Congratulations to fellow teachers. Congratulations on the Teacher's Day in verse and prose from parents and children. Cool short sms to colleagues at work on Teacher's Day. Pictures and cards Funny comic congratulations on the teacher's day

Dozens and sometimes hundreds of babies pass through your hands every year. Individually, each peanut is a sweetheart and charm, but only talents who have chosen a profession at the behest of their hearts can cope with a company of tiny pests. So let on the Day of the educator and all preschool workers all your merits be appreciated.

Educators are important
Educators are needed
Moms, dads - everyone in the world,
And especially for children
small, medium and large,
Smart, stupid - yes, anyone,
Who teaches us life from childhood?
Do the rules torment us all?
Black and white, left and right
Can't, can't, must, must
Our first life lesson -
And congratulations from us!

Being an educator is very difficult.
In a day - so many screams and so many questions,
Everyone needs to be heard, seen,
Sometimes to punish, but not to offend,
You, like mothers, take care of children,
You give your soul and heart to them,
How much kindness, humanity, affection
Want these small children's eyes -
So much work and pleasant worries -
We give you congratulations from the heart!

tutors and nanny
We congratulate you together
And then the nurse
What works in the garden
cook, manager,
Knowledgeable in all matters
And others who are at work -
About children in quivering care.
We wish them all the best -
Happy to congratulate the children's world.
Wrote congratulations
Learned by heart!

Thank you for your noble work and for the fact that, despite all the difficulties, you help our kids grow up to be real people. On the day of your holiday, I sincerely wish you happiness, good luck and all the good that you can wish for!

Beautiful people today are held in high esteem,
Who surrounds small children with care,
Who teaches to read his first syllable,
Let the preschool worker be healthy!

We wish you success in your work,
Always stay on your horse
May you be happy every day
Good only to you changes!

Children are a small people
Children have different personalities
It is difficult to find an approach to all of them ...
Only teachers can do this!

Who is busy in preschool education -
That child must understand
To love and adore children -
Not enough education!

You lead the bridge to the school,
You from us - heartfelt congratulations.
You are more than worthy of respect!
We wish you health and patience!

A holiday for everyone who is friendly with childhood,
We are all celebrating again.
Teacher, we need you
You are growing a change for the country.

Always be an optimist
Bring smiles, light and joy.
And perhaps never
Old age won't creep up on you.

For preschool workers
From happy parents
Sincere flies in congratulations
Our grateful poem.

Thanks for the hard work
For your hands that carry warmth.
We wish you happy days
obedient little children.

Mom second - that's your name,
Your sincere work is insanely important!
With trepidation we read congratulations,
Like all children, we adore you!

Kindergarten - the road to life:
Let's start making friends here
Learn in the game of science,
And live here without boredom!

This is your merit.
There is no better friend in the world!
We wish you happiness in life
Happy holiday, dear!

Gather notebooks and toys
And "small" stories for a walk,
Luring everyone on the pillows,
Teach them how to sleep.

And then fill in
Magazines, banks and mode
Do not break, fulfill dreams,
To make kids smile.

Find a teacher for the child
Approach, especially on your day.
Let nerves and patience be enough
To give your love!

Specially for the site

Someone lost their glasses
Someone wants to go potty
Someone to tie shoelaces
And someone asks for a strap ...

Fun all day long
Everything is flying upside down.
We wish you patience
Sun, light outside the window.

Our dear teacher,
Let the children's laughter ring
This day. Smiles are enough
And love will shine on you!

Specially for the site

Happy teacher's day congratulating you,
I wish you all the best:
Good bosses who lead
Your team of poor fellows,
Moms - smart, and obedient children,
Nanny - skillful, kind,
Sponsors generous and caring,
Dads, as one, are young.
Every quarter - salary increases,
Happiness in work and in love,
Women's worries - regularly and by the way,
Joyful meetings - vis-a-vis!
Life rich, beautiful and bright,
Youth - a hundred years,
On this holiday - chic gifts,
Delicacies - on the table.

Specially for the site

Let the guys chirp
Like sparrows on the branches.
The soul is rich in kindness,
Enough love for all of you!

And the kids are like mice,
Huddled around the corner.
I wish you a bright flash,
Peace, happiness, the house is full!

Let the guys not spoil
On your Teacher's Day,
Give tenderness, kisses,
They will be attentive to you!

Specially for the site

Cool verse to the teacher in Ukrainian

Do you know the son of a child
I jump ropes incessantly,
Bo vikhovatel - tse love is hot,
And the childishness is eternally and eternally holy.
On the Day of the Vihovator, the little ones carry the kvity
І tsiliy svіt svіva for you: "Thank you!"
God grant you a hundred years of clear life
And high dawn, happy hoarse generously the sky.
Shchob gamanets, like a plush vedmedic,
Vіd pennies hi yogo already rozpirє.
I joy as much as a whole new life,
Hai skin day you share nasipaє.
With childish laughter, hail the life of the moon,
Good luck, high rose, generous caress,
Hay perevіrki forever crush,
Be the guardian of the warty, good luck.

Specially for the site

How many eyes and hands do you need
To follow around
For your tomboys -
Golden ice cubes.
There - laughing, here - crying,
And the other is jumping on a stick ...
Not everyone here with this case
Get it done quickly, skillfully.
The teacher will do everything:
He will punish, regret
Kiss and feed
Before going to bed, he will remember a fairy tale.
The garden needs a teacher
Without him, he is not so friendly.
We send you a wagon of joy,
From parents - bow! A child's soul is thin
you have to be able to feel.
We admire you:
child you each
caress warm
know how. And in teaching
You are just an authority for everyone.
Thank you for your hard work and patience.
Health and long years to you! You certainly have the hardest work!
We want to say that the children are now in school
They will go, grafted to order by you!
hard-working female hands
The order was brought day by day!
And sometimes insure the educator,
You had to look after the group,
We wish you to work in joy,
So that labor turns out to be grateful!
Let your name not be a teacher,
Let you be his assistant only,
But you had so many worries
That we do not appreciate your work,
We can hardly forget you
Health and happiness to you henceforth,
Blaze in work and burn!

Congratulations on Teacher's Day in prose

Who is growing in your kindergarten, teacher? A future pilot, artist, scientist, engineer and even a politician... Yes, the whole future of our country is in your hands! Accept congratulations on Teacher's Day! Let everything go well with you, and children grow up - for the feast for the eyes of parents and for your pride! And you change over the years only in the direction of happy contentment with your life!

The child grows quickly, he cannot be alone, he will soon go to school, he needs to understand so much in this big world and not get confused ... It's good that there is a wonderful person who is ready to support and encourage every kid! Congratulations! Dear teacher! We wish you to raise responsive and talented children and, always smiling, with faith in the best, look into tomorrow!

Your work is not a gift,
We acknowledge with understanding.
Being an educator is a calling
This is what we drink tonight.
We'll say a toast to your kindness
For your kind eyes
for your wise advice,
For your kind words.
Thank you for being in the world
Thank you for the children's laughter -
And we want from the whole planet
Give you flowers! The grandmother herself is almost
And I remember my kindergarten.
It was cozy in it, like at home,
And there was a special flavor.
And I remember the teacher
So kind and humble...
Now I say "thank you!"
To all teachers and nannies
For our little kids
And may the Lord protect you!

On September 27, all preschool workers will accept the most sincere, kind, sometimes funny congratulations on Teacher's Day 2017. Parents and children will dedicate cute poems and sincere prose to their beloved nannies and teachers. Colleagues will definitely be congratulated by the head of the preschool educational institution and members of the city administration. Toddlers and future first-graders attending kindergarten will give teachers funny pictures and hand-signed postcards.

Sincere congratulations to all preschool workers on Teacher's Day 2017

On September 27, Russia celebrates the main holiday of representatives of the most humane profession - educators. It is preschool workers who raise future great scientists, astronauts, researchers, famous military men, talented doctors, teachers, and even presidents and ministers. In most cities and villages, only women still go into this profession. Of course, we all remember the kind-hearted director of the kindergarten from the movie "Gentlemen of Fortune" and "Mustachioed Nanny" from the comedy of the same name, however, such examples are so far only found in the movies. Unfortunately, men do not consider working in a preschool educational institution as a possible career. Nevertheless, in some cities, kindergartens are still managed by representatives of the stronger sex. On Teacher's Day 2017, sincerely congratulate the employees of the preschool institution and wish them endurance, childish love and salary growth.

Examples of sincere congratulations on Educator's Day 2017 - Wishes to all preschool workers

Today in Russia, tens of thousands of preschool workers work as "second mothers". With their patience, affection, sincere care for children, they help kids grow up to be kind, soft-hearted people. On Teacher's Day 2017, celebrated on September 27, congratulate each of them on this wonderful holiday. It doesn’t matter if a teacher works in a private or municipal preschool educational institution - in any case, he does his job with great love and diligence.

Thank you for the smiles, thank you for the warmth,
Raising a child is very hard.
May every educator, for his work and love,
Receive a large bouquet of flowers this holiday.

And children's little hands will hug you for
That tears were wiped away when they were having a hard time!
We heartily congratulate you on the holiday, we all,
We wish you health, success and love!

Educator is not a job
It's a daily concern
About the most important citizens of the country,
To be obedient and smart!

On your holiday, accept congratulations
And take a bow to the ground,
May all your personal aspirations
Will come true. They are important to us!

Here with one you can’t cope sometimes,
You - with a gang of kids - it's easy!
And for this we stand up for you,
And we appreciate your work!

Congratulations on the Day of the educator and all preschool workers. It is in your hands and in your power to educate all generations, you open the doors to the land of happy childhood and dreams for children, you give the children the necessary knowledge and opportunities to show their talents. With all my heart I wish you never to lose the kindness of your heart and inspiration for your work. Be happy and in good health.

Educators and music workers, nannies and nurses, cooks and administration workers work in preschool institutions. On the day of their professional holiday, coming in 2017 on September 27, the children of the kindergarten and their parents will prepare cool congratulations for the teachers. Little children who are just starting out in life trust their favorite kindergarten workers. They learn from them reading and writing, arithmetic, work, good attitude towards nature and people.

Examples of cool congratulations on Teacher's Day

Many adults, living with good memories of the kindergarten, grow up and already come with their children to that kindergarten, which many years ago became their second home for a while. Every September 27, on Teacher's Day, together with their daughters and sons, they prepare cool congratulations for their native teachers and music workers, nurses and cooks, nannies and the head. Choose some of them and wish the kindergarten worker a good mood and smiles.

The teacher is like a second mother,
Hurry to put to sleep stubbornly,
Vigilantly observes the order -
But the kid does not comply.

If you are sad, the teacher will regret
He, like a mother, knows how to console.
We congratulate you today
And we wish you happiness and love!

Someone says something
Someone is on the ears.
Someone broke the toy
In a quiet hour tore the pillow ...

You need to smile
Don't take it out on the kids!
Raise them with love!
We wish troubles not to know!

I want to wish you a holiday!
Become the best educator of all!
Well, you stock up on patience -
Children should always smile!

Kind congratulations from parents and children on Teacher's Day

On Teacher's Day, September 27, hundreds of thousands of preschool teachers will accept congratulations from their pupils and their parents. Children will definitely say the kindest words coming from the heart to their "second mothers", read them a poem, sing songs, dance and give homemade postcards. The profession of an educator is worthy of respect. Despite the low salary and the highest responsibility for each baby, the employees of the preschool educational institution communicate with the children on a daily basis in order to develop the best human qualities in each of them.

Examples of congratulations on Teacher's Day from children and parents

Educator's Day as a separate holiday for all employees of preschool institutions appeared quite recently, in 2004. Until that time, the staff of the preschool educational institution celebrated it as Teacher's Day, in October. Now, kindergarten teachers accept the kindest and most heartfelt congratulations from parents and children on September 27. The date of the celebration was not chosen by chance. It was on this day, in 1863, that the first kindergarten for children was opened in Tsarist Russia. Now tens of thousands of kindergarteners hospitably open their doors to their little pupils every day.

Congratulations educators,

With this bright, warm day.

And we wish you to live happily

Not worrying about anything.

Congratulations, our nannies,

You are the most caring of all.

Let work be a joy to you

And success always awaits in everything!

You are all dear to our children,

Almost irreplaceable.

And we, the parents, are happy,

You have become close to them.

Happy Educator and Preschool Workers Day!
Obedient pupils, happy parents.
Let them respect and love immensely,
Let your vacation last about six months.

The salary is growing, the mood is with her,
All your undertakings will be successful.
Illuminate your children with love,
In return, you will receive admiration from them.

Educators are a calling.
These are the ones who love.
Only best wishes to you,
We won't stop thanking you.

You health, kindness and patience,
Let them start paying more money
To always be in a good mood
I wanted to go to work!

Funny congratulations on Teacher's Day to colleagues

In ancient times, in particular in Rome and Greece, the upbringing of small children was entrusted only to well-trained warriors. People of that time sincerely believed that only a legionnaire could cope with the indomitable temper of a child, withstand all his whims, and give a decent upbringing and education. A few centuries later, this opinion was refuted by fragile, feminine educators. They are trusted every year by hundreds of thousands of moms and dads. Colleagues-teachers know better than others about the difficulties of the profession of a preschool worker. September 27, they congratulate each other on their professional holiday with cool poems and postcards.

Examples of cool congratulations and wishes to colleagues on Teacher's Day

Unlike the legionnaires who brought up the children of Rome and Greece several centuries ago, without weapons and armor, our educators manage the restless, cheerful kids who come running to kindergarten in the morning. Modern "Mary Poppins" for a while, while the parents are at work or busy with household chores, have time to teach the children to read and write, tell them amazing tales, and calm them down in case of a dispute or quarrel. On their professional day on September 27, colleagues working in a preschool institution coolly congratulate all the nannies, educators, music workers and nurses who work with them in the same preschool educational institution.

I wish you friends
Good health.
To go to work
You are always with love.
holiday, joy,
Children's laughter
Let you be surrounded.
Let quarantines in groups
It doesn't happen at all.
And, of course, more
“Modest” salary for you.
For us to have her
Like deputies.

Today is an unusual day
Day of garden workers.
We congratulate all colleagues.
Your work is the main work.

We wish you health
Peace, Joy, Love
And the most beautiful flowers
To bloom all year round.

And an active life
Creativity and kindness
To work great
So that all dreams come true!

We work with you in kindergarten,
And our work is useful literally for everyone.
The baby grows up in front of us
His new success depends on us.

We will help the baby to “overcome” the pot
And we will add knowledge, we will teach good.
I wish we all have more time,
Coming to work in the morning.

And at home for everyone so that there is only peace,
Warmth, kindness, understanding in everything.
We will arrange a feast on the Teacher's Day,
We’ll sit with the soul, and then we’ll sing!

Funny congratulations on the Teacher's Day in pictures

Most educators go to work in kindergartens by vocation. They take pride in raising the next generation. Many employees of preschool institutions remember each of their pupils, their character and habits, hobbies and affections. Despite the enormous responsibility taken upon themselves, the teachers of the preschool educational institution are happy to do their favorite thing. On Wednesday, September 27, 2017, kindergarten children will congratulate them by handing them funny pictures and drawings.

Examples of funny greeting pictures for Teacher's Day

Pre-school education in Russia is given great attention. Very often, the quality of knowledge given to a child in kindergarten determines his further studies at school and even the chosen profession. Kindergarten pupils who love their teachers grow up as kind-hearted, sympathetic people. On their professional day, preschool workers will receive cheerful congratulations in pictures from kids and future first graders.

Congratulations to kindergarten staff on Teacher's Day

Since not only the educators themselves are involved in the education and upbringing of children in preschool institutions, on September 27, on the holiday of all kindergarten workers, children and their parents will congratulate nannies, music teachers, nurses, cooks, nurses. In addition, congratulations and warm wishes on this day will be received by students of pedagogical colleges studying there, so that in a few years they will come to preschool and start working with kids. Young professionals really want to work in their specialty. To date, the average age in the teaching staff does not exceed forty years. Interest in the chosen profession has also increased due to the increase in the average salary of a kindergarten employee.

Examples of congratulations to kindergarten workers on Teacher's Day in verse

On Teacher's Day, children attending kindergartens will be happy to congratulate all the employees of their favorite preschool institution. They will dedicate the most provocative songs and kind poems to nurses and teachers, music director and cooks, nannies and nurses.

There is no harder work in the world -
Raise other people's children.
And you are busy all day
Learn, play, undress, dress.

Noise, frolicking kids.
And he doesn't always listen.
But the prank will not pass here -
Find an approach to everyone.

You are an educator anywhere!
You guys love you very much.
And we want to congratulate you
We say "thank you" for everything!

We wish you peace of mind on the holiday,
Always enjoy everything
Always only joy and positive,
At work - patience and creativity.
So that your quiet hour is really quiet,
So that everything succeeds beautifully and dashingly.
And so that discipline, and so that obedience ...
So that happiness knocks on you without delay,
So that life is sonorous, like children's songs,
And every year has been interesting!

Educator is not a job
Not measured life.
This is a service without calculation,
Her calling is to love.

Calm the crybaby with caress,
Pacify the bully
Fighters put in a corner,
Praise the obedient.

Dress everyone, put on shoes, build,
Walk and eat
And my big soul
Divide without a trace.

All preschool workers, including nannies, nurses, nurses and other employees of the kindergarten, on the morning of September 27 will accept congratulations on Teacher's Day 2017. Parents and children wish teachers patience and happiness, high salaries and a quiet family life. In the evening, colleagues will gather at the festive table to discuss how the day went, carefully examine the cool pictures given to them for the celebration by the kids.

Congratulations on the teacher's day to colleagues

Colleague! Today is our holiday together!
I want to ask you an interesting question:
Why did you choose this profession?
Did you become an educator by the will of your soul?

A colleague will answer without even thinking:
What can be more beautiful than childhood?
I want the children to be happy
And so that they value their childhood!

Two and seven stood together in a row,
And the September rays of the sun are burning,
I congratulate you, colleagues, I have a wonderful day,
We go to work with a smile every day!

May Teacher's Day bring you joy,
So that all our children feel the sweetness of our love!
With you we are on the same team, like one family,
Let grace be overflowing!

Happy Educator's Day, colleagues and friends!
I wish children smart, quiet, bright.
I wish you gifts and flowers,
And bonuses - from the manager, in envelopes!
Today is our holiday, we have the right
Bathe in gratitude, flowers!
I wish you happiness, joy, health,
Love, good luck and smiles on your lips!

Dear colleague, on the day of the teacher
I wish you great love
So that you believe in the best,
So that your children are obedient!

Work easily, without problems and without panic,
Hope for the best, appreciate honesty,
Be gentle, confident, kind, considerate
And accept this congratulations!

Happy teacher's day, colleagues,
Let it be to your liking.
To life's endless running.
Children were raised well.
They come and go
Grow by the day and by the hour.
Your smiles, year after year,
Not only on holiday they give us.

Dear colleagues, educators,
Congratulations on your professional day!
We, I know, are all dreamers at heart,
And for the sake of the happiness of the kids we live!
On the day I really want to wish this
And don't forget about yourself sometimes!
Set aside toys and sandboxes for a day,
Don't forget to pamper yourself!

Girls, our day has come!
Flowers, postcards - very nice;
And let a little migraine
And the kitchen has already set the table -
It's time to start the feast
To take a break in the race;
Let the kids go to bed...
Happy Teacher's Day, colleagues!

Everyone is surprised around:
Over you, time, they say, has no power!
The youngest of all in the circle of friends,
Even if your passport says otherwise.
Always full of energy
And what is the secret? I can answer!
We can't grow old
The kids just won't let us!
Behind them you need an eye-yes-eye,
And every teacher knows
What are the activities and leprosy
The spirit is forged, and with it the character.
Happy Teacher's Day, friends!
For a long time we are more than colleagues!
Our kindergarten is one family,
May her bonds be strong!

Childhood is the most amazing time in the life of every person. Indeed, the kids have a lot to learn and a lot to learn in such a huge and interesting world. Of course, in the first years of life, children are inseparable from their mothers, from whom they receive protection and care. However, time passes unnoticed - and now "yesterday's" little one goes to kindergarten. Many, even as adults, fondly remember their teacher and other preschool workers. After all, it is these people who lay the first "bricks" in shaping the personality and character of the child. The profession of a teacher and child educator requires great patience, love for children and wisdom. Therefore, Teacher's Day is considered a national holiday, which we celebrate every year on September 27th. On this autumn day, educators and other preschool workers receive congratulations from colleagues, parents and children. We offer a variety of congratulations on Teacher's Day - beautiful "official", funny, in prose and in verse, in pictures. Let's heartily congratulate our educators on their professional holiday!

Beautiful congratulations on the Day of the teacher and all preschool workers

For the first time, the Day of the Educator and All Preschool Workers was established by the Russian government in 2004. After all, preschool education of a child is considered the basis for his further development and upbringing. Therefore, on such a day, educators rightfully receive sincere words of gratitude from their parents for their sometimes difficult, but such important work. We have selected the most beautiful congratulations on the Teacher's Day, which, together with a bouquet of autumn flowers, will be an excellent gift for teachers and other employees of a preschool institution. Happy holiday!

Who leads early in life

Our very first lesson?

Well, of course, the educator,

He is our first teacher!

We want to congratulate you all

On this holiday from the heart,

Thank you very much

We will announce today!

September twenty seventh

We are happy with this date!

After all, the red day of the calendar -

Congratulations, teacher!

Your work is not easy, so be it!

We've had enough to grieve!

May your journey be joyful

Thank you educator!

Today I would like to wish all educators and preschool workers not just patience, but deep wisdom, because our future is in your hands! It is so fragile, trusting and young, and so in need of your love! So let the fruits of your work and upbringing be ideal, unique and beautiful!

Original congratulations on the Teacher's Day - from parents and children

Working with children is a real calling and talent from God. As a rule, kindness, patience and sincere love for children are important for such a profession. So let's congratulate our dear educators for their endless work, wish them strength and inspiration in their future work. Here you will find original congratulations on the Teacher's Day from parents and children - each of them will touch the soul and will be remembered for a long time by our dear "heroes" of the occasion.

Congratulations on your professional holiday! We want to wish that the warmth and care that you put into our children will return to you with good health, love, and financial well-being. No one is more worthy than you to have everything stable and happy in your life.

We learned these verses

To congratulate you now

Educators and nannies

We love you very much, we appreciate you!

We wish you success

It's very good with you

We are interested, we are not afraid,

Everyone is glad that he went to the garden.

Congratulate educators

With this holiday we want

On this day, with all our hearts, we

We say thank you!

For care, education,

And for this kind look,

For love and understanding

Our little guys!

Funny congratulations on the Day of the educator - colleagues at work

According to the established tradition, heads, educators, music workers, nannies and other employees of preschool institutions celebrate their professional holiday on Teacher's Day. Each of them will be pleased to receive congratulations on the holiday from their little pupils and their parents. In addition, work colleagues congratulate each other on Teacher's Day - such cool congratulations cheer up and create an atmosphere of celebration and fun.

Fellow teachers, congratulations!

And on our professional holiday I wish:

Children's smiles, praise from parents,

And so that everyone loves and respects you!

Continue to give warmth to the kids,

And don't forget your calling!

Do not shout, do not scold, but love,

And take care of your pupils!

After all, kindergarten is one family.

Always remember this!

There is no better profession

At least go around the whole wide world!

To all educators - cheers!

Good luck, full of joy!

Let the children love and honor us,

Flowers gratefully bear

And moms, dads, let them not sleep,

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Huge experience behind

And your whole life is ahead

Let it bring only joy

Giving accomplishments of all hopes.

So be happy, healthy

And never be sad

And of course, pep,

Our colleague, do not lose!

Educator's Day - funny congratulations in pictures

The preschool teacher is the very first teacher, friend and mentor of a little person. And if we celebrate Teacher's Day with great solemnity and prepare congratulations to teachers in advance, then the profession of an educator often remains "in the shadows." But it is the educators that we trust our kids every day, their upbringing and leisure. As a congratulation on Teacher's Day, you can send beautiful bright pictures with warm heartfelt wishes by e-mail. Dear educators, good mood and happiness to you!

Congratulations on the Day of the teacher and all preschool workers in prose and poetry

Every day, kindergarten teachers spend a significant part of the time with children - they teach them to explore the world, develop talents and skills, instill work and socialization skills. But this requires so much patience and sincere love for the kids. So to our dear educators and all preschool workers - bow and respect for warmth, affection, kindness and spiritual participation! We have selected the most beautiful congratulations in verse and prose, which can be said on Teacher's Day among colleagues and friends or sent by mail.

Thank you for your noble work and for the fact that, despite all the difficulties, you help our kids grow up to be real people. On the day of your holiday, I sincerely wish you happiness, good luck and all the good that you can wish for!

Happy Teacher's Day, we hasten to congratulate you

And wish you health and success,

Children's smiles, joyful laughter

How grateful for the goodness and light of the soul!