Christmas scenarios for children 5-7 years old. Scenes for Christmas: Christmas productions. Scenario for the holiday “Nativity of Christ”. Sunday School

06.01.2012 | Looked at the script 5141 Human

Children sit on two wide staircases of three steps. The lights turn off, the candles are lit, the lamp near the icon. Calm music plays softly.

How quiet this night... How transparent it is!
The heavens look with inspiration.
And in the arms of a deep...

"The Feast of the Holy Sun Has Risen" scenario for the Feast of the Nativity of Christ

06.01.2012 | Looked at the script 4054 person

Hello, dear guys, dear guests! Happy holiday to all of you! Merry Christmas! How wonderfully the Lord consoles us these days: the earth is covered with white fluffy snow, everything in nature seems to have frozen in contemplation of the miracle of the Birth of the Savior. ...

Scenario for the Christmas holiday

06.01.2012 | Looked at the script 4448 Human

A child runs in with a star.
Child 1
Vika, Seva, come here quickly! Look what a Christmas star I have!
Two more children approach.

Child 2
This star is not simple,
This star is golden.
And the burning star shines

Christmas legend about the tree

06.01.2012 | Looked at the script 2162 person

At the very entrance to the cave where Jesus lay, there were three trees: a slender palm tree, a fragrant olive tree and a simple green fir tree.
Olive, look how wonderful the light in the cave is!
Let's go and worship the Divine Child and offer...

Christmas gatherings in Gorenka

06.01.2012 | Looked at the script 2136 Human

In the little room, parents and guests sit at tables. The children and the leader enter with the Christmas star while carols are sung.
And God bless whoever is in this house.
Good evening, generous evening,
Good health to good people.
Grant, Lord, their life and existence and...

Christmas surprise production

06.01.2012 | Looked at the script 1937 Human

The carolers walked and wandered,
We went and walked and glorified Christ.
For the salvation of the whole world
God was born in Bethlehem.

Dance of snowflakes

I'm the little yellow chicken
And instead of baby diapers -
These are the pieces...


07.12.2010 | Looked at the script 3254 person

Children, I brought a Christmas tree, let’s decorate it with toys that you made yourself in the group and in the Design Studio classes, and we will celebrate “Christmas” with you.
In Russia, Christmas is celebrated in January, when the Christmas tree is still in the house. Its evergreen branches...

Tambov regional state budgetary educational institution “Znamenskaya boarding school”for students with disabilities"

Scenario of the competition program

"Christmas Gatherings"

Educator - Yuyukina A.N.


Scenario of the competition program “Christmas Gatherings”

Goals and objectives:

- expand students’ knowledge about Orthodox holidays, their names and origins.

- develop memory, thinking, fine motor skills of the fingers.

- to educate the basics of moral behavior of students, to introduce children to Russian traditions.

Progress of the lesson:

Hello dear friends! Tell me, what holidays have passed, -----------what holiday is approaching? (children's answers)

That's right, new year, christmas, old new year, -------------baptism of the Lord!

What is Christmas? (children's answers)

The holiday of the Nativity of Christ is the brightest and most joyful day for many people. It was on this day that the Virgin Mary's son Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, was born. Christmas is celebrated exactly 9 months after another church holiday - the Annunciation (April 7), when an angel appeared to the Virgin Mary and announced the good news that she would give birth to the Son of God.

The first time Christmas was celebrated in Rus' was in 988. It is on this holiday that a strange combination of Christian and pagan rituals is observed. And to this day, at Christmas and the Old New Year, we tell fortunes, sing carols, and put on fancy dress and masks.

They prepared thoroughly for the holiday; a few days before Christmas, all work stopped: it was believed that otherwise the year would pass in hard work, without rest. Strict fasting begins 6 weeks before the start of the holiday. People of means considered it their duty these days to help the poor. They set up almshouses and prisons and distributed alms.

On Christmas Eve - Christmas Eve - food was not allowed until the appearance of the first star, which marks the birth of the Savior of the world. When this Christmas star rose in the sky, everyone hurried to the festive table.

On the eve of Christmas and on the day of the holiday, they dressed in everything new, and even changed their clothes several times, so that they would be new all year. Christmastide begins on January 8, lasting 12 days until Epiphany. According to ancient belief, on Christmastide the newborn God wanders the earth and sends out generous gifts; Whatever you ask for in prayer, you will receive. It was believed that at this time the most cherished desires were fulfilled. Christmastide was accompanied by its own customs and rituals - Christmastide festivities, Christmastime caroling, generosity, fortune telling at Christmas, Old New Year and Epiphany. Christmastide was a time of rest, games, entertainment, and festivities.

- So we’ll play with you now!

Warm up. Christmas riddles.

In the middle of winter there is a great celebration.

Great holiday - ... (Christ's Nativity)!

Everyone is waiting for him - from kids to dads and moms, and everyone dressed up rushes to the service... (to the temple).

It’s festive here, it’s bright, the incense smells nice, ... (lamps) are burning in front of the icons.

And, having fluffed up the green needles, the Christmas trees... (trees) flaunt.

So that this evening can pass with prayer, All the people in the temple light... (candles).

And everyone joyfully listens to the festive service, and then Merry Christmas to each other... (they congratulate each other).

Here triumph and mystery blows from everywhere, and the heart freezes in anticipation of... (a miracle).

After all, the most wonderful miracle of all came true on this day -... (Jesus Christ) was born on earth.

Warm up is over, it's time for games!

  1. Competition “Christmas trees happen”

The players I'll call tall should raise their hands up; low – lower your arms and net into a squatting position; thin - make a circle; wide – make the circle wider. Now let's play. The presenter’s task is to confuse the children as much as possible.

For the competition, you will need to prepare pieces of paper on which you need to write parts of the body, for example, lips, arm, leg, ear, little finger on the left hand, nose. These pieces of paper are folded into a box or hat so that what is written on the piece of paper is not visible.

Two participants come out, each takes one piece of paper, they must join each other with the indicated parts of the body. Thus, the two participants freeze to each other. The next participant approaches them, he and one of the first players each take one piece of paper and freeze each other. Another participant comes up and so on. It turns out to be a very funny chain. Don't forget to take a photo of it.

  1. Game "Hold the Snowflake"

The game develops dexterity and endurance

The teacher gives each child a small ball of cotton wool, which he labels a “snowflake.” Next, the children loosen their lumps, and at the leader’s command, they throw them up and begin to blow, so as to keep their “snowflakes” in the air for as long as possible. The winner is the player who was the last to keep his “snowflake” in the air.

  1. Game "Build a snowman"

The game develops intelligence and dexterity.

For this game, the following figures are prepared in advance: a hat, a carrot nose, a broom and circles of different diameters.

This game is a doubles game, meaning 2 players take part in it. Next, at the leader’s command, each player begins to assemble his own “snowman”. The winner is the player who collects his figurine first.

  1. Game “In Warm Mittens”

For this game, a bag of toys and mittens are prepared in advance. The child receives thick mittens, which he puts on, and only then puts his hands into a bag of toys. His task is to determine by touch what he comes across.

  1. New Clothes Competition (Christmas competition)

This competition can be held during the Christmas celebration. The presenter says that it is customary to celebrate Christmas in new clothes. Then the participants are given some pre-prepared funny clothes (for some a couple of sizes larger, for others the opposite). And participants must put these clothes on themselves in a minimum amount of time. Whoever puts it on the fastest and at the same time looks the funniest will win.

    Competition “Writing Poems” For this competition, you need to prepare the first three lines on a Christmas theme: “Merry Christmas, I wish you happiness, joy, fulfill all your dreams...”, etc. Participants are asked to complete the poem.

  1. Game "Sour cream"

The game can be played at any holiday, the number of participants is 2-4 people. You need two plastic jars of sour cream or something similar, two scarves or ropes and a crowd (as usual). A competition is held (possibly with a prize) to see who can eat sour cream faster with their hands tied behind them. The spectacle is indescribable!

  1. Patterns on glass

At the presenter’s signal, the participant runs to the sheet and draws snowflakes with his eyes closed. The game continues while the New Year's song is playing. The one who draws the most snowflakes on his glass wins.

  1. Game "Surprise"

Guests stand or sit in a circle and, to the music, begin to pass a large box. As soon as the host stops the music, the guest who has the box leaves. The box is started in a circle again, etc. Until there is only one winner left.

Educator: Well done boys! They showed their skill. What else do you think needs to be done for Christmas? (You can dress up as mummers and walk the streets. You need to visit and have fun. You need to give each other gifts and tell fortunes)

  1. Fun for Christmas "Telling the boxes" (Christmas fun)

This entertainment is performed at Christmas. Various items are placed in matchboxes: a bus ticket, apple seeds, a vitamin, a coin, a piece of fabric, a fish hook, a ring, a wheel from a toy car.

Each item will be a prediction.

If you got a bus ticket, then this year a trip awaits you. If the seeds are from an apple, then you will grow a good harvest in the garden, if it is a vitamin, then you will have excellent health. If it is a coin, you will be rich, and if it is a piece of fabric, then you will have many new outfits. If it's a fishhook, you'll catch your goldfish. If there is a ring, then marriage awaits you. And if you come across a car wheel, you will be on the road all year or buy a new car.

Final part .

Educator: Thank you all. I wish you happiness, health, more joy, good luck and fun.

Christmas holiday scenario for older preschoolers

Folklore holiday for children of senior preschool age “Yuletide Evenings (Christmas. Christmastide. Epiphany).”


To develop children's musical horizons through the best images of world culture: Russian folklore, bright classical works (Tchaikovsky, Wagner, Vivaldi, Schubert, etc.), as well as works of modern composers (S. Rachmaninov, A. Varlamov, A. Pinegin);

Expand ideas about the cultural values ​​of the Russian people in the context of folk and original folk art works (“Music”, “Fiction”, “Artistic creativity”, “Socialization”);

To develop the musical and creative abilities of children through theatrical performances (“Music”, “Communication”).

Preliminary work:

A conversation with children and their parents about the traditional celebration of Christmas, Christmastide and Epiphany in Rus'.

Work with parents to prepare the musical repertoire for the holiday, distribution of roles (mummers: bear, B.Ya., goat (goat), rooster, evil spirits, etc.)

Learning the musical repertoire with children (ritual songs, games).

Participation of adults and children in decorating the hall for the holiday (interior of a Russian hut, street).


1. "Brownie"

2. "Tambourine"

3. "Pie"

3. "Goat"

4. “Blind Man’s Bluff”

Songs and round dances:

  1. Carols
  2. Shchedrik
  3. "Winter Song"
  4. "Snow Song"
  5. "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree"

The progress of the holiday

The waltz from P. I. Tchaikovsky’s ballet “The Sleeping Beauty” sounds. Snowflake girls run out onto the area in front of the Christmas tree and spin around in a dance. Gradually their movements become slower, and finally, one after another, they freeze in place in various poses. Snowstorm enters.


Under cover of soft, snowy

The Russian village is dozing,

All roads, all paths

Covered in white snow

The snow is silver under the sun,

A clear light flows over him,

And the words sound:

"Hello, holiday

Light, clear,

Majestic and beautiful,

Christmas holiday!

The blizzard swirled all day,

Chalk above the ground all night

She hid everything in the forest,

Swept it up, dusted it up -

And I came here.

Hello, dear guys! How many of you have gathered around this wonderful Christmas tree today! And even I, gray-haired Snowstorm, came to you here from my snow-covered forest. I had a lot of work to do in the last days before Christmas: to dress up everything in the forest, to cover it warmly - after all, there are Christmas frosts ahead, harsh, crackling. And that’s why I came to see you. It seemed to me that several of my granddaughters, white snowflakes, had fluttered here to join you. Probably the Christmas tree lured them here with its lights. They don’t understand, the fools, that here, in the warmth, they will fall asleep and melt. Help me save them guys! If we sing them a song about a blizzard, about winter in a snowy forest, they will come to life again, feeling the breath of cold. Get in a circle!

They sing a song about winter at the choice of the music director (“Winter Song” - preparatory group, “Snow Song” - senior group). The snowflakes gradually come to life and join the dance.


Thanks to the song and, of course, thank you guys for reviving my snowflake granddaughters with your song.(To snowflakes ). And you, dear ones, fly away quickly to freedom, otherwise you will melt.

The snowflakes first run up to the tree, and then, whispering something in Metelitsa’s ear, “fly away.”


Guys, do you want to know what the snowflakes whispered in my ear? The Christmas tree told them one of her secrets - a very interesting, almost fairy-tale story that happened 2000 years ago. Listen here...

Once upon a time, good people Joseph and Mary came to the beautiful city of Bethlehem. They had come a long way, were tired, exhausted and wanted to rest.

Solemn sacred music sounds. Snowflakes bring in a light screen on which is mounted a decoration in the form of a temple with three large arched windows.


Good evening, master! Do you have a free room in your hotel for poor travelers to spend the night?


We walked here from the distant city of Nazareth, and we were so tired.


I don't have a single free room, travelers. Because of Caesar’s order to enumerate the entire people of the country, so many people arrived in our Bethlehem that it is impossible to count.


We could at least have some kind of closet.


I have already handed over the last closet to the merchant. There is only a cave left for cattle, but you won’t go there. There's nothing there but straw


Let's go find this cave. We'll spend the night on the straw.

They leave. The music sounds again. A third window opens. Night, valley.

1st shepherd.

The night is dark, let us not lose our herds.

2nd shepherd.

Look what a strong, bright light suddenly poured from the heavens! What is this? How scary!


Do not be afraid. I bring great joy to you and to all people. At that moment a baby was born in Bethlehem of Judea. This is the future Savior of the world - Jesus Christ. Go to the city and there in a cave you will find a baby in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger for cattle.

Music. The central window opens. Cave with a baby in a manger and the Virgin Mary next to him. At the entrance there is a palm tree, an olive tree and a fir tree.


Clear night. Quiet all around

A star burns brightly above the cave.

The choir of angels fell silent behind the hill,

Blue light quietly pours from the cracks.

The baby Savior lies in the manger,

Thousands of years have been awaiting his arrival.

Happiness to those who hasten to him.

Happy people! Nature rejoices!

1st shepherd.

We have come to worship the Divine Child.

Here is my bread, cheese, honey.

We brought him these modest gifts.

2nd shepherd.

And I will put fresh grass and fragrant hay in the manger.

They leave.


What happiness! I, a slender palm tree, grow at the very entrance to the cave in which Jesus Christ was born.


And I, a fragrant olive, grew up here

Christmas tree.

And I, a green tree, grow here!


All: people, animals, and plants strive to bestow various benefits on the baby. I will bend my crown over him, let my branches bring him coolness.


And I will stretch out my branches to him. Let the fragrant oil drip from them and fill the cave with aroma.

Christmas tree.

Take me with you, I also want to worship the Divine Child.


Where are you going with us? What do you have? Just prickly needles and nasty sticky resin.

They go to the baby.

Christmas tree.

No one. I'm alone, lonely.

The night is quiet. The star is calling, burning.

Everyone goes, goes to the holy cave.

Everyone rushes to the Son of God.

Well, what about me? An insignificant tree.

All covered in thorns, I’m standing here in the middle of nowhere

I'm only here for the baby

I will pray quietly from the bottom of my heart.


How modest you are, dear Christmas tree. I will reward you, now you will shine with lights, stars from heaven will decorate you. And the baby will be the first to stretch out his arms to you and smile at you, Christmas tree. And now every year on the day of the Nativity of Christ you will show off in the radiance of many lights, and the children, looking at you, will rejoice and have fun. And you, modest green tree, will become a symbol of the great holiday - the Nativity of Christ.

Children decorate the Christmas tree.


From the cheerful lights of the Christmas tree

The Christmas holiday is blooming

From now on it decorates.

All children Always! Always! Always!

The bell rings.


Guys, what a wonderful, fascinating story your Christmas tree told us. It turns out that she was first decorated and dressed by an Angel on the day of the Nativity of little Christ. It was a long time ago, a very long time ago. At this time, every family was preparing for the Christmas holiday: they solemnly, lovingly decorated their houses with fir branches, baked pies, cookies and buns! And the songs and round dances were performed - you could hear them at the other end of the village. Dressed up in various comic and bright costumes, they visited each other, caroled (they sang special comic songs - carols, and for this they presented each other with various gifts and sweets). The mummers walked ahead, carrying the “Star of Bethlehem” over their heads. People had fun and rejoiced when they learned about the birth of the divine Infant Jesus Christ, who would grow up and bring people happiness and joy. And for 2000 years people have been decorating the Christmas tree on this day. So you have it - elegant, beautiful, bright! Let's dance around the Christmas tree and sing a song about it.

The song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” is performed.

Blizzard Well, now I invite everyone to walk, carol, and play!


Under cover of the starry night

The Russian village is dozing.

All the way, all the paths

Covered with white snow.

Here and there lights on the windows

Like stars are shining.

Runs towards the fire in the snowdrifts

There's a crowd of guys with the star.

They are knocking under the window,

It sounds like “Your Christmas”. They approach the doors of the second junior group. Semyonovna with an offering - a treat Semyonovna is a teacher of the younger group.

Everyone sings:

Autumn, autumn, you walked around everyone

Along the back streets, along the alleys.

To whomever we sing songs, it will come true,

Whoever has it come true will not miss it.


Come out, boyar!

Come out, master!

Receive guests from all parishes!

Kolyada has arrived - open the gates!


Shchedrik - bucket, give me dumplings!

A breast of porridge, a piece of sausage!


Don't give me cheesecakes -

Get it on top of your head!


Mister, madam,

Open the doors and give us gifts:

Pie, roll or something


All Open the chest, take out the heel!


Welcome, dear guests!

Have fun and joy!

Places treats in a bag for the carolers.


May you live together for up to 200 years!

I wish you happiness and great health!

Happy New Year! Happy new birth!


I've been waiting for you for a long time,

I'm not starting the holiday!

I have something for each of you

And a word, and a place.

I have stocked up some fun things for every taste:

For some - the truth, for others - a fairy tale, for others - a song!

Today I was in church and took some blessed water. I will sprinkle holy water on this hall and on my guests and dear neighbors. And I’ll sprinkle you all with happiness, a good share.

Semyonovna sprinkles water on the carolers and reads a poem.

We are glad to meet you,

Let's light candles today.

They burn between us

Magic lights.

And the candles foretell

Happy good evening.

Semyonovna (addressing guests)

How will you cheer us up?

What will surprise you today?

What can you tell me?

What will you show?


We won't say where we were

And we’ll show you what they did!

1 boy . One, two, three - you will be the “Brownie”.

The selected girl sits separately from the others.

Game "Brownie":

Children walk in a circle and sing (in the center of the Brownie):

Oh, grandfather Brownie,

You pour water on us,

It's time for you to figure it out

What we did yesterday.

The children whisper and agree on what they will show. The brownie guesses the task.

Semyonovna Now you girls, play!

Game "Brownie" repeats with the girls, a boy is selected, he sits separately, etc.

Metelitsa says goodbye to Semyonovna and the guests leave.

Blizzard Come and join the other neighbors for caroling!

They go and sing “Shchedrovka”:

Generous evening, good evening!

Good health to good people!

They approach the doors of the middle group. They're knocking


At home, master and mistress?

Kolyada has arrived, open the gates!

The guests are greeted by Stepanovna, the teacher of the middle group.


Sorry, we were fast asleep and they didn’t recognize you.

Help yourself, dear guests!

The mummers put treats in a bag.

Blizzard Let's play "Falcon"! We choose the Falcon according to the counting rhyme.

Game "Falcon": children stand in a circle. In the center of the circle is the Falcon, in the Falcon’s hands is a tambourine. The tambourine is played in a circle with the words: “The Falcon, the clear Falcon, sits on a tall oak tree. The tambourine will tell us who he should dance with.” A child comes into the circle, in whose hands at these words the tambourine will appear. Together with the Falcon they dance.

Blizzard And ours is a Goat, so good, so slim!

Where the Goat has a horn, there is a haystack,

Where the Goat kicks, there is a haystack!

Goat - a girl in disguise - walks around, expresses herself.

Stepanovna Wow, goat, wow, gray one!


Wow, I took a berry from the forest!

The hunters are coming, they want to kill the Goat!

Stepanovna How did you cry, Goat?

Goat Oh-oh-oh...

Stepanovna How did you laugh?

Goat Hee hee hee...

The goat falls on its back, spreads its legs and arms to the sides. Stepanovna goes around Koza.


What's wrong with her? Are you really sick?

She needs to be treated! Where is our thermometer?

He finds a thermometer and thinks about it.

Which leg should I put the thermometer under?

He lifts one leg, then the other, finally bends his knee and places the thermometer under his knee. Satisfied, she shakes off her hands.


This, Mistress, is not enough!

Give us a sieve of oats,

On top there is sausage, a piece of lard,

May the Goat get up!

Stepanovna, together with the children of the middle group, takes out the treat and puts it in a bag.


Now is the time!

May you be healthy

To love the holidays

And we didn’t forget the rituals!

Good luck to you! Happy New Year!

Happy new birth!

Oh yes, to Ilyinichna’s for a get-together!

Everyone goes to Ilyinichna and sings Carol.

Ilyinichna, the teacher of the second secondary group, meets.

Welcome, dear guests!

I've been waiting for you for a long time,

I'm not starting the holiday!


Let's quickly gather in a circle,

Let's start a new game!

Game "Blind Man's Bluff":children stand in a circle, Leshy, blindfolded, stands in a circle. Everyone dances in a circle, and at the signal of Gavrilovna’s bell, Leshy suddenly takes out a bag without a bottom from his bosom and catches the children, trying to put them in the bag.


Now let's sweep the evil spirits out of the house.

Now I’ll take a broom and sweep out all the evil spirits from the hut. Guys, repeat after me: “Peace to all, evil spirits out!” Peace to all, evil spirits out!”

Children repeat Ilyinichna’s movements and text.

Blizzard (addresses alternately to the hostess and to the children)Well, hostess, shouldn’t we tell our fortunes? Guys, do you want to tell your fortune?

Ilyinich And that's true! It's interesting to test your fate!

I'll draw a circle around the sun,

So that evil spirits do not confuse our fortune-telling.

A white rope goes around a bench on which there are 6 saucers, covered with cloth so that it is not visible what is lying on them. Summons children who want to know their destiny.

1 plate (towel)Towel, towel is spread out. To whom it will happen, to whom it will come true.

A road and a journey awaits you!

2 plates (bun) A mouse runs through the room, dragging a loaf into the house.

There will be prosperity and prosperity in your home!

3 plates (ring)Ring! Hey, mother, a torch, bake some pies. There will be guests, or rather suitors, coming to see you.

Whoever gets the ring - the wedding is near.

4 plate (ribbon) Ribbon! Walking across the field, the Russians braid their braids, intertwining them with silk.

Ribbon to wealth, profit.

5 plate (button)Button! Oh, a bug walked through the rubble, carrying out the goods on the washcloth.

May you live a happy life in a big family.

6 plate (wooden chips)Wooden sliver!

Whoever gets this chip will have it come true, it will not pass away.

To live richly, to live well. And a sliver of wood -

To good health, a well-fed life.


Now it's time to take the treats.


May it be in our hearts

Take the treat,

Remember us with a kind word!

Metelitsa and the children return to the music room.

Blizzard There is such a sign - if you catch a star from the sky and make a wish, then it will certainly come true. Catch it!

Throws snowflake stars, children pick them up and make wishes.

Have you made any wishes? Just take care of the star, otherwise you will forget everything and nothing will come true. And remember the old saying: “Trust in God, but don’t make a mistake yourself!” Then your wishes will definitely come true. Now it's time to take the treats.

You won’t be satisfied with words and fortune-telling.

Reb 1

White snow

Covered the paths.

We sang and danced,

We celebrated the Christmas holiday.

Reb 2

Let the candles glow

Warms us all

And may the New Year

Laughter can be heard louder.

Reb 3

May love and goodness

They live next to us.

Feel the warmth, friends.

Your hands.


May it be in our hearts

Christmas will light its spark of happiness,

Kindness and love for each other.

Take the treat,

Remember me with a kind word!

Attention! The site administration is not responsible for the content of methodological developments, as well as for the compliance of the development with the Federal State Educational Standard.

The Christmas and New Year holiday ends the first half of the year of extracurricular activities “Sun” (spiritual and moral direction) in the 1st grade of the lyceum. In the first quarter, classes were aimed mainly at introducing children to each other, to school and the rules of school life, and to helping children adapt. In the second quarter, the subject of study was the traditions of the Russian people, understanding the meaning of Russian folk tales and their moral educational significance. is conducted by teachers in various schools across the country, and on our website you can read and download original works for the holiday.

The holiday of the Nativity of Christ is the solemn end of the half-year, its beautiful and emotional “point”.

Purpose of the event: Emotional and spiritual experience of the joy of the New Year and Christmas holidays, creating a joyful, happy and friendly atmosphere in the classroom, a positive end to the first half of the year.

Objectives of the event:

  • Introduce children to the meaning of the Nativity of Christ and the Tradition of its celebration in Rus';
  • Demonstrate the talents and abilities of each child (everyone gets roles);
  • To form the artistic, literary, musical taste of children, a culture of behavior and communication;
  • Involving parents in preparing the holiday (making a nativity scene, costumes, preparing treats) and in their assimilation of the traditions of Russian culture;
  • Combining the efforts of teachers in working with the class (primary school teacher, music teacher, teacher of spiritual and moral culture).

Forms of organizing children's activities:

Individual, collective, group. Namely:

  • Recitation of poetry;
  • Choral performance of songs;
  • Artistic accompaniment of songs and performance of skits during the event;
  • Making and guessing riddles;
  • Active listening;
  • Perception of music and video;
  • Drawing, art making and cutting when decorating the classroom.

The script consists of an introduction and four component skit parts: “In the Nativity Cave”, “Winter”, “Christmas Tree” and “Carolers”.

The leader is the teacher of Orthodox culture (extracurricular activities), he is assisted by the class teacher of first-graders and the music teacher.

Progress of the event

1. Introduction

The classroom is decorated with a decorated Christmas tree, snowflakes, children's drawings and a Christmas nativity scene. (Nativity scene is an image of a cave where there is a holy family with the baby Christ, animals and shepherds and/or wise men who came to worship with gifts.)

The tables are placed around the perimeter of the classroom in a “P” formation. Parents sit in the outer circle, children in the inner circle. Children are smart, in costumes. The presenter is in Russian folk costume.

Slides are shown on the screen.

Decorated children with a star come out.

Child 1:

Under cover of the starry night
The Russian village is dozing;
All the way, all the paths
Covered with white snow...

Child 2:

Here and there lights on the windows,
Like stars are burning;
Runs towards the fire like a snowdrift
There's a crowd of guys with the star.

Child 3:

There's knocking under the windows...
"Your Christmas" is sung
"Waits! Waits!" -
It is heard here and there.

Child 4:

And in a discordant children's choir,
So mysteriously pure
The holy news is so gratifying
About the birth of Christ...

(A. Korinfsky “Christoslavs”)

The song "Christmas" plays:

A bright star is burning in the sky,
Mom says to the children at the Christmas tree:
“There is a celebration in the whole world,
It's Christmas!
Christmas has come!

Happy holiday, happy holiday
Adults and children
Even pranksters say this
Because the celebration
Because it's Christmas.
Christmas has come.

We don’t want to sleep at all that night,
I want, I want to go to the city of Bethlehem,
Watch the celebration
Where Christmas was.
Where Christmas was.


Good afternoon to all good people!
May the holiday be merry
Merry Christmas to you,
We wish you happiness and joy!

We will now tell you about this bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ and how it was celebrated in Rus'.

2. Scene “In the Nativity Cave”

Presenter: The holiday of the Nativity of Christ is the brightest joyful day for people. It was on this day that the Son Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, was born to the Virgin Mary. And it was like that.

One day, the Roman governor Augustus ordered a census of the entire Jewish population. Each resident had to register where his ancestors lived. Joseph and the Virgin Mary went from Nazareth to the homeland of their ancestors, to the city of Bethlehem. There, all the places in the houses and in the hotel were occupied. Mary and Elder Joseph had to stop for the night in a cave where shepherds were driving their cattle.

On this night, the Child, the Son of God, was born to Mary. She put him in the manger, where the cattle feed usually lay. A little bull and a donkey warmed the Baby Jesus with their breath, and Mother - the Mother of God - sang a lullaby to Him...

Children (7 people) come out to the music and read a poem by Sasha Cherny. Children can be dressed in shepherd costumes (3 people), bull, dog, and donkey masks.

In the manger I slept on fresh hay
Quiet tiny Christ.
The moon, emerging from the shadows,
I stroked the flax of His hair.

A bull breathed on a baby's face
And, rustling like straw,
On an elastic knee
I looked at it, barely breathing.

Sparrows through the roof poles
They flocked to the manger,
And the bull, clinging to the niche,
He crumpled the blanket with his lip.

The dog, sneaking up to the warm leg,
Licked her secretly.
The cat was the most comfortable of all
Warm a child sideways in a manger...

Subdued white goat
I breathed on His forehead,
Just a stupid gray donkey
He pushed everyone helplessly.

"Look at the child
Just a minute for me too!”
And he cried loudly
In the pre-dawn silence...

And Christ, having opened his eyes,
Suddenly the circle of animals moved apart
And with a smile full of affection,
He whispered: “Look quickly!..”

Presenter: This is how Christ was born. Not in chambers, not in rich houses, but in a cave where shepherds kept calves and sheep. He came into the world with humility and meekness.

The shepherds were the first to know about this. The Angel of the Lord appeared to them and announced:

An Angel appears with a candle (an elegant girl in a white dress with wings) and solemnly says:


I am God's Angel, I call the shepherds,
I want to proclaim great joy to you.

Our Savior, the Lord, was born,
Incarnated in human flesh.

There is celebration on earth and in heaven,
Christ God Christmas!

Presenter: The angel commanded the shepherds to go to the cave and worship the Child. Then astrologers - magi - came from distant countries.

An unusual star that rose in the east led them to Bethlehem from distant countries and indicated the place where the Son of God was born. From now on, this star is called the Bethlehem star, and it is its image that the Christoslavs carry with them.

And the wise men brought gifts to the baby and glorified Him.

Children dressed as Magi with gifts in their hands read poems by Joseph Brodsky “Christmas”:

1 reader:

The Magi have arrived. The baby was fast asleep.
The star was shining brightly from the sky.
The cold wind shoveled the snow into a snowdrift.
The sand rustled. The fire crackled at the entrance.

Reader 2:

The smoke was like a candle. The fire curled like a hook.
And the shadows became shorter,
then suddenly longer. No one around knew
that the count of life will begin from this night.

Reader 3:
The Magi have arrived. The baby was fast asleep.
Steep arches surrounded the manger.
The snow was swirling. White steam swirled.
The baby was lying, and the gifts were lying.

They place the gifts in front of the nativity scene, bow and leave.

Teacher: These events are more than 2000 years old. After all, we count the years precisely from the Nativity of Christ and are soon preparing to welcome 2017.

3. Sketch “Winter”

Presenter: Guys, at what time of year does this holiday come to us?

Children: In winter.

Teacher: Do you know songs about winter or winter trees?

Children sing the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.” The heroes of the song come out one by one: a bunny, a wolf and a peasant. They are dressed in appropriate costumes and play their roles: a bunny gallops, a wolf sneaks, a man rides a horse, and then chops down a Christmas tree.

Presenter: Well done, you sing well. How can you solve riddles?

Ears on top of head.
Listen carefully,
We'll start, and you'll finish
Definitely in rhyme!

Children come out and take turns asking riddles:

Flew above the ground for a long time
Snow-white blanket.
The sun is a little hot -
The blanket is leaking
And it went into the wells of the rivers.
This blanket is... (snow).

Cold, frost, snowstorms
They spun and spun.
Everyone at home is wearing white hats,
This came to us...( winter).

There was barely a breath of winter,
They are always with you.
Two sisters will warm you up,
Their names are ...(mittens).

It's snowing outside,
Holiday coming soon...( New Year).

The needles glow softly,
The pine spirit comes from ...(Christmas trees).

Everyone is spinning, having fun,
They are frolicking near the Christmas tree.
After all, today is a celebration.
What kind of holiday? (Christmas).

4. Scene “Herringbone”

Presenter: And now we will tell you how the tradition of decorating a Christmas tree for the holiday began. An ancient legend says this...

On the night when the Savior was born, not only people and animals, but also all the flowers and trees hurried to bow to the Baby.

Flower children come out in elegant dresses with crowns in the form of flowers (3 girls) and a Christmas tree in a green dress.

1 flower girl:

We are flower flowers
We are growing silently.

2 flower girl:

This night is a night
The most fragrant.

Christmas tree: Where are you going, flowers? You're supposed to sleep at night...

3 flower girl:

This night is a night
The light shines brighter.
Bow down to your feet
We go to the Baby.

Christmas tree: Take me with you, my dear flowers, take me too to worship the Child Christ.

1 flower girl: But there are no flowers on you, Christmas tree, and your needles can only prick a baby. ( leaving)

Christmas tree(sad):

No one. I'm lonely alone.
The night is quiet. The star is calling, burning.
Everybody left. Everyone worship God
They rush joyfully to the holy cave.


I am a prickly, forgotten tree.
Unnecessary, I stand in my own wilderness.
The flowers are right. I'm only for the Baby
Here I will pray quietly from the bottom of my heart.

He prays with his palms folded. The leader from behind comes up to her and puts on a gauze veil, decorated with tinsel and Christmas tree decorations.

The lights on the Christmas tree in the classroom are lit.


And the diamonds of sorrowful tears flashed, lighting up on her,
And Christ turned around, smiling at her radiance.
And from now on, people call it the Christmas tree.
And modest needles sparkle in the fire of Christmas candles.

The shepherds and flowers are returning.

In their hands are toys that the children made themselves, as well as beads.

Shepherds: (together) Look, the stars have fallen from the sky!

1st shepherd: The whole Christmas tree is shining!

2nd shepherd: God created a miracle...

3rd shepherd: Christmas tree, Christmas tree, how beautiful you are!

Flowers: You are the most beautiful... God adorned you.

4th shepherd: All in lights! In crystals, droplets!

5th shepherd: For your humility, Christmas tree, for your kindness, the Lord God noted you.

1st shepherd: Now from now on and forever people will glorify you and adorn you.

Flowers: Let's decorate our Christmas tree too.

They hang toys on the Christmas tree, and put beads on the Christmas tree girl.

ANDThe song “The Little Christmas Tree is Cold in Winter” is sung:

Little Christmas tree
It's cold in winter.
A Christmas tree from the forest
We took it home.
How many on the Christmas tree
Colored balls,
Pink gingerbread,
Golden cones.
The beads were hung,
Bright balls,
Sweets, gifts -
Everything for the kids.
Christmas tree likes
Our celebration.
Fun, fun
Let's celebrate Christmas!

Game “What doesn’t happen on the Christmas tree?”

Presenter: We will name different objects for you, and if you hear the name of Christmas tree decorations, clap your hands and say “Yes!”

If we name something that does not happen on the Christmas tree, we must restrain ourselves and remain silent. Try not to make a mistake. Ready?

Children come out and read in turns:

So the holiday has come,
Everyone decorated the Christmas tree.
Who, guys, will confirm -
Hanging on its branches:

Is the asterisk the top?
A loud cracker?
Is Petenka parsley?
Soft pillow?

White snowflakes?
Vibrant pictures?
A ball of cobwebs?
Old shoes?

Red lanterns?
Bread crumbs?
Bright flags?
Hats and scarves?

Apples and cones?
Colin's pants?
Tasty candy?
Old newspapers?

5. Sketch “Carolers”

Presenter: This is what our Christmas tree is like – elegant, beautiful, bright! And the custom of putting gifts under the tree came from the gifts that the Magi brought to the infant Christ. How we love the aroma of the Christmas tree and the anticipation of gifts!

And before, Christoslav the carolers went home. Christ was glorified, the owners were congratulated. And they were sure to treat them.

Enter carolers in Russian folk costumes with a star. They have a bag of treats in their hands.

Caroler 1:

Kolyada! Kolyada!
Give me some pie
Ali a loaf of bread,
Ali money about half!
Al wheat relatives.

Caroler 2(sprinkles with grains):

Here's some wheat for you,
We shower you, we wish you well!
Happiness is a free bird,
She sat where she wanted!

Caroler 3.(Sprinkles with peas):

Here are some peas for a heap of luck,
Those who are good at reading and writing will not be lost!

Caroler 4: We know how to praise, we don’t dare ask for much!

Caroler 5:

Open the chest, take out the patch.
Serve some candy and make the kids happy!

Children give candy to carolers.

The Russian folk song “Like a little white snow fell on thin ice” is performed. Vanya comes out on a horse, falls, girls run up to him and see him off.

Like on thin ice
A little white snow fell.
Oh, winter-winter,
It was a snowy winter.

A little white snow fell
Vanechka, my friend, was driving.
Oh, winter-winter,
It was a snowy winter.

Vanya was driving, in a hurry,
He fell off his good horse.
Oh, winter-winter,
It was a snowy winter.

He fell, he fell, he lies,
Nobody runs to Vanya.
Oh, winter-winter,
It was a snowy winter.

Two girlfriends saw
They ran straight to Vanya.
Oh, winter-winter,
It was a snowy winter.

Caroler 1:

Ay, thank you, owners,
Peace to your home,
May he be a full cup.

Caroler 2:

Cheerfully shines
A month over the village.
White light sparkles
Blue light.

Caroler 3:

Moon's rays
God's temple is drenched.
Cross under the clouds
Like a candle burning.

Caroler 4:

The soul is light!
Feast of the Saint
The sun has risen.

Caroler 5:

For hello, for the treat, please accept congratulations,
Merry Christmas! We wish you happiness and joy!

They bow and leave.


Oh, yes, carolers!
Ay, well done! (Bows to the teacher)
Ay, thank you, mistress,
Peace to your home,
May he be a full cup.
Well, kids, it’s good for you to study,
Everything will come in handy in life!

Teacher:(brings out a big pie)

We're bringing the pies out of the oven!
Help yourself, good people!
We treat you to pies,
Merry Christmas to everyone!

Russian folk music sounds. Children give bells to their parents. Parents treat everyone to pies, gingerbread, tea and sweets.

Christmas holiday scenario

Readers run in with a bell to the sound of cheerful music.

Child 1: It’s a pity: it was a wonderful

And happy New Year.

And what else is good?

A glorious holiday awaits us all?

Child 2: There is a twinkling star in the sky,

It barely appears

Everyone knows: a good day will come

Bright holiday of Christmas.

The bell rings and children run out.

They sing the song “Christmas” (Musical Director Magazine)

The snowball is turning silver

This evening is fabulous.

The moon has lit the stars,

All the kids are happy.

The heavens sing.


Coming to us

Everything rejoices and sings.

On this Christmas day

The stars are shining bright.

Miracles await the boys,

Christmas tree with gifts.


Christmas, Christmas!

All dreams come true

And under our tree

The holiday doesn't end.


After the song, the children begin to dance, the rest sit down in their places.

Child: Everything is white with fluff,

There is no order in the yard.

A blizzard of fun is swirling

White snow in January.

It swirls, stirs, howls,

It blows snow into the snowdrifts.

Creeps along the path

White blizzard.

Dance "Metelitsa"

The dancers remain in their places.

Leader: Christmas haze all around

Bells ring in the darkness

And the words sound in harmony with them

Peace on earth and happiness to all.

We are glad to meet you

Let's light candles today

Let them burn between us

Magic lights.

The “stars” go backstage to put on their stars. The rest take their places. They pick up candles.

Leader: Christmas is a religious holiday. The word Christmas itself indicates that someone has been born. According to biblical legend, on January 7, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was born to the Blessed Virgin Mary in the city of Bethlehem.

The news of the birth of Jesus was carried by heavenly angels.

A golden star lit up in the sky.

This star was not an ordinary one.

The Almighty God Himself lit that star.

And the star burns and shines

The path to salvation is illuminated for us.

Star Dance

After the dance, the “stars” take off the stars and take candles.

Leader: Christmas is the holiday of believers in Christ. This is the expectation of happiness, peace, home warmth and family harmony.

The presenter leaves. Children sit on their knees. Readers go to the middle with candles. To the music.

Child 1: A distant city, Jerusalem!
The Magi glorify him
And in honor of the born son,
Gifts are being sent to this city!
Angels and people rejoice:
Jesus Christ came into the world
And not in wards, but in mangers,
In a cramped cave appeared...

Child 2: And everything was illuminated with light.
People rejoice and rejoice
Hope, faith appeared,
That life will be happier now!

Child 3: The brightest star
May it light our path in life!
Jesus Christ is our savior,
He foretells joy in life!

Child 4: Fire of the soul, fire of hearts
We turn to you Christ,
Be cleaner in thoughts and deeds
We want!
You, Christ, we
Let's glorify!

A little dance with candles.

Child 5: Quite a few years have passed since then,
But people remember, we will remember,
How were you born?
The light in the sky has become brighter!

Child 6: And since that magical night,

When the star lit up

We praise Jesus on this holiday

Magical - Christmas!

Cheerful music, bustle. The barkers come out.

C o m p a l 1: Honest people gather for the festivities! Dress up, take the rattles! Let the whole family hurry to the beginning!

2nd: From all doors, from all gates, hurry to our holiday! He who knows how to work hard also knows how to have fun!

3rd: Winter is rushing us! Hurry up! Get out of the yard! Carol, sing, dance, joke!

Children come out and sing carols.

Kolyada, Kolyada,

How the carol went

At Ivanov's yard

And Ivanov's yard is on seven pillars.

Yes, seven miles.

And near this yard

All silk grass.

And on every blade of grass

By pearl

Little children are their daughters.

Mistress of the house

Like pancakes in honey.

Child: Christmas has come - We have been waiting for it for a long time. The people celebrate Christmastide: They rejoice and sing. Young and old are having fun, who came to our gatherings!

(A knock is heard on the door.)

(A knock is heard again) Aunt Alena and Aunt Matryona enter.

Aunt Alyona: Happiness to you, owners,
Good health, Happy New Year!
With all the family! Kolyada, Kolyada, she looked young!
The sparrow flies, twirls its tail,
And you people, know, cover the tables,
Receive your guests, welcome Christmas!

Aunt Matraena: I sow, sow, snowballs,
Merry Christmas to everyone.
Merry christmas and a happy new year!
Hello adults, hello kids, peace to your home!
Merry Christmas to you,
Which came to your home.
I wish everyone, everyone, that you are healthy!
You lived together for many years!

Leader: Come in, dear guests.

Aunt Alyona: I’ll sit next to you on the bench
I'll sit with you
I'll tell you riddles
I'll see who's smarter!

Powdered the paths
I decorated the windows.
Gave joy to children
And I went for a sledding ride.

Invisible, carefully
He comes to me
And he draws like an artist
He patterns on the window.

The star spun
There's a little in the air
Sat down and melted
On my palm.

They didn’t raise me - they made me out of snow.
Instead of a nose, they cleverly inserted a carrot.
Eyes are coals, hands are knots.
Cold, big, who am I?
(snow woman)

To our home on New Year's Eve
Someone will come from the forest,
All fluffy, covered in needles,
And that guest's name is...
(Christmas tree)

Aunt Alyona: Well done guys, they guessed all the riddles.

Aunt Matryona: Guys, do you know why the Christmas tree is a symbol of Christmas?

The children come out and talk.

Child 1:

A great miracle took place that night. God sent us a Savior.

In a forgotten cave, in an abandoned manger, the Baby, the Son of God, lay.

The star above the cave, like a guiding light, shone for the learned Magi,

And the loud song of the shepherds majestically and harmoniously rushed to the heavens.

Child 2:

With people, all nature rejoiced that night: rustling in the trees, leaves

They praised God in a mysterious whisper and the flowers smelled stronger.

Three trees - a palm tree, an olive tree and a fir tree - grew at the entrance to the cave.

And during the first days they bowed to the baby in proud delight.

Child 3:

The beautiful palm tree overshadowed him with its green crown,

And fragrant oil dripped from the tender branches of the silver olive tree.

Only a modest tree stood sadly: it had no gifts,

And the eyes of people were not captivated by the beauty of her unchanging cover.

Child 4:

The angel of the Lord saw this and said to the tree with love:

“You are modest, you do not grumble in sorrow, for this you are destined to be rewarded by God.”

He said - and the stars from the sky rolled down onto the tree one after another,

And everything began to shine, and the palm tree and olive tree eclipsed with its beauty.

Child 5:

The baby woke up from the bright starlight, looked at the Christmas tree,

And his face suddenly lit up with a smile, and He extended his arms to her.

And since then, every year we remember and devoutly honor Christmas

Whether a child or an adult, everyone is happy about the holiday, and there is a celebration in every family!

Aunt Matryona: What great guys!

LEADER: Come on, dear guests, let’s join the children in a round dance and dance with the Christmas tree?!

Dance middle group “Christmas Tree”

Aunt Matyren: Oh, how fun you are. Let's play?

1. Relay race “Build a snowman”
Two teams (“SNOWFLAKE” and “ICE” are lined up in columns one after another. Each of the members of the two teams is given paired snowman parts cut out of cardboard. (three circles - large, medium and small, arms, legs, eyes, nose - carrot, bucket, broom).At the command of the leader, players of both teams, in pairs, run up to a certain place, put down their piece and return to their team. The team that assembles the snowman the fastest wins.

2. Competition "Snowflake"
One participant per team participates. They take hold of the two ends of the rope on which the sticks are tied. There is a snowflake tied in the middle of the rope. At the command of the leader. Participants wind a string around a stick, approaching the center. Whoever gets to the snowflake faster wins.

3. Competition “Firewood for the stove”
Two teams of adults line up in two columns. Opposite in the box there are logs. At the command of the leader, participants one by one. They run to the box, take one log and carry it to their team. The team with the most wood wins.

Matryona and Alena sit on a bench.

Aunt Matryona: Oh, I’m tired, Alena!

Aunt Alyona: So rest, Matryona! Chai is not young anymore!

Leader: Relax, dear guests, and see how our kids enjoy winter, snow and such a wonderful holiday!

Junior group “Snow-Snowball”

HOST: Guys, who will delight our guests with poems?

Child 1: We are with the whole family this evening
Let's gather around the table
Mom will say:
- Maybe candles
Shall we light it up for the holiday?
Let's turn off the electricity
We can do without him
And we will solemnly decorate
General dinner
On Christmas!
Let the cheerful fire jump
Over a raspberry candle,
And the candlestick is quietly crying
Stearic tear...

Child 2: I ripped it off the calendar
Leaf on the sixth of January,
And under it are two words:
What to do? How to be?
Doubts began:
What should I give to God?
On his birthday?
A book? Pencil? Candy?
Maybe this box?..
Teddy bear? Saber? Or a gun -
My best toy?
I put down my pencil:
Will you give something to God?
Well, what doesn’t God have?
And why does he need candy?!
Flipped through the stamp album -
This is also not a gift!
He threw a saber and a cannon into the box -
My best toy...
The whole day passed in fuss.
And almost in a dream
I whispered until I cried:
“Happy Birthday, Christ!”


Aunt Alyona: What a wonderful time we had!

Aunt Matyron: What a bright holiday!

Aunt Alyona: Merry Christmas to you!
Meet him with Christ!
Only with Him will you find light,
Protection from adversity and troubles!

Aunt Matyren: May Jesus fill your home
Love, joy, goodness!
And remember - salvation is in Him!
We wish you a Merry Christmas!

Children: Thank you!

Children stand for the final song “Christmas is coming to us”

The sparkling stars have a gentle light,

They send greetings from heaven!

And in spite of the crazy winds

Christmas is coming to us!

The snow is spinning, light fluff...

Make a wish out loud!

Your soul will be light,

After all, our Christmas is coming!

Chorus. All my friends will gather together!

You can’t live without friends on this bright holiday!

And the starry round dance will whirl in the dance,

And a fairy tale will come to us!

Brings back to childhood a holiday without end,

Today we will turn our hearts to heaven.

Let today again, to spite everyone’s troubles,

Christmas is coming!)

This holiday of kindness

And dreams and beauty

Comes to us every year

It will bring us happiness.

He gives us gifts!

We'll split it in half

And candies and firecrackers,

Gingerbread fruits, toys.

Children become a semicircle.

Aunt Matryona: Well, friends, it’s time for us to say goodbye.

Aunt Alyona: It’s customary to give gifts at Christmas. Well, we have prepared something for you!

They give gifts to children.

LEADER: What a wonderful tradition - giving gifts. But I want another tradition for us to make a wish and blow out the Christmas cake candles!

They bring out the pie. Make a wish. The candles are blown out.

All the children gather in a group. They look at the audience.

Leader: Blessed one, let the star rise.
And it will shine in the heavens for everyone who believes!
Holy Sacrament of the Birth of Christ
Happiness will warm our Orthodox souls!
The whole world is filled with light and goodness!
Love, hope, faith! Merry Christmas!