Presentation "production and use of non-standard physical education equipment in kindergarten". Do-it-yourself non-standard physical education equipment in kindergarten

Not only learns to adapt to the social environment, but also to treat their health correctly. For harmonious development, children need physical education. In the playrooms, special corners are created in which the baby can show his skills. Do-it-yourself sports equipment for kindergarten is made quite simply. Initially, it is necessary to determine what functions it will perform.

The main advantages of the sports corner

Firstly, the equipment serves as an excellent start for the further sports development of the child. Secondly, it helps to improve physical and psychological health. Thirdly, with the help of sports equipment, the activity of children is stimulated, the body is hardened.

Types of sports equipment

There are several types of such equipment. It can be pre-made or custom made. You can also make sports equipment for kindergarten with your own hands. This is for any parent.

So, the equipment can be standard: treadmills with massagers, wall bars, mats and special climbing devices. It is purchased in stores.

Note. Simulators must comply with the standards established by the Ministry of Health.

Non-standard sports equipment for kindergarten, which is easy and simple to make with your own hands, you can often find in the gym. It is represented by the following types of simulators:

  • "paths of health";
  • simulators from plastic bottles;
  • game "Twister";
  • expanders;
  • ring throwers;
  • cereal bags;
  • flags, scarves, ribbons and much more.

The arrangement of a sports corner directly depends on the aspirations of parents and educators to develop physical fitness skills in children.

"Health Paths"

To make such sports equipment for kindergarten with your own hands, you will need the following tools:

  • scissors;
  • needle;
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • threads.

The fabric needs to be thick. You can use textiles on a rubberized basis. The size of the rug must be at least 100x100 cm. Its edges are edged with satin ribbons on a sewing machine. On the front side of the fabric, marks are made of the places where buttons of different sizes will be sewn. The distance between them should not be less than 5 cm. Buttons are sewn with a needle and thread. The rug is ready. It helps to stabilize blood circulation.

Agility trainers

Trainers of this type are quite simple to manufacture. They practically do not require any material costs. "Bilbock" is the most common respiratory gymnastics simulator. To make such sports equipment for kindergarten with your own hands, you will need the following:

  • plastic bottle;
  • strong thread or satin ribbon;
  • container from Kinder Surprise (you can use a small ball).

Cut off the top of a plastic bottle with scissors. Its length should be about 7-10 cm. The lid is not removed. A hole is made in it with an awl. A thread is threaded through it and fixed on the outside of the lid with a knot. A ball or container is attached to the remaining edge of the thread.

This sports equipment for kindergarten (it's easy to make it with your own hands from bottles) helps to develop dexterity, attentiveness, quick reaction. The game is as follows: the child takes a bottle turned upside down with a cut edge, and, holding it in his hand, tosses the ball. He needs to be caught. Who coped with such a task, well done!

Breathing exercises with sports equipment

To make such sports equipment for kindergarten with your own hands (a master class will help with this), you will also need simple plastic bottles.

"Funny glove" develops proper breathing.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • plastic bottle (1-1.5 l);
  • rubber glove;
  • plastic tube for cocktails;
  • small plastic clamp.

A hole is cut in a plastic bottle, the size of which corresponds to the diameter of the tube. It must be processed so that there are no sharp edges and uneven cuts. A tube is inserted into it and fixed with adhesive tape or glue. You also need to make a hole in the lid, only of a larger diameter. They put a glove on it and fix it with a collar.

Tip: to add color to the design of such a simulator, the bottle is decorated with a cloth, and eyes, nose and lips are drawn on the glove.

The essence of the game: the child blows into the tube and tries to fill the glove with air. Whoever did it faster, he won.

Let's make a Twister

This game is designed to develop all the muscles as well as the flexibility of the child. It can be made using thick fabric and acrylic paints.

The canvas should have dimensions of at least 150x170 cm. On its surface, circles with a diameter of 15 cm are drawn with acrylic paints. The distance between them can be 10-12 cm. The scoreboard for choosing a task is made of a square sheet of cardboard. An arrow is attached to it, which should rotate. Buildings for arms and legs are written on the sides of the sheet. For example, "left foot on the red circle" and the like.

We develop motor skills

This do-it-yourself sports equipment for kindergarten (photo can be seen in the article) is made quite simply. It can be bags, various massage gloves, pigtails and much more.


For the manufacture of such inventory you will need fabric. Often soft burlap with dense weaving is used. A rectangular bag is sewn from it. Cereals are poured into it: buckwheat or rice. Buttons are sewn on the surface of such a bag. The child kneads such a bag and stimulates blood circulation in the hands.

massage gloves

How to make such sports equipment for kindergarten with your own hands step by step?

You will need the following:

  • soft gloves;
  • flat buttons of different sizes;
  • scissors;
  • needle with thread.

Buttons are sewn to the inside of each glove. They can be placed randomly. Most importantly, the entire surface of the fabric must be filled. With the help of such a glove, a child can massage any part of the body to himself or other children.

Massage Mat

The equipment well stimulates blood circulation. For its manufacture, you will need a rubber base, plastic bottle caps, nylon thread. The rug may be small. The child's legs must fit completely on it.

Work process:

  • plastic covers of different sizes are inserted into the rubber base (pressed into the structure);
  • in order to securely fix the structure, they are pre-coated with glue;
  • the lids are fastened together with a thread (each lid is rewound).

The equipment can be used immediately after production.

Sports equipment for outdoor play

Physical education takes place outdoors in the summer. The playground also needs to be equipped with a sports corner. For this, wood is often used.

It is not necessary to create massive structures. You can make sports equipment for physical education for kindergarten with your own hands in the form of simple stairs, labyrinths, props, logs and much more.

In children, hemp, which is dug into the ground, is especially popular. The child walks through them like a maze. Whoever fails to complete the task, loses.

Making a simulator for children that develops the vestibular apparatus will also not be difficult. For this, logs of various thicknesses are perfect.

Manufacturing process:

  • supports are dug into the ground at a certain distance from each other (hemp, remains of logs, metal pipes);
  • logs 1.5-2 m long are mounted on them with the help of special fasteners;
  • after that, the structure is painted in bright shades.

To make it safe for children to walk, additional wooden planks are attached to the props. Thick ropes are tied to their sides. They will be used as railings.

Another, no less interesting, is the cobweb simulator. It has the following structure:

  • a metal pipe 2 m high (dug into the ground and concreted);
  • around it (at a distance of 1.5-2 m) pipes are dug in, the height of which is 50 cm.
  • special metal hooks are made on the surface of such structures;
  • ropes are tied to them, and a kind of web is woven from them.

The child must get to its top. It is necessary to be careful, since the simulator is traumatic if the exercises are done inaccurately. Therefore, under such a "web" on the surface of the earth, special rubber mats are installed.

Do-it-yourself dumbbells from plastic bottles are easy to make!

You can not buy expensive exercise equipment and dumbbells, but make them yourself from plastic bottles. This will require quite a bit. The source material can be found in almost every home, and the work is not very difficult, which everyone can handle. The main thing, as always, is desire.

So, to make dumbbells from plastic bottles with your own hands, you will need some material. First of all, you need plastic bottles. It will depend on the size of the finished dumbbells from plastic bottles. But usually choose two-liter bottles.

In addition to the bottles, which will be the basis for creating dumbbells with your own hands, you will also need to prepare clean river or construction sand, which will be used as a filler for bottle dumbbells.

To connect the structural elements of dumbbells, you will also need a good cork that fits tightly into the neck of the selected plastic bottles. The tighter the cork is, the better. By the way, it can be replaced with any other suitable material, for example, a wooden stick of a suitable diameter and size.

In addition, to create do-it-yourself dumbbells from plastic bottles, you need to prepare an insulating tape, good glue and scissors. Instead of scissors, you can also use a well-sharpened, sharp knife.

How to make DIY dumbbells from plastic bottles

Plastic bottles are prepared properly. They need to be washed well, peeled off labels and stickers, and then dried thoroughly. After that, they begin to create blanks.

Plastic bottle dumbbells are made from mini bottles that are made from large bottles. To do this, you need to cut off the top of the selected plastic bottle and its bottom. The height of the cut bottle from the top should be approximately ten or fifteen centimeters, including the neck of the plastic bottle.

The lower part is cut off so that there is a margin for gluing.

After that, both blanks are combined with each other and planted on high-quality and sufficiently strong glue. To give homemade dumbbells from plastic bottles an additional margin of safety, the connection is tightly wrapped with several layers of electrical tape.

As a result of all these manipulations, you should get a kind of mini plastic bottle, which is part of the future dumbbell. But to create dumbbells, you need to make two such bottles, so the same thing is repeated with another plastic bottle prepared in advance.

After the blanks are ready, clean river or building sand is poured into them, which gives weight to the dumbbells. Then both "mini-bottles" are connected with a tight cork. The connection is also tightly wrapped with electrical tape to give homemade dumbbells from plastic bottles more strength.

Everything - dumbbells from plastic bottles are ready and you can proceed directly to the exercises.

In our kindergarten, we use non-standard sports equipment made by ourselves, because new sports equipment is always an additional incentive to activate physical education and health work.

"Multicolored ropes"

Target: improving the ability to jump over an object

Can be used: for stepping, jumping, crawling between ropes, throwing objects over a rope stretched on racks.

It is made of multi-colored plastic stoppers, which are strung on a fishing line or cord. They can be of different lengths from 50 cm to 2-3 m.


Target: improving the ability to jump forward, strengthening the muscles of the legs.

Can be used: for jumping exercises (jump around a square, circle; jump and jump into a circle, square); in outdoor games (houses are round, square, wagons are round, square, etc.); running around objects.

Such circles and squares can be made from thick colored cardboard or oilcloth. The middle is cut out at a distance of 5 cm from the edge.

The diameter of the circle is 40-50 cm, the side of the square is 40-50 cm.


Target: improving the ability to throw an object up or catch it; develop an eye, speed of reaction.

It can be used in free play activities, in individual work, in competitions.

Made: cut off the top of a plastic bottle. Corks are attached to the rope on both sides. One cork is screwed to the "neck". "Trap" - ready!

The height of the "trap" is 15 cm. The length of the rope is 25-30 cm


Target: develop fine motor skills of hands, dexterity, speed of movements.

Can be used in free play activities, in competitions. Children wind a cord with a kinder attached to a stick.

Made: a stick is tied to one end of the cord, and a plastic cork or an egg from a kinder is attached to the other.

"Air Football"

Target: develop breathing, exhalation power.

Can be used in gaming activities.

We take any box and glue it with self-adhesive film. We make gates from any cups. We decorate the side of the stadium with advertising signs and spectators. We make balls from foil and arm ourselves with tubes.

Game progress:

The game is set on the table. On both sides there are 1 player armed with tubes. The balls are placed in the center of the playing field. The task of the players is to score the most goals against the opponent. At the same time, they should not touch the ball with their hands, but can only blow on it through the tubes.

If a player touches the ball with his hand or straw, the opponent receives one extra point. By agreement, the players can introduce some rules of football.

Molchanova Svetlana Vladimirovna,
teacher of the 1st qualification category
Kostromina Galina Anatolyevna,
teacher of the highest qualification category
Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution
"Kindergarten No. 27"
City of Kamen-on-Obi, Altai Territory, Russia
The article is posted in the author's edition.

The purpose of physical education lessons is to educate physically hardened, healthy youth, ready to actively participate in public life, production work, military service. Therefore, it is necessary to interest the majority of students in these classes, so that they regularly perform physical exercises, instill a love for physical education lessons. The solution to this problem can be the use of non-standard sports equipment in the classroom.

In our time, the shortage of funding has also affected the school. Sports equipment and equipment have become very expensive. This forces physical education teachers, together with students, to devote a lot of time to the manufacture of non-standard equipment, to think over the storage system for such inventory and equipment.

Of course, this work diverts part of the teacher's time from direct educational work, but using non-standard equipment, the density of the lesson reaches 80-90%. Well-designed and aesthetically executed sports equipment has a beneficial effect on students, creates a cheerful mood, and contributes to successful physical exercises.

Non-standard equipment or simulators can be very different and perform various functions, they allow the teacher to differentiate in the organization of physical exercises, taking into account the skills, knowledge and characteristics of the students. required motor skills and abilities. They are very effective when a person leading a sedentary lifestyle recuperates, gives a load to inactive muscles and when you want to diversify your leisure time. The simulator is an excellent tool for the prevention of hypodynamia.

Undoubtedly, mistakes are possible in the design and manufacture of sports equipment. Therefore, when designing and manufacturing, everything must be done seriously and with high quality. In this case, preference should be given to collective creativity. You can also upgrade existing sports equipment. We need to start by determining for what purposes this inventory is needed. Next, we make sketches on paper, taking into account the age of the students and the size of the product. The choice of material also plays a secondary role, the strength and safety of the equipment depends on it. And of course, the aesthetics of the product play an important role.

Homemade devices are constantly in need of care and repair. Regularly before use and after classes, they must be checked and faults and breakdowns should be detected in a timely manner. All these activities will be a guarantor of injuries to students in the classroom.

Device and application

We use several types of targets. The numbers from 1 to 12 can be arranged randomly or in a certain order. They are used in athletics lessons for throwing the ball at a target, in basketball and volleyball for the accuracy of passes. They are necessary for the development of accuracy of game actions, ball possession technique, peripheral vision. Targets are placed at a height of 3-4 meters. Transfers can be performed with a turn to the left (right), circle. Manufactured from chipboard or plywood.

medicine balls

Weight 1-2 kg. They are used to develop basic and special physical qualities. This is one of the means of developing speed-strength qualities and allows you to perform exercises close to the structure of the game techniques. They are made from volleyballs that have become unusable, stuffed from nutria with cotton wool, scraps of matter. Used in the lessons of volleyball, basketball, athletics, outdoor switchgear, outdoor games.

Ball on shock absorbers.

Fixed in the corner of the gym. Leather loops are sewn to the ball, rubber bands are attached to them, with the help of which we attach the projectile to the wall. To exclude a long oscillation of the ball after the impact, we fasten it from below to the floor with a nylon cord. We use it to develop coordination of movements during an attacking blow in volleyball.

Ball holder.

This device is used to master shock movements when performing innings and attacking blows. The ball is in the net and is attached to the pole with a cord. Holding the ball at a given height, students attack (serve), which significantly brings the conditions for performing the exercise closer to game actions. Adaptation is good in that students perform the exercise in a flow, without delay, which increases the density of the lesson.

Flying ball.

It differs from the previous one in that a piece of skin is sewn to the ball. We fasten the cord to the pole; attach a clothespin to the cord. We fix the ball with a clothespin. When attacking or serving, the ball flies in a given direction.

Double grid.

A second mesh is fixed above the main mesh, the top of the main mesh and the bottom of the second mesh are tied in several places along the entire length. Two teams can simultaneously perform exercises to develop the technique and tactics of attack and defense. This allows you to increase the density of the lesson.

Extended mesh.

With the help of a rack and volleyball nets, the court is divided into four parts. The density of the lesson increases, to the greatest extent meets the tasks of primary education, it is especially indispensable when conducting training double-sided games preparatory to volleyball, tactical actions in defense and attack.

Made from plywood. They are used in the initial training of setting up a block in volleyball. Students master the placement of hands and fingers during the block from the stand. This device gives them confidence in the exercise.

mechanical block.

Made from plywood. It is used during an attacking blow to circle the block.

Racks for attaching a volleyball net.

They are made of two pipes of different diameters. One pipe is inserted into another. A smaller diameter is attached to the wall and floor, height 250 cm, a larger diameter moves along it. On it are loops for attaching the net, height 120 cm. In addition to attaching the net, racks are used in athletics lessons for teaching high jumps through an elastic band.

Gymnastic sticks.

We use old ski poles. We cut it to size with a hacksaw for metal, we use it in outdoor games and outdoor switchgear.

Stick pull.

Round stick and footrest. The material is wood. This is the national sport.


Pipe cuts of different diameters are connected by welding. Locks are made on a metal-cutting machine. We cut pancakes from rubber or from a rod. We use it in the classroom, extracurricular activities and competitions.

Hanging crossbar.

Made of pipes, connected, welded. On it, you can perform various exercises to strengthen the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle. Hangs are simple and complex, pulling up with different grips, swinging with bends and swinging to the side.

Improved crossbar.

Additionally, raising the legs to the crossbar from the hang, power lifting, bending the arms in support.

Tilt board. Tree. One side rests on the floor, the other on the gymnastic wall. Exercises are performed in the supine position. The legs are fixed to the rail of the gymnastic wall or we take the rail with our hands and perform lifting of the torso or legs. You can adjust the angle of the board.

inclined staircase

Tree. For elementary school students. Movement on an inclined staircase in full growth, on your knees with the transition to the gymnastic wall. In a horizontal position, walking on blocks to prevent flat feet.

Device for controlling flexibility.

Tree. Consists of two parts. Made markings in centimeters. Cutouts for setting the legs. Very comfortable and easy to make. We check the development of flexibility.

Tree. Marking up to 3 meters. We measure the long jump from a place, to control the bar in high jumps, to control the height of the net in volleyball.


Tree. We use it in relay races, outdoor games.

Tree. We use in relay races, shuttle races, for marking the site.


Tree. We adjust the weight by filling inside with improvised material.

Packing for grenades.

Wood and fiberboard. We store, carry and use grenades in lessons and competitions.

wall crossbar.

One crossbar post is attached to the wall and floor. The second rack is installed using guy wires that are attached to the floor. Such a crossbar is quickly installed and removed.

Place to store balls.

Made from a metal corner and wooden bars. There are compartments for storing volleyball, basketball, football, stuffed balls. Very convenient and compact.

Ski storage room.

Ski racks are made of wooden bars and planks. Each pair of skis is numbered and the size of the boots is marked on the storage box.

Place for TSO.

A turntable for video equipment was made from a steel angle and pipes. Demonstration table and shelves for storing audio, video equipment and cassettes. Screen on the light, from a transparent film in two layers and matte paper between them.


Multilayer plywood painted green. On it we mark with chalk the results of relay races, competitions, tactical actions of players on the court while learning to play volleyball, basketball, outdoor games, etc. e. The window that opens when the board is raised serves to demonstrate through it filmstrips, images from a graphoscope, film rings on the screen through the gap. Video is shown through it.

2 old metal desks and handles from pipe scraps are connected by welding. Chipboard top. We conduct training and competitions in arm wrestling (arm wrestling).


Working in the classroom with non-standard equipment, you can achieve certain results.

No additional costs for sports equipment;

The material and technical base is improving;

We involve students and parents in the manufacture and modernization of non-standard equipment;

The interest of students in the classes is growing;

Students are involved in constant physical exercise, strengthening health;

We distract them from smoking, drug addiction, drinking alcohol, hooliganism on the streets in public places.

Preparation of young men for service in the army and improvement in physical exercises, in secondary and higher educational institutions.

Quickly master complex exercises;

The density of the lesson is increasing;

Lessons take place on a more emotional level.

For three years in a row we have taken first place in the Olympiad in physical culture;

Prizes in volleyball, basketball, table tennis, checkers.

First place 2009 in the Olympics.


Books and textbooks.

  1. Zheleznyak Yu.D. Volleyball at school. Moscow, Education, 1989;
  2. Zheleznyak Yu.D. Preparing young volleyball players. Moscow, Physical culture and sport, 1967
  3. Kleshchev Yu.N. Volleyball. Moscow, Physical culture and sport, 1985


Physical culture at school:

  • No. 1, 2000:
  • No. 6, 2000;
  • No. 1, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007;
  • No. 4, 2007;
  • No. 5, 2008

Article. From the experience of the teacher of the preschool educational institution "Use of non-standard physical education equipment in a preschool educational institution"

Author: Kichigina Natalya Anatolyevna, teacher of MADOU No. 18 “Kindergarten “Ladushki”, Gai, Orenburg Region.
Description. I bring to your attention an article that will be of interest to both teachers of preschool educational institutions, as well as parents. The article talks about how you can make non-standard sports equipment with your own hands and use it in everyday work with children.

The well-being of society now depends on the state of children's health. However, in the last decade, there has been a trend towards the deterioration of the health of the child population around the world. Environmental problems, various negative household factors, chemical additives in food, poor-quality water, physical inactivity are just some of the factors that aggressively affect the health of preschoolers. Based on practical observations, we can note a decrease in children's interest in organized motor activity: their inactivity, unwillingness to take part in outdoor games and exercises.
Based on the opinion of specialists in the field of physical education of preschoolers, who claim that it is at preschool age that health is formed as a result of targeted pedagogical influence, prerequisites are created for the development of endurance, speed-strength qualities, and the activity of the main physiological systems of the body is improved, we can conclude that what is necessary:
1. To increase the interest of children in various types of motor activity;
2. Increase the amount of physical activity of children;
3. Encourage children to independent motor activity;
4. Raise the emotional mood of children.
All of the above tasks can be solved in physical education classes, as well as in games, relay races and independent motor activities of children using non-standard equipment. What is meant by the term "non-standard physical culture equipment"?
Non-standard physical culture equipment- this is equipment made by one's own hands from decommissioned inventory and improvised means and materials.
Working on the problem of increasing the interest of children in various types of motor activity, I decided to diversify the independent motor activity of children with the help of non-standard physical education equipment made by myself from various improvised means and materials, as it allows:
- increase children's interest in performing basic movements and games;
- to develop in children observation, aesthetic perception;
- imagination, visual memory;
- develop a sense of shape and color;
- to promote the formation of physical qualities and motor skills of children.
Of course, certain sanitary and hygienic requirements are imposed on non-standard equipment.
Non-standard equipment must be:
2.Maximum effective;
3.Convenient to use;
6.Technological and easy to manufacture;
I present to your attention the equipment developed and used in working with the children of our group.
Massage mats and walkways
Goals: development of the muscles of the lower extremities, coordination, dexterity, attention, massage of the reflex zones of the foot; formation of skills of various types of walking, jumping.
Materials: various beads, caps from plastic bottles, penicillin vials, stones, buttons, pencils, wooden sticks, etc.

Tasks: walking and running on toes, heels, palms and feet, cross step, jumping.

Trainers "Bilbock"
Materials: plastic bottles for juice, to which soft balls are attached on a cord.
Tasks: catch the ball with a container.

Goals: development of strength and flexibility, improvement of coordination of movements.
Materials: empty spools of thread, knuckles from the bill, cord.
The expander is called a universal simulator. In some countries, expanding the expander has become a recognized sport (stretching steel springs - "strainpooling").
Expanders are used when performing general developmental exercises at an older age.

Goals: development of the muscles of the shoulder girdle and arms.
Materials: plastic containers from juice (spirits), filled with cereals and connected to each other.
Tasks: various exercises.

Goals: development of the respiratory apparatus (speech breathing)
Materials: strips of a plastic bag are attached to a wooden stick.
Exercise: blow on the strips, increasing or decreasing the air stream.

Trainers for the prevention of flat feet
Goals: development and strengthening of the muscles of the foot, the impact on the biologically active points of the foot.
Materials: caps from plastic bottles, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, cylinders.

Exercise: picking up lids with your toes or transferring from one container to another; drawing with colored pencils on sheets of paper; skating and grabbing cylinders with the feet.

Projectiles for throwing "Bombs" "Bags"
Target: development of the eye, accuracy, coordination, dexterity, attention.
Materials: sandbags, crocheted bombs and filled with foam rubber.

Exercise: hit the target; carry it don't drop it.

Material: sticks, cord, packages from kinder surprises, a circle sewn from fabric, ropes.

Target: Develop fine motor skills of hands, dexterity, speed of movements. Cultivating perseverance, perseverance, a positive spirit of competition.
Usage: Can be used in free play activities, in competitions. Children wind a cord with a kinder attached to a stick.
The game "Who is faster?".

Massage with pine cones

Pine cones are much rougher (prickly). We take a bump and squeeze it well in the palm of our hand, then transfer it to the other palm and (repeat the exercise 3-4 times). We put the bump on the palm of our hand and shift it from palm to palm (we perform the exercise 3-4 times). We roll "koloboks" (we perform the exercise 5-6 times). We roll the bump to the elbow bend, change the hand (we perform the exercise 5-6 times).

Trainer "Sun"
Description: The "sun" is made of fabric and stuffed with soft foam rubber. Eyes, nose, mouth - from colored adhesive paper.