark feces are accompanied by acute pain, aggravated by eating. The greatest danger is profuse bleeding, when erosion destroys the wall of the gastric or intestinal artery. In this case, within a short time, the woman loses a significant amount of blood. As a result, a syndrome of multiple organ failure can develop, in which the entire vital activity of the body is disrupted. This is a very serious condition that requires immediate hospitalization.

Digestive bleeding is often accompanied by cherry-colored vomiting. They can be symptoms of damaged esophageal polyps and other growths in the gastrointestinal tract. Varicose veins, characteristic of severe liver damage and cirrhosis, can become a source of blood in the intestines. If the source of blood is located closer to the rectum, then the feces will contain impurities of fresh scarlet blood.

The appearance of feces with blood, accompanied by a general malaise, may indicate the development of serious diseases such as Crohn's disease, gastritis, ulcerative colitis, ankylostomiasis, acute lymphoblastic leukemia, or histoplasmosis. Therefore, if black stools are not associated with the use of multivitamin complexes or iron-containing preparations, an urgent need to consult a doctor. If it is not possible to find out the cause of the appearance of dark feces by collecting anamnesis, then an examination of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract using CT, MRI, endoscopy, and radiography is prescribed. Biochemical blood tests are also prescribed. These methods will help determine what pathological processes are taking place in the body, and identify internal bleeding.

Dark green, can almost be a symptom of dysbacteriosis. In this case, the stool has a sharp putrid odor. Dysbacteriosis during pregnancy is dangerous not only for a pregnant woman, but also for her unborn child. Severe consequences of untreated dysbacteriosis can be: infection of the fetus with pathogenic microorganisms, disturbances in its development, premature birth. Treatment of dysbacteriosis should be prescribed by a specialist gastroenterologist after consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist.

In any case, if feces of a suspicious color or consistency appear, the pregnant woman should report this to the specialist observing her. He will be able to objectively determine why this happened and prescribe an effective treatment. Self-therapy during pregnancy is strictly prohibited. After all, a woman may simply not know that drugs that used to bring her relief can adversely affect the health of a developing fetus.

Many pregnant women notice that their stool color has changed, the stools have acquired a dark shade. Naturally, expectant mothers begin to worry about this, and some even panic, believing that they are sick with something. Let's figure it out.

Why does stool color change?

After the conception of the baby, the functioning of the woman's body is restructured, as the mother's body prepares for bearing the fetus. In connection with the "global" hormonal changes in the future mother, the color and density of bowel movements may change. During pregnancy, the color of feces can vary from green to black.

In many ways, the shade of feces is affected diet pregnant. If the expectant mother decides to consume leafy green vegetables in large quantities while carrying the baby, then green feces await her. And eating large quantities of black pudding, liver, currants, blueberries will color the stool black.

Also, the shade of feces can be affected taking medications rats. The well-known "Activated Charcoal", which is taken for digestive disorders, accumulation of gases in the intestines, food poisoning, salts of heavy metals, alkaloids, leads to black excrement staining. Therefore, if a woman in position drank several tablets of "Activated Charcoal", for example, from bloating, then in a day or two she would have dark feces. During pregnancy, even long-familiar medications should be taken with caution, since it is not known how the body of a woman carrying a baby will react to them. The same “Activated charcoal”, in addition to removing toxins from the body and staining feces, leads to the removal of useful substances: vitamins, minerals, fats, proteins and carbohydrates. And this negatively affects the development of the baby.

Black feces during pregnancy may be a consequence taking a vitamin-mineral complex, designed specifically for women who are expecting a baby, since all dietary supplements for expectant mothers contain a substance such as iron. It is vital for the body in order for the hematopoietic function to work properly, and the level of hemoglobin in the blood to remain normal. During the period of bearing a child, the need of a pregnant woman for iron doubles. Therefore, quite often expectant mothers are diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia, which can lead to health complications. To avoid this condition, obstetrician-gynecologists prescribe vitamin-mineral complexes containing an increased amount of iron to women in position. But not all of the iron found in the dietary supplement is absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract, since the stomach can absorb only 2 milligrams of this mineral during the day. All the rest of the iron is excreted from the body along with feces, which leads to dark feces in pregnant women taking vitamin-mineral complexes for expectant mothers.

Dangerous causes of discoloration of feces

In addition to the above reasons for changing the color of feces during the bearing of a baby, there are others that pose a danger to the health and life of the mother and child.

A change in the color of feces during pregnancy can be a consequence of liver disease, dysbacteriosis, an infectious disease, colitis, bleeding in the intestines. Let's consider all these ailments in more detail.

  • Liver disease, such as hepatosis, hepatitis, cirrhosis, fibrosis, are the cause of green feces. With these diseases, the liver is not able to fully perform its functions of utilizing hemoglobin, as a result of which iron compounds enter the duodenum and stain the stool in a dark color.
  • At dysbacteriosis intestines, the processes of absorption and digestion of food in the digestive tract are disrupted. As a result, the processes of fermentation and decay are actively taking place in the intestines, the result of which gives a green color to the feces.
  • Colitis- Inflammatory bowel disease. When this disease is severe, purulent and bloody discharge may join the feces. They are the cause of green feces. During pregnancy, this disease poses a threat not only to health, but also to the life of a woman and her baby.
  • internal bleeding. Peptic ulcer of the duodenum or stomach, malignant neoplasms in the digestive tract lead to chronic mild bleeding. As a result, iron compounds contained in the blood stain the stool black.
  • Infectious diseases(for example, dysentery) are the cause of a change in the color of feces, since with them the same processes occur in the intestines as with dysbacteriosis. But besides this, they are accompanied by symptoms such as fever, abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea, loose stools.

Summing up this article, I would like to say that any pregnant woman who notices that her stool color has changed should definitely consult a doctor for advice. Most likely, the reason for these changes in the diet or in the intake of vitamin and mineral complexes for pregnant women, which contain large amounts of iron. But there is a possibility that black feces is a symptom of diseases that are dangerous not only for health, but also for the life of a woman and her child. Therefore, it is better to play it safe once again and consult with a gynecologist about changing the color of the stool, take a general analysis of blood, urine and feces, so that the doctor, based on the results of the research, can draw a conclusion about the state of health of a woman who is expecting a baby and reassure her, saying that with she's all right.


Approximate reading time: 8 minutes

Black feces during pregnancy is a reason to contact a doctor who observes gestation. Even in the absence of unpleasant symptoms, there may be a threat to the health of the mother or embryo. There are often situations when it is necessary to take urgent measures, and it may happen that there is no reason for concern at all.

Causes and symptoms of black stools during pregnancy

During the period of gestation of the embryo, the female body adapts to a new position. Pregnancy affects all the vital organs of the mother. The fetus develops gradually, passing through different stages. At the beginning, the process of organogenesis takes place. This period is the first trimester. In the second and third trimesters, the growth of tissues and organs of the unborn child continues.

For stable functioning in the womb, the fetus needs a normal blood supply and supply of nutrients that the placenta provides. A woman in the phase of placental formation is able to undergo a number of problems - from toxicosis to miscarriage.

Dysfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract come first, leading to unpleasant symptoms, which are described by pregnant women during diagnosis:

  • complete lack of appetite;
  • nausea;
  • frequent vomiting;
  • constipation;
  • diarrhea;
  • ache in the joints;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • dizziness.

This is usually accompanied by variability in the nature and color of feces. Such changes can cause the degree of concentration of hormones in the blood, which gradually returns to normal, without requiring any action. Table No. 1 shows the possible types of feces in an adult.

Table number 1. Possible types of feces in adults
Fecal optionsCharacteristics of feces
Constipation solid balls
Oblong fragments molded from separate small
Norm Elongated fragments of loose consistency with cracks over the entire surface
Elongated fragments of a homogeneous soft consistency
Separate soft fragments
Diarrhea Unformed fecal masses of a mushy form
Liquid watery stools

The reasons for the change in the color of feces to black during pregnancy can be different. Conventionally, experts divide them into those that are an acceptable norm, and those that need immediate diagnosis. A pregnant woman needs to differentiate the state of her stool, without succumbing to excessive panic when the color of the feces changes.

The safest cause of black feces is the intake of certain foods that give such a color after assimilation. Some foods give black color to feces due to incomplete digestion in the stomach and small intestine, as well as insufficient conjugation in the liver. It is about the following:

  • plum;
  • currant;
  • pomegranate;
  • chokeberry;
  • blueberry;
  • prunes;
  • beet;
  • tomatoes;
  • animal liver;
  • blood sausage;
  • coffee;
  • colored carbonated drinks.

Pigments that provide black feces are not digested under the influence of food enzymes produced by the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum.

In addition to foods, some medications also help change the usual color of feces to black. It can be:

  • Activated carbon;
  • some multivitamin complexes;
  • bismuth preparations;
  • polycomponent preparations of iron.

For example, after severe diarrhea, many rush to take sorbents. The most affordable is activated charcoal. Its molecules are not absorbed in the upper gastrointestinal tract and are excreted in the feces in their original form, which causes an uncharacteristic black stain.

Some multivitamin complexes contain iron in their composition. Once in the gastric environment, iron molecules are oxidized to hemin or iron oxide, and then pass through the entire digestive tract in this form. Mixing with feces, hemin stains the contents of the intestine black, which in no way threatens the health of the woman and the fetus. However, iron can be one of the reasons for fixing feces. Women prone to chronic constipation should consult a prenatal doctor before taking iron supplements. It must be admitted that hemin gets into the feces, which can be attributed to excess in the body. Perhaps adjusting the dosage of iron supplements will eliminate this problem. Iron-containing drugs that are acceptable for pregnant women include:

  • "Multi-Tabs";
  • "Vitrum";
  • "Centrum";
  • "Elevit";
  • "Materna";
  • "Complivit-iron";
  • "Alphabet";
  • "Gestalis";
  • "Pregnavit";
  • "Ferrohematogen";
  • "Revidox".

It is allowed during the gestation period to take dietary supplements, which include dry crushed fragments of berries and trace elements that give black color to feces.

It should be noted that you should not stop taking drugs that stain feces black. The remains of iron without any complications are excreted by the intestines. Many pregnant women are often prescribed supplemental iron supplements to treat anemia and increase blood iron saturation. This trace element is essential during the period of embryonic development, both for the maternal organism and for the developing fetus. Tables No. 2 and No. 3 show the possible colors of feces with a description of the reasons that cause them.

Table number 2. Possible causes of different colors of feces
Color of fecesCauses of variability in the color of feces
Green Consumption of chlorophyll-enriched foods, food intoxication, celiac disease, inflammatory bowel disease, neoplastic processes in the gastrointestinal tract
Yellow Pathology of the pancreas, celiac disease
Black Eating licorice or iron-containing foods and medications, bleeding from the upper gastrointestinal tract
whitish brown Blockage of the bile ducts, tumor processes of the pancreas
Red Consumption of foods with a high content of dyes, bleeding from the lower gastrointestinal tract
Table No. 3. Variability in the color of feces depending on various factors
Dark brown mixed diet
black brown meat diet
Light brown plant based diet
Black Bleeding from the upper gastrointestinal tract. Bismuth intake
Greenish black Taking iron supplements
Green High content of bilirubin and biliverdin with increased peristalsis. vegetable diet
greenish yellow carbohydrate fermentation
orange-light yellow Dairy diet
White or grayish white Stopping the flow of bile into the intestines

As can be seen from the tables, the reasons for the change in the color of feces lie in some serious diseases of the internal organs. Infectious diseases of the digestive system of an inflammatory nature are of high danger. This is typical for women suffering from the following pathologies:

  • chronic gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • liver dysfunction.

The black color of the feces in such cases is given by internal bleeding from the lesions, falling into the emerging fecal masses. The blood released from a bursting vessel enters into a kind of reaction with gastric juice, saturated with food enzymes and hydrochloric acid. It should be understood that such reactions in the body necessarily occur with additional symptoms. Usually this:

  • sharp pain in the abdomen;
  • blanching of the skin;
  • general weakness;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • cold sweat;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • dizziness.

The nature of feces, their consistency, color, volume, smell are direct indicators of the functioning of the stomach, intestines, liver, and pancreas. If the color of the feces changes against the background of acute diarrhea or prolonged constipation, one can suspect an intestinal infection or the colonization of pathogenic microflora on the intestinal mucosa. Usually, such digestive disorders are accompanied by characteristic symptoms:

  • spasms in the abdominal cavity;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • chills;
  • headache;
  • feeling of heaviness in the abdomen;
  • nausea;
  • frequent urge to defecate;
  • inability to empty the bowels for a long time.

Fecal masses from the inflamed intestine come out colored black-green, watery. When, with severe diarrhea, streaks of unclotting blood are observed in the feces, it can be concluded that bleeding from the lower sections of the large intestine. Presumably, too hard or watery stools irritate the sensitive layers of the epithelium of the intestinal walls, which leads to the release of small portions of blood into the intestinal cavity. However, long-term effects on the intestines of uncharacteristic fecal masses can also lead to large blood losses. As a result of such blood loss, anemia develops, which a woman begins to feel through general weakness and loss of efficiency.

In the same way, dysbacteriosis makes itself felt. If normal absorption of water and nutrients by the mother's intestines is impossible, the embryo begins to experience a lack of trace elements and vitamins. There are also signs of a violation of the water-salt balance, manifested in dehydration of the fetus.

One of the reasons for the situational nature of the appearance of black feces, which should not cause concern in a pregnant woman, is the ingestion of blood through the esophagus as a result of nosebleeds and after tooth extraction.

Internal bleeding poses a high danger to the life of a woman and an unborn baby. Intestinal bleeding becomes the first clinical manifestation of internal diseases. Noticing the appearance of black feces, accompanied by the described symptoms, you should immediately go for diagnostics to a gastroenterologist.

Possible Complications

Black feces may indicate serious complications in the body of a pregnant woman. The following pathologies cannot be excluded:

  • intestinal bleeding;
  • increase in anemia;
  • perforation of the intestinal wall;
  • penetration of infection into the abdominal cavity;
  • sepsis;
  • infection of the embryo;
  • "fading" of the fetus;
  • premature birth.

When black feces during pregnancy is a manifestation of an intestinal infection, then complications from the organs of the digestive system, as well as the course of embryonic development in general, can be assumed.

If discomfort is ignored in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, polyps, erosions, and ruptures of the esophageal mucosa can develop with severe vomiting.

Diagnostic methods

Internal bleeding is very important to diagnose in time. The doctor immediately collects a complete history of the pregnant woman and conducts research on the development of such a dangerous condition as preeclampsia. The characteristics of stool masses and the general condition of the patient are also analyzed.

With complaints about black feces and its liquid consistency, the appearance of nausea, heartburn, vomiting, pain in the abdominal cavity, the woman's diet and the intake of pharmacological agents that could have such an impact on the digestive system are clarified.

Mandatory laboratory tests are carried out:

  • general blood analysis;
  • general urine analysis;
  • blood chemistry;
  • polymerase chain reaction;
  • analysis of feces.

The polymerase chain reaction detects the DNA of bacteria or viruses that have settled in the intestinal cavity. Such an analysis is most informative for prolonged diarrhea caused by various pathogenic infections.

Since pregnant women have monthly blood and urine tests, special attention should be paid to the coprogram. Bacterial indicators of feces will help to identify the cause of the black color, without requiring additional diagnostic methods. The study of feces for the Gregersen reaction will put an end to suspicions of the presence of occult blood.

Instrumental diagnostic methods for the appearance of black feces are as follows:

  • ultrasound examination of the intestines of a woman and an embryo;
  • esophagogastroduodenoscopy;
  • breath test H.

Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, for a long time it is impossible to visualize the intestines of a woman in detail.

Esophagogastroduodenoscopy allows you to determine the area where bleeding occurs and to coagulate the affected vessel. Depending on the course of pregnancy, the doctor decides to conduct a study.

The H. Pylori breath test helps to determine the activity of Helicobacter pylori bacteria in the stomach, which often causes severe irritation, followed by inflammation of the stomach lining and digestive organs of the lower digestive system.

Differential diagnosis of black feces is carried out taking into account food intoxication, intestinal infections, exacerbation of hemorrhoids and the use of various medicinal and biologically active preparations containing trace elements that give an uncharacteristic color.

Treatment of black stool in pregnant women

Therapeutic measures for the appearance of black feces are necessary only in cases of the development of pathologies for which the black color of fecal masses leaving the body is a symptom.

In the treatment, several types of drugs are implemented:

  • pharmacological preparations;
  • folk methods;
  • homeopathic preparations;
  • adjustment of the diet;
  • physiotherapy.

In any case, pregnant women will have to exclude excessive loads, however, doing gentle gymnastics will be very useful.

The main method will be diet. Adjustment of the diet includes the following restrictions and recommendations:

  • Eat food warm. Too hot and too cold food is an additional burden on the digestive organs.
  • The calorie content of meals should be kept to a minimum. Fat-saturated foods should be excluded by connecting dietary fiber. This will stimulate intestinal motility.
  • Limit the consumption of sour, salty, smoked, starchy, sweet, fried foods as much as possible. Butter baking often leads to the formation of adhesive processes in the intestines.
  • Introduce enveloping cereals into the diet that are not capable of irritating the mucous membrane of the digestive tract.
  • Limit your intake of legumes. Proteins of animal origin should be consumed in the form of boiled lean meat.
  • Avoid factory-made juices with high levels of glucose, additional preservatives and colorants. They can cause additional fermentation and watery diarrhea.
  • Fruits and vegetables should be consumed in a steamed or boiled form, eliminating the additional burden on digestion.

After confirming the presence of an intestinal infection of bacterial origin, which often causes black feces in pregnant women, complex therapy is performed. The doctor prescribes an acceptable antibiotic, probiotics, symbiotics and sorbents. A prolonged disorder of the stool leads to a violation of the water-salt balance, so it is necessary to replenish the lost fluid in the body. When diarrhea is accompanied by intestinal bleeding, the liquid you drink normalizes the volume of circulating blood in the body. This is vital for the stable development of the embryo.

Enterocolitis with blood discharge into the intestinal cavity is treated with intestinal antiseptics of the nitrofuran series. To restore the intestinal mucosa, the intake of lactobacilli is shown to populate its "useful" microflora. Antibacterial therapy is carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor over the state of the mother's body and the embryo.

Black feces of a liquid consistency are usually accompanied by a violation of the excretory functions of the intestinal walls and the accumulation of large volumes of toxins and decay products. Thus, the intake of sorbents will enable the “slagging” intestine to free itself and restore the microflora necessary for normal digestion.

Of the probiotics, symbiotics, and pain medications for pregnant women, the following are safe:

  • Lineks. Available in capsules. The composition includes lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria. The drug helps to stabilize the intestinal microflora, and also has an antidiarrheal effect. "Linex" does not have side effects on the body of the mother and the embryo.
  • "Bifidumbacterin". Available in the form of powder, rectal suppositories and tablets. The composition includes several types of microorganisms, which significantly increases the effectiveness of the drug. Side effects on the body of the mother and baby have not been identified.
  • "Floristin". Produced in the form of a suspension. It is applied half an hour before meals. Normalizes the process of digestion and restores the balance of beneficial microorganisms in the intestinal environment. Indicated for pregnant women and children.
  • "No-Shpa". Available in tablets and ampoules. A pronounced effect on the embryo is not observed, since the placental barrier prevents the penetration of "aggressive" components to the fetus.

Physiotherapeutic procedures for ulcerative pathologies are carried out only in the remission stage, since in the acute stage an ulcer can provoke serious complications.

Surgical interventions for black feces in pregnant women are not used. Radical surgery is used only in cases where there are severe complications.

A good effect can be achieved with enemas with sea buckthorn oil, which will contribute to the speedy healing of the affected areas of the mucosa.

Decoctions of chamomile, sage, yarrow, sophora flowers will have a calming and restoring effect on irritated mucous organs of the digestive system. Of course, the use of enemas by pregnant women and herbal teas must be coordinated with the gynecologist observing gestation.

Having noticed black feces in yourself, you should not prematurely sound the alarm. It is enough, in the absence of discomfort, to adjust your diet, excluding from it foods and pharmacological preparations that can cause darkening of feces. Over time, you can notice that the color of the feces gradually stabilizes.

On the eve of childbirth, at the end of the third trimester, the woman's body is rebuilt, mobilizing for labor. The uterus in this period is already maximally enlarged in size, exerts strong pressure on the bladder, esophagus, inferior vena cava, liver, and intestines. Some portions of food, therefore, cannot be fully digested. This leads to the variability of the color of the formed feces. Timely consultation with a doctor will dispel myths and give a pregnant woman self-confidence.

Black feces in the late stages of embryonic development are rarely a sign of any dangerous pathology in a woman or her fetus. This is most often caused by dietary changes. Without observing additional alarming symptoms, a pregnant woman should relax and concentrate on preparing for delivery.

In order to prevent intestinal infections, pregnant women should avoid contact with infectious patients, as well as observe the necessary hygiene measures. We are talking about washing hands after visiting public places and toilets. Fruits and vegetables should also be washed under running water before they are eaten or cooked. It is forbidden to use tap water that has not passed the boiling stage.

Having chronic problems with the organs of the digestive system, when planning a pregnancy, you will have to include them in the list of diseases that need to be cured before conception occurs.

Many women who are carrying a child notice that their stool color has changed during pregnancy, the stool has acquired a dark shade.

Naturally, expectant mothers begin to worry about this, and some even panic, believing that they are sick with something.

In this article, we will look at why women who are expecting a baby may change the color of feces, whether it is dangerous for the health of the pregnant woman and the child, and in what cases dark feces during pregnancy can be a symptom of the disease.

Why does feces change color during pregnancy?

After the conception of the baby, the functioning of the woman's body is restructured, as the mother's body prepares for bearing the fetus. In connection with the "global" hormonal changes in the future mother, the color and density of bowel movements may change. The color of feces during pregnancy can vary from green to black.

In many ways, the shade of feces is influenced by the foods that a woman who is expecting a baby consumes. If the expectant mother decides to consume leafy green vegetables in large quantities while carrying the baby, then green feces await her during pregnancy. And eating large quantities of black pudding, liver, currants, blueberries will color the stool black.

Also, taking medications can affect the shade of feces.

The well-known "Activated Charcoal", which is taken for digestive disorders, accumulation of gases in the intestines, food poisoning, salts of heavy metals, alkaloids, leads to black excrement staining.

Therefore, if a woman in position drank several tablets of "Activated Charcoal", for example, from bloating, then in a day or two she would have dark feces.

During pregnancy, even long-familiar medications should be taken with caution, since it is not known how the body of a woman carrying a baby will react to them. The same “Activated charcoal”, in addition to removing toxins from the body and staining feces, leads to the removal of useful substances: vitamins, minerals, fats, proteins and carbohydrates. And this negatively affects the development of the baby.

Black feces during pregnancy may be the result of taking a vitamin-mineral complex designed specifically for women who are expecting a baby, since all dietary supplements for expectant mothers contain a substance such as iron.

It is vital for the body in order for the hematopoietic function to work properly, and the level of hemoglobin in the blood to remain normal. During the period of bearing a child, the need of a pregnant woman for iron doubles. Therefore, quite often expectant mothers are diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia, which can lead to health complications.

To avoid this condition, obstetrician-gynecologists prescribe vitamin-mineral complexes containing an increased amount of iron to women in position. But not all of the iron found in the dietary supplement is absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract, since the stomach can absorb only 2 milligrams of this mineral during the day.

All the rest of the iron is excreted from the body along with feces, which leads to dark feces during pregnancy in all women taking vitamin and mineral complexes for expectant mothers.

Dangerous causes of discoloration of feces

In addition to the above reasons for changing the color of feces during the bearing of a baby, there are others that pose a danger to the health and life of the mother and child.

A change in the color of feces during pregnancy can be a consequence of liver disease, dysbacteriosis, an infectious disease, colitis, bleeding in the intestines. Let's consider all these ailments in more detail.

Liver diseases such as hepatosis, hepatitis, cirrhosis, fibrosis are the cause of green feces during pregnancy. With these diseases, the liver is not able to fully perform its functions of utilizing hemoglobin, as a result of which iron compounds enter the duodenum and stain the stool in a dark color.

With intestinal dysbacteriosis, the processes of absorption and digestion of food in the digestive tract are disrupted. As a result, the processes of fermentation and decay are actively taking place in the intestines, the result of which gives a green color to the feces.

Colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease. When this disease is severe, purulent and bloody discharge may join the feces. They are the cause of green feces. During pregnancy, this disease poses a threat not only to health, but also to the life of a woman and her baby.

Another cause of black feces during pregnancy is internal bleeding. Peptic ulcer of the duodenum or stomach, malignant neoplasms in the digestive tract lead to chronic mild bleeding. As a result, iron compounds contained in the blood stain the stool black.

Infectious diseases (for example, dysentery) are the cause of discoloration of feces, since with them the same processes occur in the intestines as with dysbacteriosis. But besides this, they are accompanied by symptoms such as fever, abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea, loose stools.

Summing up this article, I would like to say that any woman who notices that her stool color has changed during pregnancy should definitely consult a doctor for advice.

Most likely, the reason for these changes in the diet or in the intake of vitamin and mineral complexes for pregnant women, which contain large amounts of iron.

But there is a possibility that black feces during pregnancy is a symptom of diseases that are dangerous not only for health, but also for the life of a woman and her child.

Therefore, it is better to play it safe once again and consult with a gynecologist about changing the color of the stool, take a general analysis of blood, urine and feces, so that the doctor, based on the results of the research, can draw a conclusion about the state of health of a woman who is expecting a baby and reassure her, saying that with she's all right.

Source: http://ymadam.net/deti/beremennost/kal-pri-beremennosti.php

Feces during pregnancy

Often, along with a joyful event, a woman begins to get seriously worried, as changes occur in the work of the body, which she is ashamed to share with her beloved, friends and doctors.

This is a change in the color of feces during pregnancy. A common occurrence is dark feces during pregnancy. What happens to the body and whether it needs help, let's find out more.

Most women in an interesting position note a lot of oddities that happen to them during pregnancy, it can be taste preferences, you want something sweet, sometimes salty, the skin becomes dry and begins to itch intensely, fillings and even teeth can “fall”, and some pregnant women notice that the stool has changed its color and become darker. Black feces during pregnancy is not a reason for frustration and silence. It is clear that the topic is too sensitive, but not so much that you cannot tell your gynecologist who is watching your pregnancy about it. Most expectant mothers are so shy that they are simply afraid to talk about changes in the body and are very worried about this. As a result - poor health, lack of appetite, sleep disturbance and even uterine tone. And this is already serious and even threatens to terminate the pregnancy. That is why it is so important to immediately share everything that happens to a woman's body during pregnancy with her doctor.

Listen to your body

Not all women know that the body experiences a serious load during the bearing of a baby and, first of all, these are hormonal changes. As a result, other disorders may appear.

The color of feces during pregnancy is not always a cause for concern, for example, in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, when the body and all organs are just adapting to a double load, a woman’s feces can change its color, frequent urination will appear - this is normal.

It is good if a woman listens to her body and observes, because excessive concern not only for herself, but also for her unborn child is very good. The reason for these changes is the high level of hormones.

It is possible that old “sores” and diseases that have not been treated before pregnancy will make themselves felt. You will have to seek help from specialists in order to exclude serious diseases.

Changes in the body during pregnancy:

  • black feces can cause internal failure (bleeding of the intestines, stomach). The consistency of such feces is more liquid than usual, as there is a lot of blood in it. Outwardly, such feces are more like liquid coffee grounds. Characteristic symptoms: pallor, weakness, increased sweating. Urgent hospitalization is required;
  • the formation of dark fecal masses can be triggered by taking medications. For example, activated charcoal. These pills can be used by pregnant women to get rid of gas and colic;
  • green stools with mucus can appear due to excessive consumption of raw fruits and vegetables. If you eat only such food a lot and constantly, then the work of the intestines is disturbed;
  • gray stool occurs due to the use of any one product (kiwi, beets, etc.). If there is no mucus and pain, then there is no need to worry, stop using these products and everything will return to normal;
  • light feces indicate a malfunction in the intestines;
  • rare, white feces - a rare phenomenon, indicates an allergic reaction to a certain product;
  • fecal masses with blood may occur due to frequent constipation or exacerbation of a chronic disease of the stomach or intestines. You need help from a qualified professional.

It is important that a woman understands and knows that as soon as she suspects something is wrong, she needs to see a specialist. Only a qualified doctor will be able to realistically assess the problem and indicate the cause of the change in stool color during pregnancy. In no case should a woman self-medicate, endure and keep silent about her problems.

Is dark stool dangerous?

Many expectant mothers worry about the fact that their feces have become darker, the consistency has changed and an unpleasant odor has appeared.

There is no need to panic right away, perhaps the woman drank a sorbent (activated charcoal) or blueberry / blackcurrant / beetroot juice, and forgot about it the next day. Natural sorbents and dark foods can turn stool black.

It’s too early to worry about this if the expectant mother feels good and everything is in order.

Another thing is, if the above products were not present in the diet, and the feces remain dark, you need to worry - a change in the shade of feces can signal the presence of a disease.

Women with chronic diseases of the stomach and intestines are at risk, then it is necessary to pass a series of tests and undergo an examination to exclude feces with blood during pregnancy (this is a vivid picture of an exacerbation of a stomach ulcer).

If the ulcer has worsened, then this indicates that the person has internal bleeding. But in this case, the structure of the feces will change from dense to liquid.

If during pregnancy a woman finds that she has dark feces, and there are also symptoms such as weakness, dizziness, sticky cold sweat appears, then you should immediately contact a specialist. It's better to be safe than sorry about wasted time later.

A woman carrying a baby, at the first changes in her body (dark and green feces during pregnancy), needs to pay attention to her well-being. If there have been no significant changes in the last couple of days, there is no need to worry.

It is possible that the change in the stool of a pregnant woman is directly related to the intake of multivitamin complexes or the diet.

If the situation worsens, the woman feels bad, she is worried about abdominal pain, heartburn, mild nausea, constipation has been tormented in the last few days, there is vomiting and bloating, then you need to see a doctor. Cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis (in the acute stage) or stomach ulcers are not excluded.

If a pregnant woman has at least 1 of these symptoms along with dark stools, immediate hospitalization is needed:

  • vomit;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • liquid stool;
  • permanent anemia.

It often happens that a pregnant woman is too scrupulous about any changes that occur to her, for example, she noticed that the feces have become dark, and these are just dark blotches of undigested food (peel of berries or fruits).

If the expectant mother's feces become black and liquid, then this may indicate that bleeding has opened in the intestines. You need to see a doctor immediately.

A cause for concern along with dark-colored diarrhea may be:

  • severe weakness up to loss of consciousness;
  • blanching of the skin;
  • severe dizziness;
  • lack of appetite;
  • anemia;
  • lowering blood pressure.

If a pregnant woman has these symptoms, a doctor's consultation is necessary. The specialist may prescribe an extended examination (EGD) to clarify the diagnosis.

By the way, feces with blood during pregnancy is also a serious cause for concern, these are not only deviations in the work of the intestines and stomach, but also assumptions about intrauterine death of the fetus. As a result of the death of a child, the body receives a powerful hormonal surge and therefore the feces can be colored black with clots of coagulated blood.

Why is stool broken during pregnancy?

Constipation often accompanies a woman in an interesting position. Here you can advise to review the diet, include more fresh vegetables and fruits, as long-term constipation adversely affects the course of pregnancy.

So, we summarize and list all the reasons that can affect changes in the color of feces during pregnancy:

  • hormonal surge;
  • serious diseases (diseases of the liver, stomach, intestines);
  • hemorrhage in the intestines and stomach;
  • intake of foods high in iron;
  • poisoning;
  • when taking activated charcoal;
  • with excessive consumption of dark foods: kiwi, black pudding, blueberries, liver, black currants.

Now it is clear that the causes of black feces during childbearing can be different and in each case you need to act differently.

If a woman feels good, then you just need to remember what she ate over the past few days. If none of the stool-coloring foods was eaten, then you need to listen to the body and observe.

In case of negative manifestations (nausea, pain, vomiting, lack of appetite and weakness), you should immediately consult a doctor.

Reception of multivitamin complexes

Almost every woman with the onset of conception suffers from a lack of minerals, trace elements and vitamins. This is normal, since the supply of nutrients used to be necessary only for one organism, and now it is also necessary for the development of the fetus. Naturally, the reserves of vitamins quickly run out and they need to be replenished periodically.

Based on this, without exception, gynecologists are trying to prescribe vitamin preparations to future mothers. By the way, only one balanced complex will not be enough, since during pregnancy the hemoglobin level always decreases (this is natural) and therefore it is necessary to replenish iron reserves.

Therefore, doctors prescribe women in position (after examination and obtaining the results of a blood test for hemoglobin) also drugs with iron.

Doctors usually warn patients about possible side effects, but women do not always take it literally. A few days after taking iron-containing preparations, the feces darken, as the body takes what it needs, and gives part of the iron in a processed form. Due to their suspiciousness, many women can be very frightened and forget about the doctor's warning.

All women who are carrying a baby need to know that any complex designed specifically for pregnant women contains more iron, so when taking harmless vitamins, the pregnant woman's stool turns dark. This is not a pathology, this is the norm. Many women even believe that if this happens, then the vitamins are good. Doctors have a different opinion - the body thus removes the excess with the stool.

As soon as a woman notices that her feces have become darker, there is no need to stop taking multivitamin complexes and it is also not worth changing vitamins to others, the result will be the same.

What can you advise a woman in position? If you started taking vitamins and noticed that the feces turned dark in color, you should not worry about this.

Think about the child, the mother's worries are transmitted to the baby. Happy pregnancy!

Source: http://beremennuyu.ru/kal-pri-beremennosti

What does yellow feces mean in an adult, child, during pregnancy

The color of the feces is of great diagnostic value and may be a signal to see a doctor. Often, a change in the normal shade can be caused by an unusual diet, taking certain medications.

At the same time, in some cases, a change in the consistency and color of the stool is provoked by disturbances in the operation of internal systems. Under what conditions can the color of feces turn yellow, and what to do in such cases, our article will tell.

Causes of yellow feces in adults

A change in stool without complaints and deterioration is often caused by the introduction of certain food groups into the diet.

The use of dairy and vegetable products, for example, carrots, persimmons, apples, melons, pears, can change the color of the stool to yellow. In addition, this situation can occur due to stress, overeating, taking certain medications.

The main causes of yellow stools in adults are:

  • Eating certain foods.
  • Taking certain medications.
  • The consequences of stress.
  • Disease of the digestive tract.
  • Alcohol abuse.
  • Pathology of the liver and pancreas.
  • Intestinal disorders.

Yellowing of feces can provoke the use of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs, hormonal contraceptives, anti-tuberculosis and laxatives. Such a reaction is noted with drug therapy for gout, as well as the introduction of contrast agents for examining the gastrointestinal tract.

Yellow stool in children of the first year of life without the absence of objective complaints is normal, especially when breastfeeding a baby. However, it can also be a sign of pathology, so it is better to play it safe and be examined by a specialist.

What could this sign indicate?

  • Crohn's disease. In this condition, the stools are grey-yellow, often spotted with white, and very offensive. The disease belongs to autoimmune pathologies and leads to terrible consequences (ulceration of the intestinal mucosa, internal bleeding), so early diagnosis is simply necessary.
  • Taking antibacterial agents often leads to liquefaction of feces and a change in its color. In this case, it is necessary to coordinate with the attending physician further rehabilitation and restoration of normal intestinal microflora with the help of special prebiotics.
  • Violations of the usual diet of a nursing mother, early or improper complementary foods. The digestive system in babies is formed for a long time, so it is very important to initially establish a normal diet without excesses.
  • Yellow loose stools with foam and mucus interspersed may indicate food poisoning and intolerance to the product introduced into the diet. In breastfed babies, such a reaction may occur with a concomitant disease, for example, bronchitis. In this case, the inflammatory process in the body can also affect the digestive function.
  • In addition, stool problems and negative symptoms (restless behavior, weight gain, belching, and bloating) can be caused by intestinal dysbiosis, rotavirus disease, and congenital lactose or gluten intolerance.

During pregnancy

During the period of bearing a child, the body of the expectant mother is subjected to serious tests. There are frequent cases of exacerbation of chronic diseases, as well as the emergence of new ailments.

During pregnancy, you need to carefully monitor your diet, as well as try to avoid unnecessary stress and stress. If the color of the stool has changed in a pregnant woman, but there are no objective complaints, this is most likely due to the diet, so there is no need for medical intervention.

If you experience abdominal pain, digestive disorders, as well as the appearance of additional symptoms, you should definitely visit a doctor and undergo special examinations. You should know that during pregnancy, many diseases threaten not only a threat to the mother, but also potentially dangerous to the child.

The symptoms of gastrointestinal diseases are extremely diverse, so any symptom matters. When contacting a doctor, it is necessary to provide complete information about existing chronic ailments, surgeries and genetic diseases.

When complaining of digestive disorders, the color and consistency of feces, the frequency of bowel movements, changes in odor and other objective indicators of stool are also important. An accurate determination of possible causes can only be obtained after laboratory and instrumental examinations.

The main symptoms of pathologies of the digestive tract:

  • yellow-green feces- a sign of inflammatory or putrefactive processes in the intestines. It can be caused by food poisoning, an imbalance in the intestinal microflora, and dysfunction of the digestive system.
  • Liquid consistency and an increased frequency of bowel movements may be indicative of both food poisoning and more severe digestive disorders.
  • Stool with mucus most often appear with the development of pathological processes in the lower intestines.
  • Yellow-brown stool usually means liver problems. Hepatitis, cirrhosis and fatty transformation of liver tissue leads to insufficient production of bilirubin. Characteristic additional symptoms are darkening of the urine and the appearance of undigested residues in the feces.
  • White and yellow chair often diagnosed with pancreatitis and other pathologies of the pancreas. Such conditions are not uncommon after removal of the gallbladder, as well as in violation of the normal outflow of bile.

Identifying possible pathologies at home is not so simple. Asymptomatic onset is far from uncommon for gastrointestinal diseases, so any changes must be kept under control.

It is especially important to consult a doctor if yellowing of the feces occurs against the background of a sharp weight loss, the appearance of pain of various localization and general weakness. All these are the first signs of oncological diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, so early diagnosis will give more chances for a successful outcome of treatment.

What do we have to do?

If the change in feces is caused by new foods in the diet, or by taking medications, everything usually normalizes by itself. In the absence of objective complaints and other uncomfortable symptoms, additional treatment is not used.

If the change in the color of the feces occurred spontaneously and is accompanied by other symptoms, you should definitely contact a specialist and undergo an additional examination. Most serious pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract begin with similar signs, so it is impossible to delay contacting a doctor.

A change in the color of feces is one of the most informative symptoms in the diagnosis of diseases of the digestive tract. Yellowing of the stool is often caused by a change in diet or medication.

Source: http://gidmed.com/gastroenterologiya/simptomy-gastro/zheltyj-kal.html

Chair during pregnancy

During pregnancy, all organs and systems of a woman work in a special mode. This leads to a change in some indicators of blood, urine and feces.

A woman can notice changes in the stool during pregnancy on her own, without any tests. The consistency and color of feces usually change.

Sometimes such changes may be associated with a deterioration in the health of the expectant mother, the development of certain diseases. Consider what are the changes in the stool during pregnancy.

Loose stools during pregnancy

Quite often, in the early stages of pregnancy, a woman’s stool is liquid. Experts note several reasons for this phenomenon. Firstly, immediately after conception, the woman's body is actively rebuilt, creating the necessary conditions for the growth and development of the child. Therefore, many organs begin to function a little in an unusual mode.

Secondly, the cause of loose stools in early pregnancy may be toxicosis, from which many women suffer during this period. Thirdly, while waiting for a baby, some women develop cravings for foods that are unusual for her. It can also cause diarrhea. Another cause of loose stools is stress and overexertion.

Many pregnant women notice an upset stomach during strong unrest and worries.

However, diarrhea can also indicate the development of an infectious disease, which is very dangerous for a woman carrying a child. In addition, diarrhea occurs with food poisoning.

As a rule, in the case of an infection, loose stools are accompanied by nausea and vomiting, deterioration of the general condition, and often fever.

In the feces, impurities of mucus, undigested pieces of food, and blood can be observed.

If loose stools appear during pregnancy, especially if it is accompanied by other symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. It is important to diagnose an infectious disease in time. Some of them, such as dysentery, are quite dangerous and require hospitalization. Even ordinary food poisoning is highly undesirable during pregnancy.

Changes in the body that occur during pregnancy often lead to constipation. The risk of their occurrence is especially increased in the second and third trimesters. The reasons for this condition of the stool during pregnancy are the following factors:

  • An increase in the level of progesterone in the blood. This hormone helps to reduce the tone of smooth muscles, including the intestines, which leads to a delay in fecal masses;
  • Enlargement of the uterus. The growing uterus puts more and more pressure on the intestines, causing constipation in the last months of pregnancy;
  • Reducing the amount of fluid you drink. Some expectant mothers suffer from edema, especially in the later stages. Therefore, they have to limit their fluid intake. This, in turn, increases the risk of constipation;
  • Sedentary lifestyle. Many women in the last months of pregnancy move little, preferring to spend time lying or sitting. Insufficient physical activity is a significant factor contributing to constipation.

Irregular stools during pregnancy are dangerous for the possible development of intoxication of the body, both in the mother and in the fetus. In addition, constipation is one of the main causes of hemorrhoids (enlargement and inflammation of the venous nodes of the rectum).

Another danger of constipation in the expectant mother is that the intestine overflowing with feces presses on the uterus, causing it to become irritated.

Such regular irritation can lead to an increase in uterine tone, and, as a result, to the threat of premature birth.

To prevent constipation during pregnancy, a woman should eat rationally, make sure that the menu includes vegetables and fruits, cereals and dairy products.

It is also necessary not to forget about regular physical activity, of course, feasible for a pregnant woman.

Every day you need to go for walks in the fresh air, you can do simple gymnastics, having previously coordinated her exercises with your doctor.

Change in stool color during pregnancy

The cause of excitement in expectant mothers sometimes becomes a change in the color of feces. Women are especially afraid of black stools during pregnancy. In most cases, this phenomenon does not pose any threat to health.

With what it can be connected? As a rule, black feces occur when taking iron preparations, which are often prescribed to a woman with anemia. Another, quite harmless reason for this phenomenon is the intake of activated charcoal.

Often, in case of increased gas formation and intestinal colic, the doctor recommends that a woman take this drug.

Black stools may be signs of bleeding in the upper gastrointestinal tract. However, in this case, it is accompanied by a significant deterioration in well-being, nausea and vomiting, pain in the abdomen. Therefore, if black stools appear during pregnancy, which is accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms, it is urgent to call for medical help.

Sometimes a woman can observe a greenish hue in her feces. As a rule, this happens when eating a large amount of vegetables and fruits. Trying to eat more vitamins, the expectant mother can provoke an indigestion in herself, in which the color of the stool also changes.

The appearance of white stools during pregnancy may indicate the development of certain diseases. Most often these are diseases of the liver or pancreas, biliary tract obstruction, food allergies. At the same time, sometimes white stools indicate an excess amount of dairy products in the diet.

Minor changes in the stool during pregnancy is a completely physiological condition that does not require treatment. However, it is important not to miss the onset of the disease that this symptom may indicate. Therefore, with prolonged changes in the consistency or color of feces during pregnancy, it is better to consult a doctor.

Almost all women during the period of bearing a baby are too worried about the correct development of pregnancy. Expectant mothers carefully listen to all changes in the body, this also applies to the work of the stomach. Seeing emptying of a different color and consistency, there are reasons to find out why black feces appeared during pregnancy.


As a rule, the basis for the appearance of the disease is the hormonal background that affects the entire woman. In this case, the reasons for the appearance of changes are not dangerous. A pregnant woman may have drunk a sorbent based on activated carbon, then black poop will appear in pregnant women. Food can easily paint the feces in a dark color. In this case, this is normal and the pregnant woman does not have a disease.

Why do pregnant women have black feces?

  1. constant changes in the hormonal background due to pregnancy;
  2. if the expectant mother has poisoning, and she drank activated charcoal or its derivatives;
  3. under the influence of food of a dark color;
  4. taking iron in tablets, injections or as part of complex vitamins stains feces.

It is worth noting that a black stool does not always indicate a poor health of the expectant mother. But it happens that this is how the disease behaves.

With a miscarriage, there is a strong hormonal surge, so after the loss of a baby, feces can become dark. Only in rare cases, a change in the color of feces is a symptom of the disease. This leads to bleeding from the esophagus, duodenum or stomach, neoplasms of the esophagus, severe poisoning. A doctor is consulted for such undesirable complaints as weakness, pallor, excessive sweating.

In such situations, in addition to the fact that the emptying has changed, there are also other symptoms:

  • pale skin;
  • fainting or pre-fainting;
  • dizzy;
  • hypotension.

It is far from always that black feces in pregnant women indicate serious problems with bearing a baby or a state of health. For this reason, excessive experiences of the expectant mother are highly undesirable. To determine the exact cause, it is advisable to consult an experienced doctor and carefully monitor the slightest changes in the diet.

Norms for expectant mothers

Every person is embarrassed when questions regarding defecation and going to the toilet are considered. Pregnant women note increased susceptibility, so they try their best to avoid sensitive issues. In fact, there is no reason to be embarrassed.

What should be the feces in pregnant women? A change in stool signals changes in the female body. Expectant mothers are required to carefully monitor their health and any physiological changes. Fear of discussing topics related to stool should not lead to a refusal to consult a doctor. The liver, which works in an enhanced mode during the bearing of the baby, is responsible for the condition, color, smell, and consistency of the stool.

Normal stools are usually stained brown, which occurs under the influence of bile pigments. However, changes in the body, dietary adjustments lead to a different staining of the stool. Color often plays an important role in the examination, as it allows you to identify developing diseases or pathological processes.

Interested in what black feces mean during pregnancy, you should not immediately panic. Products, taking medications with iron usually lead to a different staining. The only danger is diseases and bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract, when mandatory medical assistance is required.

Pregnant women should think not only about themselves, but also about their child. Discussing sensitive issues for experienced doctors is an absolutely normal process. Staining of feces indicates changes in the female body, therefore, when interacting with doctors, it is advisable to consider the issue without undue embarrassment.

Features of the drug effect

Any multivitamin that is prescribed to expectant mothers includes iron. In this regard, it is recommended to carefully monitor the medications and vitamin complexes used, since often black stools during pregnancy should not cause increased anxiety. If the doctor did not warn about the potential effect of vitamins or drugs, additional consultation is desirable to maintain peace of mind.

Almost always, when taking iron, stool becomes black. This physiological phenomenon is considered normal, therefore, it does not require any medical procedures, you can be sure of the naturalness and high quality of vitamins.

The female body, according to this scheme, removes an excess amount of iron, which comes with vitamins. For the proper functioning of all organs, the assimilation of only a certain norm is required, and an excess amount of a substance stains the stool. In this regard, you should not stop taking vitamins if black poop appears.

In the absence of negative changes in the state of health, drug or vitamin therapy remains acceptable and plays an important role. If any experiences appear, it is advisable to consult a doctor and make sure that black stools are considered a physiological norm.

If consultation with a specialist is not possible, it is allowed to conduct a diagnosis at home and temporarily stop taking iron supplements in order to make sure that the color of the stool has returned to normal.

Preventive measures

Black stools in pregnant women usually do not pose a danger to either adults or children. To warn yourself against the appearance of dark emptying, you must carefully monitor the diet and food. What kind of feces in pregnant women is not important, the main thing is that it does not bring discomfort in well-being.

Women who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are at risk. Then black - green feces in pregnant women indicates a symptom of the disease. In this situation, you can not do without a doctor. Perhaps additional treatment for the expectant mother will be prescribed.

Sometimes the reason why a pregnant woman has black stools or a characteristically pronounced dark green feces is a lack of micro and macro elements.

Then it is better not to hesitate and start drinking multivitamins. Both black and green poop in a pregnant woman in the later stages can provoke pathologies of fetal development and even fading. Stool with mucus is also not a good thing.

Therefore, for any deviations from the norm, you need to consult a doctor to avoid a terrible assumption. After all, it is better to overdo it with precautions than to think later that something could have been changed.

It is necessary to follow a diet and control food intake, which can change the color of feces, so that there are no incidents in the toilet. Experts note that the causes of black stool in a pregnant woman are completely different. In each case, the ongoing processes in the body determine how safe the change is.