Scenario for the New Year: “Fairytale matinee. Sketches for the school for the new year

Characters: Host, Metelitsa, Baba Yaga, Snegurochka, Santa Claus, Robbers

Music sounds. The children enter the room. Sit on chairs


What kind of guest came to us

Did you bring the smell of pine needles?

And on it are lights, garlands.

How beautiful is she!

Together with her comes to us

Winter holiday New Year!

1st child. Before the dance

So the forest tree

Silver, thick!

You grew up under the sun

And she came to us for the holiday!

2nd child.

You dressed up wonderfully

So pretty, so pretty!

All in toys, lanterns,

Gilding and lights!

3rd child.

You came to the joy of the children,

Let's start a song together

Let's have fun dancing!


And now we stand around

Let's take hands

And in a cheerful round dance

Let's go with a song

Round dance with the song "Yolka"

After the song sat on chairs


Guys! What is this happening, a strong wind is blowing, snow is flying ...

To the music, Metelitsa enters the hall

Yes, it's Metelitsa who came to visit us.


I gathered in my hands

Sparks of fiery blue stars,

I'm handing them out to everyone today.

And I sing a magical song

On this day I am with my friends.

Blizzard and snowflakes dance "Snowflake Dance"


I'm glad to meet you

And congratulations again!

I'll tell you riddles.

I'm interested to know

Who can guess them? Reads riddles.

All the people have fun -

This is a holiday ... (New Year)

Softly glowing needles

Coniferous spirit comes from (tree)

Falling from the sky in winter

And circle over the earth

Light fluff

White (snowflakes)


I'll tell you a secret

What is here with us today

There will be music and singing

Dancing, games, entertainment.

Very interesting, simply amazing!

Round dance "Merry New Year"

After the song, the children sit on the chairs

Fast music sounds, Baba Yaga runs into the hall on a broomstick.

Baba Yaga.

What kind of gathering is this?

Why merry laughter?

I will arrange a holiday for you -

I'll beat everyone right now!

I am the evil Yaga, bone leg!

jet broom

Got me through quickly!

I'll scare you all

Oh, how evil I am!

Leading.What are you, Baba Yaga, scaring our guys? We have a New Year's holiday today, and Santa Claus will come to us soon! Here he will show you!

Baba Yaga.

Don't wait for Santa Claus

He won't come to you today.

And gifts, of course

Nobody will bring you!

Snowstorm. Why doesn't Santa Claus come to us? He did promise...

Baba Yaga.

I fooled Santa Claus

Closed with a big padlock!

The key to this castle

I have... Look!

Shows a large key hanging from a ribbon around his neck.

But I won't give it to you, Better don't ask!

Music sounds, Baba Yaga takes a chair, sits on it near the Christmas tree, carefully examines her key, admires it, strokes her head, praises herself for her intelligence, cunning and dexterity.


Well, Baba Yaga, a bone leg!

What to do? How to be?

Blizzard.You have to drink your grandmother (he says it in a half-whisper)!

Let's put Baba Yaga to sleep with a lullaby. And when she falls asleep, we will quietly remove the key from her and free Grandfather Frost!

The song “Tired toys are sleeping” is being performed, the children pretend that they are sleeping. The music continues to sound, but a little quieter. The Snow Maiden tries to untie the bow around Baba Yaga's neck and remove the key. Baba Yaga tosses and turns, snores, constantly checks to see if the key is in place.

Blizzard.Baba Yaga is fast asleep! Let's try to take the key from her... yeah! Here he is with us! I ran to rescue Santa Claus...

Cheerful music sounds, Metelitsa runs away, and the children clap after him together. The music stops and everyone hears the voice of Santa Claus. And Baba Yaga is still sleeping.

Magical music sounds and the Snow Maiden with Santa Claus enters the hall

Music sounds, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden enter the hall

Father Frost.

I am a cheerful Santa Claus,

Your New Year's guest!

Don't hide your nose from me

I am good today!

I remember exactly one year ago

I saw these guys!

The year has flown by like an hour

I didn't even notice...

Here I am again among you

Dear children!

Hello kids,

Girls and boys!


Santa Claus, Santa Claus!

It's good that you brought

Kindergarten today

New Year's holiday!

Let's get up in a round dance and sing a song to grandfather.

Song "Santa Claus"

Children sit on chairs

At this time, Baba Yaga wakes up, stretches, yawns

Baba Yaga.What's the cry? What's that noise?

She grabs the tape, notices she has lost her key.

Oh, robbed-and-and! Karau-u-st! When did you steal the key from me? When did Santa Claus manage to be released?

Father Frost.Oh, Baba Yaga! Need less sleep! (Then he continues menacingly, tapping his staff.) Why did you lure me in and lock me up, huh? Now I'll freeze you!

Baba Yaga.

Wait, wait, Santa Claus!

It's an unseen thing

Collect squirrels for the holiday

Cheburashek and bunnies

Both girls and boys!

Everyone was called, invited,

Well, they forgot about me!

I don't ask for offense

I will take revenge on you now! Here!

Snow Maiden.Baba Yaga, don't be angry with us! Look how fun it is around, what beautiful children!

Baba Yaga.What is it that turns out? Children, therefore, are beautiful ... And I, Granny - Yagulechka, ugly ?!

Snow Maiden.What are you, what are you, Baba Yaga! You are also very beautiful! Really guys? Let's praise her. Let everyone say something good to Babushka Yaga.

Baba Yaga.Oh, I really am such a beautiful little girl (admiring herself)!

I want to play with you, get up in a round dance.

And I won't scare you! Here!

Cheerful music to include!!!

Guys, let's play with you. I will name the objects, and you clap your hands, but only if the named thing is on the tree.

Soft toy,

loud cracker,


old pillow,

white snowflakes,

colorful pictures,

Ripped boots.

chocolate bars,

Cotton bunnies,

red lanterns,

Bread crackers.

bright flags,

Hats and scarves

Tasty candy,

Fresh newspapers.

colorful balls,

Threads of bright tinsel ...


The guys know everything about the Christmas tree and even read poems about it

1st child.

So the forest tree

Silver, thick!

You grew up under the sun

And she came to us for the holiday!

2nd child.

You dressed up wonderfully

So pretty, so pretty!

All in toys, lanterns,

Gilding and lights!

3rd child.

You came to the joy of the children,

We will celebrate the New Year with you!

Let's start a song together

Let's have fun dancing!

dance "New Year"

After the song, the children do not sit down

Baba Yaga:What good fellows guys, respected the old woman, now you can go home - celebrate the New Year with your forest friends

Father Frost. Well done boys! How well they danced! Oh, where's my mitten? Have you guys seen her?

Snow Maiden.We saw, we saw, Santa Claus, we are your mitten! We just won't give it up! You play with us, look how clever the guys are!

Game "Catch the mitten"

Baba Yaga leaves

Children pass the mitten in a circle to each other, and Santa Claus tries to take it away. Finally, he succeeds.

After the game, the children sit down

Snow Maiden

Well done boys!

Father Frost

We are having fun with the guys, but the Christmas tree is sad?

Snow Maiden

The Christmas tree is bored, it stands, and the lights do not burn. What to do?

Father Frost

Yes, what to do, granddaughter. Speak magic words out loud, and I will knock with my magic staff!

Snow Maiden

Christmas tree beauty, turn on the lights

Look at the guys with colored eyes.

Children repeat 2 times

Christmas Tree DOES NOT LIGHT

I don’t understand anything, the lights on our Christmas tree don’t light up!

Father Frost

Oh, granddaughter! I completely remembered. This is last year's spell. It won't work.

Snow Maiden

But what are we to do?

Father Frost

Don't worry granddaughter! Listen to me.

There was a cheerful runner.

He hurried to us for the New Year.

He gave me a package

And in the package is an envelope,

And in that envelope is a secret

And in secret is the answer,

As without matches and without candles

Light our Christmas tree.

If we decipher the code,

The Christmas tree will light the fire for us!

Snow Maiden

Get it, Grandpa, quickly, an envelope with this secret!

Father Frost

Oh! There is no envelope. I was in such a hurry to get here and it looks like I dropped the package somewhere.

The song of the robbers from the m / f "The Bremen Town Musicians" sounds. Two robbers run into the hall

1 robber

We are from a terrible, terrible fairy tale

Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!

So let's start our dancing!

Uh-ha-ha! Uh-ha-ha! (SPEAKING TOGETHER)

2 robber

We will spoil the holiday for children,

Their-ha-ha! Their-ha-ha! (SPEAKING TOGETHER)

Let's break everyone in the world

Uh-ha-ha! Uh-ha-ha!

Father Frost

Who came to visit us?

Snow Maiden

Yes, it's a robbery company!

1 robber

Right! Guessed! We came to see your tree.

2 robber

Yes, take away gifts from children, and scare them.

Snow Maiden

What to do, Santa Claus?

Father Frost

I won’t let the children hurt, I won’t let you spoil the holiday. Come on, my magic staff, do me a favor. Freeze those intruders!

Santa Claus wants to hit his staff, but the robbers stop him.

1 robber

Wait, wait Santa Claus! If you freeze us now, you will never know where one bag with an envelope and a secret is!

Father Frost

So do you have the package?

2 robber

We have, we have and well hidden!

Snow Maiden

Give us the package with the secret!

1 robber

We will give it back only if you allow us to stay on the holiday.

2 robber

And if your kids can beat us in the "Fastest" contest

Snow Maiden

Well guys, accept the challenge?

The attraction "The Fastest" is being held. Children racing with the robbers run around the Christmas tree.

1 robber

OK OK! Let's give up! You beat us!

2 robber(pulls out bag from pocket)

Here is your envelope.

The Snow Maiden opens the envelope. There are numbers on the cards.2, 8, 0, 1 parents help

Father Frost

The Christmas tree will light the fires for us

If we decipher the code!

How to arrange these numbers

Come on, kids!

Children make up 2018 and the tree lights up with lights

Add words!!!

Father Frost:one, two, three - the Christmas tree is on fire !!!

Repeat three times and the tree lights up

Snow Maiden

Here the tree is lit up.

More fun immediately

Father Frost

There is a game for kids - snow-white balls.

Will you play with me, throw snowballs fun?

Come out boys

Boys snowball dance

Children throw snowballs at Santa Claus.

Father Frost:Now a new game:

Boys, look for snowballs, and quickly bring them to the bucket!

Children collect snowballs and stack

in a bucket (put behind the tree)

A snowball forms behind the bucket

Snow Maiden instead of a bucket takes out a snowball

Snow Maiden.

So com, wonderful com!

I wonder what's in it?

Father Frost.

This com is not simple,

The middle is not empty!

It contains gifts for children!

Snow Maiden.So give them quickly!

Father Frost.

Come on, kids, let's clap together! (Children clap)

Let's stomp our feet smartly! (Children stomp)

Blows on someone, then offers to blow to the children. Loudly knocks with a staff, opens a lump in an agreed place.

Snowball, fall apart

And turn into gifts!

This magical lump will lead you to other gifts.

Father Frost

Let the New Year be celebrated together

Both adults and kids!

And we need to say

We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!

Snow Maiden

May the whole coming year

A blizzard will sweep happiness.

Let him put it on the head

Santa Claus health bag.


And for the holiday a lot of laughter

Will bring on a sleigh

Happy New Year everyone, everyone, everyone!

Sounds like a chiming clock


We've been waiting for this day for a long time.

Not seen for a whole year

Sing, ring under the tree

New Year's round dance

Get up in a round dance with their parents

"The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree"

Extracurricular activities

Sketches for the school for the New Year

Very soon the New Year will come - everyone's favorite holiday. Every child dreams of them. And it doesn’t matter if he is a toddler, an elementary school student and already a high school student. Everyone is waiting for Christmas miracles! And at school, miracles are in charge, of course, the teacher. New Year's school matinee should be fun and unforgettable, so that every student feels the approach of the holiday. A modern teacher, loaded with work, cannot always write a script and hold a children's holiday on his own, and often looks for ready-made solutions. Our funny sketches for school for the New Year will help you easily organize an event.


A small scene-parody of the fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin. The scene is simple to stage, it does not have complex scenery.



1st girl

2nd girl

3rd girl



Cell phones

Stage design and costumes

The girls sit on a bench, which can be made from chairs covered with cloth. Behind the bench is a cardboard window. You can attach a Wi-Fi icon to the window. All characters can be dressed in modern clothes, but with "fabulous" elements (crowns, kokoshniks). The conductor - in a regular suit, to which the Russian Railways logo is attached, holds a sign in his hands with the inscription "Lukhovitsy-Paris" (use the name of your locality). The gourmet is holding a ladle.


There were three sisters

Instagram girls.

Each of them led

Blog about various things.

"How to go abroad" -

Written by the first sister.

The second one has a girl

Culinary page.

The third and so - and so,

But with the theme cant.

Now about pictures, then about songs -

She was interested in everything.

Three maidens by the window

Instagram tonight

The post was about love

Arching an eyebrow.

The girls are sitting on a bench staring at their phones.

1st girl:

"If I were a queen, -


The first girl writes, -

1st girl:

I would have a father-king

I would take you to the sea!

In the New Year - yes to Tahiti.

You will marry me the king!

Ol inclusive, sea, pictures...

Farewell, warm tights!”

2nd girl:

"If I were a queen, -


Her sister writes here -

2nd girl:

That is for the whole baptized world

I'd make a buffet!

Foie gras, shrimp, sushi,

Oysters, pig ears...

And chocolate fondue

Tsar-father delight.

I don't like diets

I will feed the autocrat.”

3rd girl:

"If I become a queen, -

The third girl writes a post, -

Then I am the father-king

I'll give you the fourth Sony.

He's tired of ruling the world

We need to slow down the pace.

He will play in Sony

Eat well and sleep well."

Hundreds of likes have arrived.

And knocking in a personal to her

Prince Elisha.

The Tsar enters the stage and takes the 3rd girl by the hand.

Tsar :

What a miracle, what a miracle!

And you are wise and beautiful.

You understand sometimes

In male psychology!

I'll hurry up with the matter

I will marry you right away.

1st and 2nd girl:

How embarrassing! God sees

I'll blog about it!

Tsar :

Don't make noise, girls.

Color your eyelashes.

I also marry you

I'll give you all, finally.

Conductor and Gourmet enter the stage, everyone joins hands.


The king, of course, well done,

He gave them all away.

The husband of the first is a conductor,

I'm used to travel.

With him is the first girl

Everyone travels abroad.

The second husband is a gourmet esthete

Knows the entire composition of cutlets.

All in unison:

The fairy tale is not a lie -

Happiness is where you do not expect.

"The Big Book of Winter Tales and Poems" is a great gift for any child. Under one cover there are collected beautiful classic fairy tales "Moroz Ivanovich", "Snow Maiden", "By the Pike's Command", "Two Frosts" and poems by such famous poets as F. Tyutchev, F. Fet, Sasha Cherny, S. Yesenin, A Bely, A. Usachev, M. Druzhinina. Wonderful children's illustrations perfectly complement the text. Winter is a wonderful time for fairy tales and poems. After all, it is in winter that the wonderful New Year holiday comes - the time of magic, miracles and gifts. Here's our book is perfect for this holiday. After all, here children will find the most winter fairy tales and the most New Year's poems. This is a great gift for any child!


The teacher will gladly help his class to prepare and have fun for the New Year's school concert. This funny scene scenario will be appreciated by both a modern high school student and a middle school student. A fun school scene for the New Year about traditions will not only cheer up schoolchildren, but also expand their knowledge about celebrating the New Year in different countries.


Teacher (or class leader)


    a glass of water or a water pistol;

  • a large box of matches;

    a trash bag with small debris (scrap paper, cardboard, etc.);

    popper with confetti.

Scene 1

Three students and a teacher.

Teacher :

Yes, guys. New Years is soon. It is necessary to make an original matinee, and not like last time - they led a round dance and dispersed. Should be fun. Make a modern holiday!

Student 1: Can I blow something up?

Teacher: No explosions! It's a children's party, safety is paramount.

Student 2: Can something be broken?

Teacher: No! You are a schoolboy, turn on your head, remember what you learned interesting in the lessons.

Student 3: I recently read about the New Year traditions of different countries. We can arrange the New Year in the style of some country ...

Teacher: That's a great idea! Well done ... Think about it. Maybe instead of a Christmas tree, we'll dress up a palm tree, and instead of a round dance, we'll dance some kind of tribal dance! See you tomorrow, show us what you've got. Let's get creative!

Scene 2

On stage they are the same, but with props.

Three students stand around a table with props. The teacher enters. 1st student pours water on him).

Teacher: What are you doing? Why did you douse me? It's not funny!

Student 1: Happy Thai New Year! Hooray!

The teacher wipes face .

Teacher: What a stupid joke...

Student 1: Nothing is a joke. Splashing with water is a Thai New Year tradition.

Pupil 2 rolls a log to the teacher's feet, picks up matches.

Student 2: And now we will burn! How Europeans burned their Christmas log!

Teacher: Stop! Don't burn me or the log! This tradition does not suit us.

Student 2 sadly rolls the log under the table.

Student 3 comes out with a trash bag and starts throwing trash around.

Teacher: What are you doing? Just cleaned up for the holidays! Stop immediately.

Student 3: What about me? It was the Italians who came up with the idea of ​​throwing garbage into the street on New Year's Eve!

Teacher: Stop, stop ... What other traditions do you have in store?

Student 1: We also wanted to hit the cymbals like the Swedes.

Student 2: And set fire to a barrel of tar, like the Scots ...

Teacher: You know what, you don’t have to beat and set fire to anything. It seems to me that our traditions are the most humane traditions in the world! We will decorate the Christmas tree, dance, call the Snow Maiden with Santa Claus, and we will go on vacation alive and healthy.

Student 3 blows up a firecracker. The teacher runs off the stage screaming.

Student 3: Hey! Well, it's our tradition!

Scenarios of fairy tales in a new way are very popular from year to year. Children love to imagine famous fairy-tale characters in a new role.

This book is like a box of chocolates! Here, every story is a delicious candy. No two are alike, each one contains original ingredients and toppings. Laughter and tears, joy and disappointment, love and separation, magic and reality - twenty-two of the best Russian authors have prepared a wonderful collection for real gourmet readers. You “eat” all the stories instantly, because inside there are miniature masterpieces from the best literary “confectioners”: Narine Abgaryan, Andrey Kivinov, Alexander Tsypkin, Vitaly Seroklinov, Vladimir Zisman, Masha Rupasova, Mikhail Shakhnazarov...


This funny scene for the New Year at school is about how Ivan Tsarevich married his daughter. If the role of the main character is played by a tall and strong young man, and the role of the Thumb Boy is a fragile girl, this will make the production even more fun.



Ivan Tsarevich

Toad Princess

Tsar's daughter (high schooler)

Bogatyr (we suggest portraying this character as a traffic policeman)

Old Man Hottabych (important to focus on the beard)

Thumb boy (a short hero in the form of a biker or rocker)

Musical arrangement

    "I'm not handsome" V. Syutkin

    "Bomb" gr. "Leningrad"

    “Well, why are you so scary” Aleksina

    Song of Fun "But I don't want by calculation"

    "Beard" Timati

    "Back in black" AC/DC

Narrator :

In some kingdom

In a strange state

Once upon a time there was Ivan Tsarevich,

Those places are the king.

Appearance was handsome -

Looks a bit like a moose.

The chorus of the song "I'm not handsome" by Valery Syutkin is playing. Ivan comes out and dances to the music. Sits on the throne.


He had a wife

Princess Toad.

Good, they say, ba ... (cough) girl.

Plays the chorus of the song "Bomb" of the group "Leningrad". The Toad Princess enters the stage and dances, sits down next to Ivan.


And they had a daughter

Poured Ivan exactly the same.

Well, she looks a lot like her father!

The same ro... (cough) the face is the same, in general.

The Tsar's Daughter comes out and dances to the song "Well, why are you so terrible." Gets up next to your parents.

Ivan Tsarevich:

In the state all the way

We live well in it.

Wars in the past, peace and quiet.

To rule a kingdom is grace.

However, there is one problem -

The daughter is getting older every year.

She's fifteen years old

There are no suitors.

Toad Princess:

What are you up to, you old bastard?

All puffed up like an owl!

Well, think, annoyance -

You have to marry your daughter.

On such a beauty

Anyone gets married right away.

Ivan Tsarevich:

Where can you get this right now?

So that a sensible son-in-law came out.

To be kind, rich

And... a little blind.

To the song “But I don’t want it by calculation,” the Princess demonstrates her indignation.

Ivan Tsarevich:

You, daughter, are not a miracle!

Press download let's go.

From doubts and troubles

Sports always save everyone!

Toad Princess:

Are you a father or not a father?

He drives his daughter down the aisle ...

You arrange at least a casting.

Suddenly, a scoundrel will marry?

The sound of a siren is heard. Bogatyr appears on the scene in a traffic police suit.


Here he is, the Russian hero!

And his face is not a ghoul.

The girl looked at him

I immediately pulled in my stomach...

Ivan Tsarevich :

Nothing like a groom

We will arrange the wedding for them...

Bogatyr ( addressing the king):

Me your coyote face

It suddenly reminded me of someone...

But aren't you, my clear king,

Did you run red on Wednesday?

The hero takes out a notebook and writes out a fine. Ivan Tsarevich clutches his heart.

Ivan Tsarevich:

For what sins

To us such grooms?

Well you! Go to the garden!

Something son-in-law I'm not happy.

The hero leaves the stage.

To the chorus of the song “Beard”, the Old Man Hottabych comes out and dances.

Narrator :

Here is Hottabych. He's an old man

Wears a dyed wig.

Ivan Tsarevich :

Here's a great candidate!

And solid, and rich.

beard hair -

Here are those dachas and ponds.

Toad princess:

You are not averse to him as a son-in-law!

Have pity on your own daughter!

For borscht and basturma

Shave his beard...

Daughter loves to eat.

Daughter :

Yes ... that is - that is.

Hottabych leaves the stage. To the song« Back in black ” comes out Boy-with-a-finger.

Narrator :

A boy-with-a-finger, though small,

And quite brutal.

Thumb boy:

About princess beauty

I heard it in the forest.

They say she's just a glance

Kill a fox on the run...

The Tsar's daughter coquettishly shyly. Thumb boy walks up to her.

What a neck! Like a bull.

Good to the point of indecent.

Do you want to be mine?

I will wear it in my arms!

The boy-with-a-finger tries to raise the Tsar's daughter, but after unsuccessful attempts, she herself takes him in her arms.

Narrator :

The king and queen agree:

Everything about this couple is great!

After the wedding Thumb

He drove off with the princess to Nalchik.

And they lived soul to soul,

Like a tomato and a pear.

Students love dress-up scenes. And what if on stage is not just a classmate in disguise, but a classmate dressed as Santa Claus, dressed as a rock star? .. This is even more interesting. We fantasized about what images our favorite hero could appear on New Year's Eve. And that's what the next scene is about.

"Journey of the Blue Arrow" is a kind fairy tale for those who believe in miracles! Poor boy Francesco really wanted to get a toy train as a New Year's present. And his dream came true! Animated toys escaped from the toy store. They really wanted all the kids to be happy. Brave selfless toys sacrifice themselves in order to give joy to babies. A good fairy tale teaches us not to pass by someone else's misfortune, teaches us to help each other, to go towards our goal, overcoming difficulties. Teaches that everyone can work miracles.


Students of all ages can participate in this skit. If you give free rein to the imagination in the manufacture of costumes, you get a very funny and spectacular performance.


Snowflake (dressed in the latest fashion, can be taken as a prototype of the hosts of the Fashion Sentence program)


Hipsta-grandfather and Hipster (hipster images: rolled up jeans, shirts, glasses)

Grandfather of Warcraft and Snegeymochka(images of gamers: unkempt appearance, chips and game joysticks in hands)

Blog Frost and Selfurochka(images of bloggers: they are constantly filming something on their phones and mumbling)

Santa Claus and SneguROKchka(images of rockers: leather jackets, chains, leather pants, guitars)

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka(classic images)

Musical arrangement

    The melody of the screensaver of the program "Fashionable Sentence"

    "Kool thing" by Sonic Youth

  • "Likes" of the group "Bi-2"
  • Music from the game «World of Warcraft»

    "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree"

To the melody from the program “Fashionable Sentence”, a Snowflake, a Snowman and a Squirrel appear on the stage.

Snowflake :

Fashion changes every year: they wear leopard leggings, then louboutins, then jeans are tucked into socks. Every year something new! Everywhere, but not here. Santa Claus walked in his wadded coat, and walks. The Snow Maiden, as she braided her long braid, is braiding it. What is retrograde? It's outdated and boring! It's time to follow fashion trends! I'm announcing a Santa Claus contest!

Snowman :

Well, why is all this? We also like the old grandfather ...

The snowflake "gives in the eye" to the snowman. The snowman screams.


What happened to you?

Snowman :

Nothing. A snowflake hit my eye.

Snowflake :

The first candidate Hipsta-grandfather and Hipsturochka. Dressed according to fashion, though not according to the weather.

To the song "Kol thing"Sonic Youth comes out Grandfather and Snow Maiden, dressed like hipsters (necessarily in rolled up jeans). They dance.


Yes, these ankles will freeze in our winter. Not only will they not reach Ustyug, they won’t reach the next entrance!

Snowflake :

The next participants are Ded of Warcraft and Snegeymochka.

The music from “World of Warcraft” sounds, Grandfather comes out to it in an elongated and dirty T-shirt, unhaired, with a bottle of cola and a pack of chips, with him the Snow Maiden in the same form and with game joysticks in his hands. They dance.

Snowman :

What are you! These Grandfather and Snegurka sat at the computer all night, they will sleep all day.

Snowflake :

The next candidates for the place of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden are Blog Moroz and Selfurochka.

The refrain of the BI-2 song “Like” sounds, Grandfather and Snow Maiden come out in the form of bloggers. The Snow Maiden constantly takes selfies, Grandfather takes pictures of everything around. They dance.


Yes, while they will take selfies with a deer, they will steal all their gifts!

Snowflake :

The next couple is Santa Claus and SneguROKchka.

An AC / DC song sounds, to which Father Frost and Snegurochka come out in the form of metal rockers. They dance.

Snowman :

Are you crazy, Snowflake? They scare all the kids. And gifts will be sold to buy new guitars. Best case scenario...

Snowflake :

You won't please at all! The last candidates are Ded Moroz and Snegurochka traditional. Outdated version.

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka come out to the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" in traditional outfits. With a bag of gifts.

Father Frost :

Hello guys! Happy New Year! I brought you gifts.

Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden present gifts to everyone present on the stage, then they approach the Snowflake, holding out a bundle to her.

Snowflake :

I don't take bribes!

Father Frost :

This is a new iPhone.

Snowflake :

We have a new winner!

General dance.

Of course, do not forget about the symbol of the coming year - the pig. It is about her that our next scene for the New Year at school.

More interesting stuff:(and other popular characters optional)

Pig (a girl in a pink dress; outwardly touching character)

Musical arrangement:

    Song "Who let the dogs out"

    Soundtrack from the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean"

    Melody from the movie "Star Wars"

    Melody from the cartoon "Peppa Pig"

Narrator :

The end of 2018 was approaching. The symbol of the year the Dog began to behave like the last dog.

To the song “Who let the dogs out”, the Dog comes out, surrounded by girls, sits on a chair.

Narrator :

The dog lost the trust of the citizens and could no longer remain the symbol of the year. The World Council decided to elect someone else. But the Dog was against it.

The dog expresses displeasure.

To the sound of a gong in the ring, a girl with a poster "Symbol of the Year 2019" walks around the stage.

Music from the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean" sounds, under which Jack Sparrow appears.

Heroes fight. Jack Sparrow injures the Dog, but the Dog still wins.

The song “Who let the dogs out” sounds again, the Dog salutes the audience (this happens after each victory).

Darth Vader comes out to the music from the Star Wars movie. From the movements of Vader's hand, the Dog bends and grimace. But then he gets on all fours, runs up to Vader, portraying a "good dog". Darth Vader pets him, and the Dog surprises him and wins.

The melody from the cartoon "Peppa Pig" sounds, Pig comes out under it.

Dog (through laughter):

Yes, it's a piglet!

A dog wounded in battle loses strength. He falls to the floor. Laughter turns into a cough. The pig approaches him and kicks him lightly.

Dog :

Well, you are a pig!

Pig: Not a pig, but a symbol of the year!

You can end the scene with a dance of all the characters.

The scenario of the New Year's party for children with the participation of the "Bremen Town Musicians"

Characters: Santa Claus
Snow Maiden
Rogues: Atamansha

Bogatyr and his assistants

There is a Christmas tree in the center of the decorated hall.

Children under the round dance “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” go out into the hall.


(children sit down)

Robbers enter the hall (characters of the domestic cartoon: Atamansha, Dunce and Coward). The Atamansha is holding fake playing cards and Father Frost's robe. They sing a song to the music of the songs of the robbers from the film "The Bremen Town Musicians".

Atamansha: They say we are byaki-buki
We can ask a rustle
Give me some cards in hand
Fortune telling on "Frost"
Robbers in chorus:
Oh, la-la! Oh, la-la!
They didn't work in vain!
Oh, la-la! Oh, la-la!
Eh ma!

People's holiday is coming soon
There's a New Year
Santa Claus made a Christmas tree
Well, they won't call us.
Atamansha: Oh, lu-lu! Oh, lu-lu!
And I love holidays!
Oh, lu-lu! Oh, lu-lu!
Eh ma!
Robbers in chorus:
Santa Claus bit card
And we have his outfit (They show the children the fur coat of Santa Claus)
The case will be covered up
The cards tell the truth
Atamansha: Oh la-la! Oh la la!!
I will rule the ball!
Oh la-la! Voila!
Eh ma!

The robbers dance merrily, inviting children to the Christmas tree. The dance ends, the children line up around the Christmas tree.

Atamansha: Where is your bag?
Lost an uneven hour?
Coward: Oh, it looks like we've lost.
Yes, it was stolen from us!
Atamansha: What-oh-oh-oh? Stole?
Who? When?
I'll submit it here!
Balbes:(swinging at Coward):
What are you talking about, crazy.
No one would dare.
Steal from robbers
It's great to get in!
Here he is, behind that mountain.
Heavy and big.
He's not going anywhere
Bring him here?
Atamansha: Yes! Let it be visible.
I'll wait here for now.

I look like a round dance. (Invites children to a round dance)

v Round dance "HAPPY NEW YEAR"

(children sit down)

Atamansha walks around the Christmas tree, looking at the children. Coward, Dunce with great difficulty drag a huge bag into the hall (you can fill the bag with paper or rags, it is understood that Santa Claus is in the bag) and put it near the Christmas tree. There is a target on the bag.

Atamansha: What are the idiots tired of (referring to the robbers)?
Oh, don't like work.
It's time for me to replace you
Shake the bowl again.
Come on, brothers, who is brave here (addresses the children)
Who is agile and skillful.
You want to join us as robbers
Don't be shy, come on.
We measure your strength
Who will fit us, we will check.

1st game: tug of war
Children and robbers pull each other's rope, win,
of course, children. The game is played with cheerful music.

Atamansha: Oh strong! All will fit me (refers to the children).
You are loafers - learn (addresses the robbers).
And who can shoot accurately?
Come on, show me kids.
We will throw snowballs
Hit the target.

The robbers are playing their second game. To carry it out, you need to prepare fake snowballs in advance. And the target is on the bag, in which Santa Claus seems to be sitting. For each well-aimed hit on the target, children are rewarded with candy. The game is played with cheerful music.

Atamansha: I'm the robbers of all of you
I accept this time.
But I also want to point out
Can children read poetry?

Get up in a circle, read poetry

(Children read poetry)

1. Came to us again today
Christmas tree and winter holiday
This New Year's holiday
We were looking forward to it!

Winter holiday is upon us
So let's say together

Children in chorus:

3. Hello dear tree!

You are visiting us again.

The lights are shining again

On your dense branches.

Brighter, brighter let it sparkle

Christmas tree with golden lights.

CHILDREN: Happy New Year!

Dear guests.

4. Collected friends, girlfriends.

Wonderful tree.

How shiny her dress is!

Snow sparkles on needles.

5. Snow is falling outside the window,

Snow is fluffy, New Year's.

In the hall - music and laughter,

We have a children's ball today!

Form start

End of form

Balbes: Come on, all together
We dance to the song
At the same time, in a good way
Clap your hands for us"

v Round dance "LIKE OUR CHRISTMAS"

(Snowflakes run out, dance, then the Snow Maiden comes out to the music, and the robbers hide)


Snow Maiden: Hello my friends, I'm glad to see you all,

Both big and small, nimble and remote!

I see - you were not lazy and worked hard,

They decorated the fragrant Christmas tree well, here it is - elegant, fluffy!

I came from a good fairy tale, today there will be games, dances!

Join the round dance, let's celebrate the New Year together!

v Round Dance "Christmas Song"

Snow Maiden: But where is Grandpa, Ay!

I've been calling him for a whole hour.

Soon it will be night outside.

Who can help me?

Bogatyr: I, the Snow Maiden, will help.

I will find Santa Claus.

(referring to assistants)

Let's go to the forest

Find Santa Claus

And we'll bring it to the tree!

(They go behind the Christmas tree and there they find a bag with Santa Claus, which the robbers dragged)

Bogatyr: There is something here -
The bag is big.
Cat: Bring him into the light.
A lion: Someone is puffing there.
I'm afraid.
Bogatyr: Are you alive there, or not?
(they drag the bag to the middle of the hall, untie it. Santa Claus appears from the untied bag in an unusual form (in a sweater, because the robbers have his fur coat). Bruises and abrasions are applied on his face with makeup, a large fake ear)
Father Frost: Here are the villains, here are the bandits
Mutilated enemies,
Who crippled me like that (the musicians are trying to support him by the arms)?
Watch out bruises!

Santa Claus turns to the guys with a question, who put him in a bag. The children answer that they are robbers. Then they are asked: where did they run? Children answer that they hid)
Father Frost: What will happen to the New Year
How is our fun ball?
How is the Christmas tree, how are the guests?
No matter how the holiday is gone.
And the Snow Maiden is one.
How is she poor?
Bogatyr: Here's what we're going to do, brethren.
Don't worry Santa Claus
We are to help the Snow Maiden.
And Leo is with you
To Aibolit for an appointment.
Good Doctor Aibolit
Heal you, heal you.
A lion: You will be, Santa Claus, like new,
You are ruddy and healthy.
And for the New Year's holiday
You'll get in today.
Cat: Let's hurry, friends, on the road
We are to help the Snow Maiden.

Everyone leaves. The Snow Maiden enters the hall, she wipes her tears with a handkerchief and sings to the music of the king's songs from the m / f "The Bremen Town Musicians"
“……. Eat a dietary egg, daughter ... "

Snow Maiden: The guests have already gathered, the New Year is coming soon.
And my grandfather disappeared, something is not going.
My handkerchief was wet with tears.
Where is Santa Claus?

No note from him, no message.
Oh, and my long wait.
Maybe something really happened to him?
Where is Santa Claus?

Children are waiting for gifts in the New Year,

And my dear grandfather does not go.

Didn't he carry the bag?

Where is Santa Claus?

The robbers run into the hall to the song of the robbers

And, as you know, we are a hot people,
Oh, and we cannot bear the tenderness of calves,
But we love veal souls
We love to hit people
We love to beat people
We love to beat people
And beat the buckets.

We are bo-bo-boboyniks,
Robbers, robbers
Bang bang, and you are dead,
The dead, the dead.
Bang bang, and you are dead,
The dead, the dead.

And whoever sees us will immediately gasp.
And for someone it will smell fried.
And we keep something in our bosom.
Don't come near us
Don't come near us
Don't come near us
And then we'll slaughter

Atamansha: Waiting for the old Frost?
Wait, wait, little one!
Until you give a ransom,
Don't wait for the old man!
Snow Maiden: Who are they? What you need?
Nobody invited you!
Where is this coat from?
Did Grandpa send you?
Balbes: I dreamed, a lot of honor.
Nobody sent us.
We can send ourselves
And further away than at the ball.
Snow Maiden: What do you want from us?
What you need? Speak up.
Coward: We want fun, laughter,
Different games, fun,
And most importantly, gifts
Sweet and bright.
Snow Maiden: So what are we going to do guys?
We need to save Grandpa.
Nothing to do, have to
Play with this gang.

Rules of the game: a chair is placed near the Christmas tree; two compete, on command they run around the Christmas tree "counter-clockwise" (one runs around the Christmas tree clockwise, the second counterclockwise), the one who runs around faster and sits on a chair is the winner. They play with children.

 Atamansha and a child are running around the Christmas tree. The atamansha is cunning - she runs along with the chair.

 Dunce and Coward compete. The coward comes back halfway and takes a chair.

Atamansha: We still want to play.
Let's kick the balls!
Snow Maiden: No, you don't need to kick the balls,
We'd better run together.
Come on, you take the balls, (refers to the robbers)
Run around the Christmas tree.

Coward and Dunce pinch the balloon on both sides with their heads and run carefully around the Christmas tree, trying not to drop the balloon. Next, invite two pairs of children who want to participate in this game. Children in pairs (in the manner described above) run in a race to cheerful music.

Bogatyr with a cat enter the hall. They are armed with children's pistols and sabers. They sing a song to the music of the songs of the royal guards from the film "The Bremen Town Musicians"
“……Oh, early, the guards are getting up….”

Bogatyr and Cat(in chorus):
Our role is honorable and enviable,
Santa Claus asked us, and here's the point:
We must punish the robbers
Now let's shoot them a little.
Coward: Oh mama what a drama
Bogatyr and Cat(in chorus):
For thieves like this
We are preparing the gun.
Atamansha is the main enemy,
Take her on the fly!

Robbers step on children with a song to the music of a robber song from the film "The Bremen Town Musicians"
Rogues: Let there be no knife and ax with you,
But both arms and legs are strong
hard workers,
Romantics from the high road.

We do not want, oh, we give up on you,
Let's not leave so easily
Let's not leave so easily
We will be with you ... to fight.

Leo and Santa Claus run into the hall. Santa Claus is still without a fur coat, but already without bruises, abrasions and other injuries.

Father Frost: Stop, stop
No need for a fight.
Soon the holiday - New Year.
Let's all make up, let's
Let's get up in a friendly round dance.
Just give me back my coat

If you want a holiday.

Snow Maiden: Here is Santa Claus
How we have been waiting for you!
The lights were not lit (points to the Christmas tree)
Ball did not start.

The robbers return the fur coat to Santa Claus and help him put it on.

Father Frost: I forgive robbers
And I invite you to the holiday
Let's have fun together:
Sing, dance, play, frolic.
Happy New Year!
I invite everyone to the ball
And I declare open
New Year's carnival!
Snow Maiden: Happy New Year!
Father Frost: Happy New Year!
I wish you all the best!
Happiness, joy, health,
Lots of laughs, kids!
Let's say together
One two Three
Our Christmas tree, burn!
Let's go around the Christmas tree
Let's love, let's sing!

Together with the children, Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden, and the robbers lead the round dance "Herringbone".

v Round dance "Santa Claus"

Father Frost: That made grandfather happy
Sing a song, well done
Now let's play!
Who's the brave one here?
Snow Maiden:
Come on, Santa Claus,
Freeze our hands.
Father Frost: Oh! Favorite game.
Become a kid.

Children and characters line up around the Christmas tree and take turns asking Santa Claus to freeze some part of the body. For example: Well, Santa Claus, freeze our legs! Or: Well, Grandfather Frost, freeze our nose! Etc. At the same time, the part of the body that is asked to be frozen is put forward (if possible) forward, and Santa Claus, running in a circle, tries to touch the corresponding part of the body. Children (usually) dodge him with a squeal.

Father Frost(sits on a chair near the Christmas tree):
Killed the old man
I'll sit here for now

That's the game, miracle, laughter.
I laughed the loudest.
You never get tired
Will you read poetry to me?
(children read poetry)

1. What kind of guest came to us

Brought the smell of pine needles

And behind it are lights, garlands

How beautiful is she!

Together with her comes to us

Winter holiday - New Year!

2. The Christmas tree is dressed up for the holiday.

Lit up with lights

And she came to us in kindergarten,

To make the kids happy.

3. New Year is coming -

Cheerful holiday, bright!

Santa Claus is coming to the children

Gives gifts to everyone.

And then with an empty bag

Returns to his house.

4. D unit Frost, though old,
But he's naughty like a little one:
Stings cheeks, nose tickles,
He wants to grab by the ears.
Santa Claus, do not blow in the face,
Stop, do you hear
Don't pamper!

5. D obry santa claus
He brought me a puppy in a bag,
But some strange grandfather,
Dressed in my mother's fur coat
And his eyes are big
Like dad's are blue.
This is dad, I'm silent
I secretly want
Let them have fun
Maybe he confesses.

Father Frost: And you, guys, sing a song,
Build a large circle dance.

v Song "WINTER"

v Dance of fairy tale characters

v The song "SNOW-PEARLS"

v (Kids performance)

Santa Claus: Oh, yes, kids are good
They sang together, from the heart.
rested looking at you
And ready to dance.
In Russian dance, groovy
Well, guys, who's with me!
Coward: Everybody dance! (in the manner of a phrase from the movie "Ivan Vasilievich changes his profession")

Sounds like a song from the movie "Ivan Vasilievich changes his profession." Everyone is dancing

Father Frost: Enough, enough, stop.
Do you also want to play?
I will sit for a while
I'll take a look at your games.

The game "Snowflakes, wind, frost"
Father Frost: That made grandfather happy
I rested my soul among you,
I have gifts for you.
Where is my big bag?
(The robbers are dragging a bag of gifts together).
Father Frost: I had fun with you
But it's time for us to part
And until next year
We have to say goodbye.
Happy New Year everyone again
Happiness, joy, kindness,
Enough for a whole year.
Goodbye, kids!


v Round dance "HAPPY NEW YEAR"

1. We congratulate everyone on the New Year,

We start with New Year's dance.

P / V Near the Christmas tree, Christmas tree.

We'll dance merrily today.

2. The lights on the Christmas tree flickered

The lights on the tree flickered.

3.D. Frost tell everyone in the world

How children have fun on the Christmas tree.

v Round dance "LIKE OUR CHRISTMAS"

1.Like our Christmas tree,

Green needles.


Christmas tree, Christmas tree,

Christmas tree

2. Everything sparkles with ice floes,

White snowflakes.


Together with the tree will come to us

v Round Dance "Christmas Song"

1 The outfit sparkles with stars
Christmas trees.
All over the country our kindergarten
Sending hello today.
We go one after another
We don't stand still
All hands we beat
And we dance together.

2. Santa Claus to our Christmas tree
Rolled up the sled.
He brought us toys
And tell stories.


1. Come out bolder, friend, make a wider circle,

Otherwise, the desired friend, Santa Claus, completely froze! - go in circles

P/v: Santa Claus, Santa Claus, dance, get warm! - clap their hands

We will not let you go, do not even hope! - 2 p. - shaking fingers

2. We are with you, Santa Claus, glad to meet you - go to the Christmas tree

It would be nice if the whole year the holiday did not end! - step back

Chorus: "-"""""""""""

SONG "Snow-pearls"

1. In the cold wind
Troika tied up
So that on it in the morning
We could run.
P / W: And the snow is burning all around,
Like pearls.
Rules the trio herself

2. Past sonorous birches
We slide like an arrow.
We don’t care about frost -
Even very evil!

SONG "Winter"

At the edge of the forest
Winter lived in a hut.
She made snowballs
In a birch tub.
She twisted the yarn
She wove canvases
Forged ice
Yes, there are bridges over the rivers.

A/C: The ceiling is icy, the door is creaky…
Behind the rough wall, prickly darkness ...
As you enter the threshold, frost is everywhere,
And from the windows the park is blue-blue.

Went hunting
Granite silver,
Planted a thin month
In a crystal bucket...
I sewed fur coats for trees,
Torila sledge track.
And then hurried into the forest,
To rest in the hut.

1. What kind of guest came to us

Brought the smell of pine needles

And behind it are lights, garlands

How beautiful is she! Roma V.

Together with her comes to us

Winter holiday - New Year!

2. The Christmas tree is dressed up for the holiday.

Lit up with lights

And she came to our kindergarten, Andrey K.

To make the kids happy.

3. New Year is coming -

Cheerful holiday, bright!

Santa Claus comes to the children Sergey K.

Gives gifts to everyone.

And then with an empty bag

Returns to his house.

4. D unit Frost, though old,
But he's naughty like a little one:
Pinching cheeks, tickling nose, Andrey I.
He wants to grab by the ears.
Santa Claus, do not blow in the face,
Stop, do you hear
Don't pamper!

5. D obry santa claus
He brought me a puppy in a bag,
But some strange grandfather,
Dressed in my mother's fur coat
And his eyes are big Sophia S.
Like dad's are blue.
This is dad, I'm silent
I secretly want
Let them have fun
Maybe he confesses.

1. Came to us again today
Fir-tree and winter holiday Gel G.
This New Year's holiday
We were looking forward to it!

2. Frequent forest, blizzard field,
The winter holiday is upon us.
So let's say together Vita S.

Hello, hello New Year!

3. Hello dear tree!

You are visiting us again.

The lights are shining again

On your dense branches.

Brighter, brighter, let Xenia B.

Christmas tree with golden lights.

Happy New Year!

Dear guests.

4. Collected friends, girlfriends.

Wonderful tree. Dima M.

How shiny her dress is!

Snow sparkles on needles.

5. Snow is falling outside the window,

Snow is fluffy, New Year's. Nastya Ch.

In the hall - music and laughter,

We have a children's ball today!



The lights go out in the hall, New Year's music sounds, multimedia projects winter pictures.

The music is played against the background of which the verses sound:

(incl. multimedia with footage from Brem. musicians, against the background of the OVERTURE - text):

Time is running on and on
New Year is on the threshold again.
In a fairy tale, an amazing ball is coming
Again the Troubadour called everyone to the feast.
With a cute princess getting ready to meet
The most fabulous friends in the whole world.
Guests will come to them with an open mind
Everyone will gather for a big holiday.
It's time to start the holiday, friends,
Joy today is yours and mine!

(according to the soundtrack of the duet, the Troubadour and the Princess enter the hall, sing "Duet" and seem to decorate the Christmas tree, then they rise to the stage, sing to the end ...)

P: Oh, my dear Troubadour, how glad I am that we are together, look how the stars are shining, how beautiful our tree is, how long I dreamed of meeting my
fabulous friends...

T: Dear princess, this night is extraordinary! After all, very soon the new year will come, which will fulfill all hopes, cherished desires and dreams ...
night is the time for fairy tales and miracles!

P .: Oh, Troubadour, how I love fairy tales and miracles! (she caught herself) But what are we standing? (go down to the hall). Soon the chimes will strike, the most important guests will come, and
we have nothing ready!

T .: Princess, everything is ready for us to celebrate the New Year: here is a beautiful tree, look at what children came to us for the holiday, they will help us meet
the main guests of the holiday D.M. and the Snow Maiden.

P .: Troubadour, well, what would I do without you! Hello guys, thank you for accepting the invitation and coming to us, the Bremen Town Musicians, to meet
D.M. and celebrate the New Year. Let's stand around our Christmas tree and sing a song that you probably know.

(song-dance "Little Christmas tree")

P: Troubadour, and I will also teach you and the guys a game that all princesses play

(game-acquaintance "Take a neighbor for ...")

P. Troubadour, confess that you and your musician friends have never played such a fun game! Everyone is on the road, on tour ...

T .: Oh, princess, how boastful you are! But my friends, the Bremen Town Musicians, and I dance and sing very well, and now we will give you this
show. Guys, we repeat all the movements after us and loudly sing along to a song that you know very well

(dance of the Troubadour - a reworked song by Alexander Rybak)

This is the Troubadour, and the guys are great. I just don’t understand where D.M. is, he promised not to linger, because everyone is waiting for his gifts ...

(video message signal: video where the Atamansha and the robbers report the kidnapping of D.M.)

P .: Troubadour, how is it! What's the ransom?! What bag of candy? And besides, they are going to come for a ransom right here, to our holiday? They will spoil
us all New Year!

T .: Dear princess, do not worry, there are so many of us and the guys, we will give them a rebuff! Now we will show: how to squeak! How we scream! How we flood! How

P .: It seems that the robbers are very close! ..

(the lights go out, a phonogram sounds, the robbers come out with a staff and sing the Romance of the Atamansha)

Hey, step aside! You don’t see who is coming - a thunderstorm of forests, seas and sky-high peaks - our omnipotent and all-evil ataman!

.: Yes, it’s me, only it’s not a thunderstorm of forests, seas, but beauty ... clever-beautiful Atamansha ... And here it is ... with me ...

accomplices of kidnapping D.M. and the Snow Maiden! Only the last time we saw you, real robbers walked in your robbers,

A .: These boobies turned out to be worthless, I had to update the composition - my girls are in no way inferior to anyone - real forest Amazons!

Look guys, they have D.M.'s magic staff, they stole it
P1. But, but, young lady, what do you mean stolen? They took this stick for a while - we are not some pirates of the Caribbean there ...
P2. We are romantics from the main road ...

(they sing the romance “We don’t want to live differently”)

T: Are you talking about romance? Yes, you ruined the whole new year for us! Guys, let's drive them away, as we wanted! (shout)
P .: Wait, Troubadour, guys! But if we kick them out, they'll never give us D.M. and his granddaughter! Dear Atamansha, the robbers, you know, to the ball
guests are invited...
And here! Did everyone hear?! Recognize?! Guests are invited! Who do you think we are? Not people? Not guests, right? Not lovely ladies, after all?
T: What's the matter? But if you also wanted to go to the holiday, it was not at all necessary to kidnap our main guests, especially since their guys are waiting, return at least
the staff of D.M.
A: Your children will wait, especially since there are almost no gifts left ...
P .: Well, for the New Year's ball, you need an appropriate costume or dress, but you have ...
R-tsy.: And what do we have? Yes, our outfit is from the latest collection of Dolci and Havana, by the way, although what can you know about high fashion!
T .: Dear Atamansha, you see, there is very little time left before the New Year, and without D.M. the holiday will not take place in any way, anyway, you have already eaten all the sweets,
what is he to you?
A .: Look, how smart, return and give back! And who will pay? I still have to feed these parasites for a whole year!

R-tsy: Yeah… you have to. We'll sell you this shiny stick and make a living!
P .: But the guys have nothing with them ..
A: What do you mean no? Then cheer us up, entertain us, and we'll see
P1. And let's better show them our forest robber dance ...
A. They are still small ... they have not grown up to robber dances ... there, the milk on the lips has not dried up ..
T .: And you show, our guys study at school, they’ll master the robber dance
A. Okay, I'll show you, just repeat after me! And I'll hide the staff for now!

(dance of the Robbers)

Here's a dance we recently composed
R2 .: Yes, they didn’t compose it, we ripped it off from the Dancing with the Stars program ...
A: How about I’ll give you an empty bowler hat, what an honest one I found, better go steal something
R. And let's steal ... the Princess. She has a folder-King, they say, rich, let's do it - oh-lala, oh-lala, we will rob the king ..
A .: Well, you and the head! It was necessary to catch this girl right away, and not some old grandfather and granddaughter: because of two sweets and a shiny stick, they ran through the forest for half a day ...
and the Princess is - here she is, here.! Surround her! Grab it!

Guys, help me, join hands and let only the Princess pass, and the robbers - for nothing.

(the game "Rescue the Princess" (like Cat and Mouse)

T: Atamansha, robbers, shame on you! Not only was Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden stolen, they also coveted the Princess! Return them immediately
get out of the party!
A .: Yeah, now, here, you know, the most interesting begins, dancing games, and we - get out?
P1. Nope, don't agree...
R2 .: if you play with us, you will have a grandfather
T: Well, show me quickly!
A.: This game is called "Plundering". Everyone repeat after us...

Now we will teach you how to survive in the forest. So, the robbers hid (sit down), a carriage appeared on the horizon (hand to the eyebrows in turn), but to the carriage
you need to get closer (they are walking in single file), but quieter you ... bow lower ... you need to prepare your swords (in single file and with your hand raised), freeze ... the horses neighed
- they sensed something, they have to neigh in response (everyone neighs like horses) ... Fu, it has passed ... moving on ... the swords were removed ... from one hand and transferred to the other ... slowly
getting up… I say slowly… Freeze… the coachman is looking in our direction… quickly pretend to be gophers… turned away… no, he definitely suspected something, again
looks ... we must pretend to be bushes and trees ... here ... but the carriage is driving off somewhere, we need a lasso ... we take out and spin the lasso ... throw ... we pull ... nothing ... more
we spin the lasso more strongly… we pull… but the lasso starts to pull us along… we won’t let go of the prey… we run after it and hold the lasso… stop! The rope broke! Well
here it is as always! I told you stupid ones, check the ropes...

T .: It’s good, Atamansha, that your cunning plan failed!
P1. But the children really liked our game - future robbers!
P .: Bring grandfather back!
A .: Here they stuck with their grandfather! ... Okay, right now I’ll call on the mobile (calls)
- What? How is it not? And where were you looking? ... And your grandfather turned out to be smart - he ran away and the girl with the kokoshnik and grabbed gifts ...
R2: How did you escape? Find, grab, neutralize! .. I looked after myself a kokoshnik ...
P .: Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden need to be urgently found, he can get lost on our fabulous roads ....
T .: It seems that someone came to us! Probably, this is D.M. and his granddaughter Snegurochka! Guys, let's meet them!
(music sounds in the background, the king appears with guards, the theme is reworked "Protection, guards rise")

K. Ah, New Year, amazing ball!
How many friends did you gather for the holiday!
Here everyone laughs, dances, sings,
Miracles are yet to come!

K. Hello, guests; I greet you, Troubadour and my daughter, how well you organized everything, what joyful guys, what a Christmas tree, how fun you have ...
P. Hello, father! Fun, but not so much...
K. Someone is missing ... Did you forget to invite D.M. and his granddaughter Snegurochka?
T .: No, we were just waiting for them ...
K .: Strange, usually he does everything on time ... (Atamanshe). Madam, have we met anywhere before? Something your face is painfully familiar to me
A .: (turning away): I don't remember..
K .: And I also know the voice! And don't forget this outfit! Maybe in the palace at the ball? Or at a masquerade? Or maybe...
P .: Dad, you met her in the forest! This is the Atamansha and her robbers, or rather, they are already robbers! It was they who kidnapped D.M. with the Snow Maiden
K: Oh, oh, oh... (in panic).
P .: But don't worry so much, Santa Claus managed to escape, only now we are afraid that they will get lost in such weather.
K .: My children, they certainly need to be punished.
T .: Repeat the words and movements behind the king and guard
(reworked song-game on the theme "So-and-so")
P2. Yes, we wanted to joke, we would give it to you, why do such young and beautiful ladies like us need this ancient exhibit ...
R1 .: But the girl had a cool outfit ...
A. Stop spreading foreign words, grab some expressions, literacy ... Here you are, the King-father, preparing for the ball, and what new did you learn or that’s all
sobbing - such-and-not such, such-and-such?
K .: I taught for a whole year, to spite you I’ll take it and show you!

(King's Dance - reworked song "Kings Can Do Anything")

K. Yes, such a dance! And my security is also not for beauty. We have a game that we play when no one is watching.

Now the guards will draw their axes either on the ground - and then you should jump high, then on your heads - then you will have to crouch,
so that the ax does not touch you. Whom the ax hit, he goes into the circle, and then I will decide what to do with the losers!

(The game “Fool the ax”, whom the ax (inflatable!) touches, he stands at the Christmas tree, and then fulfills the desires of the king - to sing, read a verse, dance, etc.)

K. Guards! We'll have to send you to look for Santa Claus and show the way to the holiday!
ST: Yes, your majesty! Only hunt with the guys to stay and play some more!
K: What? Argue with me! .. I will not allow!

P .: Dad, don’t be angry, everyone has a new year, everyone wants to have fun! Let them stay a little longer, and I suggest everyone to play the most winter game! We will divide into 2 teams, the girls for us with the Troubadour, and the boys for the Atamansha with the robbers. An honest and just King will judge.
Now they will bring us snowballs, and on command we will start playing.

(game "Snowballs")

Friendship won, but time is running out, and the whereabouts of Santa Claus is unknown ... Oh, you, the guards are called, you will have to go into the forest yourself, climb
snowdrifts, wade through the thicket, freeze, fall, crawl ...

Str: I'm sorry, Your Majesty!

(video message beep, video where D.M. and Sn. report that they are on their way to the palace)

K .: Okay, I have one way to search - the most reliable, when necessary - I find everything and everyone in an instant. Hey, find me this ... how is it ...

(lights go out, strobe lights, a detective appears to the reworked song "I'm a brilliant detective")

Ssh: ( finishes singing): I'm a genius detective, I don't need help...

K .: Yes, we already understood ... You, detective, should help us!
SS: What, again the daughter with her Troubadour and little animals ran away to live in an open field?
P .: No, Detective, we called you so that you would help us find D.M. and Sng., who were stolen by the Atamansha and her robbers ...

S: interesting, interesting
T .: They managed to escape, they are very close, but in such weather we may not find them ...
And you have a scent like a dog, and an eye ... too ... a diamond

SS: I need to tune in well for the search, I need to warm up. Here I will teach you now how real detectives work ...

(game SPRINT)

S.: Now let's see, let's see (examines the children through a magnifying glass). Not that, not that, but it could very well be ...

A .: Yes, what a Santa Claus! Have you never seen him? there is a white beard, a hat, a bag with gifts ..
P2. No, no gifts...
SS: M-yes... Problem... Is there an exact description?
A .: Now we will find out from the children what kind of D.M.

(riddles like “Santa Claus is a cheerful old man? Yes! Does he go to school in the morning? No! ... etc.)

SS: Ah... I understand... and even smells my nose, where it can be... closer, closer (looks for and finds a staff). It smells like winter, magic...
A .: Give it back immediately, it's mine!
T .: (pushing Atamansha): No, this is the staff of Santa Claus, the robbers took it from grandfather, is that all you managed to find?
SS: I'm telling you, this staff is magical - you can't deceive me!
A .: Yes, how magical it is there! No matter how much they asked for money, no matter how much they knocked, nothing came out!
K .: The staff of Santa Claus fulfills only good wishes. But you still need to know the magic words. How many of you guys know magic words or spells?

(asks children)

A .: Yes, there was some kind of piece of paper on this stick ... there are all sorts of squiggles, dashes ... here it is
T .: Oh, you illiterates, this is a magic spell ... Let's read it and a miracle will definitely happen! (reciting a spell):

Winter holiday - new year
A miracle is coming to visit us.
Stomp, slam, turn around
Santa Claus, you come to us!

(the light changes, D.M and the Snow Maiden appear to the magic music)

Happy New Year
Congratulations, friends!
I was in a hurry, I was going
I hurried to you for the holiday.
I'm real Santa Claus
From the dense dense thicket,
Where spruce branches rustle,
Where are the snowstorms and snowstorms.
I walked through the forests and mountains,
Almost got stuck in a snowdrift,
Wade through the traffic jams
But I came to you at the right time!

Snow swirling outside the window
And the frost grows stronger
New Year is knocking on the house -
The holiday is coming.

Hello guys, hello Troubadour, Princess, King! We hurried to you, but misfortune happened along the way: Atamansha with the robbers meanly attacked
on us, thanks to the forest dwellers, they helped to escape, but the trouble is - they took away my magic staff ...

T .: Yes, here he is, Santa Claus ...
S: How did he get to you? Look, grandfather, and the Atamansha with the robbers is here!
D.M.: Let's talk now with the robbers! Why were we detained? Where are the gifts?
A .: Yes, we also wanted a holiday, but no one called! Forgive us guys, forgive us, but sweets ...
R1 .: and we will work off your sweets, honestly!

Well, guys, forgive them?

Yes, it's good, but only our Christmas tree is not burning!

I almost forgot! Of course, we have not just a ball, but also a New Year's Eve. Guys, I will say the magic words, and you will clap your hands loudly!

New Year's Eve - it's extraordinary,
Again, everyone on the planet is waiting for fairy tales.
How many unforgettable wonders there are,
And let one more thing happen.
Let's say together - one, two, three,
Beautiful Christmas tree - burn!

(lights go out, music, tree lights up)

. Guys, let's sing our Christmas tree her favorite song

(song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest")

Grandfather, with all this history, I forgot that I also gave the Prince and all the guys a gift. Friends, stand in a circle and let's give everything together to the Prince and
Santa Claus dance.

(dance of the Snow Maiden)

Grandpa, the guys have been preparing poems for you all year. Please listen

With pleasure

(children read poetry)

New year, new year, magical time!


Believe and everything that was so expected yesterday will come true!


Have fun from the heart, children round dance,


If you are waiting for a miracle, then a miracle will come!

Let joy swirl in a whirlwind, from the bottom of my heart I am glad with fun.
Let the New Year's fun last until the morning.
Thank you all for the smiles, many of them - do not count
We tell you...

"Goodbye, until happy, new meetings!"

(the song “New Year, New Year ...” sounds in the background)


TROUBADOUR - blue flared trousers, shirt (Sasha Trukhanov)
PRINCESS - short dress, cape, crown (Amosenok)
ROBBES - dress, wig, boots; – 3 (GIRL)
KING - a long hoodie, a cover for the neck (Povchun Andrey), guards - Vasya and Anton
DETECTIVE - plaid cropped pants, black cardigan, black and white shoes, headband, pillbox hat (Roma)





GAME - 5






Trukhanov A.F.




Vasya and Anton


O. S. Kostyuk






Anna Zhukovets

Children enter the hall to the music and form a round dance in front of the Christmas tree.

Leading: A dense forest, a blizzard field The winter holiday is coming to us.

So let's say it together.

Leader and children: Hello, hello New Year!

Child 1: What is New Year? This is a friendly dance

This is the laughter of cheerful children Near all the elegant Christmas trees.

Child 2: What is new year? Everyone knows in advance;

These are pipes and violins, Jokes, songs and smiles.

Child 3: What kind of guest came to us? How elegant and slender!

Above the star is burning, And on the branches there is snow!

Leading: This is our Christmas tree, a prickly needle!

We will sing a song about the Christmas tree now,

It will be a lot of fun at the holiday with us!

The song "Christmas tree, hello!"

Children sit on chairs. To the music, two robbers enter the hall.

1st robber: Oh, where has this taken us?

2nd robber: Don't know. Look, the tree is standing ... dressed up.

1st robber: And ... Probably, the New Year is coming soon. Santa Claus will come here and bring the Snow Maiden. And she is! ( grimacing) All beautiful and polite. Just disgusting!

2nd robber: And I came up with: let's kidnap her and demand ransom-gifts from Santa Claus for her. And in the gifts of sweets, chocolates. Here we eat!

1st robber: Yes, that's right, but how can we steal the Snow Maiden?

2nd robber: And easier than ever. Here is my juice box. We will pour sleeping pills there, treat Santa Claus, he will fall asleep, and we will kidnap the Snow Maiden.

1st robber: Yes, we'll do that. Went to wait for Santa Claus.

The robbers go behind the Christmas tree.

Leading: Guys, guess who will come to us today? A grandfather with a beard lives in the world, doesn’t he drink hot tea?

Children: Father Frost!

Leading: We need to invite grandfather to celebrate the New Year with us.

We will start a round dance, We will sing a song loudly.

Santa Claus will hear her And will find us sooner!

The song "Oh, winter" is performed

Leading: We sang the song amazingly Very loud and beautiful!

Only Santa Claus disappeared, He didn’t get to our Christmas tree.

Let's all loudly and unanimously call Santa Claus.

Children loudly call Santa Claus. Music sounds, Santa Claus enters.

Father Frost: Happy New Year to you, friends! Happy rich holiday!

Happiness, joy wishes Santa Claus to the guys!

I came from a good fairy tale. Start playing, dancing,

Get into the round dance! Together we will celebrate the holiday of the Christmas tree -

Long-awaited New Year!

Leading: Santa Claus, and we still do not have a Christmas tree.

Father Frost: It's not scary! Light up, magic star! Make everyone happy! Let the cheerful, sonorous laughter sound at the holiday!

The tree lights up. Children and Santa Claus sing "Song about Santa Claus"

Children sat on chairs

Father Frost: Well done, guys, they danced with all their hearts, it made me feel hot. Water to drink.

Robbers enter. They have a jug of juice and a cup in their hands.

1st robber: And, Santa Claus, did you want to drink? Here, try our juice. Takes away my thirst.

Father Frost: And what is this drink? What is the name of?

2nd robber: Yes, this one, well, like him, "Arsicola". Who does not know does not understand.

Father Frost: Well, well, I'll drink drinks…Oh, my eyelids are getting heavy. I fall asleep right.

Santa Claus sits on a chair in front of the Christmas tree and “falls asleep”.

Rogues ( sing): Oh, rose-mimosa, Santa Claus was put to sleep.

Mimosa rose! They killed Santa Claus.

The robbers run behind the tree. Music sounds, a snow maiden enters.

Snow Maiden: Hello, and here I am, Happy New Year to you, friends!

I came to you not alone, but with my little girlfriends. Fluffy twigs, soft needles, slender green, who are they?

Children: Christmas trees!

Girls come out - "Christmas trees"

Snow Maiden: Admire what glorious Christmas trees!

Christmas trees: ( together ) We are Christmas tree girlfriends, soft needles,

We love to have fun, dance, spin.

Performed "Dance of Christmas Trees"

Snow Maiden: Oh guys! What's up with grandpa? He is sleeping...

Robbers come out from behind the tree.

1st robber: Sleeping, sleeping and nothing to disturb him. Well, come with us. You are now our prisoner. We decided to exchange you for gifts.

Snow Maiden: But you can’t do that, because without me the holiday will not take place.

2nd robber: You think the holiday will not take place! It will take place, only I will be the Snow Maiden on it! ( Turns to another robber) Well, drag her into the forest, and I'll go and change.

Music sounds, the Robber goes behind the Christmas tree, puts on a white skirt, a crown, etc. Santa Claus wakes up.

Father Frost: Oh what have I done? I fell asleep, but the holiday must continue. And where is the Snow Maiden, hasn't she come yet?

A robber enters, disguised as a Snow Maiden.

Rogue: Yes, here I am, grandfather! Sorry, I'm late - I've been preening.

Father Frost: Children, is this my snow maiden?

Rogue: Your your. Well, look, what's wrong? Hands-legs…

Father Frost: And now we will check if you are a real Snow Maiden. Tell us what do you like to do in the evenings?

Rogue: Yes, play cards!

Father Frost: Uh, no, the real Snow Maiden loves to read fairy tales to me in the evenings. And what songs does my Snow Maiden like to sing? Won't you sing?

Rogue: How can you not sleep? I will sing. I will please you. I even invited a local star for this. ( the second robber comes out) Well, listen.

The song sounds "We are a bandito, gangsterito from the cartoon Captain Vrungel. The robbers are dancing.

Father Frost: Eh, no. My Snow Maiden does not even know such words. You stole my snow maiden! Where do you share it?

Rogue: We didn't even see her. We are leaving, but you, grandfather, will regret it.

The robbers leave.

Father Frost: Oh, children, where can we look for the Snow Maiden? Ah… figured it out. First we will go with you to the forest.

Children perform "Dance of the Animals"

Father Frost: Something I'm tired.

Leading: Relax, Santa Claus, and the children read poetry to you.

Children read poems about the New Year.

Leading: Santa Claus, look, here you have received a message from some robbers.

Santa Claus takes the letter and reads it.

Father Frost:“Listen, grandfather, are you thinking of taking your Snow Maiden from us? If yes, then prepare gifts. We'll be right back." Here are the tricksters! Give them gifts! But I seem to have come up with something ... There will be gifts for you!

Santa Claus goes behind the Christmas tree, takes a bag there, in which there is a fake candy. A felt boot is wrapped in it.

When Santa Claus comes out from behind the Christmas tree, the robbers come out to meet him, hiding the Snow Maiden behind them.

1st robber: Well, grandfather, prepared gifts?

2nd robber: And we've been wanting candy for a long time.

Father Frost. Of course, I've prepared it, here, take it. What holiday without the Snow Maiden?

1st robber: Come on, give us gifts!

2nd robber: Here, take your Snow Maiden!

The robbers leave.

Snow Maiden: Thank you Grandpa, thank you guys for saving me! Grandpa, would you come up with a game, amused the kids!

Father Frost: Certainly! I have one game, it is called “Magic Com. You need to run in a snowball, and compete in dexterity, who is faster.

The game "Who will quickly roll a lump around the Christmas tree"

Father Frost: Oh, and I got hot! Come on, blow on me, cool me down!

They sat on the chairs, the robbers come out

1st robber ( hugging the bag): Oh what a big bag! Probably, chocolates here are big, delicious!

2nd robber: Well, do not pull, pull out.

1st robber:(takes out fake candy). Wow, look what a coffee shop! What is the name of? P-to-shock. Well, now we will unfold it and devour it.

The robber unrolls the candy, and a felt boot falls out.

2nd robber: What it is? ( Tries on the tooth). No, it's definitely not candy! Oh, Santa Claus deceived us!

Father Frost: What did you think? I will give you gifts, idlers? And the guys who sang and danced so well the whole holiday will not get anything? No, next time you will know how to be naughty!

Leading: Grandfather Frost, let's forgive the robbers together with the guys and teach them to dance a fun polka!

Children and robbers perform polka

Heroes thank, distribute gifts and leave the hall

Farewell words of the presenter, children leave the hall to cheerful music