Scenario of the festive entertainment “Honey Spas. Scenario of the holiday "Savior, Assumption, Honey Spas

Entertainment for preschoolers "Apple Spas". Scenario

Polyakova Alexandra Abduvalievna, teacher of MBDOU MO Krasnodar "Center - Kindergarten No. 23"
Target: Introducing children to Russian folk traditions.
To introduce children to the Russian Orthodox holiday "Apple Spas", to develop and clarify children's knowledge about this holiday;
create a joyful holiday atmosphere;
promote the development of motor activity of children "
develop dexterity, ingenuity;
cultivate love and respect for the traditions of their country.
Entertainment progress
The site of the kindergarten is decorated with flowers and twigs with apples, the children are seated on the site, the leader in Russian folk costume comes out to Russian folk music.
Leading: Autumn soon. It's getting cold
August brings less sun...
Well, we are not sad at all:
We eat apples with a crunch!
Saved the second blush in appearance:
He will treat everyone with fruits!
Guys, in August, the Russian people celebrate three Orthodox holidays at once, three Savior: Honey Savior, Apple Savior and Nut Savior.
First Spas-Honey, celebrated on August 14. Since ancient times, people believed that after this day the bees began to bring the “wrong” honey, and therefore they hurried to collect the last gifts of the little workers. This honey was considered especially curative. On this day, it is customary to give each other jars of honey, bake honey gingerbread.
Second Spas - Apple. It is celebrated on August 19, that is, today. In Rus', it was believed that before this holiday, you do not need to eat apples of a new crop. When August 19 came - the Apple Savior, people picked apples in the garden in the morning, after which they arranged a "mountain feast". In addition to apples, pears and grapes were harvested. Apple pies, apple compotes and jams are prepared for the holiday. At Apple Spas, it is customary to treat everyone with apples. An apple is a symbol of fertility, family well-being, so with your gift you wish those to whom you gave all the best. It is also believed that on this day we see off summer and meet autumn.
One more holiday awaits us ahead - Nut Savior, we will celebrate it on August 29th.
The main fruit of apple spas is an apple. Let's listen to poems about this wonderful fruit.
Children read poems about apples.
1 child: An apple from a branch, falls into the grass,
An apple from a branch, a hedgehog will find it.
The hedgehog will bring an apple home.
Grated crumbs hedgehogs.
2 child: Ripe apple, sweet apple,
Crispy apple with smooth skin.
I'll break the apple in half
I will share an apple with my friend.
3 child: The apples are ripening fast!
How to collect them, really?
Let's shake the trunk a little,
Fruit, fall on the table!
Leading: Spas second comes to visit,
Come on people, don't be lazy
Stand up, stretch your bones
Raise your hands up
And it's time for the yard
apple trees pick fruit
We will eat until spring.
The teacher carries a basket with dummies of apples (small balls of yellow, red and green), drops the basket with "apples".
Oh, guys, what have I done, I dropped all the apples, help me pick them up.
The game "Collect apples in baskets by color" (younger group).
Educator: What good fellows the guys of the younger group, they collected all the apples, and let's remember what can be cooked from apples?
Speech game "Dishes from apples." Children name what can be prepared from apples (compote, jam, juice, puree, add to porridge, salad, etc.). Then the facilitator asks the name: apple juice, apple compote, apple puree, apple jam, apple juice, apple salad, etc.
Leading: What good fellows you guys are, how much you know apple dishes. At the apple savior, they collected and ate not only apples, but also, but guess what:
Round, round, sweet, sweet,
With striped smooth skin
And cut it - look: red, red
He is inside. (Watermelon)
Yes, of course it's watermelon. Children and adults ate watermelon with pleasure at the apple one, but let's play with watermelon.
The game "Who will collect watermelons faster" (senior group). Children are built in two lines. In front of the ranks lies a hoop with "balls - watermelons", and at the end of the ranks there are empty boxes. On a signal, the children of each team alternately pass one ball from the hoop to the boxes. The team that completed the task faster and did not drop a single watermelon wins.
Leading: What guys are great, they moved all the watermelons and didn’t break a single one.
Well, now let's loosen up a bit.
Physical education "Apple".
There is an apple tree by the road. (Weave hands over head, fingers unclenched)
An apple is hanging on a branch. (put wrists together)
Strongly shake the branch, (Hands above your head, moving back and forth)
I’ll pick an apple from a branch (Imitation of the movement of picking an apple from a branch)
Here we have an apple. (Palms in front of the chest, imitate holding an apple)
I will pick apples (Imitation of picking apples from a branch)
And I will treat all my friends. (Hands apart to the sides).
Leading: Ay, well done guys, all such daredevils!
I have prepared now, the riddles are different for you.
1. Green and red, Sour and sweet,
Promises health to children, In the second he saves treats. (Apple)
2. They hung on the branches, As they ripened, they turned blue.
They look down fearfully from above, They are waiting to be plucked. (Plums)
3. This fruit tastes good and looks like a light bulb. (Pear)
4. Round, ruddy, I grow on a branch;
Adults and little children love me. (Apple)
5. From plant products, From famous berries, fruits,
From everything that is sweet, juicy, What is edible and not very much,
For all the children to eat, Can we cook. (Jam)
6. Red beads hang, They look at us from the bushes
These beads are very fond of children, birds and bears (Raspberry)
7. They came to us with melons Striped balls. (Watermelon)
Leading: Well done, you guessed all my riddles!
Get in the circle soon, let's play more fun!
Apple roll, roll, roll to the guys!
Round dance game "Apple" (middle group). Children pass a fake big apple in a circle with the words: “Apple, roll in a circle,
Quickly - quickly on the hands,
In whose hands will you freeze,
He will now dance to us! »
(A child who has an apple left in his hands at the end of the music goes to the center and performs arbitrary dance movements to the music, the children clap their hands.)
Leading: You have collected apples, and now to eat them, what do you need to do? Well, of course, to wash, guys of the preparatory group for school, will you help us to wash the apples?
Competition "Help me wash and get an apple" (preparatory group for school). The children are divided into two teams. Apples float in a bowl of water. Children, one by one, scoop an apple out of the water with a spoon and carry it on a spoon to their team's basket. Whose team brings more apples, she won.
Leading: We boldly see off the summer,
Don't be sad, more will come
And we collect on the table,
And call the people around
We will eat pies
From the fruits that they brought
Have fun, listen to songs
Saved the second we meet!
Today we met the apple savior, played and had fun. Our holiday is coming to an end. Let's say goodbye in a round dance, celebrate the rescue and treat ourselves to delicious, sweet and filling apples.
All groups start circles - round dances, go in a circle and sing a song.
Round dance "We'll go to the green garden"
1. We will go to the green garden
Gather ripe apples
Oh lyuli, lyuli, lyuli
Picking ripe apples.
2. Honey apples
Yes, new baskets
Oh lyuli, lyuli, lyuli
Yes, the bowls are new.
3. We will bring apples
We bake pies
Oh lyuli, lyuli, lyuli
We will bake pies.
4. Miracle - pies with us
Today is a holiday, today is the Savior!
Oh lyuli, lyuli, lyuli
Today is a holiday, today is the Savior!
The host takes out baskets of apples and treats all participants in the entertainment with apples.

lyudmila yaremko

So how did we spend the holiday is already on the 20th, hence the motto.

Holiday passed under motto: " Spas Apple - Honey - be healthy!".

The course of the holiday.

Introductory part, a small presentation. Honey folk and orthodox holiday on the first day of Dormition Fast 1 (14) August. In Rus', a small blessing of water was performed, the collection of honey and its consecration began. Apple Savior - the popular name of the holiday The Transfiguration of the Lord, to which numerous folk rites were timed. In the folk calendar of the Orthodox Slavs - one of the first harvest festivals; the day from which, according to legend, nature unfolded towards autumn and winter. In the old days, all believers will certainly celebrated Apple Savior, baked pies with apples, cooked apple jam and treated them to each other. And in the evening everyone went out into the field to celebrate the sunset with songs, and with it the summer. Leading.

The sun is shining

Glades warms.

Honey rescue

Collecting kids!

(R.N. music sounds "Lady", against her background.

Good afternoon my friends!

I'm glad to see you today.

The sun is shining bright

And goes with great regards!

In Rus' in festive the days of August 14 and 19 treated everyone honey and apples.

And who in nature extracts honey for us?

Bees - Where do they collect it? Do you want to go to the flower meadow?

Hold hands together

Everyone follow me.

I know everything, I can do everything

I'll take you to the field.

(the song "How our girlfriends went.")

Round dance.

Leading: to us collect honey we need to call the bees

Girls dressed as bees read poetry.

1. I am a diligent bee

I flew from the hive

Because to you holiday

I wanted today.

2. Hairy bees

So much work,

It is necessary that honey

The honeycombs are full.

3. Friendly family

We fly over gardens.

Sweet nectar we are

We collect from flowers.

4. We do not get tired of work,

We collect nectar

And we sing songs.

Leading: Bees - girlfriends fly here. Collect honey.

(Mobile game: "Bees and flowers". Boys are flowers, holding cubes of "nectar" in their hands, girls are bees. Everyone runs to the cheerful music, as soon as the music stops, the "flowers" sit down, "bees" must take their flower and take their nectar. I didn’t have time for a flower, I left the game)

Chastushki performed by children.

Let's sing ditties now

You are not long at all

We will call ditties

Zhu-zhu-zhu bee.

bees cute friends

We will fly together.

Yes, sit on the flowers,

To have a little chat.

And we are bees - bees,

We are dressed to the brim.

We fly over the flowers

We collect sweet nectar.

Where are you going, bee?

- Sorry, business is waiting.:

Every little flower

Waiting for me from morning to night.

We stop singing ditties

You are not long at all.

We called ditties

Zhu-zhu-zhu bee.

Leading: Guys, such fragrant flowers have grown in our clearing, they have so much nectar that the bees cannot collect it all. Can we help the bees?

Relay game: "Bee marathon". (from small buckets decorated as flowers, you need to transfer "nectar" - water with glasses into other buckets "barrels")


Oh, what a nice job they did. And they had fun too.

The bees flew into the hive, buzzed, buzzed. Honey is poured into honeycombs, Honeycombs are poured with wax.

Suddenly they heard a bear sneaking towards the hives. This bear is called a clubfoot-sweet tooth.

The child-"bear" leaves the house. - I want to taste honey!

very i honey love,

I will destroy your hive!

Leading. Bear, don't be naughty, don't scare our bees!

Today, after all honey spas, Holiday is here now!

Mishka, you scared all the bees. The bees scattered all over the place!

mobile game: "find a bee hive."

(Three beehives of different colors: blue, red, green and the same colors on the bees stripes instead of black for each child. To the music, the "bees" fly, and the leader swaps the beehives, the music has died down. Bees must find a hive of their color, who is faster).

Child- "bear" - I'll be bored then, Since you can't be naughty!

Leading. Mishenka, don't be bored. Better play with us.

A game: "The bear walked in the forest."

(The bear walked through the forest. The bear collected bumps. For a long time Mishenka walked Mishutka sat down, dozed off. The children began to come up. wake up: "Misha, Mishenka, get up and catch up with the guys." The game is repeated several times with the change of the bear.)

Leading: Radi holiday we are ready to treat you! Baby, I'll treat you with honey. So that everyone grows up - smart, they become big. After all, it is useful to everyone nectar!

In conclusion, we made a collective application: "All the bees will have enough honey."

Closed holiday with delicious treats: pancakes with honey, apples and other fruits. The children enjoyed having tea outside.

This is so wonderful we made a holiday)

Program tasks:

- introduce children to spiritual and moral values

- introduce the people's holiday "Apple Spas"

- expand children's knowledge about the healing properties of apples

- to form interest in the traditions of national culture

- Learn to take care of others

Attributes for the holiday:

Audio recording of Russian folk music

Apple tree (artificial tree)

Air balloons

Fruit basket (nuts, apples, pears, grapes)

Decorative plates (2pcs)

Chairs (2pcs)

- Sun

- d / and "Fold the apple"

- costumes for Skomorokhov and the presenter.

(Russian folk music sounds. A presenter in Russian folk attire enters the music hall

Presenter: Good afternoon, to all guests, invited and welcome!

On "Spasov" day to walk - to feast, we invite you,

Celebrate the glorious harvest festival together with us!

"Apple-Honey Spas!" or "The Transfiguration of the Lord!"

Ripe, red, sweet apple

Crispy apple with smooth skin

I'll break the apple in half

I will share an apple with my friend.

(buffoons run in to Russian folk music)

1. Buffoon: All! All! All! All for the holiday!

2. Buffoon : Hurry soon, there is no generous holiday of ours!

1. Buffoon: August is on the ground

Brings holidays with you

Harvest holidays!

2. Buffoon: There is the first Spas-Honey, the second Spas - Apple and the third - Nut.

1. Buffoon: On the day of the second Savior, apples were consecrated in the church and this holiday was considered the main holiday of the summer. The gathering and harvesting of apples was timed to coincide with this holiday. During the day they drank apple kvass and compote, ate pies, rolled apples down a hill. And in the evening they went out into the street and led a round dance.

(Round dance "Little Apple Tree" senior group)

2. Buffoon: The tradition of eating apples on this day and making a wish existed in Rus' for a long time, while it was necessary, swallowing the first piece, to make a “Spasovo” wish. It must be fulfilled. Now we will invite the guys who will tell you about the signs associated with Apple Spas.

(children tell folk signs)

1. If there is a dry day on Apple Spas, then autumn will be dry,

If it's rainy, then the winter will be harsh.

2. The Savior has come - it's an hour for everything: the fruits are ripening.

3. What is the second Savior - such is January.

4. Apple Savior - a meeting of autumn-autumn

5. Apple Spas - it's an hour for everything: I've saved a fur coat.

6. Second Savior - keep mittens in reserve

7. With the Transfiguration, the weather changes.

1. Buffoon: And now we will play, we will roll the apple in a circle.

(Game "Pass the apple in a circle" p. and

(Relay race "Transfer the apple" family and children)

2. Buffoon : Well done guys, we had fun playing. And I also know that children know poems about apples. I invite the children to read poetry to us.

This apple summer

The bins are full

Warmed by the joyful sun,

Red apples, large.

On the palm of a child

The sun is shining bright

smiling eyes,

Juice runs on fingers.

Everyone crunches sweetly today

Sorrow has gone far

Horse carries apples

Rus' smells of apples.

Presenter: "Apple Spas" - Transfiguration, a harvest festival not only for apples,

But also other fruits, fruits and vegetables. This day is also celebrated

Mushrooms, berries, everything that gives people a garden, garden, forest.

I have prepared riddles for you to understand whether you know fruits and vegetables.


When ripe: fragrant, ruddy, golden.

As if poured with honey, you can see the seeds through and through.


- - It's hard to get it, it's hard on the tooth

Smooth all around, sweet in the middle.


The caftan on me is green

And the heart is like a kumach.

Tastes like sugar, sweet

It looks like a ball.


Hanging red beads

They look at us from the bushes

Love these beads

Children, birds and bears.


presenter : Well done! You are good at guessing riddles.

1. Buffoon : It's time to play, have fun, frolic together.

(The game "Collect an apple") ("Who will eat the apple faster" kind and children).

2. Buffoon: Everyone must have no doubt

Good mood.

All must live in harmony

To love and be friends with each other!

I invite all people

To a fun round dance!

(Round dance "Let's go to the garden for raspberries"

Presenter: The day is bright today

Sun and chill.

You a basket of apples

Brought from the garden.

You are welcome to taste everyone, treats at the Apple Savior!

Scenario of the Russian folk holiday "Maslenitsa"
for children of senior preschool age 2012

introduce children to the Russian ritual holiday Maslenitsa,
to involve children to take part in the holiday;
to acquaint with various genres of oral folk art.

Equipment: costumes for children and adults, bags, rope, pillows, handkerchiefs, pancakes.

To the music, children enter the hall and sit on chairs.

The presenter (in folk costume) and Buffoon enter.
Hello dear guys,
Small and big!
Presenter: Hello guests!
buffoon: Gather, guests!
Meet the annual Maslenitsa,
Our dear guest!

1st child : Hey, get ready, people!
Shrovetide is coming to visit.
Hurry, hurry, hurry!
Take your friends with you!
2nd child : Oh, you are a carnival-wryneck,

We will welcome you well!

Cheese, kalach butter,

And a baked egg.
Presenter: Are you my soul, Maslenitsa!
Come visit us in the wide yard!
Ride on the hills, roll in pancakes.
Cheer up your heart!
buffoon: Shrovetide has its own order, indicated by the names of the days of the week.
Monday - Meeting.
Tuesday - Gamble.
Wednesday - Lakomka.
Thursday - Revelry.
Friday - Mother-in-law's evening.
Saturday - Zolov's gatherings.
Sunday - Forgiveness day or farewell.
Maslenitsa is the most fun holiday!
It lasts a week, and we are waiting for Maslenitsa for a whole year!
Let's open Shrovetide, let's start the fun!
Presenter: Meet Maslenitsa is coming!

Two children dressed as horses are bringing in a stuffed Maslenitsa.
D children sing the song "And we meet the butter dish."
A scarecrow is installed in the hall.
Presenter and Skomorokh: shello, madam Maslenitsa (bow).
buffoon: Our Maslenitsa, you are wide,
Came to kindergarten
And brought fun!
Children perform the dance "Matryoshka"
Presenter: Madam, our carnival!
Reach out to the big day!
Presenter: Guys, it's time to play, to amuse Shrovetide with a fun game.
buffoon: And who on Shrovetide Week
Didn't ride the carousel?
Everyone come running to me
And ride for free!
Carousel game. Junior groups

Game "Owl" middle group. (I'm an owl, a sore head, the day comes, everything comes to life)

Presenter: Children, do you know that earlier people always called birds: waders, larks, swallows, so that they would fly in and bring spring?
buffoon : Let's call the birds.
Children sing "Larks, fly in..."
Presenter:. Skylarks! Take the cold winter away from us!
We are tired of the cold winter!
Hands, feet frostbitten!
Children (in chorus): Go away, winter! Come spring!
Go away, winter to the bottom,
Send spring!
Children sing the song "Vesnyanka".
(According to the birds singing, "Spring" enters).
Hello! Here I am, Spring, has come to you!
Brought warmth.
I heard your calls, but I hurried here as soon as possible.
buffoon: So the guest Spring came to us for the holiday!
What have you brought us, Spring, gifts?
Spring: Zhitushka box, two wheat,
Small kids on the testicle,
Red girls on a ring,
Young young women by the cub,
Old old women on the ruble!

buffoon: In the old days in Rus', not a single Maslenitsa holiday was complete without games and fun. Let's remember the games and fun.
There are attractions:
1. Running in bags.
2. Tug of war.
3. Cockfight.
Presenter: And what is Maslenitsa without pancakes, hot and ruddy?
Is it time to bake pancakes?
Song "Pancakes"
buffoon : Russian Maslenitsa has long been famous for its pancakes.
Spring: We baked you food -
Five hundred, maybe six!
A treat for glory, and for fun for the guys!

Farewell, farewell our Maslenitsa.
Farewell, farewell our wide.

girl: Let's play burners, guys, so that Maslenitsa, with which we say goodbye, burns better
The game "Burners" is being played.
Spring: You came with good
Cheese, butter and eggs
With pancakes, pies
Yes, with pancakes.
buffoon : Buttered pancakes,
Shangi smeared,
We're rolling down the mountain
From dawn to dawn.
And today, unfortunately,
Our fun is over.

Together: Farewell, farewell our Maslenitsa!
buffoon: And now let's go for a walk - to see off Maslenitsa!

(The guys and guests get dressed and go out into the street. The hosts take out a stuffed Maslenitsa and install it on the site).

Buffoon. In the old days in Rus', not a single Maslenitsa holiday was complete without games and fun. Let's remember the games and fun.

There are attractions:
1. Running in bags.
2. Tug of war.
3. Cockfight.

Hey, our cheerful people,
A clever, fast round dance!
If we take the rope together,
Pull forward - backward
And say three times - "Eh!" —
Laughter will probably win.

girl. Let's play burners, guys, so that Maslenitsa, with which we say goodbye, burns better

The game "Burners" is being played.

And Maslenitsa deceived us,
Deceived, spent -
Didn't make it to the year.
She said "Seven weeks"
And there was one day left.

damsel . It's time for us to say goodbye to Shrovetide. Now it will burn, which means the end of winter!

(Children start a round dance around the scarecrow with the song “Burn, burn clearly.” Then the scarecrow is set on fire. The guys and adults disperse, forming a wide circle. ”
All in chorus.

Go away, winter! Come Spring!
Farewell winter! Farewell, Shrovetide!

Galina Dyatlova
"At the apiary." The scenario of the holiday Honey Spas for children of senior preschool age

Integration of educational regions: "Reading Fiction", "Music", "Physical Culture", "Communication", "Knowledge".

Types of children's activities: game, musical and artistic, communicative, perception of fiction, cognitive research.

Goals: To form a sense of belonging to the history of the Motherland through acquaintance with folk holidays and traditions; to accumulate experience in the perception of works of small folklore genres; to develop attention, speech, emotional-figurative performance of musical-game exercises; enrich vocabulary children when learning poems, riddles, songs dedicated to holiday.

Planned results: shows positive aesthetic feelings and emotions; able to maintain a conversation, shows interest in participating in games and dramatizations; actively and benevolently interacts with peers in solving game problems.

Materials and equipment: phonograms - buzzing of bees, roar of a bear, illustrations of insects - a bumblebee, a bee, a wasp, a mosquito; artificial flowers - rose, bell, dandelion, poppy, cornflower, sunflower; plate with cones; "Flowerbed" (vase with sand); tuesok with honey, barrel.


Grandfather Timothy - beekeeper adults

Squirrel children

Children enter the hall and stand in a circle.


I meet you at the gate -

The holiday is waiting for you all!

Hold hands together

Everyone follow me.

I know everything, I can do everything

I'll take you to the meadow!

round dance "Walk" E. Tilicheeva

Let's hold hands together, Children walk in a circle, holding hands

We will go to the green forest.

We'll walk across the meadow

Let's sing the song merrily.

Loss They spin around with their hands on their belts.

Bend over, look, do it "spring"

What is reddening under the bush?

You do not hide, strawberry, they threaten with a finger

We'll still find you!

losing "Gathering Berries"

Mosquitoes ring above us, raise and lower their hands, quickly


Mosquitoes bite on the forehead, on the last word they slap themselves on the forehead

We fight mosquitoes

We clap, clap, clap.

Lose Clap your hands.

The buzzing of bees sounds.

Leading. Look, the path has led us to apiary. Here are the hives. And who lives in them?

The children answer.

The sun is shining, the bees are buzzing ... And here beekeeper grandfather Timothy is coming.

Humming, grandfather Timofey enters.

Grandfather Timothy. Hello guys!

Children. Hello, grandfather Timofey!

Grandfather Timothy.

Glad I welcome on the apiary of your guests,

So good and educated children.

On my apiary summer rejoice - and flowers and insects. But you can guess which insects I will guess riddles about.

Hardworking and bold


Looks like a bee, but not bee:

Four membranous wings

On the back behind the stripe,

With a graceful thin waist (wasp).

At night with a squeak he flies,

The blood slowly sips

Turning life into a nightmare.

What is his name?. (mosquito)

Who sat on a hop with a buzz?

Clumsy, fat (bumblebee).

How many insects do you know? But my favorite insects are bees. I set up a lot of houses for them - like these. (shows hives). It is called a bee house - a beehive. About bees, the people of proverbs and sayings folded. Do you know them?

Children. "Near the bee nectar» , "And the bee does not work for itself", "Working like a bee", "One bee doesn't make much honey".

Leading. You, grandfather Timothy, work from dawn to dusk like a bee. Relax, play with us.

Grandfather Timothy. I love to play. Get up soon, we'll play, I'll see which of you can run fast.

A game "Grandfather Timothy"

The players stand in a circle, grandfather Timofey is in the center.

Hello, grandfather Timofey! Children walk in a circle, holding hands and singing

Look at you children, grandpa performs movements: applies

palm to eyes

don't shake your head, shake your head reproachfully,

don't shake your beard "beard",

don't stomp your foot, stomp with one foot

stand on the path stands quietly

Yes, listen to what we say puts one hand to his ear

look what we show! Puts hands, index and

thumbs are connected.

Then grandfather Timofey asks, the children answer.

Grandfather Timothy. Where have you children been?

Children. In a raw barrel.

Grandfather Timothy. What were you doing there?

Sat on a bump

They stood on a stump, Stand up straight, raising their hands.

They scratched their head They scratch their heads with their hands.

Yes, they ran away from you! Stretch your arms forward.

Children run away from grandfather Timofey, he tries dump as much as possible children.

Grandfather Timothy.

Bee, good hostess

Flying over the lawn

pat over a flower,

Bring honey to your house.

Bees fly and collect nectar from each flower. It turns out then honey - linden from linden blossom, buckwheat from buckwheat, flower from different flowers. Let's see if you know flowers.

Grandfather Timothy makes riddles and invites children to find the appropriate flower. Children take a flower and plant it in a flower bed (stuck in a vase of sand).

On a green fragile leg

The ball has grown on the track,

The breeze rustled

And dispelled this ball. (Dandelion.)

Purple and blue

At the edge of the flower met you.

They gave him a very sonorous name,

But he will hardly be able to just ring. (Bell.)

Here is a rough stem,

An ember in the middle

Petals shine like lacquer

bloomed red (Poppy.)

Rye is earing in the field.

There you will find a flower

Bright blue and fluffy

Just a shame it's not fragrant. (Cornflower.)

In the garden by the path

The sun is on its feet.

Only yellow beams

He is not hot. (Sunflower.)

Grandfather Timothy.

Look, honest people

The flowers stood up in a round dance.

"Dance of flowers" Y. Slonova

Grandfather Timothy. In my clearing such fragrant flowers have grown in them so much sweet juice that one bee cannot get it. Therefore, the bees call their friends for help - first one, then two, three ... And only five of them can bring a bucket of flower nectar.

A game "Who is faster"

There are two teams of 5 people. At a distance, a large flower is placed on the floor, a bucket with "nectar". First, the first members "bees" run around their flower, return to their teams, take the hand of the next "bee" and the two of them are already running around the flower, etc. the last one takes the bucket and returns with it to the place. The first team to return with a bucket wins.

Grandfather Timothy. This is how much nectar the bees collected. I'll go and get some food. And you sit down and get some rest.

Grandfather Timothy leaves. A bear roars.

Hush hush! Keep quiet!

Hurry to us here (bear)

Enter Bear.

The bear walked along the road

And on apiary came.

Hello guys!

I am a bear,

a little thick,

So I want to lose weight

But I don't know what to do.

Come on, Mishenka, get up,

Start dancing with us.

Dance with a bear.

I danced so merrily

And I'm terribly tired.

Isn't it time to relax, eat and take a nap?

Squirrels with a plate of cones run up to the bear.

We wanted Mishka

Give cones for dinner.

Suddenly he started to cry:

I'm not a squirrel! I am Bear!

Remove your bumps!

Mishka needs honey for dinner!

Listen, Mishka, don't cry.

Better call a bee.

Where are you, bee bee?

You quickly fly here.

A bee runs up to the Bear.

Hello dear bee.

How is your health? How are you?

I'm all toiling and all buzzing!

I don't sit still.

Russian folk song "Ivan's bees"

Ivanov's bees Children flap their arms like wings.

They flew across the field.

They flew across the field.

They flew across the field, Waving their hands.

Medoc collected. "Gathering honey"

Honor to him, praise to him, Clap their hands and spread their arms to the sides-4r

Medoc collected.

Medoc collected, "Gathering honey".

The bear was fed. They bow, spreading their arms to the sides.

Honor to him, praise to him Clap your hands and spread your arms to the sides-4r

The bear was fed. The bear was fed.

The bee gives the bear a barrel of honey.


WITH congratulations on the holiday,

And with all my heart I wish

Every day you grow up

Savior together to celebrate!

The bear leaves. Grandfather Timothy enters the hall. Carries a tuesok with honey.

Grandfather Timothy.

Eat up guys

Honey useful, sweet.

Grandfather Timofey gives the presenter and children a box with honey.

Children, my bees have been playing since morning, rejoicing in the sun, and now they are pushing, buzzing - otherwise wait for inclement weather. Come back home before the rain. Goodbye!

The host and the children say goodbye to grandfather Timofey and leave the hall to the buzz of bees.

List of used literature:

I. A. Lykova: Methodological guide for specialists preschool educational institutions / Karapuz-Didactics Publishing House / Moscow 2007

A. N. Zimina. Folk games with singing. M., 2000.

A. N. Zimina, L. I. Melnikova. children's musical folklore preschool educational institutions. M., 2000

M. I. Kartushina. Russian national holidays in kindergarten. M., 2007.

Irina Haruk

Scenario of a folklore holiday for two senior and two preparatory groups. IN holiday traditional, ritual, folk games are reflected only for this festivities.

Spas - just in reserve!

Scenario for older preschoolers.

Target: familiarization of children with folk holiday - Savior: Medov, Apple, Bread (Walnut). Show beauty holiday, to acquaint with ritual games, signs and customs. Cultivate love for Russian culture.

Presenter 1:

In August, a man has three care: and mow, and plow and sow. In August note: Honey, Apple, and Bread (Walnut) saved. Today we will show how Russian people celebrated holiday of the Savior.

Lead 2:

Why were there three?

Presenter 1:

The whole point is that Spas is a harvest festival, and as you know, different fruits ripen at different times. So it turned out from one to three holiday.

Lead 2:

And here on our holiday We will present them all to the fair. Meet the hosts holiday.

Song: "We've got guests".

1 Barker: Hi kids! How are you doing?

2 Barkers: Today we have a fair! Buy everything about stock!

1 Barker: Hey, don't yawn people, reach with your heels!

2 Barkers: Dance, walk, just don't open your mouth!

Presenter 1: And so the first « Honey Spas» . We started pumping honey. It was believed that the bee was finishing its summer work and was not offended by pumping. Bees of all treat me with honey because it helps with all diseases.

Let's watch the game "Bees" children used to play it.

A game "Bees"

1 Barker: Apples runet, apples! Who needs apples!

Apples will hurt, which are better in the world!

2 Barkers: To whom do you sell apples? To whom is it cheap to give? Pear! A pineapple! Buy daughter pro stock!

Lead 2: And next saved called Apple.

And it was called Apple because from that day the collection and harvesting of apples began. Until that day, it was impossible to eat apples; on this day, apples were carried to church and illuminated. Only after that the whole family sat down in the yard of their house under a spreading apple tree. And what just didn’t happen on this table - apples in all species: baked, sprinkled with honey, stuffed, apple pies, pancakes, cakes, apple kvass, compote - delicious and fun.

The children were amused - they rolled apples from a hill - whose further rolled away.

A game "Apple Rolling Down the Hill"

Rhythm "The apple rolled"

round dance "Merry round dance"

Have fun, round dance! All the guys are happy!

An apple from the garden will fall into our hands.

A big apple will come to us from the garden.

It will bring a pear to us!

Song: "Apple"

I. Apple, apple full of ripe juice.

Oh, lyuli, oh, lyuli, ripe juice is full.

II. So fresh and so fragrant, so ruddy golden.

III. As if honey poured visible seeds through.

This is how I coped honey spas!

Barker: Here are the nuts! Delicious nuts.

Delicious on honey.

Let's put on a hat!

Guess the riddle: A little man is a bone coat!

(it's a nut)

And this arrived Nutty Saved!

Children come in: Chiki-chiki-chikalochki

Vanya rides on a stick

Dunka on a trolley

Cracks nuts.

A game "Nuts".


In the forest, in a clearing, there is a hazel tree in a green caftan.

rich and small

And reward with nuts.

In a day holiday nuts, freshly baked bread was carried to the church for lighting, and only after lighting was it all allowed to eat. The village children gnawed nuts all day and played with them.

1 Barker: Look, don't blink, don't open your mouth.

Ravens do not count, buy cheaper.

2 Barkers: Come on, come on! Choose cheap

An unprecedented event has been waiting for three years!

On this day - Walnut spasa on the mountain, the peasants were selling canvases and towels. Hence the name - « Savior on the canvas» .

A game "Into canvases"

Two players stand opposite each other on chocks placed under their feet. They take with both hands the ends of the canvas, rolled up with a tourniquet. With exclamations "The shadows of the canvas will be thick". They pull each other towards themselves, trying to push against the chocks. The loser is the one who loses his balance and touches the ground with his foot.

1 Caller. Have all the songs been sung! Sang - don't get drunk

They sang - they didn’t get drunk, they sat down and burst into tears! Oh

2 Callers. I walk down the corridor, the gray geese follow me.

Here at the fair, merry, how merry we are with you!

Oh dear friend, isn't it time for us to dance

1 Caller. The harmonist will play for us, and we will dance. Two honey cakes, crumbling potatoes.

General Russian dance

Song "Be healthy"

Presenter 1: That's how reasonable, wise in the old days, the Russian peasants combined work and rest. They knew how to work in their fields and gardens, grow the fruits of their labor, and then, when the harvest was harvested, they knew how to have fun.

Lead 2: The bins were full of those who did a good job in spring and summer - now the long winter was not terrible.

Well, now you guys have learned something about old Russian Feast of the Savior, about three Spasakh: Honey, Apple, yes Orekhovo-Bread. And now you will understand the Russian proverb.

First Savior stands on honey.

Second Spas - eat apples.

Third Saved- canvases are sold on green canvases.

And now welcome to our table!

(we bring the children to three tables. Well, try to guess on which table from which spasa treats) Children

On the first table - honey, honey gingerbread, honey kvass.

On the second table - apple pies, apples.

On the third table - buns, homemade bread, nuts.